Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You...

Mississippi . -. "The Truth S hall Make You Free" U.S. Shall Prose,ule .. kedlheSlhCireuitCourt B . rnell And Johnson ol Appealo to 1•il rorre.t County Rerl•lrar Theron Lynd lor dls· crlmlnaUng againat NeiP'O votera . ln a brier flied December 7, the federal government aaked lhe eourt to aenlenee Lynd to 45 day• JmprlJonment and $300 tine tor criminal eontemp\ of • eourt order barr1n1 G 8/ k d M d" h tion-the mealmum penalty un·l arges OV. 0C e ere it I der \he 1957 Civil Rlahta Act. The brief auo requuted that Failed To Keep Law And Order the H&tUesbutl Real•trar be declared to elvll eont•rnl)t a. nd Tho Juallco Oopartmeni hu nllked the 511\ U. S. Circuit be Civen 10 daya to pu rre him· Court of ApPeola to hold Governor Ro .. Barnell and Lt. Gov- selt. U he does not reclaler <18 ernor Pa11\ John•on In criminal contempt lot· blocklnt James Negroes named b)' the aovem· Meredith'& entrance to tho l/nlvertltY ot Miululppi. mont, he mould be jailed 11ntll U convicted, t.be two taee allll rl.lu and jail tenleneet. A he doa , the J1.11tleo Deport · J1.11tice Department ·allomcy In Wuh lnalon aaid that not.binl ot menl uid . lhla nAture lo .. over hapPened l' ta t c..t •mtt Aetl• Special l.eq, islative beloro. This I• t.be tlroi contempt I C• s . I E d ' d The I OVOrnmenl c b a r red t:ion b. rouaht by t.be federal JOYe5$10ft $ ft e Ba rncll lnd Jol\nson W i I b a a a In t a T h • KluluJppl Ll:lllla&u re •ooldna to prev4tnt Meredith'• R e 1 I alrar tor dll<rlJnlnatlon concluded Ill teven WHit ape. o\templl to rea iller at t.be Unl· .,.mst Nearoea. EarUu thl1 ol&J aeu lon by prohlblllnl t.be veult¥ and wllh laJllnc to year t.be Jllfllce Department future cooutrucUon ot tedeuUy- m1lntaln law and order on lhe eharred that Lynd wu db· aulf\ed !4w rent bowr.lnl, ap- e ampus . crimlnattoa a1aln11 Nerro VOl· provlllc lnenaaea In teachero' Gt&llty Of ClvU Coatem.,C en 1D •iol.ation of the Civil ularlea and waltare paymenta, The two Ylt•l»lpp l otliclrlta R ilbb Ad,' lnd the C i'T cuI t lnd oppoalnr an 1mendJI\ent to ... .,. foUnd 1Ullt7 o1 dril .,_. Court 1...-1 f1\ or· t.be U. S. Conflltull• to abolloh tempt by t.be appeala court clerinf him to cnse the m.aal Mo p• k ts J "I d As C •t 1 lhe poU tu. September 21.00 211: t.be cour1 p radleu . re IC e 01 e apl 0 GrunviUo reprennlaUvoa later llel pt'flalllu of po, ooo a ln September , the rovern· Sf 8 ftC I J k loeWrotenandSonnyMeredlt.b dll)' tinea and jail tor Barnett ment cbar1ed t.bat Lynd Wll in oyco onhnues n ac son Oppoled the meaauro to ltl\1 urand U,OIIO a day lor J obn· eontempt of cour1. It deelared ban renewaL The biH doea not 1011 unlll they pur&H lhm>· thet be con tin 11 e d to •ulal Two more atudents w•re ar- ·- L appl¥ to clllea wblell annOWleed --•ves. However, t.be -ftal\lu mu- t 1.11 l first pt .... elera arreated. Salte . r, ,,__. In I ... .. perll<llll .......... 011 • r rea\ed laat rrlday. teCOOda al· a prcfeuor 'r ou&aloo Col· w"'lf tent on to partlc.lpato In have not been lmpOHd yet, a. nd application a while ref!Niof to tu they bel[ an to p icket on !ere, sald he didn't .,. 11 t.be ll\e F ederal procram be I ore lhe court ham'! Nled wbet.ber permlt Nearo any Capitol Street. In laekaon. The aherlf! because be didn't lhJnk July 1, lila. !lllpporta or lhe lhe two hava po•rted them· help, that he ga ve more d!Ul· demonatraUon waa the aeccod proponltoual\1 to avoid bavbrr cul t tena to Nearoea and that 1n recent weeka and ur 1 ed Ne· It would do any llood. to obey the new redaral order to ClvU eon tempt Is lmpooed In he rejected them tor mlnor •r· rro ahoppel'll to boycott the h yeott intearate houalnf. The order, ordor 10 Ioree an Individual to TON. Cll,pllal Street ''orea. M•anwblle, lhe NAACP eon· e!!e.,u ... Immediate!¥ apPll !I \o obey a court ordu and tbe O•• •• eol To Stop r..., .... st ........ Ar reoled tinuet to urge Nerrou iO atay all hOUilna IUpporled by :: ml'l d- env p•ftalty Jf The Ju. ttle e De p art m en 1 d 20 d of! Capital Stn!et lt'Om State rund.t. " · -., , - (C••tit!•«< •" 1'•1• 4) Doria La ner, ' an to 1\lill.s and to boycott lnabY Teaeht ro Get Ral ou the order Ia obeyed. Crlminll Char I e 1 Milton Bracey, 18, Hall Motors, .Til ne 'I Junalo, The S•nale approved 1 .... contempt applies puniohment both atudonla of Touraloo Col· McRoy'a Department Store• ?SO,OOO House bill ,cranlln& poy Cor an ocl already tommilted, Phil/ips Wants To Be lea•. were arreated and Wlklnlon• 555 Tire and 1\p: hl k ea tor teachera . Teacheu nnd the aullty p arty charged with obatrucUnlJ the pllance Slorea and Star Super 1 1 ( avoid. the penally by finally Republican Governor sldewolk. Thoy wero held tor Markets. · w tt mu ert deg reoa receive obeylns the court order. about live hours llnlll $500 The boycott wu st.rted In on Increase or $12S, while thou Gove ram .. l Cheri•.. ... _, 1 property bond• eould be ralaed lUI to teA"re bet'-r with bachelora decree• will 11•t U .R..... , Ph Ill 1p a, one-I me ...., .. .., add Ill 1 • 100 T h Tile Ju11lce Drparlment tl· Ch lr lh for each. ••d dl-'"ed trea•mAn\ an ona ' ••• en I li Democrat "" " a man of o • • • Without degrcet but wllh aome eel four •l'lorrer n Ita app ••· PubUc Sen•lce CommJ.,Ion, P eUti.a TeJ' .. eralCeurt Necroes. coUeae training wlll&et lor crlmlnal oonlempl. H has anDCJUilC.cl t.bal be will rn other developments, Jack --o-- ralna, and te achers with no aecuaed Barnett or a!andlnl 1D 1eek the .Republican nomina· Youna. allomoy for lhe rlx Me 'd' W k coUece educollon will receive Meredllh'a way when he &t>ujlbt tion tor IOVemor of Mlalil· plekelort erreated Deeember rt lOft or ers .... ,.. - to enter tho oUlce ot u.e State Jlppi 12, has filed a peUUon to ... Vote For un·lons Solari•• will now ranae from Colle•• Boord In Jaci<OOD, Sep- . PhDupt revealed t.bal tallt• move the UK to federal eourt. lo $:1.3110 e yeor baae Pa.Y· 25. The Covemor bad 'Wit.b Brr:uy Goldwater had con· The brief declare. lhat the ar· Worlutra at two M 0 r1 d Ia 0 Wolfe,. Illite \hat "me day recolved a court vinced blm tha t be ahouJd 1eek reata violated the equal pro- plants voted lor Wllon The Senala aloo followed lhe roatralnlnl order tellinl blm alate olftee u a <ODiervatlv- leetlon ela "' of the 141.11 aentallon lut week In e!eeUons Hou se in paul.o11 a bill to ralao not to lnlerler• wltb Meredlt.b on the .Republleon Uc:l<et. He amendment. JudaH Yl%e or eondue.ted by the National La· weUare paymont 1 to lh• elderly and that nl.bl lhe FedoJal Apo ' declared, "For ., , 0 re than a Cox wiU bur the requeot In bor Relatlorul Board (NLRB) . lnd pe rmanently dllabled. The pea ll Court ordered him to hundred years , we ha... rol· t.be federal eourt ol the Soulh· Employees at Atla s Roofing new eellinc 1 1 UO e monlh. Tho •how cauae why be should J)Ol Jowecl, with almost blind loyal· em District ol MIJIIulppl. Manutaeturinc CompOJil' <hose averace monthly welfare pa y. be held In eon\empl. IY t.be NaUona.l Demoeralle "- F!Joeol U- the United Paper llalcen and ment 11 t33. JohnJOn Ia charred wl t h and today we find OW' A allot waa fired lnlo t.be P•per Workers lntemeUonal AI. expeeted, the Senate ap- (Co>tliwwt<l .. P••• 4) eoun\ey a\ t.be brinlt of aotlal· home or !lor. lnd M.n1. lohn •• thelr ba rcaininl alent while proved a ltouae ruolutlon op- _ -- ____ ..::._ _ _ _ km." Saller who were amonc the workers at Ac me Bulldlna po1 l n1 an amendment to lhe " ln my oplnloo," declared Supply Company east t.belr U. S. Conatl\uUon to aboiiJh the $2 Poll TIX Due Now; t.be 37 yur old attorney, " lhe PretldenUal elecUon, aald that baUou lor t.be 1nlemet lonal poll tax In redenJ-elecllona. mort dle<:llve way 1nd, In he cealed bel.._ a Demouat Woodworlutrs ol America. Only about aill Jlllea- all In Must It Paitf II Jo. tad, t.be only way for us to when KeMed)' wu eloeted. He Vcr( e t.be South-require poll •• make a real eontr!buUOII to auured t.be conservatives of The vole at Atlu wu 82 lor a prereqlllllle to voUnc. Op· January J. lhe month 10 p ay the conaervaUve phll .... ,ph)' t.be Soulh thai "lhe phllo10phy t.be Umled Paper Mak ers, 35 poneniJ or \he tax poi nt out1h11 your poU taxll you ,. ant to vole which praetle.Uy all Mlul 11l p- of lhe late Senator Robert Toll., for t.be International Chcmleal 1\1 ma in purpoae Ia to keep No- next ye ar. pla n• belleve In II to help •• odvoealed today by Senator Worken and 25 ror no union. aroea [rom votln&. It you are over 21, or wiU be make t.be RepubUcan Pari)' Ba rry Ooldwator, will continue The Woodworke rs won \he The poued by 21 by nut November, and ll the conservative poli\leal or· lo be lhe domin ant lotluenee" Acme election .81 to 76. the l/ . S. Conrreu eorllor t hlt you llavc Uved In Mlttlolppl !or ganlz 1 \lon In t.bo United ol tho Party. 1\ toea! ol Lhe Paper year, mutt be ratllled by% of two and In your city or Slalel." Tho lut Republican to run wJU be formed alter Chrulm .. t.bt t la tu In order to ao Into county lor one yen, 111en you Co"o erva U•m Domla atu tor aovemor ot Ml salul ppl wu when the men ele.ct their o!· eUcol. 11 11 apeeted to win ahould poy yollr poU tu o.nd ae pab llcana lorm•t Nobruka Govern or f leers. The u n l on will bello euy approvol, and oppot lllon r o 1 Ia to r. Only men In PhiiUpJ, who voted· for un· Oaorae Sheldon, who aot lHs 'eonlrJI.et negotiation• with lhe by Southern will report ormed l crvlcot and people oHr pledCed electora In tile lut (Ca"l/"""' •• 1 '• 1• f) eornpnny January l. cclly have IIIII• ln()uonce. (C••IIot•td •• P•t• I)

Transcript of Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You...

Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You Free" ~ -~oi~· -2~, ~~~~3--~....-~3~•~-----~J~K~·~~~·~M~iu~i~u~ipp~l~~~=1~u~r~~·~Oec==~~m~~~·

Mississippi . -.

"The Truth Shall Make You Free"

~ -~oi~· -2~, ~~~~3--~....-~3~•~------------~J~K~·~~~·~M~iu~i~u~ipp~l~~~=1~u~r~~·~Oec==~~m~~~· ~2~9~, ~1~96=2~----------------------'~0.~P~e~r~C=~~Y

t!t~i~~ ~:~gs:::: U.S. Shall Prose,ule FO::!~s.~~~e':'!:arlmen\hu .. kedlheSlhCireuitCourt B . rnell And Johnson ol Appealo to 1•il rorre.t County Rerl•lrar Theron Lynd lor dls· crlmlnaUng againat NeiP'O votera. ln a brier flied December 7, the federal government aaked lhe eourt to aenlenee Lynd to 45 day• JmprlJonment and • $300 tine tor criminal eontemp\ of • eourt order barr1n1 dl•crtmln•··+------=~iiiii....:::.....-::.J.---=----:;:-;---ICh G 8/ k d M d" h tion-the mealmum penalty un·l arges OV. 0C e ere it I der \he 1957 Civil Rlahta Act.

The brief auo requuted that Failed To Keep Law And Order the H&tUesbutl Real•trar be declared to elvll eont•rnl)t a.nd Tho Juallco Oopartmeni hu nllked the 511\ U. S. Circuit be Civen 10 daya to purre him· Court of ApPeola to hold Governor Ro .. Barnell and Lt. Gov-selt. U he does not reclaler <18 ernor Pa11\ John•on In criminal contempt lot· blocklnt James Negroes named b)' the aovem· Meredith'& entrance to tho l/nlvertltY ot Miululppi. mont, he mould be jailed 11ntll U convicted, t.be two taee allll rl.lu and jail tenleneet. A he doa, the J1.11tleo Deport· J1.11tice Department ·allomcy In Wuhlnalon aaid that not.binl ot menl uid. lhla nAture lo .. over hapPened

l'ta t c..t• mtt Aetl• Special l.eq,islative beloro. This I• t.be tlroi contempt I C• s . I E d' d The I OVOrnmenl c b a r red

t:ion b.rouaht by t.be federal JOY• e5$10ft $ ft e Ba rncll lnd Jol\nson W i I b ~.mmeru a a a In • t a Sout.h~rn T h • KluluJppl Ll:lllla&ure •ooldna to prev4tnt Meredith'• R e 1 I alrar tor dll<rlJnlnatlon concluded Ill teven WHit ape. o\templl to rea iller at t.be Unl· .,.mst Nearoea. EarUu thl1 ol&J aeulon by prohlblllnl t.be veult¥ and wllh laJllnc to year t.be Jllfllce Department future cooutrucUon ot tedeuUy- m1lntaln law and order on lhe eharred that Lynd wu db· aulf\ed !4w rent bowr.lnl, ap- eampus. crimlnattoa a1aln11 Nerro VOl· provlllc lnenaaea In teachero' Gt&llty Of ClvU Coatem.,C en 1D •iol.ation of the Civil ularlea and waltare paymenta, The two Ylt•l»lppl otliclrlta Rilbb Ad,' lnd the C i'T cuI t lnd oppoalnr an 1mendJI\ent to ... .,. foUnd 1Ullt7 o1 dril .,_. Court 1...-1 f1\ ~Uon or· t.be U. S. Conflltull• to abolloh tempt by t.be appeala court clerinf him to cnse the m.aal Mo p• k ts J "I d As C •t 1 lhe poU tu. September 21.00 211: t.be cour1 p radleu. re IC e 01 e apl 0 GrunviUo reprennlaUvoa later llel pt'flalllu of po,ooo a

ln September, the rovern· Sf 8 ftC • I J k loeWrotenandSonnyMeredlt.b dll)' tinea and jail tor Barnett ment cbar1ed t.bat Lynd Wll in • oyco onhnues n ac son Oppoled the meaauro to ltl\1 ur• and U,OIIO a day !In~ lor J obn· eontempt of cour1. It deelared ban renewaL The biH doea not 1011 unlll they pur&H lhm>· thet be con tin 11 e d to •ulal Two more atudents w•re ar- ·-L appl¥ to clllea wblell annOWleed --•ves. However, t.be -ftal\lu ~"- mu- t 1.11 l first pt .... elera arreated. Salte.r, ,,__. In I ... ~· .. ~ perll<llll .......... 011 • r rea\ed laat rrlday. teCOOda al· a prcfeuor -~ 'rou&aloo Col· w"'lf tent on to partlc.lpato In have not been lmpOHd yet, a.nd application a while ref!Niof to tu they bel[ an to picket on !ere, sald he didn't .,.11 t.be l l\e Federal procram be I ore lhe court ham'! Nled wbet.ber permlt Nearo a!~PIIcanta any Capitol Street. In laekaon. The aherlf! because be didn't lhJnk July 1, lila. !lllpporta or lhe lhe two hava po•rted them· help, that he ga ve more d!Ul· demonatraUon waa the aeccod proponltoual\1 to avoid bavbrr aelve~. cult tena to Nearoea and that 1n recent weeka and ur1ed Ne· It would do any llood. to obey the new redaral order to ClvU eon tempt Is lmpooed In he rejected them tor mlnor •r· rro ahoppel'll to boycott the h yeott C..~• intearate houalnf. The order, ordor 10 Ioree an Individual to TON. Cll,pllal Street ''orea. M•anwblle, lhe NAACP eon· e!!e.,u ... Immediate!¥ apPll !I \o obey a court ordu and tbe

O••••eol To Stop r..., .... st ........ Arreoled tinuet to urge Nerrou iO atay all hOUilna IUpporled by : : ~eral cou~ ml'l d- env p•ftalty Jf The Ju.ttlee Dep art m en 1 d 20 d of! Capital Stn!et lt'Om State rund.t. " · -., , -

(C••tit!•«< •" 1'•1• 4) Doria La ner, ' an to 1\lill.s and to boycott lnabY Teaeht ro Get Ralou the order Ia obeyed. Crlminll Char I e 1 Milton Bracey, 18, Hall Motors, .Til ne 'I Junalo, The S•nale approved 1 .... contempt applies puniohment both atudonla of Touraloo Col· McRoy'a Department Store• ?SO,OOO House bill ,cranlln& poy Cor an ocl already tommilted,

Phil/ips Wants To Be lea•. were arreated and Wlklnlon• 555 Tire and 1\p: hl k ea tor teachera. Teacheu nnd the aullty party •~nnot •

charged with obatrucUnlJ the pllance Slorea and Star Super 1 1 ( avoid. the penally by finally Republican Governor sldewolk. Thoy wero held tor Markets. · w tt mu ert degreoa receive obeylns the court order. about live hours llnlll $500 The boycott wu st.rted In on Increase or $12S, while thou Goveram .. l Cheri••

..... _, 1 property bond• eould be ralaed lUI _.,0~ to teA"re bet'-r jo~- with bachelora decree• will 11•t U .R....., Ph Ill 1 p a, one-I me ...., .. ~~ .., ~ add Ill 1 • 100 T h Tile Ju11lce Drparlment tl· --~ Ch lr lh for each. ••d dl-'"ed trea•mAn\ ro~ an ona ' ••• en I li Democrat """ a man of o ~· •·~ • • • Without degrcet but wllh aome eel four •l'lorrer n Ita app ••·

PubUc Sen•lce CommJ.,Ion, PeUti.a TeJ' .. eralCeurt Necroes. coUeae training wlll&et ~lion lor crlmlnal oonlempl. H has anDCJUilC.cl t.bal be will rn other developments, Jack --o-- ralna, and teachers with no aecuaed Barnett or a!andlnl 1D 1eek the .Republican nomina· Youna. allomoy for lhe rlx Me 'd' W k coUece educollon will receive Meredllh'a way when he &t>ujlbt tion tor IOVemor of Mlalil· plekelort erreated Deeember rt lOft or ers ~ .... ,.. -to enter tho oUlce ot u.e State Jlppi 12, has filed a peUUon to ... Vote For un·lons Solari•• will now ranae from Colle•• Boord In Jaci<OOD, Sep-. PhDupt revealed t.bal tallt• move the UK to federal eourt. ~ lo $:1.3110 e yeor baae Pa.Y· tem~r 25. The Covemor bad

'Wit.b Brr:uy Goldwater had con· The brief declare. lhat the ar· Worlutra at two M 0 r1 d Ia 0 Wolfe,. Illite \hat "me day recolved a court vinced blm that be ahouJd 1eek reata violated the equal pro- plants voted lor Wllon r~· The Senala aloo followed lhe roatralnlnl order tellinl blm alate olftee u a <ODiervatlv- leetlon ela "' • of the 141.11 aentallon lut week In e!eeUons House in paul.o11 a bill to ralao not to lnlerler• wltb Meredlt.b on the .Republleon Uc:l<et. He amendment . JudaH Yl%e or eondue.ted by the National La· weUare paymont1 to lh• elderly and that nl.bl lhe FedoJal Apo 'declared, "For .,,0 re than a Cox wiU bur the requeot In bor Relatlorul Board (NLRB). lnd permanently dllabled. The peall Court ordered him to hundred years, we ha... rol· t.be federal eourt ol the Soulh· Employees at Atlas Roofing new eellinc 11 UO e monlh. Tho •how cauae why be should J)Ol Jowecl, with almost blind loyal· em District ol MIJIIulppl. Manutaeturinc CompOJil' <hose averace monthly welfare pay. be held In eon\empl. IY t.be NaUona.l Demoeralle "-• F!Joeol U- the United Paper llalcen and ment 11 t33. JohnJOn Ia charred wl t h p~, and today we find OW' A allot waa fired lnlo t.be P•per Workers lntemeUonal AI. expeeted, the Senate ap- (Co>tliwwt<l .. P••• 4) eoun\ey a\ t.be brinlt of aotlal· home or !lor. lnd M.n1. lohn •• thelr barcaininl alent while proved a ltouae ruolutlon op- _ -- ____ ..::._ _ _ _ km." Saller who were amonc the workers at Acme Bulldlna po1 l n1 an amendment to lhe

" ln my oplnloo," declared Supply Company east t.belr U. S. Conatl\uUon to aboiiJh the $2 Poll TIX Due Now; t.be 37 yur old attorney, " lhe PretldenUal elecUon, aald that baUou lor t.be 1nlemetlonal poll tax In redenJ-elecllona. mort dle<:llve way 1nd, In he cealed bel.._ a Demouat Woodworlutrs ol America. Only about aill Jlllea- all In Must It Paitf II Jo. tad, t.be only way for us to when KeMed)' wu eloeted. He Vcr(e Tela~ t.be South-require poll lax~ • • make a real eontr!buUOII to auured t.be conservatives of The vole at Atlu wu 82 lor a prereqlllllle to voUnc. Op· January J. lhe month 10 pay the conaervaUve phll....,ph)' t.be Soulh thai "lhe phllo10phy t.be Umled Paper Makers, 35 poneniJ or \he tax point out1h11 your poU taxll you ,.•ant to vole which praetle.Uy all Mlul11lp- of lhe late Senator Robert Toll., for t.be International Chcmleal 1\1 main purpoae Ia to keep No- next year. plan• belleve In II to help •• odvoealed today by Senator Worken and 25 ror no union. aroea [rom votln&. It you are over 21, or wiU be make t.be RepubUcan Pari)' Barry Ooldwator, will continue The Woodworke rs won \he The amondm~>nt, poued by 21 by nut November, and ll the conservative poli\leal or· lo be lhe dominant lotluenee" Acme election .81 to 76. the l/. S. Conrreu eorllor thlt you llavc Uved In Mlttlolppl !or ganlz 1 \lon In t.bo United ol tho Rep~tbUcan Party. 1\ toea! ol Lhe Paper Worker~ year, mutt be ratllled by% of two year~ and In your city or Slalel." Tho lut Republican to run wJU be formed alter Chrulm .. t.bt t latu In order to ao Into county lor one yen, 111en you

Co"oerva U•m Domlaatu tor aovemor ot Mlsalulppl wu when the men ele.ct their o!· eUcol. 11 11 apeeted to win ahould poy yollr poU tu o.nd a epabllcana lorm•t Nobruka Govern or fleers. The u n l on will bello euy approvol, and oppotlllon r o 1 Ia to r. Only men In l~o

PhiiUpJ, who voted· for un· Oaorae Sheldon, who aot lHs 'eonlrJI.et negotiation• with lhe by Southern tiM!'~ will report• ormed l crvlcot and people oHr pledCed electora In tile lut (Ca"l/"""' •• 1'•1• f ) eornpnny January l. cclly have IIIII• ln()uonce. (C••IIot•td •• P•t• I)

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You Free" ~ -~oi~· -2~, ~~~~3--~....-~3~•~-----~J~K~·~~~·~M~iu~i~u~ipp~l~~~=1~u~r~~·~Oec==~~m~~~·

Wa ITAWD -"00 ~ OOVIIllrt., ltH'I' l llCIIBft LJ\II.HO ITAJrtti)AflDI • ...,.,... Q>UCAT10rtAL OPI'OIIl'UNmU

10C1A1. J"IT1<i8 • • • '" M&Mis.&PM

Editorial Page

Remember Clyde Kennard The put year bas been llll ev~nt!uJ one for a )lew

newspaper in MIMiMippl. Our st.ate Is now known u .rough­out the nation and the world : everyone. know11 Rou Barnett and Jamea Meredith and the rolllll they played In the ugly drama at Ole M i8~.

But ~till ve.ry few people know of the fate of Clyde Kennartl, a young N~gro who tried to o.ntor MIHIIII!dippl Southern two year• ago. In lte flr~t year , the Free Preiltl made hiH cause our own. Start rtlpOrter Ro&LJiollander spent many hourd 11tudying the court record 11nd Interviewing peo­ple in preparation for h.lt " Hi11tory of Clyde Kennard."

LA.!Jt month, " aummAry of the articles Appeared in The Reporter, a national mag~lne. In just the paat few weeks, a motion has been riled to brlnlf about a retrial, and at Tougaloo College, s tudenta, ~ome of whom knew Kennard, hAve bt-gun a nationwide petition calling upon Preeldent Kennedy to grant juslk:e.

There artl many homeA In this atate that are eold when the night Is cold. They are 8Mekll, the l'l!f!Uit of affhalc eeonomle and political IMlitutlona. We hope to ~uect a ebange in lh- outdAted and Inhumane conditione.

But lbere ill one eold. <lark cell which put.kula.rly atanda • out in our mind.t. That II the c:ell of Clyde Kennard. Thi3 ia the home of a man who Ht out to do what Jamea Meredith eventually a~eeded In doing.

Tile dark eorntra of hla eell cut a ahadow on the sue. .-sH o! the pa11t year. By publk-ltln~e hit fate, we bope to have aJ'OU8ed you. What ran you do1 Perhape not mueh, but you tan al.trn the petition lnJtlaUd by the atudenta 11t Toup. Joo. Do that.

The Poorest Housed The government of MI$8WIIppl haa once apln acUd

against the good oC the people In the name of l('tfr'egation. The State Letrialature last week killed our ur~ntly needed federal hou,inl' program-becau~~e It ~fused to accept the P resident's order to tnterrate U. S. eupportecl hou&lng.

lliMI*IIppl dftpera~ly needa new h ou•lng. The 8hadt8 of wood· and tin that line city 8lrtlet<! and country roods are untlt for human belnga.

It Ia not: a eolncldeneo thnl mMt or these tumble.&wn huts house Negro people. When th001e who nl'<ld new hou~lng most "''ere, by taw, aN!urt'<l ot •h11rlnlf In the rrult3 or the l edertll program, th e alate pulled out.

Miil"isslppl-the poorest all1te In the Unlon~rejc:eted over $1 million a year In fed&!l'lll flnlll•. And Ml•oiA•iPI)I nl80 mnde certnln that, for blade and white alike, It will rontlnu~ to be the poore>~t houlltd.

Pay Your Poll T ox The State IA!rl~lalure a lAo rtljected an amendmenllo the

United Stale&~ Con.,lltution which would aboiU.h the poll tax. Bowe\'er, if 314 or the ~late 'i<'~•lature. of the nation

vote te end th~ poU 1AX, It • •HI be abollohed tor ALL 8tal ­lncluding Mll!lliMippl. And thl11 S. el<JI«led to ha~n within a few yean.

Ne,·erthelH.., until the amendment I• adopted, you still ha\'e to pay your poU ta.x It you Wllllt to \'ote In No\·entber 1963. Don't let J amet Meredith and Clyde K~nnard autter In .,.in. Pay your poll tu. register a nd \'ole I

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Published eTery Saturda:- b)' the HICo Publishing

Company, Int., 1253 Valley Street, Jacki!On, NiNlulppl, Phone FL &-7345.

Publlebed weekly In Jaclt80n, Mlululppl. En~ eel u -nd.dua INIUer at the Pot\ offic-e ., JA(:k-, lllulalppl.

SubKrlptlon price: f.C .OC J)l'r year- f2.50 tor ala montM. Ten cmte per copy, FA!ttor •••.•••...•••• • • •••••••••.. . Charles L. Butts Olrculatlon Jlanatft' ........ .. Dew~y R. Grtlene, Jr. Manarllll Editor •••••••••••• •••••••. Ln~,y 'Komlur

• MISSISSIPPI F"R£E PRESS S..turday, December 29, 1·962

The Top 10 Stories i~'1111111111111111""'J!te ~ C'-e Up: Voter leflltratlon ~

O!!:i!~!!!,h:d6l! I Where Are The Lea~? ~ llbare of the newa thla year. ~ Tlols article <OHtiu ..,, .., .,..,JOHit'c Fr<e Pnoss m~• o• ~ RaUnc the Importance olevmla 11.': tht ,..,t.., rtAistrRtlo• drivtJ bti11g eottd,.,&rd I• tu M~ 11.': Ia a ditfieult job, but the•e arc ~ nppl De-It•. Tlu ...,ll10t Is o..e of • ern> I){ yow11g JI<OpU ~ the \t!ll blnut as we see it. ~ wlul hnre l"umo,•t.l thdr ~eltcoliNg 10 'll'Of~ with ol.e Mi~ ~

J .. ea lleHdith-# I 11.': lis<i,. Co,.NCiJ of Ftdcr•td OrpbloiOiu, ~ The lop Jtory, absolutely, wu ~ T•w•A 1o A Sori<t ~~

the admiuioa of JamH Me.r· ~ edith to the Unlnui.,. of Alia· .0 8 7 Chart.. C.bb 11o:

aia.J!ippl. In faa, the Ole Min Bclnc In Miaslulppl, and lry· ureheada and poppet• til the criaia has maintained ita hich in& to cllan1e the exlatllljf ao- real po..-e.r atru<h•re , no1 really news raUng (or several mODtlu. elal-political alnloturet, h a 1 maltinl a dent .in tM hcnlle The AtlanU Constitution rated cau.sed me to Jtarl conoldero· and unjust fortH that have the Miululppi .tory third In Uona on where the real aourcea k.ep\ the Necro "'"re""ed for the years ICP n~• ev~u of of power are In the .Ute and 10 lona. but creaUng an image the world, prcc.eded only by how they relate to lhe " Ne1ro of a miUtant Ne-,ro lH<Ier. Cuba o.nd Jolu> Glenn. leadu." The real power& de not mind

R•pportloaa&fllt-#2 lt ia pufecUy obvloua that theae feeble attaclu OD their We rate reapportionment..,.. Gonrnor Barnell Ia not a per· tirureheada and po~. for II

ond. Alter a reactionary plan 10n of real power, except 1n the cloeo not really hurt them, ana was rejected by the votera, lbe oense that he wu pot Into Of· it Ia aound policy to let a sup· leclslaturr strugcled lon1 o.nd lice by the White Cilluna Coun· preued people rr~ Utile hard before f.inally decidlnc on dl (a real power), and •lveo {after all, the army enc<>W:ages a p~an iust belore yur'a end. thu 'diroctlvu of tho WCC an It, doesn't ltf). Tho new propoJ.-al wUl help re· offlcial flatu.a. The U.agedy of thla l• ltlat lbe duee rural eoatrol over the leg- Mert.h•nh Are The Power masses ot Necroe• a re ao reo. islature and wiO act as - pro- movocl !rom the-white eommun· gre••ive if.'Ve.T In Minluippl On L'le local lev.,l, it Ia not lty, that they are unaware ol polltlea. the Mayor, Pollee Chiel, etc., tho way in which the power

llarnett'a Amendment• who neC<>SI!IIrUy have any real olructuto Ia eonot-.uelecl. They Fall-#3 power. In fact, u the oitl., got are completely laken in by thU

And third, Where there mlgbt larger, any aulual power they folae Image <JI mllilfln(:y. be som& deba·tp, Ia the rejection ml111t have had lcndl to be Whore AM IA..,.oraf · of the two .f.mondmenls backed aubmcraed by tile real powera. In ad.c:lltlon, theoe "leaders" by the Governor. The result ol In O.reomvWe, It lK!emo as 11 tend to encouraee the l.tolalion the November election was ali· the real power. oro tho mer· of the muaeo from the white nlticant pot only bcc.auu bad c.hanta on Wuhinaton Street. communlty. They have the out· propo10l1 were retuaed, but be· Thoae who are eeMraUy con~ dated Idea that only t.he " qunli· eause they were refused over aldered Ne1ro lead&ra which fled Nerroes" abould "'lister Barnetfa lnaiat.mce that they are the Nearo middle clan- and vote. OU{Iht to be aceeptecl-suuNt· and J am ~~pealdnc of Ml&lll· r have lotmd that llle Negroea inl that -le had either for· Iippi, tbollch thla I• cenerally In Greenville have a complete aotteo-or never bacl the 8"'81 I r u • throuchout the South. \ack of ldentificaUGD with the love for " Ra.a" that wa1 .uper· These Neer.,.a, by the very civil ri8hla movement. What flclally apparent durinc the Ole feet of their elevated ecOII(Imic have the "leaders" been doiDJ? Misa trim. position In the NeJtO commun· BeiW o. ........

The other uvea stories are ii,J' are doaer 10 the wl\l~ II Ia Uma now-past tim .....to sl&nltieant but weren't •• sen· <om.munlly. build a Ne1ro loeackroblp based Hllonal and i1 ill bud to rate 0..'1 AMac....., Wbtle Pewen on the masaea of peor1•a, U the them in order. Tbete N e. r o a a recocnlu p,.....t Nqro \a~ want.a

ReY. SaltJt For ~ where the real powu llu. Not to 11art dea!JDc wltlo the me-lui lite _.. year beam, Rev. wine able (lor eeonomlc rn· o.nd not the .el~ few theA let

R. L. T. Smith wu alrea<bo ac· sona) or not wantJnc to antaeon· them lud . U they will not real· lively engaeed in a eampalcn lze the real powera that be, ty lead, or are not able to leed, for a ~e.t in the United Sletea thue "leader•" are eonl.ent to then new leadera, auclrulloead· Ccncress-the lirot Negro to mouth feebly aeatn.rt th e "•· ,.,.. mwlt be found. run for Con.Jre$8 since recon· slnlelim. Jln. 1l. W. Ll.t\duy entued tb~ ConKre.uional ra~e In the new Second district.

Letters To The Editor Fronk Smith, a supporter of Dear l'rlenda,

alr nature• ahoukl be 1ut te the Ke n n e d y Admlniotrallon and MINimppl'a mOll! valu· able congru•man, loat to J a· mle Whit~n aa the two lncum· benta met in a ra~e result.ing !rom the eUminotlon ol oM Mississ~pi conc&·euional dlt· irlct.

Vote BarJoMrs Hit CongrPss passed an amend·

menl to the U. S. Cat!Klitullon ou:.towlng the poll hur. and th• Ju$Uce D~artmenl beaan In· ,.,.uaallons or voter discrlmin· aUon ln several count.iu. ln For· re1t County, Theron C. Lynd is pr~ntly fa~ contempt rharc~• for Calllnc to obow a federal court why he continued lo ahow blu. '\'he federal go•· emmmt also IDed a .WI that could be next year's top atory. The .ult Is aimed at ellminatinl ~,.,_, Uleracy lest and all other ba.rriera lo le.lr vote:r reg!llra­uon.

l.ahor Str!Jtea Forno Labor union• wean to try

their rirmcth ag.Wt the -nomic grip of Industry. The employees al Hana' baker) <OOtinue their ail< lllontl! atr!lte for r~gnltion. ~ Com.mOft Labonra Union settled (.,.. a 7\•c raiae after haJt.lnc eon· atrudiOft tor tWO WetU Oft leV• en! mWJoa doller Jac.boo CQDo atructlGD she•. R~ftltly the CarpM~rrs Union got severa,I workero relnawt.ed attu th<'y hac! been tired for uniOft aetlvl· liPa. Two unlona were formed In Gremvllle by the Chemical Wvl'lcer• ..

Cl ,u RIJI'llt-. Get& Boost The ruo•t dral!)atlc •urcr ..

fCo•ti••l'd . ,. E'•1• 1)

We are all concerned about the: the tale ot Clyde K~nard. The Mluisaippl Student Committee tate ot anyone •ervin& time be· To Free Clyde Kenna.nl, hind the bara o! a MJulsalppl Dorle Ladner, Chairman penitentiary doe • not • e em Tougaloo Colle~e • . hopeful-far leu ao when that Toucaloo, .Mito ouopp& aomeone 11 a poliUeal prl1oner Report• or any other ac\lvit.y arrested lor vlolntlng the "rUI· In conneciion with the Clyde loma and lr•dltlona" of raelal Kennard cue will also be ~P-aeeregallon, prpcinled.

The s t u den t s at Touealoo Southern Chrlltlan t;.,llt!t !lave become pardcularly concerned about Kennard . To 1ome of uo, he lo a peraonal friend; to olh·

Youra in Fl'tcdom, .Dorio Ladner Tougaloo College Touga.loo, MI .. Jasippl

era. a symbol: to all, a fellow TO THE ED1TOR: human unjually aceu1ed. We, •• studenll, have eome tocetber We, 01 studl'I!U el tile North. to make our voice heard In pro- feel tho dynamic 1pirlt ot lba lui of thlo lnju.oUce. We OpJK'al movemont toward eq....UV and to you to loin with u.o that, brot.herhoocl whkh y..,.. new., tocether. we o:nay be heard to paper Ia kHplne ali•e In 1111 .. the end that JU.Otlce may pre· 1 1 1 nd ·~- t va!L • • a P P a uuouchau U..

We have draW11 up • JK'Iitlon, CO<Uitry. "'1\icll baa been endorsed by our We lr:oow that we ahare the S lu d "n I Council, to Preaidont reiPOI'IIibiUty for tile cllnmity John r . KeMed~ and Allome)' and 110elalinjuatice ill...,.­Genua! Robert Kennedy. Stu· try, and we are dimtayed by dent. and otht.r concerned JK'r· OW' lnab!Uty to <011~ all ot sona aero .. the nation are ur1ed our enercles to the ltnlffM, to Jlcn and circulate pelillona ~a on thla cue to write letter. to 11M your IU w 1 P a10 e r

• • daru to upreu Uw tnolll, we demOIDalrate. and to talle other feel that lt 11 doinl a Yital job appropriate a dlon to tell the In llllululppl. We want t.o do Government that we want what we can to au...,..n the juolic• tor Cl,yde KeMard. WIU move tor Freedom tty belplnl you participate? to aupport the FJlEI! PJ\ESS.

We are reque•t.lnc that you 81 r••·· ,. lnlorm other mom be ra of your nee ....., • oun, or~:anlutlon of thla peiltlon and Anne Mat¥w encourace them to clroulate 11. David Finke Petitions ahou.ld be nnt dlrecll)l YM·YWCA Executive to the Ottlce or tho 1're1tdent, Committees of 11.11d d report ot the number of , ~rlin C•Uece

Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You Free" ~ -~oi~· -2~, ~~~~3--~....-~3~•~-----~J~K~·~~~·~M~iu~i~u~ipp~l~~~=1~u~r~~·~Oec==~~m~~~·

-:S._t_ur_d_ay'-',_D« _ _ e_m...;,be_r.....;;2.:..:9•:.....;.19.:..:6:;:2:,_ ___________ MI SSI551PPI FREE __ P_R_ESS.:._ ___________________ P_a..:ee_l

$2 '•II Tax , • • ~·,·on can collect lht tax money Special Emancipation Proclamation Feature rom a c-roup of hit fiitnds and 1-t-. ~-----_;;...:; _ _;_; _ _;~...;;..-_;...;;.. _ _;:..;;.....;,......;,

eo r;_""::::::~o:·g,h:'pou 1 :::.~1h~.~eirlp tolh•counly Anniversary Of Emancipation Edict tax. The lasl doy y011 c an pay

u you hav~·· reelnered Ytl ,YOW" lte3 poll IU 1$ Ftbrun ry Marks Unfinished Freedom Struaale you can 11111 pay your poll llx:11. A llhour;h a Corutllutlonal #!!!:)#!!!:) Allhouch you han to clo bolh ·Am~ecl prtsm\ly belna One hW>drtcl yearo a~o. Ab«-------------------- ---­before you con vote it doean't lton .. dertcl by lhe ltllllatures Lincoln •iiDed the clotumtnl I reconnru<tlon I hat followed. orcanizotoon of while wor!ten. matter whldl you do llut. \of all the states will probobly I thai freed the slnes. The [)e. "The low p o I n t came sbll Woth the ex<f'pllon of the ,.,, ••

$2 Or ~ a.boUoh lhe poll lox in 1 lew eembeT 1962 !<.rue of p...,lf,.,.. later, probably not until the Uvcly 1hort livod Knlsltto of In 1 tl lh

11 ·Yttr<, you mUJ1 tt!U poy your •Tve magulne devote• on <'II· Twenlltelh Century." Labor. diJ<rlmination witlun

is $2~~ o~~:.:'o r:-11 tspoU ~= : po~ tux no><• in ord•r to voto t.lt·e •pedal lss"e- to the celc· L.ut Battle Of Civil War lhe l•bor onovemtnl nlncierod d lci:D•( pa y you r lax la; t year , : ne year~ brat ion of the EmnnC!ipntion Mbilll$ipphuu: well know the lol~Jrntion ot the N•ltr'O vo• e•R P• " • ._. he taxt-1 for ' 6 Proclamnt.lon. rnc:t"m nil n tool ot poHLicinn•. inlo the C.xJ)Itrldlnn C\.."'Ol0nl1C ' ' ...-·- • T e To Ten life or tho motion. thlt year oncl lu i yoor- and p , , , l l calls the period since tit I) " ••• Ro•• Bn'rnetl wns th• best you wUI b. ollalblo to \'Ole Ia o rr•>otl•oo'<l fro>ll l 'ooqf I/ hlslorle li&nlnc. "A Century ol thowmon .•. , I doubt II AI ~· In 1041, " thouan nd• of Ne· .November . After that you mu1t l. . . Stroag1e:• The views na•c 1~owe bomn'll J>u.ucr"on cnn boat ._rroes th r6Ughout ll•& C'C'Jillntry, pay $2 oaeh year. (lf your lax . m <lVII roahh was the NAACP j o! seventeen ol lhe fine&l thonk· him:" guc .. c• James Dnbb$ spearhcuded by the lltother· I• ~a year you nouft pay $f If : boycott ot the Negro lUIIe foir .

1era ol the s tr u 1 ~ le ol the in his orlicte, "A N'ew Sooth· hood or Sl~lnc Cnr P orter•

yo• owe b~ck taxes.) ' 1 For the second year. the boy· American N'cwo since tte wn• orncr." "The bailie ot OJ<Iord (A. Pbillp Ron<h>lph. l'reri-llowever, If you did not payj •.ott wu 95"'o succe~lul. A pctl· ~· declared free. lwu arlev~. pathetic, in a dent) mobllixtd rur a 100.000

YOUI tax lalt year, you cannot Uon ~ Wed by none parenll J etlerson A6a1Mt Sl.vo.ry •em• traaoc. But It was ~Y .trong ronvercco>ce on the ,.._ vote illlhe Democratic primary and theor c~drtn to inte1rate J olte n ope FTaal<lia. ID hb a lot-I hope the last-4klr; lion'a capital with • ~tmand in AUIUit ; you mull walt until .Taebon Pubbc Schools. artl<le, " Chil Rlrhu Ia A.merl·l ~l•h In t~e Hundred Yean ::::;u:;'",'n •t~':"'/:;~~;~ =~: you have paid two taxea on Kenruorcl ~ RI'OpC'ned cal\ Umory," ooleo that Tl>om· Covll War. tries." in a row. • Just recently. the caE~ of u JeUe:rcea had wrilte:a ln'• The ti~t of -. n~ progr~u Whe. It ••• , ena• e ,~ar that

P ay AI SlterUI't Ofnce '?Yde Kl'Dftard w•• brou~ht to his oarf.y draft of the Oullra· , •UII r<'maon• dJm. n... peno- lho Mor<h on Wo•hhJt•• tight for po•slble reconsidera· liM of lndepend .. oco lhot It tratlnc pen of Jomes Baldwin

P oll tax e • a~e Pllid nt the tion of the ta~ or the younl 1w•• " acalnst humao ••alul'e h · lu ·• A Letttr to My N"e~l\(:w," ~·ould rome oU. •• a ulot taat Sh.enlf'• olflce '" the County Haltluburg mnn 11 r e,. n II Y ••If. violallnc ilo mool ucred writ~~. "Now, my dear nnme· I rt>ld.,nl ( KCHI• r.,.ll) tll(ne4 Co urt HouJe, (JaclUon retet• .se.rving a seven year tel'm fi1 rlabU of Ufe aAd llber,tr .. to l a;,ek~. these lrmQCent and ~'ell .a extfulh ·e o~df't .rnrn:\btC denta, ror example, ehould 10 to PDrcl.m: . .-n. 1n nddhlon to tl\e captu.re an4 t"&rt')' A l :r' t an " mcnnlng pecple, your cnun\ry· tl~ IO\'t:tlnneut • ••II t' Y ef the County.Courl HouJCe on Paa. reheAring, public support ho• In to •1ave.ry. Tbe. phr••~ "wal men, hove caused you to be t~ondbc:rln~lnatltttt aH . ,.tatt.. c~goula Slo eel .) The •he; itt will begun to grow and prcu lor hlf unatceptable to the Soutbe_nl I born under condition• not tar h<hlnw • t air I'! m plo Y m • n t gave yo\l a rtc:elpl whtch you rei e 0fl1etaUon to the Cunthu'lntal rcn\ovOO. from t.hos~ de~c.rlbcd Pl'Att\C'¥1 C.rnnll•lll•" •• \n-muot pruenl ol the poll• when eas . ConJres• and lh".y ln•l•lod !or us by Chnrleo Pickc>n& in n•tllalo vlolollo"a ol thla • ••· you vote. Della CJllnns Intimidated that it b~ akld<ea. • the London ot more than 0 lry In dof~nte IINI~atrles."

11 you are over 60. you The shooting of two 1lrll In "The 1 1 1 e n e e of the Cb>ul hundred yur• ogo. ) ,!11111,811 N••" Unlonl•tt co to lhe county clerk'• Rulevrue and lhe outllng off or d roll of the Decloratlon ol In· ''I bear the thon a ol tho I• · Advancel 1\nve b<!en mudo In with ptoof of aat-•uch 22,000 people trom the aurplu.J dc!k':Klenre 00 the m:atler ol nMf'ftC.I tt.re.amln.. •Ne. thi.• tbe labor mQv"ment, •tates social oecurlty papera, eommodity food pro1rAm were slavery and the slave trade ln· Is - true. Uow bitter you Randolph. There Is only one licerue or trmY dlseharce both """""<'led with attem pts to creuod (be d!Ulculty ot later are,' but 1 am ...-ltin1 thb union in the Al 'l.. whith ._.... put. He wUl 1ive you an regbtu Ne.lfi'OtS ln the Delta. Americal\l wbo soulfht p_....,.. Iotter to ,.., to trr to teU ,..., p llclty exeludu N••'"""· "One emption cmifitalt which Nume.row arreata and violence denee lor their. Insistence on Md>otl>l"' a"""t hew to luuldlo ond a holt moUton Nt~rrocs are be 1ood for every year on acainst r eJiotrolion worlcero lhe unlv.,raal applkalion ot lht I them, for moot of them clo Ml now membero of Ia bot' unlono, future. alto undeueored . the need for ri&hll ol man," writes llofartln koow U.at JOU exl•t." and they have won incre~sinc

U you have just flniahed serv- the people t·o 1atn • pohlleal IAIIhtr Kine, J r. Baldwin dose• hi.l le\1 er. rcpruentuUon in labor'a t••· lng illlhe army, take your dis· voiee. " A century aco." declare• "You know and 1 kno10• lhatlhe ernlng eoundl1, even in 1 h e eha.rge paper• to the co u n ly The Gtor jtla Eledi._ C. Vann Woodward. "Soolhem eounlry I• <elebrallng one bun· South. clerk. He will a lva you an ox· 'l'houct> 1\ dld ool lake! place while• were given a momenl· dred years o r freedom one hun· In lt!il, lhe Nt, .. America• empllon eerll(ieate excuslnc In Mississippi, the eleeUon ol oua anignmenl by hiotoo·y, a dred yeOI'a too ea rl,y. We can· l.clhor C.unell wao l•rmo4 .. you from poylnc lax•• for ·'•• Georpa moderate Carl Sanden t•ote that was not \o be re· not be fru unlll they are fre<i. tho tnole -lomt of yeara you wc.r·e In lhe army .. governor over rat:lat Marvin qulred ot the aominant wl\Jt~ Ood blo1111 you, James, and every vc-~ttl1e • f ll• c ... w." 'lllen, however, you must pay Grllfln showed lbe wcultcnina throughout tho Western Wo••ld Codopetd." Rundolph <'tlnoludea h la artl· your tuu for thlo year. lnOuenee ol bl&oLry In power until our own Ume. Tbl• w111 •'The Unfinished Revolution" clc, "l\ ruts upon lhe ~resent

AD1- Cu Pay Tax poJJtics. Grllfln, who claimed the impoaed obliga\ion or ot unattalnod job opportu:nitie• a~cmeo·a\]on to complete lho un· You do not have to poy lle dld not wiUlt tho "Nia~;er abandoning the racial •••ump· tacu lhe basic problems lh•t linl;oMd rovolullon of the Clv!l -

ton~ In puton; someone eiH vole ," lost by a 2 to I mnl~rlly. tlon of a lltetlme, o1 uprootlnc oliU await a ~~econd century w., and to re a lite, uhe' w>• can pay •'>em for you. One per. even !ailine lo carry • plu.rallty do1mu deepl,y embedded In o! slruacle. In his artie!., . A.. eon•dnnabte delay, ila pro<nioct ;::::;;;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::::;:::;:::;:::;;::;,1 in Albany, tho ~eene ol <real reclonnl culture." PhiUp Randolph dec I a r e 1, (reodom.'"

raclJtl llrifo. Crvahboc Dc.lut '·The tloves freed on .January n.., Dettnlber Proc-.eulw Tho year bas been a bla one Z..,liM, OOI!mocl, O..nma.rlt, 1, JM3, were liberated not only wUI be a hl«hl.y valued IIOW'<t-

f<>r news and moot of lho bll s,.bt, .... l'oma-al alllolbhe4 lrom their martt.rll bul from book oo civil riChll IM a ion& one. bavo been aood- •llv...,. w I t Ia • • 1 Wooclahecl. liveJihoocl .. well... time 10 come. Sincle copia next year. Mi111iaaippl can aee ~ Aaoulu -.&e4 te ._I anclol ph troee• the. at. can b« pureh1Sed by aOftdlnc


"' -tt .. c:-• -·· .. "" the already bie ooel aet OYer! .. a ..... d>at .......... ,. a lo ~rant the Neg-tO {ift.y eenll to lhe ProtrtlSlvt, ~;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;::;:=;;;;;:~j bigcer. cnaahboe aoocl call&t8phlo clo· lhc ••lno made by tht Modlaon 3, Wio...,..sin. r rut ., the slaveholders; • • de·

feat that cleatnr " a , ... lol or· tier at 1M same time that U BEVINS SHOE SHOP

120 Wathl•lfO• St. G-••llle, Mlulaelppl

Set. Stltll 81'1C11l & MlrUt PID DI&.IVIIY

1211 ....,., - 14 2-U74 GIIIINVILU, Will.

Riddick's Drug Store Prnc'1P' icln $cMt:i411itU

610 A"' I - ,_ Gl. 1-2U4 Grooftwood, Mill.

COUINS SHOE SHOP 112 I . Jeluo..., St.

G•••eew a a•, Mftlfufp, ·w. Soil-New~­

·...u. weAK ~((0"'

We want to iMure 110u a HAPPY. NEW YEAR .. •

Jackaon Central Insurance Agency, Jnc. \071.\ Lyad> So.-.. (1\.fuoek T~mpl~ Bide.)

freecl the olav .... But lhe grea.tesl eJthlbltlon•

o.r racism did nol come with tho dcleal nor with the crude

JENICINS GUlf SERVICE .......n. ,., ....

f" E....tuicr-. Sc •• 1•.-•-

C011lc's ,_., uti .,,,., s..,,., FL J-J266


"CI•rLfl•l•'• lft••••1 Or•• ,,,,..,. 2 U POUill' STIIIT

C:LAIK$0AU . .. ISS. T _..., .. ,.., M4M +.U U

A."•• llt•r-1 - Clif,._ ...... , ...... ..,.,,, ,.,.,....,....



Summers Hotel lOOMS WITH riiVATI lATH

W I S....V..o>. Plop 619 W. Pearl St.- Jack­fl 2-1405 •• fl u .u ..

CAUNOERINC III :~::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::;.::::::::::::::::~ii t t t• Lpc" S.rnt /1

fL 2-9JU

JMl .... ......



, • • • .J.u• ,.., , •• ,. H__,.

Olol n. 1-UI\


' u t.r,.d. Su..t J•c:lr..._ Wl.t .




Smith's Super

Market 1253 Valley StN.t

At tho Railroad C,...h•l

Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-2, Num-3, December 29 1962Mississippi . -. "The Truth Shall Make You Free" ~ -~oi~· -2~, ~~~~3--~....-~3~•~-----~J~K~·~~~·~M~iu~i~u~ipp~l~~~=1~u~r~~·~Oec==~~m~~~·

• • • (c ... ,..,... t••• P.,, t >

o&ked the eourt to order Lynd not to requlre thai Necroes in· terpral eonstltutlonal pauate• V(bich are '"ore dltfleult than thote r',ven to whiles and to ac .. eept the opplicationil of all per· • on s w i l h the "substantive qualllietatlonJ" in •plte (!I minor error.1

Aul•lant Attorney Genera I Bur.lc& MarshaU declared thai th• Lynd e11.se "requires severe coertlve 1anctlonstl -and charged thai Lynd "by his con­duct since April 10 • . . hao demonslroled his disregard for this court.." Lynd hu denied the cllaraca.


, MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS S•tur~y. December 29, 1962 -

U. S. SIJall • • • Miss. tabor Council Reviews ~~~.:!'~~~ ~~ ':b: :; A • Of s L

1 hop• to ralse the weekly ben&- (CoatlavH ,,.., P•l• l) ctlons tote Al"'iS oture tits and extend the ilme pe· ble><:ldn.l Meredith outaide the

~- riod." -Th flU L•gi•l~tvro A.. Voeatloaal EdacatlGa rates of the University on Sep.

tember 2!5. He wu baclted up Am•-/ltff' IAe l<rotiOIC reJTulor to rerlsler and third The State AFL-CIO al110 OJ>- by M!Jrabaippl law enforce. o..t ..,.,nuu •••••••• ;,. ~~10-. will be allowed to an- posed a mea.sure wbleh would ·• h m••~~ WA.IIe • page t o.rtil:lo "'vi~"'' lh ot er' a rlahl lo have turned the vocational edu· ""''k ~I t« opell'HII 0<4fw•, wo 'Birht' 1\pln" cation _progrP.ms over to a com· Palled 'l'o lllam la.la Or del' ·pro•••' A••• •• fitu~llfn• of. 14• Social Lerl•l•tlon miaslon of repreoentallves Both Barnett and Johnson r•q•/ar l t CI(ioll. (Jo•IUJI'W t,.Jt< .. ll) •During r"eenl yeJr'a a num- named by the various industrial are aCCUied of faJnn( to tnaln• prr(!(Jrtd ~l tA• lllf•linfppl A "'V· ber of ' extreme right·wlnr development rroupo, the Farm taln order on the campus Sep. f«u< l'•d .. otl"" •I Wor-Co"''"'' 1 f:::·~~~:(,~t~r~~·:~v~eli~'ng under Bureau Federation, the Delta tembe.r ?!I when Attorney Gen· of lmluotrloi.OrQtU<In.ti••• (A FL.-I guise of hav& sprung Cou n c II an.d the Mlubslppl era.! Robt!rt Kennec!T directed CIO>. up throughout \he Nation, A Economic Councn. "Even Mere<llth's motor convoy to

lAb•"'• rol• ""'' to P"·•••' tA• eloae analy•ia of these .aroups' though a okllled-labor force wu turn back 1n order to avoid a JHUIOQI of ka ioui•loJ:l•m •i•.. prorrams dlsclosu the [net that the objective, Labor wa.s not waitlng mob of 500 men. The ··~~ AIOJtll(..,l~roro •md other they are hell bent on re~alinc ginn a place on the commb· Ju•tlce Department aays that

I I · 1 · u · Th' d t d bl law trulorcement o!!icers were llpte a u.teru qrbup• tut'l'l.! ttlll a,_ aoelaJ J.egJsJntfon enDe.ted Jn stan. ts waa un ers an a "• i• wntNJI <1/ lA• Gooer:'lfot'l of. recent years. Since Mluluippi !o.r the apparen\ motive o!1hls ord~ to block Meredith on fi••·• B•ro• tt •••• u protw '" odo h•s more thnn her share of na- bill waa .to get around organized tbot da;~~; realstratlon effort a ""II u•oJJ· bill•- Uve born bigots, It necess arily labor and ito t r a i nf n g pro- were postponed to avoid "rna· Setrrera!ion Lawo nurt that these iJ'OUps nave grams." The bill dled In Senile jor vlolenee and. bloodshed,"

The U, S. l)eportn>ent ol Jus- · "Dur!ng recent years," a stTongbold he<e. tommlttee, Kennedy aald then. Uce hu asked Federal "'"''"I union report stat.,., "eacll " Libe.rly Amudm.ut" , Opposed t Man Bond JJamelt Beapo.Dslllle Harold Cox to end, daerimlna- slon ot tho Lc!gi<lature hu "One of the prime objectives In a memo to ov,.er 2:1,()(1() of Por Vloluce tlon aplnlrl--· N • It r o votcra in vereJy dama«ed the publle's In· of these gToups Is the repeal ot the. s t 8 t • ' • ml>re than !10,()(1() Finally, !be government brief Clarke County· The federal gov· tprest by pa salnc so caUed the income lax laws ol the na· trade u n i 0 n i • t s. the Labor d.eelares that Barn.elt "w!Ufully ernment askt<l Jatkson's Judge regaUon meuure•. Instead tion and tumlng the Tennessee Coll!lcll opposed lhe co,nstltu- failed to exercise law and order Cox to enjoin Clarke County $Cjlregatlun measure•. these V aU e y Authority over lo the tlonal amendment' 10 replace upon the campus ot the Unlver· elrcult clerk A. L. Ramsey and b!U. u I u allY turn out to be private power eompanlu," Al· lbe elected Board Of Edqcatlon slty of Mississippi" when Mer. his depuUil.ll from ony ac\ to union busting devices. . . • though the Ml'sslsslppl Senate with nine men appomted by the edith enter-ed SepteJDber 30 and "deprive any citizen in Clarke "In 1960 several bills were into passing the gove~~r. It declared that the as a resull of bls "acb and County of the riltht lo vote on pnased suppo•ed\Y ~0 prevent be r t·y Amend- Mi~··~Sippl Manufacturer• lu· omissions . . . the entry of account ol his race or his col· antl·rnclal plclteting. Since that Congress for en soctation appeared to belleve James H . Meredith upon the or." time several of our unions have amendment to r<Opeal the ln· that it could talie over eomprete campus wu foUowed by dls·

The Justice Department abo acen thdr removed with come tax and lake the rovern- control of t<lucation if the pro· orders, dlslurbllllees and act1 nked for an order to lows." mont out of ell buslne.s the posal wn adopt~d- of violence designed to prev~nt county oUicials !rom Voter Lawa House baa re!Uied to do so: The UaH " WeU·WOftl and dlocourare bts enrollment or discouraging Negroes a aeries ol b!Us State AFL-CIO worked ag.alnsl aaee Questloa" and attendllllce .. .'' Ba'rnett regiaterinc to vote. It oiled was adopted denrned to bo1d prapo.sl\1, whit!\ 1eelos tore· The union report auerted: ia cl'la~red with faUing · to use otancea In which eight Nesroes the number of qua11fled voters place the Income tax witb a na· "The ·reactionaries almost sue· )tJs power to keep State Hlgn· were delpyed or denlecl re1is· to a bare mlnlmum. SuppDJ;eclly tiOAalsales tax. ceeded in scuttling the State'a way Patrolmen on the campu. tr•Uon. t)le$e bllls ar<~ dealaned to keep 1J• employmont btSCll'a••• welfare procrams durtns this when riollnr broke out.

OKTIIBIHA COUNTY N e 8 roe I •from quall!ylng Certain e m_p I oyer groups session. · · • Employlnlf the The lawyer for tbe federal vote, but as In th.e ease o.f the aouabi, durinr the seulon, to well·worn race q u • • t I 0 n, the government will be Houston othen can be wed on an)'O{le lnalitute the "cha.rre back:' enemies of this program lilmoat attorney Leon Jaworski, Pre•·

0 It tl b be h a County Clrcuitl-btaclt or while. Under those • y • I em In unemployment In- took the bread out of the mouths !dent of the Texas State Bar. Clerk W, M. Henry mual ap· measure1, the Clrcult Clerks suranee. Firma with stable of llli$I5Sippl's needy" by 0P"IJ'l1Wllrslll wu chief otthe U.S. peat becfore a fedetal • our t wUJ be the sole judge of a per· p!oyment would cet mw:h lower leiiflaUon to bring the Army's war cximes triaJli· fol· January 4 •• a result ol Jus· son'a moral right to -vole; lists tax ratea, while thooe with •ea· weltare lawa in line with lowing World W•r U. He was tlce Depor1111ent eUorta lo will be posted of those aeekln.a sonal and frequent eh an c-e a re,Wationo. The U. B. chot en to pr""eeute Barnett cure that ~ty's votfna would pay 8 hlrb rate. puts up $16 milli0111o the Stale'• and Johruon becaUM 8 ~ber o•·da. · Federal Judge Claude Clayton In atatea when. tbls syalem $3 million to auppurt the wel· of J uotlce Department attor•

The U. S. GovemmeAt In Aberdeen. exiata, the worker Is, often the fare prorraJll. neya were ln•olved in the ef. eborged lhll the Starkville victim. Claims are continuallY Tha MlulnlJ>pi AFLCIO also forta to enroU l4e,redllh -d tiel a I refUsed to· tft Juatlce D-. COUNTY and the worker miDI the reapportionment may be called 81 witnesaea. p nrlment agentl examine the lawyers-and pay high le- put bdore the vot. AM: Reart.c Be Set records October 1. The reque•l Th• t!· S. Government boa fees. The Labor Councilnc· In November, becauae " 42 The Ju,Ulce Department ap. was made after • .MiHbaipplan appealed a federal judre'a ••·I ~:~~~';';~"~ to the Employment counties with only 26% of the plication, wblch aaked the ap. oocuaed,_~·~ of C::,•o.rbl~nat.- tusal to order Greene County I: Co.mmission that the ab.le'a population would con- peals cOilrt to set a date tor a ing aca ..... t m on ° 0818 01 acllool off I el ala to rclllre a p.ruent syatem be lcept, with an t:rol the S<mate. • • • Many of hearln,e, wiHi slcned by AUor• race. teacller tired after flllng a suit tncreut<l tax rate for employ- problem,, includlnr the ney General Robert Kenned;y,

Aoked WU Complal•ed ngolnst vote-r dl&orlmtn._\lon. and a lllke In the taxable pauare of the Rl1ht-to-Work A:saialant Attorney General The Oktibbeha Rerlstnr The Juotice Department wage!rora p ,()(l() to $3,800. Law, can be traced to the faet BurkeMarshallanciJuatlceDe-

etl\lared thattltle would_te~~=~~:: jcllaraed that Emesllne Den· The LerlsJature puoed the our population cuters do partment attorney John Doar. · e requea 0 -~,~~ hatn Talbert ••• fired for voter l C.)mmlulons proposal lor an th,~r proper reprUtD· They also ulted that a trial

Uon~t.o~t~lb~e~~.,...,~~~~"·i~~;:;~~ I rerhtratlon octlvities. n de· tax rote. The Labor date be set If Bametl and J ohn· ~: whn tiled the elared tbat the acllool board'-•l;~~~d:ee:l~a~red~:-·~·T~hl~s~m~e~an~s ~plead lnn.ocent at the hear-•- 1,_ relus_al to renrw her contract W•ats , • • Jnr-~ '"" tt.rar•lecll was a vI o Ia t Ion of ihe ClvU ~ · t' •· The eourt order wu • .,., covemmen a ca.. ,.

Rl•hts ~cl o!lM7. (Co•tl••«~ fro,. P•g• J) ·tt•"•thened by a ·-4 Supr·m• ot the request of Asslstsnt • '" ..... .....,.. ~ lorney O~neral Burke MarsbaU, Federal l>istrlet Judge Itar- N[W 5,()(1() vote.a. The last Reo Court ruling wblc.h aaid that a ll. S. Dlatrlet Allorney B . M old Cox ruled In Auruotthat the I IJI\lt>lic•a.n governor, Adelbert rovernor ls subject to the pro-Ray, and Justice C•ep$rlmcrnq government did not prove lis was elected dur1na Re· ceues of a federal oourt wbell ollor.neys John Doar and ease. The appeal wu filed with cQQStrucUon .in 1818 and wat he UBes llls oUiclal posltlon to don Marlin. lhe Sth U. 9. Circuit Court of run out of the state whUe ae-rv- violate 10meone'a con1titutional

. Appenls in New Odeana. Vtlb In• his s~nd t·-. '•h•· Henry wiU a p pea r before ;;;;;;.=-===----==== J (~ " gw ~ ... n. ~.


'en Lr"d' Sueet

'·"-"''"" -n •·•"•

2139 •- A-• lutteral HOllie

~ ~" "";":'.- ~~- ..::: "''o;t'~.


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LpU •t tMltoa. J•c'-


,.,. AD T .. ,. lhl NH'flt

lOU Ly• clil St. - n. 1·""

L C. c.r 'Aide P.-tt _. Gt..,.l .... ir

- JJ2-5702 Ly .. ~ A-. J ... _


Drailt'S ltfrllullln Stnlct

.u .. eo.4.t---. - ....... u .. t~ .. ...... ale>

1 Ul C.n. .. It,, J .. .._, M ....

FL 2·2903

From ...


fttrlun SnMH It O.t JI•Jf •• ,. ...... ,.u.-- ........ at lylltiStntl Jec·- FL S-MtS

.,..u.u.-J .. o,..a 1041D--J-.N!&

,., Mo.U Pen. ,.._. , __ Mloo fL , _,.,,

The S.Curity Lift hurance Co. H- Office- Jaclleo•, Mia

Ttl111h••· R 1-4954- IHI LJIICh St.

Aa01•d•1 hs C.s6 ,...,,, StrYlct

G.W.• '''" rlllclts $250.00---$300.00 $500.00..11110 .. Are Avoiloble For All Ates

1 T • 55 0. fllller 'W1tole lift Or 20 Poy.,.nt life .