Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies...

TJIUSSISSII'PI FBEEPBESS "The Trutlt Sltoll Mote You Vol11111e One - Number Nineteen Jaeluron, lti • I• Jppt - Saturday, Aprtl 21, 1962 to <Jeata hr eop, 1 Rights Legislation Passage Urged By NAACP's Roy Wilkins Washington The Un>o h1 eome for Congress ••to exurclst all of It& power to vindlcat' the Amendment - with- out hesitation or vaclltallon,• Ro y Wflkim, cltatrrnan of the L.,.cfenhip Coll!erenee on Civil )! l&h11, wa=ed .In toe1lmony on April l2tb before a S.nata Jud iciary aUJ.commluee consider Inc o blll on toot• fl)l' v oten. Mr . Wflk.lna testified not only on bebalt or the Na tional M- IIOtlotlon tor the t.clvii\Cema>l of Colored People of which he is txetulive secretory bUI also in the name of other ntUonal elvlc, lctbor, church, minority aroups and fraternal t ion1 affllloted with the Lea4cr· lh lp Conference. In a4cl1Uon to uralna enact· mont of the voler reciltrollon b UI, Mr. Wilkins ..Ued upon the Conareu to p.. maa!l\lres achool d•••creaalion, to oan d.l•· c:rlmlnaUon In employmenl, an:l clealaned to ac:ee lerate public to aulhorlxe the G\fn· era> lo Intervene, on hit own initiative, In any dvll rlahrt -- The clvU tigbU IPader wtnt African Bishop Preside• Over Mississippi And Louisiana Churches "BISHOP D. 1L SIMS takoo charge of w or I< of A. Ill. 1!, Churches In the Elchth Ep h co • pal District.• On Friday, April 8, 1962 Ble- hop D. H. Sima of Arrlca a. rrlved In Jackaon, III!Qisalppl to t•• charg" of the wow ot the A.M.E. Churches in llli.ssisllppl and Louisiana. Bishop Simi came to thlt country from Monrovia, Liberio where he P "'lded over the 14th Epbcopal District, whieh con- .WS ot Liberia, Ghana end Nl· gen. A lorro catherilll of Mlnlt- tera and laymen were in - sultalion with the B ishop 'J'bura- day morning , In order to bear the Blshop ouUJne the worb lor the ;rear. Bishop Simi dellvered lila apeninr add...,. at the beauti- ful Pearl Street Church of whlcb Rev. G. R. Hauchton It t h a llllnlster, 2 Negroes. On Stat:e Ballot Needless Killing Of Cpt Ducksworth (AD UIJodal) Anyone remotely fa l'lliliar with the curtomary adlont o1 M 0 a latii!Pi arand s;ystemat!eally of wblte men, ahould not have been l\l:priaed when the Orand Jury 1n Smltb Coun!y retmned a "No bill» in tha n<edltu tatal ihoollna ot C:Orporal Roman Duokaworth by a Smltb CoUDI, :y officer In 'laylor.vllle, Monday nlaht. April 9th. The Sherif: .or Bmhh County, delendlnli the brulol aotfon of the local oUooe:, Ia reported to have d•ribed him as an " outstanding, teruolble oUicet and family man." The Sberltr OPJ>&renUy Ignored the fact that Corporal Duclrav.·orth woa ,. ... • family tDOn W•th 1lx children, the latest born the day he ..,., onallciously sla!n. !l'heM is no justification whataoev...- for the action of the officer, the d t<"l•io n of th@ grand jury and lll(e mcnu of the Sl\erlff not wlllostandl nr. Corporool Ducksworth, 27, was th e youngest ot twelve ohll· !!ran born to Mr. nomon Duduworth, Sr., a 74-year-old blind Jnlln and hl.t w>fe, M rs. Mary Duthworth, 72, Th" Duolrs worth family, lilt!-lona taid.., ts of Sm.iih County and Taylomrill.. llllll luippl, Is known to all cilhens, J!'h lte And Ne&ro alike, to be respectful law-obldlna <lfuens. The bet th•t more than 2,000 ' "'rsoM. wh ite and Necro attended Corp<>ral Ducksworth's funeral, a\l01t to the respect the ram\J.y commnnda trom wilbin the community. In speakln; on the life of Corporal Duckoworl h, Poore._ :rt crvey .rcmarl<ed "He Wlll a llne younc taoo>ll) man and he did not drink." Some reporta bod been printed that Corponol J)utksworth was dnonk, which the above lblt<.'m etutu. In showlnc Ita dlsrocard !or local curtoms morea whleh with anny poijey and rqulatlo U. S. Army lt'nt fl'Wl F ort Rucl:or, Alabama, an in mDJtary unit the Smith, Lindsey Are First To Make Race The nam ._ of two Nepooe we. re placed on lhe J une 5tll Pr imoo-y b.1llot on Wcd n•ldu1 moo·k ing lho llrot tl onc In }jlls.- ll'Si ppl history lhnl • lm'ln ber of the raoe lm• qutollfiecl as a Dcmcom: ie randldalo lor CoQoo arfOI. I The StAte l)omOC'tDtk Ex..,. . li ve Comrruttee In an unP<ec:e- <kml<d tlosed mcelina ruled that llobert L. T. Smith or Jorksoll ond Rev. Merrill Wlnoton ,Lind· "<l Y ol Holl y Sprl ncwo•·e .q uall- rl•d lo th e Dcmocn tl a nomination. Mr. Smith told the P.retor he llu pltnned to name two poll watcht ts to hlm. ot oath volin• place In 1111 the counties of tht Concraaslonal District -. Robert L. T. Smi th wm op.. I>Oflc John Bell William• or Jloy- •nontl. LlDdae)' faaea J'rank Sni lth. ond JOIIl<'l Whitten In the ..., •• ly mea:aed Second Dillrlct. Both Nego ...,ndld>le. ., .. ....... ,._. or NAACP. -ben II! wb •ch served u pall be and bona< lfUM"dS. C/lOP· v· . .. Of TL lain Lt. Col. Simpcon, white, dueled llaVHide servleeo. IShOrS ne The Free P •• ,calla u th e u. s. Ju•tlco Department, the Circulation Manager 11 . S. Army an the CP to do all within their power to - th.-1 justl I e In this tra&ic and unnecessary kllUna On Sundr·y, Apl"fl 10, Mr. nnd on re--.1 in lllpport of t h • lltnacy tat bill lntrod•teed by kna tor Jacob Javils (R., N Y.). Tbl.t bill, he testified, "Woulll a llevlato the most flaarant prac· tlcoo of ra cial dilorlm.ln-tion •· gains! Necro voter• In both Federal and state "l cctlona. lllo reovtr, the Javi:a bilL Ia m line with the _,.,,.daUooa of the United Stata Civil Rl ahtl of an Arurican mlllcery man. :llro. Lawr""'" llu dson, Sr. and. 1 -- ----- ------ ----------- -1 obclr youncer aon, Prinla Subscribe Now To Mls- lnmf'8 !Jud...., ,_ wtrc! tho vmlcrs (Continued On Page 'I'tl:eo) ;:..':"' l'r<e Plwl - Pw Integrationists Hold Conference In Ala. ... :r., In Jnt k_.n, Ml••IMippi. nJt• U. S. FLAO DI!AP£0 CASKET o! Corporal Roman Du<k•wnrtb. Jr. Ia beln11 c•rrled to .the «mttery lor buti ol In hit hom• to' '·'" o! Toylorsvllle, Mlstlulppi where he was ahot to clea•h. Mo..,d&y n c.n, April 9, by a Taylorsville pollceman. Th< pollb<arero an d are part of an lntcarDted unit tr on> Fon R ut'ktr. /,lobema. Birmingham, Alabama-About "Religion ond the Slnogglo for Mr. Law!"'mce, flud.on, Sr. on 2&0 white and NtiJ'O lcudero Civil ntghto ond Civil Liberll ... " m ol>ln ndinl( worker lor lr•orlom from ten ttata held a con· Anoth or lt.'Biuo·e of the n>CPI· ond Mr. J, ow•cn ce ler<nce here April IS and H on (Continued on Two) (Continued on 'IbrL'<') waya to lntegroto the Doep South. Thq ataned by holding an lnteara ted raass mcet lnll the nl&ht of April 13th and in· tfgrated workshops •II day lbe loll owl ng day. It wat the flut In 25 years th at 'ltherl ni!J of aueh •l•e nntl •copo had been held In Blrft'· ham. Spon_,-rs o! the ftre the Alab:tma Chl'i.stt:-on Movt'ment Cor lluman Rl«!1t!, whlth speorheada th<o drive lor In this cit)•: lhe Stu· Nonv iolent Alhmlo, central oJIMI<ntlon of student ,Jo nl•t• throughout tht South, •nd the Southern Conlt'rtnce &1ueatlonal Fund, New Orlearu, Southwlde lnternocltl ,n.up •·1orklna lor lntearaUon. M1ln opeaker at the Mus mttt ' nA wu Dr. Howard Schomer >rtsldent of the Chlearo Theo· l oll<tl Selninar1. His topic was lho theme of 'he collforence, INTt(,(lATtm nrmnrt r.uAno - Cor"'"' '' Ourk,...,cotll alven IIXtcon AUn llt .lUII' hy Aomy honot• Whlto a comndc ,., t.rlnJ bic..v." t;.p \. Welcome! Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity • • • •

Transcript of Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies...

Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies tbat train men not to tblnl< and Imagine ar.d ~ In morally and polltlcllly adequate


"The Trutlt Sltoll Mote You F~ Vol11111e One - Number Nineteen Jaeluron, lti• I• Jppt - Saturday, Aprtl 21, 1962 to <Jeata hr eop, 1

Rights Legislation Passage Urged By NAACP's Roy Wilkins

Washington ~ The Un>o h1 eome for Congress ••to exurclst all of It& power to vindlcat' the J'lfl~ntb Amendment - with­out hesitation or vaclltallon,• Roy Wflkim, cltatrrnan of the L.,.cfenhip Coll!erenee on Civil )!l&h11, wa=ed .In toe1lmony on April l2tb before a S.nata Judiciary aUJ.commluee consider Inc o blll on llt~racy toot• fl)l' voten.

Mr. Wflk.lna testified not only on bebalt or the National M­IIOtlotlon tor the t.clvii\Cema>l of Colored People of which he is txetulive secretory bUI also in the name of other ntUonal e lvlc, lctbor, church, minority aroups and fraternal orao~>ln· t ion1 affllloted with the Lea4cr· lhlp Conference.

In a4cl1Uon to uralna enact· mont of the voler reciltrollon b UI, Mr. Wilkins ..Ued upon the Conareu to p.. maa!l\lres achool d•••creaalion, to oan d.l•· c:rlmlnaUon In employmenl, an:l clealaned to ac:eelerate public to aulhorlxe the Attorn<~)• G\fn· era> lo Intervene, on hit own initiative, In any dvll rlahrt --The clvU tigbU IPader wtnt

African Bishop Preside• Over Mississippi And Louisiana Churches

"BISHOP D. 1L SIMS takoo charge of w o r I< of A. Ill. 1!, Churches In the Elchth Eph co • pal District. •

On Friday, April 8, 1962 Ble­hop D . H . Sima of Arrlca a.rrlved In Jackaon, III!Qisalppl to t•• charg" of the wow ot the A.M.E. Churches in llli.ssisllppl and Louisiana.

Bishop Simi came to thlt country from Monrovia, Liberio where he P"'lded over the 14th Epbcopal District, whieh con­

.WS ot Liberia, Ghana end Nl· gen.

A lorro catherilll of Mlnlt­tera and laymen were in -sultalion with the Bishop 'J'bura­day morning, In order to bear the Blshop ouUJne the worb lor the ;rear.

Bishop Simi dellvered lila apeninr add...,. at the beauti­ful Pearl Street Church of whlcb Rev. G. R. Hauchton It t h a llllnlster,

2 Negroes. On Stat:e Ballot Needless Killing Of Cpt Ducksworth

(AD UIJodal)

Anyone remotely f al'lliliar with the curtomary adlont o1 M0a latii!Pi arand J~ s;ystemat!eally com~ of wblte men, ahould not have been l\l:priaed when the Orand Jury 1n Smltb Coun!y retmned a "No bill» in tha n<edltu tatal ihoollna ot C:Orporal Roman Duokaworth by a Smltb CoUDI,:y officer In 'laylor.vllle, Monday nlaht. April 9th.

The Sherif: .or Bmhh County, delendlnli the brulol aotfon of the local oUooe:, Ia reported to have d•ribed him as an "outstanding, teruolble oUicet and family man." The Sberltr OPJ>&renUy Ignored the fact that Corporal Duclrav.·orth woa ,. ... • family tDOn W•th 1lx children, the latest born the day he ..,., onallciously sla!n.

!l'heM is no justification whataoev...- for the action of the officer, the d t<"l•ion of th@ grand jury and lll(emcnu of the Sl\erlff not wlllostandlnr.

Corporool Ducksworth, 27, was the youngest ot twelve ohll· !!ran born to Mr. nomon Duduworth, Sr., a 74-year-old blind Jnlln and hl.t w>fe, Mrs. Mary Duthworth, 72,

Th" Duolrs worth family, lilt!-lona taid..,ts of Sm.iih County and Taylomrill.. llllllluippl, Is known to all cilhens, J!'hlte And Ne&ro alike, to be respectful law-obldlna <lfuens.

The bet th•t more than 2,000 '"'rsoM. white and Necro attended Corp<>ral Ducksworth's funeral, a\l01t to the respect the ram\J.y commnnda trom wilbin the community.

In speakln; on the life of Corporal Duckoworlh, Poore._ :rtcrvey .rcmarl<ed "He Wlll a llne younc taoo>ll) man and he did not drink." Some reporta bod been printed that Corponol J)utksworth was dnonk, which the above lblt<.'m etutu.

In showlnc Ita dlsrocard !or local curtoms morea whleh ~on1llct with anny poijey and rqulatlo U. S. Army lt'nt fl'Wl Fort Rucl:or, Alabama, an in ~d mDJtary unit the

Smith, Lindsey Are First To Make Race

The nam._ of two Nepooe we.re placed on lhe J une 5tll Primoo-y b.1llot on Wcdn•ldu1 moo·king lho llrot tlonc In }jlls.­ll'Sippl history lhnl • lm'lnber of the raoe lm• qutollfiecl as a Dcmcom:ie randldalo lor CoQoo arfOI. I

The StAte l)omOC'tDtk Ex..,.. live Comrruttee In an unP<ec:e­<kml<d tlosed mcelina ruled that llobert L. T. Smith or J orksoll ond Rev. Merrill Wlnoton ,Lind· "<lY ol Holl y Sprlnc• wo•·e .quall­rl•d lo ~k the Dcmocn tla nomination.

Mr. Smith told the ~ P.retor he llu pltnned to name two poll watchtts to rtp~t hlm. ot oath volin• place In 1111 the counties of tht Concraaslonal District-.

Robert L. T. Smith wm op.. I>Oflc John Bell William• or Jloy­•nontl.

LlDdae)' faaea J'rank Sni lth. ond JOIIl<'l Whitten In the ..., •• ly mea:aed Second Dillrlct.

Both Nego ...,ndld>le. ., .. .......,._. or NAACP.

-ben II! wb•ch served u pall be • and bona< lfUM"dS. C/lOP· v· . .. Of TL lain Lt. Col. Simpcon, white, dueled llaVHide servleeo. IShOrS ne

The Free P •• ,calla u the u. s. Ju•tlco Department, the Circulation Manager 11. S. Army an the CP to do all within their power to - th.-1 justl I e In this tra&ic and unnecessary kllUna On Sundr·y, Apl"fl 10, Mr. nnd

on re--.1 in lllpport of t h • lltnacy tat bill lntrod•teed by knator Jacob J avils (R., N Y.). Tbl.t bill, he testified, "Woulll allevlato the most flaarant prac· tlcoo of racial dilorlm.ln-tion •· gains! Necro voter• In both Federal and state "lcctlona. • llloreovtr, the Javi:a bilL Ia m line with the _,.,,.daUooa of the United Stata Civil Rlahtl

of an Arurican mlllcery man. :llro. Lawr""'" lludson, Sr. and. 1-------------------------1 obclr youncer aon, Prinla Subscribe Now To Th~ Mls- lnmf'8 !Jud....,,_ wtrc! tho vmlcrs

(Continued On Page 'I'tl:eo) ;:..':"' l'r<e Plwl - ~.20 Pw Integrationists Hold Conference In Ala. .~d~r,~'tr ... ~..:~. w;:~d.:; •~;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :r., In Jnt k_.n, Ml••IMippi.

nJt• U. S. FLAO DI!AP£0 CASKET o! Corporal Roman Du<k•wnrtb. Jr. Ia beln11 c•rrled to .the «mttery lor butiol In hit hom• to''·'" o! Toylorsvllle, Mlstlulppi where he was ahot to clea•h. Mo..,d&y n c.n, April 9, by a Taylorsville pollceman.

Th< pollb<arero and Ch~plaln are part of an lntcarDted unit tron> Fon R ut'ktr. /,lobema.

Birmingham, Alabama-About "Religion ond the Slnogglo for Mr. Law!"'mce, flud.on, Sr. on 2&0 white and NtiJ'O lcudero Civil ntghto ond Civil Liberll ... " m ol>lnndinl( worker lor lr•orlom

from ten ttata held a con· Anothor lt.'Biuo·e of the n>CPI· ond ~quolil~ on~ Mr. J, ow•cnce ler<nce here April IS and H on (Continued on l'll.~te Two) (Continued on Pn~c 'IbrL'<') waya to lntegroto the Doep South.

Thq ataned by holding an lnteara ted raass mcetlnll the nl&ht of April 13th and in· tfgrated workshops •II day lbe lollowlng day. It wat the flut Um~ In 25 years that lnt~grntcd 'ltherlni!J of aueh •l•e nntl •copo had been held In Blrft'· n~· ham.

Spon_,-rs o! the conf,..~ntl"' ftre the Alab:tma Chl'i.stt:-on Movt'ment Cor lluman Rl«!1t!, whlth speorheada th<o drive lor nto~trollon In this cit)•: lhe Stu· ~~n1 Nonviolent Cocrdlnotln~t (;ommltt~o, Alhmlo, central or· JIMI<ntlon of student lnt~ll'""" ,Jonl•t• throughout tht South,

•nd the Southern Conlt'rtnce &1ueatlonal Fund, New Orlearu, • Southwlde lnternocltl ,n.up •·1orklna lor lntearaUon.

M1ln opeaker at the Mus mttt ' nA wu Dr. Howard Schomer >rtsldent of the Chlearo Theo· loll<tl Selninar1. His topic was lho theme of 'he collforence,

INTt(,(lATtm nrmnrt r.uAno - Cor"'"''' Ourk,...,cotll alven IIXtcon AUn llt.lUII' hy l•t~•\rbltd Aomy honot• ~uord. Whlto a comndc ,., t.rlnJ bic..v." t;.p\.

Welcome! Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity • • • •

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies tbat train men not to tblnl< and Imagine ar.d ~ In morally and polltlcllly adequate

I . ! • I

1'A'Oa TWO M!M*'PH l'llD PUIS

MISSISSIPPI FlEE PlESS Publiabecl eVtf7 Salurdq bJ'Ibe HlCo p.jblloh!n1 <:-paJ17,

Jne., 107H WW. LYnch at.. lee--, MJ&, PboM I'L. 6-'1148. '1'h!lo pa.per 11 publll!lecl -kiT In Jeca.-, Kbollllppl,

Application 1o mall at -..6 cl8M pootap rate b peacliq tt J..atol~ MIIIIMIPPI.


SllleiMII To Mississippi Negro Ttldlers From The Jackson Noaviolent

~ Wlll1aml. • marimba The maJont:r of N•vo teadl· 10tm.\ will a.,_ In toneen at in Klalbalppl ON IIJiploy-

with .me- and dill&eDt etforll t-ard lmpi'O,_t. W ha t tather can claim to be a teaeb­er IDd a child of God without cominl to crlpl with tho ewr:r· day phrue, "tbe brotherhood ot man" and y•t IIDCiloo the ~ rupt. Jnursi'bl•, lmmo:raJ. aftd •plrltuol lrrelporuibillty of the Caesars of our timet How ee 1011 claim to be a teother In a ailte In which rt-n IDd ~ dom are be!nl held In contempt, belnr IDl&lbed, IDd allowed 1o r.de out of OW' eduratlcmol c~W­clpllr.H. Every time teac:ben and other leaden hiVe a chaneo to speak and do not. they join nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies tbat train men not to tblnl< and Imagine ar.d ~ In morally and polltlcllly adequate wayo. They become a part or the "tlo•nOthlng" conapltaq to kUI pub11• acrullny, thereby In· l•nel!ylna lhe moral paratysl• In which mon Iindo himself today.

SubleriptJon prloo: •uo per ,..,. - ts.eo tor a1x IDOillht -Tm ~nta per copy.

Ton.ploo Soutbem CbriJtW) ":: the atale. Herein !Ia the Collqe on Monday April 21, In maJor problem or tho paot, prte­Woodworlh Cbape1 ·~ 8:00 P. m. ent and futUJ't. There are _. Thlt eoa>eel1, whldl 11 !' part of talr- undtftlabte llmltaUON IDd the Sprlnf Atts Featlval - difflrultla Iobe-I In t b o Jram now. In p!'Oil'ea at TOUJI- phrue ~mploy- of tho tlato." loo, Ia beln« J?nseDied b7 the These cllftlc:ulllel stem from Lyceum Commovae. tho rlllme under wbldl wo oro

Hand Writing Pn The Well Unlle<l Stateo Dlatrlet Judie J. Sltell:r Wrllht bas declore<l

uneonotitutioruol the New Orl..,.. Pupil P lecemeot lAw IDd baa ordend clftelrepUon or the llnl abr .,...Sea or all NIW Orleans public tehoolt D4!lll loll.

· J U<Ife Wrfahi, a r111Uve or New Orleorw, and a federal Jud,. for eleven yean. bad luued the ort,Jnal order d_,.... aaUnf the New Orleans !khoota. But the tlrat order affetted only a lew Necro 1tudento and throa tcboob, Tbla wa• Ioken lnte,....Uon wbleb many or the white parenta eould not •=pt. Their I'C'actlono were a ahame and d!Jrrace to tbe 100<1 people oi the South Ond to thia nation,

The Loublana Leatalature convenod !ollowlnl J'udao Wrlabt's orlflnal order end enected tthe pupll·plecoment law. TbiJ was a waste or taxpayers' monoy and a more dlo(receful act than lloown by the white po•ento or ltudenta or the "intearated •chools."

Rore you had no~ just a low nal"'''w-mlnded pa>eoll, but a leslslallvo bo<1y or a otate onactlnJ !awl that aro clearly un· constilutlonlll. But the r .. l dl•frace Is that ilhlt body, which .& auppOacd to be ~ep,...ontatlvo ot all tho people, would on· aet a law that ony llmpleton should know II unconttltuUonal and did it In the lntflrest of kceplna plrt or Ito population aea.eaated )uot bocouse o.f their color ..,. race.

ThiJ arne stale lecl•latu~ 1ave ita covernor the power to 1tl<e control or the ochoolJ Juot to k.eep the Nee.._ Mlfelated and COD$e(luenUy In an unequal edu .. llon&l alate.

This ~:ovemor, Jimmie H. Davia, poor feUow, prompUy fnl]>bed control of the ochooiJ and wu J1111 u promptly slapped down by federal judces.

The shameful thin& II thet the ltlillatu~ waa wUUnt to &lve such broo<l powen to Its covemor to be used aalllntl tho N"if'',

Now In spite of th- dlla~ul a<U on tilt porta or a row nalTOW·mlndod pa~nl.t, the Loulllana State ~plature and the go...,.-nor of Louisiana, the d~ftl of New Orleans b:ive been Jllveo ano!MI- opportunity b)' J udie Wrlabt to ,. ck.em the.....,lves from the bleck mark brouat>t on lbelr ,.ond-. M city. Judge Wriaht hL• boutd a '"'"'Pinl Ord.,.. - and they mould arrepl h II$ any lntelllaent Individual would, tor delay they may, but DESEOREOA~. nu:y MUST.

Now this thot Is happenilll In New Orleans lhoultl bo a wnming to Missi~a.ippi.

Doer the Miarbsippl Stole ~alolatui'O, 11ow In otsslon, feel l~al II cAn legnll,y prevenl dCICIP'CI•IIon In the public ochools oi lllfllliulppi?

Will it nbdiente its powc.·• to a handCul of bigots or to Its governor or will II face up to rcalllyT How ion1 will lhe le,:isloture evmle the rtnl 1Puc7 h lhero a loglsi•lor who really feels l\llisl<•ippl ean .:<•t oround dctcgo-cs•tlnc Its ••boola?

No, no one cou td b<l that atupld I They 81111 prcuch nnd pt·oml"c ocrrogatlon in cvcrytblnJ

and yet ' ""'" poo·tlclpole In intitl(rutcd ~f(oira. lo.,or h\,;tnnt:tl, tnko the dctlic:tHion ot the new VA Hosp_ilo1

in Jackson. 1 he h iAh~.!II L govcmmcnll.ll otridliLl - both stat~ and local wet'~ t h('I'C u1 tend,ng th 1$ "Integrated a.CC-a.ir/' Now the Mi••i .. lppl Ft'\lc l"o·c•• dreo! not believe thai this ls wron1 but It doe• ro~~Cnl tho hnpllciWllon thot the people of Mlub•lppl are so llupld.

The Mls•l••lppl Free Pre•• would tlkc to liCe all Mississippi citizens hove e'lual <'<lt~<•tlonol opportunltl<o. Thla they do not bave In Mi .. i••lppl, now. h b the duty or our legislature and ~ovomor to ICC thoi thla lo don.,. It Ia noi rlllhl that they t.bdl· c:"tte their po"'·~r1 10 )'fderal Juda~.


The Silttrttot!o Annual Mm>· b«ahlp Con>po:an. which Ia <UI· rently gom1 on. h:.oc ff'all"he;i tht mld .. ·ay po''''· •\tnt»~ I $4.000 OC· ltu already bt en raiJfld toward our $8.000.00 coal.

Dlvoaion flo, I ""·' No. 2 hnve bf't'n lndf.1.: .;inf"C th~ CGmPill&r. bttan.. Uo\'• ~w·r. 1t mutt k a•atMI that t;.i,·:•f()H No. I h•" the rctge in c,·tn:tlt performance

Quot.l\ 8uJt\.i ;.~ ... \ are: Tevmcr Cnlvh•. J . 0 . Ander.

oon, L. V. Randolph J . W. Lind· uy. L. B_ Ft"A~('tr, W H. Wi"ll"' Floyd A. ~vv. T•lnh MrLnurln. R. F.. L<!<'. II. T. !'lampoon, J . V. Thn,a_ril, B. T. D~•~~~hnmp.

Abo Clcmon F. J on••· J . IL Mrorr. £cigar Jem<roon, R. 11, Millon, W, Q , Rnlnoy, Sttphon

Mannl'l')'. A. P. JohnJOn, Willie v~al. tmmlll li'l' ... J . w. Rat· ton, Willie Wri&bl, C. C. Mos­lry, Sr.

Chairman Jlompton Ellla lnd J . B. Rarrinclon with to tx· tend • h•lr profound apprt'cla· lion lo th<'M m.-n who haw worked hard. In behalf or the YMCA.

The n""' me«t1n1 will be htld on Tul'ldllt nlabt. April 24, 1882 II 7:30.

• • • • TOUWO MEif'l CLUII TO HOLD M£EIIIf0 Wl:lllfEil)AY

Tit<' Youns Mm'• Club will hnve a mel'l lnl! Wtdnl'odllt at 7:30 p. "'· for tht purp.,.., or ""'r•nnltlnp. a<'Cc>rdlng to Bob bv MrD<twcl l, Jr.

t\11 ntentb<'l'> or.. urlt'l!l,l In be or"'"' nl, {n<hod{n" Rllt)' HamO· ton. Milton Hnrrl~on, Roo•rvl'll '-lntth~w•. D~n Wl111•m•. Lernr Smith nnd Mr. L.,..anlkn.

Mr. WlUlam.J b11 performed rof'Ced to 1190 beeauae of the -.. a marim~ ooloilt .tnce be avowed palleT of apathled and made hb lint appearaMe at r-.:Jal setreaatton prt.ctlce In OW' twelve. Bo~, dua to a rta•~. The policy 11 unequivocal· dearth ol O!lflnol muslc for the ty blltd on the anachronistic marimba. M bu committed hi!" doctrine of whlta Jupremacy, self to a oon~rt career onl7 tn

the last few year~. Since lbon his frOWih 11 an artllt and pn• former bas beeu """"iderable,

Thtre Ia evidence or thb proc· resa In the lne~asln1 number ot concerts and reollals which he perform• each year. ·

This aprln1, he wlU tour the Eastem states, and durlnlll the summer, be will tour th,, Mid· w•st. Othor enpJementa wW

continue In the aucceodln& mon· lh•.

Do~q~!ao wnuama received hlo trulolnf under the eminent marimba ~goJUe Clair Omar Musser aL Northwe<tern Unlver. all)', and at the Univeralty or Calltornia.

Kla past performt~noes Include CBS television, NDC rodlo, ron· <......U In C-;.nd...!AL A.Atelu. Chicago, New York, and Puerte Rico.

The critics luve pralred him as a ... marter of his: tostru:me.nt, • ••a sensitive mlbf~:ian witb extra crdlnary k1:lutique, • and u a went whi::b will be heard.

Letters To The Editor Dear Editor:

B•aden would be In~ in know'n~ that lAst January, the til'S' •::.em Neve social ac­cion ne~·spape:r m lite hi•·tory ot othe tlate or ~lppl -lbe weekly MISSISSIPPI FRI'!E l'ffE:SS - was launched.

'fhi~ unusual pubHcatton 1w·es thorough coverage and lnte:rpre.­tt.tltn\ In eh . .-U rights matt~r~~~ :»l.­cuuil,£ in this unhapi)y ~enon ot the nation - !!U1lttt'1 whlrh h•ve a delinit" bNrlnc on the h.:olth o.r American soeiety. Op"' "'"'"d o'<'l~nllessly b)• ><Jrf83· tloni•t elements, the rBEI! PRESS detinltely neetl• encl warr-t~nts the financial and morol support of au domoc<atlc pco· pic.

Subs.,..iplions - $5,l!ll tor one year or $1.60 for tix m\l111h.t -may be I<!Cllred from HICo l'uh· tl•hing Company. 1072·1 West Lynclo Sln>et, Jacl<aoo, l\tluiJ· •ippi.

Sln~y. John B. Saltfll', Jr.

~3r Editor: With the votce of our pray ......

we muot fid>t the de\'U and hla nrmod hosts.

Act of x.o.. 0 J eous. my Cod. '""' or.d

onlY IO\'" of my roul. "'hal more rooi.UI thou do than thou h.,.l don~ to win my Jove? tt is not rnou!b for lb.,.,, 0 Lord. to d io tor me: 0 hldde. God, unknown to the g~amt p.1rt of m3nk1nd.

Show us lbe wayo of Nonvlo-1pncoe. you an s.howtr.g a klnd nf •trength lluot 1hows up thr w~,kn.-- of injuJ:ti~

no whatever :vou un to .ir­,.cl.,., "·hat !J lfoocl In blm; lrt him know th•t we bear him no m.,lino :tnd wC"· v.,-lc\lme (r'l .,

him thf" nml' •ood wttt w~ c:on1l· •i .. umt lv Ahowins: hlm. n rir1r noc:t:. '"' us live in ,f!:f\ un<trnl:.rtd in!ll world. l am IJkinst you In tn•e-r,-:ttf,n"s n:ln\f', Amtn !

By J <'liSo lhrrl•

For most of you who are -· ployees of the Statet or Mlula· sill!)l your booktround ear. bo traced to 1ft lneaoopable rear or the state by which you are pl'tl­entl,y employed. WhyT Becouae you wore born and rtar..d In an atmoapheN eharced with t he brutal alaylna• or Emmett Till and Mack Charlto Parker, not to mention the late of lome of the members of your profesolor. who have been tlr..d, lntlmldoted and 01tracl1ed by the whllel ond their own people only be-· oau.., they dared to chaUenae the drud oyatem thai we find ouraelve. llvln.c under. Con· tlnuln1 your olitlla~ce to an:r· thlnt other thon Ood and the ldeoloKfH whk:ll will belt aerve the lntt,rest or our nation Ia oure 10 ~ad Ul, 111 N~~Jroer and 11 a nation. to the dull 1101 of -rdom and llfvor:r. We mUll not Jet IIIII hopper.. It molltrl not what the -1. JOU mUll otand n- In defense of free· dom and llber\7.

Th...., of you who an: t•ochoro and rultlvaton or the mlnda of youne Amerltan~ m\Ut find wiJhln yourael- th& moral ba· •Jo and penon1l lr1!tdom to !hoke oU the eloak of porpetuot· lnf a 111tem of • .,..rolled equel !dueatlon tor NelfOOI that hM kept both whtteo Inc! N•lfOOI o I this stale In the ditch o t Amerk:an education. ''The doc­trine ol non·retlalanee 11nlnJt arbitrary power and oppreulon Is ab•urd, olavish, and dtatruc• live oc the JOOd ar.d happlnen of mankind." As a teacher you ~ re obllgotcd to IIUide young American~ to worlhwh.lle goals nf sood elll•onshtp, But, In order to a-u Ide. you mu•t be 1 first clu• ellf%en your .. u. You can­not teach American hl•tory wllhot tenchlnR your sludents •.o opprerlote our Amtrloan herl· lace of protest and revolutlor.. Rrclnnlnc In February of 1880, thl• oplrlt of proteat and l'tVo­lutlon drnmatlcally l"tappear..d on the Amorieon ~eeno In the Sit In Movemtnt. and more * ~r.tly It appeor..d hrre In the Stole ol Ml .. llllppl In tho form ~~ th~ Freed.om Bld.H. ThtM ~romat"' eplood., In our history ..,tiJ mun much to you " a 'fiMioalpplan In the d171 to come.

Th..., eUorft nfed a"-! mu..t hov~ your supPOrt. Thls mranJ that you muat rtlwe to tho;> ,.•here your dlcnlly and worth •• a child of Ood Ia libeled ~lo1"ftd." or .-lane."' or eftft ''Aunt Jere.• Do not ride the bu.._ d•ba•lnr your d«eney b• •lltlnl! on the bock •~•t._ and tf'm.,ber thai the lnterstatt Comme- Commlqlon OCCl ••v• no mOrt J im Crow In Ire· \"t'l - unln" you ott a dupey 'VIH' tlf Nfll'O wM tell• lht ~><><• ·~· ...... h. to k~tp hit lob wh•n ,,_. t"O onh, p.._1y• • few wr.nit,. •nd I• nnt \\'OI'Ih the lOSS or 'K'rlnnol d iRinlty.

A,. 1l'nt')-er,. ,vcv mut:t rta.JOn •nd lnv••IIJiate the ••ntlre l ltuA· tlon and. w' th the P~'JI~n !or ••rvlee you mutl con tror,l J 1

Ao teachers you must ana)yu human offolra u .d eJQ>re.a ideu about them. We challence you to tupport the eUorts to makot Minlatlppl a better plllef l n

whlclo to Uve oy: I, Belbt.,.lnc and votlnc tor

th- who wUl mll<e lows to covern you.

2. By openl:r ru))I)OJ'tln« an Civil R.lchta o~cartlzationa W1licJ 1re ~pearheadlng the fiabt for equol rlallls h~re In MlsslulppL

a. B:r roellnulng to Imp...,.,. your minds by dedicated study 10 u to &lve )'OUT students the reo! balls for partlclpot!on 'n a d~moaatlc societ:r.

4. By •tandlnc mr aeadem!c frHdom and by teochlnJ CUI'T"llt -tal dtanPII lhot are tatfoa place In America toda:r.

5. Star.dlnl fon>v~r true to your proles~lonal st.ndanls u ttochers. ContrlbullOU! to aid the otmute may be oent to any of tbe tol· Iewin& ortonizatlons:

Jacluon Nonviolent Movoment 1104 Lynch. Street, Jockoor., MIAlulppl National Ao10elatlon For The

Advancement of Colored People

1072 Lynch Street Jackaor.. Mississippi Projlrolslve Voter League 538~ North Farish Street Jacluor., Misaiasippl

rntegrofionists Hoi(/....:. (Continued trom Pate One) "

'"' was award or I •ellolar>ltlp fund to the Rev. ll'red L, Shuttle worth. prr.ident ot the ACMJ!R, to bolo with the education of bl1 three teen·aae children Both Mr. Shuttlesworth and hb family hove been subjected to bealln< and lafllnl 11 a result or th.,lr work tor lnte~r~tion. He w .. reotnll:r ~leased from joil.

The ICbollt'lhip award WftJ mode by I be 8CEF board of dJ. ~ors. whkb held Ill ~·an· nual meelinf btft In <'Onn~tlon wlt.h the conf-nce. The sea board allo made a subsiantlal _.ant to the ttudmt committee •o ~alp with Ito work In tbe S...·ttl.,.

Tho award to the ShutO~ wortlu ,.... """~"'ed by Dr • H~rman H. Lont. Nashvnlt, dl· r ... tor of the Race Relation• In· alltute 11 Fisk Unlvenrit:r and vlee P"'•ldont of SCEF.

Dr. Lone read a trlbut• to Mr. Shuttteowortb by Aubrry

W. WUIIatM. Montgomery. Ala· ll•mo, prtoldent em~ritus .. r IICF'F' and former d ii'\\CtoY of thl! lllottoMI Youth Admlnl!tration. WIUJnm• was un•bto to otttnd t~P COnl .... nca btcau•e Of 111• nr&t.

Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies tbat train men not to tblnl< and Imagine ar.d ~ In morally and polltlcllly adequate


.ATIIICII: C. FA ... O '1'0 '1'0 lnAX HEliE AftJL t7

Patrick c. J'vbro, .,.,...,. of the Proloealonal Parwonal Pro­,...m. Badlo Corporat ion of America Staff, New York City, w ill be the featured 1peakor at the Jaek•on Stata. Colleae Con· f erence on Science U ueatlon a11d lnduatry J'r lday, April 2?.

tlr. J'arbro, whOle aubjeet will be "Contlnulnr J:dueatlon of Enrlneen and J'h)'lleal Sclm­tbtl. • holda the 11. S, dearee Jn J117eholoa. Purdue U'liver­•117. and membe~lp In t b • ~an Aaodatlon for the M ..-t or Sdenc-. lie will •peek at 10:00 a. m. In Dansb1 Hall Auditorium.

Tho pul>Uc b IAvltccL


...... ._ eeccmlinl to Dr. Cleo­patra D. Trom-.

Tbe 'bulc ahio o f T~inl ear.. Month Ia to call public aetentlon to t b • 11-.111 o 1 gettinl anc1 teeplna t b • beat P<>.mble teaebna for 011r nation'• IChoote and eollel"' The alx •peelfic pu- of Teach!nl Career Month are: (I) to Im­prove our nation'• ocl'loolo by providing ln~1ln1 number• of fine teachera; (Z) 10 eneoura1e larger numben of qualified younc people to eonslder teach· ln&' aa a career'; (3) to lnfluenee the most competent teaehen to remain ln· lhe profe~elon: (0) to inspire (eaeben to apeak up for their pf'of ... lon and eneourwae olh«s to conoldu teocbJn1 aa a eo.reer; (5l To Inform parenll and the pnoral public O! the opportu.n.itia ancS rc-wa:nla the teacbJn1 prQtentoo, orre,.. to­

d•l"• youth; and (f) To allow that for our nation'• IW'IIivol, teaeblng mtut be the preemlntnt profHsion In Amarlcan life. "AliD for Ex:eellmee" Us

... _ aeleet.ecl u the thorne of ~· .... the llftb ennull Tcaehlnr Car- THIJID AJUCV.U. Cl.AVZII Month, to be oblerved durlnll Aprll, !862, at Jacluon State CLAIIIC PLAJUCED FOil lHI

Collcle and throu&hout the Pions f<lr the third annua,l United Steteo, according '10 W. Claver C.lasalc, 1Chod11led for 0. RobiAIOn, Director of Public November 10, lte2, are prolte•· Relatlont. •·• nu Th'· th Dr. J. VI. ~mmON, Cbalrman. si!ll sot .... actor...,. .. waa e

f Ed coniiderod opinion ol a Jaekoon ol the Department 0 uea· Stale Colle&e Committee, head· tlon at MIMisalppl V-tional ed by Presiclenc J . L. Reddix, Collep Md Slate Advi- ol the wbieh mtt with oftl-. of the &.\~dent National Edueation AI- Knilbll ol Peter Claver ln Mo­aoeiatlon tor the Mltsb$1ppl bile. Alabama. Tile IID>e bu Tueherw Aaeoelatlon, spo~ beeo,.....,. Ladd Memorial Sta· nelday, A"Prll 18 ao dium feature. State Colle.. jotned hundrecb or th.or eonelltuents In the o'b- The Jaekooo Slate Collece 0 Tigers have won one and loot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I one tn Clover Cl-lc compel!· '1 + 0 0 + ¥ + + + + + 4 tion, In the opener ln tHO, they

won ¢htlr flrat game over For Better Burial Protedlotl , , • TeXM·Soulhern Vnlve)111ty by JlOTAL FUII'EIIAL IERVlCE an Impressive 48-28 A<:Ore. In

1961, they dropped 1 11·1 de· Prompt .Ambulo.nee and l'llnenl cision to Southern University,

Service their only set back In reiiUI&r

Plowers for all Oec:aliou

"'lOTAL FLOWEII IBOP" 10'7 AMioD Aft., CJa"ntft1• •

llr . and Mrs. R. L. Drew, Owner Md Manaaer

•euon ploy. J'or the 11M2 eon· test, Coach Alexander Durley'• Texans wUI •1aln t'um!ah the opposition. The aame next fell <hould be a real t11o&ble with Texu-Seutbern anx!oua to set t..ck In th" wtn column aplnst

• • • * + 0 • Jaclcaon State. • e • * · - - - Coach John ~ Merrltt'a ehara + ; ; ; ; $ ; + + + + + es defeatfd lhe.m 12-1 In Hou-

•ton last !all to knoek them out


"Clarkedale's Economy Drul Store''

Ill Fowlll lt.. Clarkedale, )(ln.

31 a trip to the Oranae Bloe­;om Classic.

mssJM•m nu PUSI .

roo -~ ot .... rvc •m Rights l.e9islotion­ceoa~~nuec~ trom l'alt Onel -wiU. otron1 -r ... eemen! p>W•

.... aa a ..,lwult a&alnot • lde-

Hu4- Jr z:eaotlated tor -- Commltllon. be J>QiDhcl out. aproa4 dllc:rlmlnat!oo 1i1 - · IY two bouts conoemlnl t b • Spok.tUDen for the United ployJMnt, The penalty for ...a. CavU R~P>ta iuue. A!lerwarda. Statn, Mr. Willtlna remlnUd dllerlmiAIUoa, lie poln<ed out. Mr. Hudson. Jr. declared tbot the Senalnrw, bave been penll- It relleet.ecl Ia <!.be hllb unem­hlll Dad, u elway• bad brou1hl ttnt end unreotralned in domand ploym~t rate emona Nearoca some very h •plrinc Information, Inc "free election• for peoplee (twice thai of white workcf11) ~ir. lludsou wc:nt on to aay that In other countries aero.. t h • and the cleprened lneoma thty thia tint spark to ta.ke a lead tn teu and in our own 1•1111hem r«elve when emploJt d the cavU ta( bta 11abt waa from hemlophere." There to nothlnr propDKd in lais porenu and that he only ln depreeal!na "tbe oln of ella· hi• teellmOI\)', the civU rigbll wlih there wm• more like them, tranchllelllent," he aske.l, "why 1pokcamon roncluded "tbat waa

Alter lunch Mr. and Mrs. must our Covernment't tara~t not contained In the 1960 plat.­Lawrence ~UdHm, Sr. ac<:om- be alwl,)'l tho Babl'looa over· Corm ot the poiiUeal party that pan!«! thrir at n and dau&hter· ••• In a tar land? Why c!o we now rontrolt the ltxeeutive and ln·low on a tcur or the citJ. not brine our moral o11tro~:•. Le1lslollve bnnc~ of the h d·

our love of democrO<"Y and the erol Government. Seven! of

A"PbPeres. mejeiiJ' and power of our un- th- lt..,..o were ronta!ned at.., doubted cooalitutional author!· In the IHO pl•ttorm of the ~

• • • • 11 to bear upon t.'>e ain spoil publican party.• MIL PETD C. LAlli: AI i £iiD within our own borden! - II ;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WEEilWC JW CIDCACO Albanla"s 110Ul mcJI'1! pra"-10\U

Mr. Peter C. Lane. a member than that ot Alabama? U no~ 0 + + + 4 + + 4 4 4 Y + of loculty and superintendent of II Lo..Uiana is as lmportan: •• IIO.JJIIM)W SHOE SHOP Groundl at Jaekoon State Col· L!thuanl-, then the Concr<'u l"nr Cood Shoe R'Ji~~<l lege, reeently attended the Chi· ahowd aot favorably and spee:l· 11M Wlolltlo14 Jlilla c111o world F lower and Garden lly upon the pendinc blll.1." lloowl•t CoDW

show V.'hich was held !~ tn1e Although the Departmtnt of ~~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~· n~w McCormick Place ...,.po, • Ju1tlce has taken certain step• tion BuUdinl . to rectify some of the lnjustirea y y ; y y y y + + v y y

Over 200,000 SQuare teet of lmpos~d by se~regatlon, par11· FVLL:Eil PllODVCTS noor apaee was devoted to cularly In the area of tran•por- "Fino COimetles and !lower and prdon exh!b!ta from tal!on. the mll)or burden of Ina· Hou..,hclds'' all over the world. Without plementlng d-gregation rul· N l 11. rarilll ._ qu .. tion, the moot meanlflcent Ina• ho1 been borne by private FL 1·44411, J-. IIlia.

and artistic ho.rtkultural dl.Jplay lndlvlduels and aaencies~ Mr. ~;·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~· in the lhow waa the Villa Des- Wllklna aald. :...___a le' FoUDta:ln Spectacular • . T be "We do not think it lair ... M y 4 v + v + i + ¥ + + +

"Pieulnl You - PINJH Ua.• D ... L IHOE JlEPAJW.

r or All Your Shoe Neea liHL,_QIIJMt

FL 1·-

original prdeo wu bulll by added • that fhis areat bun ion ord... of Cardinal Ippolito d' should be borne alone by thoae Este ol Ferrara ind 1$~ and It who have been UftjultiJ doni«!" located in Trivolt The replica the equal pJOUCtlon of the law carden at the ChiOIJO allow ..... .. provided by fhe Fourteenth !10 feet long, bad 100 water Amendment. "Covemmen\ baa

fou:ntainJ and C!OVc:tt'ecl 7,500 lin lnlef'Ut in the upholdlnl ot 1·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~ square feet ol floor lpace. Tbo11- the Constitution and those who ,ii -sands of plants of all •hape-, would lrampla It under!oot." J f"" T

• izes and eolora w.ere uaed In Contln11ln1, he ursed Congre., JONES PHARMACY reereate <this anca•nt &arden to enact, In this session, ·•teals· •cene. latlon authorizing the Attorney 111 BualneM F or Y our

Perhaps the second moot opec· Connl'al to prevent deninl< o.' u_.,. .. lacular exhibit 'l"al the Oreh!d Fourteenth Amendment equal .....,..,.. Carden. Amona the v10t IIT8Y protection rights because of raco, ....,_, PL 2-8381 ol orchids in a naturaU•Uc eet· ~1or or ereed fn the saml! man,.. u... tlng wen many tars apeclmtM ner he It authorized to prote..t Fll!E DELIVERY !ncll1ding species trom Thailand, Jltttenth Amendmont r ight• ~ Java, lndi-, Brull, G~~Attmalo, 11nder the Civll Rights Aet ol and !=ope. 18$7." Ill LJ'IIt• Bu.& <

Otbt'r &uden f'lthlblll and And lfnally In hit Pr<'IA'rd JMl8ma, IICIIL <

their themes were FrUit • n d t .. ~u~·m~o~ny~~·~Mr;·~-~~~k~bu~~;•;al;lod~~~~~-~~· =·~~~~~~ Frolics, Winter and Sprln& Tu· lips co Around the World, A [

11ii -

Countq Carden, Tomorrow's LlliH. A Tropkal Roso Garden, Peaoe and Plenty, Japanese Tea Carden, The Small Home Oar· ~ den, A Pattern In Color, Sum· met Sollrude. A Garden tor Plea•ure, A Contemporary Wall Garden, The Herb Cnrdon, Beauty for Home and Patio. end others.

The Security LHe Insurance Company Hoifte Office - Jackson. Mississippi

Telephone: FL 3-4954 - 1328 Lynch Street

Other member• of the Athle­tic Board of Control who at· ~<:nded the meolln• In Mobile were Messrs. Robert E. Lee, T. 9. Elils. L. P. Chambliss and w. 0. RobiDICn.

Kniahts of Peter Claver Com· Aaron J:. Henry - CUlton Smith nittee members are Me11n.

Pbarmacl.lt Pbumaclst lames B. Johnaon, Emile J .

TelephoMa Malo • ·H U L<!clures by OUfstandlnl oma· mental hortieulturlsla on all phases of the art were alven tbrou&bout eaeh day.

Announcing Its Cosh Funerol Set'l'ice Golden Eogle Policies

• . '-'!on. WiUlam G\JJICord, James + e + e + e + • • t + Lao& John L. F·inley, and Jo-

JOIIIll The NAACP In Your Community

and work for JUSTICE! And EOUALITYI

Mississippi Stale Conference NAACP

• •

(National Association for the Advancement , ~ of Colored People) •

• =

For Information Call R 3-6906 Jackson, Miss.

••• :t:: •

• • •

I '



Eaeh lecture wu lllustroted I b)' eolor movies In l.ho Garden Theatre-. ~

Support The

Mississippi Free Press

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For A- 1 · U On Ellber WMie IJie 0. It P~ IJJe.

District Office - 125~ N. Farish St. - Telephone FL 5-3577 Jackson, Mississippi

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DIAL FL S-7843

. ~


Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-19, April 21 1962 · nanda with lbe lnatltulions IDd ldeolofies tbat train men not to tblnl< and Imagine ar.d ~ In morally and polltlcllly adequate


to a place 1hat ......... )Wtet, Me. We H....- ar. u Amui· .., u apple pie. We are ~Delat• .... 011 belDc -.cl llllot .u

1AUI1! IIWS 01Joar Aa.jgeiM Tbat II wb&t II'O""'A TED POUCIES Dl the cWtieu1t7 II all alloul Uf LA'UIIZL JIVliT 00 • • • •

Clarlaclale, l(llo. (SI*Ial) We uy to all ot wbclm Wr. A.. a cltlsan of America and '1'he dfortl to ba,ycott the down. 11eeee IJ)Ob the -tlmalll ot: J)VIIc:ulu)Jr Laurel, we feel that town merebanll In Clarkldall "When the Italian A!Mrlcan all ~pie ahould be treated u until they decide to employ ,_ bod< to ltaly,M

1 tint clau clllun. Tha ......

Negr- and treat them cour- "When tha German American aated pOlielea that are maintain· teously Is still meetlnl w II h •- beck to Germany," ed by the down town


··~ ,_ .... • ._ 41f.tml

Washlnaton - Conlftas wu uraed tbla week to enoct clvlt rlcbta leclalallon by doleaateo from 25 atatea roproaenlinl %~ national Orlanl&atlona In atten· dance ot a three-day natlor.ol civil tights rally which closed here Friday (April 13). The dele­l•lel vlllled their Represon'-· tives and Senator~ ~eekiDI aup· pOrt tor pendlna lealtlallon.

much luccua. For twanty Wftlfa "When the Syrian American •hanll, movies, restaurantt. ser-

the Negroes in the biJ maJority 10" back to Syria," ~ice statiON and many other I :~+~+~$~¢~$~Ps$s$~~tt~t~t' have stayed away from doom- ''When the Cblneee American dllcrlmlnallnl places here In town Clatludal&~ There are In· aoes back to China," Llurel must be done IWQ wU.h. $ + + + i 4 0 4 ¥ + # i · dicatlons now tb11.t tome clull'ch- ''When the Foundlnf Falben Tbla 11 a pievoua situlllion, DIDB Ct.lt!UIDa


IMI W ... ow wa- A-

J ........ .... The rally, apOntored by the Ltadenblp ConfeNnc:e on CivU JU.chtt. wu opened Wednesday niaht with a k~ynole address by NAACP ElteeuUve Seerataey Roy Wltltlns who II alto chair· mon of the Leodonblp Con­ference. Mr. Wliklnt <ailed for an end to oppeasement on the civll rtahta front end prompt action on pendllll blill deallnl with tho rlrht to vot~. school de•egregatlnn , I'EPC and autho­rlutlon o~ JUJlic:e Department intervention In elvll rlatlll .......

ea and pulol't are belol pres- pt back on the loleyllower and one wbleb we must endeavor to sured by tome or their wblta 10 back to Enaland where they correct u 100ft as possible. The benefactors to prevent the week came from,• beat lntareall of our nation must 1y mass meau.,. from beln1 ''When we tum over the keya be served thrOulhout ever-t city,

held ln their churebet, So tar to America back to the lndltnl Illite and nation. ~~~a~~~~~~~~~ none ot the churchea have from whom we toak the land," w~ wrote a letter to t h ol; iii yielded and oil ore open on a then and only then, Wr. ~ Pr81d4nt of the Chamber ol rotation basis for the weekly can you talk to ua about lOin& Commerce ftllllftlinl • con­Wl'<inesdJiy nilht masa m~ .. llftl. back to A.frleo. fennee. After ample time for The meellnc thb week will be RIJhllahtlnl tbe meatlnl on 1 return letter, we ealled e in the Frienshlp AMI! Ctlu.rch. Wednesday ni&ht.. AprU 18th eeonomle withdrawal from down

AJfDDrO JID'IUG1:L\t'10Jf * APPLlAJICZ ID'flOZ ~ Appll- llepall'­

AII Work OuultDteed I

I.W lla.lliMMuw ·- j In trying to po!'luad~ the was the reporta of the ~pia town Laurel. (Boycott) the next

merchants to sit down end talk thot testified before the Civil day we nce!ved a letter more

our problems thtou;h finally Bllhla Commltslon l.n GTet!rt- aptclal then a opeelal delivery:~~~~~~~~~~=~ an answer came from one of ville and • report of 1 to letter (un ... mpecl), 1, the merebants that If, You Ne- Washlnrton, D. C. by the We Southern Negroea believe ;:rc>c• a.re not aatbfled wltb t tle M-lll W . Lindaey, ca~tdklat••l that It b etaenlial to defend way the white pecple are treet- lor Co- tram the Second tha rtaht of equality naw. From lng you, you ahould 10 bock to Con..-.,nal Dbtrlet, and blo thla p01lt!on we wUl not re­Afrie.. Tbe Coalloma Coun[)' ..,,.lp manapr, Mr. Aaron treal J'ortunate)Jr, we .must not

n......, '

Tribute was paJd to &!n. l'llul Dousias ot tho Tblll'llday ni«hl aesslon. The Dllnoll Senetor .-u honored on hla 70th blrtlukr with the p,._,talion or • aeroll dllnf "hit dedlealld and un'!OI'II­promlllnc ebamplonahlp ot bu­man riahta. • '1'he acroU ball«! hlm u "otato.man, odlolu, eol· din and trt.ncL.

Alto 11 that -loft flnt· hand teallmon:r on civil r lr.bll violations was pretanted by tlva ,.;tn._ whe bed part!clpalod in the Southern NelfO'• tlruQ~Ie

Federated Council answered Henry. try to defend oar pOOition by them thus: Mr. Henry and !lev. LlndMy methoda that contradicts the

COAHOMA COUNTY rtated tbelr vien In obl4dlon aim ot brotherhood. We Laurel FEDERATED COUNCIL Or to the Ll.._,. Teat U a pre- cltl<ena believe the only way

OBOANlZATIOKS requlaite fer YOtinC. , to npzea II by edoplln& the J'lna1ly and at last 1 reply ha.• WbJle In Wublni\OD they abo phlloeophy and pra.ctlce cf Non-

been obtained r...om DowniOWft. visited the ottlces of Senotore violet nelatanee. In a letter oilne<i b)' e lolr t;~ Mid Butland. Senator The method pmnits • otrul­llobby Eeeee or U7 Delta A- tlutl•.! thlmmed th- that ale to 1o on with dlplty and nue camo thb 1!0ply. If you lba loaues that th117 _.. without l'll:rdl It b a method N- do not like the way Wublni\OD dlaeuulnl could thlt Is Inevitable In a· toclety tho while people ue treolli!IJ best be tolved on the local level wh<>teever deep--ted preju­you, you ahould 10 bock to In Jeckaon, J(J.alsalppl, That dlees are ehallenced.

; 4 + ; ; ; ; 4 0 4 0 4 y Alrlce. J>~~1o11b•~ 111• • 100<1 Jd•a and we Jt, Jn pressin( tor justdllc:e and What tuuy thlnklnllf If all w N' aoon. equalll)o 1n Laurel, ..._ aecver

the Ne.....,.. thet -e dl•ll•· LlnllHY waa very weU that !hOM wbo n:teet equality JEIOtDfl OVLI' IIEII'flCB n.. 14111 tied with tblt kind of popptna eelved 1z> Wasblnaton, D. C. .,.. pxepared to ute viol-.

otl, lett Ctarklclele even. Mr. We m\U141 DDt deepalr, ..creal or ... _ --'d ba ... to ·-... • 0 0 0 0 ...... ,.. "

~~·=·~~··~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ ~ ~ 10U. WVUJ ~ ..... J ... •- too as there wouldn't be aoeqb CALL z.L'IIZ CU Jldor. they make tbJa erudal $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ~tloll bull- to pq "Quudt ~ .tedtlon, they must - bar:

your lilbt -biD. "* F• C. • •• Wbat.vu they do. we 'IFill not

Ill lteaht.., s-t. J..a-


Nloe 'nlMCt Bed.- B-• uoo.oo Down

Small loloothl;r l'll,......ta

Nloe Llrle Lob hr llaJe

T110MP101f JMtD IWEiii GO­

PI an?t Or PI .. ..,

Harmet~'a Drug Storw .... . .,, ..

IJ' 'I'BD'DIILIVD'Z r , ,..

CA"rCHDIIa IIO'I'Oil Ula.tCBI Bow Ia It p011lble to 10 back Dn-. W. T . ....... oiU.II- vloleoce 1z> return. We n. 1 •1111 ~, ... ,- ..... n. bopa we .... eel In the .trua)e

~,.,... at o.u., Jl ... _ JQoo. l~~~~~~~~~~ 111 aueh a way that \bl7 will I :~=Sii~=~~~=~ fer equal rtat>t., The testlmon:r - tha error of their approed> 1;~~~~~~ilot tech wilDest 1Uustrata4 the 1n4 will come to rupect ua. i need lor -lment of o,..,Wc JISW aM.Ac:ltOYD CArll Tben .,. all can live toaether

leaial.atlcm. ...,... ...... In _ .. and equalll)o.

... N. '-till 8&naC Jxl114JII-.

..... JJ..I-111.

rz~UfWOOI:t Ga6' •• ' "bceelmt llerYJca • Sa~

1411 r-- »rm Pa... Dl. l-IN

Partlclpatln& on tba panot cf 1111 we the ~aurel Non-VIolent

witnetMJ ......, Bev. A. Francia Pl. 1-tCM Movement do not wbb to tri-Orltrm and 15-yeor-old Erne•· Zonla J'orle, o...n.t umph over the wblte commu-

Une. Land of l'armvllle, VJralnla, I i~t~•=•=·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ l;~·····~;;;~j;p; told the story of the cloo-1~~!1lng of public schools ln Prlnc:o $ 0 0 4 o 0 0 i $ i 0 4 0 0 0 0 o i i i ¢ o i iii Edwr.-d County to evold deseare L. c. CUll Tallorln& School For Yollll& Alen

Kolleje Klea1111• Dr)' Cleaalq,


CII.THDfO'I OftOCUY ,.._b Meall - lea CMiftl

lMI DeUoa - Jaa.- Mila.

• • + • • • •

Conic's Beauty and Barber Supply

1111 N, Farteh Stne

Pr. a.azee

11at1on; Mlu Geraldine J:dwarclt, Who Want A Trade. Tougaloo Chrialian Collett Stu- Auto •- - CleDen1 ...... t •oo-s TAILOR IIIOP dent. who was one ot nlnt Ploone 11515701 n ...

NAACP youth1 'ltl'ffilted for 1.,....,. ,......._, J...._ - W1a1i11aW MIDI -

"slttinc-ln" In the Jacklon, MWo-~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~ =~~~~~~~~ •iuippl, public library. Also the Rev, M, F. AdarM,

president ot the Albany, o .. ~.,l• NAACP btsnch, ••ho told about the movement to end te9rt'll• tlon and recistor voten In bJa rity; and the Bev. Edward Cui'" tie of Bn>wnsville, TMI\tt>ee, president of I h e R•V"'oo-:1 County NAACP. M'r. Currie, lot~der or the voter rc!gl•tratlo., dri\·o in Haywood County, rc­portod IbM In order to become a t-egistc:re.d voter ha hAd to •t.nnd in line from 0:00 a. tn. to


Box 33, Tougaloo, Miss. Phone EM. 6-6297 1

4:30 p, m. overy 'l'hundoy for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J~~~~~~~~~~~ :: l~: :o ;ue;:•J; :~: j Home Improvemut New Bomee RehabllltaUoe

"We Servloe All Maltte Of Radloo &. l:leel:rkal Appllonctll"

Freel Scott j!U*~•~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~I BuDdtn1 an4 ContndAn ; • • • • • ~ • ~ • T •

1114~ L,a 8tnat JOIDdOJf LOCI: AJf'D DT

CUTOII'I APPLIAJfCZ tat Wlllt6olorl Nib ....

.. _. Kon.,. IOMa- IIEIIVJCZ


1253 Valley StrMt Loana: F .H.A. - 0 . L 111 lfertll Plll'llll •-

ConvtlltfOD+l Jaca-. n. ..... ll~~!!l!!~!!!!!!!!~!!l!!!~~~!!!!!!l!I!!@Jo..,.~~!!!!!!l!~!!!!!!J!.e!!l!!!~~~!!!!l!~~.-w!slt!!lllh•• • • • • • • • ! t t • t

•. L. T. Smitlt, Jr., Mgr •