Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ ...

Shepherd’s Staff THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD IN BROOKLYN Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ. We seek to live our parish life as Roman Catholics centered in Jesus as the Master of our lives. We cherish each member of our parish and are thankful for their giŌs and talents, which they oer in service to God. We welcome new members and encourage them to join our parish ministries. We give worship to God in Liturgy and Eucharist. We strive to create a strong Catholic idenƟty in our community and our world. November 21, 2021 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor Rev. Peter J. Penton Parochial Vicar Rev. James E. Devlin Pastor Emeritus James J. Giorgio Deacon Michael Fontana Director of Music Maryann Chiacchere Secretary Angela Castellano Secretary RECTORY 1950 Batchelder Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229 718.998.2800 FAX 718.382.5428 E-mail: [email protected] www.goodshepherdbrooklyn.org Oce Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon EDUCATIONAL STAFF GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC ACADEMY John O’Brien Principal Marie Del Gaizo Secretary 1943 Brown Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229 718.339.2745 FAX 718.645.4513 Oce Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. SCHOOL OF EVANGELIZATION Deacon James J. Giorgio Director [email protected] 1950 Batchelder Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229 www.goodshepherdbrooklyn.org 718.998.2800

Transcript of Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ ...

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Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ. We seek to live our parish life as Roman Catholics centered in Jesus as the Master of our lives. We cherish each member of our parish and are thankful for their gi s and talents, which they offer in service to God.

We welcome new members and encourage them to join our parish ministries.

We give worship to God in Liturgy and Eucharist. We strive to create a strong Catholic iden ty in

our community and our world.

November 21, 2021

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor Rev. Peter J. Penton Parochial Vicar Rev. James E. Devlin Pastor Emeritus James J. Giorgio Deacon Michael Fontana Director of Music Maryann Chiacchere Secretary Angela Castellano Secretary

RECTORY 1950 Batchelder Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229

718.998.2800 FAX 718.382.5428 E-mail: [email protected]

www.goodshepherdbrooklyn.org Office Hours: Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon


1943 Brown Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229 718.339.2745 FAX 718.645.4513

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

SCHOOL OF EVANGELIZATION Deacon James J. Giorgio Director [email protected]

1950 Batchelder Street, Brooklyn, New York 11229 www.goodshepherdbrooklyn.org


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Please Remember: With regard to sa sfying your Sunday and Holy Day Mass Obliga on, the dispensa on was li ed as of June 5, 2021. Although the dispensa on was li ed, those who are ill, or feeling unwell, those who care for the sick, and those truly at risk are automa cally dispensed from the obliga on, as is always the case. Bathroom on Brown Street is open. Parish Registra on: Please register at the Rectory. Bap sms: Call the Rectory - Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - to make an appointment with one of the priests or the deacon. Marriages: Call for an appointment with the priest or deacon of your choice to make arrangements at least six months prior to intended date. Sick Calls: Emergency, call Rectory any me. Hospitalized: Ask the Catholic Chaplain to see the pa ent. Homebound: Call Rectory during office hours to have a Eucharis c Minister bring Communion on Sunday morning. Catholic Cemeteries: Call (718) 894-4888 for informa on.

W O C 100% .

Social distancing, the wearing of masks if you have not been vaccinated and hand sani zing is s ll required.

We have resumed our normal Sunday schedule. Saturday at 5:00 p.m.

Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon Weekday Mass at 9:00 a.m.

We are live-streaming the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday and the 9:00 a.m. daily Mass

at goodshepherdbrooklyn.org C S from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

* T T , N 16, 2021, B

M I W N 21, 2021 Monday - November 22, 2021 9:00 Joseph Sordi Tuesday - November 23, 2021 9:00 Robert Strong Wednesday - November 24, 2021 9:00 Bobbi Kane 7:30 People of the Parish Thursday - November 25, 2021 9:00 Margaret & Michael Liston Friday - November 26, 2021 9:00 Charles Miceli Saturday - November 27, 2021 9:00 Edward Donovan; Lita De Duque Kurnat; Maria Ganci-Spinazzola; Nicholas Delle Donna; Evelyn Abellana. 5:00 Deceased Members of Maguire Family Sunday - November 28, 2021 7:30 Benedict Maguire 10:00 Robert Strong 12:00 People of Good Shepherd


Our Lord Jesus Christ,

the King

F W N 21, 2021 The Wine & Hosts have been donated in memory of Paul Marano. The Sanctuary Lamp has been donated in memory of Luigi & Maria Stancato.

N 21,2021

+ + + + +

B B H We invite you to memorialize a hymnal for the year 2022 for a very modest dona on of only $10.00 per Breaking Bread hymnal. Please fill out the form below and return it to the Parish Office or place it in the collec on basket. The name of the person, in whose memory the new hymnal is donated, will be placed on the hymnal. F S : In Thanksgiving ___________________________________. Hymnal is requested by ____________________________. F S : In Loving Memory of ______________________________. Hymnal is requested by ____________________________. Requested by: ___________________________________

The Men of Saint Joseph’s Ministry Dedica on Saturday, November 27th, 5:00 p.m. Holy Mass

Good Shepherd R.C. Church The Men of Saint Joseph’s Ministry is a fraternity of Catholic men in Brooklyn that are dedicated to being the spiritual leaders of our church, community, and family while striving to exemplify the character and quali es of the Most Blessed Saint Joseph our Spiritual Father. This ministry is a gathering of men to discuss their lives in the light of their Catholic faith and to share their faith and experiences through friendship, prayer, and fraternity. For more informa on, please contact them at [email protected] or h p://goodshepherdbrooklyn.org/ men_of_joseph/ Please join us as we pray for and bless this new ministry dedicated to our Spiritual Father, Most Blessed Saint Joseph.

Page 3: Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ ...

G S C N 21,2021

T S ’ C Dear Brothers and Sisters:

On Thursday, November 25th, we celebrate THANKSGIVING. It is good for us to stop and realize how even in difficult mes there are blessings. They might not be the type we want, but they are there. It is just a ma er of looking for them.

For instance, when the family budget precludes ou ngs to restaurants and movies and spor ng events, perhaps there is a hidden blessing when the family spends an en re evening at home together laughing and talking. Appreciate the blessing of being together.

Reminding ourselves to be thankful is always easy. Here are some ps to help keep gra tude alive in our hearts and central to our spirituality.

Write down the blessings in your life. Name what you are thankful for. Many families shout out loud some specific blessings they are thankful for during grace before meal me.

Keep things in perspec ve. Do we see outside ourselves? Millions of people, most of them children, lack the basic necessi es of life - food, shelter and educa on. So we cannot afford as Chris ans to live our lives for ourselves, but rather with a view as to what we have been given to share with others. There is a whole world out there beyond us with a whole lot of people in need of our love and care.

Say the words, “Thank you” and truly mean it. We Catholics have such a beau ful response at the conclusion of the readings at Mass - Thanks be to God. In our hec c lives, some mes, days, weeks or even months can go by without telling those who ma er most what a blessing they are to us. Let those you care about know how much you appreciate them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rev. Fr. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor

As of November 16th, we sold $1,900.00 worth of Christmas Tree 50/50 Raffles & $2,180.00 Fes val of Lights Inten ons. Extra Raffle Tickets and Fes val of Lights Inten on Forms can be found in the Bulle n. The Christmas Tree ligh ng will take place on Saturday, December 4th, following the 5:00 p.m. Mass.

P O B C In observance of Thanksgiving, the Parish Office will be closed begin-ning at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24th, and will remain closed on Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.

C K The selec on from the book of Daniel presented in today’s first reading was part of an a empt to weave a vision of ul mate success for the Jews under persecu on. Exactly whom the author had in mind when he refers to “one like a Son of Man” is hotly disputed by scholars today. The fact is, we simply do not know if the author meant anyone in par cular or if this is a collec ve, figura ve image of Israel’s triumph. What we do know is that the early Chris an community seized upon this passage and recognized it as a messianic prophecy, a foretelling of the ul mate triumph of Jesus as the Christ of God. The Lec onary’s juxtaposi on of this text with today’s Gospel narra ve of Jesus before Pilate is a wonderful example of how the liturgy “layers” passages with new meaning by inser ng them in a par cular context. The celebra on of Christ the King allows us to hear these passages with a new depth of meaning in light of our contemporary understanding of how, in Jesus and his resurrec on and ascension, we have seen the fulfillment of Daniel’s vision of ultimate deliverance. The veiled admission of Jesus before Pilate that he did indeed have a kingdom “not here” takes on new meaning against the cosmic vision of Daniel, who allows us to glimpse the “Ancient One” on his heavenly throne. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

A T P O God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; when I have work, help me to remember the jobless; when I have a warm house, help me to remember the home-less; when I am without pain help me to remember those who are suffer. And remembering help me to destroy my complacency and bes r my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amen.

A T T G Blessed are you, Lord God of crea on. Through your goodness we enjoy the fruits of the earth and share the loving gi s of family and friends. We ask your blessing on our guests, our table and our home. We offer thanks for the love with which this fes ve meal was prepared, and the love and joy which brings us together to partake of it. In gra tude for your con nued care over us, make us mindful of the needs of others, that we may show our thanks in the manner of our living. May our hearts be filled with praise as we pray in your holy name. Amen.

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G S C N 21,2021

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G S C N 21,2021

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G S C N 21,2021

Sick: Sara Belleckis, Mariann Calabrese, Anna Chiarantano, Mary Dunleavy, Mae Egan, Andrew Fuller, Barbara Hendrick, Irene Holtman, John Jean, Fr. Sahaya Justus, Jim Kelly, Patricia Lineain, Evelyn McLoughlin, Kathryn Pensabene, Patricia Petrillo, Mary Ru gliano, William Ru gliano, Loreto Semana, Catherine Stapleton, Ronny Stevens, Evelyn Sullivan and Daniel Sweeney. Please Note: If you would like to have a name included in the Sick List, please call the Rectory. The names will remain on the list for three consecu ve weeks unless the Rectory is no fied otherwise.

Deceased: Conce a Cuccurullo, Patricia Seiber and Patrick Alfarano.

Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. Revela on 1:5

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Page 8: Mission Statement We are one body, the Body of Christ ...

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