Miss a Let

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Transcript of Miss a Let

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    Eucharistic CelebrationandNuptial Rites

    Officiating Priest

    Rev. Fr. Dan Paciente

    April 28, 2012


    San Isidro Labrador Parish Church

    Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon

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    ReadersFirst Reading -----------------

    Second Reading ---------------

    Responsorial Psalm-------------

    Prayers for the Faithful-----------

    Candle Sponsors

    Ava A. Buenaventura amd Ian Buenaventura

    Veil Sponsors

    Jun J. Abragan and Emie Marie O. Jadman

    Chord Sponsors

    Racel C. Paran and Michael Paran

    Anticamara Cagmat Nuptials

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    The Holy Mass

    Wedding March

    Entrance of the Whole Entourage

    Best Men

    Groom and Parent

    Principal SponsorsSecondary Sponsors (Candle, Veil, and Chord)

    Grooms Men and Brides Maids

    Bearers ( Ring, Coin and Bible)

    Maids of Honor

    Flower Girls

    Brides Parents


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    Presentation of Gifts



    Fruits and Goods

    Love Offering Envelope

    Host and Chalice

    Wine and Water

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    Introductory Rites

    Commentator: This morning we have come to celebrate the beginning of a new life

    which love has awaken. For love is always an awakening, a discovery

    which extends beyond ourselves and reaches out to other. In this great

    Feast of Love, which we are about to share, we pray that through theexample of St. Thomas Aquinas, God will help ANTHONY and MACY

    to grow in wisdom and in holiness by initiating His faith. We pray that

    Christ may give ANTHONY and MACY the grace to start their new life

    together, to live and love each other forever.

    Let us all stand as we sing our entrance hymn.


    Priest : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of The Holy Spirit

    All : Amen

    Priest : The grace and peace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

    the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all

    All : And also with you

    Priest We, as a Christian community, are gathered here today in a very special

    way and joyful celebration, for two people who are very much in

    love with each other, are to be united as one in marriage.

    Let us thank God for bringing ANTHONY and MACY together in love,

    and let us pray to Him that He may bless and consecrate their lives

    together in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. So, let our presence here

    be of one faith and prayer-faith and trust in Gods promises, and prayer

    for ANTHONY and MACY so that they may freely and lovingly take

    upon themselves the tasks which God had entrusted to them, and may

    their lives be a true symbol of Christs love for His Church.

    Penitential Rite

    Priest : My brothers and sisters, as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery

    of Christs love, let us now acknowledge our failures and ask the Lord

    for pardon and strength.



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    Priest: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us

    to everlasting life.

    All: Amen


    Priest : Glory to God in the Highest


    Priest : Let us pray

    Loving Father, when you created mankind you willed that man and

    woman should be one. Hear our prayers for ANTHONY and MACY to

    bind them in the loving union for marriage, and make their love fruitful

    so they may make living witness to your Divine Love. We asks You this

    through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You

    and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

    All : Amen

    Liturgy of the Word

    Commentator : Let us all be seated and listen to the Word of God.

    First Reading

    Reader : A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians.

    Set your hearts in the greater gifts, I will show you the way, which

    surpasses all the others

    If I speak with human tongues and angelic as well, but do not have love,

    I am a nosy gong, a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of Prophecy and

    with full knowledge, comprehend all the mysteries there are, and

    knowing everything. If I have faith in all its fullness to move mountains,

    but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess

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    piece by piece, and even if I let them take my body to burn, but am

    without love, it will do me no good.

    Love is patient and kind, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take,

    offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure on other peoples sin

    but delight in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope andto endure whatever comes.

    Love does not come to an end.

    The Word of the Lord.

    All: Thanks be to God


    Second Reading

    Reader : A reading from the Book of St. Paul to the Ephesians.

    Since you are Gods dear children, you must try to be like Him. Your life

    must be controlled by love, just as Christ loved us and gave his life for us

    as sweet smelling offering and sacrifice that pleases God.

    Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.

    Wives,submit yourselves to your husbands as to the Lord. For a

    husbands has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the

    church, and Church is himself the Savior of the Church, his body. And so

    wives must submit themselves completely to their husbands just as the

    church submits itself to Christ.

    Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave his

    love for it. He did this to dedicate the church to God by his word, after

    making it clean by washing it in water, in order to present the church to

    himself in all its beauty- pure and faultless, without spot or wrinkle or

    any other imperfection. Men ought to love their wives just as they love

    their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. No one ever

    hates his own body. Instead, he feels it and takes care of it, just as Christ

    does the Church, for we are members of his body.

    As the scriptures says : FOR THIS REASON A MAN WILL LEAVE


    THE TWO WILL BECOME ONE.. There is a deep secret truth

    revealed in this scripture , which I understand as applying to Christ and

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    the Church, But it also applies to you: every husband must love his wife

    as himself, and every wife must respect her husband.

    The Word of the Lord.

    All : Thanks be to God.

    Gospel Acclamation

    Commentator : Please stand to honor the Holy Gospel

    Choir :

    Priest : The Lord be with you.

    All : And also with you

    Priest : A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.

    Gospel Reading

    Priest : I am the vine and you are the branches. As long as you remain in me, and

    I in you, you bear much fruit but apart from me, you can do nothing,

    whoever does not remain in me is like a branch that is thrown into thefire and burned.

    If you remain in me, my words in you, you may ask whatever you want

    and it will be givem to you. My father is glorified when you become my

    disciples that are when you bear much fruit. As the father has loved me,

    so I have loved you. Live on in my love. You will live in my love if you

    keep my commandments, even as I have kept my Fathers

    commandments and live in His love.

    I have told you this, that my own joy may be in you and your joy may be

    complete. This is my commandment, Love one another as I have lovedyou. There is no greater love than this, to lay down ones life for ones


    This is the Gospel of the Lord.

    All : Praise to you, O, Lord, Jesus Christ

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    Commentator: Please be seated for the Homily


    The Rite of Marriage

    Commentator: Please remain seated. We will now have the rite of marriage. May we

    request the candle sponsor to light the nuptial candles of the bride and


    Lighting of the Candles

    Commentator : These candles symbolizes the two separate lives enlightened by Gods

    Word. The flame is the symbol of Christ who is the light of the world

    and of Gods presence from whom alone we can obtain abiding light and

    warmth, wisdom and love, hope and life, now and forever.

    ( The choir sings, You Are The Light as the candle sponsor lights the Bridal candle)

    We pray that Christs radiance will always shine on ANTHONY and

    MACY and bring direction to horizons of unlimited trust and

    understanding especially in times of doubts and trails, to assume fully the

    duties of marriage in mutual love and lasting fidelity.

    Commentator : May we request the parents of ANTHONY and MACY as well as the

    principal sponsors who will act as witnesses to come forward and to

    stand beside the groom and the bride for the blessing of the Sacrament ofMatrimony.


    Priest : Dearly beloved ANTHONY and MACY, you have left home and the

    world of your childhood. You are now migrating into new world, a new

    life. A life time together will be too short to explore its meaning. These

    meaning will slowly unfold to you and the unfolding begins as you now

    make your promise to each other.

    You have come to ask God to strengthen and seal your love with eternalbond before the church. He who has consecrated you in baptism and

    confirmation will now enrich you in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage,

    that you may assume the duties of married life in mutual and everlasting


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    Dear brothers and sister, may you pray for this couple with courage and

    confidence in Gods unfailing grace and love and to accept them as

    husband and wife in our Christian community.


    Priest : ANTHONY and MACY, I will now ask to state truthfully your

    intentions, to commit yourselves to each other in the presence of God

    and the Church

    MACY, did you come here on your own free will to bind yourself forever

    in love and service of your husband?

    Macy : Yes, Father.

    Priest : ANTHONY, did you come here on your own free will to bind yourself

    forever in the love and service of your wife?

    Anthony : Yes, Father

    Priest : Are both of you resolved to carry out your responsibility to the church

    and the community who hopes that you will care for the children whom

    our Creator God will give you, and that you will raise them as law

    abiding Christian citizens?

    Anthony and Macy : Yes, Father, we are.

    Exchange of Marriage Vows

    Priest : ANTHONY and MACY, since you wish to contract Holy Matrimony,

    please join hands to express your intentions before God and His Church.

    MACY, do you take ANTHONY, here present, to be your lawful

    husbands according to the rite of your Holy Mother, the Church?

    Macy : Yes, I do

    Priest : Do you give yourself wholeheartedly to him as his wife and accept him asyour lawful husband.

    Macy : Yes, I do.

    Priest : Are you prepared to shoulder together with ANTHONY the

    responsibilities of married life?

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    Macy : Yes, Father I am.

    Priest : ANTHONY, do you take MACY, here present, to be your lawful wife

    according to the rite of your Holy Mother, the Church?

    Anthony : Yes, I do.

    Priest : Do you give yourself wholeheartedly to her as her husband and accept

    her as your lawful wife.

    Anthony : Yes, I do.

    Priest : Are you prepared to shoulder together with MACY the responsibilities of

    married life?

    Anthony : Yes, Father, I am.

    Commentator : The parents of the bride and groom and the principal sponsors may nowbe seated. And let us now witnesses the personal marriage vows of


    Anthony : MACY, as we stand before both God and man, making public our

    commitment to one another, I wish to make it known that I recognize

    first of all Gods authority over my life which is exercised from His

    loving heart. I recognized also that God has blesses me and entrusted to

    me your life as a free gift that I have not earned. In recognition of these

    things, I ANTHONY, take you MACY to be my wife, to be my best

    friend and to be the mother of my children. I purpose to love you withGods love, to provide for your needs through Gods enablement and to

    lead you as God leads me, and to stay with you in all circumstances, for

    all eternity.

    Macy : ANTHONY, as we stand before God, our family and friends, I want you

    to know that you are my perfect gift coming down from the Father our

    God. With a perfect gift such as you, I, MACY accept your love and take

    you, ANTHONY to be my husband, to be my best friend and to be the

    father of my children. By Gods grace and power working within me I

    desire to be trustworthy as your wife by following you leading

    submissively, loving and serving you in all circumstances and to stay

    with you for all eternity.

    Anthony : MACY, it will give no greater honor, no greater wealth, no greater

    fulfilment and happiness in this earth and even in the heaven, than to

    have you today and forever as my wife with no less than my strength,

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    wisdom, honor and life to offer, to love and to be faithful to you and our

    children as my mission with God as my witness and words as my bond.

    Macy : ANTHONY, I thank you for being there for me, through thick and thin

    and for loving and accepting me, despite m weaknesses and

    shortcomings. My heart too is filled with much happiness and fulfilmentas I make these vows to honor and cherish you forever as mu husband. In

    return I gave you my promise and my unconditional love and loyalty, to

    be dedicated to you and with our future familys growth and welfare. I

    look forward to grow old with you.

    Priest : Now, ANTHONY and MACY please kneel and pray that our Lord God

    may Bless and bind you in your marriage.

    ANTHONY and MACY :

    We believe that by our love, we bear witness to the union of Christ andHis Church. We believe that we are meant to be for each other, a sign of

    Christ love. We believe that we are called to build a Christian family.

    Faithful God and loving Father, we pray that we could bear the

    responsibilities of married state. We beseech you for Your strength in

    moments of weaknesses, for Your faith in moments of confusion and

    doubts, and for your abundance on hours of want and deprivation.

    As we begin our life together, grant us O Lord to be one heart and one

    soul, from this day forward to have and to hold, to honor and to treasure

    for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, and in sickness and inhealth, now and forever, Amen.

    Commitment to theSponsors

    Priest : May we now request the principal sponsors to pledge their support for

    ANTHONY and MACY before the Christian community present.

    Sponsors : We, the sponsors of ANTHONY and MACY, by our presence here,

    acknowledge the relationship that we have and will continue to nurture

    them. May we be their source of encouragement, wise advice and genuinecounsel. By taking personal Christ-centered lives, we hope to set an

    example for them as they live their new life together. We wholeheartedly

    accept you and you can count on our prayers and support.

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    Confirmation of the Marriage Bond

    Commentator : May I request everyone to please stand for your commitment to the bride

    and groom.

    Priest : Dearly beloved ANTHONY and MACY, heaven and earth are witnessesto the covenant you have made. In the name of the community here

    present, we testify before God and man that you are now husband and


    ANTHONY and MACY, you have pledge to live your marriage covenant

    all the days of your life. Your families and friends here present join in

    keeping unharmed Gods seal placed on your bond of marriage. May the

    Lord in his goodness, strengthen your vows and fill with His blessings.

    And I, by the authority of the church, calling on all here present as

    witnesses, confirm and bless the bond of marriage, which ANTHONYand MACY have declared. What God has joined, let no man divide. In

    the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

    All: Amen.

    Blessing of the Ring

    Commentator : Please be seated. May we call the Ring Bearer to please bring the ring to

    the altar.

    Priest : Let us pray, loving Father, bless these rings, so that your children

    ANTHONY and MACY, who will wear them, may ever live in mutual

    love, commitment and loyalty. We ask this through Jesus Christ our

    Lord in the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

    All : Amen.

    Giving and Receiving of the Rings

    Priest : Now, you may seal your promises to each other by giving and receiving

    these rings.

    Anthony: MACY, never will I betray your love. Wear this ring as a sign of my

    love, commitment, and fidelity, as your husband. In the name of the

    Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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    Macy : ANTHONY, never will I betray your love. Wear this ring as a sign of

    my love, commitment and fidelity, as your wife. In the name of the

    Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Blessing of the Arrhea

    Commentator : May I call the coin bearer to please bring the Arrhea to the altar.

    Priest : Merciful Father, bless your children, ANTHONY and MACY with

    sufficiency of material possessions, which these arrhea symbolize, so that

    they use them to attain eternal life. We ask this through Jesus Christ our

    Lord in the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Anthony : MACY, I will never forsake you. I give you this arrhea, as a pledge of my

    dedication to you and my concern to your welfare and the welfare of our

    children, whom the Lord will give us. In the name of the Father, and of

    the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Macy : ANTHONY, I accept this and promise to be your partner in the rightful

    use and disposition of our material goods. And I give you this arrhea as a

    pledge of my dedication to you and my concern to your welfare and the

    welfare of our children whom the Lord will give us. In the name of the

    Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Blessing of the BibleCommentator : May we call the Bible Bearer to please bring the Bible to the altar.

    Priest : Bless O Lord this Bible, so that this Word of Yours may give

    ANTHONY and MACY the life and guide to live according to Your

    truth in Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

    ANTHONY and MACY keep this bible as a symbol of the living Word

    of God shall reign in your hearts, mind and spirits, and in your children.

    These words of God shall be read each day and night so that your wayswill be kept sure. This shall be read continuously so that each may be

    able to do the good works which God has prepared the Spirit and in

    truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord

    All : Amen.

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    Presentation of the Newlyweds

    Priest : On behalf of everyone, I give witness before God and His Church in this

    community that ANTHONY and MACY are now married.

    So, May I present to you MR and MRS ANTHONY and MA. CELESTEANTICAMARA, as a new couple in our Christian community.

    Let us give them a joyful applause as we welcome them into their new life

    as husband and wife.

    Laying of the Veil

    Commentator : Please be seated. Requesting ANTHONY and MACY to please kneel

    down. May we request the veil sponsors to lay the symbols of purity onthe couple.

    The veil symbolizes the authority of Christ. Both ANTHONY and

    MACY are under this authority. The veil is placed over the head of the

    bride and other the shoulder of the groom.

    With the help of the Lord, ANTHONY will love and serve his wife as

    Christ loved the church. MACY will open herself to his love and allow

    ANTHONY to serve her in this way.

    Placing of the Chord

    Commentator : May we request the chord sponsor to place the symbol of unity.

    The wedding chord is a symbol of Gods love which binds your hearts

    and souls together. May your love grow stronger through frequent

    prayers to God and your own generous efforts and self- sacrifice.

    Please stand for the Nuptial Blessing.

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    Nuptial Blessing

    Priest : My dear friends, let us turn to the Lord and pray that He will bless the

    marriage of ANTHONY and MACY that they may remain always one in

    true love for it is His Holy Spirit who binds their hearts into one.

    Loving Father, You have made the union of the husband and wife so holy

    a mystery that it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and His church.

    Father, by Your plan man and woman are united, and married life has

    been established as the one blessing that was not forfeited by original sin,

    or washed away in the flood. Look with love upon your daughter,

    MACY, now joined to her husband in marriage. May You blessed her

    that she may be a devoted wife and loving mother.

    Give Your blessings to ANTHONY, Your son, so that he may be faithful

    husband and good father. May her husband put his trust to her wife andrecognize that she is his equal and co-heir to life everlasting. May he

    always honor her and love her as Christ loves His bride, the church.

    Faithful father, keep them always docile to Your will. Keep them faithful

    to their holy covenant and let them be living witness to the world of

    Christs fidelity.

    May Your holy teaching be inscribed in their mind and heart. May Your

    spirit rest upon them that they may remain strong and alive in their love.

    May they serve as good examples to their children you will give themwith, and may they live long enough to lavish their grandchildren with


    Grant them all the days of their long life, and finally. Loving Father, lead

    them to eternal life through Jesus Christ in union with Holy Spirit

    forever and ever.

    All : Amen

    Prayers of the Faithful

    ( Offertory sponsors get ready for the offertory procession)

    Commentator: Please remain standing for the prayers of the faithful.

    Priest : The Lord has done wonderful things in our midst today. Together, let us

    now turn to God in praises and thanksgiving and pray for this

    community and the newlyweds couple, who are here to make their life-

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    long commitment to one another. Ley us pray to God who is the Father

    of all and say Lord of love, hear us.

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Reader : For their parents that they may continue to reach out to them, even as

    they give them the freedom and authority to run their newly established

    family. We pray.

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Reader ; For the Holy church, spread all over the world, for its leaders and the

    rulers of our nation. We pray.

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Reader : For the poor and the sick and for all those in trial and affliction. We pray.

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Reader : For peace in the world, that all may do their part in ensuring a life

    without trouble. We pray.

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Reader : For ANTHONY and MACY, who are united today in marriage that they

    may live together in good health and be free from danger. May they keep

    their hearts united, fruitful and stronger forever and that God may

    protect them from evil, lighten their burden and fortify them in theirtrials. We pray

    All : Lord of love, hear us.

    Priest : Almighty and eternal God, look down with favour upon your children.

    ANTHONY and MACY. Grant them to remain faithful to You and to

    one another.

    At the end of the long well-spent life, reward them with eternal

    happiness together with their children and with all those who love them,

    through Jesus Christ in union with the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

    All : Amen

    Commentator : The chord and veil sponsor may nor remove the respective symbol from

    the couple.

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    Liturgy of theEucharist


    Commentator : Please be seated. At this moment, together with ANTHONY and

    MACY, we will offer our gifts to the Lord as thanksgiving for all ourblessings, especially in this moment that the Lord has made for them.

    The Eucharistic gift will be in procession to the altar and present the gifts to the priest

    CHOIR :

    Priest : Pray brethren, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God the Almighty


    All : May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory

    of his name, for our good, and the good of all his church.

    Prayer over the gifts

    Priest : Lord, hear our prayers and accept our offerings for this newly married

    couple ANTHONY and MACY. By your love and providence, you have

    brought them together. Bless them all the days of their married life.

    Grant them the gift and joy of children and a long and happy life

    together. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

    All : Amen.


    Priest : The Lord be with you.

    All: And also with you.

    Priest : Lift up your hearts

    All : We lift them up to the Lord.

    Priest : Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

    All: It is right to give them thanks and praise.

    Priest : Father, all powerful and ever-living God, we de well always and

    everywhere to give You thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. Through

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    Him You entered into a new covenant with You people. You restored

    man to grace in the saving mystery and redemption. You gave Him a

    share in the divine life through His union with Christ. You made Him

    heir of Christs eternal glory. This outpouring of love in the new covenant

    of grace is symbolized in the marriage covenant that seals the love of

    husband and wife and reflects Your divine plan of love. And so, with theangels and saints in heaven we praise and worship Your glory and join in

    their unending hymn of praise.

    All ( Sung ) : Holy......

    Priest : Lord You are Holy indeed, the foundation of all holiness. Let Your spirit

    come upon these gifts and make them holy, so that they may become for

    us the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Before He was given up

    to death He freely accepted. He took the bread and gave You thanks. He

    broke the bread, gave it to His disciples and said : TAKE THIS ALL



    When the supper was ended, He took the cup. Again He gave you thanks

    and praise, gave the cup to His disciples and said : TAKE THIS ALL OF





    Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

    Memorial Acclamation

    Choir / All :

    Priest : In memory of His death and resurrection, we offer You Father, this life-

    giving bread, this saving cup. We thank you for counting us worthy to

    stand in Your presence and serve you. May all of us who share in the

    body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit.

    Lord, remember Your church throughout the world ; make us grow in

    love, together with Benedict XVI, our Pope, Jose Cabantan, our Bishop,

    all the other clergy, and all who serve Your people.

    Remember our brothers and sisters, who have gone to rest in the hope of

    rising again; bring them all the departed into the light of Your presence.

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    Have mercy on us all, make us worthy to share eternal life with Mary,

    the Virgin Mother of God, with the Apostles, and with all the saints who

    have done Your will throughout the ages. May we praise you in union

    with them, and give You glory through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

    Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, allthe glory and honor is yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever.

    Choir/ All : Amen.

    Communion Rite

    Priest : Jesus taught us a prayer of faith, faith in the Father who remains ever

    faithful. Let us now pray and join hands in these words of Jesus that our

    faith may grow strong. So we have the courage to sing.

    Choir/ All : OUR FATHER...

    Priest : Deliver is Lord, from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your

    mercy, keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in

    joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.



    Prayer ofPeace

    Priest : Lord Jesus Christ, You said to Your Apostles; I leave you peace, mypeace I give you, look not in our sins but on the faith of Your church, and

    grant us the peace and unity of Your Kingdom where You live forever

    and ever.

    All : Amen.

    Priest : The peace of the Lord be always with you.

    All : And also with you.

    Priest : Let us offer each other the sign of peace.

    Choir / All : LAMB OF GOD...

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    Prayer Before Communion

    Priest : Lord Jesus Christ, with reverence and joy we receive you in Holy

    Communion. May it bring us closer to You and help us to live and loves

    as You did.

    This is the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are

    those who are called to His supper.

    All : Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the Word and I shall

    be healed.

    Priest : May the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring us to everlasting


    All : Amen

    Prayer after Communion

    Priest : Hear O Lord, the prayers which ANTHONY and MACY will lift up to

    you before your altar.

    Anthony and Macy : Heavenly Father, Your love and providence brought us together :

    Through your strength, our love withstood the test of time. We thank

    you for being with us now. Stay by our side and constantly keep up in

    the palm of your hand. Give us the wisdom and the courage, to overcome

    any burden, and teach us to forgive one another when we fail.

    Anthony : Lord, help me be faithful and a loving father. Teach me humility and that

    I may give them that loving example you have shown us.

    Macy : Lord, help me be a good wife and mother. Teach me patience, that I may

    always support ANTHONY with love and encouragement. Teach me

    devotion that I may always be ready to serve him when he needs me. If

    you bless me with motherhood, guide me to love in the way the Blesses

    Mother loved and cared for Her son.

    Concluding Rite

    Priest : ANTHONY and MACY, now that you have received the Holy

    Sacrament of Matrimony, I counsel you to remain faithful to one another.

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    MACY, love your husband and be a good wife, persevere in faith, love

    and holiness.

    ANTHONY, love your wife as Christ loves His church. Be faithful to her

    and live in the love of the Lord.

    The Lord be with you.

    All : And also be with you.

    Final Blessing

    Priest : We shall now give the newlyweds the final blessings. After each blessing

    we say, AMEN.

    Commentator : May I request the Principal Sponsors to stand and extend your hand tothe couple and bow your heads for their final blessings.

    Priest : May the Lord Bless you, by the word of His mouth and united your

    hearts in unending bond of true love.

    All : Amen

    Priest : May you blessed with children and true friends and May the peace and

    love of Christ dwell always in your heart and in your home.

    All : Amen

    Priest : May the Lord grant you fullness of years, so that you may reap the

    harvest of a good life and after you have served Him with loyalty in His

    kingdom on earth, may He take you up into His eternal dominion in


    All : Amen.

    Priest : May Jesus who loves us teach us all to love

    All : Amen.

    Priest : The Lord be with you

    All : And also with you

    Priest : Dear brothers and sisters, love one another as Jesus loves you. And may

    Almighty God bless you ANTHONY and MACY and those who are here

    in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

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    All : Amen.

    Priest : Our mass has been offered, let us go in peace and proclaim the Lord to

    the world by a life of fidelity, love and service.

    All : Thanks be to God

    Priest : ANTHONY, you may now kiss the Bride!