Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

“Frankly if you are a woman on the internet you might as well have a sign on your back that says, “Troll me”. If you have an opinion or focus on a commenting in a male dominated field, you probably double your chances.” - Sue, DC Women Kick Ass http://dcwomenkic kingass.tumblr.com/post/30910472373/troll


"Trolling” has become an increasingly reported method of attacking writers and users online who clearly identify as female, or who speak from feminist points of views. They range from unrelenting comments that belittle the opinions of the writer, to name calling, to specific threats of violence – often sexualised and almost always gendered. In cases of trolling and harassment that women and girls face on the internet, they also work towards shutting out and silencing feminist discourse and the voices of women and girls. http://www.takebackthetech.net https://www.takebackthetech.net/take-action/2012/12/9

Transcript of Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

Page 1: Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

“Frankly if you are a woman on the internet you might as well have a sign on your back that says, “Troll me”. If you have an opinion or focus on a commenting in a

male dominated field, you probably double your chances.”

- Sue, DC Women Kick Asshttp://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/30910472373/troll

Page 2: Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

Photo by A.Currell, Flickr, Some rights reserved

“[A]fter some verbal sparring, he finally showed his true colours by issuing a rape threat. I’ve never gotten one

of those, and I was a bit shaken, yes, despite knowing it was nothing to worry about. But it didn’t stop there.

The next night, the guy sent in one of his trolls to harass me. I woke up to my phone constantly beeping with notifications as the troll proceeded to write obscene

comments all over my Facebook, on my cover photos, public posts, profile picture, whatever he could find.”

- Ghausia Rashid Salam, My first (won’t be my last) cyber-rape threat


Page 3: Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

“I was only able to make a connection once all of them started to send me similar threats and messages. They

started sending me rape threats in mid June 2012, it was the same period that they tried to hack my

personal and professional accounts to remove the information that I published about them on internet and social media. I reported them during the same time in

July 2012 to FIA.” - Ayesha, Ayesha’s story


Photo by victoriapeckham, Flickr, Some rights reserved

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“My own 'mentions' tab on Twitter is generally flooded with unoriginal misogynist, heteronormative responses, ranging all the way from claims that I'm a feminist because I'm ‘too ugly to land a man’ to claims that I'm actually a ‘confused lesbian’, all the way to threats of ‘corrective rape’ because I choose to tweet -- just tweet

-- about issues such as childhood sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexualised violence. I've received vile, detailed messages from random strangers who decide to tell me my home address and then live out their rape fantasies online by telling me

in graphic detail which parts of my body they would like to do things to.”

- Urooj Zia, She's begging to be raped – Twitterverse for Feminists in Pakistan!


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Photo by tiegeltuf, FlickrSome rights reserved

“Comments about me. About my kids. Accusations about me. Homophobic

comments. Abelist Comments. And, of course, rape. Just charming.”

“All told he used, that I can find in my records, 70 + emails and IP addresses on my blog. I know I just deleted many more. And of

course there the many, many names off the blog where he’d show up where ever my name was mentioned on the internet to post

about me under one his many aliases. If I did an interview? He was there. If some site linked to something I wrote? He was there. When

Kelly and I did the podcast, he was there. He was more subtle in those places. Mostly. There was still the palatable nutsy rage but

without the sexual or abusive language.”

- Sue, DC Women Kick Asshttp://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/30910472373/troll

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“When text threats are not enough harassers will resort to pornographic drawings as weapons to make sure their threats of

sexual assault are clear. These are just two of the many rape drawings featuring my likeness which have been spammed to my email, posted to my Facebook page and sent through other social

media like Twitter and YouTube.”- Anita, Image Based Harassment and Visual Misogynyhttp://www.feministfrequency.com/2012/07/image-based-harassment-and-visual-misogyny/

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On July 5th 2012 an interactive domestic abuse style “game” entitled “Beat Up Anita Sarkeesian” was uploaded to the NewGrounds website by one of the site’s

users. It invited players to “punch this bitch in the face” and with each click a photoshopped image of me would become progressively more bloody and battered

until the screen turned completely red.

- Anita, Image Based Harassment and Visual Misogynyhttp://www.feministfrequency.com/2012/07/image-based-harassment-and-visual-misogyny/

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Photo by nicolas - نيكولس, Flickr, Some rights reserved

“I do not understand how these men can so easily, so casually, threaten to rape a woman. How can they possibly think it’s no big deal if a woman’s body is

violated against her will? Even if they do not understand the psychological trauma of rape victims, surely they

must be aware of how terrible rape is! The guy initially attacked me for criticizing religion, this religion he’s so quick to defend, does it really say it is okay to rape a


- Ghausia Rashid Salam, My first (won’t be my last) cyber-rape threat


Page 9: Misogyny online | Freedom of expression & violence

So for anyone who thinks that ignoring a troll makes them go away? It doesn’t. And anyone

who thinks this is a matter of using the banning button or block or ignore button? It isn’t. And

for anyone who thinks that if you don’t talk about it you can keep the troll under control? It


- Sue, DC Women Kick Asshttp://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/30910472373/troll

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“This is about the internet. And no, I’m not leaving the internet to let anyone win. [...] Sometimes I would get sad when I was batting

away dozens of hate-filled things while in my timeline my male comedian friends were just joking along having fun - as we all should be. And I felt like I was alone on the playground and I

wanted them to speak up for me. [..]”

“I wanted my male comedian friends to write, in public, about things they have expressed to me in private about how much they feel for the women in their life who are still spoken to this way”

- Jen, Let’s drown out the bad voices (revised)


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“The problem is very real. Misogyny is very real. Violence against women, cyber violence against women, cyber harassment, is very real. Until we

acknowledge this, it will continue on in this form, and no solution will be found as long as

keep denying its existence.”

- Ghausia Rashid Salam, My first (won’t be my last) cyber-rape threat
