Miraculous Combination That Cures Headaches and Migraines


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Miraculous Combination That Cures Headaches and Migraines

Transcript of Miraculous Combination That Cures Headaches and Migraines

Miraculous Combination that Cures Headaches and Migraines

Miraculous Combination that Cures Headaches and Migraines

February 17, 2014Healthy Drinks,Light Meals,Natural Remedies,Recipes with Health BenefitsNo comments

Instead of immediately taking painkillers whenever a headache appears, try replacing them with more natural solution.Headaches can be really frustrating especially if they intervene with your daily activities so all your plans are eventually ruined.

Before switching to different food type, keep in mind that the best thing you can do is to keep your body hydrated enough as dehydration can often be the main reason for headache. Taking this into account, 8 glasses of water and freshly squeezed juices are obligatory in your diet.

Furthermore, you shouldnt skip meals, as regular meals enable stable level of blood sugar which substantially decreases the chances for serious headache.

Avoid coffee and chocolate as caffeine is known to trigger headaches and to speed up the onset of migraines.

Being rich source of magnesium and potassium, banana often tops the charts featuring pain relief foods when it comes to stress-related or tension headaches.

Apple is abundant in flavonoids which can cure even the most persistent migraine.

Most common reason for headache is muscular tension and the best way to soothe it is the consumption of citrus fruits. Regarded as a great source of vitamin C, oranges can alleviate the pain that headache causes.

Cherries and ginger are referred to as anti-inflammatory foods which significantly alleviates the pain so they are really beneficial for the treatment of chronic headaches.

Almond milk is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which are appropriate as prevention from developing severe headache.

So, if you suffer from mild headache or horrible migraine this miraculous combination can do wonders for you in terms of easing the pain

Ingredients: 1 banana 1 apple 1/3 cup ripen cherries 1 orange a thumb size ginger 1/3 cup walnut or almond milkPreparation:First you need to do is to peel the apple and then grate it together with the ginger. Add the freshly squeezed orange juice and let this stay for 5 minutes. Place this in a blender together with the remaining ingredients and turn on the power. Blend for several seconds and the result you get will be irresistible light purple smoothie. Enjoy!