Miracles of the World

 These are 4 of 7 Wonders in the World which is Chosen in Y ear of 2007 Ocially Machu Picchu was discovered in 111 !y "#erican e$%lorer&historian 'ira# (in)ha#* +ince then it has !eco#e the World&wide renowned #ystery travel destination that we ,now today* -n 2007 Machu Picchu was voted one of the ./ew 7 Wonders of the World.* (y 17 thirty %ercent of Machu Picchu had !een restored* The restoration wor, continues to this day* Chichen -ta was a #a3or focal %oint in the northern Maya lowlands fro# the ate Classic throu)h the T er#inal Classic and into the early %ortion of the 5arly Postclassic %eriod* The land under the #onu#ents had !een %rivately&owned until 2 March 2010 when it was %urchased !y the state of  Yucat 6n* The site e$hi!its a #ultitude of architectur al styles fro# what is called -n the Me$ican Ori)in8 and r e#iniscent of styles seen in central Me$ico to the Puuc style found a#on) the Puuc Maya of the northern lowlands*  The Colosseum or the Coliseum ori)inally the Flavian Amphitheatre 9atin: "#%hitheatru# ;laviu# -talian "n<teatro ;lavio or Colosseo= is an elli%tical a#%hitheatre in the centre of the city of >o#e -taly the lar)est ever !uilt in the >o#an 5#%ire* -t is considered one of the )reatest wor,s of >o#an architecture and >o#an en)ineerin)* "fter 2 years of the Coliseu# is used as a venue na#ed ?es%asian@s youn)est son Ao#itian ordered to construct an under)round area 9'y%o)eu#= two levels of under)round lines in the for# of interconnected tunnels and ca)es where )ladiators and ani#als were %laced !efore the <)ht !e)ins* Breat Pyra#id of Bia is the oldest and lar)est %yra#i d of the three %yra#ids at Bia necro%olis and is the onl y !uildin) that was still %art of the +even Wonders of the World* " few hundred #eters to the southwest Breat Pyra#id there is a sli)htly s#aller %yra#id the Pyra#id of hafre one of hufu@s successors who is also re)arded as the !uilder of the Breat +%hin$ and a few yards farther to the southwest is the Pyra#id of Men,aure hafre@s successor the %yra#id hei)ht of a!out half of it* 5sti#ated co#%letion ti#e of the Pyra#ids is a)reed a!out the year 2D0 (C* hufu@s viier 'e#on or 'e#iunu !elieved to !e the architect of the Breat Pyra#id*

Transcript of Miracles of the World

7/23/2019 Miracles of the World

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 These are 4 of 7 Wonders in the World which is Chosen in Year of 2007

Ocially Machu Picchu was discovered in 111 !y "#erican e$%lorer&historian 'ira# (in)ha#* +ince then it has !eco#e the World&widerenowned #ystery travel destination that we ,now today* -n 2007 Machu Picchu was voted one of the ./ew 7 Wonders of the World.* (y 17thirty %ercent of Machu Picchu had !een restored* The restoration wor, continues to this day*

Chichen -ta was a #a3or focal %oint in the northern Maya lowlands fro# the ate Classic throu)h the Ter#inal Classic and into the early %ortion ofthe 5arly Postclassic %eriod* The land under the #onu#ents had !een %rivately&owned until 2 March 2010 when it was %urchased !y the state of Yucat6n* The site e$hi!its a #ultitude of architectural styles fro# what is called -n the Me$ican Ori)in8 and re#iniscent of styles seen in centralMe$ico to the Puuc style found a#on) the Puuc Maya of the northern lowlands*

 The Colosseum or the Coliseum ori)inally the Flavian Amphitheatre 9atin: "#%hitheatru# ;laviu# -talian "n<teatro ;lavio orColosseo= is an elli%tical a#%hitheatre in the centre of the city of >o#e -taly the lar)est ever !uilt in the >o#an 5#%ire* -t is considered oneof the )reatest wor,s of >o#an architecture and >o#an en)ineerin)* "fter 2 years of the Coliseu# is used as a venue na#ed ?es%asian@syoun)est son Ao#itian ordered to construct an under)round area 9'y%o)eu#= two levels of under)round lines in the for# of interconnectedtunnels and ca)es where )ladiators and ani#als were %laced !efore the <)ht !e)ins*

Breat Pyra#id of Bia is the oldest and lar)est %yra#id of the three %yra#ids at Bia necro%olis and is the only !uildin) that was still %artof the +even Wonders of the World* " few hundred #eters to the southwest Breat Pyra#id there is a sli)htly s#aller %yra#id the Pyra#id ofhafre one of hufu@s successors who is also re)arded as the !uilder of the Breat +%hin$ and a few yards farther to the southwest is the Pyra#idof Men,aure hafre@s successor the %yra#id hei)ht of a!out half of it*5sti#ated co#%letion ti#e of the Pyra#ids is a)reed a!out the year 2D0 (C*hufu@s viier 'e#on or 'e#iunu !elieved to !e the architect of the Breat Pyra#id*

7/23/2019 Miracles of the World

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