Page 1 of 5 OPEN SESSION: There were two members of public present who wished to speak on items not on the agenda (see attached notes). MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL Held on Wednesday 30 th July 2014 at 7.00pm PRESENT: Cllr B Woodifield (Town Mayor) Cllr M Thierry (Deputy Town Mayor) Cllr N J Chard Cllr L C Ford Cllr J D Heron Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine Cllr B H Terry Cllr J Terry Cllr A Wiseman IN ATTENDANCE: Mr S Nash, Town Clerk Mrs J Hurd, Deputy Town Clerk The Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Burgess- Kennar, Cllr Frampton, Cllr G J O’Reilly and Cllr S M Stokes. C/5572 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were none. As Mr Wickens was interested in agenda item 7 – historic lamp posts, with the agreement of Members, this item was brought forward. C/5573 HISTORIC LAMP POSTS Members considered the Town Clerk’s report (Annex A). It was noted that some historic lamp posts had already been removed by SSE under the PFI street lighting contract, and that these had been badly damaged. There were 4 lamp posts remaining, and the Town Clerk had posted temporary signs on these to prevent them from being removed. Cllr Heron was of the understanding that lamps of historic interest had been identified prior to work starting on the PFI contract and that it had been agreed to leave these in situ. However, this did not appear to have been communicated to SSE. RESOLVED: 1) That strong representation be made to Hampshire County Council to ensure that the remaining 4 historic lamp posts were left in situ and; 2) That funding be sought via compensation from SSE to repair those lamp posts that had already been removed and restore those remaining. C/5574 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 25 th June 2014 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 8 th July 2014, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


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OPEN SESSION: There were two members of public present who wished to speak on items not on the agenda (see attached notes). MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF RINGWOOD TOWN COUNCIL Held on Wednesday 30th July 2014 at 7.00pm PRESENT: Cllr B Woodifield (Town Mayor)

Cllr M Thierry (Deputy Town Mayor) Cllr N J Chard Cllr L C Ford Cllr J D Heron Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine Cllr B H Terry Cllr J Terry Cllr A Wiseman IN ATTENDANCE: Mr S Nash, Town Clerk

Mrs J Hurd, Deputy Town Clerk The Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Burgess-Kennar, Cllr Frampton, Cllr G J O’Reilly and Cllr S M Stokes. C/5572 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were none. As Mr Wickens was interested in agenda item 7 – historic lamp posts, with the agreement of Members, this item was brought forward. C/5573 HISTORIC LAMP POSTS Members considered the Town Clerk’s report (Annex A). It was noted that some historic lamp posts had already been removed by SSE under the PFI street lighting contract, and that these had been badly damaged. There were 4 lamp posts remaining, and the Town Clerk had posted temporary signs on these to prevent them from being removed. Cllr Heron was of the understanding that lamps of historic interest had been identified prior to work starting on the PFI contract and that it had been agreed to leave these in situ. However, this did not appear to have been communicated to SSE. RESOLVED:

1) That strong representation be made to Hampshire County Council to ensure that the remaining 4 historic lamp posts were left in situ and;

2) That funding be sought via compensation from SSE to repair those lamp posts that had already been removed and restore those remaining.

C/5574 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 25th June 2014 and the Extraordinary

meeting held on 8th July 2014, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.

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C/5575 RECREATION, LEISURE AND OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE Cllr Terry presented the minutes of the Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 2nd July 2014. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee

meeting held on 2nd July 2014 be received. C/5576 PLANNING, TOWN & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Cllr Chard presented the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting held on 4th July 2014. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting

held on 4th July 2014 be received. C/5577 POLICY & FINANCE COMMITTEE Cllr Heron presented the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16th July 2014. It was noted that Cllr Rippon-Swaine had given apologies for this meeting. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 16th July

2014 be received and the recommendations therein be approved. C/5578 ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2014 RESOLVED:

1) That the actual income and expenditure accounts for 2013/14 and balance sheet as at 31 March 2014 as shown in Annex B be approved.

2) That the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31st March 2014, as shown in Annex C, be approved.

C/5579 CHRISTMAS EVENT Members considered the Town Clerk’s report (Annex D) and viewed an example of one of the new candle lanterns proposed. Cllr Heron felt that these would be a fantastic addition to the existing lights, which would all be changed to white and blue, and congratulated the Town Clerk on the proposals. It was noted that the agreed budget for Christmas was £10,000. Any additional expenditure would be subject to the receipt of grants and sponsorship. With the support of local businesses, it might be possible to extend the lights into areas not currently covered such as West Street and parts of Christchurch Road and Southampton Road. Any additional income sought not outlined in the report would be first discussed by the Christmas Lights Working Party and reported back to Policy & Finance Committee. Cllr Chard suggested that Waitrose be approached to include the Town’s Christmas Lights in their Community Matters token scheme. All Members agreed this was a good idea.

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RESOLVED: 1) That the proposals outlined in the Town Clerk’s report be approved. 2) That Waitrose be asked to consider including the Town’s Christmas Lights in their

Community Matters token scheme. C/5580 RECOMMENDATION FROM SHEERIN & BETTLE ARCHITECTS This item related to quotes for the production of a technical document for the electrical specification for The Place. However, no report had been received from Sheerin & Bettle. RESOLVED: That this item be deferred to a future meeting, pending receipt of further

information. C/5581 PEDESTRIAN GATE AT CARVERS DROP-IN Members considered the Town Clerk’s report (Annex E). Cllr Heron said that the Council had previously discussed the inclusion of an external toilet for public use on the new youth building but had agreed not to proceed with this as the building was for the exclusive use of young people, and this might have caused conflict. In his opinion, if the drop-in toilet was opened up for public use on a temporary basis during the summer, which was the purpose of installing a new gate to facilitate this, the public would expect this arrangement to continue when the new building was complete and would be disappointed when the facility was ‘taken away’. Cllr Wiseman supported the concept of shared use, as it would still be benefitting young people, albeit accompanied by their parents or carers. It was suggested that the external toilet at the pavilion could be better promoted for public use, although it was not currently easily accessible from the play area. Cllr Wiseman proposed that a new pedestrian gate be installed to provide access to the toilet at the youth drop-in, and this was seconded by Cllr Mrs Terry. Members voted 5 to 4 against this proposal. RESOLVED: That a pedestrian gate be not provided at the Youth Drop-In at Carvers. C/5882 APPROVAL OF PWLB LOAN The Town Clerk reported that the Public Works Loan Board had approved a loan of £250,000 for the purchase of land at Long Lane. RESOLVED: That this information be noted. C/5583 COMMUNICATIONS TO BE RECEIVED The Town Mayor reported that the Town Clerk had successfully obtained two grants totalling £2,280 from the New Forest Community Safety Operational Joint Action Group and the District Council’s Sport and Play Development Fund for Diversionary Activities to support activities for young people during the summer holidays and later into the year.

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The Town Clerk had also made applications to the Police and Crime Commissioner; one for £15,000 to support youth activities and staffing and the other for £100,000 towards The Place. The Town Mayor also reported that she had attended the Pedal Car Grand Prix, which had been a great success; she had presented a grant aid cheque to 3 Troop Fordingbridge, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Army Cadet Force; and had raised £300 for her chosen charity, the Stable Family Home Trust, by holding a Pampered Chef lunch. C/5584 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Councillor Rippon-Swaine presented his written report (Annex F). Cllr Wiseman asked when the Crow Stream Improvement works were scheduled to start and whether the County Council would be carrying out the works they were responsible for. She was particularly concerned about the widening of the bridge by Solent Coaches and repair of the road edges in the Sandford area. The Deputy Town Clerk confirmed that work on the Crow Stream Improvements would begin week commencing 4th August. A site meeting had been held with the County Council last week and feedback from this meeting would be requested. Cllr Rippon-Swaine suggested that Solent Coaches should have obtained permission from the Environment Agency for the work; the Deputy Town Clerk agreed to look in to this. District Councillor Thierry reported that he and three other Members had met with representatives of Wilts & Dorset Bus Company to develop a better understanding of the new Ringo route around town. District Councillor Ford summarised the activities she had been involved with during the month, including opening the new headquarters of the 3rd Ringwood Scout group’ which was a wonderful new facility. District Councillor Heron reported that the Mitigation Strategy for European Sites SPD had now been adopted by the Council. He also made reference to the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, which would allow any person attending a public local government meeting to take photographs, film or audio record the proceedings, and which would come into force the end of the month. The Town Council would need to agree a protocol to manage this and it was noted that the Town Clerk was currently working on this document. Cllr Thierry suggested that it might be appropriate for all Council meetings to be recorded in future. Finally, Cllr Heron reported that letters were being sent to electors about the new electoral registration procedures. Cllr Wiseman pointed out that electors now needed to opt out of the public register if they did not wish their details to be sold on for marketing purposes. C/5585 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Recreation, Leisure & Open Spaces 7.00pm Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Planning, Town & Environment 10.00am Friday 1st August, Friday 5th September Policy & Finance 7.00pm Wednesday 17th September 2014 Full Council 7.00pm Wednesday 24th September 2014 C/5586 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it

was advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw – Confidential Annex G.

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C/5587 FUTURE PLANNING OF EVENTS IN THE TOWN The Town Mayor reported that new procedures had been put in place with the Town Clerk for the organisation of events and improved communication with Members. Members discussed the use of banners to advertise local events and Cllr Thierry indicated that he would put forward a motion for discussion at the next Full Council meeting. RESOLVED: That the information be noted. There being no further business, the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.17pm. APPROVED 24th September 2014 TOWN MAYOR

Full Council – 30th July 2014 OPEN SESSION Mr Ring addressed the Council on behalf of the Hightown Hill Residents Association and A Better Ringwood Group in relation to the RING3 site. The main concern of both groups was the increase in traffic that would be generated by development of the site and how it was proposed to manage this. Representation had been made to the Highways Agency, which appeared to have a complete lack of understanding of existing traffic issues and the problems that could arise as a result of increased traffic, particularly with regard to the Eastfield Lane and Picket Post junctions with the A31, on Hightown Hill and other local roads that were not fit to cope with any additional traffic. The groups had corresponded with Desmond Swayne MP and, as a result, the Secretary of State was considering the planning application. The MP had encouraged local groups to make direct representation to the Secretary of State and Mr Ring asked if the Council would consider this. Members agreed to include an item on the agenda for the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting on 5th September. It was also noted that there was a strong lobby within the Hightown Hill Residents Association for complete closure of the Picket Hill junction with the A31. Mr Jeff Wickens, of the Ringwood Society, fully supported the views of Mr Ring and added that the Society was also concerned about the effect of additional traffic in Christchurch Road and the Conservation Area. He brought to Members attention the new road markings on the Ashley Heath roundabout. Lanes had been reduced from three to two and it appeared to have restricted traffic flow. He asked if a question could be asked of Dorset County Council to see if the change had brought about any improvement. Mr Wickens informed Members of an exhibition in the Meeting House on the Ringwood men who had fallen in World War 1. The Meeting House Association wished to carry out more work on this subject and were seeking help with expenses for photocopying etc. The Town Mayor encouraged the Association to submit a grant application for consideration by the Council.


30th July 2014

Ringwood Lamp Posts 1. Introduction Following the PFI initiative to replace all the lamp posts in Ringwood it was recommended by this council that the older more historic posts should be saved when the replacements were installed. While no figure was set on how many, some of these posts were made by a local company in Ringwood and it was felt they should be preserved. This information was fed up to NFDC in 2012 but appears to have failed to reach Hampshire Council who are dealing with the contract and contractors. Subsequently many of the posts have been taken away for scrap and lost to Ringwood forever. However, members of the Ringwood Society have identified 4 remaining posts which could still be saved if prompt action is taken and could be restored at a later date. 2. Removal While every care is taken to remove the posts, many of them were ‘cast,’ which is very brittle to handle. Given the machinery that is used to lift these items is not pressure sensitive there may be irreparable damage caused during their liberation. At this point it would not be unreasonable to allow them to be taken away by the contractor. 3. Intact If the post can be removed intact they could be stored for the future awaiting refurbishment. Once refurbished, they might be placed back in an appropriate site(s) as part of the living history of the town such as Jubilee Gardens or even the cemetery. 4. Costs It would cost nothing for the Town Council to store one or more of these posts at one of the maintenance yards until funds could be identified to undertake the work necessary. This might be through grants, budget allocation or through work by local volunteers identified by the Ringwood Society. Town Clerks Recommendation That the Town Council attempts to recover those remaining lamp posts and seeks funding via grants to restore them to their former glory and have them re-installed at a site to be confirmed. For further information please contact: Steve Nash Town Clerk 01425 484720 [email protected]

Annex A

Annex B
Annex C

CHRISTMAS EVENT TO FULL TOWN COUNCIL COMMITTEE 30th July 2014 Christmas Lights Event Saturday 6th December 2014

1. Introduction 1.1 The Town Council has invested significant funds into the Christmas Lights event this year

both to improve the lights and show the town off to others and get people involved. With time in hand to apply for grants and sponsorship there have already been some noticeable successes and the hope is to sustain this going forward.

1.2 The current lights are owned by the Town Council and the council pays a fee to a contractor

to erect the lights and take them down annually. These lights are old and require attention and if the lights are to be effective in drawing people into town they need to be augmented by additional purchases within the prescribed budget.

1.3 In addition, the layout of the town means that unless people are actually stood on the town

centre high street they would not know that there are Christmas Lights in the town or any type of activity taking place. This can be resolved with some simple additions to trees around the Furlong Car Park.

2. The Lights 2.1 To create a theme for the town and to provide a crisper more ‘up market’ feel, we have gone

for a white light and blue accessory look which will be run out to every local shop participating in a ‘Shop Window’ competition, the Town Centre Display and The Furlong’s own shops. The existing Festoon Lighting is antique, ‘dated at best’. To make use of the lights and improve their look to fit with new lighting the ‘tinsel’ will be removed from the wiring and the bulbs replaced with a mixture of white and soft light. (See Pic 1) NB. The existing lighting will be tested in September with bulbs replaced at that time.

2.3 The festoon lighting needs to be augmented with additional fittings and the suggestion is to

use a ‘Victorian Lantern’ style unit (See Pic 2). There would be an additional cost for this of £3560 to provide 20 lanterns which is sufficient for the High Street (£135 purchase price + £43 install fee).

The Market Place would need 10-12 (£2136) Fridays Cross 10 (£1780) Southampton Road 7 and 6 (£1246 and £1060)

(We would only provide lighting where sponsorship is obtained. Importantly this is a project that can be added to annually to continue expansion of the lights within the town centre)

2.4 The Furlong Car Park trees can be decorated with ‘crystal lights’ (See Pic 3) which will be

seen from the A31 and let people know that Christmas has come to Ringwood and encourage them to come and look at the decorations and perhaps look around the town.

2.5 The Gateway building would support a sign at either end of the building with a simple ‘Merry

Christmas’ message which again could be seen from the A31. However, we have an existing piece with Santa on that would be just as good and we would only need to provide the installation cost and have it placed on the gable end facing the A31.

3. Christmas Trees 3.1 The working party has discussed the possibility of 2 trees with one at the Market Place (The

larger of the 2) and the other outside the Gateway Building. To make the trees stand out from the white lights of the surrounding trees, the Christmas tree lights would be ‘Electric Blue’ in colour with 3-5000 LED’s on each one (Pic 4). We have a sponsor for the Market Place tree and are now seeking one for the Gateway Tree and each tree would carry the sponsor’s name and logo at its base.

Annex D

3.2 Available Budget Budget £10,000

3.3 Expenditure

i £4993.91 The putting up and taking down of the lights has been confirmed by tender. i £3560 For additional lanterns on High Street. i £1000 For the Market Place tree.

£9553.91 Total Expenditure

N.B: Only the tender fee is fixed and others may be subject to minor fluctuations between now and purchase

3.4 Income

i £750 toward the tree and 2 lights i £500 toward the lights i £150 toward a light i £150 toward a light

£1550 Total Income

£1996.09 available for additional purchases

3.5 The proposal would be to secure additional funding between now and December through

sponsorship, grants and on a shop by shop basis which would allow us to extend the lights into Fridays Cross, Southampton Road and West Street with no additional impact on the existing budget allocation.

3.6 The Total Cost

To purchase all the lights for total coverage of the town centre would be around: £15,582

Existing budget and sponsorship provides £11,550

Current Shortfall £4042

3.7 There are a number of possibilities for attracting additional funding which could be used, with

some of these ideas outlined below. While not an exhaustive list it does demonstrate future opportunities for this and other events in the town.

4. Collection Pots: A collection vessel would be provided for every participating outlet in the Town allowing each of the businesses to encourage their own customers to pay for their light(s). In this way the whole community becomes involved in providing the light display they all crave while not putting the burden wholly on the business. If the collection for each business was not enough for the purchase of a light then the business will be required to top up the difference. 4.1 There is no requirement for a license for collection vessels within premises and the

arrangement is between the owner and collector, though a procedure for safe collection of the vessels needs to be implemented. A number of outlets have already agreed to put out these collection pots and it is likely others will follow suit as we raise awareness.

5. Additional Sponsors: While some sponsorship has already been obtained there are still opportunities for other ideas such as; reindeer, sledges, street entertainers and similar activities to support the event. There is also the possibility of larger businesses being encouraged to buy ‘Clusters of Lights’ in pots of 4-6 or more, perhaps targeting businesses that we don’t have regular contact with. These ideas can be explored and built on over the coming months.

6. Schools: There has been a suggestion from Ringwood School that the young people there may like to get involved in the event in terms of fund raising. As a school they have been very successful at fund raising in the past and it would be wonderful to see the young people support this community event and take pride in elements they have been instrumental in providing. 7. The Christmas Event The working party have confirmed support for a Christmas event which will be completely family orientated and provide activities for all ages consisting of a variety of fun elements. An All Day event which will culminate in the switch on of the towns lights by the Mayor ‘as a ripple down the high street’. An outline programme is attached but the proposal is to have activities on throughout the day between 10am and 6pm, which will include:

1) Children’s Area (The Market Place) Santa’s Grotto, Face Painting, Bouncy Castle, Swing Boats, Small Roundabouts, Swing Boats, Side Stalls, Snow Machines, Street Entertainers (naughty elves) and the stage area for singers and choirs.

i. The Grotto is being sponsored by The Furlong Shopping Centre and the Town Clerks wife who is an event organiser will be supplying snow machines, lanterns, decorations and fancy dress outfits to support the event.

ii. Fair ride providers will be charged an attendance fee and a fee will be charged for seeing Santa, Face Painting and Bouncy Castle. These fees will be used to provide staff ‘if’ enough volunteers are not found and against material costs for the Lantern Workshop and Snow Fluid.

2) The Market Place and High Street Business and Charity stalls, Arts and Crafts Market, Choirs (singing at various locations) and other smaller children’s rides along with street entertainers. The hope is to create a lively festive feel to the day along the whole high street, Southampton Road and Fridays Cross will also have activities taking place there in the form of choirs and small stalls. Business and Charity Stalls will be charged £30 and £10 respectively and food vendors more to cover the cost of this element of the celebrations.

3) Lantern Parade There will be a lantern workshop available in the Meeting House throughout the day run by local providers who will encourage children into the parade later that day. The schools have all been asked to participate in the parade which will be led by Santa from the Furlong Shopping Centre, down Meeting House Lane to the Market Place and up to the stage area. Once at the stage the Mayor will give a speech before switching on the lights.

i. For children who turn up late or have come to see the lights but do not have a lantern

a number of lanterns will be provided so they don’t miss out. The hope is that the children will attend in fancy dress and there will be some spare costumes available for children who would like to join in on the day.

4) Shop Window Competition As part of the event and to ensure the theme of blue and white light throughout the town centre we would provide a competition with £100 prize money for the best decorated window. This would involve shops all over the town which would be judged by the Mayor on the day or in the week leading up to the event, dependant on how many entries are received.

This helps raise awareness in the weeks leading up to the event and allows us additional media coverage in promoting the competition and Christmas event.

8. Comments There is still potential to add to the lights, ‘subject to additional funding coming forward’ right up to the installation date which will be around November. I hope to confirm volunteers from the Army and Air Cadets for the Road Closures and will look to other local groups also. This event will also allow local charitable groups to promote themselves within the town and raise awareness of their own activities. For further information please contact: Steve Nash Town Clerk 01425 484720 [email protected]

NEW GATE PROPOSAL - CARVERS, FULL TOWN COUNCIL COMMITTEE 30th July 2014 New Gate Proposal in Carvers Play park 1. Introduction This proposal has only come forward now because of the additional funding that has been obtained for activities and given the time scales for its installation to meet the needs of planned activities. There will be a lot of activities being provided at Carvers over the summer and I would like us to provide the best possible service to those people using the site, both to participate in organised activities and to enjoy the existing facilities. While Carvers is a very good central location for a park it lacks access to welfare and refreshment facilities to potential users. However, those facilities are all in place and are only restricted by opening hours and accessibility. 2. A Gate Placed on the play area side of the Drop in Centre would provide good access to the building for young people and their families who go to the play park. There is a toilet at the side of the building providing for welfare and the Drop in would be open selling teas, coffee’s, ice creams etc. which would allow young people to get involved in provision of services as well as participation. The gate would take one day to install. 3. Funding We have obtained funding in support of our activities in the amount of £2200 which will be used to provide bought in staff. The gate will cost £300+VAT to put in which could be taken from the Youth Activities budget. I believe this would be good value for money in improving use of the site throughout the summer and encourage family groups to come and stay for longer periods knowing they have everything they need. In addition the extra sales which might be achieved at the Drop In should demonstrate its future role in the play park. This can be built on when the new facility is completed. Town Clerks Recommendation I recommend installation of a pedestrian gate at Carvers. For further information please contact: Steve Nash Town Clerk 01425 484720 [email protected]

Annex E

Annex F



HAMPSHIRE HIGHWAYS WEST – July 2014. Traffic Management Schemes 2014-2015 – (Reserve Programme)

Christchurch Road – investigate provision of pedestrian crossing. Feasibility and possible construction of a pedestrian refuge island near the War Memorial roundabout. NFDC are to do a feasibility study using HCC funding in 2013/14. Completed.

Traffic Management Schemes 2014-2015 – (County Traffic Management Programme)

Crow Hill Area, Ringwood – speed limit review and traffic management measures. Improvements to signingand road markings to draw driver awareness to equestrians and cyclists to be developed. Funding available through NPA managed grant to support cycling. Speed limit review concludes that environment and traffic speeds not suited to 30mph speed limit.

Ringwood Town Centre (Pedestrian Signing) –New pedestrian direction signing in Town Centre. Completed.

Linford Road – review speed limit for an extension of the 30 mph past the Church Hall. Requires DfT approval. Blanket approval being sought through New Forest Zone review project. Proposals being developed whilst waiting on response from DfT. With engineer to be progressed.

Review of New Forest 40 mph Zone and 30 mph speed limits for the purpose of progressing a blanket DfT authorisation to cover wide area. Mapping proposed, for areas that are or potentially may be marked using roundels rather than repeater signs, being completed. Application submitted to DfT but consideration by DfT delayed due to resource and TSRGD update. Expected completion Spring 2015.

New Forest signing for animal accident reduction. Signing improvements to B3054 (Lymington to Dibden Purlieu) and B3078 (Cadnam to Fordingbridge) to support a reduction. Improvements being discussed through Animal Accident Reduction Group. Start date Winter 2014/15.

Traffic Management Programme 2013-2014 – Agency Programme (NFDC)

Southampton Road adjacent Carvers – cycle route and measures to better manage parking. Detailed design agreed by members. Requires further funding for implementation anticipated in 2014. £6,137 developer’s contributions allocated. Plan of cycle network at:- http://www.newforest.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=10737

Christchurch Road near Willow Drive – Environmental Enhancements – Further work to earth bund will be undertaken in 2014. Work is to deter parking on northern section of verge (material from another scheme at no cost). Further public consultation planned. Plan at http://www.newforest.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=10737

Hightown Road – Cycle Route Phase 1 – measures to be agreed. Members agreed to speed tables being advertised under Road Humps Regulations. Measures to improve cycle safety both along Hightown Road and in the

Annex F

vicinity of the Hightown Road/Castleman Way roundabout. Extent of Phase 1 will be dictated by developers’ contributions available. (Reserve Scheme)

Castleman Way to Hightown Road Cycle Route – off-road shared pedestrian/cycle route – land dedication progressing: Town Council have agreed the proposals and to dedicate land.

Traffic Management Schemes 2013-2014 – (Reserve Programme)

Christchurch Road – investigate provision of pedestrian crossing. Feasibility and possible construction of a pedestrian refuge island near the War Memorial roundabout. NFDC are to do a feasibility study using HCC funding in 2013/14. Construction commenced.

Maintenance Work: (Low Cost Safety Programme)

C49 Eastfield Lane In/A31 On Slip to mini-roundabout, Ringwood – estimated start date Q2 – duration 2 days.


Review of the Service to reduce costs, but improve efficiency. Reported to RTC by HCC Cllr in March 2014. Public consultation now open: 2 June to 22 August 2014. Online: www.hants.gov.uk/recycling. Paper copy requests: e-mail [email protected]. Telephone: Hantsdirect on “0845-603-5634”. Paper copies available at Hampshire Libraries & NFDC Offices.


Savings of £7.663m to be achieved over 3 years to 2016/17. Low utilisation/overlapping contracts not to be renewed after 31 March 2015. Services for 16-21 year olds to transferred to HCC Children’s Services with

£1.9m budget. People at eligibility criteria – no change to support. People below eligibility to be supported by Community Indepence Team

directing to suitable alternative provider, e.g. Voluntary Services. HCC SECOND HAND MINIBUSES

Four used HCC minibuses for sale! Potential buyers e-mail: [email protected]. Closing date for bids is Friday, 29 August 2014.


22nd – NFDC Ringwood Traffic Management Meeting at the Gateway 24th – Bournemouth Airport Consultative Committee: voted Chairman. 27th – 3rd Poulner Scouts Extension Opening,Eastfield Lane, Ringwood. 29th – HCC Health & Adult Social Care Select Committee in Winchester. 30th – BBC Radio Solent interview about HCC Adult Care on Julian Clegg

Show. 30th – HCC Executive Member decision Day in winchester.

W Steve Rippon-Swaine FRICS DipGS Hampshire County Councillor