Minutes of Council - 11 December 2017

- 1 - MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CITY OF PARRAMATTA COUNCIL HELD IN THE JUBLIEE ROOM, PARRAMATTA TOWN HALL, CENTENARY SQUARE, PARRAMATTA ON MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2017 AT 6:35PM PRESENT The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson and Councillors Benjamin Barrak, Phil Bradley, Robert Dwyer, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Paul Han, Steven Issa, Andrew Jefferies, Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Bill Tyrrell, Lorraine Wearne and Martin Zaiter. WEBCASTING OF THE COUNCIL MEETING The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website. The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded. PUBLIC RECORDINGS OF THE COUNCIL MEETING The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, advised that as per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO TRADITIONAL LAND OWNERS The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Darug Nation as the traditional custodians of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and their elders past and present. APOLOGY Leave of Absence was granted for the non-attendance of Councillor Donna Davis. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Phil Bradley declared a Non-Pecuniary and Less than Significant Declaration of Interest in Item 15.4 of Liveable regarding City of Parramatta Advisory Committees, as a close relative has nominated for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.

Transcript of Minutes of Council - 11 December 2017

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The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson and Councillors Benjamin Barrak, Phil Bradley, Robert Dwyer, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Paul Han, Steven Issa, Andrew Jefferies, Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Bill Tyrrell, Lorraine Wearne and Martin Zaiter.


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website. The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, advised that as per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO TRADITIONAL LAND OWNERS The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Darug Nation as the traditional custodians of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and their elders past and present.

APOLOGY Leave of Absence was granted for the non-attendance of Councillor Donna Davis.


Councillor Phil Bradley declared a Non-Pecuniary and Less than Significant Declaration of Interest in Item 15.4 of Liveable regarding City of Parramatta Advisory Committees, as a close relative has nominated for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.

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SUBJECT Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 21

November 2017

946 RESOLVED (Issa/Tyrrell) That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.

SUBJECT: Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27 November


947 RESOLVED (Garrard/Bradley) That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting subject to the following amendments: Minute No 942 – Item 8.2 Planning Proposal for land at 18-22A Hunter Street and 23-29 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

the Seconder for the Further Amendment (which was Lost) being amended from Councillor Barrak to Councillor Prociv

Minute No 944 – Item 8.1 Supplementary Report – 3 Parramatta Square

the date of the Councillor Workshop referred to in resolution (h) being amended to read Thursday 7 December 2017

inclusion of the following questions raised by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Michelle Garrard asking the relevant officer:

Can Councillors please be provided with all funding information relevant to 5PS & 3PS including cash flow forecast?

Relevant to 5PS can Councillors please be provided with a Planned Start and Completion Date including full Cost Estimates, including all the fit out costs?

Has the program for 5PS been checked by an Independent program consultant, and how is that being funded?

In relation to 5PS what Heritage approvals have been sought if any are required?

Why is there a reduction in overall height and size other than overshadowing?

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6.1 SUBJECT Planning Institute of Australia 2017 Awards for Planning

Excellence - Public Engagement and Community Planning

REFERENCE F2014/02539 - D05675202

REPORT OF The Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson

948 RESOLVED (Wilson/Issa) (a) That Council notes that this City’s active engagement with young

people has recently been recognised through the Planning Institute of Australia 2017 Award for Planning Excellence - Public Engagement and Community Planning

(b) That Council congratulates the officers across the organisation

who have successfully implemented a range of strategies to meaningfully engage with young people and increase their participation in Council’s consultative activities.

(c) That Council also congratulates all the young people who have

participated in engaging with City of Parramatta Council including attending the Paint Your Parra Youth Forum.

(d) Further, that Council also send a letter of appreciation to its

partner on this project, Cred Consulting.


1 SUBJECT Outcomes of Draft Late Night Trading Management DCP - Dec 2017

REFERENCE F2017/00224

FROM Andrew Lauridsen

949 My name is Andrew Lauridsen and I represent Toongabbie Sports Club. A small community based club on the outskirts of Parramatta. We are owned by our 6,000 members and support a wide variety of sporting groups in our area and assist at least 2,500 junior sports participants each year. We are an integral part of our community. In the first instance I fail to understand the need for this DCP, as every DA will attract conditions – including hours of operation, noise limits, traffic, plans of management, etc in relation to the operation of a licensed venue. That said I am a simple man. While the reason seems to be to protect the amenity around licensed venues, we are already subject to the Liquor Act, constant scrutiny by Liquor & Gaming as well as Local Licensing and generally incidents in the LGA have been declining.

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Venues can already be punished heavily for non-compliance and poor management. The State Government has several tools at its disposal to address venues or precincts. What the Draft DCP DOES NOT DO is seek concessions from residents, or builders choosing to live in the vicinity of such venues. My club has operated on its present site for more than 60 years and while we have good relationships with our current neighbours and almost zero complaints around noise or behaviour that could change overnight based on one or more neighbours taking exception to the club and its operations. It also provides no tangible means of recognition to “Extended Hours” for any existing venue seeking major refurbishment that has demonstrated good management for any length of time. My venue, like many others in the LGA, is “outside of areas identified”. The draft DCP states Local Area Centres have base hours until 10PM for large venues - and our small club is considered a large venue - so does this mean base hours in my area can be expected to be LESS than 10PM as it is not seen as a key location? So if I need to modify the club or rebuild (as may be needed within the coming decade) that our trading will be assessed on merit for anything past 10PM - while my neighbouring venues trade until as late as 5AM? How do we compete with that? While it states extended hours will be assessed on merit they are then subject to trial for 2 years. Trial periods are a major concern to financial lenders as they are relying on forecasts to assess the lending. If the forecasts are subject to “trial” it creates further complications for the lenders and the venues who need to balance the risk. It was only 2 years ago we sought to formalise trial hours we had from a previous DA. It took eight months and required resident notification costing at least $1,000. This was despite the fact there had been no complaints or incidents in that time at a minimum Trials should be automatically confirmed in the absence of complaints or incidents. In 2014 the State Government placed a 10PM curfew on the sale of Take Away Alcohol and last year this was extended to 11PM. While we all might have differing views about this particular matter, the standard hours for the sale of takeaway are greater than I can expect for my clubs Base Trading Hours should the club seek to evolve and be subject to this DCP. It is nonsensical. We simply could not build a business case to spend $1M let alone the expected $12M to rebuild completely and close at 10PM. If rebuilt the entire property we would need the certainty of increased trading hours not less! If we don’t change and evolve we will become irrelevant. If we are irrelevant we will close. If we close a $1M+ payroll is lost to the LGA along with the amenity we provide to the community. I believe clubs, pubs and restaurants (in fact nearly any business)

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should be able to determine its own trading hours provided it is reasonable, economically feasible and they are properly managed. Where they are not being appropriately managed they can be dealt with without a DCP through fines, temporary closure, loss of licence. If we really want Parramatta to be a major city, an international city, we would ask the DCP be reconsidered and seek genuine Stakeholder input before any ongoing consideration by Council. This is possibly an opportunity to improve the vibrancy of Parramatta and secure Parramatta as an attractive place to live and do business rather than over regulate.

NOTE: Councillor B Barrak left the meeting at 6.49pm during consideration of Public Forum 1.

2 SUBJECT Outcomes of Public Exhibition - Draft Late Night Trading

Management DCP

REFERENCE F2017/00224

FROM Adam Byrnes

950 Think Planners On behalf of - Parramatta Liquor Accord + Parramatta Restaurants. The Draft Late Night Trading Management DCP is incomplete, too narrow in focus and will directly create a retrograde impact on venues within the Parramatta CBD and surrounds. We recommend that the DCP not be progressed. However, we recognise that it is appropriate to formulate policies in regards to the operation of venues and therefore recommend that Council reconsider what package of measures should be created that will – - Strengthen the night time economy - Create a vibrant city centre - Make Venue operators responsible for safety and acoustic control - Make Developers responsible for ensuring that new residential

developments are built with measures imbedded within the buildings that protect amenity

- Make Council responsible for clearly advising the community about the environment and character that is being delivered in Parramatta CBD and other areas with a night time economy

There are 3 main planning issues with the DCP as currently proposed: 1. The Late Night Trading Map The premise behind the Map is that B3 lands, which don’t permit apartments, can have restaurants and bars that open later; and that the B4 lands which will have apartments, should not have restaurants and bars that open late. That there should be different criteria for venue operations based on whether or not apartments are permitted. That premise is flawed. People who choose to live in a city, choose to do so because they are attracted to a city environment, with its city

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atmosphere, city conditions, and city amenities. Perhaps what makes this false premise the more vexing is that there are many restaurants and bars that have been operating in the B4 areas for years, providing important food and beverage and social services to the Parramatta community for years. For most of these long standing businesses, they have invested and continued operating through difficult economic periods, through recent construction activity, and now are on the cusp of their city becoming something iconic, and stand to benefit from the evolution of Parramatta CBD, which we all are excited to see happen on our watch. But for some of these restaurants and bars, and the new venues that have invested significantly in establishing their businesses, the DCP sets out that there should be restricted conditions in places like Church St and the River front. It is the role of Council to undertake an assessment of an application on its merits. To pre-determine in a DCP the base operating conditions, within the Parramatta CBD (and elsewhere), is not appropriate. The DA assessment is the place for that. The DCP has been, and will be, used as a reason to not undertake an assessment of a request to extend hours beyond what is within the draft DCP. 2. Limiting Investment The DCP confirms via a note that the DCP is not retrospective and will not impact upon existing consents. Nor can it act in this way. But the report tonight is clear that when a new DA or s96 for a venue is considered by Council, the existing approved conditions, such as hours of operation, are capable of being reviewed and changed. Our clients are extremely concerned about this provision. To the point where they have expressed that they have put on hold plans to improve their venues, invest further in their venues, or explore any significant changes to their venues that would require the lodgement of an application. The DCP introduces far too much risk to our clients, who’s businesses are reliant upon approved conditions such as operating hours; and therefore will not jeopardise those conditions by lodging an application. That this DCP would lead to stifling investment in venues; or would discourage operators from undertaking improvements that require a DA or s.96; is a significant consequence. Caution should be taken in proceeding with a DCP that will could lead to a lack of investment in venues and the consequential impact on the venue quality in the city. 3. Missing Half of the DCP We submit that a more sophisticated package of measures to strengthen the night time economy and protect amenities is necessary and so the DCP should not proceed. However, if the Council is of a mind to continue with the DCP, then it is missing half its contents. The DCP focus is, in part, on the way in which the operation of venues can avoid impacts upon residential areas of the Parramatta CBD. The DCP is absent any discussion on how new developments should also be

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responsible for residential amenity in areas where night trading occurs – - What is the right mix of uses in the podiums above the shops,

restaurants, bars and venues? - Should podiums be encouraged to comprise commercial suites or

car parking above venues? - Is it appropriate that an apartment is approved on the 1st floor

immediately above a restaurant on Church St, or facing the Parramatta River?

- Why doesn’t the DCP establish measures for improving the residential conditions of apartments in the city centre? Shouldn’t the DCP require of the developers that will sell apartments based on city living and the excitement of a night time economy include acoustic measures such as improved glazing?

The DCP should be strengthened and balanced out to ensure that the amenity in the residential areas of the CBD is not entirely dependent upon a restaurant closing its outdoor dining at 10pm. The DCP should require apartments in the city centre to be constructed to a standard deserving of a city with a thriving night time economy. Finally, we understand in places such as Olympic Park that 149 Certificates set out to purchasers that the area is an entertainment precinct and make it clear that there is a particular character in the area. In doing this, people are aware of the conditions of the precinct that they are purchasing within. Councillors, we request that this DCP not proceed. We request that the matter be more carefully considered. We request that a package of measures be more carefully composed that provide the right balance of undertaking a merit assessment of applications; encouraging investment in Parramatta; encourages a vibrant night time economy and environment; ensures that residential amenities are considered by developers early in the design of buildings that are responsive to the location in which developments are proposed; and includes Council being proactive in informing the community about the character to be expected in areas such as Parramatta CBD, where we collectively want a safe, active, social, vibrant night time character. Response by Sue Weatherley, Director Strategic Outcomes and Development in relation to Public Forums 1 and 2 presented by Blake Hanson and Andrew Lauridsen.

Following the two public forums made I would like to provide comment

on the following aspects of the policy framework being considered by

Council tonight.

The role of the DCP is to provide Council with a framework to manage

the balance between businesses operating at night and amenity for

surrounding residents / businesses. The DCP will only apply when new

applications are lodged. Existing businesses operating under existing

consents will not have any of the DCP provisions applied to them. It will

only be applied when new applications are lodged for new businesses or

when existing businesses make significant changes that require DA


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When these development applications are lodged there will be a set of

existing residents or other surrounding stakeholders who will be

consulted with and their views will be invited and considered as part of

the development application process. Once the consent is issued any

new residents that move into the area would not be able to use the DCP

to seek to change the hours of operation or any other condition imposed

when an approval is granted.

The intention of the policy framework is to promote a flourishing night

time economy whilst putting in place mechanisms that minimise future

land use conflicts. The presentations made tonight have raised

concerns about the impact of this policy on investments decisions for

late night trading businesses. It is commonly agreed that business

operates best in an environment where there is certainty about the

regulatory framework that applies to the businesses. The purpose for

providing hours of operation in the Draft DCP is to provide that certainty

about a minimum set of operating hours that are available without

question. The DCP then sets out processes for hours beyond these

hours to be considered.

The Draft DCP being considered by Council provides a minimum

standard for businesses and clear criteria for how they can seek

additional hours. If Council was to adopt controls without any hours of

operation there would be less certainty for the businesses as there

would be no minimum set of operating hours as the base for

consideration of the hours of operation.

Finally, in relation to statements made suggesting that there has been

insufficient consultation I would ask Councillors to note that

Consultation with industry stakeholder began prior to the drafting of

the policy to ensure all issues were scoped before the drafting of

any policy began

During the exhibition process industry groups were involved in

targeted consultation sessions and the exhibition period was

extended at the request of these stakeholder to ensure that they had

sufficient time to consider and submit their comments on the policy

Changes have been made to the Draft DCP in relation to some of

the concerns raised by the industry – which was acknowledged by

one of the forum speakers

NOTE: Councillor Barrak returned to the meeting at 6.54pm during consideration of Public Forum 2.

3 SUBJECT Planning Proposal for land at 33-43 Marion Street, Parramatta


FROM Matt Daniel

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It is clear that the proposal has strategic merit - given that it is in close proximity to Harris Park station amongst the other reasons explored in the proponents reports.

The Proponent commissioned all the necessary studies at this stage of the process for the Planning Proposal to be supported for referral to the Department for a Gateway determination.

The only issue I am aware impeding the progress of this Planning Proposal relates to a perceived heritage issue.

The Planning Proposal process is aimed at incrementally carrying out these studies after a Gateway determination is made, rather than front ending these studies, which by corollary adds time and cost upfront too.

Nevertheless, to respond to this issue, the Proponent engaged two heritage reports from two different experts. Both have confirmed that the site has no heritage significance. Moreover they have highlighted errors in the listing of matters in Council's LEP.

These errors have been brought to the attention of Council on a number of occasions and have not been corrected, which has the effect of manipulating the perceived heritage significance of the subject site and its immediate surroundings. It begs the question whether they have been deliberately retained for the time being as part of a planning strategy to stifle development.

When the inaccuracies are taken out of the map, the alleged heritage significance of the area surrounding the site considerably diminishes.

The independent heritage experts engaged by the Proponent have undertaken detailed fabric analysis (rather than a windshield assessment) of the buildings on the site - Council has not engaged in such rigour.

The reports also show that the historical references in the LEP were incorrect further adding to the weight that these items should not be given such weight.

We question why Council resources were spent on reports for heritage interface in this area when the underlying facts regarding the heritage validity were not investigated.

The heritage consultants have both confirmed that there is no heritage reason to retain the buildings. The heritage Consultant has provided the following comments regarding the Officers report:

Parramatta CBD does have significant heritage items but not in Marion Street. Resources should be applied to those items which have actual value. To spend more rate payers money after two

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independent reports have concluded on the same recommendation is not sensible use of valuable rate payers resources.

The heritage interface study undertaken by staff when Council was in administration did not assess the items for actual heritage significance.

Reconstruction of 37 is not possible as there is no evidence of the original fabric and it is completely unreasonable to expect the removal of the building at the rear which has been legally built.

Listing the street as a conservation area when the independent reports of the actual listings shows are not warranted is a planning we feel a strategy to stifle development and growth in the CBD and is inappropriate.

This Planning Proposal has remained largely dormant within Council since lodgement 7 months ago, despite the Department's benchmark time periods for the conduct of the process.

The Local Environmental Plans Guide provides a 90 day assessment period after which a Proponent can seek a rezoning review and I would encourage Council to comply with the purpose behind the process by forwarding this Planning Proposal for a Gateway determination.

This will lead to any necessary further heritage studies that the Gateway determination considers necessary being carried out and will save the Council valuable resources.

The Proponent is not opposed to conducting further studies that are necessary. However, it is inappropriate for Council to sit on this Planning Proposal for an undetermined period, when any such issues can be "flushed out" through the statutory process, after the core question is answered as to whether the proposal has strategic merit.

Response by Sue Weatherley, Director Strategic Outcomes and Development In relation to the issues raised in the public forum on this matter :

Whilst the applicant has engaged their own Heritage Consultants who offer the opinion that the Heritage Items on and adjoining the site have no value this is not the position of Council’s Heritage Advisors who consider that the items continue to have heritage value.

The issue to which the submission refers with the LEP Heritage listing is that the LEP Heritage map shows portions of Marion Street and a small portion of Cowper Street where it links to Marion Street as Heritage items. Whilst it is acknowledged that there is no description of these streets in the Heritage schedule in the LEP document this does not necessarily mean that the entire area does

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not retain some heritage significance that might warrant consideration as a conservation precinct. Including the 3 sites the subject of the applicants reports there is a concentration of 14 Heritage listed sites in the area which is still a significant concentration of heritage items all of a similar scale. The two Heritage Studies undertaken as part of the CBD Planning Proposal have both identified the potential significance of this grouping of heritage items and in both cases recommended the FSR of 2:1 be retained for parts of Marion Street. The removal of the streets from the heritage map does not necessarily mean that the grouping does not retain any heritage significance and that heritage does not remain a significant issues for consideration when considering any site specific Planning Proposal for the subject site.

Whilst the issue of the mapping error has been brought to Council Officer attention the formal amendment of the plans requires a formal LEP amendment and for resource reasons it is recommended that this will be resolved as part of the CBD Planning Proposal rather than diverting resources away from higher priority projects to resolve this issue.

To date Council Officers have been seeking to assess the proposal in accordance with the Council’s latest resolution for this site. The current resolved position of Council provides for the existing controls for this site to be retained these controls allow for an FSR of 2:1 and maximum height of 9m. In addition, the resolved position is that Council investigate the Marion Street area as a potential future Heritage Conservation Area. The Planning Proposal providing an FSR of 10:1 is a significant departure from the existing resolved position and this has been the reason for the time taken to assess the Planning Proposal to date.


1 SUBJECT Pennant Street Corridor and Precinct - Safety of Pedestrians and Vehicles

REFERENCE F2004/06934

FROM Councillor Pierre Esber

952 RESOLVED (Esber/Wearne) That the petition be received, noted and referred to the Traffic Committee for action with a request that an on-site meeting be held with the 13 residents and Ward Councillors in early February 2018.


953 RESOLVED (Tyrrell/Zaiter) That Standing Orders be suspended to enable Mrs Weini Liao from the Audit Office of New South Wales to address the Council in relation to Item 13.7 – Presentation of Draft 2016/17 Financial Statements.

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13.7 SUBJECT Presentation of Draft 2016/17 Financial Statements

REFERENCE F2008/01460 - D05139479

REPORT OF Finance Manager - Reporting and Controls

954 RESOLVED (Wearne/Issa) (a) That Council adopt the Draft Financial Statements for the year

ended 30 June 2017. (b) That Council authorise the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor, Chief

Executive Officer and Responsible Accounting Officer to sign the following:

1. General Purpose Financial Statements – Statement by

Councillors and Management 2. Special Purpose Financial Statements – Statement by

Councillors and Management (c) That Council receive the Auditor’s Report on the 2016/17 Financial

Statements. (d) That Council present the 2016/17 Audited Financial Statements

and Auditor’s Report to the public at the Council Meeting dated February 12, 2018.

(e) Further, that Council thank Mrs Liao for her attendance and for

her address to Council.

Note: 1. Mrs Weini Liao from the Audit Office of New South Wales

addressed the Council in relation to this item.

2. Councillors P Esber and B Barrak left the meeting at 7.11pm and returned to the meeting at 7.13pm during consideration of Item 13.7.


RESOLVED (Wearne/Issa) That Standing Orders be resumed.

9.1 SUBJECT Planning Proposal for land at 18-22A Hunter Street and

23-29 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE RZ/12/2015 - D05708286


Also see correspondence from Matt Daniel and Brian Powyer.

MOTION (Prociv/Bradley)

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That consideration of this item be deferred to the next Council Meeting to be held on 18 December 2017. The Motion on being put was Lost.

FURTHER MOTION (Issa/Barrak) That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 27 November 2017 in relation to Item 8.2 of ‘Leading’ section regarding Planning Proposal for land at 18-22A Hunter Street and 23-29 Macquarie Street, Parramatta, namely: (a) That Council notes that the Commonwealth has advised the

proponent that it neither objects or supports the proposal. (b) That the Council notes that the Commonwealth provisions of the

EPBC Act 1999 will be implemented during a future DA process. (c) That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to forward the

planning proposal at to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination be issued; Council authorises the Interim General Manager to negotiate a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for the delivery of public benefit, which recognises the value uplift of the planning proposal.

(e) Further, that Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the planning proposal, VPA amendment process.

be and is hereby rescinded.

955 The Further Motion on being put was Lost.

Division the result being: - AYES: Councillors P Bradley, S Pandey, P Prociv, L Wearne, A

Wilson NOES: Councillors B Barrak, B Dwyer, P Esber, M Garrard, P

Han, S Issa, A Jefferies, W Tyrrell, M Zaiter ABSENT: Councillor D Davis


10.1 SUBJECT Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 23 November 2017

REFERENCE F2017/00081 - D05697762

REPORT OF Traffic & Transport Support Officer Traffic and Transport

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956 RESOLVED (Tyrrell/Bradley) (a) That, Council receive and note the minutes of the Parramatta

Traffic Committee meeting held on 23 November 2017, provided at Attachments 1 & 2 to the report.

(b) That Council adopt the recommendations of the Parramatta

Traffic Committee meeting held on 23 November 2017 provided at Attachments 1 & 2 to the report, subject to all identified funding being available.

(c) Further, that in relation to Item 1711A8 (Marist Place,

Parramatta – Interim Children’s Crossing in Lieu of Signalised Pedestrian Crossing) and Item 1711A9 (Marist Place, Marsden Street and Market Street, Parramatta – Changed Parking Restrictions to Accommodate Student Set Down and Pick Up – Kerb Extensions in Marist Place – Median with Pedestrian Fencing in Marsden Street - Market Street/Marist Place – Old Kings School) of the Traffic Committee Minutes:

1. That Council note that RMS has responsibility and control of

the decision for the location and type of traffic signals noted.

2. That Council write to the Department of Education and RMS to advise that its preferred crossing arrangement is for the Old Kings School is for traffic signals at the intersection of Marist Place and Market Street, but that Council notes that RMS has the final decision on this matter.

3. Further, that Council note that the decision on the

traffic/pedestrian signals will need a significant review following further information becoming available regarding the expansion of Riverside Theatres and proposed new schools in the area.

10.2 SUBJECT Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 23 November 2017

REFERENCE F2017/00078 - D05698038

REPORT OF Traffic & Transport Support Officer, Traffic and Transport

957 RESOLVED (Tyrrell/Zaiter) (a) That, Council receive and note the minutes of the Traffic

Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 23 November 2017, as provided at Attachment 1 to the report.

(b) Further, that Council adopt the recommendations of the Traffic

Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 23 November 2017 provided at Attachment 1 to the report, subject to all identified funding being available.

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11.1 SUBJECT Variations to Standards under Clause 4.6 of Parramatta LEP 2011, Auburn LEP 2010, Holroyd LEP 2013, The Hills LEP 2012, Hornsby LEP 2013 and SEPP 1

REFERENCE F2009/00431 - D05684850

REPORT OF Manager Development and Traffic Services

958 RESOLVED (Garrard/Bradley) That the report be received and noted.


12.1 SUBJECT Proposed Drainage Easement in favour of 36 Fremont

Avenue, Ermington

REFERENCE DA/123/2017 - D05665523

REPORT OF Property Services Officer

959 RESOLVED (Wearne/Tyrrell) (a) That Council resolve to create an easement for drainage over

Council land (being Lot 13 in DP 215814) in favour of the property at 36 Fremont Avenue, Ermington (being Lot 23 in DP 217820) on the terms and conditions contained in this report.

(b) That authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign

all documents (other than any document which must be signed under common seal) in connection with this matter.

(c) That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under

common seal, if required, plans of subdivision, plans of easement, Section 88B Instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement for the creation of the new easement.

(d) Further, that a further report be provided to Council on the basis

of the valuation obtained and Council officers be made available to Councillors to discuss this issue.

12.2 SUBJECT Proposed Drainage Easement in favour of 14 Skenes

Avenue, Eastwood.

REFERENCE DA/147/2017 - D05665620

REPORT OF Property Services Officer

960 RESOLVED (Esber/Pandey) (a) That Council resolve to create an easement for drainage over

Council land (being Lot B in DP 27868 & Lot 1 in DP 533210) in favour of the property at 14 Skenes Avenue, Eastwood (being Lot 5 in DP 27868) on the terms and conditions contained in this report.

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(b) That authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign

all documents (other than any document which must be signed under common seal) in connection with this matter.

(c) That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under

common seal, if required, plans of subdivision, plans of easement, Section 88B Instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement for the creation of the new easement.

(d) Further, that a further report be provided to Council on the basis

of the valuation obtained and Council officers be made available to Councillors to discuss this issue.

12.3 SUBJECT Proposed Drainage Easement in favour of 135 & 135A Adderton Road, Carlingford

REFERENCE DA/293/2015/A - D05673659

REPORT OF Property Services Officer

961 RESOLVED (Esber/Prociv) That consideration of this item be deferred pending a further report from the Director Property and Significant Assets on the full valuation report and on the assumptions as to how the valuation has been derived.

12.4 SUBJECT Outcomes of Public Exhibition - Draft Late Night Trading Management DCP

REFERENCE F2017/00224 - D05667873

REPORT OF Project Officer. Also see correspondence from Blake Hanson.

962 RESOLVED (Dwyer/Garrard) (a) That Council defer the adoption of the DRAFT Late Night Trading

DCP until the end of June 2018 to allow relevant Council staff sufficient time to carry out and complete in depth consultation with all appropriate stakeholders in the City of Parramatta LGA.

(b) That these consultations should be undertaken with a view to

ensure that current business owners in the Parramatta LGA are not disadvantaged in any way by any changes to the Late Night Trading proposed in the DCP and that potential future investors, who are attracted to the City of Parramatta LGA by virtue of the existing positive business environment in our city, are encouraged by the anticipated growth of a night economy which is safe, vibrant, diverse and welcoming.

(c) Further, that another Councillor Workshop be held to explain the

issues involved.

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12.5 SUBJECT Multicultural Community Leaders Reception

REFERENCE F2014/02487 - D05685322

REPORT OF Manager-City Activation

963 MOTION (Pandey/Prociv) (a) That the Lord Mayor’s Reception traditionally held on the opening

night of Parramasala, be expanded in 2018 to support the delivery of a Multicultural Community Leaders Reception.

(b) That the existing budget be supplemented by a further $5,000 to

fund the delivery of the Reception in 2018. (c) Further, that a report be prepared to Council to address funding

for the Multicultural Community Leaders Reception.

AMENDMENT (Wearne/Garrard) That the Lord Mayor’s Reception traditionally held on the opening night of Parramasala, be expanded in 2018 to support the delivery of a Multicultural Community Leaders Reception.

The Amendment was put and Lost. The Motion was put and Carried.

12.6 SUBJECT Foundation Day Programs

REFERENCE F2014/02487 - D05666585

REPORT OF Manager-City Activation

964 RESOLVED (Dwyer/Issa) (a) That Council note that there have been no Council reports or

resolutions in relation to Foundation Day celebrations since May 2016.

(b) That Council note the programs delivered for Foundation Day

2017 and the proposed programs to align with Foundation Day 2018.

(c) That Council note the actions in the Culture and Our City: A

Cultural Plan for the Parramatta CBD 2017-2021 aligned with celebrating local heritage and future Foundation Day celebrations.

(d) That Council send letters of support to local primary schools, both

State Government and private schools in the City of Parramatta LGA advising / reminding them of the history of Parramatta’s Foundation Day since 1913 as well as the importance and significance of the celebrations both from a local heritage point of view and also to the history of the Australian nation. In the letter,

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Council seek feedback from the local primary schools with respect to their interests and ideas in having their schools and students participate in some way in 2018 Foundation Day celebrations. Participation could potentially be by way of musical bands or cultural dress up by students etc.

(e) That in the event that positive responses are received from the

local primary schools, arrangements be made to invite representatives from interested schools to attend a meeting in February / March 2018 with relevant events staff at Council’s office to discuss the feedback from schools and the Foundation Day celebrations in October / November 2018.

(f) That a further report be brought to Council following these

discussions to advise the outcomes of the potential meeting (s) with local primary schools and for this report to cover the feasibility of the 2018 Foundation Day celebrations being held at Lake Parramatta.

(g) That Council allocate funds to Foundation Day 2018 of at least

the previous budget of $11,000, to be funded from the Major Events budget.

ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING In accordance with Council’s decision of 23 October 2000 (Minute No 5712) the meeting adjourned at 8.39pm for a period of 15 minutes.


The meeting resumed in the Council Chamber at 8.54pm, there being in attendance the Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew Wilson and Councillors Benjamin Barrak, Phil Bradley, Robert Dwyer, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Paul Han, Steven Issa, Andrew Jefferies, Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Bill Tyrrell, Lorraine Wearne and Martin Zaiter.


13.1 SUBJECT Strategic Land Use Planning Work Program Update

REFERENCE F2017/00362 - D05687379

REPORT OF Service Manager Land Use Planning

965 RESOLVED (Tyrrell/Issa) That this report on the status of Strategic Land Use Planning Strategic Projects, Planning Proposals, and Voluntary Planning Agreements be received and noted.

13.2 SUBJECT Response to the Public Exhibition of a Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Voluntary Planning Agreement for land on the corner of

- 19 -

Parramatta Road, Good Street and Cowper Street, Granville.

REFERENCE RZ/27/2014 - D05684943

REPORT OF Senior Project Officer Land Use Planning

966 RESOLVED (Esber/Garrard) (a) That Council considers the report that was submitted to the

Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP) 21 November 2017 (Attachment 1) and its recommendation (Attachment 2) which supports the progression of the Planning Proposal, draft Development Control Plan and Voluntary Planning Agreement for land on the corner of Parramatta Road, Good Street and Cowper Street, Granville.

(b) That Council receive and note the submissions made during the

public exhibition of the Planning Proposal for amendments to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (PLEP 2011) for the land on the corner of Parramatta Road, Good Street and Cowper Street, Granville, as presented in Attachments 3 and 4.

(c) That Council endorse the planning proposal in Attachment 5

and forward it to the Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E) requesting that it be finalised and come into legal effect. However, Council should also request that the Planning Proposal be processed, but not finalised by the Department until Council advises the Department that the Voluntary Planning Agreement exhibited with the Planning Proposal has been legally finalised by both Council and the applicant.

(d) That Council endorse the amendments for the site specific draft

DCP included in Attachment 6 subject to the inclusion of the amendments detailed in Attachment 7 also being incorporated into the final adopted DCP. An advertisement will be placed in the local newspaper advising that the site specific DCP will come into force on the day the Planning Proposal is finalised and comes into legal effect.

(e) That Council endorse the VPA, as exhibited in Attachment 8,

as the final agreement for signing with the proponent (f) Further, that Council authorise the CEO to correct any minor

policy inconsistencies and any anomalies of an administrative nature relating to the Planning Proposal, Draft DCP and VPA documentation that may arise during the amendment and finalisation processes.

Division the result being: -

AYES: The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Wilson and Councillors

B Barrak, P Bradley, R Dwyer, P Esber, M Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), P Han, S Issa, A Jefferies, S Pandey, Dr P Prociv, B Tyrrell, L Wearne and M Zaiter

NOES: None

- 20 -

13.3 SUBJECT Submission on the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan

and draft Central City District Plan

REFERENCE F2017/03133 - D05655801

REPORT OF Project Officer

967 MOTION (Dwyer/Barrak) (a) That Council endorse the Submission included at Attachment 1 on

the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and draft Central City District Plan for forwarding to the Greater Sydney Commission by the exhibition close date of 15 December 2017.

(b) Further, that additional reference be made in the Council’s

submission to the effect of population pressures, pushback and a request that in future when dealing with matters affecting the whole of the LGA, that broader consultation times be allowed by the State Government with delegated authority being granted to Council’s Director Strategic Outcomes and Development to finalise the submission.

AMENDMENT (Bradley/Prociv)

(a) That Council endorse the Submission included at Attachment 1 on

the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and draft Central City District Plan for forwarding to the Greater Sydney Commission by the exhibition close date of 15 December 2017.

(b) Further, that additional reference be made in the Council’s

submission to the effect of population pressures, pushback, the need for interim renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets to enable the NSW State Government’s zero net greenhouse gas emission to be achieved by the 2050 target date and a request that in future when dealing with matters affecting the whole of the LGA, that broader consultation times be allowed by the State Government, with delegated authority being granted to Council’s Director Strategic Outcomes and Development to finalise the submission.

The Amendment was put and Lost.

The Motion was put and Carried.

13.4 SUBJECT Council Submission in Response to the Issues Paper relating to the Review of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

REFERENCE F2017/03111 - D05679210

REPORT OF Project Officer-Land Use Planning

968 RESOLVED (Issa/Esber)

- 21 -

That consideration of this item be deferred until the Council Meeting on 18 December 2017 to enable it to be considered in conjunction with the IHAP report.

13.5 SUBJECT Submission on the draft Future Transport Strategy 2056,

Greater Sydney Services and Infrastructure Plan and associated supporting plans

REFERENCE F2017/03171 - D05681837

REPORT OF Project Officer - Transport

969 RESOLVED (Esber/Pandey)

(a) That Council endorses the draft submission included at Attachment 1 on the draft Future Transport Strategy 2056, Greater Sydney Services and Infrastructure Plan and associated supporting Plans.

(b) Further, that the submission be finalised and forwarded to Transport for NSW by the extended exhibition closing deadline of 15 December 2017.

13.6 SUBJECT Membership of the Smart City Advisory Committee

REFERENCE F2017/00685-D05686979

REPORT OF Head of Future City

970 RESOLVED (Issa/Zaiter) That Council adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Smart City Advisory Committee.

13.8 SUBJECT Planning Proposal for Land at 22 Lord Avenue, Telopea

REFERENCE RZ/18/2017 - D05691654

REPORT OF Project Officer Land Use

971 RESOLVED (Esber/Garrard) That consideration of this item be deferred to the Council Meeting to be held on 18 December 2017.

Division the result being: - AYES: The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Wilson and Councillors

B Barrak, P Bradley, R Dwyer, P Esber, M Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), P Han, S Issa, A Jefferies, S Pandey, Dr P Prociv, B Tyrrell, L Wearne and M Zaiter

NOES: None

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ABSENT: Councillor D Davis

13.9 SUBJECT Planning Proposal for land at 33-43 Marion Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE RZ/9/2017 - D05697387

REPORT OF Project Officer Land Use

972 RESOLVED (Dwyer/Tyrrell) (a) That Council reaffirm its position from pre administration and

that Marion Street precinct (east of High Street) should have a maximum incentive FSR of 6:1 FSR with no height control in line with draft City Centre Planning Proposal as adopted by the Parramatta City Council in April 2016. This is exclusive of incentives for design excellence and incentives for high performing buildings.

(b) That the Department of Planning be advised that this is

Council’s current position for the CBD PP in terms of informing their Gateway Assessment.

(c) That Council use the two independent heritage assessments

provided by the applicant and not spend the $20,000 to complete similar work.

(d) That given the compromised heritage and inaccuracies in the mapping, that no heritage conservation zone be considered in the Marion Street precinct.

(e) Further, that Council officers finalise the assessment of the site-specific planning proposal and send to the State Government for Gateway Assessment in line with the above, that is: a. maximum 6:1 FSR, excluding incentives for Design

Excellence and high performing buildings b. no heritage conservation zone c. heritage items within and adjacent to the proposed

development site (i.e. 37 Marion Street within the site and 29 and 31 Marion Street outside the site) are delisted in accordance with the two heritage reports provided by the applicant noting inaccuracies in listing, compromised heritage fabric and overall context of the sites location near the train station and within the area of the CBD planning framework.

Division the result being: -

AYES: Councillors B Barrak, R Dwyer, P Esber, M Garrard

(Deputy Lord Mayor), P Han, S Issa, A Jefferies, S Pandey, , B Tyrrell and M Zaiter

NOES: The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Wilson and Councillors

- 23 -

P Bradley, L Wearne and Dr P Prociv ABSENT: Councillor D Davis


973 RESOLVED (Esber/Barrak) That Standing Orders be suspended to enable Council to reconsider Item 13.8 - Planning Proposal for Land at 22 Lord Avenue, Telopea.

13.8 SUBJECT Planning Proposal for Land at 22 Lord Avenue, Telopea


FROM Project Officer Land Use

974 RESOLVED (Esber/Barrak) (a) That Council considers the report that was submitted to the

Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP) on 21 November 2017 (Attachment A) and its recommendation (Attachment B) which supports the progression of the Planning Proposal for Lot 582 DP 36692 which forms part of 22 Lord Avenue, Telopea.

(b) That Council endorse the Planning Proposal for Lot 582 DP 36692 which forms part of 22 Lord Avenue, Telopea (Attachment 1 of Attachment A) which seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (PLEP) in relation to the subject site by rezoning Lot 582 DP 36692 of 22 Lord Avenue from SP1 Special Activities) Place of Public Worship) to R2 Low Density Residential.

(c) That the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the Department of

Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination. (d) That Council advises the Department of Planning and

Environment that the CEO will be exercising the plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal as authorised by Council on 26 November 2012.

(e) Further, that Council authorises the CEO to correct any minor

anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that arise during the plan-making process.


975 RESOLVED (Garrard/Esber) That Standing Orders be resumed.

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13.10 SUBJECT 3 Parramatta Square

REFERENCE F2016/06642 - D05707976

REPORT OF Director Property and Significant Assets

Also Confidential supplementary report and Confidential attachments from Director Property and Significant Assets.

976 RESOLVED (Garrard/Esber) That consideration of the confidential supplementary report be considered in Closed Session as this matter is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


14.1 SUBJECT Casual Bike hire companies

REFERENCE F2015/02403 - D05687382

REPORT OF Councillor

977 RESOLVED (Dwyer/Tyrrell) That a report be brought to Council with respect to the operation of various casual bike hire companies, the associated pros and cons of operations of these companies in the City of Parramatta LGA and how other cities have dealt with this bike hire operation.

14.2 SUBJECT Conciliation Conferences

REFERENCE F2008/00998 - D05687942

REPORT OF Councillor

978 MOTION (Tyrrell/Jefferies) That Council adopt as policy: 1. If more than 7 unique submissions are received over the whole LGA

in the form of an objection relating to a development application during a formal notification period, Council will host a conciliation conference at Council offices.

2. All conferences to be chaired by the appropriate senior staff member,

with attendees to include: Written objectors, The applicant and interested councillors.

3. This clause applies regardless of the size and scale of the

Development Application and for the sake of clarity, includes S96 applications.

- 25 -

AMENDMENT (Bradley/Prociv)

That Council adopt as policy: 1. If more than 7 unique submissions are received over the whole LGA

in the form of an objection relating to a development application during a formal notification period, Council will host a conciliation conference at Council offices or on site as necessary.

2. All conferences to be chaired by the appropriate senior staff member,

with attendees to include: written objectors, the applicant and interested councillors.

3. This clause applies regardless of the size and scale of the

Development Application and for the sake of clarity, includes S96 applications.

The Amendment was put and Lost.

The Motion was put and Carried.

14.3 SUBJECT Duration of Council Meetings

REFERENCE F2006/00877 - D05692189

REPORT OF Councillor

979 MOTION (Dwyer/Tyrrell) That the current policy relating to duration of Council meetings be amended to the following :

22. MEETING DURATION AND ADJOURNMENT (1) Council Meetings commence at 6.30 pm and finish at 11.00 p.m. with provision for one half-hour extension to complete the business of Council or Committee. (2) If Council or Committee meeting is not completed by 11.30pm, the Chairperson must set the time and date for the reconvened meeting.

AMENDMENT (Bradley/Prociv)

That the current policy relating to duration of Council meetings be amended to the following :

22. MEETING DURATION AND ADJOURNMENT (1) Council Meetings commence at 6.30 pm and finish at 11.00 p.m. with provision for one half-hour extension to complete the business of Council or Committee. (2) If Council or Committee meeting is not completed by 11.30pm, the Chairperson must set the time and date for the reconvened

- 26 -

meeting. (3) That provision be made for a break of 15 minutes at 9.00pm.

FORSHADOWED AMENDMENT (Wearne/Garrard) That no further action be taken in this matter.

The Amendment was put and Lost. The Foreshadowed Amendment became the Amendment. The Amendment was put and Lost. The Motion was put and Carried.

14.4 SUBJECT Shadecloth for Henry Brigg Playground, Maida Raod, Epping

REFERENCE F2017/00720 - D05707193

REPORT OF Councillor

980 RESOLVED (Esber/Issa) That consideration of this matter be deferred until the Council Meeting to be held on 18 December 2017.

14.5 SUBJECT Outstanding Projects - Traffic Committee

REFERENCE F2017/00104 - D05707316

REPORT OF Councillor

981 RESOLVED (Esber/Issa) That consideration of this matter be deferred until the Council Meeting to be held on 18 December 2017.


11 DECEMBER 2017

982 RESOLVED (Esber/Garrard) NOTE

Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session. No member of the gallery wished to make representations.

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Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items lists come within the following provisions:-

1 Tender 12/2017 Church Street, Parramatta at Intersection of Parkes Street and Great Western Highway - Traffic Control Signals Upgrade and Associated Civil Works. (D05587340) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

2 Council Library and Community Rooms at 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street Parramatta - New Lease. (D05659815) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

3 Future Accommodation for Council's Administration Offices and Customer Contact Centre. (D05665353) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

4 City of Parramatta Advisory Committees. (D05663184) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.

5 3 Parramatta Square - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Note: Councillors B Barrak, S Issa and M Zaiter left the meeting at 9.58pm before the commencement of the Closed Session.


15.1 SUBJECT Tender 12/2017 Church Street, Parramatta at Intersection of Parkes Street and Great Western Highway - Traffic Control Signals Upgrade and Associated Civil Works

- 28 -

REFERENCE F2017/02298 - D05587340

REPORT OF Project Manager

983 RESOLVED (Wearne/Tyrrell) (a) That the tender submitted by Downer Infrastructure East (ABN:

66 008 709 608) for the upgrade of the traffic control signals and associated works at Church Street, Parramatta for the sum of $591,182.65 (excluding GST) be accepted.

(b) That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision

in this matter. (c) Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be

given delegated authority to execute and affix the Common Seal of Council to the necessary documents.

15.2 SUBJECT Council Library and Community Rooms at 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street Parramatta - New Lease

REFERENCE F2017/00953 - D05659815

REPORT OF Service Manager-Property Services & Space Management

984 RESOLVED (Esber/Prociv) (a) That Council enter into a new lease for 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street

Parramatta on the terms outlined in the report.

(b) That Council resolves that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign all lease related documents regarding Council’s occupation at 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street Parramatta.

(c) That if the new lease is not executed before 1 February 2018, Council secure its tenure by exercising the option term in the existing lease.

(d) Further that, authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign all existing lease option related documents regarding Council’s occupation at 1-3 Fitzwilliam Street Parramatta.

Note: Councillors S Issa and M Zaiter returned to the meeting at 10.01pm and Councillor B Barrak returned to the meeting at 10.02pm during discussion on Item 15.2.

15.3 SUBJECT Future Accommodation for Council's Administration Offices and Customer Contact Centre

REFERENCE F2017/00885 - D05665353

REPORT OF Service Manager-Property Services & Space

- 29 -


985 RESOLVED (Bradley/Esber) (a) That Council enter into a new Lease at 126 Church Street

Parramatta in accordance with the terms outlined in this report. (b) That Council resolves that authority be delegated to the Chief

Executive Officer to sign all lease related documents regarding Council’s occupation at 126 Church Street Parramatta.

(c) Further, that Council analyse future ownership options including

development of Council sites for future accommodation options for Council’s Administration offices and Customer Contact Centre.

15.4 SUBJECT City of Parramatta Advisory Committees

REFERENCE F2013/00190 - D05663184

REPORT OF Community Capacity Building Officer, Community Capacity Building

986 RESOLVED (Wearne/Dwyer) That consideration of this item be deferred to the next Council Meeting on 18 December 2017 to enable Councillors to obtain further information.

NOTE Councillor Phil Bradley previously declared a Non-Pecuniary and Less than Significant Declaration of Interest in Item 15.4 of Liveable regarding City of Parramatta Advisory Committees, as a close relative has nominated for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. He remained in the Chamber during debate and voting on the matter.

15.5 SUBJECT 3 Parramatta Square

REFERENCE F2016/06642

FROM Director Property and Significant Assets

987 RESOLVED (Esber/Dwyer) (a) That having regard to the period of time given to Council by

Walker Corp (deadline 21 December 2017) and the available documentation currently to hand from Walker Corp, there is insufficient time provided to Council to evaluate the complete risk.

(b) That Council proceed with the current contract PDA being for the

sale of the land to Walker Corp for $47.3 Million Dollars. (c) Further, that this motion is not supporting the 50/50 for 3PS.

- 30 -

NOTE: Councillor P Esber left the meeting at 10.22pm and he returned to the meeting at 10.25pm during consideration of Item 15.5.

SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS (Esber/Zaiter) That Standing Orders be suspended to enable Council to discuss

matters relating to 8 Parramatta Square. SUBJECT 8 Parramatta Square

REFERENCE F2016/06642

FROM Director Property and Significant Assets

988 RESOLVED (Esber/Zaiter) That Council officers enter into discussions with Walker Corp about the possibility of bringing forward the settlement of land for 3PS and 8PS and with a report back to Council on 18 December 2017.

NOTE: 1. Councillor B Tyrrell left the meeting at 11.01pm and he returned

to the meeting at 11.02pm during discussion on Item 15.5. 2. Councillor S Issa left the meeting at 11.07pm and he returned to

the meeting at 11.10pm during discussion on Item 15.5.


989 RESOLVED (Garrard/Tyrrell)

That as the time has reached 11.00pm, the meeting be extended for 30 minutes to enable consideration of the remaining items on the agenda.


990 RESOLVED (Dwyer/Wearne)

That Standing Orders be resumed.

The meeting terminated at 11.30pm. THIS PAGE AND THE PRECEDING 29 PAGES ARE THE MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Monday, 11 December 2017 AND CONFIRMED ON Monday,18 December 2017.

Lord Mayor