Minor Project - Marketing Principles

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  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Project BUSN 240 1

    Minor Project 1 Marketing Principles

    Jessica Kern

    Regent University

  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Paper 1 BUSN 240 2


    "#e astonis#ing gro$t# o% tec#nology is #aving a signi%icant i&pact on t#e $ays sc#ools o%%er

    e'(cation an' st('ents c#oose t#e &e'i(& o% learning on)line or on)site* +(e to 'irect res(lt o%

    t#e gro$ing tec#nological capa!ility, co(rses are !eing ta(g#t online in or'er to &eet increase'

    st('ent nee's %or online learning opport(nities rat#er t#an t#e tra'ition classroo& setting*

    logical -(estion t#at arises is $#y a partic(lar st('ent pre%ers on)line over in)person classes or

    vice)versa* "#e &ain o!ject o% t#is paper is to (n'erstan' t#e st('ent.s perception on eit#er on)

    site or on)line &e'i(& o% learning an' sc#ool.s &arketing tec#ni-(es an' tapping respective

    st('ent.s re-(ire&ents* /it# t#e a'vent o% internet on)line learning &e'i(& #as !eco&e &ost

    pre%erre' option, !(t still t#ere are &any st('ents $#o pre%er not to learn t#ro(g# on)line

    &e'i(&* "o st('y t#e on)site an' on)line operations %ro& a &arketing perspective is t#e o!jective

    o% t#is paper*

    "#e t#ree%ol' o!jectives o% t#is paper incl('es

    a co&pare an' contrast t#e 'e&ograp#ics, psyc#ograp#ics, nee's, an' $ants o% t#e &arket

    seg&ents attracte' to eac# o% t#e on)site an' on)line

    ! co&pare an' contrast t#e pro'(ctsservices o%%ere' !y t#e sc#ool t#at &eets t#e on)site

    an' on)line seg&ents

    c co&pare an' contrast #o$ t#e sc#ool a'vertises to eac# o% t#e on)site or on)line seg&ents

    Demographics, psychographics, needs, and wants of the market segments attracted to each

    of the on-site and on-line

  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Paper 1 BUSN 240 3

    n t#e not)so)'istant past, t#e relatively s&all n(&!er o% people $#o took online classes in

    t#e U*S* sa$ at)yo(r)o$n)pace learning as a goo' alternative to tra'itional, in)person classes*

    '(lts $it# careers an' c#il'ren o%ten took a'vantage o% online classes an' 'egrees '(e to t#e

    convenience t#e classes a%%or'e' t#e& to learn any$#ere, anyti&e* n t#e &in's o% &any people,

    online 'egree progra&s $ere largely associate' $it# %or)pro%it instit(tions, even t#o(g# &any

    nonpro%it instit(tions o%%ere' in'ivi'(al online co(rses* 5Bailey, Barton, 6 M(llen 720148*

    St('ents $it# so&e e9perience an' $#o are c(rrently $orking cannot get ti&e re-(ire' to atten'

    on)site classes* n a''ition, st('ents $#o $ere gra'(ates, &arrie', resi'ing o%% ca&p(s an' &ale

    $ere &ore satis%ie' $it# online e'(cation* 5Be-iri, :#ase, 6 Bis#ka 720108* ;o(ng st('ents an'

    st('ents $it#o(t a gap year or #aving no e9pos(re to any $ork o(tsi'e t#e ca&p(s ten' to like

    classroo& setting* +a(g#erty an' s(rveye' online st('ents an' res(lts s#o$e'

    %actors s(c# as t#e convenience o% co&pleting co(rse$ork at #o&e? st('y ti&es t#at a'j(ste' to

    %a&ily activities? an' access to a larger a&o(nt o% in%or&ation an' interactivity via t#e internet*

    Koons 72012 in'icate' t#at st('ents $#o $ere (na!le to atten' college an' $#ose pro&otion at

    $ork 'epen'e' on a college e'(cation $ere also o!lige' to enrol %or online classes*

    Products/services offered by the school that meets the on-site and on-line segments

    Sc#ools o%%eronline an' internet co(rses, %ace)to)%ace an' tra'itional co(rses, an' !len'e'

    an' #y!ri' co(rses* @nline an' internet co(rses are 'e%ine' as co(rses t#at 'eliver &aterial

    entirely online an' st('ents interact $it# instr(ctors entirely online*

  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Paper 1 BUSN 240 4

    t#e researc# !y "allent)R(nnels, "#o&as, an, :ooper, #ern, S#a$, an' i( in 200C, t#e

    researc#ers presente' n(&!ers to 'e&onstrate t#at enroll&ent in online e'(cation is increasing

    33D in t#e Unite' States eac# year* n a st('y !y :astle an' McE(ire 72010 t#e researc#ers

    %o(n' t#at t#e 'ata s#o$s a tren' s(ggesting t#at !ot# (n'ergra'(ate an' gra'(ate st('ents

    pre%erre' onsite learning to eit#er online or !len'e' learning* t is interesting to note t#at

    (n'ergra'(ates pre%erre' !len'e' learning to online learning $#ile gra'(ates pre%erre' online

    learning to !len'e' learning*

    How the school advertises to each of the on-site or on-line segments

    "#e prospective online st('ent is not a partic(larly savvy s#opper* F'(vent(res #as note'

    in several o% its a'(lt #ig#er e'(cation cons(&er reports over t#e years t#at &ost online st('ent

    prospects only consi'er 2)3 sc#ools, setting t#e #ig#est priority %or sc#ools local to t#e& an'

    t#ose t#at #ave !een reco&&en'e' to t#e& !y a personal ac-(aintance 7F'(vent(res, 2012* n

    an increasingly co&petitive &arket, !etter)respecte' instit(tions $it# large net$orks o% st('ents,

    %ac(lty, an' al(&ni, $ill gain t#e rep(tational a'vantage* /it# respect to t#e on)site, even t#e

    online a'vertise&ents t#ro(g# social &e'ia, %lyers, a'vertise&ent on e'(cation ne$s &e'ia an'

    t#ro(g# sc#ool ranking &agaGines*

    n or'er to co&pete in to'ay.s e'(cational &arket, sc#ools are integrating &ore an' &ore

    tec#nology into t#eir environ&ents* "#e st('ents o% t#is generation #ave gro$n (p $it# t#e

    tec#nology an' &ost are -(ite co&%orta!le $it# it* Sc#ools nee' to en#ance t#eir teac#ing $it#

    tec#nology $it#o(t losing site o% t#e !asic long ter& goals o% e'(cating o(r st('ents to !eco&e

    glo!al citiGens o% t#e $orl'* "ec#nology tools can !e an' are !eing incorporate' into !ot# on)site

    an' online classes* 5Ben)Jaco! 6 Ben)Jaco! 720138

  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Paper 1 BUSN 240 H


    Koons, K* 72012* Ne$ st('y st('ents pre%er online college classes to tra'itional classes

    Bailey, *, Barton, :*, 6 M(llen, K* 72014, J(ne 1>* "#e

  • 7/24/2019 Minor Project - Marketing Principles


    Minor Paper 1 BUSN 240 C



    Be-iri, M* S*, :#ase, N* M*, 6 Bis#ka, * 72010* @nline co(rse 'elivery n e&pirical

    investigation o% %actors a%%ecting st('ent satis%action* Jo(rnal o% F'(cation %or B(siness

    >H, =H)100*

    +a(g#erty, M* an'