Ministry of · respectful way, to...

© [email protected] Tova Ben-Ari Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law The State of Israel Ministry of Education

Transcript of Ministry of · respectful way, to...

Page 1: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

©[email protected]

Tova Ben-AriSupervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law

The State of Israel

Ministry of Education

Page 2: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

The State of IsraelThe State of IsraelMinistry of EducationMinistry of Education

Society and Youth AdministrationSociety and Youth Administration Central DistrictCentral District

StudentsStudents’’ Rights Law Implementation Secondary School SupervisionRights Law Implementation Secondary School Supervision

Welcome to PEARL World Youth News

As secondary school students from around the world,we are proud to come together to launch this online international news service.PEARL World Youth News is a partnership betweeniEARN (International Education and Resource Network)and the Daniel Pearl Foundation.

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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The Middle East can learn theThe Middle East can learn thelesson of the computerlesson of the computerrevolution . . . the place to beginrevolution . . . the place to beginthe revolution is the school.the revolution is the school.

Shimon Peres, M.K.From his book, The New Middle East Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Participating Countries:

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Project participantsProject participants


Avi Harel










Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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“Student journalists who wish to contribute to the news service will have to gothrough an online certification to submit stories, said Ed Gragert, executivedirector of iEARN.The certification process will be created in part by professionals from theNew York Times and the Columbia University School of Journalism….”Gragert said.

PEARL World Youth News invites high school studentsfrom around the world to become certified PEARL reporters

"Build a Safer, More Compassionate World" Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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please visit

Teenagers are invited to

become certified reporters

for the new Internet-based,

student-run news service,

the PEARL World

Rights Youth News,

a project of the

International Education

and Resource

Network (iEarn)

and the Daniel Pearl


Articles will be available

online and

for publication in student

newspapers all over

the globe.

[email protected]א רי-טובה ב ן ©

please נא וה מז רח י -מדר יכה א רצ י ת visit נא וה מז רח י -מדר יכה א רצ י ת

Page 8: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

Where to?Where to?


Journalistic writingCritical reading

Journalistic ethicsEthics on the Net

Culture of rightsYouth rights

YouthYouthnewspapernewspaper Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Description of the projectDescription of the project

Study meetings: written communication: language, writing,concepts, information building, message building, genres in journalisticwriting

The course was developed by the New York Times and the JournalismDepartment of Columbia University

Staff of editors and students from the United States, Pakistan andother countries, as well as editors of various newspapers from all overthe world, such as Kevin Graman of the Spokesman Review,Washington, U.S.A., will oversee the contents of the articles.

Participation in a virtual course on the Internet.

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Involvement and Participation

Reciprocal balanceschool student student family





Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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Education for acting in an intelligent manner in different communicationsspaces:Developing circles of influence of youths on other youthsDeepening study of rules of conduct on the NetCreating stages of discourse and agreement. The Israel Debating Society writes and discusses subjectsfrom the world of youthsDeveloping English language skills and language enrichmentCultivating in students abilities of skilled, sensitive, responsible and critical reading and writingStudying journalistic ethics

Building knowledge and proper attitudes toward the culture of every person orgroup

Informing about the rights of every person, young or old, in different walks oflife – developing responsibility to fulfill them

Creating a culture of rights in the school, the community, the country . . . Theglobal village

Producing a student newspaper will create an experience where ouProducing a student newspaper will create an experience where our youthsr youthsknow will that their opinions are important and are taken into cknow will that their opinions are important and are taken into considerationonsiderationby adults.

OUR Mission: to defend the civil and human rights of young peoplein the ISRAEL through education, students rights, and youth empowerment

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Personal responsibility – me and myself

Personal responsibility – mine, for my friend

Social responsibility

National responsibilityActive citizenship

Civic responsibility

The right of kindergarten teachers and educators

to develop students’ personal responsibility for their image as human beings

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

Page 13: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

Creating an electronic learning spaceCreating an electronic learning space

The student participates in learning communities, which connect theindividual with his/her team and with communities from all over the world.

Computer communication enables a dialogue between youths fromdifferent places. This communication bridges time and geographicaldistance.

The possibility of cultivating in the student sensitive and responsiblereading and writing skills.

Learning creates a dialogue with a wide range of sources: friends,books, newspapers, the Internet and CDs.

Through distance learning, it is possible to create a basis for real dialoguebetween different populations. Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

Page 14: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

Ethics on the NetEthics on the NetState laws apply to the InternetState laws apply to the Internet

Observing a culture of discourse Safeguarding privacy Safeguarding freedom of expression Safeguarding copyrights

“The dignity andfreedom of humankind”Slander is prohibitedSafeguarding privacy

Freedom ofexpression

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

Page 15: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

We have benefitedWe have benefited==

Our students = young ambassadors Acquaintance with culture of youth in the

world Written and spoken dialogue between

students of different countries Media and computer literacy Improved English reading and writing skills

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

Page 16: Ministry of · respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support, to help, ... Building

Learning Units in Distance LearningLearning Units in Distance LearningInternational Education NewsletterInternational Education Newsletter

Journalism - Power with Responsibility. What is News? The Starting Principles. Tools of Reporting. Writing the News Story. Media Ethics.

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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PEARL World Youth NewsPEARL World Youth NewsInternational Education NewsletterInternational Education Newsletter

Receiving a certificate – Young Journalist – from Pearl

Meeting journalists from different countries and writingjoint articles

Publishing articles/interviews on the international Pearlwebsite, in which youths from all over the world arepartners

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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““The medium is the messageThe medium is the message””(Marshall McLuhan)(Marshall McLuhan)

Why Youth News?Why Youth News? Creating awareness: the strength of journalism to shape behavior and expedite events Range of the influence of the electronic newspaper on the feelings of youths in

cities, nations, communities and on other youths Developing journalistic writing abilities: overt message . . . covert . . . Implied

Article, item, interview, photograph as journalistic items, etc. Educating youths to act intelligently in the different communications environments of

their lives, and as contributors to the quality of life of the individual and society Learning processes will enable freedom of expression (and its limits) and self-

expression Cultivating critical, appraising active media consumers

and reacting to different media messages Through journalistic writing, students will learn to react in writing and orally in a

respectful way, to criticize, to refrain from stereotypical thinking, to support,to help, to protest – in order to prove that they can help and contribute to the loveof humankind, to safeguard the rights of humankind and to change positions andapproaches, especially among their contemporaries . . Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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MultiMulti--cultural educational environmentcultural educational environment

Commitment to become familiar with and tolearn approaches in learning environments

Building consensus: respecting writers fromdifferent countries

Studying human rights and the rights of youths –with a multi-cultural approach (the UNconventions have been adapted to the cultures ofeach state)

Sticking to required assignments, responding tomentors from abroad, referring to colleaguesfrom abroad Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

““Students Draw RightsStudents Draw Rights””The studentsThe students’’ drawings express misgivings, desires and dreams, as well as thedrawings express misgivings, desires and dreams, as well as the difficultiesdifficulties

they experienced when their rights, or those of their friends wethey experienced when their rights, or those of their friends were violated.

““To educate a person to love peopleTo educate a person to love people””T


























Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected]

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To guide and lead studentstoward laws and values that will encourage them to actproperly on behalf of themselves, others and society.

a. granting: the right to education/quality, suitable education, the right toequality

a. protecting: physical punishment is forbidden, verbal violence is forbidden, theobligation to report violence, safeguarding secrecy, safeguarding privacy

b. participating: the right to a fair proceeding, freedom of speech, the freedomto unionize

Respect for students’ rights =appreciation of fulfilling students’ rights, responsibilities and obligations of students

Protecting rightsProtecting rights –– through taking responsibility for the otherthrough taking responsibility for the other –– for individuals or for the nation.for individuals or for the nation.These rights exist for all students, without any connection to the other qualities that make him unique.Teachers and principals – to be a stable and safe bridge for the students to adult society Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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Outcome of the projectOutcome of the project

The creation of an electronic newspaperin English and Hebrew, dealing with therights of youths: school, city, district,national Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

Supervisor for Implementation of the Students' Rights Law, Israel

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Mode of actionMode of action

Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Studying in a virtual courseStudying in a virtual course Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Ari-Tova Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Pearl newspapers in a forumPearl newspapers in a forum Ben©[email protected] National Guide – Navah Mizrachi

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Pearl newspapers in a forumPearl newspapers in a forum

Ari-BenTova©[email protected]

Greetings fromGreetings fromTova BenTova Ben--Ari,Ari,

Supervisor for the ImplementationSupervisor for the Implementationof the Studentsof the Students’’ Rights LawRights Law