Mind Idioms and Translations

I. Complete the following sentences using appropriate idiomatic expressions. 1. If she has ……………………….. her mind on getting something, there is no stopping her. a) set b) kept c) turned 2. Although I tried really hard, I couldn’t take my mind ……………………… the work pressure. a) on b) off c) of 3. …………………….. my mind, this is quite unacceptable. a) for b) to c) at 4. This apartment was designed with Ann ………………………. mind. a) in b) on c) at 5. My mind has gone ………………………… I can’t remember anything. a) wrong b) blank c) full 6. There is nothing that you can’t achieve if you put your ………………………. to it. a) brain b) mind c) heart 7. You look worried. Have you got something ……………………….. your mind? a) on b) off c) at 8. Come on, ……………………… up your mind. a) make b) bring c) put 9. Knowing that he is just a phone call away is a ………………………. off my mind. 1


English test for mind idiom

Transcript of Mind Idioms and Translations

I. Complete the following sentences using appropriate idiomatic expressions.1. If she has .. her mind on getting something, there is no stopping her.

a) set b) kept c) turned

2. Although I tried really hard, I couldnt take my mind the work pressure.

a) on b) off c) of

3. .. my mind, this is quite unacceptable.

a) for b) to c) at

4. This apartment was designed with Ann . mind.

a) in b) on c) at

5. My mind has gone I cant remember anything.

a) wrong b) blank c) full

6. There is nothing that you cant achieve if you put your . to it.

a) brain b) mind c) heart

7. You look worried. Have you got something .. your mind?

a) on b) off c) at

8. Come on, up your mind.

a) make b) bring c) put

9. Knowing that he is just a phone call away is a . off my mind.

a) matter b) weight c) concern

10. I told them that I have a/an . mind on the matter.

a) open b) closed c) sincere

II. Translate 1. Are you usually afraid of speaking your mind ? If not, do you know anyone who is? Why are they? What is the downside of speaking your mind ?2. Has the prospect of living abroad ever crossed your mind?

3. Have you ever told anyone to mind their own business? If so, why? Have you ever been told to

mind your own business ?

4. Have you ever been in two minds about choosing a subject at school / a degree to study / a job to accept / a hobby to take up?5. Is it difficult for you to make your mind up?6. Have you ever been bored out of your mind in class / at work / during alecture or a conference / a film or a play at the theatre / at a party?7. Dou you agree with the saying Out of sight, out of mind ?8. Have you ever given anyone a piece of your mind ? If so, when was the last time you did? What was the argument about? What happened in the end?9. What do you have to bear in mind when choosing a new flat to live in / ajob to do / a degree to study?

III. Choose the most appropriate answer.

Partea superioar a machetei

1. Let's go out and have some fun. . , it's Sunday!

After all Before long In general On the other hand

2. He was of breaking the door when his wife called and said that she found the key.

beside the point off the point on the point to the point

3. He wants to have his own company in which he will be able to .. .

call a halt call a spade a spade call it a day call the shots

4. Mike, I have to be at the bank in fifteen minutes, and my car won't start. Can you . , please?

give me a blank check give me a break give me a lift give me five

5. You'd be if you get a full-time job.

above board better off for good in the long run

6. I'm staying at Tony's house. Write to me Tony Lee, 123 Main Road, New York, N.Y.

in care of in charge of in place of in terms of

7. I try to do my best at work, but my boss always with my work.

falls asleep finds fault follows suit

8. Where have you been? Mother is . with worry.

beside herself in hot water out of reach under the weather

9. He asked his secretary to . the chief accountant before the meeting.

get a grip on get even with get in touch with get rid of

10. I don't mind their visits once in a while, but I at inviting them to stay with us for a week.

draw a conclusion draw blood draw the curtain draw the line Partea inferioar a macheteiIV. Expressions using the word "MIND" ...

I just forgot. I hope that this will not inconvenience you. You must be completely mad. Make a decision ! I have decided otherwise. Could you possibly help me ? You have imagined it all. I won't forget your idea. I have already thought about that. Look after your own affairs ! It doesn't matter. Say what you think ! It's the first thing I thought of. Be careful - the doorway is very low. I can't stop thinking about you. That will give you something else to think about. What a relief ! I suddenly forgot what I wanted to say. I don't know what to think about the subject. I couldn't forget.

Never mind !It slipped my mind. Speak your mind !Mind your head !I hope you don't mind.My mind went blank.I'll keep it in mind.I can't get you out of my mind.It stuck in my mind.Mind your own business !It will take things off your mind.Would you mind helping me ?I've changed my mind.It's all in your mind.I am in two minds about the matter.It's the first thing that came to mind.Make up your mind !You must be out of your mind.It crossed my mind.That's a load off my mind.V. Body Idioms

Partea superioar a machetei

1. Tom and Anna never quarrel. They see . on everything.

eye to eye face to face head to head nose to nose

2. It will be difficult for him to save .. after such a terrible blunder.

body face hair head

3. Mike put his best .. forward during his first meeting with Ella's parents.

arm foot hand leg

4. A bunch of teenagers got out of . and smashed several windows.

arm arms hand hands

5. She has a good . for music

ear eye finger nose

6. I didn't mean it! It was just a slip of the . ! Please forgive me.

hand mind mouth tongue

7. He had to fight them because he had his to the wall.

back body chest neck

8. It crossed my . that I had seen him somewhere.

head heart mind palm

9. She has a sweet . . She eats a lot of sweets every day.

heart mouth tongue tooth

10. This is a difficult puzzle. I racked my .. for two hours, but I couldn't solve it.

brain head mind skull

Get rid of, fortunately, never mind, don' t mind, mind my words, mind the..., requirement, prrequisite, none of them, worthwhile, all the bells and whistles, willingly, look( at, after, up, up in, down, into, over) , go- to, utilities, one more ting, heads- up, have in mind, change my mind

1. Te- ar deranja sa mi te alaturi la un curs de navigatie pe care il fac chiar acum? Din fericire, am un bilet ramas- un alt prieten a platit cursul, dar nu mai poate participa si a cedat de buna voie locul lui. Chiar merita, tine minte ce iti spun!

2. De doua ore imi tot caut cardul de acces. Nu conteaza, mi s- a spus ca oricum ti se va face altul si nu are rost sa il cauti pe cel vechi. Altfel, ti- as fi dat un avertisment, insa niciunul dintre participanti nu are card pana acum.

3. Crezi ca sunt necesare cursuri preliminare ? Nu stiu care sunt cerintele pentru acest curs. Nu am mai fost niciodata la un curs de navigatie. Nu am mai fost pe mare de doi ani si s- arputea sa am rau de mare.

4. Te rog sa nu imi spui ca te- ai razgandit in ccea ce priveste navigatia. Abia astept sa fim pe marea larga si intentionez sa caut in altasul navigatorului cele mai bune trasee. Este cartea la care sa apelezi cand vrei sa iti atingi scopul si sa demostrezi ceva. Ar trebui sa ai in minte ca nu conteaza ca suntem incepatori, nimeni nu ar trebui sa ne dispretuiasca.

5. Nu este usor sa scapi de un obicei gresit si trebuie sa muncesti din rasputeri ( ttooth and nails) sa iti atingi scopul. Invata- te sa verifici inainte de a cumpara o nava, chiar daca pare ca are toate modernitatile si - ca sa nu uit/ inca ceva- vezi daca are nevoie de reparatii sau gandeste- te daca ti- o poti permite.

Partea inferioar a machetei



































































































