MIHI Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Report MIHI 201132012 2011-2012 Annual Report


MIHI Annual report 2011-2012

Transcript of MIHI Annual Report 2011-2012

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2011-2012 Annual Report

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Who we are…

Amanda Danielle Olivier Mira

Fabienne Lucy

Laura Hélène Victoria Laurence

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Activities &


MIHI Beer and Pizza && Kick3off&event&of&the&year&were&all& the&opportunities&for&students&involvements& were& announced.& Hélène& Retrouvey,& MIHI& coordinator&201032011&and&VP&GH&201132012&announced& the&new&coordinator& for&the& 201132012& year,& which& will& be& Olivier& Gagné& and& Sanela& Music.&Attendance&was&estimated&at&about&55&people.&& &


IFMSA – Québec National Congress&&& Sanela&Music&and&Olivier&Gagné&represented&MIHI&to&the&congress&where& they& could& meet& with& the& other& students& involved& in& similar&committees& in& the& other& faculty& of& medicine& in& Québec.& They& had& the&chance& to& discuss& about& the& current& topics& in& global& health& that& are&worth& organizing& activities& and& also& the& different& ways& to& organize&conference& and& meetings.& Different& trainings& were& given& to& the& two&representatives.&&


MSS Roundtable event && The& night& was& divided& in& three& different& sessions& about& the&management&of& a& club,& the& fundraising&of& a& club& and& the&places&where&clubs& could& collaborate&more.&MIHI&was& represented& by& Olivier& Gagné&and&benefitted& a& lot& from& the& session& about& alumni& relations& since& the&yearly&campaign&for&OMAF&is&directly&related&to&this&way&of&fundraising.&&&& &

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Roundtable and discussion with Vanessa Kerry&&

& The&meeting&was&held&at&the&U.S.A.&consulate&in&Montréal&were&not&only&students&were& invited&but&people&who&are&actively&working& in&the&field&of&global&health&such&as&Joanne&Liu&from&MSF&and&Carol&Valois&from&Université- de- Sherbrooke.& Dr.& Kerry& talked& a& lot& about& her& philosophy&behind&working&in&global&health&and&the&tricks&that&she&has&learned&over&the& years.& Attending& the& event& from& MIHI& was& Helene& Retrouvey,&Victoria& Korsos,& Lucy& Manchester& and& Olivier& Gagné.& Dr.& Kerry& also&made&available&a&lot&of&documentation1&about&the&advocacy&that&needs&to&be& done& to& integrate& more& global& health& into& the& medical& school&curriculum.&Some&photos&were&taken&during&the&event2.&&


Advocacy workshop over lunch && Mira& Zein& completed& a& master& of& public& health& before& entering&medical&school.&She&is&now&a&second3year&medical&student&at&McGill&and&a&part&of&MIHI.&She&is&ensuring&the&role&of&Liaison&Officer&of&Global&Health&with&the&CFMS&and&gave&this&one3hour&long&tutorial&over&lunch&hour&in&a&small3group&room&of&the&McIntyre&building.&The&session&was&a&great&mix&of&concrete&example&and&general&concepts.&The&13&people&attending&left&the& room& with& a& better& understanding& of& the& process& for& advocacy,&especially&when&the&goal&is&to&change&a&policy&or&raise&awareness&about&a&specific&cause.&&&&&&&


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Christmas donation competition&&& Following& the& tradition,& this& year& again& MIHI& organized& a&competition&between&the&different&pre3clinical&classes&of&2016,&2015&and&2014.&All& the&goods& like&food,&clothes&and&toys&were&donated&to&L’Oasis-De-St8Laurent-inc.&The&winner&of&the&competition&was&the&class&of&2016.&&



FGM documentary screening && This& activity& was& a& joint& activity& between& SCORA3&and& MIHI& to&highlight& the&International& Day& of& Zero& Tolerance& to& Female& Genital&Mutilation.& There&was& a& documentary& presentation& about& FGM& and& its&practice&in&2012&around&the&world,&followed&by&a&discussion&potentially&about& the& different& consequences& and& everyone’s& perception.& The&attendance&was&a&little&bit&over&10&people&as&the&topic&can&be&sometimes&really& harsh.& The& discussions&were& lead& by& Ariane& Smith& from& SCORA&and& Olivier& Gagné& from& MIHI.& The& documentaries& presented& a& lot& of&statistics&and&images&but&also&the&whole&cultural&and&traditional&context&surrounding&this&practice.&&


Global Health Wine and Cheese&&

& MIHI& was& there& to& help& with& the& logistics& and& present& a& poster.&Many&members&of&the&MIHI&were&part&of&the&student&committee&for&the&event& such& as& Hélène& Retrouvey,& Victoria& Korsos,& Sajjid& Hossain& and&Olivier&Gagné.&The&event&was&hosted&and&organized&by&the&McGill&Global&Health&Programs&in&the&Bellini&atrium.&&



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Unite for sight Conference&&& This&past&April&a&group&of&first&and&second&year&medical&students&for&McGill&and&University&of&Montreal&attended&the&Unite&for&Sight&Global&Health&and&Innovations&Conference&at&Yale&University.&The&weekend&was&an& exhilarating& experience& for& all& involved.& The& Unite& for& Sight&conference&is&currently&the&largest&global&health&conference,&welcoming&participants& from& over& 55& countries.& We& were& privileged& to& hear&keynote& addresses& from& such& world3renowned& academics& as& Jeffrey&Sachs,& Professor& of& Health& Policy& and& Management& at& Columbia&University& and& Special& Advisor& to& the& Secretary& General& of& the& United&Nations.& We& sat& in& on& breakout& sessions& that& addressed& some& of& the&newest& focuses& in& global& health& including& advocacy& in& the& media,&surgical& intervention& and& research& strategies& and& ethics.& We& had& the&meaningful& experience& of& hearing& speakers& from& various& countries,&disciplines& and&walks& of& life& share& their& perspectives& on& global& health&and& the& challenges& they& have& faced.& We& discussed& our& thoughts& with&colleagues& from& equally& diverse& backgrounds.& Global& health& was& truly&brought& to& us& in& an& academic& and& literal& way,& prompting& some&meaningful&reflection&for&us&all.&We&hope&to&use&some&of&the&knowledge&and&wisdom&that&was&transferred&to&us&in&our&own&fields&of&involvement,&be& it& at& McGill,& in& Montreal& or& in& Quebec.& The& next& Unite& for& Sight&Conference& will& be& taking& place& April& 13314th,& 2013& and& we& strongly&recommend&for&those&of&you&passionate&about&global&health&to&attend.&&& MIHI& organized& the& transport,& the& accommodation& and& the& food&during& the& whole& week3end& to& the& twelve& students& from& McGill&attending& and& the& other& thirteen& from& Université& of& Montréal& and&Sherbrooke.&&

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Yearlong initiatives OMAF&&

& This& year& again,& the& 4& OMAF& scholarships& were& attributed& to&medical&students&doing&elective&abroad&as&a&part&of&the&clinical&training.&These&scholarships&are&of&the&sum&of&1000$&each. &&

& The& campaign& this& year& was& improve& in&that& we& tried& also& to& send& an& email& to& some&alumni& for&which&we&had&email& addresses.&The&logo& (image& to& the& left]& was& also& revamped& to&have& a& better& quality& upon&printing.&We& added&to& the& letter4&another& piece& of& promotion& that&was&a&small&insert5&in&color&to&help&increase&the&

credibility&and&the&show&the&results&of&the&money&that&is&being&donated.&Also,& there& was& the& OMAF& promotion& guide6&who& was& only& available&electronically&for&those&receiving&the&e3mail.&&& About&183&envelopes&were&sent&throughout&Canada,&60&in&the&USA&and&3&at&the& international& level& for&a&total&of&246&envelopes.&As&of& June&13,& the&money& collected&was& of& 2,145$& and& the& fund& is& open& until& the&time&that&we&initiate&the&one&for&next&year.&&

MIHI Newsletter &

& This& year& again,& 5& newsletters& were& sent& out& to& about& 407&subscribers&mostly&from&McGill&and&Montreal&but&going&as&far&as&Kenya,&Cambodia&and&Turkey.&The&newsletter&hopes& to& spread& the& info& that& is&


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interesting& so& as& to& increase& the& involvement&of& students& into&projects&and& make& sure& to& spread& the& opportunities& readily& available.& In& the&annex,&you&will&find&different&editions&of&the&newsletter&of&this&year.7&8&9&10&11&&&

Book Donation Program&&& This&year&we&have&pushed&forward&one&of&MIHI’s&project&that&was&ongoing& for& couple& of& years,& the& book& donation& program.& We& have&formally&made&contacts&in&Haiti&and&in&Ethiopia.&65&books&over&the&years&and&prepared& the& shipment& for&Haiti.&Air&Canada&will&be& shipping& it& as&part& of& a& cargo& delivery& and&we& need& to&wait,& as&we& are& lower& on& the&priority&list.&Fabienne&Djandji&has&been&managing&the&contact&with&Galit&Sacajiu&and&dealing&with&the&different&instances&concerned,&ranging&from&the&contact&in&Haiti&to&the&transporter.&&&

Haiti Medical Education Project&&

& This& project& is& an& ongoing& project& based& in& the& United& States& in&certain& universities& of& the& east& coast.& The& project& has& different&components& that&are&being&worked&out&and&one&of& the&most&present&one&is&the&Wednesday&lecture&series.&This&is& also& where& MIHI& got& involve& couple& of& times&throughout& the& year& to& do& translation& of& a& lecturer&speaking&English&to&French&so&that&the&audience&in&Haiti&could&understand.&Danielle&Godin&and&Olivier&Gagné&are&the& ones&who&have&dedicated& a& bit& of& their& time& to& do&the&translation.&&&


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Medical Students for Haiti&&

& This& association& is& also&a&US3based&association& that&offers&opportunities& to&go& to&Haiti& for&a&week&and& teach&anatomy& to& medical& students.& MIHI& is& responsible& to&forward& the& information& to& the& medical& students& to& make&sure&that&people&who&are&interested&can&apply&to&the&different&programs.&This& summer& a& first3year& student,& Michel& Tran& went& for& a& one3week&program.&&&& For& the& upcoming& year,& although& there& was& a& push& to& create& a&chapter& under& the& MSS,& MIHI& will& be& acting& as& a& contact& point& and& a&liaison&for&MS4H12.&&


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Management of the Club

Website, logo and image&& && Over&the&course&of&the&year,&many&modifications&were&done&to&the&website,& to& the& logo& and& to& the& overall& image& of& MIHI& within& the&community.&Also,&the&club&used&to&be&called&MIHI/SCOGH&but&it&was&felt&to&be&too&heavy&as&an&acronym&and&was&just&brought&back&to&MIHI&since&it& is& historically& the& older& name.& MIHI& is& still& the& local& committee& of&SCOGH&at&McGill.&

Creation of positions&&& This&year,&we&tried&to&give&each&other&responsibilities&and&specific&field& of& involvement& but& the& extend& to& which& it& really& worked& is& not&satisfactory.& The& idea&with&MIHI&was& to& have& general&member&who& all&come& together& and& join& the& MIHI& to& do& their& initiative.& Now& we& are&starting&to&see&that&this&is&maybe&outdated&or&cohort&dependent.&This&is&why&there&is&a&need&for&positions&to&be&created&for&the&201232013&year.&&

Meetings & Throughout&the&year,&the&meetings&were&really&crucial&moments&to&decide&where& to& put& our& efforts& in& and& also& to& talk& and& discuss& about&topics& that&we&wanted& the& others& to& be& aware& of& in& the& field& of& global&health,& school& or& our& personal& lives.& Although& logistically& hard& to& pull&together& as&we&were& all& really& involved& in&different&projects& and& stuck&into& different& schedules,& theses& meetings& were& really& productive& and&

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were& setting&our& agenda& as& club&much&more& effectively& than& the&usual&email&exchanges.&We&had&about&5&meetings.&&

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Last modified in Sorrento, Italia on August 2nd, 2012 by Olivier Gagné ©McGill International Health Initiative, an affiliated club of the Medical Student Society of McGill University since 1982.

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Hi Olivier, Here is a little text to help you out following the roundtable at the consulate. Global Health (GH) is a rapidly evolving field that can be defined as covering: a) any health issue that concerns many countries or transnational determinants; b) complex interactions between societies; c) resources, knowledge and experience of diverse societies to address transnational health challenges and; d) prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and “other aspects of clinical medicine” and basic science i . Notably, this definition includes social, economic, environmental and political determinants of population health, as well as optimal strategies for individual patient care.! !There has been a dramatic increase in demand for GH training opportunities in the United States in myriad clinical disciplines iiiii and an unprecedented growth in GH activities, interest and funding at universities and academic medical centers around the country. A recent survey by the Consortium for Universities for Global Health found that the number of university-based GH programs more than quadrupled between 2003 and 2009 iv. North American universities conduct academic clinical or research activity in 104 of the 112 low and middle-income countries worldwide though this is yet to be fully mapped formally v. Despite this growth, there is little consensus of what comprises GH education, training, or benchmarks to measure success vi vii. The numerous programs vary in rotation structure, in disease of primary interest, in geographic focus, the depth of partnership and degree of knowledge exchange. This full spectrum of medical education and training is not yet documented.! !The growth in GH interest is seen in multiple academic medical disciplines and is increasingly recognized as beneficial to training. Nelson et al. surveyed pediatric programs nationally and found that one half of them now have a GH curriculum.viii Ozgediz et al. found that 90% surgical residents at University of San Francisco expressed interest in GH, and that GH rotations improved skills in history-taking, exposure to a broader scope of surgical conditions, and appreciation for sociocultural aspects of care provisionix. In a 2009 review of GH graduate medical education, Drain et al. characterized exposure to a broader disease spectrum or enhanced physical exam skills as key advantages of GH trainingx. This interest

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affects recruitment also; both emergency medicine residency applicants as well as family medicine residents rank programs with GH rotations over those that did not offer GH rotations.xi xii! !Investments in training human resources for health are critical to scale-up of health care delivery programs around the world xiii xiv. The World Health Organization estimates that there is a shortage of 2.4 million doctors, nurses and midwives in over 57 countries with the most severe shortages in areas with the highest burden of disease xv xvi. These shortages are fueled by under-resourced public health systems unable to train new healthcare workers and are further taxed by the emerging epidemiological shift in disease burden towards non-communicable diseases. A new strategy beyond the traditional communicable disease framework is required to scale-up the needed health professionals to address today’s complex disease challenges. Many U.S. based programs are positioned to help but there is little, if any data to determine to what extent nascent programs address rapidly changing geography and etiology of disease. A comprehensive approach to GH education which expands capacity, develop international leadership to match the diverse global burden of disease is necessary to maximize the global impact of this new discipline. Vanessa Bradford Kerry, MD M.Sc. Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!Koplan J. Bond TC. Merson M. Reddy KS, Rodriguez MH, Sewankambo NK, Wasserheit JN for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Executive Board. Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet. 2009; 373: 1993-95!ii!Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, Cohen J, Crisp N, Evans T, Fineberg H, Garcia P, Ke Y, Kelley P, Kistnasamy B, Meleis A, Naylor D, Pablos-Mendez A, Reddy S, Scrimshaw S, Sepulveda J, Serwadda D, Zurayk H. Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet. 2010; 376: 1923-58!iii!Association of American Medical Colleges. 2010 Medical School Graduation Questionnaire All Schools Report. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2010.!iv!Merson M, Chapman Page K, The Dramatic Expansion of University Engagement in Global Health: Implications for U.S. Policy. Report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Washington D.C: Center for Strategic and International Studies. 2009: 3-4!v!Kerry, V. Unpublished data, 2010!vi !Consortium of Universities for Global Health, (2008), Meeting Report: Inaugural Meeting. September 7-9, 2008, San Francisco. Available online at: http:..cugh.org/publications/global-health!!vii!Brewer, T. Saba, N, and Clair, V. (2009) From boutique to basic: A call for standardized medical education in global health. Medical Education. 43: 930-934!viii!Nelson, B. Lee, A. Newby P. Chamberlin, M. Huang C. (2008) Global health training in pediatric residency programs. Pediatrics; 122: 28-33!ix!Ozdegiz, D. Roayaie, K. Debas, H. Schecter, W. Farmer, D. Surgery in developing countries, (2005) Archives of Surgery; 140: 795-800!x !Drain, P. Holmes, K. Skeff, K. Hall, T. Gardner, P. (2009) Global health training and international clinical rotations during residency: current Status, needs, and opportunities, Acad Med, Vol 84(3): 320 -325!!xi!Dey, C. Grabowski, J. Gebreyes, K. Hsu, E. VanRooyen, M. (2002) Influence of international emergency medicine opportunities on residency program selection. Acad Emerg Med; 9:679–683!!xii!Bazemore, A. Henein, M. Goldenhar, L. Szaflarski, M. Lindell, C. Diller, P. (2007) The effect of offering international health training opportunities on family medicine residency recruiting. Family Medicine; 39: 255-260!!xiii!Mullan F, Frehywot S, Omaswa F, Buch E, Chen C, Greysen SR, et al. Medical Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, Lancet [Internet]. 2010 Nov 11. [cited 2010 Nov 12] Available from: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2961961-7/abstract!xiv!Frenk J et al. 2010.!xv!World Health Organization. The world health report 2006: Working together for health. WHO. Geneva; 2006!!xvi!World Health Organization. The global burden of disease: 2004 Update. WHO. Geneva; 2008 !

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