
three, .«Mietina; of AW. Oakley. 8anhh tad Wal-»\ who, alW » bnef oooniUeratioo of the subject, rep^t^ in favor of remona'.rating ttajainrit the pansv ^ vf lbt propoaed bill hy the Legislature, and a res WM paused to that etTect tmammously. The Board or Eoi catk' fo]]ow;ng gentle awn were Im» Mg« appotif ' tf .. Ooard of Edu «aaa rw rtweataMg w ftffZ-Sen 5 .. J <'"«n- woed.JX. Bro-,, a.-B%;*^r>rH.rt Herten J W. Taylor, CUr^^^Z bLTWU*. * M. I *.> tmc Janea. Hail. TBI CmcriT Cot *t..Judge Strong b< ingab-ent Jfjatwliy. »**lrir*t ct the Oer.eraJ Term in New-York. J I al^eb» U oi^oeoffll« Oreel*. Coart rriormu*. li.e em i. i»t mi ntrvt, end no bnataaai belua ievly, Jbt mtjßWmd tall Co* ¦ersbig, when fron. Nu. to No. 61 lucll- atra will ba wileJ. iTTfiTTin ¦Narwal Roaaiy..A g**'.t»em*.n ¦eaaea Arnold, whil- pwtain« over the i»mai- Pi«.nk?n*1 Wi**>aj Hirvj wan Wtiivyt I bl i t" '*. p**!* .h-, da of aeaw: I aom« money. Inaleed of d'a* t bia p»ra*. Mr A. ¦raw a poeol and bled when kit eeea.H a twfi naaty tea-.*. Ca» of tbem, it ia eup'poetwl. *>¦ Wtwaded. Bcrolart..Tbe reeiiiatnee of H. 'if.. Cava. Re " CWrituri Wi*»t, *»«a* *nle-«d by two V>va or W.wineiwlay aftaa> aao.B. wkn atoln ttevfrom w*». he* anil >.». ~T «are an.oi'.,ti:ij tft ever *>TUt iu v»i«r, and aaraoed undetected. «*«*' mm Ban Jlonr..A worn.. named Catharine »*'Uo A, WM arooaAt btrrore Jutti.« Jec.h. ycaferdae. on a eaarfr >mf ycaaiiMl a hkd I«».«..» b>Xl at too grocery rt J. *V7 Onu> Jvtrret. Held toaniwer. _ JVA ir JERSEY ITEMS. -¦*>- Tar Fiwr. 7>r> artist..Th:- Jersey City Con> sm, Oonrcil at it* laet e»e>-tliie *dore*d a ro«oiu-ion 11 par* 'it.a at MM ta iA* Ward ami Ha* Pi tlM Want, u;sin ¦aybleh to ere it rr »ine-"ioi;.<». Tbe lota are not Jo re- -e eeau 0 .'<* earb. AVaaetatioa wu amoved, alao. la f rent, | Swe iktielun boce-carriatv* fur tb- ar* of'.be rire DapMM t. Twr. or Am. TTRRr f.t..The riaim of AM. ajt*a.u. i It. Tyirell <u a neat in tbe Jew y City Rnani rfAltW' eaten *u ar»ne.l ta 'b.- Hapnaaa Om rt » ". ¦. :i on Taaraday Jaat. Tbe deciaiiu la r«*er»«(: un'il tb* June term. ftmoor. EitAaivtTiov-.-Ti.e Jersey City S ho il atxaaciuatlona are re w |irii(ie,«*inr. The ditn rent r!a»«e< are ttiori>0(Ujr ciamined hy a ( omuntUie i f livij ujein'iera "Board of Kdneatinii. (.1 wbirh C. mruitti >- Mr Slater in l aaaa. Laat week tbe ditlerent claaaea in I' 1, ki Ytok »tr«e», w. re mi j. ivaud 't'«n*d*y ¦mat the PnMie B«rt| ttfm tr ribtttilrm tunk liirt. irbt't *ut .taeaaber*of tbe Board oi r ¦!. ate-, a t a anaab et *tUai m attended. ThU week tb- rtnrae* in i'uhl <; Si-bool No. i are Nlata **a»»aa*«t, aad oa Meadayta 1 «iay neat the Pebtie Herep'ion ai.d ftbibitn/n will take j lac* at tbe now acbool *t»r»p-;ii Ae iu,i $. LAW INTELLIGENCE "COFRT or GF.Nr.rtAi. nSalONtWaUaca Beaaa Reeorder Smith. aaaa or ai d. hkalt. Tlie Court met at 11 o cluck. The attenilaioc area ejnite large, it bemg ataatonlaotl thai kha < aee of Abb lliaJy, x ( ouiiciiuian. who atuiida in in to 1 on a charge of bribery, would be tried. Mr. Ueuly WU prewut in eourt wrüh b I aoaaateL Jlr. Hall, the District-Attoniey, aaidl In the ease of llartholouiew Ueaty, wbi.h was ad¬ journed from Monday laet to to-duy at my laqaaal ike protecution and defense being both prepared nt tliat time to go to order to enable me to te- *flect a little upon the oourae which war moat condu¬ cive to tbe publie interest for myself to take, i.ot only ha thia prosecution but various others which come an- .der the Bribery act of 1033j aad I think I have ar¬ rived at the oaaclusii u to in iv< m these caaea the en¬ trance of a nolle pro$eqni. I desire also to state briefly tbe circumstance* which have apantad apoa my mind haadiaajaaeta aoaaitatheae conelaaiowe; und I bavr pieced niy vii up in writing, that they may be hied With tbe (lici t odiagi Ml Mr. Hull then read tbe aabjoiaed etatcincnl to tho Court II tbe ('null i lea a*, t J e re are WVaral in -.lic'iueuta pe'i'liui Tor ef**t*M*<*init tbe Bribery Act of 1853. alleged tu hu- «.«¦Biltted by divera ' tlic.alf I bar* prcm ruled lotiial three mtk tmeri»* of a aimilar char¬ acter |I|kiu ibtae trial* there tnain-d one arr^uitial and twoi'.ia- aar*em*uta of juriea. In one 0*M there baa been two trial* anj two dua«r**ii.*iit>. Mete reioiuly, In a parallel *a*a in Brock- tya. tb»r* baa b«-u a like dmrir.iiKi.i. Tnr wbirb bate been |.roa< ruted to trial » re atO-rupt. d to be ana- taoned by dornmantary leaiimoiiy. whicb it wan tllojjtj wi nt to faaien too eilme of bribery apon tlm acoaatod. Tho roaaalal i| kndictinent*. and uVy are all drawn under on* aeciiou uf lb* law, and are contrelleil by ckarai . of tb* aamn character, w 'th only nere.aa'y rariallon uf leu, tune, pla-**a and pcraont.are *W|.poit*d unl) byoral loaliiiiou) ,e\.der.'e >.f uniternl*: di If*, pitf- aoaitiona. preunara » h:ch i> |K>» in Ih- meuiory. The law ha,. »I- toady u.atraetod. on tbe trial, of the ladattaa* to f«r bad, thai of the a coj.plicewa« dai.tcroa* fhe J.s 'i noi.ta-y .videiirn waa the iaht to corroborote tbta. 1'|nui the tr»ab trial* Me Oavjtt wawM bavo to aad a fartbrnr lnetraetioii that th* erb « at ronteraaiiona «*. weak ami often faol'y, and con¬ trolled by lb* tntiroiitie* of h .man rneriiory. lh*y who are *. atudenta il the law or of biatory kaow ibat in all rilaln trlala of oftirera boidhif pla '¦¦ ot trn.i and profit, ibe attuneM of p line*, h'u tbt r kaatfy ot '. in-' y, k* Ibraat *|on the a. llou ol tue ju>y bot; that II p*rvauea loo am.a elan inaln.iia I.) coun.^1. mid linitur. a the **a*]tjOjBao r aarcaarn of tanimOißt up. Whs: a prosecution, throiub tea t ef rsjrotnptuiy tibalieutt-a or thioegh lack uf tbu K -stub " **t- ttur «aide'' until tbe pai el ia exhausted, ti aa poor to keep a per- ¦a* a I or polirle*! frirml of an a. cute 1 ftoui profettiaa 'o bt kk .tatrnleretied arbiter a. a detente it rich with hit twanty [«reuin- twry cballentea to ahut o'ir th.we rrer»ly «ua;>e.-tod to be po lit .J or peraonal fuca.whe.i a proaec ition, I rejgat, i* th ia .atwatod, aad the political elemtnt i.ycettarhy pcp a.le« the evi- denee, I tare not how itro!,t a rate tail: may be, th-.« i* alwa^t a probaMliiy of dtaaj of I .jatttoj I niak* tbeae latt ren-a-k* upou eonerat principle*; I hitond ¦o eapeeial aputii ation of them. It tataaW neeoin"* in* to bo- atovo tkat tb* Jnry. who r*nr***nt th* peopta hnyoud *>* repre- OOU'atiuli and au, enoito my mtt - hti. by diaatii inient*. at *JI *y*ni*.>aid there kt a rrn.onthlc and raAteael deabt 1 a*Ut. And in the raaea antried it it m v luty to obej tb Btaiial of law tbat eeeiy uian i* pretume 1 to it inuocent aatil full ia pro»en r.peclally at th« t'l It** OH -iii lic'tnei.'* atalBOl wooan I new bold In my band- ha- I alwaya pro*,-.«* I ae e a*at> tat** for trial, aae l av.-' MRtettt rt ainWialOtl atain't tli* artiou ¦whlth I deeme.! adviaahlc for the i aMl ii tereate, ia Biefeillof ta try tbe iudietnirnU where docUanoatae* eyi lern e exiatsd aefoi* tboae t-ippirted only bv ral Mee~-e*pe*ialj toward <hrm am I boUM to ultaraAt that maxim. I nder Ihet« *xi*tln( < irramttanre.- tmt «In. r the Ji.rlet tak* the letrponaibil.tiet for lb* people ka dlrtaiiae t* BM, 0] loaal iauplk ation, thai theae MOM.ntmnt «hr.ll ceaae | and alBM have raaaun to belief* that taeea war be a deaaar ef Juetkte boioi ral.ier arorned by freouer t lh« arnnt« ol ilir chartoa than beue- .tod.I bat* coiirhiJed to ahain'on iue r » w »\.at ttif «oder tbe Brils>ry Act of ta «3; tru.i.nt to the tent* of the ¦atcole to eleet iReu who are litTniH mtrirln i aaklng the Le(:t- lat Jie to atreb|th«u a prooeriitlou by fi\ii ail in ajuit- catet to .atqntj adyantaae witb tbe d*fenae-'-». j bupint that tbt trial* ¦aaVoadyhadna vcoi aVoaalon il *:i\ ntalty oshM en d or undia.o%*red.l ibat whether j'inithnieut* follow tboir tniadooda, ospuaaie certainly can. I tbeiofore pre. nt tbete coiitideration* to Tour Honor ia Otrpport of my oAcial am ion for leave to enter a nolle prMe^ui hi earb of lb* follow in *j rat**: TJ * fitople «Kl Ai «iii Hrrr.. k two indictment*. Tb* Peayla eg t. faanh B, BM ^ Th* People at! Bartholomew Mealy. Th* Propi. mi. \\ 11 ham B. Orakr. The People aat. John 0. Wan.!-., lb* Paople aft. Bartholomew B. I'urdv. Tl.. IV, nA- e .,., H IV. The IV,i|»-«i hraicit ML Carry. The Teopleaft- Samuel II. M..*.">. The** p*r*ott are entitled to trial. Harint arrivod al Mbt eonrluaiou not to try tbem for tbe reaaon* KtateJ, I have no lijJtt to bold tb* iudictiueuta ataiutt theni at a .fttn uf arbi¬ trary power Th* n Jit j rorryai, " the uuwlllim to proaecute.'' .jim Ulia lawyara, killa the pje*.tiu| only, hut Dot ta* Charte«. Th«y will die only ihroutb the uieurue of tbe a'.atuto of luoitaiiou*. Tbe motion of the Distrie*-At'.im«>y wat grauted. BlPRKMf: Ct»t'RT^ltatnLTtaM.-M«»cH ff liaae Juat im S-Ttuvu, Roosevclt. i kltKi: an.; Ham The matti r oi the Nea Beiacroirceatveap. L.B, Bbet«rd, **q. Corportlion C'ountrl moved the confirmation of the t wnimttuonen Report, aaavaaint ihe damayret for laada taAeu fair tbt* purpivae. for vanoni *»ojjioiIj bolilai*. a uom ..rot tentlemenJ.Me-ar*. Ja*. T. Bra«iy fem p-..!ertoa. Paele* Board man, and otbera, appeared. r*»dU»« their argument*, tho aJjourned to Friday at II a. m. ai'PERIOR COl'RT-M.acM lS.Beforj Chief JuttUse , «. ('aatav. aa- afnore aft J. J. V W «... sberiC tort of doty at Sheriff of the City md Coaati oi New Vo k. TWa i. the fou-tb trial of the ce*a*. whi. 1 .. alf, lepartod aud »ae treumlt fa*ed whereon anew trial wa- ^aktltrowned a load of coai-lttl mn*-.,u boArd uf art r kT«u. ,lu,'n,lk"i1'"' to reeoTBf poamtionot wbl be taaw?ASi.l..^,''', I*. Hvtr«>.>¦¦'¦'' «f tbe Cal. lei* r^^Waaawatj aap,eat maJearlaun for tbe d-l.very ml gÖLeffibl!^ zzrrpf rh** i\a -¦r,eJl;td1T .ir, »a*a»d th*co*l. anl when on th* wharf i V_* J. »H« it. and ie: dered k*. the ZSZ tktaaak U' t. i"'t,'oa U brouthl under t}. ?r; ., V u ,. , _ . aaS 5V° S ^aetta of tbe coal aad ru^u .,5. LbT *!S kkvuX f 4 * ,; x*ai" ur diKharted kwtaoa!aUluaaUR?^*0'*vf ,u tu%1 bj p^ WalKawara^ cbar.-d th. It i* aidmi wvl £ amoiint of d*iiia«*a. Jraara t.Urr«, awid vwd"t UP°" txc^dom w ^ "a> t*a^a*.:?i*1 w . at alesa^Jv. 9'*tt'aa. Taaj*._No« t«: U MB Vak ttatin?; 1$4- "j ». *». *. »i*t. m iw ttbA .V'"*;*L Taaiu No. 49. N*w lltawrvoL- 8t erat« toLRT SoK l79, 757< lw* SL ant' eiTVataia Iii' J.011' l,u' ,01i' ,0,»* »?». i«i aea^ '>1,"».two.ieaa, lKi 1M6 l9fr iSm\mm% FIRES. fire IV <.HM'TOFHm «THtlT. Abont 0{ o'clock yesterday afterr-ooD * a;, br*-.»'- out .n the stable rear of No. 139 Cbt-jtophcr .treet, owned and occupied by David Orac. The Art x- trnded to some v?o<td shed«. '. tj)e pr-nr of N'o. 172 Arr.os street, owned by f. r, Li^nthaL Total lose eUut HOO. No ir«rjr»ve. riüf. fo/,t fir rrvTii rTRUT. The alarm at n',on yesterday wa* o<oas:oned by tbe burnirg of *. f>DCe in tb'- ship-yard of W. BL Webb, I ot of T, Ltb etrei I, K. R. I»atnage slight. « FIRF. I* Hl TUo* CT RX XT. At eO 'bek y. i.t. rdr.y afternoon a fire occ lrrs.l in lie building No. vt? JIud-n st re.-?, owned by .John M< In'vre, upper part rs i ip'.' d as a}, lowei pert a's a millinery store. Dnmag" tothe a-m-'tnt of about !?.'> wa* sustain* d beehre the leaaeewwaaabi dord. The fire otifinated in n closet, bnt how or in what manner is unknown. Insured UrMOea sttek and (avaMaie. FIHF. IU CLIVTO* "Till FT. An attempt was made yesterday afternoon to barn tbe dwelling-house No. .-i Chataa Bttaet, by sotne miseralle scour.d'el. Tlie fire Bysn dMcofCrad iti a < ! '-. t in an unr< copied ".pnrttner.t on the first floor, and was extir^nish» d with a f-w pails of wat'. by the neighbor*. About three weeh* ago a fire oaferredfal the sruae ebnet, but how or in wl.*', mann-r is un- ki.'wn. The case is under investifr.ation by the Kite Marshal. No arreete bore yet been mad -. although ni; pieioi.s are enteitained Bgataal eertahl pariSCC, FALSE ALAIM«. The alarm at 7 e clock last ni>rht wa* occneioni d by tin explosion of a camphene No. liO Pearl street. No esanage. At H o'clock fie same nifht a win tow curtain look fin in the budding No. 1--; First avenue, but no dam¬ age of eonss qu* nee wa ¦-:. sed_ CELEBRATION OP ST. PATRICK S DAY. A BEPOBTEB EXCELLED. A rneetiug of legates front the ('.vie S n.- ties of this city was held ' ist evening at Montgomery Baft, m PihMS street for the purpose of periecAiBg nr- raiiK«m»nts for the celebration of St. Patrick1! Day. 1 he Pn -nli rt, Mr. Gar ROB, ocentiicd the chair. Before pri-ceeding to btuineaa Mr. COBBIM desired to < ad the attention of the delegate* to the report of the last ineiting af the delegates whieh was pub idnd in Tht .Vetr-lV/ri F.iprr**, He sai l the report iras a tlsaae of falsehoods, designed to hold th" meeting up to liciioulc. Mr. CaneeOB -aid the proceedings were reported r< n«<1ly in the Blhsf papers, and the representations of Th. Ejri>Trft «.< ulH .!<. no but in. 1 he repoiter of The F.ipret* wa* desired to with, draw but he declined doing so unless the meeting y.i' BO to that < ffeet. Mr ('titnoi.r , afterpitchinginto The Espr, ** and fIpBsllH the manner in whieh that sheet ridicules those to whom they are oppoeed, moved that the Re¬ porter be expelled, 't he motion was adopt-d unani¬ mously. 'li e'R»porter, looking vrry mix h Bhen whipped cur, took his hat and traveled. At the door be turtc d and said, it wa* "very singular that Irishmen -hftuld exix II an" The PansmanT remarked that ho hoped be (the Ibjiotti ri woiud ni ver come hiiioul' them again. The FniwiuNT announced that the celebration had bei ii postponed until the tilth inst. TLis has been decided njsnn on account of a arospi at of a bettar condition of the etn eta, and au oli|<<eiion by some to turn oat on Holy Week. The militaty. 69th regiment, Col. Ryan, and r>th recinient. Col. 1'itkin, have beCB ordered to purad on the Kih inst. The Committee were reonested to confer with the Offlci is of the reginn nt.- ami request them to postpone thi ir j nrndc to ti e Bdth ihst. Aid. Doherty, the Chairman, Mr. flaynor and Sec¬ retary arere appointed a Comiint'.¦<¦ to wait ea the Mayor aid city officials, and invite-thein to inspect the procession,_ THE LUMBER TRADE OF MICHIGAN. From tht rJeSeeM Adrtrtutr. Very few people have an adequate idea of the im¬ mense extent to which the lumber trade of thi* State has pro«n within the few past year*. It is still within the memoiv of BOst of our young im B, when the for- cm* of Michigan had awrerechoaoTte the soand of the woodman's a*e, and when her rivers yet i.'n«hed on un- obstiuet.u by raoea, flood tales and dams, and when the busy hum of the Bclni had nCTCr tlr.ven a saw witain th. imiits of the State. Tin- nitnricsof sit. Clair. Sapii aw, (Srand Ifivi r, Flint and Leaper still tow. red heav. nward. and tl.eir inonan hs still waved IhehrpJaaitsl kcavds in graastaar. Hut the wave of rmigratlea tratlu red for.e with each snccnetihig -year, and <nteip;i-e und ndaeniurt rodo upon its ere-!, lltiov froi tier nu n snaghl out new homes beyond civ¬ ilization. Hunters thsVwed the retiring gVine woat* ward,aaflgraedyepeealetoreaaaghl out netitioas lo¬ cations lor nnagmary cities and villagen, and sold vis. it nary squares fi r their ideal surveys. Real pur¬ chasers of unr. nl tracts of land atote in silently oue aftti another, and the wilderness began to put oil the show and s. mb'ance of Iran* baflUBg l ie. Farms wared their fields of goMea mu where bat a short I n., before the thick set wood had made a hi ling p'ace for thewiM beasts. Towi s f|rBW Bp, eWee fall armed Iu comm. icial dr.i-s, c ut ou; their echo df their busy lite in every poltloll of the State. Kvery river Was cbtlrnct.dat every possible point with miils. The nuiiarch of the forest feil Ii- Ibra the axe of the wool- man, and even the dense lotest uns swarmtiig with eaergT and lalu.r. Hut BO |radaal has the chnage ci n'c that it lias not bet a BOtedL And where obeerra- Ifaa le taracd ta this labject, asfoaiehBneat iethe ab¬ sorbing emotion. It is not atrantre that the uncultivated fore*:* of Michigan should y ield her an ine. iae of *.!,.'>oo.000 per an.urn. The call ulutiiui may-cein incredible, bat it i- siksceptlble of dtaioaMialloa. We have exjiorted to ( hieaco something over 3i'i),oot),000 feet of luinbt r; shoai luo.u' fe.t to Whwrnaiin, leaving oaiy l()0,ooo,000 feet for homecontuuip'ion, which i> u very Ion < stfaaata. Thla lumb.r ci bm - Bagiaaw, Lepoer, St. Clair, Flint and (linnd Uiv.-r. la St. ('lati.C um'v. -o i>. t / over .'s» fett of lumber donag thi- past «war, r.ll of which, except y.OOJ.CHlO feet, ha* been sold lit aa average of ab. ut »11 per 1,00a, which wouiu m.ike aa i ppr. gate value of i4.".l,0d0. In Saginaw aad viiiu.iy the cut h i* been BBaeb larger, as the mills f,r,. man num. ion. and the facUb t .cs j;reat« r. A cart ful estimate for that regnu. .s down at lo.".,.\. 7,770, which has .soidat uu avaeajee of t ie pel 1,000. makinc an nggn gate of tl,0a5.c?7. We have not been abT. to -.cure the -tati-tics of thi- trade in Lapeer, Fiint and (Irand Riv. Im tl preeeat year, but sctttng them down al abcaxt last year's Igarea, we shall have an npirrt gate of upwards ol, vhich, rdled to the actus1 ecflaaetec above, give a total of #3,309.000. Hut if all portious of the pin. lit s have during the past year iiicrea*. «1 their business as n.iu h as Bagfahaw ond" St. Clair, this sum mtiat he t ll» d to upward of #5,000,009. Be Bach 9M tie- jet almo.-t undeveloped wealth of Michigan. Rapidly aa this trade has grown ta im- partaaea. aad though praaroatad withTtgar and ea> ieraaiea. it will searady reach its m-.s-. prosjn ivus aad prtatabls j^nnt srsthinthe ci.ming ten years. Vast t.nsts of the tawst ninee etiB raataia uutouchcJ by tin lumber, r, ami whenever Batersd It Will bfl TOail before their snpriiee w.ll have tjsili d. 'i.iuuiro. LOOMIS- BI.ANn.In Kveter. < >t«e». Cs*9 'v. on »!»reh f.. hv t hier Ii. S Dem. IUMKI.C. Lin »Mi s |t 1:> Uton, tad fui«> J.LtA.ND.t A.N.N ULANU ol Uie l^rui.r I l*ce. .t'l it llfl.I..HI I.L-On Tue»J»T, Pea, HLBS Pe B itter, Mtditei: Coaaty, tjt themr-u. Mr. ALKRt.l) MIi t ilLLL a- d Miss VI l/A A. Hl'LI. bah ot (>e Rutter. SAM i KMi.\'-b\ hU.N-i»u tVadasaaday ereoin«. Keb. IS, at tVsawatSsa, Mi'wauieo County, tho Rer. A. Kmi.burv.Mr. KI>\V. bUND^RSOB ,f Milwaoai hi . E. A. Ui BOi..:.. da .cb at .a w m. II. lyroB af tTaaw ;. lese, Dlr.D. aiALXT.OB Tueaetay Mare:i II, TAROLINK BAILEY, a: No. jC Doatlat* Itreet, IS yeara. TLe BjsasJBS wrt* i-iterre.l in the Ocas tery of BM Fverrr»er. DIAMONP.Su<l-le'.lT. on Tlicratav. Marrh 13, SARAH S., eifh of I'eter H. D.aiuond, in th* .'Jd year of her aae. r/Ve fnendt t." the BOnOy are BaVBed t«> .te: .1 tbefui.eral this tailday) aft.n e<.-. at .r j .1.x a. from her la-e .'e*..lei.c». No. U llauai.oi.d all re l, withoal lejlasi luTitaliou. b aa K .<»;i Wesassasj »t ask It, KLLXB, eHiew sfaashtSa Je.L a Naar : * h\-ar of her are. Tb* ralati.e* aad Ithsnds at mmBaally,alssthess t harsBa*b> law iIST. Fr. .t-r^k S. S. hi. ttiajsr, are reaper'f- iy n.,:-rd 'o altei. l ler fun-ral f.. m her la'i re«: i»-ro, N.i. I! \Vn -e b^otatio1^ tf'tdsyi attoriiOou at 2 oclova, wi aout farUnr It i ^^ZaV *AN|.ALL,elde.ta..uo.- B«. i ou RUaj a»>eruoou^J"u »-*at Thirty-crat Street, RO*rVfBANTZ-0., M,\'^,'''r;:,UOU- I'ELIA E.UARIiNEB. w.ft ,\-M,Vo 15 ^ 42 Jewf- Doe nonce ol the lateral wi.l LVifL a ~»'Df.'»nt»' civ , v ., . , , , ^«,,««'n satnruaya ja-^ra. t«J.i. On aae.tnea.tav sesaass M«.>. », John C. and Charlotte V. Bl, ^\ '*. NORMAN en nf d,Tt 1 M** 1 I«ar, 0 rauutha aud U Tte rriaoeea a'.! frier..'.* ir 'he fan. .... , Uk rancrsi ibis .aftsievt* *l 2 ii'^ei*, ueea lerissard KtvtU COMMERCIAL MATTER^ Male* tti the Ktoek t2«eh*ta»0«*...¦-.ARCti I t. iereV.rafntnt*. » f Br»t»t»»- Hink. .MJ i.^^*.,sJi^:°'^^IT*-»*'"<>- M IMt) Ml**o*.r1 6t. !*M»C. overland ".TaiCo.. " * ... t5o.*t bb Ja-v..m I IOC H'd K,t lrt Mff.Ba. M it'W n'«r-Vort Cat. R-h ;../Ot 111.t ettra; B. H. B-- I *'*- . "*.:..»; . 1J/W d<-.»flU! <*°.<>» HJ 6 %0 do.M,tr« <!......«1 5«o dc.oSWtiJO* do.t-**H «.009 LU. fretloid Bond* 11» do. with rnT::«e....bJjft !*»» do. 1 4c..tMi 100 do lIMi *>.RlllOA tlo .ft Sew H-» C*» *l 1 w 1 »' IB LB R B§. »» 1* P,ti k of AmerKi.120 7 Ulli ' f Ot.».«:"-1°9 ¦ *V. BBj 4ut üard. «» Iii Mit*...b3*J l| t* *<¦..>» 5 LT. B Tni.t I mmfmn.An MM BMaWOATtkl Co.. 2.: i do.2IJ MM do. so do. lot do. Xt, Har.eia Uauiruai.. 200 do..rjft tt .> X H. L. Hartford R. K IM IJ00K uv.d« I'aiir od. »1 *U» do.W »11 £' l'1. -r K»..:..a' > < Ml .Mu.hi.aa t tl :ra. R K -1 mm do.bJ 21 40 oo. 99 1C0 do.biO 21 SO 1,0 c<. »1, » V Nor. it,R.R dr.. -' . '" PoOOWM k*.i*jvi.1 K co.»10 J J0< lere.. C. ti. : 1 t(0 do.V.a m \ 12I.:ttle Miau.: RR .fc«, 14.0 1.0*50 21" t OlloM lo»tCo. BB at lit! ¦ IM do. TM Sit do.tuj jio do .MM ttt MOClcvo. and Cat, BB.... 71 1'0 do.!.Hi 14 0 do.he 78 KO do. -M^ do. '0 do. lkxll I0f» do.».»> 7 |S ro. 191 K-0 do.|M r ii thl. and Rock .'».. RR. 94 771 .0 V lKD. Iff* CaBfbn a 7». 61. H 30" Lne ¦ailroad..1 vj 3'.o Hailaai ;»t u-rc. bdt.. M *v» d.-, {.Mill CoiiL R. Jt Vit.. M r»9 do.;,s vu 5 rot. do... «*? l*o d^.bin vj 77 Pthi. to*. Co. *; 10" do.ttO A* lio Ni(.»:.i' * TriL'i: C.. 1M 2u« d..a.! ri| «00 d<. lH 1M Cleve, k To. R. R..U-V1 71 2 0 dr. 1 j if. l.eodiM R*..;uiU_1*1 »1 2»<, do. 6 SM 150 CrjmN riaiid Ctol «'".¦ B& 1"' do. 90I FK'«oo RirerR. R.... Iii iJtVa.fl k N. lA.R oil K(Cu.:a Co.bto S-t JO gj d.. 3 1«! Mich.: IfO do.hi 23 100 do. M" n n. y.«.ti.tioi u.a.... si1 \yo .\,m 94 IfO do.blS 9ljl Vi in. PiJ 40 dc.U 91» i TAr jrj.A R* :ro»d.101} IMOtXtumk ChiB.B.bCellZil UUL CurralBAulrool... 97| Thi-h-dat, Mar.!: 19.p. in. Tlie froturc of i!.r- rr.aiket to d»y wa« the »tarnp -.ic ira Xicoratua, wtirfh fftnWBlBwIflitfrtl baavineas tu tLo who'o mark.». It wan ki own early in the day that di«pbt<-l.< s wt-r.-in town from Xcw-*»r!.--aa«. f?.-i injj that Of ti. WaJkar kad aaisca] Lha lioaN of 'ho X. :»ra- gmt Ccaapaay, laBallaal Iba Charter arid irrauted a n w ore to hnotln-r ('otnparty. T1i< ro wiw immediate¬ ly nn BTalaaebe of stoek n the market, and the pri^e rapidly fall rff lroa ss. at abich -.',''00 -hären «oid I., fore tin ihinnl, to; -1 Ptiaaea the Hotnl- ii rail d to -.«); but at and aitn the fccoad Board aold a." low at I - i again, and we h< ard even lower. The aggregate nnl« - of the <'«y an- beta*) . n 10,000 and 19,000 «hären. TLo I'rii n'!i> of tbe ( '.riipany, f. ar.n^ tb'- eft'.- -t >.f the new«, oven if untiue, were ni .ongthe priu. ipu! -. Her«, aadtbe Shoctatook in st.m-k to a large extent. It eppeera that aereral partiea had raaalred dttpatrhrt thin morring from Xew.f>ile«n«, atating tin- above fuote in regard to (u-n»ral Walk-r, hut they were lookedapoawithaiachdiatraaiwttl the regular dL»- patch to ti.e I>odaiad Praai appeared. Among nth. r peraoaa, Mr. J. L. Whita rcaeirad a dhaaateh (rota a Mr. Kozet, who ii ii, the earphrr of the Üuitad states Gorennaeat al Viri/in üuyn* a C latcaH odaoer. This (!j-pAt( h Mate ! tbat Walker had take-: ji-M^efoei.n <.( the Qompor'i boata ami chartered a new Ooaapaay, which new Company were prepared to trnn«j)or: paa* ¦I ii aertirs the Wcarafaa tranait at |90 per bt a 1. A dktpaft h of pcacteely the same ehaiactet wua ra* caired by Commodore Vaadaxhill from Capt. Culün«. who ctauaaada aaa of the Unite on the Fachas. An¬ other dhpntoli WSJ received from a party in Xew- Oihani« by a broker's boaaehere, entire >trangersto the sender, j r. pm-ii g to 11 the st.-ok flmr'. i.n joint Bt eonnt. Filially, theAiaociated rrcsnliad the same in- fetn ation in their ng.iinr ili-jjiti b. There waa, BOtwith- tatidirg that pf.rtits s.dd ui.dei it, a very general dia- poeitioB lath i strut to belien ibawbols story bogaa. Mr. Waflkt r and tbe Contpaaj have nlway- b.-.-n upon tin- anoal Itiaadrj terms, nr.d indeed, hut for ti e f..c'lit;« s fumishi 'l by Ike ('"tnpnny or it* friends Mr, WaJkai would never have succeeded in his in- vrsion of Xi 'aiiiirua. Both Bkoaej and aaeaaa of trau- s] rt wiie furniabed by the Maada oftha Coetpaajr. ; w.ting the aboTC the Xorthem Light haa nnivid, and we lentn that the adricei from Xi-w-Or- li ai.s ate rorree . Cen. vTalkat has sei/e-d all the propnty of the Company Bade* a claim of the State fbr 9180,000; and the statt un iit ha Oraaada waa that thi property woald be aold to a aew Corapeny l«?fore r.ny partita bateiseted coald reach Xiearagua from N'i W'Torh t>> protect the right* of the Company. The travi 1 was t ot interrupted, but the property was in possission of fJuraniBMal oflkan ] Mr. Wulker, having t.'dien tlii- step,may find hi-piii- tii n it. Xienraeua an unpleusaiit "ne; as we are told by partiea inteaeatad here that tbe Company has re. echred aaaaraaa * recently from ov Oorenunent that If Mr. Walker abottld la nr:y way latariaro with the r |1 :s of tin- Iraaak Coatpaay, a fiwee would ha im¬ mediately nt to the Is(liii'",s to protect their in'ercs's. Iu his pn-sent position, Mr. Walk.r eaunot uff.ird to irrke eremie- so ptrWerftÜ. Other stocks in the list sympathized to some extent with Xicnrcgtia. Erie feO off to 35j; Reading 901; Ccatralfljj Harhui is, &e. The Weotsrn sticke w. re aho heavy, although the decline w,isUot markeiL The eont.nunl eoid weather stmw-stonns, eV '.. h ive largely rtstrieted the enminga of January, Fthruary ami March 0C these nMOB, and the rhwbt hai. flag over the qaeatfOB Otf dh idends on two or three of them has induced icaae aalna At wor«t w.- aadetataad the dividend in these cases will only be aoaaawhei portponed. A tJttHl pait i'i the deficient carn- irgs will doubtless ha made up by the Laeraaeed baahaeM ti the sueeeedinir moath*, 11.- husii i sh in Kailroad II.ukN was mainly confine 1 to Illinois Cintral, Which stdd at t*-i«These Lmds carry U «P c.'nt interest, payable the 1st of ApriL State Stm ks arc without change of imp.irt- nwe. Vucinias .">: M'.oin;s T. nne.- " Californias t-o, A c. In Kachaage there i- aal yet much deiag, and the market is firm. Leading Sterling va^l. Frauen a.99i«fwlT|. lie biu-ines* of the Sub-Trea-ary was: Paid, 909,1 IS 90; no. ived, 9099,091 balanv.-, f i.-IJ. i H\ paid for Aaaai Ollliw, .9,99999, paadoa dkabaraiaf chicks. Iis.i.oo l. e reet-ipts .'elude t ju.o. o transti rnd from balBoa fund. Therericne of tiie Hnitioiorc atd 0Uo Kaihoal for February wa* as follow*: . c 'VAt^crcn Tjtal for M*.n Stem. Braurh. bod. rot da Fi r Ttf.e- ri.*....# || 7' *£. JB «l 954J41 7| Kcrliei'bi.. ll«i,3 Ii ü lo.lM *J EBSSl M To'tl.*178!ij.V C33,«j~J0 a.ll.S.jlb Con;pan d with the crreaponding moutli of laet year, there :«a foiling off of 97,316 21 iu the r.-ceipta of the Main f«t'm. bt:t an increaee of tl ,9.'7 94 on thooo aftka WaakJagtoa Braach abawlag aa aggregate de- . n nr- f 9."',3f9 tl hi t'.c past month. Tie haaakMaact lha Cat ralaad, Cahimhaa uA C t cinnnti Ka-! oed rnt the first 11 month- af 1995 was: £".*. '«'. »>....;..... d r n "i"i:.».'7 .*! Kipet* . I|,1M tf n_ T.l?,J.,.tlAttJm tt Perecrer MiiBrsc. . lts'ioi I T.'a. :..rt». v trllv.*1 .stl '.U r»;et see of operam g and damare*, MajM Net earn:: it f.-r .! months . Vtljmt He Comjacy has no fl ,t deb*, tnd the funded d. bt it M ty H 1,490. The cmtingeut fuud is |999,| ML The capital itock is 94,949,070, The aal earning-of ''¦ er are to ..bnu '.: *. c.-n* p. r aunu.a. loe Company have amoag their aaaata 1999,991 of «tciks and bonds of ethf r roa 'a, » if >. k. A ?. The busin, *M o'the C!. aring-House wa- 9'.t.: 'v.' '¦1 '. Wt hear of Iba failure at the Weid of a large oper¬ ator :n IVrk. In regard t.> failure * 7V Tmitptnitit of thi- wetk giv,- ti e following: '. A hardware beaeo in Fbi'adelphia, fail. !. Have ttmcgled sonn-time with an impaired credit. Go<jda aaitiaa at auction. Xo further pariculare. " OfraM %% Dabaaq, PbiladeVihia, jewele.-«. fa ied Feh. 50, and ad\. ltk> d to he sold out'hv S .. r rf. " .lohn Qeaaaai L'. Pntikthkeepeie, X. Y. fdii' d and ae-icned tv Ü. Dun tV J. W, Daly. ' " S. H. L&ngdon, Caelleton, Vermont, failed* No particular*. ...... !TBW*arrl *. Kimball, Sprcgfi. kl, Mesa., .-on- in¬ to aBSclreocv. A«*ets ab»nt £"v,000. .. A. I- Fu> b, w-Brita.n, Conn., 1. ont; as»igned. . '. E. Iatc'1' n, Brjfol, Com, brass fouad.r, :a. :. >.". r ar::ro'.4p«. - I., man J rdcn. >>'. work, X. J., dra^ra. 'O-pcidcl. N<> ' ru'.ar*. " Aified White, Owtjfo. Tinge Co., N. Y., foi'- d axJ a-e'gned. '. J.-kn B. Beel, Pent. M., failed and a*«:goe.L .. FratkLn A Brot < r, C.'ambits. Mi«»., failed fr» large amount, asrurned. Connected, i'. ia raid, a Loom in M. b le. wLieh ha* lately -cspend.-d. '. B Armetrnrp, J*<fjosoa County, Va., ma ! ¦ an a.- fjm nt. and it ia thought will not be able to pav .a 5E " A hot:-, in St.r'ir.;. I!!, hi* lately suspen I' d, and ... >.. :r.g üble to p.:y in fall ar-- trritC to i-oinprotni-e *jtl i: Ml e.editor* at 4»> east aa tht- aa 'lar. .. Samuel Deleinat- r, Cold Water, Mic'i., assigned. " B. B. B<ran 11, Tray. S. V., aeSBfaed. "Alaiga ho'i?e in Waehinpton, lb org'a. und'r t r"t- -t. er th' < r< cifors are pushing fie tr 'aim'. .. t . P, S<tuire», Tn.y, N. V. it at Bail has failed, ar.d is tiyirg to compromise at -.'a P cent." The produ« e marke** are heavy an 1 -piVf. F'.-ar tolljwlr-j'". l«.w«r. St'.f.- is 7.*. S *7. Sontl.-rn trat» l av.- d«. lind i-V,, v-Uji.g at #7 sjSjfl a7J. Wbtat is inactive, and nominally '.' a V. ehea;»-r. Barl'y ia Ctm ai.d < >a'« dull. Corn i* lf)Sa* tower. s.L'i aa< tive. Wad .s n ta r demand, and the tenden¬ cy* of pnct * N npwnrd. Tbe matket ia je. down for j Cotton, and the disposition to eel! ia str .np. TV? tr«i.*a« tier,* in Coff< *> are moderate a* about previous pres. Um demand I'T ,Su_-ar from retiner;, i. tel n ntothe mark-1 isstrorv« r. Abont l. if") bjbda. Cabe «o'd at 11 * 7b\ Me'as.-es s'eadv be.i no. active. There is no markfd changed in Provisions. The ?*o( khoid. r- of th-- tViS- Mail St'-amship Cob peay are aethVdthat tlie aet oeilioeateeof rt - k. lamed Bade* the reeeat amendment to ita charter, dh küag the capital lata «harea of *H>0 each, will be r»ii<'y fat d< iiv. ry on t:,»- ltd ir «t.. on the SBSieadBY of the present outstanding certificates. The following sale* ot Bonds and Stocks w.-ro ma le af taetioa by K. H. Ladkrw: I 11 Hermit ai.a Mil aeate* K. R. 7*,irrt.7tJ j((0 Junc-if u R. R. 7s. 7:t) n,ro»lfortben Ii Daaal R.. coeh-n l ine. a* SjNS Laar Krie, \S iba*n ai .1 BJ, Loui* R. R lit tnoit_ 7«) 1.7 ti rt.iie*'.« H*d*oa Riv-r K. R nrehla La *t^c* .ta Isaare* B»i k ef the t<:»te | New iork.t"7 Bj aaerea Oevaath Waei h. ¦».ui 2")ihare« North nwai* *ll Tra«: ».;,! Buiklni; Cn -ij>ari»... !'{ 11J «harr* North An.eri. iu Tn:»t ar d Banking l'om,nnr... 9\ 3«birr* K.**t Kn r It.« Company. *1 5»bares M.-rLaah -* Aafottatt..t"6t BJ «li«re- <'..rurT,erria: and hälleaad Bank of ViekaBBaj...« 7j 2i «bare* North Americaa Eire Insaranca Company.1J0 teebarea Jeaaejea tnearaaca Company.tan 'S'»i:»re« Kirern*n'< laaaiaBea Ceaiaaay.ittt n> bare* F»rtrei'« L- an ai.d Trujt Compauy. 71 ¦jo eaaiaa haaeael Bai.k.m The followint; sai' r of It.,:id* and St's ka were made at oiietic n by A. II. Biool .y: 1 if n N'ew-Orlean* City Coi loMdafrrl (!«, inf. iddoJ.T>\ ' ft" San 7*, UBS, int. add.5» >,'.'' Hartt' rd t'av fa.'l87i, int. add.9'<\ ti Sat lean ate flit tVatee IS*, IMS, mt, add.M B Bat \ irainla Sr*ro 8a. I(S1 bM.add.97 V no L. Ktie. Wabarb ai.d St Law. R H. let Mb, at. aid. 7.1 3 'in li dJaeraai ha aa Bettel atata.« l«t *du. - . I,**eNew-Alhaai mdBeiea let Ml.«4 3.'oc Flu.».in* H R. letMt.i) l no L*t*v«tte and ladaaaaaeUi U.R. tat Mt.I7| a.l'd Breck' Oanal C »., TJSS eertif e*rh.fUASS 59.5 80 nute fftJkae. .t. Waterbnry.*. j*0 je chare* SerenJ avenue llailruaof. 4t 20 «bore» Beet River Bank. tri 4" *li*.°e* Hutfer* Fire ln..iran.e* SO »bare* BSoeMei Fire lufaraneo Cotapaiiy.I'VJ 4c abaie« A**or Pba laearaace Ceaapaiij.9t |e »mir* Itepihiie Fire In.ur.u" ('.itnpeny.9I| 4" aba:. * I.. x Kira Ii < on.pony. .. MS IS »b«re« Peter ("oois r I- r.raii >. t'ieiipauy. ilTf t(' »bare. Beekuaii lieuranee Cnmpany.180}>i 1' t\ S" ibarra Bewery luiuru.. e l oiupanv.|9u IVihait« .tretie InaorariO" ( unipany. tfij IS)»barea St. Nicholaa Ii «uranre Company. 70} .tu.« ti.iward ntaHasataaaa Ceä ?V aharei Plreeaaa'l lij-uranee Company.'1J 4* »hare« Natimal Fire laaWBBBea t ompany...liTJ^.TO 7 aharei. .ManLa'.tai, Coiupai y.U.'J Thahsteiaet lae <.n the ISth iuet. on tha second MortfSgl Bonds af the Ci. velat.d and Mahoning Kailro.a.l Coaapwj »i'l lie paid at the oBass of HesstB, Ward, Cair.pbell Al Co.. No. 4J William at;. ct. The I'h.enix Fire In-urr-iice ( '. .upmy has declared a et-nu aniciul d;\;.!. nd of 10 *' e.-nt, payubb-ou deiuai.d. Family .Tf arketias;. TYif d llowing table gives the retail price of the prsaetpal artkles ef Ka.-m Produce in the Ctfy ss*Saa> York onThui-day, March li: sr.r. run. Hint ijr«..pth... 9 et M |HaIihuf,r» It. IS . Fin ..,!..,*> tfi.... 7 u 9 Kluuiid. .. {' ta... 6 iV . V. 11. flSBSS. IS 24 3) . Itialmuii Trout, IB.. Vt Ö) . Pirloit-ade.. p ffi.. lei u . Pike, p ffi. ISt* IS But.ip do., *> IB... il il . Salt Alvk- r. !.<»eii l.'j,. MJ 11..aj>t pieee». eaeb. 14 .* £J Sa't Sha.1, |> Ui_ in m \<i Cesaea. p lb. 10«. IS |taliami.aB*»taa\Sj n. J Baasbed Be..f f IB IS d IS Psdiah. dry, p i&. 5 <t B~ei loi aue«. eaeh 7j it . '('lama round l.uu. 37"/1 is1 Mr-ton, ear. p tb. 1iV 10 '(».. .ten in .hi, hun. 62\(fl uO Men in fore qr».... 9 </> \\ 'Frost Fish, y* tb.. S Ü. Muffin hin.l an... IS </> 13 Perch, p th. 124<j> . Mutt-ci tboia.p IB Ida) l.S ,Pick-rei, P K.... 12,i IS Vea:.t ir. !qr» ,P tt 13)3 !4 BtoekIreal.9 ttJ. V) .* 61i VeslCallsta. r. a bfj'lta.tdivk. {" tf».... 6 is . Bejr"a Went, p ft. IS .r/ ail S-.rijs-d Bft IS .* U Vsassea, p ft. i«»a) . Bi«-k B*** p m.. ts| e . SOLS. Smelt, p ft. 15 <i . r.-ca»«. p sari 9 «o «ti no iTsmpia, p -bi...t oo.-12 no At retail, p Ib.... . * llj'Crena. p del. 23 it . IIaiut.iUiiiirdp IB 13 4) It jD' Silmnu, ft. .1 en it . si..u.'i-r*. p it.... Hj-s 12 ssaaraauuasaraair. 51.1. » d e. p ft- 12 .* 14 Toru.ito.a (Sjinh.), 1-itkie.i.p ft. ist« - a>aoa.1 st a - [ SaefssP IT)- 1 .'{>/) . »-'trlnf Hein» (do.), H.-aJ OmSSS, p ft l.juv . P liail p.h-k. SJlä) . roCLTEV. CrauberriH», bbi..l6 SSBil 0<) TnrkcTa.pft. SS 9 . I .berrief ) pk.. 1 Oo . Fowla.p ft. d> 20 A| j/lea, ^ool'd bbl.2 Sn n ioa Can.b'k Dack*,pr..S 00 w . Af>|des,choice.3 00 at so Red Bseds, eair...l .SO it . 1'i^.tu.ea, L L. bbl.2 <fi SS Cb cken». p 16.... 181^ . Potatoes. L.I. bkt. »7. & - 1*^**% Ses.3Mi a . Red OuioTS.bki... «2p* 7S Batst Dasks. p pr 7S n\ oo Bread Bills, p pair e.'pr. . H i.d Tuikiea.eai.h.2 On ^4 00 WIM Geeae.I 00 11 25 Prairie Hl BS, pa r..l SS <t . WMssaa, pair. M I H-. '. I it. 50 it tH Jer.< ryPetatsasjBSi 87* i> . Turi.ip*. I nk. 12}./) . Oeloaa, |-pa. isVn n Cabbsys. reekesash s r* 8 ReJ Cabbare, v u u 8*12 T«*i, pair. 75 a> . |Tumip Cab'.., J t >r 6 & (iar.lrk. P buiirti.. 12 it I3J I.eeka p kSSSh 8 rt 1x4 Bahhlts, pa.r. 7S n> . UwaBeesa >it. is it isJ Harea, pair.1 ie a> . S.Miash.^. -nrb_ 25 | fsj BorsBHOLoraooocra. Carrots, itkt. 50 9 f2\ Bsja, ehL 4,« 'i tcr I2j'ii . CasiiBswets, d./r.i 2S ni i>i Re'aU freab. 4fcr.. I2jvj; . Bet'uS iuafh-a,bbl.4 00 a I 50 I :. Putter, ft. "' tlrsnre ( o., new.. In«. I'beeae. p ft Cueete in hit. p ft o,<e lU'Parinip*,'bunch... 6 it Biute Batter, P ft. 25 tl 34 ¦ Yel. Pa'mpkius'. ea. .50 u> 75 OrssseCa., aew.. 34 * . 'Sw't Pota't./e*. bbl.a so a i 19 F.-«. ILeese, pft il tt . Do. i peck. 25 a> "beere in hit. p ft Oiit IU Pannips, bunch... 6 it by tbe ft. jSla) 1IJ Celery, bu n h. t2Jd» 15 Ptaeeavls » h. sa.. Kj</> .. miscellaveocs, B. Sa*o ft. 25 a . (Iray Sqoirrela, pr. Inj.? Lard, by lub. p ft. UJo. 14 IVsaaBBB, »» tb. H it li run. Bologf:a S-.iu'e, ft. 311.1» Cov'f.ah *> ft. 6 8 Tripe p ft. 6 it Eela.piS. UJ/i, 13 'Do. Pickled, p ft. tf <s Freaa Sba.i (fteaa Honey. atrained, CaarJataaa)aseh. it * 62j (new.) p ft. 1210» IS] -¦»- ¦asasBrta..C*Kii lly Bxpobtkd roaTRtTaisnfr, . _ TiicarDav, March IJ. «JSHEI.The n.axi^; is ai.iettieU dii.l n Sjaiet ftwFsts al OA 75d ii stj. I'ea.-ii are staady and tint plenty at e7 75 a as. l< 1TOV.Uaderthl Arabia's news tbe rasrket Is s: !.-att -. irw r, ai..t holder» are ami'n* aetlera af thia abeSSSasat. Tl | basiasesLss heei. but modcrsts, esLuiattJ isasrslly stl.V.O Wt quote at fuilowa: saw »u«a iiiiurn tneaa t^laaSS. Flon.-a. Mob!.'«. N.O.JtTei. Ord!: nrv. . ti 81 gl tl Maddllae. J 9) 9| 1/ Bnalaiiaf Fsii.|d| BjM 11 Q fair.|S| lt'i llj 12 COI FKK.A meders's business bss been dous at full prices; huld.n ei »Ii km.;» .XBSBtt srest tirmi e»», tales of J,'X*J bus Bi.) **!'i al2c. Press Neu-Orteant a*s learn of aatSS since LeaaSäse'S ta.t .tairmeat, of li.»so Bin, saosili si 111 / Ufs, Stock 51' NB baa». Th« fe« inj ev-loatly ia.Pru^od. Ttie sers f B at- 4-i ti'l hats PLOVR AM) MKAL-Wte mart et f. r the lew träte» of S ate ¦! Vtfi-im H ,t|.( "i: Io rer uider the u-jfa/jr- aHe BSvfeea by fb. Arabia. T&e dsmand for »hippina baa »ab- auied. Bad tbe BTsdS a^U Kaitern buyer* have pu-.ha.ed *p*r- tnaly, aaaioly ot the ¦sdlsrs ai. i loth padsaj ta.- tales f v eaten 1 R: «1 srs tbSSS htl». at *>< 7'ore7 aw ssassssa to S 1-1-:»'« sill *i:i*r«l« s M:<-i:i*-an. wttB fe e »* at uor i:. .ide fisure*#7 I'iuOTo for aapertir.o In'.;*; a *n.i l'p;~r L»i»: +' .7. #s for eorumoa to «issl (uperSne and low »rile sf i'ra UL:o, and tfh t,2y. Self) 5o for ea'ra <<ene*ee. Cast di*:. F'. nr heavy and is «jn:et; . !.-* of 3f« bU*. a* *7 V, *>S t!\ fur erduiary to be*t brar,.l». Southern Flee* i< iewi.. sada jstslj tu. IsMlryis eeed i :< to gueij braud*; tae **!.« are ' (OS bet*, at #7 «1)^08 tT| for niied to »ood »-. Isrd braid* Alex*L.irU. haj- tn. -e. C.ty M .li.'' aad "Howard Street," ai>S a3 43|aeJ:ur farorae. Cm.ct aad low (rada <T ei ra. ByePlear biaatstst artae SS SwBaeaadsaeei Cera Meai i* Üiid; aale» or V jbla Jersey tt 01 50, sad Bra djw:ie«- s>L t BShwaSBt Fluur «teady at el lit) 03 ,.; I r II' ft". Hi-ti.I>ry t oj ^.-e ¦ .Lie*--.!. Maekn>.i are mjre se'l- « It f. | r:ce«: tbe aale« are not Urge. (iRAlN.In \\ heat there little* drin» and prices Bessasal. iadc. >. wer; .ale* uf «sO hu.h. cauitioa rod Sou-her:i at 01*7. R»e kaW and i* n- m:: al *l ttt *! 17 f.r N rths em. aud* 1 t.r S-mtLera ia a'cre. Barley i* hrai and in far reeaeet)¦slasss' i,e*> b*i*a. »ood foar rowed s-ate ar *l 2:. OansiBth tadlassre.theseaetyMunei *al-a 4 J*r.eya: ... C..S. -CLert *: ii'- At State a J9 < <.« a -d U - 'ern a? tfleStc. C< -Ti i* lc. to 2c lower.toe tqujy .a les* tc ive; the a- pr'y ia larse and i* Uy ioerea«ios: there it httts iaanirv f.r e»[ ..rt; ii.'e* uf .'1,1*0 Lu.h. at w"-*tllL fur i.m he.-u mixed, 70 iv7!ic. f,r W>*'«rn miaad, <s*"9c fur 801, .,e'-i whi-*, and SS BTU Sw rteesBara y*S**W. SS ni'e Bean* are ij l.miuu reioe*t »i 7'... *2 WP b'jik. Qt srv » LOffl rerr.a.11» iteajy; at Bo.ton rale* were suade of IS* bales at IV. « rue*. HII>tS.Tb-- n:»rket is »'i.l rerr ftrai, and the »uppiy con- cat* chiefly ef tbe common kmd». The few Baeno* Ayre* here are w:tbdrawo from the markeL No Rio eirande. Of Anfuv fura 1 sor bm*e been ao.J at 244>., i mo*, ti wtuch Pnc* thsr* *. {oe-d u«n.aii Tbc ttoek 1* «i OOP. HOP*-Nrw oon«in««^-»t; »ma.1 »ei** «aly ar» »aatin« to br»w«r»,»t 7*1*«. Bat V'*»t*rt »ii W.wm, th* ),tu,r pne« for «»« Wo. Old irnm .UM »r.d entirely «^w*1 . , HAT.Th« ks»J*4rB .»Habt and tb* ttock nwderete. eaJe* of IROM-Tb« .lemaW tor Seno-h fi< thni'eJ. bat holder» ar* irrt «lef i.f tfl torott i>.tö? *i7,o B1J0. LIMl-R'ckUndi* iutr'lve.ln tbe »Sooote tl *rn an, »t et forrotrni" .nd $1 1*1 #JT Lvi.p. LXATUCI -Tt.«e Iii reo <e..l .»*o.*.n4 '...»!! de» tri tjkaetvtrcca i- mm vary ..» . !y tni 11.< I et - ..«.-» ... tea- (JOHL Prtni« Bo#f .¦. Ajr.» Luht M l ttMatt It vi y brc« fa.*; : . ». wth »«Je* ot Ao« * \ \ f »: 1 |MM ATre» «t .'lJtr. Fr»ach Caiftk M Mol £i«d Heimtid »r fonrer rriee». . - LFAP- Ibe Barkel tirm .*. *2| for S,-«oi»h. No M> BVe * it*. ... MOLAMC5.Tb.- n-arket « ra ber quet : ffia .ale. a e '0r bWa. Now Orie*. a at (i*MSai kbia Cuba t" *>»-' |. V lad fch N-i-vl Sirrr. at POM* * AVaL STOK KS.BgftrBt Torpei.'ino ta »tr*4*. wvh »ni>.- erale iioio-rv «au<-t of Di.« m tuet. 'n*~l u.o or ..r »' 4 i Ii Cr».!, r larr* ¦ loten, Ctinmoa RtMtn t* quo r. owi'.r, ..» the A.H -i.ted atBlaadotit ttfcaTlirj **te* af WO bK«. Uiw No- 2 ia va-.l a> 11 M Tar .'«:! lad «nmewhat aal Bfam. UlLS- In Kn«li»b Li.teed * f.-<t bo«li.**» .* UNI f w«U man f»:»e.i: the »ale« are Ußtt gal«. at »V. rat I. and IC. tu.*, wHi r.tere.t. Crude Wh»:« t afitflvhecl»'3*.* 4c.ei.u for rric e u-t; Refi.nd U uiirhanr»!. fnd« s-perm r-ra*!n» ooiet; w* 'earn rf M aalte. I.ard <>.! "r*Ar, with . «.*< W.f.r tt iirerin lota to tbe trade at #1.4 mouth*. Paitu .* »« i m !.h» at Kc. PROVISIONS.0 :r market a »et ed a:id Ii low-r tor Potk.of t!'e »baten rut a better demand revsi1« 1. tan *' Ifta tltat 'lere mcr*« ta'e« cf 32rl bb«. cl.wlns a: f I "!. f. r Me.», and Ott V t.w iVm.-. H-. t . b»*v-y. p*rti.-u'»rlv reiroioii qnaJttiea; the f»!e» are 3 0 bt - iu loir, at $>tIba) mtt&tM I'rl-De: *'»'«.. #11 for Countrr Maaa, aid * 13 N for rfiacke 1 Waatata Me«a. Prinie Me»a tirji at #!t I ftt Heef BtJM «re Baf* ^'ive; .>'»» of 171 bbl». at *l. : *i6V». ttittJattntl) >»'»» tt SOtx'ie» f » boneiea» M \ at Sie. I'nt Veaa ar» »feadr: «ale* of lo . aivi» aiid'.-a. a- i|</7.^. f..r Sbool.'er». aud SJa^ir. for Haut». DraWJfti Uor» »re In r>o«e«t at TtäMie.. *:.d are »rare*. Lard ta M »od .»»\j: .'-» »*:<. a » '.M>bK« a-.dur. at K-rl. Ku't.'r >* ladt* >.¦;* »Mi n f ir rv ne»t at 19tf2lr. for tlhio. a .-l .1 ' itk f, r State I»*'rv. t be*** I* b*ax y an.1 doll at Sj '* l< Je. b;< K.Tl:* tVtVaatd] Ml eatt rood.irtt* to-day; prwe» *ra »a» tamed i »ale* of ;r0 t.a. at ta Str. Th* »rork >* a-ap'e. StiAP.Stir* have been made cf 200 boxe» C'sauio at lld> II 'r. frrm »frre. BALTfETCI =. m.'e »tttled, wirb »alei at Bottou f l»i» « ni.t* at IC i! <*¦ Sf tiAilS.We iMTe hat aii attire ino,ulrT Uxlar, ¦ >«' y f'orr r'tit er< at ob<i*i: f.,nr»r rrie«»- TW ttoltai la evidentlr bettat. and a fctrjottitt) of the *tock aioat ha* b«'eu di»po*ed rf: ta>* rf I .SOft hWa. Cab* MnarOTa'o «f ßlätfc., a* to ¦BBlify,indmotl] frawaVektVtt br.d*. Me!vU.p«rt at S\<., fwbkcl »e flick the oiarVet value *ec«rally of ihi« aoavnp- t ."'iitarli 17t kMa do. ou ternu we ar* not allowed to pullitb. TFAS. There -oniinoe** food demaod at private »» e. and fall prire» are realued; an>tbcr atu lion aal« announced t.r ti -:. rrow. TOBACCO. There in BN rhanae U' r.otir'. th« «uiiplle* are l'iht, tmnaarfioo» are limited. Maiiat'arturrd ia ti.-ui aal .a fair requr»t :n in the city trade. Fiae l'ui i* BCttre, aaJ price* IbIIt »apr otted. TALI.UW ii n> minal at 10<. Tte utocJu are ample. Be*** Fat «el . t? 7r. W'HI-RY.Th» market very qoiet, th* »npply i* moder- are aab » nf ion iiS: i, at Kr, fee Ohio and 2r|e. fur l'ri«on. \\ ool..A ipniti-d aWaWtal MrwraiU and pftr- » »tiH te"d up¬ ward with »atos to-dar of BMM B PUawit Biete» at OBode., a* to <]ii»iit>. bolder*an .«« j f*ata*w*»Waa»aa> raBadkt quite acari-e. with tatet ,n 3,000 :t «u|>er*: Ac., aud exrta etile- Tfnrket*_ReporU.l by Ttlfsrajik, Nrv i'itrivi. Ktteh 11 .Cuttoji n \rket Jroopiiw; tabt to-i!av 9 IM taloa at Baaatl but not qaotably lower price*. Other aiti.'n ui.rh.aiired. Mari ii U-Trie TnTroa nia'ket to day i* faoble; »al*a tu day, 3J<0 bale.' Middl:i ( at IBBkl. Sterling KxciivNor i IIallinaore fatUe market. HalTivtoar. Thür*!*». March 13, !M8. Cattli:.Tl:« Basal r of Deere» otlere.l to-dav vr*. 7 >0, *f w hich I.**1 mi driven Fti'ward, and the remainder aold at 07 d-CIO .V) net. Hons.Tbe anpply »u ainall but Int; aale« at 25*» tart neceipte of Prwdwrr... M wxn 11. /?» fVir Kotlroa.i- I ,TII baa» Urain, 1.113 »iJm Le»ther, 13 roll« Leather, o78 »sc»v Floor. Urran Sieamcra 7() DKI'ART. Baltic.From New '. ork.. Mar, h 15..Pot Llrerpoid. 1'nioi.From New York.. Marrli 17.. For Gibraltar. Afr.ra.From N«w-Vnrk..March l»..For Liverpool. lie, re- Law.. From New-York..!March tt.. For Aapi iwalL Fii.i.l .Tfh. ...From New-York.. Man li For tllaaao*. fltiaaaiiB.r'r, m New-Totk..)fatcb 22..for Bre'iieu, kt. BettVa Light Bl » York. .March M.. For San Juan. Arabi*.From Ho*', n.March 26..For Liverpool. Quaker CBj..Bro*a New-York.. March '£). .For Livur|iool. TO ARKIVK. Pwifir.Pail»d from LiverjHxiI for New-York.Jan. 23 I'. .n.ann... .Sailed tro'n SiMitkampton for Now-York.-Keb. 27 Q lUer City.Sailed from Llverni I foi (Tew-Tort.M.; h l*'-r»i*. .Saili^l t:. in Liver|»ol lor New-York.VlArrh Pal i ¦.Sri!« from Southampton for Bew-I lta. Matth Canadn.Ballt from Liverpool ("T Horton .March Atlantic .... Sails from Liverpool tor New-York.March 19 Aata.Sail* from Liverpool for Now Y rk.Marth 2. \Va»limrtor..8ai!» Aval Si.uthamri'i'n for New York... Marrh >l dUMttta.Sail*from Liverpool fur Hoauiu.M*r,.U f Poi»rn(|ri» Mailed In Stramtkip America, (ram l.irerpjol . Horac« Cumniin»», S. J. Str..ttoi., Oio. (J. Tucker, tt. LumUrt, John J. CetlllBatt ami J. tt. If. > w... oflloatoii l>r A. HHI «ud wire and Mia* Hiil of tA orrn.ter; Caffc F. J. Colby of S ¦». I lory, I K. Maiah oi ffaa1awl«ld, Mra. A'.a BtMaieyof Bbodk lilai.l C»pr S.d. t)*vi« ol rortland. \v. J. |.,.»ia, R..I -rt 1». T. B. I '!.i Ewm.J. Düke and Bettor,ef New York IB. L. I'arkfnf PUhaWrak (apt. J.i I. Braak ot South Carolii a. OoMBB Yvuiir. wife. Inf«: t and nur»' K i-r(«<ou a id rr~< . rk k B. Pewlar, 04 St. Urn, N U.; ii. L*m*r and U. W. AB*tea, *t Montreal; Mi»» Matilda Arma'rni « of Dublin, O, fJaidie, Wax. *.taw»T, ai.dJ. Maxwe'l wife and clii!,!, of F.n- kland; Luui* Fowleof (Lirmany, Aiitutdo Atiwt a'i 1 Alberto kbaner, of NewC.nna.-a; Joaquln Almeida, reaidence no' riven.BB. h\,r ff*ffitBe fleian B. Mofattand J. T. SeaniAii, of Bo*for A B. of L*uc*.ter, C. R. Kay of Ch«»te-, Am a I)l-|ee of Yarr ua'.h, K Sunleriaud and wit*. Mra New¬ ton and trtend, t. Whi.f.rd. K J. 1 liana, R. J Freeman. Too*. S. v Hta*aa, II II. Fnllar. BL «'. Battery ai.J J. VV Hall, of HaliM» W. B Iiav a of Pictoo, M. A. T. MtDuaald of Tor¬ onto. 12. Total, 57. Paaaeagera Arrived In Steimihip Sirthrri I ii/kt. tr.m, Baa luan.T.. L. Morj»n and ladv. Mrs. J Caininet, H. .1. Uoatd, M. F. Crawford. 0. I Monis, J. W, Shel on, L. J. Btataon, A. R. Brown and lady B. Brattatar aad lady, Joan Gray, Mrt, roleyand children, j B. CAa^in.T. P Kv^-ritr. N. BaHwm, R. Crusoe, U. S. Kit h, Join l.i:<:Utn. R. K CnawÜBft, W.W. ftiulvn S l'urlv Airnw Hert. .Mr». Hojl and ii.fAi:'. J. A. ftnttb, P. B. Smith; Jut. K. tVoOda, Mr». Curti*. L. P <lri«». A. S. Ri«. [i. [). Bans), J. f . Werlov, W. f. Truk, Alfred Broemlov Mr M**- t«r a and oaily. IVer Bek», .-'aniuel Martiti. J. ('. Baritk J. H. WUmam,C.C. Ilick», C. Jai.etr, K. V. Luther, Will Morrii Jon W. BMaV, t ha* f, A. Kauiman, J. H. Mc.Vlpiu, Mathew Hale, A. J. MorriaaaQ, and 2Zi in n'e4ra««. fmikmmohjmSrkamm, from Unrt.liov. ti. M. Brall*y»ud M]. M. HfJaaaa aad baui, Maj. B. Schuiiit, Barou de .St M*rt Mt All. n.M. Ptdnn^r, iJ. Bin*, Q, B,rr,Qi fj. f\i.:*i, M. Re- r-:if. I urmunr', A. Lacket, A Futchier, Maj. C. Baal, O. [¦KO.bell A. Ssulferi, LI. Ciouoard, C. ti ueiuiaru«. Ü. Pardef AI. 1 i.aguer. MIMATt p.r «lma.vac.TUM DVV. fii v-RIve.C:l i| *er».6:0.; Mo..n-Sett.... 2:20 HIGH WATKB....THIS OAV. SAiiJ>-Hook....l2:Sy i'ior. lalaud... 1:2» HeU-iiatc../. o:10 MARINE JOURNAL* PORT OF NKW-YOUK.March Id. Claaaad. SLil«-De Witt Clluton. Funk, Liverpool, Taylor B Biebl F1v:ij< Cloud, Reynard, San Frat-ciico, (Irmnell, Mlnturu k Co. Larif.A ( u par, Rolil.n, Lek'oru, C. C. DaaaBB 4. Co. ; J. fmk,PnOlkua, CataVaat, N. Rio; Patahaa, Ston... Oiiraitar, Haa ..tor. J. to jAmenc*. Millikefj, Cardenia, Mora i. Navero; Jai[» r. I<"! et!, ..»r.earou, Duuuau k Unaou. Bruit.E'b.e (lfoek), Neimeu, Cowo,, Funch % HtfBflttt At;. «.» (Olden ), Heine, Br*ineu, Heuninx«, Maller itOoo- Im«; J. H. Filicott, lir*nt, Caveu/:*. f, R. fjowi batah (Br I raMiabi, St. John. N. B., J. 1'b ard k CaI Mittle, Kuh, Bi. Mailt. Su.Ailwuei, Ander*on A. Co. Bthtanaia Wn. D. Sa.itb, Alden. Wilniuttno, Deiner k Potter, rrowe»». Hulte, BaltUBOr«, M ...lie.-, Lord L Ct iBreauj Caatin*. Joiinum, f'harleaton. Scrautoa k Tailaianj Bin« Bote (Br ). MaPnatld, Hahfa». VTaawlaiilgbl i. Co.: Ifaefulk (Pkt.; Bedell, Ar» a^in;ola, R.; Moatrtne, M iiialow. Mi ,.!*, Murtee a « le i..: ". 1'. adlc-on, Str .nd, New Lon- d'.n, Terry i: T*»B|| Amelia. Rorkblll. I'bilaleli UU, Van Bru.-t a S!a»ht: Knehai.t,-ewi. Ja:v, Havaan*b. Mei'realy Matt a Ca | valaat, Paare*, Alexandrt», M BadoJI; A^MaadL i.-i b. A>.\»l .na. Abaett, Do.!«« A Co.; Laura Jaat Y.iun<' fkUadclphk*, Jas. Haad; W. F., Sie. NorMk! Brown k l'e Ro«fett. Slo< r*.W»rr»- . S>.nn»rd, New Hav-u, tr.uter: Deep Ri.e- ^¦ot Nen ltaven. Terry k Youn*. ' Arrived. I*. t3. M. .tearcabir Grat ala. (Ir.lQrj, NVwOrb-ant M itift. act Havana E'h int.. rr.d*e. tad fata fee SI ". toatlla 3 b ii .'., let. 27 16. Ion. TS tt, patted a »hip »bowin« a red «wallow- tail jtfnaJ l la ..; « day, at I p. u., ipuar bark Jtoa for New Y'ork. TT B M ttttBttkljlTTiWlbtlB Li<l.t, V.'amock, Sah Juan del N. rte, Mtrrl, I, mite. a.:.', ptm. to 0. Morgan Btetinthip Frir»»ov. I^iwher, Havre F-b 23. md.-v to Dti- kaal a Co Sailed in runipiny weh acee.mer Bar '«loa* fr I, fmt N. w-Yerk. Ta« E. baa experienced a *ucce»»i,..a of ueary wettf r'v tt'.t* icavtag loa. 10; uw li.^e .luaiii.l.oa of ice -n ffce F»:.k». Ship N'.etrle (of Charle-tonl, Jol.n on, CharUvton *i dayf, cotttn and rice to S| tford. T.let'on ft ( o. Bark Lmculr (of Portland), HerriBMi, Rio Janeiro ö7 «iav», ir haXaaf tc Bui-, i. Br'.a id»\, la'. Si 10, loa. 71 », »put« tarkTremrut (öf Bo»tonl, Rob Si:, t. from Port aa- Prince fir New York. !7 day* on*, who report thocarifam (B. ker) to hat* di.d a f.-w dayt prevu.ii. fol.svinc port; waa in traut of hanlt, there heicf tut oi.o well on board to »teer the loof.i ; tht ren a-nd^r Dein: a 1 » k with yeilow o-v.-r; hat buried eat mvo at .* * dat I'h att ; tent »ae mal' ta b*J*jrd to avalat ia work- t t!.e tattd ioto ptrr- The L. experituced hei .y weather ou tbe 'arttge. if O. L. Baakaea (of Baabai), Wrigkt, Nue\ i-^ : i day* m*.caee/,kc,teT. «)»en * laa. mit ta§t.,U'.. j S i tpoke br:« wta. T. Daata. »t«. S."v.ri. Blbj A. If*tlord (rf BacfW), Bartlau, Port-aa-Prince Feb II. Icxwro.1 -o Vcie Livi- ga'on ». Co. .;. ... weather N. of Harter»*; «pn' tain, kc * Srhr. Danville, Cl*»ttr, hicuruoiul i üay». Hour, kc to C H Pi- rt- ... .Sbr. »»*ll«ro, Sn-ith, Riehmot d 5 livy», fl,.or, kc. to C IL t .«;7e.r,o "^r.B,ÜW!'. VVUnii"«t«'. NX.,,» Newport, naval Propeller J. N. narrit, Solth. Kew-Londou. rufl1* ft ?äP fa». B Travi«, Moea.for O»lvetton, Flviag ' 4,1 r,4Bci«:o *^d ai-cbored at Qaar«ot«oe. WlND.DnTiJn tbe day, froni W.8.W. to N. W. Di«**«era, ?»«. rm> CoLCMii*. FroeJ, from NewOileeae for UaawaeAesrn, -,rrrd .* bavins been e*h«re -id tlM Flor.*** a.-« »t New Orlean* Hh ire*, to re-tur. ' . 'row Rio Jaaairo e«4Joti, tfytcoo u4 :<y. t -d. h, i-i-i t.. \rw V. m\. pat m*t I. rfolh l(*iiuiet , vlliil««« M it «in aim f.Te'or-rnat' tail*, ritaing. Be. ft hi. Ai <iiv« (of Balfacore). whk»a left Balrtatore !o ca u eaaj » th *e». al e-her* on rii« tUtt of Jaaaarv. boo rid to e \\ i»* ,ra. tay> Mbcta rot out, v,«t aja* ni caughtlo toe iir .' in BSBBSS M Kent l«>xd wh< iv ah" bad to re aatr, it baaBf m ;oeaiMe to wad bar any aea<'4si«e eo41 alt« <. otfbtharlor. <hi the t'tj u,,t. the ateamor MoButoata, re.e tb ¦ ibeer. au di.tat«h~i *s heraad reachedker on the a'terucou et the Vh, and found h»r in aboet fear fart VO/erI went 'c work Inmiediatciv aad Unk oat from »08'o LBM 'Ma. f beT.-*r»o. whentheriie « the Cth -omrwlled tha Kairn ir >«it hfr. t)n rataruit » ih» ucit lav fiend her .men a.p in from 3 to a; w*t>-r a d aau i. >b« baa aiao a. eg i her bivketi. and k) badly a'rauieX The cap ta.n ni crew were obliged, u> Iaar« her oe Thuradaj sight, 'be «a.'e. and rea.Ved tie aOore in Tb* rarrn area !oi »if.iKiia Iba Urett Wette-a Ca¦»ama «4Mow- Yeti. Tr.e ve--e! w»a tr.aetrd Icr ajo in Puiladelph:*. St. na. < hasi.b* Williams, trorn Boaean, iwlow Balrieaore l'"h. eat rar. into night of Wedorati.iy laat öS llog Itlaud, by a fare ar.d alt »ehr. ankriowa, and tamed away bulwark*, aught- be*.it. t\ e. SiHl. B. R FarrVA», from Tangier f r B>*:on. at Holme*'« Hole Stil, tirke.t apgar IM 7ih mar., in Lyaa hale of cotton aarked A. R. NoTKix,. *ii do^e en the 10th -rward re'tio» off athra. da'' seal Mi ra. a*b< ra rx'.ow Provwl«n,-r, owiog to the eitreai ro..t weather and h»-avv N.W. Wow. Halt Low i ll, well looad it asfls and ri«»i'ig. aa.'. lu coa riete ate* r tor a tot age, was to he told by auction at N«w-Or- trail ttii in*t. . e> .. Whalara. A :<tter from Capt. Carrer (of ship Lancaatar of N-w-Be-t- ford) re|*>rtl h<t at Whytootacko Nov. It, aJw. lt,> _ Copartnership iVoturo. ,18801. IT 1 ON . f pA KTV E RH111». ..IOSIA H larlug purrha»ed the entire intereat <^ CHdJtLEBh UTROKUI tha tine of LE COf NTk STRONO, said drni i* tin* dar di**olved. .1 J LF. rol'ST is trdl* authnrlred roM'tle ».l hnsiceasof rg*d Ina, " J J I.F. COUNT, han riaeitarn Tth 1. 18AS. CUAJUalti L. 8rRi>N»». J. J. LK COCNT will -i.n.oi the Book, Stationery, Neire- I) J 1 (It ARI said nrti .1 J ¦aid Iwr Hau I J. J. L nari r I' .1 Fsrvdical bu*n.»*e npon bi* lu.ÜTidaal aecoaut, af the a'auu uf LK COl'NT* STRONd Montgomery-*!. San r J. J. LK COUNT. 1~Mil: COPAKTNKK.SHIP bt»te.tvn the Sob- .cnber», under the fin., ef I K.L\ KRTON b. FKLLÜWJ, axöirea this dar. by it* own Milfaliou. r frSHX YKL\ BBTOM Special Partxar. BOBEBT reLVEBTOM, ) OEOBOE A. EELLOWB. } Ueu«ral ra.ti.ers. CHAJaXIi W SM* FEN,) Mew Yoik, Fobnmry l»t. tttt THF nrDEMlOITEll win c.ii'inne the WHOI.r**A!J O'.m F.Ri and COhildlSBIOM be»lneei,et the Besse ha | d Yelaertoe k FaaUewe. Kea ss «ud so Pearl-«* ¦atdet^fimefYEIaVERTON u ; LR ER * SNIFESll. B'>BFKT YKI.VtTRTOM, STKI'IiKN C WAt.KKK. » Ii Ahl.KS W. aMFKkiN. New Y. -k. February lat. lA'K ßcmopüio. VT80N A PHINKET have KftMOVKD from No ITS F'iltou it. to No. MM Broadway._( UFVtiVAi,.-M»IKE88ÖN A BOBBINS, In , rtaeaaad Deeler* it DRL'lid, MEDICINKB, CHKMI- l.>L.*. PAINTS,, ra-t ..'folly iTifonn their frte.l >. ai a the Irade renerallv that ihey time rettioyed from theU ol I Itaad No 1.7 Mai.teu-lane to their new *iot-a. No*. 01 Bod «..t El LTON-8T. sad f»"i en.) fv| ANN-ST., own hatldings, hurdoor* I>-:. w Willi*m *f.,) wht irt they will continue, Leretulore. tho whdleta'e Pnig burttje** YS'itb .. Irgi nl mi ret) ved arrangenienta for hasiness at Uasteq . 't any hi-nae in'.he UadSad Suta*. we alia:! eLdeavor to execute nl! order* inttutte.l to our rar« wi-h pr.itupincs* ai.d i-ouduet our bu*iue«* to Uio .ati*fa«-tiou of oar Damstoas eerteseeiidsBta. We stay b* penuitted to tay'hot we do no' auvertWeor deaenbe «tn .It nnanaili^ frumLtiraoa**, in the shape of laicy draa*. »elect powders, eitra »'JitleJ. riwtrtaii.» any particular value becatito fainuhod by bbj hi -r, but we ihall ripply our coatonier* with arery yartaty of ., .... K a t.. it 1'ra.le, put Uu a* deaired, in tha beat naau- aat psaelbls. and the uuaiity of iho.o aliali bo alrictly accordii.| to repr.-ieut*tioi. in all sees*. »SO.N \ KOBltlNS, Wh.>te«ale l>rog^*t*. No*. 91 and 93 Kalten-«'.., Naw-Yort. RKMOVaL..The offiee of the EMPIRE T0- BACCO WORKS itrnuiurod to No. 90 Front *t.. Nee- inik, wh- ro we are prepared to furniab order for the celebrated braid* Of FINE ITT CHEW1NU TOBACCO, her.tofcra Bianefhetared by W. IT. Wataon and Nace k Renuie. Aiai, Foraiaa ai d Uomeatic ( Igara NACE it COE, *ucce**ora te Kaea it Remie 1T.E & HALL, Boot end Shoe IValere» hare ItKMUV F.Ü to No. 3 Barclay-*!., near tho Attoi llou**. K bJl.nlK A JAN KS, Statiouere, Printere bb| O Bleak Heek Ma.iufaeturer»,bate removrl W No. 98 Fultoa. «t., (near Williaoi-it.,) oppoaite tbeir ts'e store. _öonnif» Canft tDurranto. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. TAYLOR BROTHKRB. Bank. r», Na re Wall *l, N«w-Yi.rk. W e a ill aupply order* promptly. Warran'« alwawa on hai..I L~ AN D-WAHBdUfT OFFICE, Ne. «3 We^«kj New York .Tlie Ufheat market pri. .. paid for W \\ A K RANTSl M.d all \\ arranta *.j.d by me are guaranteed aud bjleafdad by uiail or otherwiae upon t mi rsDiittaueea. Land Warraata yreaared fiir .v..ldi«r* and otUar* eutitlei to Bounty Lands, upou applir itiou t _T. J. COLBMAW, No. a? w*;: ,r. IAND WARRAMT8 BOUGHT ml the eiaW J ea.b price*, and elelrua for BOl/NTI LAND, PEclSTONB. »e., t.iomptly attended to. QEO&UE WOO'lMAN, No. U Ultam at Umluiny lilaunuie. I^.VCAUSTIC TILES.For Veetibulee, Halls, J He.irth«. Dfalllf-rooaie,*erv*torle,i, Ac. OARNKIKS ( HIMNEY-TOrs I .': AIS PICKS, Ac. For .ale by iOLLIB,COATEB A voi l.K, He :m Pearl *t.. N. Y. K( M »F8-SI Ö »rs-K( rÖP8 l hfl PBtWfeejt $¦! be*t article t .r cmerln* roof* U TAR ROOFINÖ PAPKrt, which we keepconitaiitiy au hand und will tell in large or (mad quautitie* "o sail t'ircha*er*. J Lfl J. DERRICKBOM A Co.. No. 38 Beekman-ft ©loccrica. Jo II N D w 1 Q II T iV Co., Mm afartcrnra of DOUBLE-BF.FINKD AND FAMILY SALERATUJj also, ."I'PKR-CARBONATF. of SoDA, SAL SODA, etc. Na 111 Pe«ri-»r.. New York. PIRK. CRKA.M OF TAU TAR AltWATB ON HAND. Clotl)ing. K' o T I C E to FIB E m E \ . - smith BiioTHKRft, No«. iTfaadtr raltea at. MnUAi um:ii or Fikk Clothes, Have i.ow on band a true aMortment of DRAB KKHSi.'i BEATEBE. 4iCE I NO FASH IONS..i^e^etepieadid HATS kJ ever ..ri.-red to the public it the b.w price of #1 aauaiiy .old at et. Neat Hats. »2*0. BROWN. No. M Canal «f. i"nrnitnre. ]/\amt:led FUBsrnJBB..h. f. far- X\U RIM,ION ha* tuw ready for tale an r i'enalve «a-ertnaot oi rich Knameled t hainber F unittur*. in all Patterua and Col- oit, ai.d .u'.. r 'eiy decorated lu lao.lacapo, hgure« and .*-.-», *i the n.annfacrory and warerocu.a, Noa. to aid tS Wooater Sty between Brnoem and Oraud. XiliBicllurtttoae. CHAPS, Chafee, Boath, Temler Flesh, Pimples, I iseklat. Saltrheura, Til., kc. poattlvely cured by OO'.'- KAl D S iiaiisn Medicated Soap. Poudre Subtile* hair from low forehead* of ai.y part of the to^y i warranted. Liquid Beef, f.ilj White. H.ur Dye «r d r»*toratlye,*t 'he old d .pot, f>7 W alker iL. fint .lere fruui Bwadway: Callender, I'biladai pi l Bat« S, lid) W*«hingtoL >t., Boatoi.; Mr*. Hayet. Broiii)-.' I"/Oil SALE.A large assortment of BLfJUl^ STONE, tor p. li*iiitig SiTyrwara, niade by a p.aoLkai Sil- reran.Hb. Ordere for any aiaw will be ex.eated with pr-imyc --. A.a . - i- -r. Ill KS ..f every deacriotwu for Jt trai- sr*. LOl'ld BOLOFF, Pietinaer ai d Eugraver. No. ana William-ir., rear Onildtngi HOMINY and SAMP..Phalanx_.MDk 9mmW Dried. Friese saalaaash Weent* p«-r im n> For*aJ«*t PHALANX PEfOT, No. üi BarHay-at. DREW a FKEN<'H. Km ling wood-8, I i A Kk MOS A. AOH, BTEAM FACTORY. Nu. aV) A'eit ift-tt. Be*', qialitf V irnr.ra Pit S, Oak ami nielngj deli tared St t.iwest prir««. Prop08al8,.eakd I'niposals "wiirba re- reived at the offiee of'be Clerk ofthe B.-ard of Kiiestios, tba ltnU day of March. ltL'sS a' J o'clock a. av.for BI ItDINO WINCS petlng on an ADDITIONAL SMttY a!.d Bukbi| ALTERATIONS to WARD SCHOOL-HOPIB No. IS. tttnared in Maoitoo, near ScaiueI-*L, Li *c«^*2«ii.-e with plain *Ld aperirlearloo* wh rb may be aeeo af tlie oflie» St mt Ork of Lue Board of Education, coruer «f Ur»»vl ai-S Elm-at*. Tie»b*t»* mm! he made In aarordanee with tho by mgt of the Board of Education. Tha echool Oflksrs asawra tea ' 5 ;. - <f ev.;...t.*a- d««"*d «"-'« .. Ii ra si oa artH be siren on appllratioa te the Clerk of we B'a- ofEdaearJea, or to ei'h -i oi thaunderegaedtorai^we- Bv ereter of 'he Board of School Officers of the Bevtatb wa.4. b » .01», March I, I n J AS. p. bremner, ) DAVID WKBB, J. B. Bit INSMADE. >Bo :ding Co«». Z G InL B K. _ wade b woirall./_ ibtobi, bizzi & Co., MONTMEaVTAL BCCtnilU y> "BBS. SH'h-rt.. near the to^£m\\ the new entrance u> Ore.-Tiw-wd Cenietery. R Brcoklyn. Monnmen'», Tomb*. H.adatone* and M*ntl»* i? Ita.:»x »nd American Marble on hand aad a^de »» ««d*1 mnm oearnra* and diipau h. Prices reasonable. R""EDUCTION in PRICE.-H^MINV and samp-a N. Thompson k Co. bese ssjaee« ^ pnee of their choic« Boutaern HOMINY aad 8*"* ~ P*X 100 ft. A N. THOMPSON ^ t o-. Wbolesals Depo« ** EBltot-SV

Transcript of ·...

three, .«Mietina; of AW. Oakley. 8anhh tad Wal-»\who, alW » bnef oooniUeratioo of the subject, rep^t^in favor of remona'.rating ttajainrit the pansv ^ vf lbt

propoaed bill hy the Legislature, and a res WM

paused to that etTect tmammously.The Board or Eoi catk' fo]]ow;ng gentle

awn were Im» Mg« appotif '

tf .. Ooard of Edu«aaa rw rtweataMg w ftffZ-Sen5 .. J <'"«n-woed.JX. Bro-,, a.-B%;*^r>rH.rt Herten J W.

Taylor,CUr^^^Z bLTWU*. * M. I *.>tmc Janea. Hail.

TBI CmcriT Cot *t..Judge Strong b< ingab-entJfjatwliy. »**lrir*t ct the Oer.eraJ Term in New-York. J I <»

al^eb» U oi^oeoffll« Oreel*. Coart rriormu*. li.eem i. i»t mi ntrvt, end no bnataaai belua ievly, JbtmtjßWmd tall Co* ¦ersbig, when fron. Nu. 5» to No. 61 lucll-atra will ba wileJ.

iTTfiTTin ¦Narwal Roaaiy..A g**'.t»em*.n¦eaaea Arnold, whil- pwtain« over the i»mai- Pi«.nk?n*1 0«Wi**>aj Hirvj wan Wtiivyt I bl i t" '*. p**!* .h-, da

of aeaw:I aom« money. Inaleed of d'a* t bia p»ra*. Mr A.¦raw a poeol and bled when kit eeea.H a twfi naaty tea-.*.Ca» of tbem, it ia eup'poetwl. *>¦ Wtwaded.

Bcrolart..Tbe reeiiiatnee of H. 'if.. Cava. Re "

CWrituri Wi*»t, *»«a* *nle-«d by two V>va or W.wineiwlay aftaa>aao.B. wkn atoln ttevfrom w*». he* anil >.». ~T «are an.oi'.,ti:ijtft ever *>TUt iu v»i«r, and aaraoed undetected.

«*«*' mm Ban Jlonr..A worn.. named Catharine»*'Uo A, WM arooaAt btrrore Jutti.« Jec.h. ycaferdae. on a

eaarfr >mf ycaaiiMl a hkd I«».«..» b>Xl at too grocery rt J. *V7

Onu> Jvtrret. Held toaniwer._


Tar Fiwr. 7>r>artist..Th:- Jersey City Con>sm, Oonrcil at it* laet e»e>-tliie *dore*d a ro«oiu-ion 11 par* 'it.aat MM ta iA* Ward ami Ha* Pi tlM Want, u;sin¦aybleh to ere it rr »ine-"ioi;.<». Tbe lota are not Jo re- -e

eeau 0 .'<* earb. AVaaetatioa wu amoved, alao. la f rent, |

Swe iktielun boce-carriatv* fur tb- ar* of'.be rire DapMM t.

Twr. or Am. TTRRr f.t..The riaim of AM.ajt*a.u. i It. Tyirell <u a neat in tbe Jew y City Rnani rfAltW'eaten *u ar»ne.l ta 'b.- Hapnaaa Om rt » ". ¦. :i on TaaradayJaat. Tbe deciaiiu la r«*er»«(: un'il tb* June term.

ftmoor. EitAaivtTiov-.-Ti.e Jersey City S ho ilatxaaciuatlona are re w |irii(ie,«*inr. The ditn rent r!a»«e< arettiori>0(Ujr ciamined hy a ( omuntUie i f livij ujein'iera

"Board of Kdneatinii. (.1 wbirh C. mruitti >- Mr Slater in l Laat week tbe ditlerent claaaea in I' 1,ki Ytok »tr«e», w. re mi j. ivaud 't'«n*d*y¦mat the PnMie B«rt| ttfm tr ribtttilrm tunk liirt. irbt't *ut.taeaaber*of tbe Board oi r ¦!. ate-, a t a anaab et *tUai mattended. ThU week tb- rtnrae* in i'uhl <; Si-bool No. i are

Nlata **a»»aa*«t, aad oa Meadayta 1 «iay neat the PebtieHerep'ion ai.d ftbibitn/n will take j lac* at tbe now acbool*t»r»p-;iiAe iu,i $.


Reeorder Smith.aaaa or ai d. hkalt.

Tlie Court met at 11 o cluck. The attenilaioc area

ejnite large, it bemg ataatonlaotl thai kha < aee of AbblliaJy, (« x ( ouiiciiuian. who atuiida in in to 1 on a

charge of bribery, would be tried. Mr. Ueuly WU

prewut in eourt wrüh b I aoaaateLJlr. Hall, the District-Attoniey, aaidlIn the ease of llartholouiew Ueaty, wbi.h was ad¬

journed from Monday laet to to-duy at my laqaaalike protecution and defense being both prepared nttliat time to go to order to enable me to te-

*flect a little upon the oourae which war moat condu¬cive to tbe publie interest for myself to take, i.ot onlyha thia prosecution but various others which come an-

.der the Bribery act of 1033j aad I think I have ar¬

rived at the oaaclusii u to in iv< m these caaea the en¬

trance of a nolle pro$eqni. I desire also to state brieflytbe circumstance* which have apantad apoa my mindhaadiaajaaeta aoaaitatheae conelaaiowe; und I bavrpieced niy vii up in writing, that they may be hiedWith tbe (lici t odiagi MlMr. Hull then read tbe aabjoiaed etatcincnl to tho

CourtII tbe ('null i lea a*, t J e re are WVaral in -.lic'iueuta pe'i'liui Tor

ef**t*M*<*init tbe Bribery Act of 1853. alleged tu hu-«.«¦Biltted by divera ' tlic.alf

I bar* prcm ruled lotiial three mtk tmeri»* of a aimilar char¬acter |I|kiu ibtae trial* there tnain-d one arr^uitial and twoi'.ia-aar*em*uta of juriea. In one 0*M there baa been two trial* anjtwo dua«r**ii.*iit>. Mete reioiuly, In a parallel *a*a in Brock-tya. tb»r* baa b«-u a like dmrir.iiKi.i. Tnrwbirb bate been |.roa< ruted to trial » re atO-rupt. d to be ana-taoned by dornmantary leaiimoiiy. whicb it wan tllojjtj wi nt tofaaien too eilme of bribery apon tlm acoaatod. Tho roaaalal i|kndictinent*. and uVy are all drawn under on* aeciiou uf lb*law, and are contrelleil by ckarai . of tb* aamn character, w 'thonly nere.aa'y rariallon uf leu, tune, pla-**a and pcraont.are*W|.poit*d unl) byoral loaliiiiou) ,e\.der.'e >.f uniternl*: di If*, pitf-aoaitiona. preunara » h:ch i> |K>» in Ih- meuiory. The law ha,. »I-toady u.atraetod. on tbe trial, of the ladattaa* to f«r bad, of the a coj.plicewa« dai.tcroa* fhe J.s 'i noi.ta-y.videiirn waa the iaht to corroborote tbta. 1'|nui the tr»ab trial*Me Oavjtt wawM bavo to aad a fartbrnr lnetraetioii that th* erb« at ronteraaiiona «*. weak ami often faol'y, and con¬

trolled by lb* tntiroiitie* of h .man rneriiory.lh*y who are *. atudenta il the law or of biatory

kaow ibat in all rilaln trlala of oftirera boidhif pla '¦¦ ot trn.i

and profit, ibe attuneM of p line*, h'u tbt r kaatfy ot '. in-' y,k* Ibraat *|on the a. llou ol tue ju>y bot; that II p*rvauea loo

am.a elan inaln.iia I.) coun.^1. mid linitur. a the **a*]tjOjBao r

aarcaarn of tanimOißt up. Whs: a prosecution, throiub tea t

ef rsjrotnptuiy tibalieutt-a or thioegh lack uf tbu K -stub " **t-ttur «aide'' until tbe pai el ia exhausted, ti aa poor to keep a per-¦a* a I or polirle*! frirml of an a. cute 1 ftoui profettiaa 'o bt kk.tatrnleretied arbiter a. a detente it rich with hit twanty [«reuin-twry cballentea to ahut o'ir th.we rrer»ly «ua;>e.-tod to be polit .J or peraonal fuca.whe.i a proaec ition, I rejgat, i* th ia

.atwatod, aad the political elemtnt i.ycettarhy pcp a.le« the evi-denee, I tare not how itro!,t a rate tail: may be, th-.« i*

alwa^t a probaMliiy of dtaaj of I

.jatttojI niak* tbeae latt ren-a-k* upou eonerat principle*; I hitond

¦o eapeeial aputii ation of them. It tataaW neeoin"* in* to bo-atovo tkat tb* Jnry. who r*nr***nt th* peopta hnyoud *>* repre-OOU'atiuli and au, enoito my mtt - hti. by diaatii inient*. at*JI *y*ni*.>aid there kt a rrn.onthlc and raAteael deabt 1a*Ut. And in the raaea antried it it m v luty to obej tb Btaiialof law tbat eeeiy uian i* pretume 1 to it inuocent aatil full iapro»en r.peclally at th« t'l It** OH -iii lic'tnei.'* atalBOlwooan I new bold In my band- ha- I alwaya pro*,-.«* I ae e a*at>tat** for trial, aae l av.-' MRtettt rt ainWialOtl atain't tli* artiou¦whlth I deeme.! adviaahlc for the i aMl ii tereate, ia Biefeillofta try tbe iudietnirnU where docUanoatae* eyi lern e exiatsdaefoi* tboae t-ippirted only bv ral Mee~-e*pe*ialj toward<hrm am I boUM to ultaraAt that maxim.

I nder Ihet« *xi*tln( < irramttanre.- tmt «In. r the Ji.rlet tak*the letrponaibil.tiet for lb* people ka dlrtaiiae t* BM, 0] loaaliauplk ation, thai theae MOM.ntmnt «hr.ll ceaae | and alBM haveraaaun to belief* that taeea war be a deaaar ef Juetkte boioiral.ier arorned by freouer t lh« arnnt« ol ilir chartoa than beue-.tod.I bat* coiirhiJed to ahain'on iue r » w »\.at

ttif «oder tbe Brils>ry Act of ta «3; tru.i.nt to the tent* of the¦atcole to eleet iReu who are litTniH mtrirln i aaklng the Le(:t-lat Jie to atreb|th«u a prooeriitlou by fi\ii ail in ajuit- catet to

.atqntj adyantaae witb tbe d*fenae-'-». j bupint that tbt trial*¦aaVoadyhadna vcoi aVoaalon il *:i\ ntalty oshMen d or undia.o%*red.l ibat whether j'inithnieut* follow tboirtniadooda, ospuaaie certainly can.

I tbeiofore pre. nt tbete coiitideration* to Tour Honor iaOtrpport of my oAcial amion for leave to enter a nolle prMe^uihi earb of lb* follow in *j rat**:TJ * fitople «Kl Ai «iii Hrrr.. k two indictment*.Tb* Peayla eg t. faanh B, BM ^

Th* People at! Bartholomew Mealy.Th* Propi. mi. \\ 11ham B. Orakr.The People aat. John 0. Wan.!-.,lb* Paople aft. Bartholomew B. I'urdv.Tl.. IV, nA- e .,., H IV.The IV,i|»-«i hraicit ML Carry.The Teopleaft- Samuel II. M..*.">.The** p*r*ott are entitled to trial. Harint arrivod al Mbt

eonrluaiou not to try tbem for tbe reaaon* KtateJ, I have no

lijJtt to bold tb* iudictiueuta ataiutt theni at a .fttn uf arbi¬trary power Th* n Jit j rorryai, " the uuwlllim to proaecute.''.jim Ulia lawyara, killa the pje*.tiu| only, hut Dot ta*Charte«. Th«y will die only ihroutb the uieurue of tbe a'.atutoof luoitaiiou*.Tbe motion of the Distrie*-At'.im«>y wat grauted.

BlPRKMf: Ct»t'RT^ltatnLTtaM.-M«»cH ff liaaeJuat im S-Ttuvu, Roosevclt. i kltKi: an.; Ham

The matti r oi the Nea Beiacroirceatveap. L.B,Bbet«rd, **q. Corportlion C'ountrl moved the confirmation ofthe t wnimttuonen Report, aaavaaint ihe damayret for laadataAeu fair tbt* purpivae. for vanoni *»ojjioiIj bolilai*. a uom..rot tentlemenJ.Me-ar*. Ja*. T. Bra«iy fem p-..!ertoa. Paele*Boardman, and otbera, appeared.r*»dU»« their argument*, tho aJjourned to Friday at

II a. m.

ai'PERIOR COl'RT-M.acM lS.Beforj Chief JuttUse, «.


afnore aft J. J. V W «... sberiC

tort of doty at Sheriff of the City md Coaati oi New Vo k.TWa i. the fou-tb trial of the ce*a*. whi. 1 .. alf, lepartod aud»ae treumlt fa*ed whereon anew trial wa-

^aktltrowned a load of coai-lttl mn*-.,u boArd uf art r

kT«u. ,lu,'n,lk"i1'"' to reeoTBf poamtionot wbl betaaw?ASi.l..^,''', I*. Hvtr«>.>¦¦'¦'' «f tbe Cal. lei*r^^Waaawatj aap,eat maJearlaun for tbe d-l.very ml

gÖLeffibl!^zzrrpf rh** i\a -¦r,eJl;td1T .ir,»a*a»d th*co*l. anl when on th* wharf i V_* J.»H« it. and ie: dered k*. the ZSZ tktaaak


t. i"'t,'oa U brouthl under t}. ?r; ., V u ,. , _ .

aaS 5V°S ^aettaof tbe coal aad ru^u .,5. LbT *!S kkvuX f4 * ,; x*ai"ur diKharted kwtaoa!aUluaaUR?^*0'*vf ,u tu%1 bj p^

WalKawara^ cbar.-d th.

It i* aidmi wvl £ amoiint of d*iiia«*a.

Jraara t.Urr«, awid vwd"t UP°" txc^dom w ^

"a> t*a^a*.:?i*1 w .

atalesa^Jv. 9'*tt'aa. Taaj*._No« t«: UMB Vak ttatin?; 1$4- "j ». *». *. »i*t. m iwttbA .V'"*;*L Taaiu No. 49. N*w lltawrvoL-

8t erat« toLRT SoK l79, 757< lw*SL ant' eiTVataia Iii' J.011' l,u' ,01i' ,0,»* »?». i«i

aea^ '>1,"».two.ieaa, lKi 1M6 l9fr iSm\mm% IV <.HM'TOFHm «THtlT.

Abont 0{ o'clock yesterday afterr-ooD * a;, br*-.»'-out .n the stable rear of No. 139 Cbt-jtophcr .treet,owned and occupied by David Orac. The Art x-

trnded to some v?o<td shed«. '. tj)e pr-nr of N'o. 172

Arr.os street, owned by f. r, Li^nthaL Total loseeUut HOO. No ir«rjr»ve.

riüf. fo/,t fir rrvTii rTRUT.The alarm at n',on yesterday wa* o<oas:oned by tbe

burnirg of *. f>DCe in tb'- ship-yard of W. BL Webb,I ot of T, Ltb etrei I, K. R. I»atnage slight.

« FIRF. I* Hl TUo* CT RX XT.

At eO 'bek y. i.t. rdr.y afternoon a fire occ lrrs.l in

lie building No. vt? JIud-n st re.-?, owned by .John

M< In'vre, upper part rs i ip'.' d as a}, lowei

pert a's a millinery store. Dnmag" tothe a-m-'tnt of

about !?.'> wa* sustain* d beehre the leaaeewwaaabidord. The fire otifinated in n closet, bnt how or in

what manner is unknown. Insured UrMOea sttek

and (avaMaie.FIHF. IU CLIVTO* "Till FT.

An attempt was made yesterday afternoon to barn

tbe dwelling-house No. .-i Chataa Bttaet, by sotne

miseralle scour.d'el. Tlie fire Bysn dMcofCrad iti a

< ! '-. t in an unr< copied ".pnrttner.t on the first floor,and was extir^nish» d with a f-w pails of wat'. by theneighbor*. About three weeh* ago a fire oaferredfalthe sruae ebnet, but how or in wl.*', mann-r is un-

ki.'wn. The case is under investifr.ation by the Kite

Marshal. No arreete bore yet been mad -. althoughni; pieioi.s are enteitained Bgataal eertahl pariSCC,


The alarm at 7 e clock last ni>rht wa* occneioni d bytin explosion of a camphene No. liO Pearlstreet. No esanage.At H o'clock fie same nifht a win tow curtain look

fin in the budding No. 1--; First avenue, but no dam¬

age of eonss qu* nee wa ¦-:. sed_CELEBRATION OP ST. PATRICK S DAY.

A BEPOBTEB EXCELLED.A rneetiug of d« legates front the ('.vie S .» n.-

ties of this city was held ' ist evening at MontgomeryBaft, m PihMS street for the purpose of periecAiBg nr-

raiiK«m»nts for the celebration of St. Patrick1! Day.1 he Pn -nli rt, Mr. GarROB, ocentiicd the chair.Before pri-ceeding to btuineaa Mr. COBBIM desired

to < ad the attention of the delegate* to the report ofthe last ineiting afthe delegates whieh was pub idndin Tht .Vetr-lV/ri F.iprr**, He sai l the report iras a

tlsaae of falsehoods, designed to hold th" meeting upto liciioulc.Mr. CaneeOB -aid the proceedings were reported

r< n«<1ly in the Blhsf papers, and the representationsof Th. Ejri>Trft «.< ulH .!<. no but in.

1 he repoiter of The F.ipret* wa* desired to with,draw but he declined doing so unless the meetingy.i' BO to that < ffeet.Mr ('titnoi.r , afterpitchinginto The Espr, ** and

fIpBsllH the manner in whieh that sheet ridiculesthose to whom they are oppoeed, moved that the Re¬porter be expelled, 't he motion was adopt-d unani¬

mously.'li e'R»porter, looking vrry mix h Bhen whipped

cur, took his hat and traveled. At the door be turtc dand said, it wa* "very singular that Irishmen -hftuldexix II an"The PansmanT remarked that ho hoped be (the

Ibjiotti ri woiud ni ver come hiiioul' them again.The FniwiuNT announced that the celebration had

bei ii postponed until the tilth inst.TLis has been decided njsnn on account of a arospi at

of a bettar condition of the etn eta, and au oli|<<eiionby some to turn oat on Holy Week.The militaty. 69th regiment, Col. Ryan, and r>th

recinient. Col. 1'itkin, have beCB ordered to purad on

the Kih inst.The Committee were reonested to confer with the

Offlci is of the reginn nt.- ami request them to postponethi ir j nrndc to ti e Bdth ihst.Aid. Doherty, the Chairman, Mr. flaynor and Sec¬

retary arere appointed a Comiint'.¦<¦ to wait ea theMayor aid city officials, and invite-thein to inspectthe procession,_THE LUMBER TRADE OF MICHIGAN.

From tht rJeSeeM Adrtrtutr.Very few people have an adequate idea of the im¬

mense extent to which the lumber trade of thi* Statehas pro«n within the few past year*. It is still withinthe memoiv of BOst of our young im B, when the for-cm* of Michigan had awrerechoaoTte the soand of thewoodman's a*e, and when her rivers yet i.'n«hed on un-

obstiuet.u by raoea, flood tales and dams, and whenthe busy hum of the Bclni had nCTCr tlr.ven a sawwitain th. imiits of the State. Tin- nitnricsof sit.Clair. Sapii aw, (Srand Ifivi r, Flint and Leaper stilltow. red heav. nward. and tl.eir inonan hs still wavedIhehrpJaaitsl kcavds in graastaar. Hut the wave ofrmigratlea tratlu red for.e with each snccnetihig -year,and <nteip;i-e und ndaeniurt rodo upon its ere-!,lltiov froi tier nu n snaghl out new homes beyond civ¬ilization. Hunters thsVwed the retiring gVine woat*ward,aaflgraedyepeealetoreaaaghl out netitioas lo¬cations lor nnagmary cities and villagen, and sold nary squares fi r their ideal surveys. Real pur¬chasers of unr. nl tracts of land atote in silently oueaftti another, and the wilderness began to put oil theshow and s. mb'ance of Iran* baflUBg l ie. Farmswared their fields of goMea mu where bat a shortI n., before the thick set wood had made a hi ling p'acefor thewiM beasts. Towi s f|rBW Bp, eWee fall armedIu comm. icial dr.i-s, c ut ou; their echo df their busylite in every poltloll of the State. Kvery river Wascbtlrnct.dat every possible point with miils. Thenuiiarch of the forest feil Ii- Ibra the axe of the wool-man, and even the dense lotest uns swarmtiig witheaergT and lalu.r. Hut BO |radaal has the chnageci n'c that it lias not bet a BOtedL And where obeerra-Ifaa le taracd ta this labject, asfoaiehBneat iethe ab¬sorbing emotion.

It is not atrantre that the uncultivated fore*:* ofMichigan should y ield her an ine. iae of *.!,.'>oo.000 peran.urn. The call ulutiiui may-cein incredible, bat iti- siksceptlble of dtaioaMialloa. We have exjiortedto ( hieaco something over 3i'i),oot),000 feet of luinbt r;shoai luo.u' fe.t to Whwrnaiin, leaving oaiyl()0,ooo,000 feet for homecontuuip'ion, which i> u veryIon < stfaaata.Thla lumb.r ci bm - Bagiaaw, Lepoer, St. Clair,

Flint and (linnd Uiv.-r. la St. ('lati.C um'v. -o i>. t /over .'s» fett of lumber donag thi- past «war,r.ll of which, except y.OOJ.CHlO feet, ha* been sold lit aa

average of ab. ut »11 per 1,00a, which wouiu m.ike aai ppr. gate value of i4.".l,0d0.

In Saginaw aad viiiu.iy the cut h i* been BBaeblarger, as the mills f,r,. man num. ion. and the facUbt .cs j;reat« r. A cart ful estimate for that regnu. .s

down at lo.".,.\. 7,770, which has .soidat uu avaeajeeof t ie pel 1,000. makinc an nggn gate of tl,0a5.c?7.We have not been abT. to -.cure the -tati-tics of

thi- trade in Lapeer, Fiint and (Irand Riv. Im tlpreeeat year, but sctttng them down al abcaxt lastyear's Igarea, we shall have an npirrt gate of upwardsol, vhich, rdled to the actus1 ecflaaetecabove, give a total of #3,309.000. Hut if all portiousof the pin. lit s have during the past year iiicrea*. «1their business as n.iu h as Bagfahaw ond" St. Clair, thissum mtiat he s» t ll» d to upward of #5,000,009.Be Bach 9M tie- jet almo.-t undeveloped wealth of

Michigan. Rapidly aa this trade has grown ta im-partaaea. aad though praaroatad withTtgar and ea>ieraaiea. it will searady reach its m-.s-. prosjn ivus aadprtatabls j^nnt srsthinthe ci.ming ten years. Vastt.nsts of the tawst ninee etiB raataia uutouchcJ bytin lumber, r, ami whenever Batersd It Will bfl TOailbefore their snpriiee w.ll have tjsili d.

'i.iuuiro.LOOMIS- BI.ANn.In Kveter. < >t«e». Cs*9 'v. on»!»reh f.. hv t hier Ii. S Dem. IUMKI.C. Lin »Mi s |t1:> Uton, tad fui«> J.LtA.ND.t A.N.N ULANU ol Uie l^rui.r

I l*ce..t'l it llfl.I..HI I.L-On Tue»J»T, Pea, HLBS Pe B itter,Mtditei: Coaaty, tjt themr-u. Mr. ALKRt.l) MIi t ilLLLa- d Miss VI l/A A. Hl'LI. bah ot (>e Rutter.

SAM i KMi.\'-b\ hU.N-i»u tVadasaaday ereoin«. Keb. IS,at tVsawatSsa, Mi'wauieo County, tho Rer. A.Kmi.burv.Mr. KI>\V. bUND^RSOB ,f Milwaoai hi .

E. A. Ui BOi..:.. da .cb at .a w m. II. lyroB af tTaaw ;.


Dlr.D.aiALXT.OB Tueaetay Mare:i II, TAROLINK BAILEY, a:No. jC Doatlat* Itreet, IS yeara.

TLe BjsasJBS wrt* i-iterre.l in the Ocas tery of BM Fverrr»er.DIAMONP.Su<l-le'.lT. on Tlicratav. Marrh 13, SARAH S.,eifh of I'eter H. D.aiuond, in th* .'Jd year of her aae.

r/Ve fnendt t." the BOnOy are BaVBed t«> .te: .1 tbefui.eral thistailday) aft.n e<.-. at .r j .1.x a. from her la-e .'e*..lei.c». No.U llauai.oi.d all re l, withoal lejlasi luTitaliou.

b aa K .<»;i Wesassasj »t ask It, KLLXB, eHiew sfaashtSaJe.L a Naar :

* h\-ar of her are.Tb* ralati.e* aad Ithsnds at mmBaally,alssthess t harsBa*b>law iIST. Fr. .t-r^k S. S. hi. ttiajsr, are reaper'f- iy n.,:-rd 'oaltei. l ler fun-ral f.. m her la'i re«: i»-ro, N.i. I! \Vn -e

b^otatio1^ tf'tdsyi attoriiOou at 2 oclova, wi aout farUnr

It i ^^ZaV *AN|.ALL,elde.ta..uo.- B«. i

ou RUaj a»>eruoou^J"u *» »-*at Thirty-crat Street,RO*rVfBANTZ-0., M,\'^,'''r;:,UOU-I'ELIA E.UARIiNEB. w.ft ,\-M,Vo 15 ^ 42 Jewf-

Doe nonce ol the lateral wi.l LVifL a ~»'Df.'»nt»'civ , v ., . , , ,

^«,,««'n satnruaya ja-^ra.t«J.i.On aae.tnea.tav sesaass M«.>. »,

John C. and Charlotte V. Bl, ^\ '*. NORMAN en nfd,Tt

1 M** 1 I«ar, 0 rauutha aud UTte rriaoeea a'.! frier..'.* ir 'he fan. .... ,

Uk rancrsi ibis .aftsievt* *l 2 ii'^ei*, ueea lerissard KtvtU

COMMERCIAL MATTER^Male* tti the Ktoek t2«eh*ta»0«*...¦-.ARCti I t.

iereV.rafntnt*. » f Br»t»t»»- Hink. .MJi.^^*.,sJi^:°'^^IT*-»*'"<>- MIMt) Ml**o*.r16t. !*M»C. overland ".TaiCo.. "

* ... t5o.*t bb Ja-v..mI IOC H'd K,t lrt Mff.Ba. M it'W n'«r-Vort Cat. R-h

;../Ot 111.t ettra; B. H. B-- I *'*- . "*.:..»; .

1J/W d<-.»flU! <*°.<>» HJ6 %0 do.M,tr« <!......«15«o dc.oSWtiJO* do.t-**H«.009 LU. fretloid Bond* 11» do.

with rnT::«e....bJjft !*»» do.1 f» 4c..tMi 100 dolIMi *>.RlllOA tlo

.ft Sew H-» C*» *l1 w 1 »' IB LB R B§. »»1* P,ti k of AmerKi.1207 Ulli ' f Ot.».«:"-1°9¦ *V. BBj

4ut üard. «» Iii Mit*...b3*J l|t* *<¦..>» 1»

5 LT. B Tni.t I mmfmn.AnMM BMaWOATtkl Co.. 2.:i do.2IJ

MM do.lot do.Xt, Har.eia Uauiruai..200 do..rjft tt

.> X H. L. Hartford R. K IMIJ00K uv.d« I'aiir od. »1*U» do.W »11£' l'1. -r K»..:..a' > <Ml .Mu.hi.aa t tl :ra. R K -1

mm do.bJ 21 40 oo. 991C0 do.biO 21 SO d»1,0 c<. »1, » V Nor. it,R.R

dr.. -' . '" PoOOWM k*.i*jvi.1K co.»10 2» J J0< lere.. C. ti. : 1t(0 do.V.a m \ 12I.:ttle Miau.: RR .fc«,14.0 1.0*50 21" t OlloM lo»tCo. BB at lit!¦ IM do. TM Sit do.tujjio do.MM ttt MOClcvo. and Cat, BB.... 711'0 do.!.Hi 14 0 do.he 78

KO do. -M^ do.'0 do. lkxll I0f» do.».»> 7

|S ro. 191 K-0 do.|M r

ii thl. and Rock .'».. RR. 94

771 .0 V lKD.

Iff* CaBfbn a 7». 61. H 30" Lne ¦ailroad..1 vj3'.o Hailaai ;»t u-rc. bdt.. M *v» d.-,{.Mill CoiiL R. Jt Vit.. M r»9 do.;,s vu5 rot. do... «*? l*o d^.bin vj77 Pthi. to*.Co. *; 10" do.ttO A*lio Ni(.»:.i' * TriL'i: C.. 1M 2u« d..a.! ri|«00 d<. lH 1M Cleve, k To. R. R..U-V1 712 0 dr. 1 j if. l.eodiM R*..;uiU_1*1 »12»<, do. 6 SM150 CrjmN riaiid Ctol «'".¦ B& 1"' do. 90I

FK'«oo RirerR. R.... IiiiJtVa.fl k N. lA.R oilK(Cu.:a Co.bto S-t JO

gj d.. 3 1«! Mich.:IfO do.hi 23 100 do. M"n n. y.«.ti.tioi u.a.... si1 \yo.\,m 94IfO do.blS 9ljl Vi in. PiJ40 dc.U 91» i TAr jrj.A R* :ro»d.101}IMOtXtumk ChiB.B.bCellZil UUL CurralBAulrool... 97|

Thi-h-dat, Mar.!: 19.p. in.

Tlie froturc of i!.r- rr.aiket to d»y wa« the »tarnp -.icira Xicoratua, wtirfh fftnWBlBwIflitfrtl baavineas tu tLowho'o mark.». It wan ki own early in the day thatdi«pbt<-l.< s wt-r.-in town from Xcw-*»r!.--aa«. f?.-i injjthat Of ti. WaJkar kad aaisca] Lha lioaN of 'ho X. :»ra-

gmt Ccaapaay, laBallaal Iba Charter arid irrauted a

n w ore to hnotln-r ('otnparty. T1i< ro wiw immediate¬ly nn BTalaaebe of stoek n the market, and the pri^erapidly fall rff lroa ss. at abich -.',''00 -hären «oidI., fore tin ihinnl, to; -1 Ptiaaea the Hotnl- ii rail dto -.«); but at and aitn the fccoad Board aold a." lowat I - i again, and we h< ard even lower. The aggregatennl« - of the <'«y an- beta*) . n 10,000 and 19,000 «hären.TLo I'rii n'!i> of tbe ( '.riipany, f. ar.n^ tb'- eft'.- -t >.f the

new«, oven if untiue, were ni .ongthe priu. ipu! -. Her«,aadtbe Shoctatook in st.m-k to a large extent. It

eppeera that aereral partiea had raaalred dttpatrhrtthin morring from Xew.f>ile«n«, atating tin- abovefuote in regard to (u-n»ral Walk-r, hut they were

lookedapoawithaiachdiatraaiwttl the regular dL»-

patch to ti.e I>odaiad Praai appeared. Among nth. r

peraoaa, Mr. J. L. Whita rcaeirad a dhaaateh (rota aMr. Kozet, who ii ii, the earphrr of the Üuitad statesGorennaeat al Viri/in üuyn* a C latcaH odaoer. This(!j-pAt( h Mate ! tbat Walker had take-: ji-M^efoei.n <.( the

Qompor'i boata ami chartered a new Ooaapaay,which new Company were prepared to trnn«j)or: paa*¦I ii i» aertirs the Wcarafaa tranait at |90 per bt a 1.A dktpaft h of pcacteely the same ehaiactet wua ra*

caired by Commodore Vaadaxhill from Capt. Culün«.who ctauaaada aaa of the Unite on the Fachas. An¬other dhpntoli WSJ received from a party in Xew-Oihani« by a broker's boaaehere, entire >trangerstothe sender, j r. pm-ii g to 11 the st.-ok flmr'. i.n jointBt eonnt. Filially, theAiaociated rrcsnliad the same in-fetn ation in their ng.iinr ili-jjiti b. There waa, BOtwith-tatidirg that pf.rtits s.dd ui.dei it, a very general dia-

poeitioB lath i strut tobelien ibawbols story bogaa.Mr. Waflkt r and tbe Contpaaj have nlway- b.-.-nupon tin- anoal Itiaadrj terms, nr.d indeed, hut forti e f..c'lit;« s fumishi 'l by Ike ('"tnpnny or it* friendsMr, WaJkai would never have succeeded in his in-vrsion of Xi 'aiiiirua. Both Bkoaej and aaeaaa of trau-

s] rt wiie furniabed by the Maada oftha Coetpaajr.; w.ting the aboTC the Xorthem Light haa

nnivid, and we lentn that the adricei from Xi-w-Or-li ai.s ate rorree . Cen. vTalkat has sei/e-d all the

propnty of the Company Bade* a claim of the Statefbr 9180,000; and the statt un iit ha Oraaada waa thatthi propertywoald be aold to a aew Corapeny l«?forer.ny partita bateiseted coald reach Xiearagua fromN'i W'Torh t>> protect the right* of the Company. Thetravi 1 was t ot interrupted, but the property was in

possission of fJuraniBMal oflkan ]Mr. Wulker, having t.'dien tlii- step,may find hi-piii-

tii n it. Xienraeua an unpleusaiit "ne; as we are toldby partiea inteaeatad here that tbe Company has re.

echred aaaaraaa * recently from ov Oorenunent thatIf Mr. Walker abottld la nr:y way latariaro with ther |1 :s of tin- Iraaak Coatpaay, a fiwee would ha im¬

mediately e« nt to the Is(liii'",s to protect their in'ercs's.Iu his pn-sent position, Mr. Walk.r eaunot uff.ird to

irrke eremie- so ptrWerftÜ.Other stocks in the list sympathized to some extent

with Xicnrcgtia. Erie feO off to 35j; Reading 901;Ccatralfljj Harhui is, &e. The Weotsrn stickew. re aho heavy, although the decline w,isUot markeiLThe eont.nunl eoid weather stmw-stonns, eV '.. h ive

largely rtstrieted the enminga of January, Fthruaryami March 0C these nMOB, and the rhwbt hai. flag over

the qaeatfOB Otfdh idends on two or three of them hasinduced icaae aalna At wor«t w.- aadetataad thedividend in these cases will only be aoaaawheiportponed. A tJttHl pait i'i the deficient carn-

irgs will doubtless ha made up by theLaeraaeed baahaeM ti the sueeeedinir moath*,11.- husii i sh in Kailroad II.ukN was mainly confine 1to Illinois Cintral, Which stdd at t*-i«TheseLmds carry U «P c.'nt interest, payable the 1st ofApriL State Stm ks arc without change of imp.irt-nwe. Vucinias .">: M'.oin;s T. nne.- "

Californias t-o, A c.

In Kachaage there i- aal yet much deiag, and themarket is firm. Leading Sterling i» va^l. Frauena.99i«fwlT|.lie biu-ines* of the Sub-Trea-ary was: Paid,

909,1 IS 90; no. ived, 9099,091 balanv.-, f i.-IJ. i H\paid for Aaaai Ollliw, .9,99999, paadoa dkabaraiafchicks. Iis.i.oo l. e reet-ipts .'elude t ju.o. o

transti rnd from balBoa fund.Therericne of tiie Hnitioiorc atd 0Uo Kaihoal

for February wa* as follow*:. c

'VAt^crcn Tjtal forM*.n Stem. Braurh. bod. rotda

Fi r Ttf.e- ri.*....# || 7' *£. JB «l 954J41 7|Kcrliei'bi.. ll«i,3 Ii ü lo.lM *J EBSSlM

To'tl.*178!ij.V C33,«j~J0 a.ll.S.jlbCon;pan d with the crreaponding moutli of laet

year, there :«a foiling off of 97,316 21 iu the r.-ceiptaof the Main f«t'm. bt:t an increaee of tl ,9.'7 94 on thoooaftka WaakJagtoa Braach abawlag aa aggregate de-. n nr- f 9."',3f9 tl hi t'.c past month.Tie haaakMaact lha Cat ralaad, Cahimhaa uA C t

cinnnti Ka-! oed rnt the first 11 month- af 1995 was:

£".*. '«'. »>....;..... dr n "i"i:.».'7 .*!Kipet* . I|,1M tf

n_ T.l?,J.,.tlAttJm ttPerecrer MiiBrsc. . lts'ioi I

T.'a. :..rt». v trllv.*1 .stl '.U *¦r»;et see of operam g and damare*, MajM

Net earn:: it f.-r .! months . VtljmtHe Comjacy has no fl ,t deb*, tnd the funded

d. bt it M ty H 1,490. The cmtingeut fuud is |999,| MLThe capital itock is 94,949,070, The aal earning-of''¦ er are to ..bnu '.: *. c.-n* p. r aunu.a.loe Company have amoag their aaaata 1999,991 of«tciks and bonds of ethf r roa 'a, » if >. k. A ?.

The busin, *M o'the C!. aring-House wa- 9'.t.: 'v.' '¦1 '.Wt hear of Iba failure at the Weid of a large oper¬

ator :n IVrk. In regard t.> failure * 7V Tmitptnititof thi- wetk giv,- ti e following:

'. A hardware beaeo in Fbi'adelphia, fail. !. Havettmcgled sonn-time with an impaired credit. Go<jdaaaitiaa at auction. Xo further pariculare." OfraM %% Dabaaq, PbiladeVihia, jewele.-«. fa iedFeh. 50, and ad\. ltk> d to he sold out'hv S .. r rf.

" .lohn Qeaaaai L'. Pntikthkeepeie, X. Y. fdii' d andae-icned tv Ü. Dun tV J. W, Daly. '

" S. H. L&ngdon, Caelleton, Vermont, failed* No

particular*. ......

!TBW*arrl *. Kimball, Sprcgfi. kl, Mesa., .-on- in¬

to aBSclreocv. A«*ets ab»nt £"v,000... A. I- Fu> b, N« w-Brita.n, Conn., 1.

ont; as»igned. .

'. E. Iatc'1' n, Brjfol, Com, brass fouad.r, :a. :.

>.". r ar::ro'.4p«.- I., man J rdcn. >>'. work, X. J., dra^ra. 'O-pcidcl.

N<> ' ru'.ar*." Aified White, Owtjfo. Tinge Co., N. Y., foi'- d

axJ a-e'gned.'. J.-kn B. Beel, Pent. M., failed and a*«:goe.L.. FratkLn A Brot < r, C.'ambits. Mi«»., failed fr»

large amount, asrurned. Connected, i'. ia raid, a

Loom in M. b le. wLieh ha* lately -cspend.-d.'. B Armetrnrp, J*<fjosoa County, Va., ma ! ¦ an a.-

fjm m« nt. and it ia thought will not be able to pav .a

5E" A hot:-, in St.r'ir.;. I!!, hi* lately suspen I' d, and

... >.. :r.g üble to p.:y in fall ar-- trritC to i-oinprotni-e*jtl i: Ml e.editor* at 4»> east aa tht- aa 'lar.

.. Samuel Deleinat- r, Cold Water, Mic'i., assigned." B. B. B<ran 11, Tray. S. V., aeSBfaed."Alaiga ho'i?e in Waehinpton, lb org'a. i» und'r

t r"t- -t. er th' < r< cifors are pushing fie tr 'aim'... t . P, S<tuire», Tn.y, N. V. it at Bail has failed,

ar.d is tiyirg to compromise at -.'a P cent."The produ« e marke** are heavy an 1 -piVf. F'.-ar

tolljwlr-j'". l«.w«r. St'.f.- is tö 7.*. S *7. Sontl.-rn

trat» l av.- d«. lind i-V,, v-Uji.g at #7 sjSjfl a7J.Wbtat is inactive, and nominally '.' a V. ehea;»-r.Barl'y ia Ctm ai.d < >a'« dull. Corn i* lf)Sa* tower.s.L'i aa< tive. Wad .s n ta r demand, and the tenden¬

cy* of pnct * N npwnrd. Tbe matket ia je. down for

j Cotton, and the disposition to eel! ia str .np. TV?tr«i.*a« tier,* in Coff< *> are moderate a* about previouspres. Um demand I'T ,Su_-ar from retiner;, i. tel n

ntothe mark-1 isstrorv« r. Abont l. if") bjbda. Cabe«o'd at 11 * 7b\ Me'as.-es s'eadv be.i no. active.There is no markfd changed in Provisions.The ?*o( khoid. r- of th-- tViS- Mail St'-amship

Cob peay are aethVdthat tlie aet oeilioeateeof rt - k.lamed Bade* the reeeat amendment to ita charter,dh küag the capital lata «harea of *H>0 each, will be

r»ii<'y fat d< iiv. ry on t:,»- ltd ir «t.. on the SBSieadBY ofthe present outstanding certificates.The following sale* ot Bonds and Stocks w.-ro ma le

af taetioa by K. H. Ladkrw:I 11 Hermit ai.a Milaeate* K. R. 7*,irrt.7tJj((0 Junc-if u R. R. 7s. 7:t)n,ro»lfortben Ii Daaal R.. coeh-n l ine. a*SjNS Laar Krie, \S iba*n ai .1 BJ, Loui* R. R lit tnoit_ 7«)1.7 ti rt.iie*'.« H*d*oa Riv-r K. R nrehla La *t^c* .taIsaare* B»i k ef the t<:»te | New iork.t"7Bj aaerea Oevaath Waei h. ¦».ui2")ihare« North nwai* *ll Tra«: ».;,! Buiklni; Cn -ij>ari»... !'{

11J «harr* North An.eri. iu Tn:»t ar d Banking l'om,nnr... 9\3«birr* K.**t Kn r It.« Company. *15»bares M.-rLaah -* Aafottatt..t"6tBJ «li«re- <'..rurT,erria: and hälleaad Bank of ViekaBBaj...« 7j2i «bare* North Americaa Eire Insaranca Company.1J0teebarea Jeaaejea tnearaaca Company.tan'S'»i:»re« Kirern*n'< laaaiaBea Ceaiaaay.itttn> bare* F»rtrei'« L- an ai.d Trujt Compauy. 71¦jo eaaiaa haaeael Bai.k.mThe followint; sai' r of It.,:id* and St's ka were made

at oiietic n by A. II. Biool .y:1 if n N'ew-Orlean* City Coi loMdafrrl (!«, inf. iddoJ.T>\' ft" San 7*, UBS, int. add.5»

>,'.'' Hartt' rd t'av fa.'l87i, int. add.9'<\ti Sat lean ate flit tVatee IS*, IMS, mt, add.MB Bat \ irainla Sr*ro 8a. I(S1 bM.add.97V no L. Ktie. Wabarb ai.d St Law. R H. let Mb, at. aid. 7.13 'in li dJaeraai ha aa Bettel atata.« l«t *du. -


I,**eNew-Alhaai mdBeiea let Ml.«43.'oc Flu.».in* H R. letMt.i)l no L*t*v«tte and ladaaaaaeUi U.R. tat Mt.I7|a.l'd Breck' Oanal C »., TJSS eertif e*rh.fUASS

59.5 80 nute fftJkae. .t. Waterbnry.*. j*0je chare* SerenJ avenue llailruaof. 4t20 «bore» Beet River Bank. tri4" *li*.°e* Hutfer* Fire ln..iran.e*SO »bare* BSoeMei Fire lufaraneo Cotapaiiy.I'VJ4c abaie« A**or Pba laearaace Ceaapaiij.9t|e »mir* Itepihiie Fire In.ur.u" ('.itnpeny.9I|4" aba:. * I.. x Kira Ii < on.pony. .. MSIS »b«re« Peter ("oois r I- r.raii >. t'ieiipauy. ilTft(' »bare. Beekuaii lieuranee Cnmpany.180}>i 1' t\S" ibarra Bewery luiuru.. e l oiupanv.|9uIVihait« .tretie InaorariO" ( unipany. tfijIS)»barea St. Nicholaa Ii «uranre Company. 70}

.tu.« ti.iward ntaHasataaaa Ceä aharei Plreeaaa'l lij-uranee Company.'1J4* »hare« Natimal Fire laaWBBBea t ompany...liTJ^.TO7 aharei. .ManLa'.tai, Coiupai y.U.'J

Thahsteiaet lae <.n the ISth iuet. on tha second

MortfSgl Bonds af the Ci. velat.d and MahoningKailro.a.l Coaapwj »i'l lie paid at the oBass of HesstB,Ward, Cair.pbell Al Co.. No. 4J William at;. ct.

The I'h.enix Fire In-urr-iice ( '. .upmy has declared a

et-nu aniciul d;\;.!. nd of 10 *' e.-nt, payubb-ou deiuai.d.

Family .Tf arketias;.TYif d llowing table gives the retail price of the

prsaetpal artkles ef Ka.-m Produce in the Ctfy ss*Saa>York onThui-day, March li:

sr.r. run.Hint ijr«..pth... 9 et M |HaIihuf,r» It. IS d» .

Fin ..,!..,*> tfi.... 7 u 9 Kluuiid. .. {' ta... 6 iV .

V. 11. flSBSS. IS 24 3) . Itialmuii Trout, IB.. Vt Ö) .

Pirloit-ade.. p ffi.. lei u . Pike, p ffi. ISt* ISBut.ip do., *> IB... il il . Salt Alvk- r. !.<»eii l.'j,. MJ11..aj>t pieee». eaeb. 14 .* £J Sa't Sha.1, |> Ui_ in m \<iCesaea. p lb. 10«. IS |taliami.aB*»taa\Sj n. /¦ JBaasbed Be..f f IB IS d IS Psdiah. dry, p i&. 5 <tB~ei loi aue«. eaeh 7j it . '('lama round l.uu. 37"/1 is1

Mr-ton, ear. p tb. 1iV 10 '(».. .ten in .hi, hun. 62\(fl uOMen in fore qr».... 9 </> \\ 'Frost Fish, y* tb.. S Ü .

Muffin hin.l an... IS </> 13 Perch, p th. 124<j> .

Mutt-ci tboia.p IB Ida) l.S ,Pick-rei, P K.... 12,i ISVea:.t ir. !qr» ,P tt 13)3 !4 BtoekIreal.9 ttJ. V) .* 61iVeslCallsta. r. a bfj'lta.tdivk. {" tf».... 6 is .

Bejr"a Went, p ft. IS .r/ ail S-.rijs-d Bft IS .* UVsassea, p ft. i«»a) . Bi«-k B*** p m.. ts| e .

SOLS. Smelt, p ft. 15 <i .

r.-ca»«. p sari 9 «o «ti no iTsmpia, p -bi...t oo.-12 noAt retail, p Ib.... . * llj'Crena. p del. 23 it .

IIaiut.iUiiiirdp IB 13 4) It jD' Silmnu, ft. .1 en it .

si..u.'i-r*. p it.... Hj-s 12 ssaaraauuasaraair.51.1. » d e. p ft- 12 .* 14 Toru.ito.a (Sjinh.),1-itkie.i.p ft. ist« - a>aoa.1 st a -

[ SaefssP IT)- 1 .'{>/) . »-'trlnf Hein» (do.),H.-aJ OmSSS, p ft l.juv . P liail p.h-k. SJlä) .

roCLTEV. CrauberriH», bbi..l6 SSBil 0<)TnrkcTa.pft. SS 9 . I r» .berrief ) pk.. 1 Oo .» .

Fowla.p ft. 1« d> 20 A| j/lea, ^ool'd bbl.2 Sn n ioaCan.b'k Dack*,pr..S 00 w . Af>|des,choice.3 00 at soRed Bseds, eair...l .SO it . 1'i^.tu.ea, L L. bbl.2 2ä <fi SSCb cken». p 16.... 181^ . Potatoes. L.I. bkt. »7. & -

1*^**% Ses.3Mi a . Red OuioTS.bki... «2p* 7SBatst Dasks. p pr 7S n\ ooBread Bills, p pair e.'pr. .

H i.d Tuikiea.eai.h.2 On ^4 00WIM Geeae.I 00 11 25Prairie Hl BS, pa r..l SS <t .

WMssaa, pair. M I

H-. '. I it. 50 it tHJer.< ryPetatsasjBSi 87* i> .

Turi.ip*. I nk. 12}./) .

Oeloaa,|-pa. isVn nCabbsys. reekesash s r* 8ReJ Cabbare, v u u 8*12

T«*i, pair. 75 a> . |Tumip Cab'.., J t >r 6 &(iar.lrk. P buiirti.. 12 it I3JI.eeka p kSSSh 8 rt 1x4

Bahhlts, pa.r. 7S n> . UwaBeesa >it. is it isJHarea, pair.1 ie a> . S.Miash.^. -nrb_ 25 | fsj

BorsBHOLoraooocra. Carrots, itkt. 50 9 f2\Bsja, ehL 4,« 'i tcr I2j'ii . CasiiBswets, d./r.i 2S ni i>iRe'aU freab. 4fcr.. I2jvj; . Bet'uS iuafh-a,bbl.4 00 a I 50I :. Putter, {» ft. "'

tlrsnre ( o., new..In«. I'beeae. p ftCueete in hit. p ft o,<e lU'Parinip*,'bunch... 6 it

Biute Batter, P ft. 25 tl 34 ¦ Yel. Pa'mpkius'. ea. .50 u> 75OrssseCa., aew.. 34 * . 'Sw't Pota't./e*. bbl.a so a i 19F.-«. ILeese, pft il tt . Do. i peck. 25 a>"beere in hit. p ft Oiit IU Pannips, bunch... 6 itby tbe ft. jSla) 1IJ Celery, bu nh. t2Jd» 15

Ptaeeavls » h. sa.. Kj</> .. miscellaveocs,B. Sa*o ft. 25 a . (Iray Sqoirrela, pr. Inj.?Lard, by lub. p ft. UJo. 14 IVsaaBBB, »» tb. H it li

run. Bologf:a S-.iu'e, ft. 311.1»Cov'f.ah *> ft. 6 3» 8 Tripe pft. 6 itEela.piS. UJ/i, 13 'Do. Pickled, p ft. tf <sFreaa Sba.i (fteaa Honey. atrained,CaarJataaa)aseh. it * 62j (new.) p ft. 1210» IS]


¦asasBrta..C*Kii lly Bxpobtkd roaTRtTaisnfr,. _

TiicarDav, March IJ.«JSHEI.The n.axi^; is ai.iettieU dii.l n Sjaiet ftwFsts al

OA 75d ii stj. I'ea.-ii are staady and tint plenty at e7 75a as.l< 1TOV.Uaderthl Arabia's news tbe rasrket Is s: !.-att -.

irw r, ai..t holder» are ami'n* aetlera af thia abeSSSasat. Tl |basiasesLss heei. but modcrsts, esLuiattJ isasrslly Wt quote at fuilowa:

saw »u«a iiiiurn tneaat^laaSS. Flon.-a. Mob!.'«. N.O.JtTei.

Ord!: nrv. . ti 81 gltlMaddllae. J 9) 9|1/Bnalaiiaf Fsii.|d| BjM 11 Q

fair.|S| lt'i llj 12COI FKK.A meders's business bss been dous at full prices;

huld.n ei »Ii km.;» .XBSBtt srest tirmi e»», tales of J,'X*J busBi.) **!'i al2c. Press Neu-Orteant a*s learn of aatSS sinceLeaaSäse'S ta.t .tairmeat, of li.»so Bin, saosili si 111 /

Ufs, Stock 51' NB baa». Th« fe« inj ev-loatly ia.Pru^od. Ttiesers f B at- 4-i ti'l hats

PLOVR AM) MKAL-Wte mart et f. r the lew träte» ofS ate ¦! Vtfi-im H ,t|.( "i: Io rer uider the u-jfa/jr-aHe BSvfeea by fb. Arabia. T&e dsmand for »hippina baa »ab-auied. Bad tbe BTsdS a^U Kaitern buyer* have pu-.ha.ed *p*r-tnaly, aaaioly ot the ¦sdlsrs ai. i loth padsaj ta.- tales fv eaten 1 R: «1 srs tbSSS htl». at *>< 7'ore7 aw ssassssa toS 1-1-:»'« sill *i:i*r«l« s M:<-i:i*-an. wttB fe e »* at uor i:..ide fisure*#7 I'iuOTo for aapertir.o In'.;*; a *n.i l'p;~rL»i»: +' .7. #s for eorumoa to «issl (uperSne and low »rilesf i'ra UL:o, and tfh t,2y. Self) 5o for ea'ra <<ene*ee. Castdi*:. F'. nr :» heavy and is «jn:et; . !.-* of 3f« bU*. a* *7 V,*>S t!\ fur erduiary to be*t brar,.l». Southern Flee* i< iewi..sada jstslj tu. IsMlryis eeed i :< to gueij braud*; tae **!.«are ' (OS bet*, at #7 «1)^08 tT| for niied to »ood »-. Isrdbraid* Alex*L.irU. haj- tn. -e. C.ty M .li.'' aad "HowardStreet," ai>S a3 43|aeJ:ur farorae. Cm.ct aad low (rada <Tei ra. ByePlear biaatstst artae SS SwBaeaadsaeeiCera Meai i* Üiid; aale» or V jbla Jersey tt 01 50, sad Bradjw:ie«- s>L t BShwaSBt Fluur :» «teady at el lit)03 ,.;I r II' ft".Hi-ti.I>ry t oj ^.-e ¦ .Lie*--.!. Maekn>.i are mjre se'l- «

It f. | r:ce«: tbe aale« are not Urge.(iRAlN.In \\ heat there 1» little* drin» and prices Bessasal.

iadc. >. wer; .ale* uf «sO hu.h. cauitioa rod Sou-her:i at

01*7. R»e kaW and i* n- m:: al *« *l ttt *! 17 f.r N rthsem. aud* 1 t.r S-mtLera ia a'cre. Barley i* hrai and in far

reeaeet)¦slasss' i,e*> b*i*a. »ood foar rowed s-ate ar *l 2:.

OansiBth tadlassre.theseaetyMunei *al-a 4 J*r.eya:... C..S. -CLert *: ii'- At State a J9 < <.« a -d U - 'ern a?

tfleStc. C< -Ti i* lc. to 2c lower.toe tqujy .a les* tc ive; thea- pr'y ia larse and i* d»Uy ioerea«ios: there it httts iaanirv»[ ..rt; ii.'e* uf .'1,1*0 Lu.h. at w"-*tllL fur i.m he.-u mixed, 70iv7!ic. f,r W>*'«rn miaad, <s*"9c fur 801, .,e'-i whi-*, and SSBTU Sw rteesBara y*S**W. SS ni'e Bean* are ij l.miuu reioe*ta» »i 7'... *2 WP b'jik.Qt srv » LOffl rerr.a.11» iteajy; at Bo.ton rale* were

suade of IS* bales at IV. « rue*.

HII>tS.Tb-- n:»rket is »'i.l rerr ftrai, and the »uppiy con-

cat* chiefly ef tbe common kmd». The few Baeno* Ayre* hereare w:tbdrawo from the markeL No Rio eirande. Of Anfuvfura 1 sor bm*e been ao.J at 244>., i mo*, ti wtuch Pnc* thsr** . {oe-d u«n.aii Tbc ttoek 1* «i OOP.

HOP*-Nrw oon«in««^-»t; »ma.1 »ei** «aly ar» »aatin« to

br»w«r»,»t 7*1*«. Bat V'*»t*rt »ii W.wm, th* ),tu,r pne«for «»« Wo. Old irnm .UM »r.d entirely «^w*1 .


HAT.Th« ks»J*4rB .»Habt and tb* ttock nwderete. eaJe* of

IROM-Tb« .lemaW tor Seno-h fi< i» thni'eJ. bat holder» ar*

irrt «lef i.f tfl torott i>.tö? *i7,o B1J0.

LIMl-R'ckUndi* iutr'lve.ln tbe »Sooote tl *rn an, »t et

forrotrni" .nd $1 1*1 #JT Lvi.p.LXATUCI -Tt.«e Iii reo <e..l .»*o.*.n4 '...»!! de» tri

tjkaetvtrcca i- mm vary ..» . !y tni 11.< I et - ..«.-» ... tea-

(JOHL Prtni« Bo#f .¦. Ajr.» Luht M l ttMatt It vi y brc«

fa.*; : . ». wth »«Je* ot Ao« * \ \ f

»: 1 |MM ATre» «t .'lJtr. Fr»ach Caiftk M Mol

£i«d Heimtid »r fonrer rriee». . -

LFAP- Ibe Barkel i« tirm .*. .« *2| for S,-«oi»h. No M>

BVe * it*. ...MOLAMC5.Tb.- n-arket .» « ra ber quet : ffia

.ale. a e '0r bWa. Now Orie*. a at (i*MSai 1» kbia Cuba

t" *>»-' |. V lad fch !« N-i-vl e» Sirrr. at POM** AVaL STOK KS.BgftrBt Torpei.'ino ta »tr*4*. wvh »ni>.-

erale iioio-rv «au<-t of Di.« m tuet. 'n*~l u.o or ..r »' 4 i

Ii Cr».!, r larr* ¦ loten, Ctinmoa RtMtn t* quo r. owi'.r, ..»

the A.H -i.ted atBlaadotit ttfcaTlirj **te* af WO bK«. Uiw No-

2 ia va-.l a> 11 M Tar i» .'«:! lad «nmewhat aal Bfam.

UlLS- In Kn«li»b Li.teed * f.-<t bo«li.**» .* UNI fw«U man f»:»e.i: the »ale« are Ußtt gal«. at »V. rat I. and IC.

tu.*, wHi r.tere.t. Crude Wh»:« t afitflvhecl»'3*.* 4c.ei.u

for rric e u-t; Refi.nd U uiirhanr»!. fnd« s-perm r-ra*!n»

ooiet; w* 'earn rf M aalte. I.ard <>.! .» "r*Ar, with . «.*<

W.f.r tt iirerin lota to tbe trade at #1.4 mouth*. Paitu .*

»« i m !.h» at Kc.PROVISIONS.0 :r market i» a »et ed a:id Ii low-r tor

Potk.of t!'e »baten rut a better demand revsi1« 1. tan *' Iftatltat 'lere i» mcr*« ta'e« cf 32rl bb«. cl.wlns a: f I "!.f. r Me.», and Ott V t.w iVm.-. H-. t . b»*v-y. p*rti.-u'»rlvreiroioii qnaJttiea; the f»!e» are 3 0 bt - iu loir, at $>tIba)mtt&tM I'rl-De: *'»'«.. #11 for Countrr Maaa, aid* 13 N for rfiacke 1 Waatata Me«a. Prinie Me»a \» tirji at #!t

I ftt Heef BtJM «re Baf* ^'ive; .>'»» of 171 bbl». at *l. :

*i6V». ttittJattntl) >»'»» tt SOtx'ie» f » boneiea» M \at Sie. I'nt Veaa ar» »feadr: «ale* of lo . aivi» aiid'.-a. a-

i|</7.^. f..r Sbool.'er». aud SJa^ir. for Haut». DraWJfti Uor»»re In r>o«e«t at TtäMie.. *:.d are »rare*. Lard ta M »od

.»»\j: .'-» »*:<. a » '.M>bK« a-.dur. at K-rl. Ku't.'r >*

ladt* >.¦;* »Mi n f ir rv ne»t at 19tf2lr. for tlhio. a .-l .1 '

itk f, r State I»*'rv. t be*** I* b*ax y an.1 doll at Sj '* l< Je.b;< K.Tl:* tVtVaatd] Ml eatt rood.irtt* to-day; prwe» *ra »a»

tamed i »ale* of ;r0 t.a. at ta Str. Th* »rork >* a-ap'e.StiAP.Stir* have been made cf 200 boxe» C'sauio at lld>

II 'r. frrm »frre.BALTfETCI =. m.'e »tttled, wirb »alei at Bottou f *»

l»i» « ni.t* at IC i! <*¦

Sf tiAilS.We iMTe hat aii attire ino,ulrT Uxlar, ¦ >«' y

f'orr r'tit er< at ob<i*i: f.,nr»r rrie«»- TW ttoltai la evidentlrbettat. and a fctrjottitt) of the *tock aioat ha* b«'eu di»po*edrf: ta>* rf I .SOft hWa. Cab* MnarOTa'o «f ßlätfc., a* to

¦BBlify,indmotl] frawaVektVtt br.d*. Me!vU.p«rt at S\<.,fwbkcl »e flick i» the oiarVet value *ec«rally of ihi« aoavnp-

t ."'iitarli 17t kMa do. ou ternu we ar* not allowed to

pullitb.TFAS.There -oniinoe** food demaod at private »» e. and

fall prire» are realued; an>tbcr atu lion aal« i» announced t.r

ti -:. rrow.TOBACCO. There in BN rhanae U' r.otir'. th« «uiiplle* are

l'iht, tmnaarfioo» are limited. Maiiat'arturrd ia ti.-ui aal .a

fair requr»t :n in the city trade. Fiae l'ui i* BCttre, aaJ price*IbIIt »apr otted.TALI.UW ii n> minal at 10<. Tte utocJu are ample. Be***

Fat «el . t? 7r.W'HI-RY.Th» market i» very qoiet, th* »npply i* moder-

are aab » nf ion iiS: i, at Kr, fee Ohio and 2r|e. fur l'ri«on.\\ ool..A ipniti-d aWaWtal MrwraiU and pftr- » »tiH te"d up¬

ward with »atos to-dar ofBMMB PUawit Biete» at OBode.,a* to <]ii»iit>. bolder*an .«« j f*ata*w*»Waa»aa> raBadktquite acari-e. with tatet ,n 3,000 :t «u|>er*: Ac., aud exrta etile-

Tfnrket*_ReporU.l by Ttlfsrajik,Nrv i'itrivi. Ktteh 11 .Cuttoji n \rket Jroopiiw; tabt

to-i!av 9 IM taloa at Baaatl but not qaotably lower price*. Otheraiti.'n ui.rh.aiired.Mari ii U-Trie TnTroa nia'ket to day i* faoble; »al*a tu

day, 3J<0 bale.' Middl:i ( at IBBkl. Sterling KxciivNor i

IIallinaore fatUe market.HalTivtoar. Thür*!*». March 13, !M8.

Cattli:.Tl:« Basal r of Deere» otlere.l to-dav vr*. 7 >0, *fw hich I.**1 mi driven Fti'ward, and the remainder aold at 07d-CIO .V) net. Hons.Tbe anpply »u ainall but Int; aale« at

t« 25*» tart

neceipte of Prwdwrr...M wxn 11.

/?» fVir Kotlroa.i- I ,TII baa» Urain, 1.113 »iJm Le»ther, 13roll« Leather, o78 »sc»v Floor.

Urran Sieamcra7() DKI'ART.

Baltic.From New '. ork.. Mar, h 15..Pot Llrerpoid.1'nioi.From New York.. Marrli 17.. For Gibraltar.Afr.ra.From N«w-Vnrk..March l»..For Liverpool.lie, re- Law.. From New-York..!March tt.. For Aapi iwalLFii.i.l .Tfh. ...From New-York.. Man li For tllaaao*.fltiaaaiiB.r'r, m New-Totk..)fatcb 22..for Bre'iieu, kt.BettVa Light Bl » York. .March M.. For San Juan.Arabi*.From Ho*', n.March 26..For Liverpool.Quaker CBj..Bro*a New-York.. March '£). .For Livur|iool.

TO ARKIVK.Pwifir.Pail»d from LiverjHxiI for New-York.Jan. 23I'. .n.ann... .Sailed tro'n SiMitkampton for Now-York.-Keb. 27Q lUer City.Sailed from Llverni I foi (Tew-Tort.M.; hl*'-r»i*. .Saili^l t:. in Liver|»ol lor New-York.VlArrhPal i ¦.Sri!« from Southampton for Bew-I lta. MatthCanadn.Ballt from Liverpool ("T Horton .MarchAtlantic .... Sails from Liverpool tor New-York.March 19Aata.Sail* from Liverpool for Now Y rk.Marth 2.\Va»limrtor..8ai!» Aval Si.uthamri'i'n for New York... Marrh >ldUMttta.Sail*from Liverpool fur Hoauiu.M*r,.U f

Poi»rn(|ri» MailedIn Stramtkip America, (ram l.irerpjol. Horac«

Cumniin»», S. J. Str..ttoi., Oio. (J. Tucker, tt. LumUrt, John J.CetlllBatt ami J. tt. If. > w... oflloatoii l>r A. HHI «udwire and Mia* Hiil of tA orrn.ter; Caffc F. J. Colby of S ¦».

I lory, I K. Maiah oi ffaa1awl«ld, Mra. A'.a BtMaieyof Bbodklilai.l C»pr S.d. t)*vi« ol rortland. \v. J. |.,.»ia, R..I -rt

1». T. B. I '!.i Ewm.J. Düke and Bettor,efNewYork IB. L. I'arkfnf PUhaWrak (apt. J.i I. Braak ot SouthCarolii a. OoMBB Yvuiir. wife. Inf«: t and nur»' K i-r(«<ou a idrr~< . rk k B. Pewlar, 04 St. Urn, N U.; ii. L*m*r and U. W.AB*tea, *t Montreal; Mi»» Matilda Arma'rni « of Dublin, O,fJaidie, Wax. *.taw»T, ai.dJ. Maxwe'l wife and clii!,!, of F.n-kland; Luui* Fowleof (Lirmany, Aiitutdo Atiwt a'i 1 Albertokbaner, of NewC.nna.-a; Joaquln Almeida, reaidence no'

riven.BB. h\,r ff*ffitBe fleian B. Mofattand J. T. SeaniAii,of Bo*for A B. of L*uc*.ter, C. R. Kay of Ch«»te-,Am a I)l-|ee of Yarr ua'.h, K Sunleriaud and wit*. Mra New¬ton and trtend, t. Whi.f.rd. K J. 1 liana, R. J Freeman. Too*.S. v Hta*aa, II II. Fnllar. BL «'. Battery ai.J J. VV Hall, ofHaliM» W. B Iiav a of Pictoo, M. A. T. MtDuaald of Tor¬onto. 12. Total, 57.

Paaaeagera ArrivedIn Steimihip Sirthrri I ii/kt. tr.m, Baa luan.T.. L. Morj»n

and ladv. Mrs. J Caininet, H. .1. Uoatd, M. F. Crawford. 0. IMonis, J. W, Shel on, L. J. Btataon, A. R. Brown and ladyB. Brattatar aad lady, Joan Gray, Mrt, roleyand children, jB. CAa^in.T. P Kv^-ritr. N. BaHwm, R. Crusoe, U. S. Kit h,Join l.i:<:Utn. R. K CnawÜBft, W.W. ftiulvn S l'urlvAirnw Hert. .Mr». Hojl and ii.fAi:'. J. A. ftnttb, P. B. Smith;Jut. K. tVoOda, Mr». Curti*. L. P <lri«». A. S. Ri«. [i. [).Bans), J. f . Werlov, W. f. Truk, Alfred Broemlov Mr M**-t«r a and oaily. IVer Bek», .-'aniuel Martiti. J. ('. Baritk J. H.WUmam,C.C. Ilick», C. Jai.etr, K. V. Luther, Will MorriiJon W. BMaV, t ha* f, A. Kauiman, J. H. Mc.Vlpiu, MathewHale, A. J. MorriaaaQ, and 2Zi in n'e4ra««.fmikmmohjmSrkamm, from Unrt.liov. ti. M. Brall*y»ud

M]. M. HfJaaaa aad baui, Maj. B. Schuiiit, Barou de .St M*rtMt All. n.M. Ptdnn^r, iJ. Bin*, Q, B,rr,Qi fj. f\i.:*i, M. Re-r-:if. I urmunr', A. Lacket, A Futchier, Maj. C. Baal, O.[¦KO.bell A. Ssulferi, LI. Ciouoard, C. ti ueiuiaru«. Ü. PardefAI. 1 i.aguer.

MIMATt p.r «lma.vac.TUM DVV.fii v-RIve.C:l i| *er».6:0.; Mo..n-Sett.... 2:20

HIGH WATKB....THIS OAV.SAiiJ>-Hook....l2:Sy i'ior. lalaud... 1:2» HeU-iiatc../. o:10


Claaaad.SLil«-De Witt Clluton. Funk, Liverpool, Taylor B Biebl

F1v:ij< Cloud, Reynard, San Frat-ciico, (Irmnell, Mlnturu k Co.Larif.A ( u par, Rolil.n, Lek'oru, C. C. DaaaBB 4. Co. ; J.

fmk,PnOlkua, CataVaat, N. Rio; Patahaa, Ston... Oiiraitar,Haa ..tor. J. to jAmenc*. Millikefj, Cardenia, Mora i. Navero;Jai[» r. I<"! et!, ..»r.earou, Duuuau k Unaou.Bruit.E'b.e (lfoek), Neimeu, Cowo,, Funch % HtfBflttt

At;. «.» (Olden ), Heine, Br*ineu, Heuninx«, Maller itOoo-Im«; J. H. Filicott, lir*nt, Caveu/:*. f, R. fjowi batah (Br IraMiabi, St. John. N. B., J. 1'b ard k CaI Mittle, Kuh, Bi.Mailt. Su.Ailwuei, Ander*on A. Co.Bthtanaia Wn. D. Sa.itb, Alden. Wilniuttno, Deiner k

Potter, rrowe»». Hulte, BaltUBOr«, M ...lie.-, Lord L Ct Caatin*. Joiinum, f'harleaton. Scrautoa k Tailaianj Bin«Bote (Br ). MaPnatld, Hahfa». VTaawlaiilgbl i. Co.: Ifaefulk(Pkt.; Bedell, Ar» a^in;ola, R.; Moatrtne, M iiialow.Mi ,.!*, Murtee a « le i..: ". 1'. adlc-on, Str .nd, New Lon-d'.n, Terry i: T*»B|| Amelia. Rorkblll. I'bilaleli UU, VanBru.-t a S!a»ht: Knehai.t,-ewi. Ja:v, Havaan*b. Mei'realyMatt aCa | valaat, Paare*, Alexandrt», M BadoJI; A^MaadLi.-i b. A>.\»l .na. Abaett, Do.!«« A Co.; Laura Jaat Y.iun<'fkUadclphk*, Jas. Haad; W. F., Sie. NorMk!Brown k l'e Ro«fett.

Slo< r*.W»rr»- . S>.nn»rd, New Hav-u, tr.uter: Deep Ri.e-^¦ot Nen ltaven. Terry k Youn*.


Arrived.I*. t3. M. .tearcabir Grat ala. (Ir.lQrj, NVwOrb-ant M itift.

act Havana E'h int.. rr.d*e. tad fata fee SI ". toatlla 3 bii .'., let. 27 16. Ion. TS tt, patted a »hip »bowin« a red «wallow-tail jtfnaJ l la ..; « day, at I p. u., ipuar bark Jtoafor New Y'ork.

TT B M ttttBttkljlTTiWlbtlB Li<l.t, V.'amock, Sah Juan delN. rte, Mtrrl, I, mite. a.:.', ptm. to 0. MorganBtetinthip Frir»»ov. I^iwher, Havre F-b 23. md.-v to Dti-

kaal a Co Sailed in runipiny weh acee.mer Bar '«loa* fr I,fmt N. w-Yerk. Ta« E. baa experienced a *ucce»»i,..a of uearywettf r'v tt'.t* icavtag loa. 10; uw li.^e .luaiii.l.oa of ice-n ffce F»:.k».Ship N'.etrle (of Charle-tonl, Jol.n on, CharUvton *i dayf,

cotttn and rice to S| tford. T.let'on ft ( o.

Bark Lmculr (of Portland), HerriBMi, Rio Janeiro ö7 «iav»,ir haXaaf tc Bui-, i. Br'.a id»\, la'. Si 10, loa. 71 », »put«tarkTremrut (öf Bo»tonl, Rob Si:, t. from Port aa- Prince firNew York. !7 day* on*, who report thocarifam (B. ker) to hat*di.d a f.-w dayt prevu.ii. fol.svinc port; waa in traut of hanlt,there heicf tut oi.o well on board to »teer the loof.i ; thtren a-nd^r Dein: a 1 » k with yeilow o-v.-r; hat buried eat mvo

at .* * dat I'h att ; tent »ae mal' ta b*J*jrd to avalat ia work-t t!.e tattd ioto ptrr- The L. experituced hei .y weather ou

tbe 'arttge.if O. L. Baakaea (of Baabai), Wrigkt, Nue\ i-^ : i day*m*.caee/,kc,teT. «)»en * laa. mit ta§t.,U'.. j S

i tpoke br:« wta. T. Daata. »t«. S."v.ri.Blbj A. If*tlord (rf BacfW), Bartlau, Port-aa-Prince Feb

II. Icxwro.1 -o Vcie Livi- ga'on ». Co. .;. ...

weather N. of Harter»*; «pn' tain, kc *

Srhr. Danville, Cl*»ttr, hicuruoiul i üay». Hour, kc to C HPi- rt- ....Sbr. »»*ll«ro, Sn-ith, Riehmot d 5 livy», fl,.or, kc. to C IL


.«;7e.r,o "^r.B,ÜW!'. VVUnii"«t«'. NX.,,» Newport, naval

Propeller J. N. narrit, Solth. Kew-Londou.rufl1* ft ?äP fa». B Travi«, Moea.for O»lvetton, Flviag

' 4,1 r,4Bci«:o *^d ai-cbored at Qaar«ot«oe.WlND.DnTiJn tbe day, froni W.8.W. to N. W.

Di«**«era, ?»«.rm> CoLCMii*. FroeJ, from NewOileeae for UaawaeAesrn,

-,rrrd .* bavins been e*h«re -id tlM Flor.***a.-« »t New Orlean* Hh ire*, to re-tur.

' . 'row Rio Jaaairo e«4Joti, tfytcoo u4 :<y.t -d. h, i-i-i t.. \rw V. m\. pat m*t I. rfolh l(*iiuiet , vlliil«««M it «in aim f.Te'or-rnat' tail*, ritaing. Be.

ft hi. Ai <iiv« (of Balfacore). whk»a left Balrtatore !oca u eaaj » th *e». al e-her* on rii« tUtt of Jaaaarv. boo rid to

e \\ i»* ,ra. tay> Mbcta rot out, v,«t aja* ni caughtlo toeiir .' in BSBBSS M Kent l«>xd wh< iv ah" bad to re aatr,it baaBf m ;oeaiMe to wad bar any aea<'4si«e eo41 alt« <.otfbtharlor. <hi the t'tj u,,t. the ateamor MoButoata,

re.e tb ¦ ibeer. au di.tat«h~i *s heraad reachedkeron the a'terucou et the Vh, and found h»r in aboet fear fartVO/erI went 'c work Inmiediatciv aad Unk oat from »08'oLBM 'Ma. f beT.-*r»o. whentheriie « the Cth -omrwlled thaKairn ir >«it hfr. t)n rataruit » ih» ucit lav fiend a.p in from 3 to a; w*t>-r a d aau i. >b« baa aiaoa. eg i her bivketi. and k) badly a'rauieX The capta.n ni crew were obliged, u> Iaar« her oe Thuradaj sight, 'be «a.'e. and rea.Ved tie aOore in Tb* rarrn area

!oi »if.iKiia Iba Urett Wette-a Ca¦»ama «4Mow-Yeti. Tr.e ve--e! w»a tr.aetrd Icr *» ajo in Puiladelph:*.

St. na. < hasi.b* Williams, trorn Boaean, iwlow Balrieaorel'"h. eat rar. into night of Wedorati.iy laat öS llog Itlaud, by a

fare ar.d alt »ehr. ankriowa, and tamed away bulwark*, aught-be*.it. t\ e.SiHl. B. R FarrVA», from Tangier f r B>*:on. at Holme*'«

Hole Stil, tirke.t apgar IM 7ih mar., in Lyaa UarboiHay.auhale of cotton aarked A. R.NoTKix,. *ii do^e en the 10th -rward re'tio» off athra.

da'' seal Mi ra. a*b< ra rx'.ow Provwl«n,-r, owiog to the eitreai

ro..t weather and h»-avv N.W. Wow.Halt Low i ll, well looad it asfls and ri«»i'ig. aa.'. lu coa

riete ate* r tor a tot age, was to he told by auction at N«w-Or-trail ttii in*t.

. e> ..

Whalara.A :<tter from Capt. Carrer (of ship Lancaatar of N-w-Be-t-

ford) re|*>rtl h<t at Whytootacko Nov. It, aJw. lt,>


Copartnership iVoturo.

,18801.IT1ON . fpAKTVERH111». ..IOSIAHlarlug purrha»ed the entire intereat <^

CHdJtLEBh UTROKUI tha tine ofLE COfNTk STRONO,said drni i* tin* dar di**olved.

.1 J LF. rol'ST is trdl* authnrlred roM'tle ».l hnsiceasofrg*d Ina,


J J I.F. COUNT,han riaeitarn Tth 1. 18AS. CUAJUalti L. 8rRi>N»».J. J. LK COCNT will -i.n.oi the Book, Stationery, Neire-

I) J 1(It ARIsaid nrti

.1 J¦aid IwrHau IJ. J. L

nari r I' .1 Fsrvdical bu*n.»*e npon bi* lu.ÜTidaal aecoaut, af

the a'auu uf LK COl'NT* STRONd Montgomery-*!. Sanr


1~Mil: COPAKTNKK.SHIP bt»te.tvn the Sob-.cnber», under the fin., ef I K.L\ KRTON b. FKLLÜWJ,

axöirea this dar. by it* own Milfaliou.r frSHX YKL\ BBTOM Special Partxar.BOBEBT reLVEBTOM, )OEOBOE A. EELLOWB. } Ueu«ral ra.ti.ers.CHAJaXIi W SM* FEN,)

Mew Yoik, Fobnmry l»t. tttt

THF nrDEMlOITEll win c.ii'inne the WHOI.r**A!JO'.m F.Ri and COhildlSBIOM be»lneei,et the Besse ha |

d b» Yelaertoe k FaaUewe. Kea ss «ud so Pearl-«*¦atdet^fimefYEIaVERTON u ; LR ER * SNIFESll.


New Y. -k. February lat. lA'K

ßcmopüio.VT80N A PHINKET have KftMOVKD fromNo ITS F'iltou it. to No. MM Broadway._(

UFVtiVAi,.-M»IKE88ÖN A BOBBINS, In, rtaeaaad Deeler* it DRL'lid, MEDICINKB, CHKMI-

l.>L.*. PAINTS,, ra-t ..'folly iTifonn their frte.l >.

ai a the Irade renerallv that ihey time rettioyed from theU ol I

Itaad No 1.7 Mai.teu-lane to their new *iot-a. No*. 01 Bod«..t El LTON-8T. sad f»"i en.) fv| ANN-ST., own hatldings,hurdoor* I>-:. w Willi*m *f.,) wht irt they will continue,Leretulore. tho whdleta'e Pnig burttje**

YS'itb .. Irgi nl mi ret) ved arrangenienta for hasiness at

Uasteq . 't any hi-nae in'.he UadSad Suta*. we alia:!eLdeavor to execute nl! order* inttutte.l to our rar« wi-h

pr.itupincs* ai.d i-ouduet our bu*iue«* to Uio .ati*fa«-tiou of oarDamstoas eerteseeiidsBta. We stay b* penuitted to tay'hotwe do no' auvertWeor deaenbe «tn .It nnanaili^ frumLtiraoa**,in the shape of laicy draa*. »elect powders, eitra »'JitleJ.a« riwtrtaii.» any particular value becatito fainuhod by bbjhi -r, but we ihall ripply our coatonier* with arery yartaty of., .... K a t.. it 1'ra.le, put Uu a* deaired, in tha beat naau-

aat psaelbls. and the uuaiity of iho.o aliali bo alrictly accordii.|to repr.-ieut*tioi. in all sees*.

»SO.N \ KOBltlNS, Wh.>te«ale l>rog^*t*.No*. 91 and 93 Kalten-«'.., Naw-Yort.

RKMOVaL..The offiee of the EMPIRE T0-BACCO WORKS itrnuiurod to No. 90 Front *t.. Nee-

inik, wh- ro we are prepared to furniab order for the celebratedbraid* Of FINE ITT CHEW1NU TOBACCO, her.tofcraBianefhetared by W. IT. Wataon and Nace k Renuie. Aiai,Foraiaa ai d Uomeatic ( Igara NACE it COE, *ucce**ora te

Kaea it Remie

1T.E & HALL, Boot end Shoe IValere» hareItKMUV F.Ü to No. 3 Barclay-*!., near tho Attoi llou**.K

bJl.nlK A JAN KS, Statiouere, Printere bb|O Bleak Heek Ma.iufaeturer»,bate removrl W No. 98 Fultoa.«t., (near Williaoi-it.,) oppoaite tbeir ts'e store.

_öonnif» Canft tDurranto.


Na re Wall *l, N«w-Yi.rk.W e a ill aupply order* promptly. Warran'« alwawa on hai..I

L~AND-WAHBdUfT OFFICE, Ne. «3 We^«kjNew York .Tlie Ufheat market pri. .. paid for W

\\ A K RANTSl M.d all \\ arranta *.j.d by me are guaranteed audbjleafdad by uiail or otherwiae upon t mi rsDiittaueea.Land Warraata yreaared fiir .v..ldi«r* and otUar* eutitlei to

Bounty Lands, upou applir itiou t

_T. J. COLBMAW, No. a? w*;: ,r.

IAND WARRAMT8 BOUGHT ml the eiaWJ ea.b price*, and elelrua for BOl/NTI LAND, PEclSTONB.

»e., t.iomptly attended to. QEO&UE WOO'lMAN, No. t»U Ultam at

Umluiny lilaunuie.

I^.VCAUSTIC TILES.For Veetibulee, Halls,J He.irth«. Dfalllf-rooaie,*erv*torle,i, Ac. OARNKIKS

( HIMNEY-TOrs I .': AIS PICKS, Ac. For .ale byiOLLIB,COATEB A voi l.K, He :m Pearl *t.. N. Y.

K( M »F8-SI Ö »rs-K( rÖP8 l hfl PBtWfeejt $¦!be*t article t .r cmerln* roof* U TAR ROOFINÖ PAPKrt,

which we keepconitaiitiy au hand und will tell in large or (madquautitie* "o sail t'ircha*er*.

J Lfl J. DERRICKBOM A Co.. No. 38 Beekman-ft


Jo II N D w 1 Q II T iV Co.,Mm afartcrnra of


."I'PKR-CARBONATF. of SoDA, SAL SODA, etc.Na 111 Pe«ri-»r.. New York.


Clotl)ing.K' o T I C E to FIB E m E \ .


smith BiioTHKRft, No«. iTfaadtr raltea at.MnUAi um:ii or Fikk Clothes,

Have i.ow on band a true aMortment ofDRAB KKHSi.'i BEATEBE.

4iCE INO FASHIONS..i^e^etepieadid HATSkJ ever ..ri.-red to the public it the b.w price of #1 aauaiiy.old at et. Neat Hats. »2*0. BROWN. No. M Canal «f.

i"nrnitnre.]/\amt:led FUBsrnJBB..h. f. far-X\U RIM,ION ha* tuw ready for tale an r i'enalve «a-ertnaotoi rich Knameled t hainber F unittur*. in all Patterua and Col-oit, ai.d .u'.. r 'eiy decorated lu lao.lacapo, hgure« and .*-.-»,*i the n.annfacrory and warerocu.a, Noa. to aid tS Wooater Stybetween Brnoem and Oraud.


CHAPS, Chafee, Boath, Temler Flesh, Pimples,I iseklat. Saltrheura, Til., kc. poattlvely cured by OO'.'-

KAl D S iiaiisn Medicated Soap. Poudre Subtile* hairfrom low forehead* of ai.y part of the to^y i warranted. LiquidBeef, f.ilj White. H.ur Dye «r d r»*toratlye,*t 'he old d .pot,f>7 W alker iL. fint .lere fruui Bwadway: Callender, I'biladaipi l Bat« S, lid) W*«hingtoL >t., Boatoi.; Mr*. Hayet. Broiii)-.'

I"/Oil SALE.A large assortment of BLfJUl^STONE, tor p. li*iiitig SiTyrwara, niade by a p.aoLkai Sil-

reran.Hb. Ordere for any aiaw will be ex.eated with pr-imyc--. A.a . - i- -r. Ill KS ..f every deacriotwu for Jt trai-

sr*. LOl'ld BOLOFF, Pietinaer ai d Eugraver.No. ana William-ir., rear Onildtngi

HOMINY and SAMP..Phalanx_.MDk 9mmWDried. Friese saalaaash Weent* p«-r im n> For*aJ«*t

PHALANX PEfOT, No. üi BarHay-at. DREW a FKEN<'H.

Km ling wood-8, I iA KkMOS A. AOH,BTEAM FACTORY. Nu. aV) A'eit ift-tt. Be*', qialitf

V irnr.ra Pit S, Oak ami nielngj deli tared St t.iwest prir««.

Prop08al8,.eakd I'niposals "wiirba re-reived at the offiee of'be Clerk ofthe B.-ard of Kiiestios,tba ltnU day of March. ltL'sS a' J o'clock a. av.for

BI ItDINO WINCS petlng on an ADDITIONAL SMttYa!.d Bukbi| ALTERATIONS to WARD SCHOOL-HOPIBNo. IS. tttnared in Maoitoo, near ScaiueI-*L, Li *c«^*2«ii.-ewith plain *Ld aperirlearloo* wh rb may be aeeo af tlie oflie» Stmt Ork of Lue Board of Education, coruer «f Ur»»vl ai-SElm-at*.Tie»b*t»* mm! he made In aarordanee with tho by mgt

of the Board of Education. Tha echool Oflksrs asawra tea' 5 ;. - <f ev.;...t.*a- d««"*d «"-'« ..

Ii ra si oa artH be siren on appllratioa te the Clerk of weB'a- ofEdaearJea, or to ei'h -i oi thaunderegaedtorai^we-Bv ereter of 'he Board of School Officers of the Bevtatb wa.4.

b » .01», March I, I nJ AS. p. bremner, )DAVID WKBB,J. B. Bit INSMADE. >Bo :ding Co«».Z G InL B K.


wade b woirall./_ibtobi, bizzi & Co., MONTMEaVTALBCCtnilU y> "BBS. SH'h-rt.. near the to^£m\\

the new entrance u> Ore.-Tiw-wd Cenietery.RBrcoklyn. Monnmen'», Tomb*. H.adatone* and M*ntl»* i?Ita.:»x »nd American Marble on hand aad a^de »» ««d*1 mnm

oearnra* and diipau h. Prices reasonable.

R""EDUCTION in PRICE.-H^MINV andsamp-a N. Thompson k Co. bese ssjaee« ^

pnee of their choic« Boutaern HOMINY aad 8*"* ~

P*X 100ft. A N. THOMPSON ^ t o-.

Wbolesals Depo« b» ** EBltot-SV