Midterm review game 2016

100 100 100 100 200 300 400 500 Round Me J e o p a r d y Yummy The Ring Nut’s & Bolts 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500

Transcript of Midterm review game 2016

Page 1: Midterm review game 2016

100 100 100 100





Round MeJe


dyYummy The Ring

Nut’s & Bolts













Page 2: Midterm review game 2016

Round Me 100

Please identify how many antennae the subphylums Chelicerata, Crustacea, and Uniramia have?

Chelicarata have none

Crustacea have 2 pairs

Uniramia have 1 pair

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Round Me200

What are the names of the first pair and 2nd pair of appendages from an arthropods’ mouth?

1st- Chelicerae 2nd- Pedipalps

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Round Me300

What are the feeding techniques for sponges, jellyfish, tapeworms?

S: filter feeder J: predatory T: parasite

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Round Me 400

Rotifers are important because they were the first group of animals to have what?

Complete Digestive System

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Round Me 500

What are the 4 classes of Cnidarians we learned and provide an example for each.

Scyphozoa- jellyfish Hydrozoa- Hydras Cubozoa- box jellyfish Anthozoa- corals

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An arthropods exoskeleton is made out of what protein?


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Yummy 200

What are the names of the 2 body forms found in Cnidarians?

Polyp and Medusa

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Yummy 300

What are the 3 parts to a mollusks’ body?

Mantle, Visceral Mass, Headfoot

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Yummy 400

What are the names of the 3 classes of Mollusks that we covered?

Gastropoda Bivalvia Cephlapoda

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Yummy 500

What are the names of the 3 classes of Platyhelminthes that we covered?

Turbellaria- Planarians

Cestatoda - tapeworms

Trematoda- flukes

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The Ring100

The individual segments on an Annelid are called what?

Annulus (i).

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The Ring200

What are the 3 requirements need to have a coral reef?

Clear, shallow, warm water

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The Ring 300

What are the names of the five kingdoms and provide examples?

Monera- bacteria Protista- Protozoan Fungi – Mushrooms Plantae- Plants Animalia - Animal

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The Ring 400

What is the name of the anticoagulant in leeches salvia?


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The Ring500

What are the names of the classes that leeches and earthworms belong too?

Hirudinea (leeches)

Oligochaeta (earthworms)

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Nuts & Bolts100

What do we call long setae that are paddle like?


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Nuts & Bolts 200

What are the 4 characteristics that all animals have?

Multicellular Eukaryotic No cell walls Heterotrophic

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Nuts & Bolts 300

What does aposomatic coloration mean?

Is brightly colored to inform predators they are poisonous.

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Nuts & Bolts 400

What are the vectors for the following diseases? Malaria African Sleeping Chagas

Malaria – Mosquito African SL- Tsetse fly Chagas – Kissing bug

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Nuts & Bolts 500

What are the names of the cells that allow cuttlefish to change color instantly?
