MidMarket Bundle 82614

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Monster Presentation

Q3 2014 Full ValUe Monster Bundle solutionOverviewAugust 2014

This Full Value Monster Solution will help Your Company To:Extend your companys brand to active and passive job seekers on Monster and beyond.

Provide a constant flow of qualified talent to your open positions.

Present your most challenging opportunities to a targeted group of qualified candidates.

Track and report performance on all products and campaigns so you have a solid understanding of what is working best from a recruitment standpoint, and how we can best address your business needs moving forward.August 20142

All of the following products are included with your Monster Full Value Bundled SolutionAugust 20143

30-Day Monster Job AdsTHE ULTIMATE HIRING TOOL As the leading digital recruitment site, Monster has new tools to make the hiring process easier and faster than ever before. As more job seekers use the Internet in their search, posting a job online must be part of any hiring Strategy. But where you post your jobs can make all the difference. Monster Job Postings will get your jobs noticed by more qualified candidates. And because its Monster, youll have the tools you need to easily rank and manage responses. Additional Optional Features:Custom Apply Button - Directs job seekers to your career site to apply.Interest Capture - Captures candidates email address before they proceed to apply. This helps to capture any apply drop-offs so you can reach out to these candidates if and soon after they drop off.Job Wrapping - Simplify Your Job Posting Process by letting us do it for you. In one automatic step, Monster Job Wrapping allows you to post jobs to Monster.com when you post jobs to your corporate site. Concentrate on other hiring and recruiting duties without getting bogged down tracking multiple job postings on multiple sites.

August 20144

Complete Job Ads

REACH MORE DIVERSE CANDIDATES MONSTER COMPLETE JOB POSTINGS Promoting Choice and DiversityMaximize your recruitment reach. Monster Complete Job Postings attract a larger, more diverse group of qualified job seekers at one economical price. This offering combines Monster Job Postings, Military.com Premier Postings, and Diversity & Inclusion job distribution with an estimated network reach of more than 35 million registered members and over 8.3 million unique visitors monthly.

August 20145Monster Diversity & InclusionTarget a vast group of diverse candidates. Your posting will also automatically reach additional candidates through Monsters extensive network of Diversity and Inclusion sites like BlackPlanet.com, HireDisabilitySolutions.com and more.

EXTEND YOUR REACHThe Monster Diversity Network reaches:

Nearly 24% of online African Americans

Nearly 24% of online Hispanics

More than 11% of online Asian Americans

More than 14% of online Females

Career Ad NetworkTurbo-Charge Your PostingsMonster Career Ad Network dynamically transforms your job posting into a high performance media campaign with patent-pending technology targeting the right active and passive seekers across thousands of partner sites.

Extend your recruitment reachMonster Career Ad Network combines product innovation with online media prowess to help you reach additional job seekers where they live online. Career Ad Network reaches over 75 million unique visitors each month in the U.S.

Pinpoint just the right candidatesBy analyzing historical data, Monster Career Ad Network cookies, site content and other information, Monster Career Ad Network is able to place your ad in front of the most relevant candidates amongst thousands of websites.

August 20146

Enhanced Job BrandingWhen Your Ads Stand Out, You Do Too

Monster Enhanced Job Branding is a simple yet effective way to:Customize your Job PostingsElevate your brand presence Transcend the competition ANDFill open positions with quality candidates fast.

Enhanced Job Branding templates make your Job Posting look professional and attract serious job seekers.Integrate your brand into your Job Postings to maximize reach, exposure and interest.August 20147

Power Resume Search Power Resume Search takes a fundamentally more advanced approach to finding qualified candidates. Power Resume Search combines the largest resume database with its 6Sense semantic search technology, so you can pinpoint the most relevant candidates with the least effort. Candidates are scored on a scale of 1-10 and displayed in rank order so recruiters dont have to spend time sifting through unqualified results. Power Resume Search even displays up to five candidates side-by-side, helping users make better and more informed hiring decisionsAugust 20148

OFCCP ComplianceAddition of diversity Candidates to Resume Database 3.3 MM Current, active Resumes in Database1 ~2100 new resumes monthly Over 2,300 job titles available to Diverse job seekers

Highlighted options only available on Complete PRS.

TalentBin by Monster TalentBin by Monster is a technical talent search-engine that helps recruiters find, engage with, and recruit hard to find technical talent.TalentBin allows recruiters to search over 115 million public, tech-focused & social media profiles aggregated from industry websites- such as GitHub and Beta, to social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Meet Up, and Google+.Many of these profiles are not active job seekers, and therefore are unlikely to have a resume in a seeker database, and they are likely to have a sparsely populated or non-existent professional profile on LinkedIn. However, they do spend their time online, demonstrating the professional skills that make them desirable candidates. This platform helps technical recruiters make sense of this distributed professional activity to find, engage with, and recruit these hard to find professionals.August 201410We convert these talent bits into profilesSocial




Mailing Lists

Extract professional activity

Analyze and score activity to surface skills and interests

Aggregate together all available contact vectors (email address, Twitter, etc.)Full 360-degree view of candidate

Talent CRMNearly 50% of recruiters report that they are dissatisfied with their current recruiting tools. What if you had a tool to message qualified candidates with targeted messages and custom recruitment campaigns instantly?With Monster Talent CRM, you can launch an email campaign with custom messages to job seekers. To power up your marketing, you can search and correspond with top talent from Monsters expansive talent database.Find Candidates with a Single Search, no more messy Boolean strings. Simply enter your search criteria, and within seconds Monsters semantic search will find you the best candidates to target with your campaign.Understand Candidates Behavior With Real-Time Reporting. Hows your campaign doing? Youll know right away with robust, real-time analytics so you can forecast and formulate the best recruitment strategies.August 201411

Monster Twitter CardsMonster Twitter Cards effectively messages open jobs through job distribution on Twitter in a more prominent placement than a standard tweet.Its Social. Send up to 10 branded job announcements and one summary tweet with a link to all open jobs each day to your Twitter handle(s).Its Engaging. Expanded content helps drive additional reach, engagement and interaction with seekers.Its Automated. After initial setup, your new jobs will automatically be tweeted to your followers each day.Its Mobile. Your jobs will also appear on Twitters mobile app.August 201412

Monster Total Bundle Solution(60) Monster 30 day Job Ads(60) Military.com Ads(60) Diversity Ads(60) Career AD Network AdsAnnual Power Resume Search License (20,000 views) also Includes Classic Search optionTalentBin By MonsterTalent CRMEnhanced Job Branding TemplateTwitter Cards

Contact me for pricing:Jonathan Braddock843-773-3692August 201413