Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts –...

Assessment and the MYP Middle Years Programme

Transcript of Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts –...

Page 1: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Assessment and the MYP

Middle Years Programme

Page 2: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

MYP Model

Page 3: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

MYP AssessmentEach subject uses a set of criteria.

Arts – Visual & Performing ArtsCriteria A Knowledge and Understanding Max 8Students should be able to:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form

studied in relation to societal, cultural, historical and personal contexts

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied, including specialised language, concepts and processes

Communicate a critical understanding of the art form studied in the context of their own art work.

Page 4: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.


Correspond to descriptors of what the student CAN do

Do not compare students to each other

Task related descriptors

Page 5: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Criteria A Achievement level Level descriptor

0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.


The student shows limited knowledge and understanding of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts.

The student is able to demonstrate limited knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied.

The student is able to communicate a limited critical understanding of the art form studied, in the context of his or her own work.


The student is able to demonstrate satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the art form studied in relation to societal or cultural or historical or personal contexts.

The student is able to demonstrate satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the elements of the art form studied.

The student is able to communicate satisfactory critical understanding of the art form studied, in the context of his or her own work although some opportunities are not pursued.

Page 6: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Task Related DescriptorsProvide students with a task specific description

that details how the criteria link to the actual task. They can be found:On the task sheet’s marking key or rubric.In an explanation at the start of the task sheet.In support documents.Orally provided.

Not all criteria for all subjects require task related descriptors.(For example: Arts- Criteria C and D)

Page 7: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.


The student demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the art form studied in relation to some aspects of societal, cultural, historical or personal contexts 

Research with strong links to the description of their and others work

A wide range of research sources and evidence used in their report to support conclusions



The student is able to demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of some elements of the art form studied, including some specialized language, concepts and processes

Detailed report with clear comment on the relationships between community, performance and puppets

All terminology is used correctly and a range of terminology is evident.

Page 8: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Determining Final Levels of Achievement and a Final Subject Grade

Criteria A: 6 / 8Criteria B: 4 /10Criteria C: 5 /8Criteria D:5 /8

Total: 20 /34

Page 9: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Grade BoundariesEach Learning Area uses a boundary range to estimate the final grade for each

student. Final grades are then cross referenced with the Grade descriptors.

Arts – visual & performing

Grade Boundaries

1 0 – 3

2 4 - 8

3 9 - 13

4 14 - 20

5 21 - 25

6 26 – 30

7 31 – 34

Page 10: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Total: 20 /34

Grade 4

Page 11: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Grade Related DescriptorsFor the purpose of ongoing reporting, the student’s overall score in each learning Area is assessed utilizing the subject criteria

and applying the general descriptors listed below.

Grade Descriptor

Grade 1 Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives

Grade 2 Very limited achievement against all the objectives. The student has difficulty in understanding the required knowledge and skills and is unable to apply them fully in normal situations, even with support.

Grade 3 Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difficulties in some areas. The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them fully in normal situations with support.

Grade 4 A good general understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively in normal situations. There is occasional evidence of the skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Grade 5 A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively in normal situations. The student generally shows evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate and occasionally demonstrates originality and insight.

Grade 6 A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown where appropriate. The student generally demonstrates originality and insight.

Grade 7 A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. Consistent evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation is shown where appropriate. The student consistently demonstrates originality and insight and always produces work of high quality.

Page 12: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

Assessment Guides


Page 13: Middle Years Programme. MYP Model MYP Assessment Each subject uses a set of criteria. Arts – Visual & Performing Arts Criteria AKnowledge and UnderstandingMax.

How can you help your child?

Be aware of the tasks due dates and task requirements- consult the assessment schedule

and assessment guide.

Encourage your child to see how their work addresses or compares to the criteria and task

related descriptors.

Encourage your child to seek clarification from their teacher.