Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation Nou (2)

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Transcript of Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation Nou (2)

  • 7/28/2019 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation Nou (2)


  • 7/28/2019 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation Nou (2)


    On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijackedAmerican Airlines Flight 11crashed it into the

    northern faade of the North Tower at8:46:40 a.m., the aircraft striking between the93rd and 99th floors. Seventeen minutes later,at 9:03:11 a.m.[
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    a second team of terrorists crashed thesimilarly hijacked United Airlines Flight 175into the South Tower, striking it between the

    77th and 85th floors.[118] The damage caused tothe North Tower by Flight 11 destroyed anymeans of escape from above the impact zone,trapping 1,344 people.
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    Flight 175 had a much more off-centeredimpact compared to Flight 11, and a singlestairwell was left intact; however, only a fewpeople managed to pass through it successfully

    before the tower collapsed. Although the SouthTower was struck lower than the North Tower,thus affecting more floors, a smaller number,fewer than 700, were killed instantly ortrapped.

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    At 9:59 a.m., the South Tower collapsed after

    burning for approximately 56 minutes. The firecaused steel structural elements, alreadyweakened from the plane impact, to fail. TheNorth Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m., after

    burning for approximately 102 minutes. At5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001, 7 World TradeCenter started to collapse with the crumble ofthe east penthouse, and it collapsed completely

    at 5:21 p.m. owing to uncontrolled fires causingstructural failure.
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    The 3 World Trade Center, a Marriott hotel, wasdestroyed during the collapse of the two towers.The three remaining buildings in the WTC plazawere extensively damaged by debris and later

    were demolished. The Deutsche Bank Buildingacross Liberty Street from the World Trade Centercomplex was later condemned owing to theuninhabitable toxic conditions inside; it wasdeconstructed, with work completed in early

    2011.The Borough of Manhattan CommunityCollege's Fiterman Hall at 30 West Broadway wasalso condemned owing to extensive damage in theattacks and is slated for deconstruction.
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    In the immediate aftermath of the attacks,media reports suggested that tens of thousands

    might have been killed in the attacks, as over50,000 people could be inside the towers.Ultimately, 2,753 death certificates (excludingthose for hijackers) were filed relating to the

    9/11 attacks in New York, including one filedfor Felicia Dunn-Jones, who was added to theofficial death toll in May 2007; Dunn-Jones diedfive months later from a lung condition linkedto exposure to dust during the collapse of theWorld Trade Center.

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    Ten years after the attacks, only 1,629 victimshave been identified.[136] Of all the people who

    were still in the towers when they collapsed,only 20 were pulled out alive. PAPD OfficersWilliam Jimeno and Sgt. John McLoughlinwere survivors 18 and 19.[137]