Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Practice Exam

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Transcript of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Practice Exam

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Practice Exam



    Working with Spreadsheets

    Working with data in a Spreadsheet

    Open a new Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

    Enter the following information:

    Type "January" in Cell A1, press TAB

    Type "February" in Cell B1, press TAB

    Type "March" in Cell C1, press TAB

    Selecting Ranges

    Select A1 through C1

    Formatting Cells

    Format the labels in Cell A1 through C1: Bold

    In Cell D1 type: TOTAL

    Format the text in Cell D1: Bold, Centered and Blue

    Dealing with Sheets

    Rename your current sheet and create 2 more new sheets making you have a total of 5 sheets

    Rename the other sheets as well and change their tab color each to have its own color

    Activate group mode and have at least 3 sheets selected

    Use the fill handle to fill the previous written data across the current selected group of sheets

    Adding more information

    Go to a blank sheet and type the following info below

    From Cell B1 to M1 type the months found in a year starting from January to December


    In cell A2 type Average Rainfall and in Cell A3 type Estimated Rainfall

    From Cell B2 to Cell M2 type the following data respectively: 23, 34, 45, 19, 27, 31, 25, 18, 42,

    37, 36, 41.

    From Cell B3 to Cell M3 type the following data respectively as well: 50, 48, 67, 56, 63, 21, 14,

    18, 78, 39, 69, 55.

    Use the above information to build a well labeled chart.

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Practice Exam


    Save your spreadsheetand give it your name it: Use the Save As Window to create a folder and save

    your spreadsheet in that folder.

    Define Names

    Use the information you typed earlier to define names for each months rain record

    Define the names for Average rainfall and Estimated Rainfall as well.

    Intersecting Names

    Use the defined names above to see where the following names intersect: January intersecting

    Estimated rainfall, November intersecting Average rainfall. Type your answers in any blank


    Basic Functions

    Find the sum of Average Rainfallfrom January to December

    Calculate the average of EstimatedRainfallfrom January to December

    Absolute Referencing

    Type 50%in Cell B6

    Use absolute referencingon cell B6 to calculate the Estimated Rainfall figures from January

    to December. The results should appear from Cell B7 to M7

    Save your spreadsheet with a different name and the file type should still be Excel Workbook.

    Shifting and Inserting Cells

    Select Row 1 and shift the Rows down by inserting new cells

    Type in Cell A1 FINAL REPORT

    Select several cells and merge them to make FINAL REPORT aheading over the rest of the data.

    Formatting Cells and Data

    Use a blank sheet for the next set of activities.

    Format the following data : 1000000000 to comma style

    : 0.27 to percent style

    : 367890 to any currency format

    Type the word Chykygrysky in any cell and shrink-to-fit that word in the cell.

    Type the word ALABAMA in any cell and change the orientation of the word to 30 Degrees.

    Change the pattern style of your cells, and make sure the patterns are different from each other.

    In your current worksheet hide Row 13


    Type the following names in any column; press ENTER after writing every name: Dracaena, Sharon,

    Dean, Charley, Maya, Chris, Darren, Siyanda, Jerry, Barry, Silva, Stereos, Martin, and Knaves.

    Sort the above names in alphabetical order from Z to A, save your work and exit.