Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Transcript of Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies

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Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies



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Microgrid Safety and Protection

Aryudha Duta Hartono

EI270X Degree Project in Electrotechnical Theory and Design

December 2017


Andrew Kitimbo, Vattenfall Research and Development

Edel Wallin, Vattenfall Research and Development

Nathaniel Taylor, KTH School of Electrical Engineering

Tin Rabuzin, KTH School of Electrical Engineering


Prof. Hans Edin, KTH School of Engineering

Royal Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

Electromagnetic Engineering

Stockholm 2017

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“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves”

Thomas A. Edison

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One of the challenging issues with the Microgrid is that the bidirectional power flow provided

by the distributed generator (DG) which modify the fault current level. Furthermore, the

inverter based-renewable energy source (IB-RES) limits the total fault current contribution

to the grid due to its thermal capability. Since Microgrid should be able to operate in grid-

connected and islanded mode, protection strategies are needed to solve this challenging issue.

By only having IB-RES and battery storage system, the fault condition and normal

operation cannot be distinguished. Apart from fault clearing issue, there is a consideration to

study the fault isolation in the Microgrid under the limited fault current provided by IB-RES.

To have fault isolation capability, the intelligent electrical device (IED) is needed. The first

step is to find a method that can detect a fault under the fault level modification constraint.

This thesis presents a zero and negative sequence current protection to detect a fault.

However, to make it selective, this protection will be applied directionally. It is common that

the distribution grid has unbalanced load operation, thus providing zero and negative

sequence component in the grid. To apply the directional zero and negative sequence current

protection, the unbalanced load flow is simulated to distinguish the fault and normal

operation under unbalanced load condition.

Safety and regulation are discussed briefly in this thesis. It is important that each of the

IB-RES has fault ride-through (FRT) capability that follows a regulation. However, this

regulation is expected to have a coordination with the proposed protection in the Microgrid

so the reliability, selectivity, and sensitivity can be achieved in grid-connected and islanded

mode. This thesis shows the coordination between fuses, IED, and inverter FRT capability.

After providing a protection strategy, the adaptability of the proposed protection is

assessed regarding of Microgrid expansion. The result shows that by applying the scheme

and following the grading margin requirement that is presented in this thesis, the Microgrid

expansion will not disrupt the proposed protection coordination. Since it is known that the

distribution grid is expanding its load capacity and microgeneration in continuous basis, it is

convenient that the proposed protection in the IED is expected to be adaptable, means that it

has a fixed IED setting when the grid is expanded.

The analysis is performed by electrical transient analysis program (ETAP) and Matlab

Simulink. The short circuit analysis, sequence-of-operation, and unbalanced load flow are

simulated by ETAP, while the protection stability is simulated by Matlab Simulink.

Keywords: IB-RES, grid-connected mode, islanded mode, short circuit, IED, directional

zero and negative sequence current protection, unbalanced load flow, protection

coordination, fault ride-through

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Ett problem som finns med microgrid är att de distribuerade produktionsgeneratorerna har

ett dubbelriktat effektflöde som modifierar felströmmen. Dessutom, inverterbaserade

förnyelsebara energikällor (IB-RES) begränsar det totala felströmsbidraget på grund av dess

termiska kapacitet. Eftersom microgrids ska vara operativ vid både anslutning till externt nät

samt önätsdrift behövs skyddsstrategier för att kunna hantera fel, speciellt vid önätsdrift.

Om endast IB-RES och batterilager används kan feldrift och normal drift inte särskiljas.

Bortsätt från felhantering är det viktigt att studera felbortkoppling för microgrid under

begränsad felström som fås av IB-RES. För att kunna åstadkomma felbortkoppling behöver

en IED (från engelskans Intelligent Electronic Device). Det första steget är att finna en metod

för att kunna detektera fel under fel nivå modifiering. Denna avhandling tittar på att använda

noll- och minusföljds ström sekvensskydd för att detektera fel. För att göra skyddet selektivt

kommer det att titta på riktningen av effektflödet. I distributionsnät är det vanligt att ha

obalanserade laster vilket medför noll- och negativa sekvenskomponenter i nätet. För att

tillämpa riktningsskydd för noll och negativ sekvens ström simuleras ett obalanserat

effektflöde för att särskilja på feldrift och normal drift vid obalanserad last.

Säkerhet och förordningar diskuteras kortfattat i denna avhandling. Det är viktigt att varje

IB-RES har en feltålighet som följer vissa förordningar. Denna förordning förväntas

samordna det föreslagna skyddet i micronåt så att pålitlighet, selektivitet och känslighet kan

åstadkommas vid nätanslutning och önätsdrift. Denna avhandling visar samordningen mellan

säkringar, IED och feltåligheten för växelomriktare.

Anpassningsförmågan för det föreslagna skyddet bedöms med avseende på expansion av

microgrid. Resultatet visar att en expansion av ett microgrid inte kommer att störa den

föreslagna samordningen om skyddsmetoden och tidsfördröjningskravet som presenteras i

denna avhandling följs. Eftersom det är känt att distributionsnätet kommer att fortsätta öka

sin lastkapacitet och mikrogenerering, är det lämpligt att skyddet förväntas vara

anpassningsbart vilket innebär att det har en fast IED inställning när nätet expanderas.

Analysen genomförs med mjukvarorna electrical transient analysis program (ETAP) och

Matlab Simulink. Kortslutningsanalysen, arbetssekvensen och obalanserad lastflöde

simuleras av ETAP, medan skyddsstabiliteten simuleras av Matlab Simulink.

Nyckelord: IB-RES, grid-connected mode, islanded mode, short circuit, IED, zero and

negative sequence current protection, unbalanced load flow, protection coordination, fault


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This thesis report is the result of degree project work in EI270X Electrotechnical Theory and

Design at KTH, which is the requirement of Master degree program in Electric Power

Engineering at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) – Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden. This thesis is a cooperation between KTH and Vattenfall; the thesis

project is carried out at Vattenfall Research and Development.

I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Hans Edin, my examiner, for the

approval of this degree project.

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Nathaniel Taylor, my supervisor from

KTH, for his encouragement, positive attitude, and patience to support the thesis. It is always

a pleasure to have hours of discussion with him. Special thanks to Edel Wallin, my supervisor

from Vattenfall, to have me aboard on Microgrid project team for six months; there is always

a new and exciting thing to be discovered. The future is in front of our sight, it is a matter of

who will take the opportunity in the first place. I would also like to appreciate Andrew

Kitimbo, my supervisor from Vattenfall, to always keeping the direction of the thesis. I am

really grateful for Tin Rabuzin, my supervisor from KTH, to spare some of his time

contributing to the thesis project.

I also want to mention Derek Smith and Daniel Ting for giving me the opportunity to use

ETAP for my simulation study. Hopefully, the cooperation between KTH and ETAP would

strengthen the relationship between industry practice and academic in the future.

I would like to thank all of my colleague from Vattenfall R&D and Vattenfall

Eldistribution for providing the positive working environment.

My parents and sister deserve many thanks for their support throughout the whole winter

in Sweden.

At last, but not least, I would like to thank those without whom my work would have

been impossible to accomplish.

Aryudha Duta Hartono

Desember 2017


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List of Abbreviations

RES Renewable Energy Sources

PV Photovoltaic

IB-RES Inverter Based-Renewable Energy Sources



Point of Common Coupling

Distributed Generation

FRT Fault Ride Through

LV Low Voltage

IED Intelligent Electrical Device

MCCB Molded Case Circuit Breaker

SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index

SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index

IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

OC Overcurrent

ETAP Electrical Transient Analysis Program

SLG Single-Line-to-Ground

LL Line-to-Line

LLG Line-Line-to-Ground

3-P Three-Phase

PE Power Electronic

LVRT Low Voltage Ride-Through

EPS Electrical Power System

HVRT High Voltage Ride-Through

ULF Unbalance Load Flow

CIM Current Injection Method

DSO Distribution System Operator

ESS Energy Storage System

TCC Time Current Characteristic

CT Current Transformer

VT Voltage Transformer

EI Extremely Inverse

TMS Time Multiplier Setting

TD Time Dial

ms miliseconds

s seconds

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ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... V SAMMANFATTNING ......................................................................................................................... VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... IX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... XI LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. XIX LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ XXI 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 THESIS OUTLINES ............................................................................................................................. 2

2 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 SHORT CIRCUIT AND SEQUENCE-OF-OPERATION STUDY .......................................................................... 3 2.2 CHOOSE A PROTECTION SCHEME TO DETECT A FAULT WITHIN THE MICROGRID ............................................ 3 2.3 UNBALANCED LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 3 2.4 ADDING THE DIRECTIONAL ELEMENT TO THE PROPOSED PROTECTION SCHEME ............................................ 3 2.5 SIMULATING FAULT RIDE-THROUGH CAPABILITY .................................................................................... 4 2.6 ASSESSING THE COMPLETE PROTECTION STRATEGY ................................................................................ 4 2.7 SIMULATING THE ADAPTABILITY OF THE MICROGRID PROTECTION ............................................................. 4 2.8 CONCLUDING THE THESIS .................................................................................................................. 4

3 THEORY ....................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 MICROGRID PROTECTION CHALLENGES ................................................................................................ 5 3.1.1 Fault Level Modification .................................................................................................... 5 3.1.2 Blinding Protection ............................................................................................................ 5 3.1.3 Sympathetic/False Tripping ............................................................................................... 5

3.2 QUALITIES OF A PROTECTION ............................................................................................................. 6 3.2.1 Reliability ........................................................................................................................... 6 3.2.2 Selectivity .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.2.3 Sensitivity .......................................................................................................................... 7

3.3 AVAILABLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE MICROGRID PROTECTION ....................................................................... 7 3.3.1 Adaptive Protection ........................................................................................................... 7 3.3.2 Differential and Symmetrical Component Protection........................................................ 8 3.3.3 Voltage-based Protection .................................................................................................. 8

3.4 POWER FLOW STUDIES ..................................................................................................................... 9 3.4.1 Representation of Cables ................................................................................................. 10 3.4.2 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis ...................................................................................... 10

3.5 SHORT CIRCUIT PRINCIPLE ............................................................................................................... 11 3.5.1 The Symmetrical Components of Unsymmetrical Phasor ................................................ 11 3.5.2 Unsymmetrical Faults ...................................................................................................... 12 3.5.3 Single-Line-to-Ground Fault ............................................................................................ 12 3.5.4 Line-to-line Fault ............................................................................................................. 13 3.5.5 Line-line-to-Ground Fault ................................................................................................ 14 3.5.6 Transformer Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuit ................................................................ 14

3.6 FAULT RIDE-THROUGH CAPABILITY.................................................................................................... 15 3.7 FUSE – RELAY COORDINATION .......................................................................................................... 15 3.8 GRADING MARGIN ......................................................................................................................... 17

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4 CHAPTER 4: MODELLING ............................................................................................................ 18

4.1 POWER FLOW STUDY ..................................................................................................................... 18 4.1.1 Bus Types ......................................................................................................................... 18 4.1.2 Unbalanced Load Flow .................................................................................................... 19 4.1.3 Cables .............................................................................................................................. 20 4.1.4 Transformer ..................................................................................................................... 20

4.2 SHORT CIRCUIT AND SEQUENCE-OF-OPERATION STUDY ........................................................................ 20 4.2.1 Utility Grid ....................................................................................................................... 20 4.2.2 Loads ............................................................................................................................... 20 4.2.3 Transformer ..................................................................................................................... 20 4.2.4 Inverter ............................................................................................................................ 20


PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................... 21

5.1 GRID-CONNECTED MODE ................................................................................................................ 21 5.1.1 Bus: B-T125-Y21 – SLG Fault ............................................................................................ 21 5.1.2 Bus: B-T125-04 – SLG Fault .............................................................................................. 22

5.2 ISLANDED MODE ........................................................................................................................... 23 5.2.1 Bus: B-T125-Y21 – SLG Fault ............................................................................................ 23 5.2.2 Bus: B-T125-Y11 – SLG Fault ............................................................................................ 23



CURRENT PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................... 25

6.1 UNBALANCED LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 25 6.1.1 Case – 1: 20% Unbalance with Maximum Aggregated Load........................................... 25 6.1.2 Case – 2: 20% Unbalance with Maximum Load Capacity ................................................ 26 6.1.3 Case – 3: Maximum Negative and Zero Sequence Current ............................................. 26 6.1.4 Case – 4: Connecting 1 Phase Load with a Third of the Maximum Load Capacity .......... 27

6.2 PROTECTION ZONE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 28

7 CHAPTER 7: MICROGRID PROTECTION STRATEGY....................................................................... 32

7.1 SOLUTION – 1: APPLYING 1 IED TO REPLACE FUSE F-L2-1 .................................................................... 32 7.1.1 Phase OC ......................................................................................................................... 32 7.1.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection .......................................... 33 7.1.3 Qualities of Protection ..................................................................................................... 33 7.1.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 33

7.2 SOLUTION – 2: APPLYING 2 IEDS WITHIN THE MICROGRID .................................................................... 34 7.2.1 Phase OC ......................................................................................................................... 35 7.2.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection .......................................... 35 7.2.3 Qualities of Protection ..................................................................................................... 35 7.2.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 36

7.3 SOLUTION – 3: APPLYING 3 IEDS WITHIN THE MICROGRID .................................................................... 36 7.3.1 Phase OC ......................................................................................................................... 37 7.3.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection .......................................... 38 7.3.3 Qualities of Protection ..................................................................................................... 38 7.3.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 38

7.4 MICROGRID EXPANSION AND THE PROTECTION ADAPTABILITY ................................................................ 42 7.4.1 High Penetration PVs in each of the Customer ................................................................ 42 7.4.2 Adding Connection to the Main Bus (B-T125-04) ............................................................ 43

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7.4.3 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 44

8 CHAPTER 8: CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 45

8.1 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 45 8.2 FUTURE RESEARCH AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................... 45

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 47 A.1 APPENDIX I ......................................................................................................................... - 2 -

A.1-1 CUSTOMER LOAD DATA ........................................................................................................... - 2 - A.1-2 INVERTER DATA ...................................................................................................................... - 2 - A.1-3 TRANSFORMER DATA ............................................................................................................... - 2 - A.1-4 UTILITY GRID .......................................................................................................................... - 2 - A.1-5 CABLE DATA .......................................................................................................................... - 3 - A.1-6 FUSE DATA ............................................................................................................................ - 3 -

A.2 APPENDIX II ........................................................................................................................ - 4 -

A.2-1 LIST OF THE PROBLEM – GRID-CONNECTED MODE ........................................................................ - 4 - A.2-2 LIST OF THE PROBLEM – ISLANDED MODE .................................................................................... - 5 -

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List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Blinding Protection (left) & Sympathetic Tripping (right) ................................................. 6 Figure 3.2 Notation for active and reactive power at a typical bus i in power flow studies ................ 9 Figure 3.3 Pi-equivalent circuit .......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 3.4 The Symmetrical Component of Unsymmetrical Phasor ................................................. 11 Figure 3.5 Connection diagram for Various Faults ............................................................................ 12 Figure 3.6 The Sequence Network of the System .............................................................................. 12 Figure 3.7 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for SLG fault .............................................. 13 Figure 3.8 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for LL fault ................................................. 13 Figure 3.9 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for LLG fault ............................................... 14 Figure 3.10 Transformer Zero Phase Sequence Network .................................................................. 14 Figure 3.11 FRT Requirement [25, 26] .............................................................................................. 15 Figure 3.12 Fuse Coordination - Time Current Characteristic (TCC) ............................................... 16 Figure 4.1 Microgrid Topology ......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 4.2 Inverter Internal Impedance .............................................................................................. 20 Figure 5.1 FRT Capability for Wind Power Plant according to Nordic Grid Code ........................... 22 Figure 6.1 Pick-up Values for Negative and Zero Sequence Protection ............................................ 29 Figure 6.2 Base Protected Zone ......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 6.3 Maximum Coverage Protected Zone by the IED.............................................................. 31 Figure 7.1 Phase OC TCC.................................................................................................................. 32 Figure 7.2 Microgrid Solution with 2 IEDs ....................................................................................... 34 Figure 7.3 Negative Sequence TCC ................................................................................................... 35 Figure 7.4 Microgrid Solution with 3 IEDs ....................................................................................... 36 Figure 7.5 Phase OC TCC.................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 7.6 Microgrid Expansion: Higher Penetration of PVs ............................................................ 42 Figure 7.7 Microgrid Expansion: Additional Connection within Microgrid ..................................... 43

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List of Tables

Table 3.1 Quality of Protection ............................................................................................................ 7 Table 3.2 IEEE 1547 (Table 1) Interconnection system response to abnormal voltages ................... 15 Table 3.3 Definitions of Standard Relay Characteristic ..................................................................... 16 Table 4.1 Bus Types .......................................................................................................................... 19 Table 5.1 Relay Protection Setting according to SS-EN 50438 supplemented by SEK TK 8 ........... 21 Table 6.1 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 1 ......................................................................... 25 Table 6.2 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 2 ......................................................................... 26 Table 6.3 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 3 ......................................................................... 27 Table 6.4 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 4 ......................................................................... 28 Table 6.5 Flow at Bus B-T125-04 and B-T125-Y21 (IED Reference) for Different Fault ............... 30 Table 7.1 Phase OC Setting ............................................................................................................... 33 Table 7.2 Symmetrical Sequence Current Protection – Relay 1 Setting ............................................ 33 Table 7.3 Solution 1 – Qualities of Protection ................................................................................... 33 Table 7.4 Solution 2 – Qualities of Protection ................................................................................... 36 Table 7.5 Phase OC Setting ............................................................................................................... 37 Table 7.6 Symmetrical Sequence Current Protection – Relay 3 Settings .......................................... 38 Table 7.7 Solution 3 – Qualities of Protection ................................................................................... 38 Table 7.8 Islanded Mode -Protection Coordination Matrix ............................................................... 40 Table 7.9 Grid-Connected Mode - Protection Coordination Matrix .................................................. 41 Table 7.10 Microgrid Expansion: Symmetrical Sequence Protection ............................................... 43 Table 7.11 Final Grading Margin ...................................................................................................... 44 Table A.1 Customer Load Data ...................................................................................................... - 2 - Table A.2 Inverter Data .................................................................................................................. - 2 - Table A.3 Transformer Data ........................................................................................................... - 2 - Table A.4 Utility Grid Data ............................................................................................................ - 2 - Table A.5 Cable Impedance Data ................................................................................................... - 3 - Table A.6 Fuse Data ....................................................................................................................... - 3 - Table A.7 List of Problem - Grid-connected Mode ........................................................................ - 4 - Table A.8 List of Problem - Islanded Mode ................................................................................... - 5 -

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background

The increasing concern about reducing the effect of global warming or as referred to de-

carbonisation caused by greenhouse gases which are generated by conventional energy

sources, i.e. fossil fuels, has made the research and development of renewable energy sources

(RES) take place in the recent years. The challenging issue about these renewable energies

such as wind power and photovoltaic (PV) is that these sources fluctuate over time so that it

is needed to be stored or controlled even further. In this degree project, wind power and PV

are mentioned as inverter based-renewable energy sources (IB-RES).

In the past, Microgrid served a different purpose which is to provide electricity in the

isolated grid[1]. By having loads in the isolated grid, the IB-RES is expected to improve the

reliability of supply by providing the islanded generation. Moreover, by providing high

reliability and quality power to the customer who requires more priority is also beneficial for

the grid in term of business model hence the concept of Microgrid is expanded to serve the

load while being connected to the utility grid. It is an important concept that a Microgrid

should have the capability to operate in both grid-connected and islanded mode. For instance,

when an unintentional outage occurs, it is expected that the Microgrid should disconnect the

connection from the utility grid by opening the breaker at the point of common coupling

(PCC) and then remain operational in the islanded mode.

The main focus of this thesis work was to analyse the technical challenges of protection

in Microgrid and propose protection strategies that could be used. It is known that the existing

distribution system is designed as a radial grid. With the presence of the distributed

generation (DG) in the grid, the grading protection is disrupted. The DG can be either

synchronous or asynchronous generator (i.e. IB-RES). The DG provides the bidirectional

power flow. Furthermore the inverter in the IB-RES limits the total of the fault current due

to its thermal capability. It can provide limited to 2-3 times of the rated current[2]. This

limitation is a problem when the Microgrid is in islanded mode, so the protection strategy is

needed to overcome these issues. Furthermore, the next challenge is to keep the healthy grid

operated after the fault within the Microgrid.

The IB-RES has anti-islanding protection so that if there is a disturbance outside the grid,

the PV can be disconnected from the grid. It means that IB-RES is not allowed to be operated

in the islanded mode. However, that is not the case with the Microgrid concept in which one

of the requirement is able to be operated in both grid-connected and islanded mode. Then the

anti-islanding protection in the IB-RES should be blocked when the islanded mode is

formed[3]. There is also a regulatory requirement for each IB-RES, known as fault ride

through (FRT) capability which is defined as the capability of the inverter to withstand the

fault. It means that the inverter is not allowed to be disconnected from the grid under the fault

for a particular time. Hence The FRT capability on each IB-RES was assessed in the proposed

Microgrid protection in this degree project. To be noted that FRT in each country can be

regulated differently[4].

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1.2 Research Objectives

The general objective of this study is to propose a protection strategy for the low voltage

(LV) Microgrid. To achieve the general objective, the sub-objectives are structured as


1. Investigate the existing protection and deliver short circuit study within the Microgrid

on both grid-connected and islanded mode

2. Analyze the different scheme for the Microgrid protection solution such as adaptive

overcurrent (OC), symmetrical component of unsymmetrical phasor,

voltage/frequency protection, and deployment of external devices (batteries)

3. Investigate the Microgrid expansion with more PV production and customer load.

This analysis is done after the proposed Microgrid protection is applied

4. Analyze the legal aspect of the corresponding proposed Microgrid protection strategy,

i.e. FRT regulation

1.3 Thesis Outlines

This thesis is divided into eight chapters that are listed below

Chapter 1 introduces the thesis and briefly explains Microgrid protection challenge in the

background followed by the research objectives and thesis outlines.

Chapter 2 explains the methodology that is used in the thesis. The methodology is explained

step by step to achieve the research objectives.

Chapter 3 presents the theory that is related to the work done in the thesis. This includes

Microgrid protection challenges, qualities of protection, available solutions for the

Microgrid protection, power flow studies, short circuit principle, FRT capability, fuse-relay

coordination and grading margin.

Chapter 4 describes the models that are used in the thesis. These include the Microgrid

topology and the components related to the topology.

Chapter 5 provides and discusses the result of the short circuit and sequence-of-operation


Chapter 6 provides and discusses the result of fault detection method using the directional

zero and negative sequence current protection.

Chapter 7 delivers and discusses a complete protection strategy in the Microgrid.

Chapter 8 gives the thesis conclusions and provides recommendations for the future


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2 Methodology

The methodology is structured as presented below.

2.1 Short Circuit and Sequence-of-Operation Study

The first step is to do the steady state analysis: short circuit and sequence-of-operation study.

The steady state analysis is done by using the software called electrical transient analysis

program (ETAP). The short circuit study is used to provide the information of the fault

current between each of the modes. The information of the fault current is used to show the

different fault level in each of the modes. The fault in the short circuit study includes single-

line-to-ground (SLG), line-to-line (LL) fault, and line-line-to-ground (LLG) fault. The fault

is applied to each of the locations/buses.

Sequence-of-operation study is the sequence of each of the protective devices react to a

fault. The tripping time of each of the protective devices is the focus of this study. Thus the

problem in term of reliability, selectivity, and sensitivity of each of the protective devices is

presented in grid-connected and islanded mode.

2.2 Choose a Protection Scheme to Detect a Fault within the Microgrid

The fault limitation in the IB-RES is expected to provide a low fault current to the grid,

especially in the islanded mode. This implies that the current existing protective devices,

fuses, are not enough to detect a fault. Thus a method is chosen to detect a fault within the

Microgrid for both grid-connected and islanded mode. The symmetrical component of the

unsymmetrical phasor is used to determine the fault within the Microgrid. The protection is

called zero and negative sequence current protection. Thus the intelligent electrical device

(IED) that has this type of protection is expected to replace some of the fuses in the existing


2.3 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis

In the distribution grid, it is common that the load is not exactly balanced in normal operation

which means the load is unbalanced for each of the phases thus providing zero and negative

current flowing in the grid. Because the protection scheme that is used to detect a fault is the

zero and negative sequence current protection, thus there must be an analysis to distinguish

normal operation and the fault condition.

The unbalanced load flow analysis is used to distinguish the normal operation under

unbalanced load with the fault condition. By doing the short circuit study and unbalanced

load flow analysis, the permissible pick-up value for the IED to trigger the fault can be


2.4 Adding the Directional Element to the Proposed Protection Scheme

After a method to detect a fault is proposed, the next step is to ensure that the protective

devices are selective. The directional element is used in addition to the proposed protection.

Thus the protection is called directional zero and negative sequence current protection. The

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selectivity is important to be applied to isolate the fault and make the remaining healthy phase

in operational.

2.5 Simulating Fault Ride-Through Capability

The fault ride-through capability is simulated in MATLAB Simulink by applying the voltage

protection in the inverter. If the fault still presents after a certain time, the inverter is expected

to disconnect from the main grid.

2.6 Assessing the Complete Protection Strategy

The strategy includes protection coordination between existing fuses, the IEDs, and the FRT

in each of the inverters. The steady state analysis is simulated after a whole strategy is

proposed. The sequence-of-operation simulation is done by ETAP to confirm the solution.

The reliability, selectivity, and sensitivity is assessed to quantify the strategy.

2.7 Simulating the adaptability of the Microgrid Protection

After the complete protection strategy is assessed, the next step is to expand the Microgrid

and assess the adaptability of the Microgrid protection.

The term expand in this thesis is defined as having more PV production in each of the

customers and adding an additional connection to the main bus which consists of additional

PVs production and customer loads. It is common that the customer is requesting the new

connection on continuous basis so that the adaptability of the proposed Microgrid protection

strategy needs to be analysed.

2.8 Concluding the Thesis

The conclusion is divided into general conclusion and future recommendation. The general

conclusion summarises the study that has been done in this thesis related to the research

objective. The recommendation provides author suggestion for the Microgrid protection

strategy study in the future.

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3 Theory

3.1 Microgrid Protection Challenges

This subsection presents the Microgrid protection challenges which consist of fault level

modification, blinding protection, and sympathetic tripping.

3.1.1 Fault Level Modification

In grid-connected mode, the fault current is provided by the utility grid and the DG. Since

utility grid represents a huge number of synchronous generator compared to IB-RES, it can

provide high magnitudes of fault current about 10-50 times of the rated current, and for low

voltage (LV) side fault resulting in 10-20 times of rated current[3]. By having this

contribution level, the protective device can be coordinated properly based on the fault level.

However, the problem is the presence of DG within Microgrid which modify the fault current

and affect the existing protection coordination.

In the islanded mode, assuming Microgrid only consists of IB-RES, the fault contribution

level is only 2-3 times of the rated current[2]. Since the fault contribution is low, it will not

trigger the protective device to pick-up. Another possibility is the protective device will pick-

up in a longer delay. In the low voltage, this protective device can be a fuse or IED.

Specifically for low voltage breaker, assuming the Microgrid also have molded case circuit

breaker (MCCB), depending on the product, the magnetic setting in MCCB can only be set

for a minimum of 5 times rated current[5]. However, the IED has a more flexible setting for

the instantaneous function[6]. So there is a need to have a proper coordination grading for

both grid-connected and islanded mode.

The current limitation on the fault level is due to the effect of power electronic protection

of inverter[7]. The desaturation detection technique for identifying a fault condition and a

short circuit in an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is used in the protection of inverter.

The thermal protection of IGBT is also responsible for the limited fault contribution within

the Microgrid.

3.1.2 Blinding Protection

Due to the contribution of the DG within the Microgrid, the fault current measured by the

overcurrent (OC) relays is reduced, i.e. if the DG is connected between the feeding substation

and the fault location, then the feeder relay will sense decreased fault level[8, 9]. It can result

in the longer time for the breaker to be tripped caused by the presence of DG within the

Microgrid. Reference [10] provides the result for this case. It is clear from the result that there

is a delayed tripping of the feeder delay. Moreover, in the worst case scenario, there might

be no tripping at all. Blinding Protection is illustrated in Figure 3.1 left side.

3.1.3 Sympathetic/False Tripping

DG can contribute to a fault on a feeder fed from the same substation resulting in the

unnecessary isolation of a healthy phase or a DG unit. This condition is undesirable

considering that Microgrid should isolate the fault and make the remaining healthy grid

operate. Unnecessary isolation of a healthy phase or DG unit is shown in references[8, 10,

Page 18: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


11]. The impacts of the sympathetic tripping within the Microgrid mean significant exposure

to the reliability of the system. Sympathetic tripping is illustrated in Figure 3.1 right side.


Feeder 1


Utility Grid

PD 1 (not working)

PD 2

Blinding Protection

PD = Protective Device


Feeder 1


Utility Grid

PD 1

PD 2 (open)

Sympathetic Tripping

PD = Protective Device

Feeder 2

PD 3

Figure 3.1 Blinding Protection (left) & Sympathetic Tripping (right)

3.2 Qualities of a Protection

Qualities of protection that are discussed in this degree project are reliability, selectivity, and


3.2.1 Reliability

Reliability can be divided into two categories[12]: dependability and security. Dependability

is how the Microgrid relies on the protection, i.e. when there is a fault, the circuit breaker

should trip. For instance, dependability is presented in the condition that the circuit breaker

should trip at fault condition thus showing the protection is working properly. The next

category is security which is defined as the protection against unwanted tripping, i.e. when

there is no fault occurrence, the breaker should not trip.

Despite the protection reliability, it is important to mention the system reliability. If a

fault occurs within the Microgrid, it is expected that the protection will work so that it can

isolate the fault and make the rest of the grid remains operational. It means that the protection

enhances the system reliability. Two parameters of the system reliability are system average

interruption frequency index (SAIFI) and system average interruption duration index

(SAIDI)[13]. By implementing the Microgrid protection strategy, the frequency and duration

interruption can be reduced.

3.2.2 Selectivity

When a fault occurs, the protection scheme is required only for breaker whose operation is

required to isolate the fault. This property of selective tripping is called discrimination. There

is a need for Microgrid to remain operational after isolating the fault and some of the sensitive

Page 19: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


loads may need uninterruptible connection. The criteria to keep the healthy grid remains

operated is referred as stability. This term is applied in protection and different to the power

networks as it refers to the ability to remain inert to all load condition and fault to the relevant

zone. For this reason, selectivity criteria need to be considered to achieve stability in

Microgrid protection.

3.2.3 Sensitivity

Sensitivity is a term frequently used when referring to the minimum operating level of relays

such as current, voltage, power or complete protection scheme. The choice of the protection

device can affect the sensitivity, for instance, the option to choose the MCCB or a high-speed

solid state switch at PCC. Sensitivity needs to be considered as there might be a potential loss

of Microgrid stability due to a fault. Sensitivity can also be defined as speed or protective

relays respond to an abnormal condition in the least possible time to avoid damage to

equipment and maintain stability[14]. Between the selectivity and sensitivity, there should

be an acceptable technical compromise[15].

To summarise, the quality of protection is defined in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Quality of Protection

3.3 Available Solutions for the Microgrid Protection

This subsection presents the available solutions for the Microgrid protection. By defining the

Microgrid protection issues and protection technical requirement, a protection strategy can

be proposed depending on the needs in the low voltage Microgrid.

3.3.1 Adaptive Protection

A protective device or relay has the capability to change its setting online, and it is suitable

for the Microgrid application whether the Microgrid is in grid-connected or islanded mode.

In the past, some papers discussed the adaptive protection implementation in the

Microgrid[11, 16-18]. Based on these references, the protection coordination is the key for

the Microgrid configuration. To be noted that this coordination might be set based on the

Microgrid topology, type of the fault, and the protective devices that are used in the grid, so

there are some technical challenges to be mentioned to improve the quality of the protection

coordination[16]. This practical solution needs to replace all the electromechanical and the


- Protective devices (fuse, IED, breaker, and etc) do not give dependability and security

• Depends on the inverter protection to isolate the grid

•• Both system and inverter protection are reliable

- -

• Relatively long delay

•• Fast

- Not selective

• Selective in some parts

•• Fully coordinated

Quality of Protection




Page 20: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


solid state relay or possibly fuse in the low voltage typical grid by the IED. These IEDs have

the flexibility and capability to change the tripping characteristic[6].

Another solution for the adaptive protection is the use of fuses, recloser, and IED within

the Microgrid. For the low voltage Microgrid, the presence of fuses is expected. Hence it

might not be economical to change the fuse with IED as it comes at an additional cost. This

fuse-relay scheme provides cost-efficient solution compared to relay-relay adaptive OC

protection. IEDs are more reliable but costly as the application of the IED requires circuit

breaker, current transformer, a control circuit, and possibly communication. Reference [19]

provides a test using fuses, recloser, and relay resulting in high level of speed, compromised

reliability, and selectivity. Noted that this study regarding the fuse-relay is an interesting

solution with a few literature among Microgrid protection strategies.

3.3.2 Differential and Symmetrical Component Protection

If fault contribution within the Microgrid is low when the Microgrid is operated in an islanded

mode, one of the alternative solutions is to deploy the differential and symmetrical

component protection as presented in[20]. However, the topology in that reference was not

presented in detail, i.e. the earthing system was not provided as it is important for the

Microgrid protection analysis and decision. It was mentioned that differential protection is to

tackle the downstream earth fault protection, negative sequence protection for the line to line

fault, and zero sequence protection for the upstream earth fault. While the result was valid

and had a proper knowledge of protection, the explanation was given more deeply in another

reference[21] as the earthing system was presented. It is important that the result or

conclusion should not be generalised because the protection strategy depends on topology,

type of the fault, the protective devices that are used in the grid, and furthermore the

apparatus/part of the system that should be protected.

The differential protection mostly uses a communication structure as it needs two inputs

or even more in the case of the block differential with several (more than two) inputs. If the

communication fails, there is a need to have a backup protection. A transfer trip using

hardwire might be necessary to handle the communication fail. While phase OC has some

problems issue within Microgrid as a backup protection, an under voltage protection may be

taken into consideration. Another option is to have the symmetrical sequence protection as a

back-up even though this degree project will consider the symmetrical sequence protection

as the main protection. The demerits for the differential scheme is that this scheme requires

proper communication structure which might be considered as an economic issue or

constraint in the residential low voltage grid.

3.3.3 Voltage-based Protection

According to[22], the voltage based protection is proposed using the IB-RES inverter. When

this autonomous scheme is implemented, whether the Microgrid is operated in grid-

connected or islanded mode, the communication from the IB-RES to PCC should be

connected. The next sequence of operation is to decide which breaker should be opened.

However, it implies that even though it is a proper option to protect individual IB-RES, there

is a vulnerability in term of system protection. It is safe to say that this scheme is dependent

on Microgrid topology, so it is not a plug and play concept which means not preferable to the

Page 21: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Microgrid protection strategy. This scheme also has another noticeable demerit such as any

voltage deviation within the Microgrid may lead to dis-operation of the protection.

It is also important to mention individual IB-RES protection because it is related to anti-

islanding protection. Even though in Microgrid this anti-islanding signal will be blocked, it

is also important to have individual protection such as under/over voltage or frequency.

3.4 Power Flow Studies

Equation ((3.1) and (3.2) describes the form of the power flow equations; these equations

provide calculated values for the net real and reactive power entering the network at typical

bus i as shown in Figure 3.2.

𝑃𝑖 = ∑|𝑌𝑖𝑛𝑉𝑖𝑉𝑛|𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃𝑖𝑛 + 𝛿𝑛 − 𝛿𝑖)




𝑄𝑖 = − ∑|𝑌𝑖𝑛𝑉𝑖𝑉𝑛|𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃𝑖𝑛 + 𝛿𝑛 − 𝛿𝑖)




Mismatches occur from solving a power flow problem when calculated values of 𝑃𝑖 and

𝑄𝑖 do not match with the scheduled values 𝑃𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ and 𝑄𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ as shown in Figure 3.2. If the

calculated values 𝑃𝑖,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐 and 𝑄𝑖,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐 match the scheduled values 𝑃𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ and 𝑄𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ perfectly,

then the mismatches ∆𝑃𝑖 and ∆𝑄𝑖 are zero at bus i. The power balance equations then is

written as in Equation (3.3).

𝑔𝑖′ = 𝑃𝑖 − 𝑃𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ = 𝑃𝑖 − (𝑃𝑔𝑖 − 𝑃𝑑𝑖) = 0 (3.3)

𝑔𝑖′′ = 𝑄𝑖 − 𝑄𝑖,𝑠𝑐ℎ = 𝑄𝑖 − (𝑄𝑔𝑖 − 𝑄𝑑𝑖) = 0

Figure 3.2 Notation for active and reactive power at a typical bus i in power flow studies

At most, there are two equations such as Equation (3.3) available for each node, and so

there is a need to consider how the number of unknown quantities can be reduced to agree

with the number of available equations before solving the power flow problem. The general

practice of power flow is to identify three types of buses in the network. Two of the four

quantities 𝛿𝑖 , |𝑉𝑖|, 𝑃𝑖 , and 𝑄𝑖 are specified. These are the types of the bus:

1. PQ Bus. Both active and reactive power are specified

2. PV Bus. The active power is specified; the voltage magnitude is kept constant

3. Swing/slack Bus. The voltage and phase angle are specified. There is no requirement

to include (3.3) for the slack bus means that the mismatches are not defined for the

slack bus

Page 22: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


3.4.1 Representation of Cables

Some of the cables that have shunt admittance values in this thesis are represented as a pi-

equivalence circuit as shown in Figure 3.3.


+ +

- -

Y/2 Y/2

Figure 3.3 Pi-equivalent circuit

The current in the capacitance at the receiving end and the current in the series circuit are

needed to obtain an expression for 𝑉𝑠 as shown in Equation (3.4).

𝑉𝑠 = (𝑉𝑅


2+ 𝐼𝑅) 𝑍 + 𝑉𝑅 (3.4)

3.4.2 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis

The unbalanced load flow (ULF) analysis is done to distinguish normal operation (under

unbalanced load) and a fault condition. In case of SLG and LLG fault, the negative and zero

sequence component will present whereas in case of LL fault only negative sequence

component will present. Typically, in distribution grid, the three-phase load flow will not be

ideally balanced. Even the amount of unbalanced load may not be significant for each phase,

the ULF analysis needs to be done in order to set the lowest permissible pick-up value for the

IED. The ULF analysis is done by a software called electrical transient analysis program


ETAP solves the ULF analysis with a technique called Newton-Raphson power flow

calculation using current injection method (CIM) as presented in[23, 24]. Equations (3.5)

presents three-phase current mismatches for a given bus k.

∆𝐼𝑘2 =



− 𝑗(𝑄𝑘𝑠𝑝



− ∑ ∑ 𝑌𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑡𝐸𝑖





𝑠, 𝑡 ∈ 𝛼𝑝

𝛼𝑝 = 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐

𝑘 = 1, … , 𝑛, n is the total number of buses

Ω𝑘 is set of buses directly connected to bus 𝑘

𝑌𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑡 = 𝐺𝑘𝑖

𝑠𝑡 + 𝑗𝐵𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑡, the nodal admittance bus matrix element

Page 23: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


3.5 Short Circuit Principle

In order to detect a fault in both grid-connected and islanded mode, a different method is

approached compared to the OC protection. The purpose of symmetrical component study is

to extract the sequence component (negative and zero sequence) from unsymmetrical phasor.

By doing this, this component can be assessed to detect the fault i.e. single-line-to-ground

(SLG), line-to-line (LL) fault, and line-line-to-ground (LLG) fault. However, by doing this

study, the three-phase (3-P) fault cannot be detected by this method since this type of fault is


3.5.1 The Symmetrical Components of Unsymmetrical Phasor

Each of the unbalanced components is the sum of its components; the phasor is defined in

term of its components as presented in Equation (3.6).

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝑎(0)

+ 𝐼𝑎(1)

+ 𝐼𝑎(2)

(3.6) 𝐼𝑏 = 𝐼𝑏(0)

+ 𝐼𝑏(1)

+ 𝐼𝑏(2)

𝐼𝑐 = 𝐼𝑐(0)

+ 𝐼𝑐(1)

+ 𝐼𝑐(2)

The three sets of symmetrical component are defined by the additional superscript 1 for

the positive sequence component, 2 for the negative sequence components, and 0 for the zero

sequence component as presented in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 The Symmetrical Component of Unsymmetrical Phasor

Let 𝑎 = 1∠120∘, then the final matrix of the sequence component can be deducted by its

phasor as presented in Equation (3.7).





] =1

3[1 1 11 𝑎 𝑎2

1 𝑎2 𝑎] [




] = 𝐴−1 [




] (3.7)

Equation (3.7) is important to the fault analysis since the main idea is to use this sequence

element in order the IED to pick up under fault condition.

Page 24: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


3.5.2 Unsymmetrical Faults

The fault that is discussed in this subsection could involve fault impedance 𝑍𝑓. This degree

project neglects the fault impedance which means the fault is a bolted fault means direct short

circuit. Figure 3.5 represents the connection diagram of the hypothetical stubs for various

faults through impedance.

Single-line-to-ground fault line-to-line fault line-line-to-ground fault










Figure 3.5 Connection diagram for Various Faults

After the fault connection diagram is briefly explained, Figure 3.6 shows the Thévenin

equivalent circuit between the faulty point k and the reference node in each sequence

network. There are no negative or zero sequence currents flows before the fault occurs, and

that is why the pre-fault voltages are zero on all buses if the negative and zero sequence








Thevenin Equivalent of the Positive Sequence Network

Thevenin Equivalent of the Negative Sequence Network

Thevenin Equivalent of the Zero Sequence Network

Figure 3.6 The Sequence Network of the System

The terminal voltage equation for the Thévenin equivalent of the sequence network

shown in Figure 3.6 is presented in Equation (3.8).


= −𝑍𝑘𝑘(0)


(3.8) 𝑉𝑘𝑎(1)

= 𝑉𝑓 − 𝑍𝑘𝑘(1)



= −𝑍𝑘𝑘(2)


3.5.3 Single-Line-to-Ground Fault

The SLG fault in this thesis simulation will consider the phase a as a faulty phase. This type

of fault is the most common type caused by lightning or conductor making contact with a

grounded structures, i.e. the branch of the tree making contact with the conductor. As shown

in Figure 3.5, the fault is at the bus k and defined by Equation (3.9).

𝐼𝑓𝑏 = 0 𝐼𝑓𝑐 = 0 𝑉𝑘𝑎 = 𝑍𝑓𝐼𝑓𝑎 (3.9)

Page 25: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


The final result for the sequence current for SLG fault then is given as


= 𝐼𝑓𝑎(1)

= 𝐼𝑓𝑎(2)



+ 𝑍𝑘𝑘(1)

+ 𝑍𝑘𝑘(2)

+ 3𝑍𝑓


Equation (3.10) confirms the Thévenin equivalent of the sequence network as in Figure

3.7 for the SLG fault. It is shown that the sequence component is connected in series in

addition to the fault impedance 𝑍𝑓 as well.







Figure 3.7 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for SLG fault

3.5.4 Line-to-line Fault

Phase b and phase c are chosen as faulty phase for the LL fault. The voltages for the zero

sequence network must be zero since there are no zero sequence sources. Hence the LL fault

calculation does not involve the zero sequence network. However in this thesis Microgrid,

one of the proposed strategies is using negative or zero sequence component method. Since

the LL fault still has the negative sequence, it is also possible to detect the fault theoretically.

By defining the faulty phase, these are the requirement presented in Equation (3.11)

𝐼𝑓𝑎 = 0 𝐼𝑓𝑏 = −𝐼𝑓𝑐 𝑉𝑘𝑏 − 𝑉𝑘𝑐 = 𝐼𝑓𝑏𝑍𝑓 (3.11)






Figure 3.8 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for LL fault

By confirming Figure 3.8 the current sequence for LL can be determined as presented in

Equation (3.12).

Page 26: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies



= −𝐼𝑓𝑎(2)



+ 𝑍𝑘𝑘(2)

+ 𝑍𝑓


3.5.5 Line-line-to-Ground Fault

Phase b and phase c are chosen as the faulty phase with the addition of making contact with

the grounding structure or earthing. As in Figure 3.5, the requirement for LLG fault is

presented in Equation (3.13).

𝐼𝑓𝑎 = 0 𝑉𝑘𝑏 = 𝑉𝑘𝑐 = (𝐼𝑓𝑏 + 𝑖𝑓𝑐)𝑍𝑓 (3.13)







Figure 3.9 Thévenin Equivalent of Sequence Network for LLG fault

By confirming Figure 3.9 the positive current sequence for LLG can be determined as in

Equation (3.14). Then the negative and zero sequence current can be determined by doing a

current division.




+ [𝑍𝑘𝑘


(0)+ 3𝑍𝑓)


+ 𝑍𝑘𝑘(0)

+ 3𝑍𝑓



3.5.6 Transformer Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuit

The representation of the zero sequence equivalent circuit that is used in this thesis is

presented as in Figure 3.10.

The transformer that is used in this thesis has star solidly grounded earthing and delta

connection. If zero sequence current can flow into and out of a winding, link a is closed. If

zero sequence current can circulate in the winding without flowing in the external circuit,

link b is closed.

a a

b b

Figure 3.10 Transformer Zero Phase Sequence Network

Page 27: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


3.6 Fault Ride-Through Capability

To have a general sight, the IEEE 1547 for interconnecting distributed resources on the

distribution system is presented in Table 3.2. IEEE 1547 includes interconnection of all types

of DG up to 10MVA at the PCC with the utility. In Table 3.2, it is shown that despite having

LVRT, high voltage ride through (HVRT) is also presented. Focusing more on LVRT which

is referred as fault ride-through (FRT) in this thesis, it can be seen from Figure 3.11 (left side)

that the typical FRT characteristic is presented. If the IB-RES is still above the slope

characteristic, means it could remain connected to the grid. However, as long as it reaches

the slope then it should be disconnected. It can be seen that every country has different

regulation of FRT presented in Figure 3.11 (right side). One of the interesting characteristics

is from Japan grid. The data represented in Japan is actually from the residential zone and

applied in 2016. It may be a reference as well for this thesis because the Microgrid project is

within a residential area which has a voltage level of 0.42kV.

Table 3.2 IEEE 1547 (Table 1) Interconnection system response to abnormal voltages

Voltage Range (% of base voltagea) Clearing time (s)b

V<50 0.16

50≤V<88 2.00

110<V<120 1.00

V>120 0.16 aBase voltages are the normal system voltages stated in ANSI C84.1-1995

bDG≤30kW, maximum clearing time; DG>30kW, default clearing time


Italy US-FERC Germany Denmark Spain JapanVoltage (pu)

time (s)

Remain Connected

Voltage (pu)

time (s)

Figure 3.11 FRT Requirement [25, 26]

3.7 Fuse – Relay Coordination

The basic approach is, whenever possible, to ensure the relay back up the fuse and not the

way around, since it is challenging to maintain correct discrimination at high values of fault

current because of the fast operation of the fuse[12]. The relay characteristic to coordinate

with the fuse is expected to be extremely inverse standard which follows 𝐼2𝑡 characteristic.

Page 28: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


The example of fuse coordination in time current characteristic (TCC) curve is shown in

Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.12 Fuse Coordination - Time Current Characteristic (TCC)

Typically, the coordination of the fuses in distribution grid is not a problem; means is not

intersected with each other because it is already defined in a standard for low voltage fuses.

However, once the fuse is replaced with an IED, the TCC should be similar to what fuses

have. Table 3.3 represents the equations for the extremely inverse (EI) characteristic.

Table 3.3 Definitions of Standard Relay Characteristic

Relay Characteristic Equation Standard

IEC Extremely

Inverse 𝑡 = 𝑇𝑀𝑆 ∙


𝐼𝑟2 − 1

IEC 60255

IEEE Extremely

Inverse 𝑡 =


7∙ (


𝐼𝑟2 − 1

) + 0.1217 Northern American

IDMT Relay


𝐼𝑟 = (𝐼

𝐼𝑠) , 𝐼𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑇𝑀𝑆 = 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

𝑇𝐷 = 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Page 29: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


3.8 Grading Margin

The minimum coordination time between each of the IEDs is chosen based on the grading

margin requirement.

The grading margin depends on some factors such as circuit breaker interrupting time,

relay timing error, overshoot, CT error, and safety margin. For the digital and numerical

relay, the relay timing error should not be more than 5%[12]. Also, the total of overshoot and

safety margin is 0.05s. For the breaker interrupting time, the low voltage breaker is expected

to open at half cycle. However, the relay timing error does not apply to instantaneous time

delay function so it can be neglected. It is recommended to set the margin between each of

the IEDs based on this final grading margin which is 60ms.

Based on the final grading margin, in order to have acceptable delay time for

coordination, these are some considerations:

1. Islanding Detection Transition

Based on the information from the supplier, the whole transition from grid-connected

mode to an islanded mode is 60ms including islanding detection, signal sending time,

and breaker interrupting time.

2. Fault Ride-Through Capability

According to SS-EN 50438, the FRT is set to 200ms. However, if the grading margin

is applied, the FRT can be re-adjusted.

3. Directional Sequence Protection

Equation (3.15) provides the directional tripping time requirement and should follow

the grading margin standard means that the difference between each tripping time

should be at least 60ms. i represent the number of layer in the Microgrid. The layer

in the Microgrid is referred to the actual bus which has the IED connected to the each

of the lines. The first layer is the bus that closest to the utility grid while the last layer

is the bus in the end feeder.

𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑖

< 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑖

, 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑛 − 1

(3.15) 𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 (𝑖+1)

< 𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑖

, 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑛 − 1

𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 (𝑖+1)

> 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑖

, 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑛 − 1

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4 Chapter 4: Modelling

The modelling is divided into the studies that are done in this thesis such as unbalanced load

flow and short circuit study

The topology is provided by Vattenfall and presented as in Figure 4.1. The low voltage

Microgrid is divided into two networks and composed of:

Six energy consumers (spread into seven loads)

2 PV generations

1 energy storage system (ESS) unit








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA






F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26






















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6

















HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3





Network 1

Network 2



Figure 4.1 Microgrid Topology

4.1 Power Flow Study

4.1.1 Bus Types

In balanced load flow, the list of the bus types can be seen as shown in Table 3.2.

The utility grid is modelled as a swing bus. The customer loads are modelled as PQ bus.

The apparent power and the power factor of the customer loads are presented in Appendix-I.

The PV inverter is not controllable. This approach is based on IEE 1547 which states that

the inverter does not actively participate in any voltage regulation. It means that the inverter

will not respond to change in voltage by changing the reactive power production. In this

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thesis, only the real power generation by the inverter is considered, the reactive power is set

to zero. Thus the inverter is modelled as PQ bus.

Table 4.1 Bus Types

4.1.2 Unbalanced Load Flow

The unbalanced load flow study is simulated in islanded mode. The unbalanced load study is

divided into 4 cases:

1. 20% unbalance of each phase according to [21] with the maximum aggregated load.

The balanced 3-phase data is provided by Vattenfall

2. 20% unbalance of each phase according to [21] with maximum load and minimum

PVs production

3. The unbalance of one phase is increased until the simulation does not converge

(considering each customer could have connected their load in 1 phase only)

4. Assuming each customer connect only 1 of their phase with the capacity of a third of

its maximum 3-phase load. This case is simulated because there is the probability that

when the load is at minimum/no load, several customers plug in their significant load

at one phase at the same time

In each of the cases, the direction of the load flow is also analyzed. Bus B-T125-04 and

B-T125-Y21 is the reference whether the flow is going forward or reverse. Forward direction

refers to the flow that goes to Network 2 (B-T125-04 to B-T125-Y21), while reverse direction

refers to the flow that goes to Network 1 (B-T125-Y21 to B-T125-04).

1. In forward direction, these conditions are applied: Battery is set as a swing/slack

bus, PVs are removed from the analysis. The reason that PVs are removed in this case

is to overestimate the result of detecting a fault. It means the higher the zero and

negative sequence current under unbalanced normal operation, the higher reliability

of the protection that is about to be applied

2. In reverse direction, these conditions are applied: Battery is removed from the grid,

one of the PV-18 is set to swing/slack bus. These conditions applied to overestimate

the result of detecting a fault. Even though it is known that the PVs are not allowed

to be controlled, to improve the protection study, these condition is applied

Connected Utility Bus Type

Utility Grid Swing



L-C3-1 PQ

L-C3-2 PQ






Battery PQ

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4.1.3 Cables

The cables data are presented in Appendix-I. The cables consist of underground cables and

hanging cable. If there is no admittance data, the cable is treated as a simple impedance. If

there is an admittance data, the circuit element is treated as a pi-equivalent, with one-half of

the charging susceptance connected to neutral at each end of the circuit. The first two letters

in the cable ID represent the type of the cables. KA is referred to underground cable and HK

is referred to hanging cable.

4.1.4 Transformer

The transformer that connects the medium (11kV) and low voltage (0.42) side have the power

rating of 160kVA. The positive sequence impedance data is provided in Appendix-I.

4.2 Short Circuit and Sequence-of-Operation Study

4.2.1 Utility Grid

The short circuit rating is presented in Appendix-I. The X/R ratio is assumed to be 1.

4.2.2 Loads

The loads connection is star with solidly grounded earthing for the short circuit analysis.

4.2.3 Transformer

The medium voltage side connection is delta; the low voltage connection is star with solidly

to ground earthing. The positive and zero sequence impedance data is provided in Appendix-


4.2.4 Inverter

The inverter is modelled as a voltage source to the AC system. When its terminal bus is

faulted, the maximum possible contribution from the inverter is assumed to be 1.2 times rated

current in this thesis. If the fault location is further than the inverter terminal, the fault

contribution from the inverter is decreased. The inverter connection to the AC system is star

with solidly grounded earthing. The negative and zero sequence impedance of the inverter

units are the same as the positive sequence 𝑍2 = 𝑍0 = 𝑍1. The impedance value is

determined using the rated output voltage and maximum short circuit current as shown in

Figure 4.2. The complete data for the PV and battery inverter is provided in Appendix-I.

Short Circu


Figure 4.2 Inverter Internal Impedance

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5 Chapter 5: Short Circuit and Sequence of Operation Analysis of

the Existing Protection

5.1 Grid-Connected Mode

47 problems were found in the steady-state analysis of short circuit and sequence-of-

operation study in grid-connected mode. The lists of the problem are presented in Appendix-

II. The typical problem is presented in this chapter by showing the result of short circuit study

and sequence-of-operation at bus B-T125-Y21 and B-T125-04; the single line diagram was

presented in Figure 4.1. The fault that is presented in this chapter is SLG fault.

In this context, the problems are related to the reliability of the fuses and FRT capability

in each of the PV/battery inverters.

5.1.1 Bus: B-T125-Y21 – SLG Fault

The result for simulating the SLG fault at bus B-T125-Y21 is that the upstream fuse prior to

the faulty bus, F-L2-1, melted in an instant less than 10ms while the downstream fuses did

not melt. The result for the upstream fuse was expected because there was a large contribution

fault current from the utility grid. Since the inverter of the PVs provided low fault current,

the result for the downstream fuse was also expected which is one of the problems.

The downstream fuses that did not melt were F-L2-2, F-L2-3, and F-L2-4. Since the fuses

did not melt, and the Microgrid does not have any protective device to clear and isolate the

fault, the disconnection of the PV was expected. As a consequence, Network 2 was collapsed.

It means that the fault clearance relies on the internal PV protection. If in any case that the

PV protection does not work, the fault poses a safety issue depending on how long the

inverter of the PV is able to feed the fault. As long as the DC part of the inverter can produce

electricity during the fault, then an accident might happen such as electrical shock.

Regarding the PV internal protection, In Sweden, distribution system operator (DSO) has

a requirement to the customer who wants to connect their PV to the grid. Table 5.1 provides

the information in an application form which is used to request the PV connection (generally

for micro production). The application form is in Swedish and translated into English. This

table is according to SS-EN 50438 and supplemented by SEK TK 8[27].

Table 5.1 Relay Protection Setting according to SS-EN 50438 supplemented by SEK TK 8

Protection Function

Set Value Enl. SEK TK 8

Time Level Time Level

Overvoltage (stage 2) 60s 255.3V Overvoltage (stage 1) 0.2s 264.5V

Undervoltage 0.2s 195.5V Overfrequency 0.5s 51Hz

Underfrequency 0.5s 47Hz

However, in addition to the fact that the disconnection of the PV is important to clear the

fault, the smarter protective device is needed to isolate only at the faulty bus and make the

remaining healthy grid in operation.

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5.1.2 Bus: B-T125-04 – SLG Fault

The result for simulating the SLG fault at bus B-T125-04 is that the upstream fuse prior to

faulty bus, F-LV melted in an instant, less than 10ms while the downstream fuses did not

melt. The downstream fuses that did not melt were F-L2-1, F-L2-2, F-L2-3, and F-L2-4. This

causes the disconnection of PV in order to isolate the fault and leads to the complete

shutdown of a Microgrid.

Since the faulty bus is a main bus that is connected to the secondary side of the

transformer, any protective device should be able to isolate the faulty bus from the closest

point. The result shows that the fuses does not integrate with the presence of PV; this case

gives the similar problem as presented in the previous simulation – SLG fault at bus B-T125-

Y21. Because the fault current was low, the downstream fuses did not melt which leads to

disconnection of the PV from the grid. It also poses the safety issue as long as the PV keep

feeding the fault.

The inverter of the battery was expected to disconnect from the grid during the fault. In

the simulation, the internal protection of the battery was chosen to be undervoltage protection

to represent the FRT capability of the inverter. Since the battery is considered as the micro

production, the data in Table 5.1 was applied in the simulation. Since the aim of the FRT is

to withstand the fault for a certain of time, in this particular example is 200ms, thus if the

fault still persist after 200ms then the disconnection of the battery is expected from the grid.

It means if there is a coordination between the protective devices, it should be under 200ms

otherwise a complete shutdown of the Microgrid is expected. If there is a condition to change

the requirement to implement the selectivity in the protective devices, thus DSO is suggested

to discuss with the section that regulates the standard as presented in Table 5.1. The condition

is described in chapter 7 as it is related to the Microgrid protection strategy.

To compare the FRT that was simulated in this thesis, Figure 5.1 shows that the FRT

capability has a slope setting instead of a fixed setting provided in Table 5.1. This

characteristic is used for wind power plant in high voltage connection according to Nordic

Grid Code[28]. However, since the Microgrid is in the low voltage level, it might not be

related to the current project, but it can be a reference to define the FRT capability in the


Figure 5.1 FRT Capability for Wind Power Plant according to Nordic Grid Code

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5.2 Islanded Mode

47 problems were found in the steady-state analysis of short circuit and sequence-of-

operation study in islanded mode. The lists of the problem are presented in Appendix-II. The

typical problem is presented in this chapter by showing the result of short circuit study and

sequence-of-operation at bus B-T125-Y21 and B-T125-Y11. The fault that is presented in

this chapter is SLG fault.

5.2.1 Bus: B-T125-Y21 – SLG Fault

In this simulation, the different of the battery inverter capacity is applied. The first case

applied the 30kVA battery inverter capacity and the second case applied the 90kVA battery

inverter capacity according to the inverter data in Appendix-I.

The result for the first case is that both upstream (F-L2-1) and downstream fuses (F-L2-

2, F-L2-3, and F-L2-4) did not melt while the result for the second case is that the upstream

fuse melted in a long time, 59 second, and the downstream fuses did not melt. It shows that

a different battery inverter capacity affects the fuse melting time. Even though in the second

case the result shows that the fuse melted in 59 seconds but the isolation depends on the FRT

capability in the battery inverter. When the data in Table 5.1 were applied in simulation, the

result showed that the battery and the PVs disconnected from the grid after the fault was

applied and lead to the collapsing Microgrid.

Even in any case that the inverter is able to feed the fault in 59 seconds, there is a

requirement from the DSO that the fuse should melt under 5 second during a fault. It means

that even the battery has a bigger capacity and a longer FRT, the fuse still does not integrate

with the IB-RES.

5.2.2 Bus: B-T125-Y11 – SLG Fault

This simulation provides two cases of the different battery inverter capacity as explained in

the previous simulation. The result showed that fuse F-L1-1 melted in 29.2 seconds if the

battery inverter capacity is 90kVA otherwise fuse F-L1-1 did not melt for the other case.

It leads to the same conclusion from the previous simulation which is the fuse did not

integrate with the IB-RES thus the battery and the PVs disconnected from the grid after the

fault was applied and lead to the collapsing Microgrid. In general result, any fault in islanded

mode lead to the collapsing Microgrid assuming that the internal protection of battery and

PVs can be relied. Thus if the Microgrid is expected to be able to isolate the fault and make

the remaining healthy grid in operation, there is a need to replace the fuses with the smarter

protective device such as IED.

5.3 Conclusion for the Short Circuit and Sequence-of-Operation Study of the

Existing Protection

Based on the previous analysis that is presented in section 5.1 and 5.2, the conclusions are

provided in the following points:

Grid-Connected Mode

1. When a fault was applied within the Microgrid, the fuses downstream prior to

fault condition that is related to the IB-RES did not melt. The fuse that is upstream

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prior to the fault condition melted in an instant due to large contribution fault

current from the utility grid

2. If there is a fault and the disconnection of the IB-RES is needed, then the

disconnection is relied on the inverter (battery and PVs) internal protection

3. Because of the fuse did not integrate with the presence of the IB-RES when there

was a fault, it posed a personal safety issue that should be taken into consideration

Islanded Mode

1. The larger capacity of the battery inverter provided more fault current which made

the fuse melted in a relatively long delay compared to the smaller inverter which

did not make the fuse melted

2. Despite the fact that the fuse melted in a relatively long delay, the battery and PVs

inverter were disconnected from the grid due to its FRT capability

3. It can be concluded that if a fault occurs in islanded mode, the whole Microgrid

will collapse. In order to have more reliability, a protection strategy needs to be


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6 Chapter 6: Fault Detection Method using Directional Zero and

Negative Sequence Current Protection

This chapter presents the result of unbalanced load flow analysis followed by protection zone


6.1 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis

This section presents the result of unbalanced load flow analysis which is divided into four

cases as presented below.

6.1.1 Case – 1: 20% Unbalance with Maximum Aggregated Load

After the ULF was analysed, the result is summarized in Table 6.1. It can be seen the flow

from each of the buses to another bus is presented by Unbalanced Load Flow (A) column.

This column means that this value is applied as the lowest permissible value for the IED to

pick-up under negative and zero sequence component protection. 𝐼2 represents the negative

sequence current and 𝐼0 represents the zero sequence current. It can also be seen the

minimum fault current for the specific bus flow.

Table 6.1 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 1

Bus Unbalanced Load Flow (A) Minimum Fault Flow (A)

Forward Reverse Forward Reverse

From To |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0|

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y11 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.4 69 68 - -

B-T125-Y11 B-T125-X6 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.4 55 50 - -

B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 1.1 1 1 0.963 50 45 - -

B-C1-80 L-C1 1.06 1.01 1.04 0.963 - - - -

B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 51 46 - -

B-C2-26 L-C2 1.64 1.56 1.62 1.49 - - - -

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y21 5.1 4.5 2.7 2.4 48 49 21 20

B-T125-Y21 B-T126-Y11 5.1 4.5 2.7 2.4 47 46 21 20

B-T126-Y11 B-T125-K6 5.1 4.5 2.7 2.4 39 38 21 21

B-T125-K6 B-C3-94** 1 0.973 6.8 6.3 55 51 9 10

B-C3-94** B-C3-39 1 0.973 1.1 1.1 64 61 - -

B-C3-39 L-C3-1 1.04 0.973 1.07 1.07 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 0.58 0.542 0.595 0.597 51 47 13 14

B-C3-87 B-C3-99 0.58 0.542 0.599 0.599 64 61 - -

B-C3-99 L-C3-2 0.58 0.542 0.599 0.599 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 3.5 3 3.6 3 55 50 - -

B-T125-Y12 B-T125-J15 3.5 3 3.6 3 49 44 - -

B-T125-J15 B-T125-A18 3.5 3 3.6 3 45 39 - -

B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 0.674 0.584 0.691 0.638 42 36 - -

B-C4-00 L-C4 0.674 0.584 0.691 0.638 - - - -

B-T125-A18 B-R-1 2.8 2.4 2.9 2.6 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-R-2 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.5 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-C5-A19 1.2 1 1.3 1.2 43 37 - -

B-C5-A19 LC-5 1.24 1.04 1.27 1.15 - - - -

* Connected to Battery Bus=Slack for Forward Analysis

** Connected to PV18 Bus=Slack for Reverse Analysis

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It can be seen that by doing this analysis, the zero and negative sequence current can be

used to distinguish the fault and normal operation under unbalanced load condition. By doing

the forward and reverse analysis, it is expected that the normal and fault condition can be

distinguished for both direction, means that the IED will have two settings: forward or/and

reverse requirement depending on where the relay is installed.

6.1.2 Case – 2: 20% Unbalance with Maximum Load Capacity

The result is presented in Table 6.2 and implied that the unbalanced load flow analysis can

be used to distinguish normal operation and fault condition even with the maximum load

capacity and 20% unbalanced condition. To be noted that the ULF from Bus B-T125-K6 to

B-C3-94 for the reverse analysis is more than the minimum fault flow current because PV18

is set as a slack source/bus. Case 2 can also be used as a reference to set the pick-up values

of the directional zero and negative sequence current protection.

Table 6.2 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 2

6.1.3 Case – 3: Maximum Negative and Zero Sequence Current

As it can be seen from Table 6.3, the normal operation and fault condition cannot be

distinguished in case 3 as presented in the rows that are marked in brown colour. However,

this case used an assumption if a significant 1 phase load can be connected into the Microgrid

until its limit defined by the software (did not converge). By default, this case actually will

Bus Unbalanced Load Flow (A) Minimum Fault Flow (A)

Forward Reverse Forward Reverse

From To |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0|

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y11 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.4 69 68 - -

B-T125-Y11 B-T125-X6 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.4 55 50 - -

B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.4 50 45 - -

B-C1-80 L-C1 1.63 1.52 1.59 1.42 - - - -

B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 2.2 2.1 2.2 1.9 51 46 - -

B-C2-26 L-C2 2.21 2.07 2.16 1.93 - - - -

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y21 10.2 8.1 3.8 3.4 48 49 21 20

B-T125-Y21 B-T126-Y11 10.2 8.1 3.8 3.4 47 46 21 20

B-T126-Y11 B-T125-K6 10.2 8.1 3.8 3.4 39 38 21 21

B-T125-K6 B-C3-94** 1.9 1.7 12.5 11 55 51 9 10

B-C3-94** B-C3-39 1.9 1.7 2 2 64 61 - -

B-C3-39 L-C3-1 1.93 1.7 2.05 2.05 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.9 51 47 13 14

B-C3-87 B-C3-99 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.9 64 61 - -

B-C3-99 L-C3-2 1.79 1.58 1.9 1.9 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 6.5 4.9 6.8 5.8 55 50 - -

B-T125-Y12 B-T125-J15 6.5 4.9 6.8 5.8 49 44 - -

B-T125-J15 B-T125-A18 6.5 4.9 6.8 5.8 45 39 - -

B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 2.1 1.6 2.2 1.9 42 36 - -

B-C4-00 L-C4 2.13 1.58 2.23 1.89 - - - -

B-T125-A18 B-R-1 4.4 3.3 4.6 3.9 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-R-2 2 1.5 2.1 1.8 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-C5-A19 2.3 1.8 2.5 2.1 43 37 - -

B-C5-A19 LC-5 2.35 1.76 2.46 2.08 - - - -

* Connected to Battery Bus=Slack for Forward Analysis

** Connected to PV18 Bus=Slack for Reverse Analysis

Page 39: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


not be happening because as it can be seen from the load flow in Table 6.3, the phase current

is high and exceeding the fuse constraint (fuse data is presented in appendix II). One can also

think that it is not possible to connect all the load in 1 phase only.

Table 6.3 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 3

6.1.4 Case – 4: Connecting 1 Phase Load with a Third of the Maximum Load


It can be implied from Table 6.4 that in this case, the method can be used to distinguish

normal operation and fault condition. The unbalanced load flow in case 4 is higher than case

1 and 2. It means that the minimum current requirement for the IED to pick-up is higher

which means increasing the reliability of the protection. These facts are the reason why the

result in the first 2 cases are not going to be used in the upcoming application. Furthermore,

the result in case 4 is going to be used to determine the range for the IED to have a directional

zero and negative sequence current protection.

Bus Unbalanced Load Flow (A) Minimum Fault Flow (A)

Forward Reverse Forward Reverse

From To |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0|

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y11 0.022 0.06 29.3 29.3 69 68 - -

B-T125-Y11 B-T125-X6 0.022 0.06 29.3 29.3 55 50 - -

B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 0.009 0.025 12.4 12.4 50 45 - -

B-C1-80 L-C1 0.009 0.025 12.44 12.43 - - - -

B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 0.013 0.034 16.8 16.8 51 46 - -

B-C2-26 L-C2 0.013 0.034 16.83 16.83 - - - -

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y21 68 65.8 29.3 29.3 48 49 21 20

B-T125-Y21 B-T126-Y11 68 65.8 29.3 29.3 47 46 21 20

B-T126-Y11 B-T125-K6 68 65.8 29.3 29.3 39 38 21 21

B-T125-K6 B-C3-94** 1.3 3.8 29.2 29.2 55 51 9 10

B-C3-94** B-C3-39 1.3 3.8 0 0 64 61 - -

B-C3-39 L-C3-1 1.31 3.82 0 0 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 11.9 11.9 0.025 0.019 51 47 13 14

B-C3-87 B-C3-99 11.9 11.9 0.005 0.014 64 61 - -

B-C3-99 L-C3-2 11.88 11.88 0.005 0.014 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 57.3 57.2 0.016 0.041 55 50 - -

B-T125-Y12 B-T125-J15 57.3 57.2 0.016 0.041 49 44 - -

B-T125-J15 B-T125-A18 57.3 57.2 0.016 0.041 45 39 - -

B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 18.7 18.7 0.005 0.014 42 36 - -

B-C4-00 L-C4 18.72 18.71 0.005 0.014 - - - -

B-T125-A18 B-R-1 38.5 38.5 0.011 0.028 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-R-2 17.9 17.9 0.005 0.013 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-C5-A19 20.6 20.6 0.006 0.015 43 37 - -

B-C5-A19 LC-5 20.6 20.59 0.006 0.015 - - - -

* Connected to Battery Bus=Slack for Forward Analysis

** Connected to PV18 Bus=Slack for Reverse Analysis

Page 40: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 6.4 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis - Case 4

6.2 Protection Zone Analysis

This section considers a minimum number set of IED to showcase the negative and zero

sequence protection application. In order to have a protective device to separate Network 1

and Network 2 in case of a fault, an IED with directional zero and negative sequence current

protection is chosen to be installed between bus B-T125-04 and B-T125-K6, more specific

to replace F-L2-1 with an MCCB. The location is chosen close to bus B-T125-04 which is

on the secondary side of transformer substation because the installation is more accessible in

this particular location. After the location of the IED is chosen, the setting range is proposed

from the ULF case 4 result as presented in Figure 6.1.

If the maximum current in the proposed setting range is chosen as the pick-up value for

the directional zero and negative sequence current protection, the zone of protection is

presented in Figure 6.2. It means that if a fault is applied outside the protection zone, the

protective device is not going to pick-up. Thus it is important to reduce the pick-up values in

order to have maximum coverage protection zone provided by the IED. Based on the short

circuit study result presented in Table 6.5, the maximum protected zone can be seen. If the

minimum current in the proposed setting range is chosen as the pick-up value, then the

protection zone is improved as presented in Figure 6.3.

Bus Unbalanced Load Flow (A) Minimum Fault Flow (A)

Forward Reverse Forward Reverse

From To |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0|

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y11 10.9 10.9 10.6 10.6 69 68 - -

B-T125-Y11 B-T125-X6 10.9 10.9 10.6 10.6 55 50 - -

B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.5 50 45 - -

B-C1-80 L-C1 4.65 4.65 4.5 4.5 - - - -

B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 51 46 - -

B-C2-26 L-C2 6.25 6.25 6.1 6.1 - - - -

B-T125-04* B-T125-Y21 28.6 28.6 10.6 10.6 48 49 21 20

B-T125-Y21 B-T126-Y11 28.6 28.6 10.6 10.6 47 46 21 20

B-T126-Y11 B-T125-K6 28.6 28.6 10.6 10.6 39 38 21 21

B-T125-K6 B-C3-94** 5.5 5.49 35.2 35.2 55 51 9 10

B-C3-94** B-C3-39 5.5 5.49 5.9 5.9 64 61 - -

B-C3-39 L-C3-1 5.5 5.49 5.9 5.9 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 5.11 5.11 5.5 5.5 51 47 13 14

B-C3-87 B-C3-99 5.11 5.11 5.5 5.5 64 61 - -

B-C3-99 L-C3-2 5.11 5.11 5.48 5.48 - - - -

B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 18 18 19.1 19.1 55 50 - -

B-T125-Y12 B-T125-J15 18 18 19.1 19.1 49 44 - -

B-T125-J15 B-T125-A18 18 18 19.1 19.1 45 39 - -

B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 5.95 5.95 6.3 6.3 42 36 - -

B-C4-00 L-C4 5.95 5.95 6.32 6.32 - - - -

B-T125-A18 B-R-1 12 12 12.8 12.8 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-R-2 5.6 5.6 5.9 5.9 43 37 - -

B-R-1 B-C5-A19 6.43 6.42 6.82 6.82 43 37 - -

B-C5-A19 LC-5 6.43 6.42 6.82 6.82 - - - -

* Connected to Battery Bus=Slack for Forward Analysis

** Connected to PV18 Bus=Slack for Reverse Analysis

Page 41: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Normal Operation


ard - N











l Op



- Nega

tive Seq


ce P


p V




Normal Operation


ard - Ze

ro Se



ce Pick-u



e Fault



l Op



- Zero



nce P



alue Fault

Figure 6.1 Pick-up Values for Negative and Zero Sequence Protection








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA






F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6

















HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3HK-L2-1




Network 1

Network 2






Protected Zone



Figure 6.2 Base Protected Zone

Page 42: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


It can be seen from Table 6.5 that for reverse analysis, the IED setting can fully protect

Network 1 while for the forward analysis, the setting can only cover up until Bus B-T125-

Y12. By adjusting the setting to the lowest permissible value, then the protection coverage

area is presented in Figure 6.3. Still, by neglecting the protection coordination at the moment,

to completely cover Network 2, it can be said that there must be another additional protective

device to be installed. One option is to replace fuse F-L2-5 with an IED so the whole

Microgrid can be protected.

Table 6.5 Flow at Bus B-T125-04 and B-T125-Y21 (IED Reference) for Different Fault

|I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0| |I2| |I0|

B-T125-04 - - 21 20

B-T125-Y11 - - 21 19

B-T125-X6 - - 16 14

B-C1-80 - - 15 13

B-C2-26 - - 16 13

B-T125-Y21 48 49 - -

B-T126-Y11 47 46 - -

B-T125-K6 42 38 - -

B-C3-94 42 38 - -

B-C3-39 42 38 - -

B-C3-87 42 38 - -

B-C3-99 42 38 - -

B-T125-Y12 36 31 - -

B-T125-J15 33 27 - -

B-T125-A18 30 24 - -

B-C4-00 28 22 - -

B-R-1 28 23 - -

B-R-2 28 23 - -

B-C5-A19 28 23 - -

Fault at Bus

Flow at Bus B-T125-04 and B-T125-

Y21 - IED Reference (A)

Forward Reverse

Lowest Permissible Value for IED -

between Bus B-T125-04 and B-

T125-Y21 (A)

Forward Reverse

Unprotected Zone

28.6 28.6

10.6 10.6- -

- -

Page 43: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies









T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA






F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6

















HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3HK-L2-1




Network 1

Network 2






Protected Zone


Figure 6.3 Maximum Coverage Protected Zone by the IED

Page 44: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


7 Chapter 7: Microgrid Protection Strategy

7.1 Solution – 1: Applying 1 IED to Replace Fuse F-L2-1

As presented in Figure 6.3, fuse F-L2-1 was replaced by an IED that have directional zero

and negative sequence current protection.

7.1.1 Phase OC

The first step is to ensure that the characteristic of the fuse is replaced by a function that is

available in the IED. EI characteristic is used to replace phase OC that is provided by the

fuse. The setting is shown in Table 7.1, and the TCC is presented in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Phase OC TCC

Page 45: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 7.1 Phase OC Setting

Phase Overcurrent (50/51)

Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Instantaneous

Curve Type IEC - Extremely Inverse Curve Type Instant Pick-up (A) 105 Pick-up (A) 1050 Time Dial 0.1 Delay (Sec) 0.01

7.1.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection

The negative and zero sequence component protection should have its discrimination if there

is any. However, since this protection is set to instantaneous delay, it can be coordinated

separately depending on the needs. A user could define more sensitive setting to these

function, means if a fault occurs within Microgrid, it will ignore the fuses characteristic and

make the IED pick-up as soon as there is a fault.

The setting for the symmetrical component is shown in Table 7.2 based on the ULF study.

However, to be noted that the instantaneous time is just an example; as long as the tripping

time is faster than the FRT and Inverter internal protection, then it can be applied.

Table 7.2 Symmetrical Sequence Current Protection – Relay 1 Setting

7.1.3 Qualities of Protection

It can be seen from Table 7.3 that by replacing fuse F-L2-1 to IED, the selectivity is reduced.

Even it is not selective, this IED provides a separation of the Network if a fault occurs on

each of the zones.

Table 7.3 Solution 1 – Qualities of Protection

7.1.4 Discussion

The coordination can be divided into phase coordination (phase OC of the IED, fuse rating,

FRT/inverter internal protection), negative sequence coordination, and zero sequence


Symmetrical Sequence Protection

Forward Negative Sequence |I2|

Forward Zero Sequence 3·|I0|

Reverse Negative Sequence |I2|

Reverse Zero Sequence 3·|I0|

Curve type Instant Curve type Instant Curve type Instant Curve type Instant

Pick-up (A) 28.6 Pick-up (A) 85.8 Pick-up (A) 10.6 Pick-up (A) 31.8

Delay (Sec) 0.2 Delay (Sec) 0.2 Delay (Sec) 0.2 Delay (Sec) 0.2

Additional Device

Fault Reliability Sensitivity Selectivity

With 1 additional IED

Within Network 2 •• •• -

Within Network 1 •• •• -

Without additional IED

Within Network 2 • • -

Within Network 1 • • •

Page 46: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


In Table 7.2, it can be seen that the zero sequence protection is multiplied by three. The

reason behind this condition is to utilise the zero sequence element into earth fault function

in an IED. However, the negative sequence element remains the same.

In this solution, however, the setting reverse can be disabled because the impact is the

same. When a fault is applied within Network 1 in islanded mode, it brings the whole

Microgrid to collapse at this point (since there is currently no protective device here other

than fuse). By enabling the reverse setting (or directional setting), the sensitivity is improved,

but still, the selectivity is still a challenging subject.

1 IED installation is enough to isolate Network 1 and Network 2 from each other if a fault

occurs within the Microgrid. If a fault is in Network 2, then the IED will send a signal to trip

the breaker and avoid the battery to be disconnected from Microgrid in islanded mode. By

doing this, the Network 1 can still be supplied by the battery. This also states that the zero

and negative sequence protection tripping time should be less than the FRT/inverter internal

protection. By making the priority of dependability and sensitivity over selectivity, the

healthy grid can remain in operation.

7.2 Solution – 2: Applying 2 IEDs within the Microgrid

In addition to the relay that is mentioned in solution 1, to increase the selectivity, another

relay is introduced to replace F-L1-1 as presented in Figure 7.2.








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA





F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6

















HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3





Network 1

Network 2

Relay 2





Protected ZoneRelay 1





Figure 7.2 Microgrid Solution with 2 IEDs

Page 47: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


7.2.1 Phase OC

In this solution, the phase OC coordination is similar to Figure 7.1 because the downstream

and upstream fuses prior to relay 1 are the same rating as studied before. The phase OC

setting is presented as in Table 7.1.

7.2.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection

The thing that needs to be considered is the coordination between forward sequence setting

of relay 1 and reverse sequence setting of relay 2. Since Network 1 does not have micro

production at the moment, so the reverse setting in relay 1 can be disabled. To ensure that

Microgrid protection has better selectivity than what is given in solution 1, the forward time

tripping in relay 1 must be less than the reverse time tripping in relay 2. The reverse negative

and zero protection in relay 2 can be stated as a backup protection. However, if a fault occurs

at the main bus B-T125-04, the reverse setting in relay 2 can detect the fault and isolate

Network 2 (at the moment Network 2 does not have any controllable sources). The example

of the negative sequence TCC coordination is shown in Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3 Negative Sequence TCC

7.2.3 Qualities of Protection

Even though the selectivity is increased compared to by only having 1 IED, this second

solution still does not provide full protection within the Microgrid. The qualities of protection

is presented in Table 7.4

Page 48: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 7.4 Solution 2 – Qualities of Protection

7.2.4 Discussion

When a fault is applied in Network 1, the faulty area can be isolated and have Network 2

keep in operation which means there is selectivity in this case compared to solution 1. Since

Network 1 does not have IB-RES inside the connection, means the selectivity is improved.

Noted that there is still unprotected zone inside Network 2 as presented in Figure 7.2 which

means there is still selectivity issue in the solution.

7.3 Solution – 3: Applying 3 IEDs within the Microgrid

In addition to the relay that is mentioned in solution 1, to increase the selectivity, another

relay is introduced to replace F-L2-5 as presented in Figure 7.4.








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA





F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6 KA-L2-7















HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3





Network 1

Network 2

Relay 2





Protected ZoneRelay 1




Relay 3




Network 3


Figure 7.4 Microgrid Solution with 3 IEDs

Additional Device Fault Reliability Sensitivity Selectivity

With two additional IEDs Within Network 2 •• •• •

Within Network 1 •• •• ••

Page 49: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


7.3.1 Phase OC

The phase OC coordination can be seen in Figure 7.5. Noted that fuse F-L2-6 and relay

3 characteristic have a similar setting which may disrupt the coordination due to the error

margin. However, since relay 3 is originally based on fuse F-L2-5; and fuse F-L2-5 has the

same rating as F-L2-6, it means that the TCC characteristic should be overlapped. One way

to improve the selectivity is to reduce the rating of fuse F-L2-6. However, Figure 7.5 is an

example of how to make coordination for both fuse and relay.

Figure 7.5 Phase OC TCC

Relay 3 phase OC setting is provided in Table 7.5. The phase OC setting replaces the fuse F-

L2-5 characteristic.

Table 7.5 Phase OC Setting

Relay 3 - Phase Overcurrent (50/51)

Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Instantaneous

Curve Type IEC - Extremely Inverse Curve Type Instant Pick-up (A) 82.5 Pick-up (A) 663 Time Dial 0.1 Delay (Sec) 0.01

Page 50: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


7.3.2 Directional Zero and Negative Sequence Current Protection

For the negative and zero sequence coordination, the TCC is similar to Figure 7.3. To be

noted that relay 3 tripping time is faster than relay 2 for forward negative and zero sequence


The coordination that has to be considered is the forward negative and zero sequence

protection on relay 2 and relay 3. The ULF study can also be done to see the flow that goes

through Network 3. In order to avoid overlapping function with relay 2, it is a better approach

to set the tripping time in relay 3 less than relay 2. The example of the setting of relay 3 are

provided in Table 7.6. By default,

Table 7.6 Symmetrical Sequence Current Protection – Relay 3 Settings

Relay 3 - Symmetrical Sequence Protection

Forward Negative Sequence |I2| Forward Zero Sequence 3·|I0|

Curve type Instant Curve type Instant Pick-up (A) 18 Pick-up (A) 56 Delay (Sec) 0.1 Delay (Sec) 0.1

7.3.3 Qualities of Protection

By applying the three IEDs, all of the networks can be protected as shown in Figure 7.4.

Compared to solution 1 and 2 which still have an unprotected zone, this solution provides

optimum selectivity.

By Introducing another IED, it is expected that this solution has better selectivity than the

other two scenarios. It depends on what degree that the Microgrid should be protected. In the

end, it is a matter of priority. To sum up the 3 solutions, the quality of protection is given in

Table 7.7.

Table 7.7 Solution 3 – Qualities of Protection

7.3.4 Discussion

By applying three additional IEDs with a complete protection strategy that has been discussed

so far, the qualities of protection is improved. However, to make a complete selectivity by

using a fuse-relay configuration is hard to achieve in addition to the presence of IB-RES

inside Microgrid.

Additional Device Fault Reliability Sensitivity Selectivity

With 3 (three) additional IEDs Within Network 2 or Network 3 •• •• ••

Within Network 1 •• •• ••

With 2 (two) additional IEDs Within Network 2 •• •• •

Within Network 1 •• •• ••

With 1 (one) additional IED Within Network 2 •• •• -

Within Network 1 •• •• -

Without additional IED Within Network 2 • • -

Within Network 1 • • •

Page 51: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


In order to see that a complete selectivity is hard to achieve within the Microgrid, the

FRT is included in this discussion. Despite that the FRT was modelled in an instantaneous

time of 200ms if the voltage dip is 15% or more, to highlight the example, the FRT is

represented by undervoltage protection with 201ms tripping time instead. Since the

coordination for the IED is based on time delay for negative and zero sequence function, the

FRT assumption does not affect the coordination.

Since the tripping time is flexible for the IED as long as it is under FRT capability, then

it is best to set the relay after the main breaker operates in the transformer substation in term

of islanding detection. It might take 60ms for a breaker to open if a fault occurs in the utility

grid which includes the islanding detection for the full transition. This statement is based on

the grading margin requirement.

By introducing additional 3 IEDs to the system. It still does not meet a full coordination

with all of the systems but is improved compared to the case with no additional IED. Since

the aim is to detect a fault and isolate it, the matrix protection shown in Table 7.8 and Table

7.9 show the possible tripping time by the sequence-of-operation study. The first level

detection is shown in green boxes, the second level protection is shown in orange boxes, the

unselective coordination is shown in yellow boxes, and the FRT is shown in red boxes. Based

on the grid-connected matrix, the recommended action is to replace fuse F-L1-3, F-L2-6, F-

L2-7, and F-L2-8 to lower rating fuses in order to achieve full selectivity. Based on the

islanded matrix, the best action to have full selectivity is adding more IEDs. In this thesis, it

is enough to introduce 3 IEDs to make an example how to detect and discriminate the fault.

A drawback that is seen from the result by using the symmetrical sequence protection is

the fast disconnection from the IEDs when a solid fault occurs at the customer side. However,

it can be made less sensitive by adding more time delay, but the FRT is the constraint here.

In another word, when the inverter does not have enough FRT capability after the adjustment

time delay in the IED, a collapsing Microgrid is the result. Once again, the IEDs are needed

in order to isolate the fault and make the healthy grid remains in operation.

Page 52: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 7.8 Islanded Mode -Protection Coordination Matrix

Faulty Bus (SLG Fault) F-T125 F-LV Relay 1 Function F-L1-2 F-L1-3 Relay 2 Function F-L2-2 F-L2-3 F-L2-4 Relay 3 Function F-L2-6 F-L2-7 F-L2-8


Protection -



Protection -


Selectivity Notes

100ms Forward EF 200ms Reverse EF •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence 200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

7630ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF 200ms Reverse EF •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence 200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

6914ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF 200ms Reverse EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence 200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

5592ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF 200ms Reverse EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence 200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

2775ms Phase OC

200ms Reverse EF ••

200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

14883ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

17771ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF •

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF •

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

>31818ms Phase OC 2653ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

3628ms Phase OC

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

4896ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

6152ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

5536ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

5536ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

5536ms Phase OC

F-L2-3 takes longer time than relay

2 to pick-up

F-L2-3 takes longer time than relay

2 to pick-up

F-L2-6 takes longer time than relay

3 to pick-up

F-L2-8 takes longer time than relay

3 to pick-up

F-L2-7 takes longer time than relay

3 to pick-up


Since there is no fuses connected

to the bus B-T125-K6, then it is

considered selective

F-L1-2 takes longer time than relay

1 to pick-up

F-L1-3 takes longer time than relay

1 to pick-up

Since there is no fuses connected

to the bus B-T125-K6, then it is

considered selective


























201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

201ms 201ms

Page 53: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 7.9 Grid-Connected Mode - Protection Coordination Matrix

Faulty Bus (SLG Fault) F-T125 F-LV Relay 1 Function F-L1-2 F-L1-3 Relay 2 Function F-L2-2 F-L2-3 F-L2-4 Relay 3 Function F-L2-6 F-L2-7 F-L2-8


Protection -



Protection -


Selectivity Notes

100ms Forward EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

385ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF 200ms •

100ms Forward Negative Sequence 200ms

322ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

203ms Phase OC

100ms Forward EF ••

100ms Forward Negative Sequence

10ms Phase OC

200ms Reverse EF ••

200ms Reverse Negative Sequence

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

10ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

10ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

345ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

351ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

352ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

351ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence

352ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

926ms Phase OC 262ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

1742ms Phase OC 480ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

2888ms Phase OC 767ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF •

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

4057ms Phase OC 1039ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF ••

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

3481ms Phase OC 908ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF •

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

3481ms Phase OC 908ms Phase OC

200ms Forward EF 100ms Forward EF •

200ms Forward Negative Sequence 100ms Forward Negative Sequence

3481ms Phase OC 908ms Phase OC




F-L1-3 takes longer time than relay 1

to pick-up, Suggestion: lower the

rating of fuse F-L1-3 to 35A

F-L2-6 takes longer time than relay 3

to pick-up, Suggestion: lower the

rating of fuse F-L2-6 to 25A

F-L2-7 takes longer time than relay 3

to pick-up, Suggestion: lower the

rating of fuse F-L2-7 to 25A

F-L2-8 takes longer time than relay 3

to pick-up, Suggestion: lower the

rating of fuse F-L2-8 to 25A

Since phase OC of relay 1 has similar

instant tripping time with fuse F-LV, it

still considered as selective

103ms <10ms

599ms <10ms


B-C5-A19 232ms 201ms







B-R-1 201ms

B-R-2 232ms 201ms


B-T125-A18 201ms

B-C4-00 292ms 201ms



B-T125-Y12 201ms

B-T125-J15 201ms



B-C3-87 <10ms 201ms

B-C3-99 <10ms 201ms


B-C3-94 201ms

B-C3-39 201ms



B-T126-Y11 201ms 201ms

B-T125-K6 201ms

B-T125-04 201ms 201ms

B-T125-Y21 201ms 201ms


B-T125-Y11 201ms 201ms

B-C1-80 25.9ms

B-C2-26 213ms

Page 54: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


7.4 Microgrid Expansion and the Protection Adaptability

7.4.1 High Penetration PVs in each of the Customer

Higher penetration of PVs in this thesis is defined as the presence of the PVs in each of the

customers. According to Figure 7.6, the presence of additional PVs can be seen in Network

1 and Network 3.








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA





F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6 KA-L2-7













HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3





Network 1

Network 2

Relay 2





Protected ZoneRelay 1




Relay 3




Network 3



















1st Layer - Protection

2nd Layer - Protection

Figure 7.6 Microgrid Expansion: Higher Penetration of PVs

In order to have a correct selectivity, the layer of the protection is defined in this section.

The 1st layer is defined as the bus on the low voltage side of the substation transformer (Bus

B-T125-04). The 2nd layer is defined as Bus B-T125-K6. The setting from chapter 7 is used

with some modification which is related to grading margin requirement.

The setting that is provided in Table 7.10 is chosen based on grading margin requirement.

Since the focus is on the symmetrical protection time delay with the respected protection

layer, it is best to consider this coordination. It does not matter how many additional

connection or relay in the Microgrid, as long as the IEDs follow Equation 3.15 then it should

provide correct selectivity.

Page 55: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


Table 7.10 Microgrid Expansion: Symmetrical Sequence Protection

7.4.2 Adding Connection to the Main Bus (B-T125-04)

Another case is simulated which has an additional connection to the main bus B-T125-

04. The additional connection has the same model with Network 2 and Network 3 as shown

in Figure 7.7. By expanding the Microgrid, the directional zero and negative sequence

protection is adaptable. It means that the setting can be set the same before it is expanded as

long as it follows grading margin requirement. Not forget to mention that this scheme is

working for both grid-connected and islanded mode of a Microgrid.








T1 – 11/0.42kV160kVA





F-L1-2 F-L1-3

B-C1-80 B-C2-26





















F-L2-4 KA-L2-6 KA-L2-7













HK-L1-2 HK-L1-3





Network 1

Network 2

Relay 2





Protected ZoneRelay 1




Relay 3




Network 3



















1st Layer - Protection

2nd Layer - Protection






Relay 4


















F-L2-4-RKA-L2-6-R KA-L2-7-R















HK-L2-4-RNetwork 4


Relay 5




Network 5













Figure 7.7 Microgrid Expansion: Additional Connection within Microgrid

Instant Instant Instant Instant

10.6 31.8 4 12

0.14 0.14 0.16 0.16

Instant Instant Instant Instant

28.6 85.8 10.6 31.8

0.14 0.14 0.16 0.16

Instant Instant Instant Instant

18 56 5 18

0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Symmetrical Sequence Protection

Forward Negative Sequence |I2| Forward Zero Sequence 3·|I0| Reverse Negative Sequence |I2| Reverse Zero Sequence 3·|I0|

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec)

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type


Relay 1 1

Relay 2

Relay 3





Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Page 56: Microgrid Safety and Protection Strategies


The recommended tripping time is presented in Table 7.11 to follow the grading margin

requirement. Based on the final grading margin, the FRT can be adjusted to, i.e. 300ms if the

sequence protection scheme is to be applied as one of the main solutions within the


Table 7.11 Final Grading Margin

7.4.3 Discussion

It is common that the new customer is registered on a continuous basis; also the customer

might also have their own PV means more production in the Microgrid. From the protection

point of view, the increasing PV means the minimum short circuit is increased. It also means

that the more customer registered in a Microgrid, the more the possible unbalanced power

flow in the grid.

If the directional zero and negative sequence current protection are to be applied, as long

as the protection coordination fulfil the grading margin requirement, the fixed setting can be

used means that the setting does not have to be modified once the grid is expanded.

To summarise the discussion, a complete Microgrid strategy consists of protection

characteristic in the fuses, IEDs, and FRT in each of the PVs/battery inverter. By having the

grid expanded, the setting provided in the expansion study implies that the qualities of

protection are similar to the coordination matrix before the grid is expanded which means the

directional zero and negative sequence current protection is adaptable.

Instant Instant Instant Instant

10.6 31.8 4 12

0.12 0.12 0.18 0.18

Instant Instant Instant Instant

28.6 85.8 25 75

0.12 0.12 0.18 0.18

Instant Instant Instant Instant

18 56 5 18

0.06 0.06 0.24 0.24

Instant Instant Instant Instant

28.6 85.8 25 75

0.12 0.12 0.18 0.18

Instant Instant Instant Instant

18 56 5 18

0.06 0.06 0.24 0.24

Relay 5 2

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Relay 4 1

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Relay 3 2

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Relay 2 1

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)

Relay 1 1

Curve type Curve type Curve type Curve type

Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A) Pick-up (A)

Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec) Delay (Sec)



Symmetrical Sequence Protection

Forward Negative Sequence |I2| Forward Zero Sequence 3·|I0| Reverse Negative Sequence |I2| Reverse Zero Sequence 3·|I0|

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8 Chapter 8: Conclusions

8.1 General Conclusions

Based on the objectives that have been pointed out in this master thesis, the general

conclusions of this project is outlined as follows:

1. Investigation of the existing protection by short circuit and sequence-of-operation study

1.1. The existing protection (fuses) does not integrate with the PVs. The challenging

issue mainly focuses on fault isolation; means that the Microgrid needs IED to

isolate the fault and make the remaining healthy grid in operation

1.2. The Microgrid protection relies on the PVs inverter protection if the disconnection

of the PVs are required after a fault occurs which leads to the shutdown of the


1.3. Safety issue should be considered as one of the priorities and cannot be neglected

completely. This means the discussion with the inverter manufacturer and PV

owner should be conducted

1.4. For islanded mode, any fault occurs within the Microgrid makes the whole grid


1.5. In order to have more reliability, a protection strategy needs to be applied

2. Analysis of the proposed scheme: directional zero and negative sequence current


2.1. The unbalanced load flow (ULF) study can be used to distinguish the normal

operation (under unbalanced load) and fault condition

2.2. There is a limited coverage protected zone provided by an IED with directional

zero and negative sequence current protection. It is necessary to add more IEDs

to have an optimum coverage protection zone within the Microgrid.

3. Microgrid Expansion

3.1. As long as the IEDs follow the grading margin requirement that has generally

been formulated in this thesis, the Microgrid expansion (i.e. by having more

residential PV in the grid and adding more connection) does not disrupt the

proposed protection coordination

4. Fault Ride-Through regulation

4.1. The FRT can be re-adjusted depending on the component presented in the grading

margin requirement. The FRT is expected to have the longest coordinated tripping

time within the Microgrid compared to the IEDs tripping time

8.2 Future Research and Recommendation

These are the potential research and recommendation that can be investigated in the future:

1. When the Microgrid is expanded, the instantaneous time delay coordination is not a

problem since it has generally been formulated. However, the pick-up value is

something that can be studied in depth in the future

2. The proposed protection is in a current basis; to rely on current protection alone is not

completely suggested. Coordinating current-based protection with voltage or

impedance could be an option

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3. The problem in the low voltage grid is that the protective device or breaker is different

from medium voltage. The proposed protection is referred to the MV protection;

however, it is also possible to send the tripping signal to the LV MCCB. It can be a

good option if MCCB manufacturer can incorporate the sequence protection in the

MCCB (aside from phase OC)

4. The inverter is an important component in a Microgrid; modelling the inverter is still

a challenging issue to the short circuit study. It is best to compare with the

manufacturer since different manufacturer give different model

5. Research for the protection coordination topics related to the FRT should be taken

into consideration in the future

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A.1 Appendix I

A.1-1 Customer Load Data

The customer load that is used in the simulation are presented in Table A.1.

Table A.1 Customer Load Data

A.1-2 Inverter Data

The inverter data in each of the PVs and battery inverter are presented in Table A.2.

Table A.2 Inverter Data

A.1-3 Transformer Data

The transformer rating and impedance are presented in Table A.3.

Table A.3 Transformer Data

A.1-4 Utility Grid

The utility short circuit rating is presented in Table A.4.

Table A.4 Utility Grid Data

Customer/Load Busbar Apparent Power (kVA) Cosphi

L-C1 B-C1-80 10.51 0.97

L-C2 B-C2-26 14.2 0.97

L-C3-1 B-C3-39 12.85 0.97

L-C3-2 B-C3-99 11.9 0.97

L-C4 B-C4-00 14.9 0.97

L-C5 B-C5-A19 16.2 0.97

L-C6 B-R-1 14.18 0.97

PV Busbar Active Power (kW) Mode Short Circuit Contribution AC Grounding

PV-18 B-C3-94 17 PQ, Q=0 1.2xrated current Solidly Grounded

PV-25 B-C3-87 24 PQ, Q=0 1.2xrated current Solidly Grounded

Grid-connected: PQ, Q=0

Islanded: Swing/SlackBattery B-T125-04 57 Solidly Grounded

1.2xInverter capacity,

Inverter Capacity=90kVA

Power Rating (kVA) Primary Side (kV) Primary Grounding Secondary Side (kV) Secondary Grounding Vector

160 11 Delta 0.42 Y solidly earthed Dyn11, angle=-30

Impedance %Z X/R R/X %X %R

Positive 4 1.5 0.667 3.328 2.219

Zero 4 1.5 0.667 3.328 2.219

Short Circuit Rating MVAsc X/R kAsc

3-Phase 24.902 1 1.307

1-Phase 14.941 1 0.784

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- 3 -

A.1-5 Cable Data

The underground and hanging cable data are presented in Table A.5.

Table A.5 Cable Impedance Data

A.1-6 Fuse Data

Fuse data is taken from ABB residential type fuse. The rating is presented in Table A.6.

Table A.6 Fuse Data

Cable IDFrom

BusbarTo Busbar





Capacitance to

Ground (ɥF)

KA-L1-1 B-T125-04 B-T125-Y11 0.0109 0.0013 0.0036

KA-L2-1 B-T125-04 B-T125-Y21 0.0128 0.0016 0.0042

KA-L2-2 B-T126-Y11 B-T125-K6 0.1449 0.0106 0.0466

KA-L2-3 B-T125-K6 B-C3-94 0.00183 0.00008 0

KA-L2-4 B-C3-94 B-C3-39 0.000054 0.000067 0.0006

KA-L2-5 B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 0.00183 0.00008 0

KA-L2-6 B-C3-87 B-C3-99 0.000054 0.000067 0.0006

KA-L2-7 B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 0.11895 0.005915 0.0208

KA-L2-8 B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 0.0756 0.0092 0.0248

HK-L1-1 B-T125-Y11 B-T125-X6 0.185249 0.021675 0

HK-L1-2 B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 0.0792 0.005412 0

HK-L1-3 B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 0.054485 0.006375 0

HK-L2-1 B-T125-Y21 B-T126-Y11 0.041665 0.004875 0

HK-L2-2 B-T125-Y12 B-T125-J15 0.104483 0.012225 0

HK-L2-3 B-T125-J15 B-T125-A18 0.101278 0.01185 0

HK-L2-4 B-T125-A18 B-R-1 0.041024 0.0048 0

Fuse ID From Busbar To Busbar Model Rating (A)

F-T125 B-T125-11 ABB CEF 16

F-LV B-T125-04 ABB NH1 160

F-L1-1 B-T125-04 B-T125-Y11 ABB NH0 80

F-L1-2 B-T125-X6 B-C1-80 ABB NH0 35

F-L1-3 B-T125-X6 B-C2-26 ABB NH0 63

F-L2-1 B-T125-04 B-T125-Y21 ABB NH0 63

F-L2-2 B-C3-94 ABB NH0 25

F-L2-3 B-T125-K6 B-C3-87 ABB NH0 35

F-L2-4 B-C3-87 ABB NH0 35

F-L2-5 B-T125-K6 B-T125-Y12 ABB NH0 55

F-L2-6 B-T125-A18 B-C4-00 ABB NH0 35

F-L2-7 B-R-1 B-C5-A19 ABB NH0 35

F-L2-8 B-R-1 ABB NH0 35

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A.2 Appendix II

A.2-1 List of the Problem – Grid-connected Mode

The result of short circuit and sequence-of-operation study in grid-connected mode of the

existing grid is presented in Table A.7.

Table A.7 List of Problem - Grid-connected Mode

Number Fault at Bus Type of Fault Problem Notes

1 B-T125-04 all type of fault Battery Protection was not set

2 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

3 B-T125-04 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

4 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

5 B-T125-04 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

6 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

7 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-1 did not blow/melt

9 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

10 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

11 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

12 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

13 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

15 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

16 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

17 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

18 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

19 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

21 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

22 B-T125-K6 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

23 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

24 B-T125-K6 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

25 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

27 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

28 B-C3-94 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

29 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

30 B-C3-94 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

31 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

33 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

34 B-C3-39 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

35 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

36 B-C3-39 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

37 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

41 B-C3-87 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

42 B-C3-87 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

46 B-C3-99 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

47 B-C3-99 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

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A.2-2 List of the Problem – Islanded Mode

The result of short circuit and sequence-of-operation study in islanded mode of the existing

grid is presented in Table A.8.

Table A.8 List of Problem - Islanded Mode

Number Fault at Bus Type of Fault Problem Notes

1 B-T125-04 all type of fault Battery Protection was not set

2 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

3 B-T125-04 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

4 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

5 B-T125-04 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

6 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

7 B-T125-04 all type of fault F-L2-1 did not blow/melt

9 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

10 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

11 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

12 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

13 B-T125-Y21 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

15 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

16 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

17 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

18 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

19 B-T126-Y11 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

21 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

22 B-T125-K6 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

23 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

24 B-T125-K6 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

25 B-T125-K6 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

27 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

28 B-C3-94 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

29 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

30 B-C3-94 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

31 B-C3-94 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

33 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-2 did not blow/melt

34 B-C3-39 all type of fault PV18 protection was not set

35 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

36 B-C3-39 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

37 B-C3-39 all type of fault F-L2-3 did not blow/melt upstream fuse of F-L2-4

41 B-C3-87 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

42 B-C3-87 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

46 B-C3-99 all type of fault F-L2-4 did not blow/melt

47 B-C3-99 all type of fault PV25 protection was not set

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