MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement

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  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    MattSernett ChriS SiMS

    Monster statistics

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  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    D&D NextStatiSticS

    Abdel AdrianMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 18 (p )Hit Points 22 (310 + 6)Speed 25 f.Str16 (+3) Dex14 (+2) Con 15 (+2)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackGauntlet: +5 h (h 5 f .; ).Hit: 14 + 3 b . If h k 6 , h f p.

    ReactionsGuardian: If y wh 5 f f Ab k h h Ab, h y pvk ppy k

    f Ab.

    Encounter Building

    Level 2 XP 60

    Acolyte o GondMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 16 (h )Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 25 f.Str13 (+1) Dex11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackMace: +2 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit: 4

    (16 + 1) b .

    Ranged AttackLight Crossbow: +1 h ( 80 f./320f.; ). Hit: 4 (18) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

    creDitSD EMatt Sernett, Chris Sims

    M EKim Mohan

    D&D Gp MMike Mearls

    D&D P

    Greg Bilsland

    S Cv DJon Schindehette

    A DMari Kolkowsky

    Gph DEmi Tanji

    D&D B TNathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik,Shelly Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross

    Pbh P MAngie Lokotz

    Oz PyChris Tulach

    Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Forgotten Realms, h pv, Murder in Baldurs Gate, h Wz f h C

    p , h pv k f Wz

    f h C LLC h USA h . A Wzh h v k ppy f Wz

    f h C LLC. Th p h pyh wf h U S f A. Ay p hz

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    h xp w p f Wz f h C LLC. Ayy pp, z, p, v

    h py .

    Pbh by Wz f h C LLC. Mf by: Hb SA,

    R E-Bh 31, 2800 D, CH. Rp by HbEp, 2 Rw Av, Sky Pk, Uxb, Mx,UB11 1AZ, UK.

    2013 Wz f h C LLC.

    300A4537000002 EN

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    Chosen o BhaalWh R R, T Svh, U Rv, h b h Ch f Bh, h h h

    fw bf.

    TraitsClimb:Th h b p f v. Nby hk q.

    Immunities:Th h p.

    Jump: Th h jp p f v. Nby hk q. Jp h wy pvkppy k.

    Murder Magic: A h by h h k DC 10 C v hw, h p p 0. I f v , , h p DC 10 Chk, h p f h hk .If h y h p f 0 h by h h

    k, h DC 10 C vhw b f 1 . A hwy p h v hw h f h f , h f v.

    CoranMedium Humanoid (El)

    Armor Class 15 ( h)Hit Points 39 (610 + 6)Speed 35 f.Senses w-h vStr13 (+1) Dex17 (+3) Con 12 (+1)Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 16 (+3)

    Alignment Languages C, Evh

    TraitsExpertise: C h 26 xp . If h y ,

    h h wh h p y . C p k p f h k h k.

    Free Spirit: C h h b p p.

    Keen Senses: C h v W hk p.

    ActionsMelee AttackShort Sword: +6 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 10 (26 + 3) p .

    Ranged AttackLongbow: +6 h ( 80 f./320 f.; ). Hit: 12 (28 + 3) p .

    Volley: C p xp k bwk w wh 20 f f h h.

    ReactionsNimble Dodge: If k w h C, h f h xp , hf h h AC. If hk , C v p 10 f. Th v pvk ppy k.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 4 XP 250

    Bhaalspawn SlayerMedium Humanoid

    Armor Class 14Hit Points 30 (410 + 8)Speed 40 f.; T bwSenses kv 60 f.Str14 (+2) Dex17 (+3) Con 15 (+2)Int 11 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)

    Alignment h vLanguages C

    TraitsClimb:Th y b p f v. N byhk q.

    Immunities:Th y p.

    Jump: Th y jp p f v. N byhk q. Jp h wy pvkppy k.

    ActionsMelee AttackClaws: +5 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:7 (24 + 2) h , h k DC10 C v hw. Failed Save: Th p

    y p 0. I f v , , h p DC 10 C hk, h p f h hk .

    Melee AttackBite: +5 h (h 5 f .; hh p f 0). Hit: 11 (28 + 2) p , h k DC 10 C v hw. FailedSave: Th f 1 b p hv hw h f h f , h f v.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 3 XP 110

    BomberMedium Humanoid (Dwar)Armor Class 13 (h)Hit Points 17 (210 + 6)Speed 25 f.Senses kv 60 f.Str16 (+3) Dex12 (+1) Con 17 (+3)Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 11 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C, Dwvh

    TraitsDwarven Resilience: Bb h v v hw p p .

    ActionsMelee AttackShort Sword: +4 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 6 (16 + 3) p .

    Ranged AttackAlchemists Fire: Th 5-f p wh 30 f f h bb v h f f 1 . C wh h wh pp, w h h wh h , Dxy v hw.Failed Save: 16 + 2 f . Successful Save: Hf .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 30

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    Crew MemberMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 13 ( h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex11 (+0) Con 12 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackShort Sword: +2 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 5 (16 + 2) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

    Fire MephitSmall Elemental (Fire)

    Armor Class 14Hit Points 16 (38 + 3); T bwSpeed 30 f., fy 30 f.Senses kv 60 f.Str8 (1) Dex16 (+3) Con 12 (+1)

    Int 9 (1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)Alignment Languages C, I

    TraitsFlame Healing:Th ph f , b f h p q y f .

    ActionsMelee AttackClaws: +5 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:5 (14 + 3) h 2 (14) f .

    Breath Weapon (recharge 6):Th ph bh 15-

    f f f. C h k DC11 Dxy v hw. Failed Save: 9 (28) f .Successful Save: Hf .

    Heat Metal(1/day): A h p (v DC 11).

    Scorching Ray(1/hour): A h p (v DC 11).

    Encounter BuildingLevel 3 XP 90

    Flaming Fist CorporalMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 18 (p )Hit Points 30 (410 + 8)Speed 25 f.Str16 (+3) Dex12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsSurge (recharge 56):Th p k w k.

    Melee AttackHeavy Flail: +5 h (h 5 f .; ).Hit: 8 (110 + 3) b .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 4 XP 150

    Flaming Fist LieutenantMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 16 ( )Hit Points 19 (310 + 3)Speed 30 f.

    Str16 (+3) Dex14 (+2) Con 13 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackBastard Sword: +5 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 110 + 3 h . If h k 9 , h f p.

    ReactionsGuardian: If y wh 5 f f h k h h h , h y pvk ppy k f h .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 3 XP 80

    Flaming Fist PrivateMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 17 ( , h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackLongsword: +2 h (h 5 f .; ).Hit: 18 + 2 h . If h pv 7 , h pv ph h bk 5 f v5 f wh 5 f f h . Th v pvk ppy k.

    Ranged AttackLight Crossbow: +1 h ( 80 f./320f.; ). Hit: 5 (18 + 1) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    Flaming Fist SergeantMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 20 (p , h)Hit Points 37 (510 + 10)Speed 25 f.Str16 (+3) Dex10 (+0) Con 14 (+2)Int 12 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsSurge (recharge 46):Th k w k.

    Melee AttackFlail: +5 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:18 + 3 b . If h k 8 , h f p.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 4 XP 200

    Halfing RogueSmall Humanoid (Halling)

    Armor Class 15 ( h)Hit Points 9 (28)

    Speed 25 f.Str12 (+1) Dex16 (+3) Con 10 (+0)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 14 (+2)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsBraveTh hf h v v hw b fh.

    Lucky: If h hf 1 k , byhk, v hw, h hf h b h w .

    Opportunist: If h hf h v k , h

    hf v p h v k w k.

    Sneak: Th hf h v Dxy hk k.

    ActionsMelee or Ranged AttackDagger: +3 h (h 5 f. 30 f./120 f.; ). Hit: 5 (14 + 3) p, h k ppy k h hf h hf .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

    Harbor ManifestUncommon wondrous item

    The leather for this manifests cover has a faint, intri-cate pattern on it. Property: To open the manifest, one must trace themagic pattern on its cover. The book has been opened somany times that the tracing marks are clearly visible, butthe pattern is so complex that tracing it properly requiresa DC 15 Dexterity or Intelligence check. If opened incor-rectly, the manifest screeches in a parrot voice, Thief!Help! Thief! Help! The cry repeats until the symbol istraced correctly. An individual who has opened it cor-rectly once need not perform the check again. In addition, while it is open, the manifest records onits pages any words dictated to it.

    Human BystanderMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 10Hit Points 4 (18)Speed 30 f.Str11 (+0) Dex11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackFist: +0 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit: 1b .

    Ranged AttackRock: +0 h ( 20 f./80 f.; ). Hit: 1 b .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 10

    Imbralym SkoondMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 12Hit Points 18 (46 + 4)Speed 30 f.Str10 (+0) Dex14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)Int 17 (+3) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment vLanguages C

    TraitsSpellcasting: Iby 4h-v p h

    I h by (p v DC 14). Iby

    h h fw p pp:Cpminor illusion, ray of frost,shocking grasp

    1 v (4/y)color spray, magic missile,shield, thunderwave2 v (3/y)invisibility

    ActionsMelee AttackQuartersta: +2 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 4 (14 + 2) b .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 3 XP 110

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    Laraelra ThundrethMedium Humanoid (Hal-El)

    Armor Class 15 ( h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 30 f.Senses w-h vStr12 (+1) Dex16 (+3) Con 13 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsFocus: If L , h h v h x k h .L h f h .

    Opportunist: If L h v k , h v p h v k w k.

    Sneak: L h v Dxy hk k.

    ActionsMelee or Ranged AttackDagger: +5 h (h 5 f. 30 f./120 f.; ). Hit: 5 (14 + 3) p, h k ppy k

    L h .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 30

    Nant ThangolMedium Humanoid (Dwar)

    Armor Class 14 ( h)Hit Points 13 (26 + 6)Speed 25 f.Senses kv 60 f.Str16 (+3) Dex12 (+1) Con 17 (+3)Int 10 (+0) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 10 (+0)


    Languages C, Dwvh

    TraitsDwarven Resilience: N h v v hw p p .

    Opportunist: If N h v k , h v p h v k w k.

    Shit: If N v h 5 f h , hv pvk ppy k.

    ActionsMelee or Ranged AttackDagger: +5 h (h 5 f. 30 f./120 f.; ). Hit: 5 (14 + 3) p

    , h k ppy k N h .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 30

    Nine-FingersMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 15 (h)Hit Points 39 (68 + 12)Speed 30 f.Str12 (+1) Dex18 (+4) Con 14 (+2)Int 13 (+1) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 14 (+2)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsAcrobatic Escape: Wh N-F v h ,h AC 18.

    Focus: If N-F , h h v h x k h. N-F h f h .

    Sneak Attack: If N-F h v k ,h v p h v 26 + 6 x .

    Thie: N-F h v by hk b,b v, h, pk k, k.

    ActionsMultiattack: N-F k w k.

    Melee or Ranged AttackDagger: +6 h (h 5 f. 30 f./120 f.; ). Hit: 6 (14 + 4) p.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 5 XP 250

    Patriar DuelistMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 14 (h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 4)Speed 30 f.Str12 (+1) Dex17 (+3) Con 14 (+2)

    Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)Alignment Languages C

    TraitsFocus: If h , h h v h x k h .

    Th h f h .

    Opportunist: If h h v k , h v p h v k p k h w k.

    ActionsMelee AttackRapier: +4 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:7 (18 + 3) p .

    Melee AttackShort Sword: +4 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 6 (16 + 3) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 60

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    Patriar RetainerMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 12 (h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackLongsword: +2 h (h 5 f .; ).Hit: 18 + 2 h . If h 7 , h ph h bk 5 f v5 f wh 5 f f h . Th v pvk ppy k.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

    Patriar YouthMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 10Hit Points 5 (18 + 1)

    Speed 30 f.Str11 (+0) Dex10 (+0) Con 12 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee or Ranged AttackImprovised Weapon: +1 h(h 5 f. 20 f./40 f.; ). Hit: 2 (14)b .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 10

    Rilsa RaelMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 15 (h)Hit Points 33 (66 + 12)Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex18 (+4) Con 14 (+2)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsFocus 2: If R , h h v h x k h .Sh h w f h , h y h xp.

    Slick: R h v by hk p, v, k.

    Sneak Attack: If R h v k , h v p h v 26 + 6 x wh k h h.

    Tactical Acumen: If R v 15 f fw h ,h v pvk ppy k.

    Tactical Commands: Ay fy h h R wh 30 f f h v 15 f fw , h v pvk ppy k.

    ActionsSlash and Dash: R k h w k h v T A. Sh hk k. H h .

    Melee AttackShort Sword: +7 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 7 (16 + 4) p .

    Melee or Ranged AttackDagger: +7 h (h 5 f. 30 f./120 f.; ). Hit: 6 (14 + 4) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 5 XP 300

    Smokepowder MakerMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 13Hit Points 22 (46 + 8)Speed 30 f.Str12 (+1) Dex16 (+3) Con 14 (+2)Int 16 (+3) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 11 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C, Gb

    ActionsMelee AttackQuartersta: +3 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 5 (14 + 3) b .

    Ranged AttackRay of Frost: +4 h ( 100 f.; ). Hit: 4 (18) , h p pby 10 f h f h k x .

    Acid Spray (recharge 56): Eh 15-f f h k k DC 11 Dxyv hw. Failed Save: 13 (38) . Successful Save:Hf .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 50

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    ThugMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 10Hit Points 9 (28)Speed 30 f.Str12 (+1) Dex11 (+0) Con 11 (+0)Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackDagger: +2 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:3 (14 + 1) p .

    Ranged AttackLight Crossbow: +1 h ( 80 f./320f.; ). Hit: 4 (18) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 10

    Tough ThugMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 12 (h)Hit Points 19 (38 + 6)

    Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsThug Tactics: Th h h v k y y h wh 5 f f f h h.

    ActionsMelee AttackDagger: +4 h (h 5 f .; ). Hit:4 (14 + 2) p .

    Ranged AttackLight Crossbow: +3 h ( 80 f./320f.; ). Hit: 5 (18 + 1) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 40

    Torlin SilvershieldMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 17 ( , h)Hit Points 39 (68 + 12)Speed 30 f.Str15 (+2) Dex12 (+1) Con 15 (+2)Int 11 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 18 (+4)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsSpellcasting:T 6h-v p h W

    h by (p v DC 14). H h h fwp pp:Cpspare the dying, light, resistance

    1 v (3/y)command, cure wounds, shield of faith2 v (2/y)hold person, lesser restoration3 v (2/y)dispel magic, prayer

    ActionsMultiattack:T k w k.

    Melee AttackMorningstar: +6 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 6 (18 + 2) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 5 XP 350

    Ulder RavengardMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 20 (p , h)Hit Points 45 (610 + 12)Speed 25 f.Str17 (+3) Dex14 (+2) Con 14 (+2)Int 11 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMultiattack: U k w k, y fwhh b h k.

    Melee AttackBastard Sword: +6 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 8 (110 + 3) h .

    Melee AttackShield (recharge 6): +6 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 6 (16 + 3) b , Uph h p 10 f, h U v p 10 f. Th v pvk ppy k.If h h v wh 5 f f

    fy U, h pvk ppy kf h .

    ReactionsGuardian: If y wh 5 f f U k h h U, h y pvk ppy k

    f U.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 6 XP 580

  • 7/29/2019 MiBG Online PDF Monster Supplement


    ViekangMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 15 (h )Hit Points 26 (48 + 8)Speed 30 f.Str12 (+1) Dex19 (+4) Con 14 (+2)Int 13 (+1) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 14 (+2)

    Alignment h vLanguages C, Evh

    TraitsBlade in the Dark: If Vk h wh k f whh h h, h 26 + 4 x wh h k.

    ActionsMelee AttackShort Sword: +5 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 7 (16 + 4) p .

    Ranged AttackLight Crossbow: +5 h ( 80 f./320f.; ). Hit: 8 (18 + 4) p .

    Veil o Shadow (recharge 46): A 10-f ph Vk f wh k. Dkv hh h k, h , b

    Vk . Vk h v f h wh, h k Dxy hk wh v bh. Th k Vk k h f h x .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 4 XP 230

    Watch SergeantMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 16 (h )Hit Points 19 (310 + 3)Speed 25 f.Str14 (+2) Dex11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)

    Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackHalberd: +4 h (h 10 f .; ).Hit: 110 + 2 h . If h k 8 , h f p.

    Ranged AttackShortbow: +2 h ( 80 f./320 f.; ). Hit: 3 (16) p .

    ReactionsGuardian: If y wh 10 f f h k h h h , h y pvk

    ppy k f h .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 3 XP 70

    Watch SoldierMedium Humanoid (Human)

    Armor Class 17 ( , h)Hit Points 11 (28 + 2)Speed 30 f.Str14 (+2) Dex12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

    Alignment Languages C

    ActionsMelee AttackLongsword: +2 h (h 5 f .; ).Hit: 18 + 2 h . If h k 7 , h ph h bk 5 f v5 f wh 5 f f h . Th v pvk ppy k.

    Ranged AttackShortbow: +1 h ( 80 f./320 f.; ). Hit: 4 (16 + 1) p .

    Encounter BuildingLevel 1 XP 20

    Yssra BrackrelMedium Humanoid (Hal-El)

    Armor Class 12Hit Points 18 (46 + 4)Speed 30 f.Senses w-h vStr10 (+0) Dex14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)Int 17 (+3) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)

    Alignment Languages C

    TraitsBlu: Y h v Ch hk bff.

    Spellcasting: Y 4h-v p h

    I h by (p v DC 14). Sh hh fw p pp:Cpmage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost

    1 v (4/y)burning hands,magic missile,shield2 v (3/y)flaming sphere, mirror image

    ActionsMelee AttackQuartersta: +2 h (h 5 f.; ). Hit: 4 (14 + 2) b . If h k 5 , h f p.

    Encounter BuildingLevel 2 XP 50