Metropolitan E51 Trust Company - Chronicling …...I I I w: 10 Are Bond Purchases Now Opportune? The...

I I I w: 10 Are Bond Purchases Now Opportune? The (real nd world-wid- e eipati' inn in credit and sluorplion ol cspi' til, which his depresied ill invert-ment- t. hm been f flecliely checked and rupital i accumulating for fifl timt in number ol yean. Under nurh'conditioni it invirii-bl- tttVt aund bond, inch 11 are readily convertible into cuh, ind good bond are trowing icirce ind idintin. We believe thfy sr going hlithrr. Send for list of Consercatice Investment Bondt Plympton, Gardiner & Co VT WII.IIAM ST NF.W TOHK Mrmhrra . . Mark Kraan Confidence Inviolate The value of an investment banking organization to the investor may be measured by the quality of the investment service it renders. Each investor bates purchases upon the results from his previous investments. The foundation of our investment service is thorough investigation to establish true and permanent worth before purchase. Such methods safeguard the inves- tor's funds continuously as though they were our own. II rt'r fur nw (lfrrlnit of Sound loriilt, YirMltiii i'.. M "i N.W.Halsey&Co. 49 Wall Street, New York Phllade.rtiU Chlcaeu ."inn FraiitUm Harris, Forbes & Co Sun-e-n N W HurrU A IV, H. T. Pin Strset, Cor. William NEW YORK act icfi'ttil .ikiik for miiniel palit ic-- . and corporation and deal in IiirIi grade munici- pal, and public utility Bonds lor Investment I Finlev Barrel, & So. 74 BROADWAY Bankers and Brokers Nfn York vo I, return. Members New. ( .o ion I vcIkiiir-'- . I Chic.'iK" P.omi of I'r.idv Two exclusive private wires to the West. Chicago 203 So. LaSalU St. STANDARD ln4tr mat O In Inn from lurthir ui hrr htamlanl Oil I niinaril. Slii k 7trhHn n hluh Mi nimart L m rcqut t. ! CAPL H. PFORZH-IMC- R I'himi l1n.."-- . IIkm.I t x V WANTED IIMI MuxluhUil I'anrr Coin, tin ll null i:dlnn JIHI c.rrnl Nnrlhern I'sper I oil urthrrn State rawer I nm. IIMI Slnmlarrf 4!a A lllertrle PM. IIMI I' tilled SUIe. Flnl.hllig Pfd. FREDERIC H. HATCH & GO. Aeiv lurk lluslon .ill llrind HI. .Ml I'nagrea Ml. rrhsle lelephane lirl .'. V.. Ilo.los. Phils. Public Utility laauaa (ought and Sold Saoclal Raporta on any Company on Requeat. WILLIAMS. McCONNELL t COLEMAN s Bond tttnrk 1 ln Wall St. rhnne 4U Jnhn Mew Tor I American Public Utilities Southern California Edison I United Light & Railways I H. F. McConnell ft Go. lift Pins Nt. Phone 0004 John New York. Henry Clews & Go. It. 13. 1ft, 17 and 19 IIIIOAD ST. l MKMRKIM N. Y. STUCK KXCIIANOr:. i locks aad Bonds bnuihl ond sold for Investors; also carried nn liberal terms, ' llanklac Arroanla received subject to check si sight. Interest paid nn dally balances, 1. 1; r T K II H 9 CRKUII liiued available the world over. j Wa Deal In I DU PONT STOCK & BONOS HERCULES STOCK A BONDS ATLAS STOCK AND BONDS AMERICAN COAL PRODUCTS Hallowell& Henry ft--J Heatar Nt.. V Y. lei. Ilroad 4Po5 Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Cer. Nassau 4 Cedar Street. New York Chlcaio Pblladelplila liotou London E. tC. RANDOLPH Utmbcra New York Sinrk IScnanca. Ill Broadway. New York. Met Ml ftpM HlTllt lICaTttlU OMtrlmt t. r. SHir.i.ns. uir. Taaktts kt IaMtBaai aad oihtr lsurltlaa f of tfca I'alud suua. CaaatU aaa UnSSST FINANCIAL REYIEW OF THE PAST WEEK h'niwast MihIp Abnuiil hiiiI How It Co in pare With Kvciits unit ProsiM'i'tx. ' KI'ltOI'K'S HARD PHOHI.KM Wi'rlil Conditions ami Complica- tions TliroHtencd liy I'olirlt's. Speaking lust July nl the half early general merlin of the Kieat I'nlon of l.oridun mill .Smith's Hank, Limited, Sir 1'ellx Schuster, the Koternor nf the hank, tnnile suinclhlni; of a forecast nf probable development In the balance of tin- - year which particularly Interesting to mull nt thl time. Sir IV I U Ik otic nf the most eminent uf Itrltlsh bankets anil authority usually attitches In tils utterances on financial conditions. Ill remarks which are ahotit to be quoted here attl acted wide attention at the time of their moderate optimism, hut huve piuha-lil- y been forKotteu. by now. He said: "The late r.ord Avrhury used tn ."ay that, given a 5 per cent, bank rate for a fall ly pmlonited period, Kolil would be sine to flow Into Muidon, and although the demand fr,om many quartern had crown of late yeni I think the a Ilia; remain tine even a little more time than formeily may be required to til Ink' about the result. Thus there seems to be no leasnn whatever for taklnfc an alaimlst view of the monetary ltuatlon; If only we hold oilr hand for a llttln while and do not lend too freely to foreign na- tion the economic position of the country Is so sttont that gold will flow In natur- ally and ne -- hall well be able to deal with the usual autumnal demand as they .'nine, A certain amount of how-eve- r, I necessary In the matter of new laur of capital, ami the general develop- - ment which has been so rapid during the' past few e,us may sslbly be somewhat retarded, but with the exercise of a fair amount of caution It Is probable that w need not apprehend any excessively high rate for money (luting the autumn, so that the latJe and prosperous trade of the count y may progress without disturbance or hltidiance. That theie will lie a con- siderable employment for money Is lie.tond doubt. It Is needed fur the development of the newer count! les which In lecent enr have added so gieatly to the volume of our own export and It I desirable that uch development should not tie suddenly resttlctrd. but peace must be restoted, and a l eduction should take plate In the vat side of unpiodiictlte exendltuie amouK all Kuiopean nation, an expc nditiitc whlch tniit have the most setiom coimc-ouenc- on the economic dev clopmeut of the world at laige." .ompntlng this survey with the hap- - peulngs of the last thlee month and with the liuieli(linK prospect what do we find'' Among other thing we tlnd that gold has not Mowed Into London tiut out of It To be ure. the Hank of Kngland's discount rate fiom Aptil 17 last to Oetohei -- ' was is per cent and not .I, but the tlit week of letilin to , ier cent, did not i bet k the outwaid tlow of gold, especially fiom the bank Itself Kfforts wele made during the summer to spate the tending hand In London, tiut neither thl nor the economic position of the coiinttj suttlced. tt tiring In much gold while expoits of gold continued. The ability of financial Loudon to deal with autumnal demands has become debatable, and ceitalnly since the advent of autumn theie has been mi practice of III the new luea of capital, de- spite the Incieasiug congestion of the Investment markt. I!ritlh trade. nc onl- ine to the Augut and September state- ments, has not progressed without hin- drance or disturbance, for the report how i cactlnmir tendencies. Further-mul- the exploitation of wealth creating iesouic In new couutiles has been sud- denly i est nc ted by the cm tallment of capital and t redit supplies with which tireat llill.iln and the rtst of Kurope have for years past been satisfying: vora- cious nppetllr. Nor has there been a restoration of peace in the llalkans nor a i eduction in the scale of unproductive expenditure by the nations of Kurope so far as i oncet ns the toll taken of wealth to sunpoit huge military atmaments. Tluse are ienon why there has been fiesh financial unsetllement abroad In the last few da vs. and tbe.v partly explain why whatever I tend there may he in our own countrv toward contiactlon of vol Mines and values has received some arcel 'lallon. What was said in these coIiiiihij week ago about the momentous slg. nlllciinc of Hie ltstoratlmi of the Hank of KriKla nil's tlisrount rntc to 5 per cent. hn heen etnplinslieil ly the occurrences ami inillciitloiss since. It vsas iolnled out here that the elevation' of tile hank rate was a nnniliiK sIkii. although It was that liniueillnte Inferences of n definite i hanii'ler ns to the causes of the warnlnK miuht not lie any more readily drawn than nsuallv the tnse lien the most slKtilfli ant nf all financial per- centages changes In the direction of money mniket stringency. Kvents seem, however, to make the meaning of Hie , per cent, bank rate n little clearer. The weeklv statement of the Hank of KiiRlatul published last Thursday showed that it has lost almost $10,000,0(1 ftold nftor raislnir the rate. Its present Kold boldliuts aie almost $20,000,000 below those of a vear ago, which were In turn decidedly lielow an amount that would tie considered normal or sntlsfnctoiy even In relatively undlstiii bed times. Mean- while the Hank of France, the Hank nf (iermany and mot of the other cential tianks abroad have been able, although veiv mticb at the rxpense of domestic conditions, to recruit nolil supplies above last year's figures, and In some cases, notably nt Rllln. lo establish n recon! maximum. Circumstance would 'there-for- e suggest llutl the world's central . money market nnd Its central institution . are at a illsailvaulaice which cannot be I pel milled loni; to continue and that there, lis rif Imminent likelihood of a fuither ; ilse In the London bank rate If theie are I special causes for uneaslne. regarillng the Hiltlsb flnsnrlal position. Aie there not'.' Is not something of the sort signified by the relapse of consols to about the Itiw record price? How about the choked and suffocated status of the British market, on which new canital promotions have been pouring; In a flood, the offerings coming fiprn everywhrie, I0.000.000 of Bt. Petersburg- - 4Via at !'Jiv, tlT.fiOO.OOO nf New Zealand 4s nt M'i. land so on, i ni". nt,, hiuiuurh unnei-- I writers have had to take 80 per cent. I and more of Ihe latest offering, one of j the worst fallurea of flotations belnif the !2,3u0,0in of cltv of Vancouver 4 Vis at !',"., for which public subscriptions nf nnlv 14 per cent, wera received. Again, what Is in be thought of the aymntoma of dis- tress noted In the continuous fall of out- standing security Issues of the newer countries tn which Hlr Felix Schuster In Brazilians, Canadians and tho like? i We must recognise that foreign finance has a critical problem on lta handi, for dm anluitnn of flur own economic nrob- - ems will bo hampered or facilitated by the outcomes of foreign conditions. Kurope I carrying over all the strain of tho past year resulting from the outbreak of wnrfurc In the Balkan, In which as yet no effective peace ha been made, There has been no political or financial settle- ment nf the Issues Involved In the nf the Near Kastern queatlen or crowing out of tho conflict, ahlch ortil- - THE SUN, MONDAY; OCTOBER 13, 1913. nally started as a crusade of the llnlkan alllc against Turkey. Delay has con- stituted a protraction of monetary strain, and protraction alone, wltluvit any of strain, I debilitating, Hut there has hern nggl avatlnn of slialn, the unwelcome Incie.ise coming fioni lb" n (oimttles, which have j ocrn in i iiFiuinrii i,, m) iii iiii,,.- - ", iiipltal anil ciidll. Inning the hot ear Kurope has had to rut down and finally almost to shut off supplhs nf money to such countries and ha tven hud to with-dta- funds to some extent fiom debtor lands. The tesult ha been that theie Is y tiouble so acute In South America that It Is described a ctisK while almost everywheie else debtor na- tions ale In difficulties. As long as pub- lic and private borrowei could obtain money on their notes and mnrtgngis they could maintain the pace of even extrava- gant progress, but now the nuestlon I what shape they are In to meet their obligations If pressure has to be enduted, sod what iffccl of strain In the newer coutitlles will be tdlected In stl allied Km ope. Kconomli' cau and consequence ate heie seen inciting; In a vicious circle and something may ovcur to bleak the cornice- - lion happllv. but this Is no time lor met-- .' weaning lellance on customary assump- tion that "everything will wort, nut nil light." Thl Is a time when thing have' got to be worked out with all the skilful ' diligence and CHrefulne that can be) brought to bear by the manager of cnleipi Is and the leadetsof tlnaiiie, with all the help that can be lent by the1 head and dlrectois of government. It l not going too far to use Hie word cilsl In connection with the whole fotelgn lt - nation. At such a Junctuie the aid of government can rarely consist of any- thing moie than acts of political self, denial and abstinence fiom Intel feience, tut this much set vice, government can alwav perform. It I no time for stale repetitions of th oothlng saying with which confidence was teassuied during the last veal, such as that thete was no trouble except the trouble caused by a foollh popular hoanl-In- g of cash In continental Kurope, Cm sny competent person fall to see that tbe woild's tlnances ale In a state of grave, dlsntder, that the brunt of the task ofi trjltig to set them right has fallen on Km ope, and that the weight naturally fall most heavily on the world' capital of finance, !ndon" la-- s than a uuartei of a century ago very much the same kind of condition subjected the Old Wot Id to the wrench of a mot violent dlslottloii of. business and'banklng lai'ltlons. as nell a of speculative anil Investment commit- - i ments. Tha same set of factor I never repeated at two similar ptilod" in the sequence of economic events, and In all the resemblance there are differences be- tween the condition noted y and those offering In the late 'Mi and early 'SUJ. Thete is piobably a far gleateri total of resources now better concentrated to cope with emergencle than there vva then, but now. as then, tiouble has been hi ed of a most Itioidlnate consumption of Kuropean rapltal and ciedlt both f,u the legitimate and for the oversoeciibitlve ' exploitation of the wealth fiioduclnu pos sibilities of new counttle. Theie must he a tendency toward simllai If nut Identical' consequences from similar If not Identical causes, and Kuropean tlnanclHl energies are plainly being everted to aveit 01 mini- mi le the results of an eta of excessive economic stimulation facllltatx! bv the perfection of capitalizing processes and of the machinery for expanding cieit We have mutii at slake In the 011I1 nines of the rassioents with which Ku- rope Is ,sti uggling, Ourselves a bin row- ing nation, we cannot fail to be nfTected by the necessities which may arise In our creditor on permanent capital account to the extent or billions or dollats Apart fiom that the peipetuatloii of our foreign market depends on the persistence of foreign buvlng power, while the flee-do- of our home market fiom oppiesslve foreign competition is involved In the preservation of the maikets alieaily for the abruption of the c capacity of other lanris. To what extent the state of I lie woild's Hade, and especially the state of Kuiopean finance, has alieady affected us or Is going to affect us further cannot now be ascer- tained or demonstrated : but It is Idle to suppose that we have not begun to make j lespotise to such conditions as have been Indicated, How, much comprehension of this Is there at Washington, where elabo- rate programmes are being executed or flamed for the puriHive of setting up new , ideas of government In the Held of t lade. intliistilal and financial endeavoi " Verv ' little. It is to be feared Their Is absolutely no evlilenie timt tin- - Ailinliilstmtion and Its suiipoitrts III J I oiikTi'Ss Have Iicriiii lo ret'oKiilzr the tcalltle of the win III to.i!a Then- - Is very evlflentc that Washington vsltare wauileiliiK In a norlil of mil ealltit s noun- - 111 leu liy an extiloiteil mass of struKk'lluir I souls thMarteil In rvery uny anil IkiiiihI i spirits to milftsti nill'nnlnBu Thui lu ut dence Washington legaiils the rouii-trj'- a ablest citizens, whether In lines of, corporate Industry oi hanking nttlvlty, as enemies to the public wasf.ire. The Wash- - Ihgtoii atmosphere seem Inflamed with manias that piovoke of traltoious conspliacy In every ptntest which Is voiced against the economic un- wisdom of tearing the of the In dustrial oiganuatlnn pieces in a vain attempt to testore the social order as It existed fifty years or ago. ir there ever was a time calling for sanity and deliberate piocedure In our high political places It Is now, when there is spread before anxious eves the un- mistakable symptoms of n worldwide economic derangement of a deep seated nature. Civilization nu) not be able to lecover Its equilibrium or restore sta bility to value without painful snd arduous fiom which we nut selves t annot Nevel tlieless, assuming that a peiind of depressed vol umes and values may have to Intervene before another eia of expansion, the transition can he accomplished In one of two was. It can tie oiderly enough slow enough to mitigate Its hardships or it cun be so accelerated as to coinniunl-cut- e a shock eveiy Inteiest In the land, and recovery from shock delay the normal recovery from de- pression. Whatever tiappens abroad vse doubtlesN cannot help. For what here we be ourselves responsible. When conditions already contribute totviml a or loss of Unit force which business linn nee know us toutldence what wiser course could politics pursue than piosecute with utmost policies of so railed which deal directly with the terms anil basis econnmjc eiiteiniise'.' What unwisdom could be greater to manifest ruth-- 1 less purposes to carry out progianinie" i of social conceived In seasons of i full blown piospcrlty when It seemed as though nothing could be which could paralyze enterprising ambition, curtail to wealth creatine en- -' tleavor or contract as much as one) day's Job or one dollar of wage the quantity of work and profitable tcwaid for every labor willing Individual? With what satisfaction will Washington bo able to contemplnle any wreckage of pros-peilt- y which It has helped to scatter thioiigh a land whore work ha In be. found the men of ability who can find It In order to keep a hundred million people happy through emplo-men- t? RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. High- - t.nw-Clo- Net 1113 M1 est. lllg ge mien l.nvr 4 AlUm P. 4t. 57 V 70 S3', 7t 1 AlliSll .Ti. M' M' '' Wl 1 ft Alll Ch f.s rtf 4 4 4 - 11.1 W; lo Am A trie Ch rv5 100 HI1!; - i9 I0l? M J Am It tt I. As lf'f itVi inn'-- i - I02'v ie. in Amlredebas. 7 T xi) To 14 AmSmltSecto H4 l4 -- 1 im nit nl AniTATpvl'i1(0 WAi Wi M I0i m 1 Am T T cv 'liiii pd no to. no -- I'jioi'i o'i 15 Am f&T rlt 4 "' ' )H ' t M I Am Tubes. II II II 2 1M Its Am Writ I'S. s.1l M s.V,' ' na1 SI II ArmiiiirPj . 01 Wi' M1, SB'S ATAMf cv S lot !("' tot '.Mov. in 2 ATASP rv is. 9I( HI1 !' s A T 4SI' cv Is lano tll'i 01', m'j (13 I AT.sffnl !, i ici no tool a M VTASPcnK. Ol' 3'-- t, l"' W', tt A I A S f sd 4Std .. NK'v K't Ml. - H M 7 AtlGl.lne SIS 0l4 H', I, IT.', 7 11 iiillrcs .. . W s ' i llaldnlnl.Js tm'j HUh IMS - W-- i I03 4R II A Oev i. Ul't K K .12 II tt O cold 4. .", K : Ml', Dl'j 2 nniM.i:. W V4l Mi M'i Vi - I, WU W4 .11 llAOS'f M't OO! ! ' IS MAO SV ,1' ss S7 S7 - U 9 sis llelh Steel is, l't t' 0I' bCc K'i 7 HcthMtrelfdf si gi 2 mi -- ., JllltT , ini toi ino -- ViWi ' l& llltTcvca .. ;i sflU ' -- l4 WW MS M Ilka U Kl 1st Pt'c M'i Wi S Wl'4 W 3 llkn Un Kl Isl sld W'c H'i ' - H IOII4 U llkn t (ins 1st I0V lOJ'c 10514 P4 im'i PU'j I lint It A P.I .li lii l" OS 03 pi lluh Term 4 Oivrvrmpl Hit, (US !' !' S .1 MushTrrllldg 1st g(d 4 sl'i 4'j e S l M 17 r.d(iAt:S MS M S ! HI I CansdsSiSs loft'j HISS ItttS - - IMS I'M'S PI Cent (! i nM 104 I0SS 104 S 10 KIJ It c'l.e.vthn.1.. Wi tu's 4i ' VI Ol'i li Cent ISc ttt . 2S 2!4 92' - Ti ; 90 3 CRKof .VJSS.II4S I13S 114 tISS H2S 1 Central VI 4s. S4 S4 S4 4-- S" s ICAOJs toss Hi&i tolU S no ic-- i 33. C A O 4Ss S.1 4S - S 101 SIS 34 C A Ocv 4'-- oS SI) SO ICS I CAAIMS e M .S3 M M ,V1 113 CilAUlnt 4s :il mcS 4S . U os'i 03 2 CIIAyjnt 4s r. M' MS Mi -- ' 00 ICS 2 CIlAy 111 SS. MS MS MS US S ' 0 HA Xeb 4. 3S US S S 7 03 I Chtiasl.ACSs tin ml lot IS 103 s I Ch! A fit V 4s. 74 tS ' S 71 ClAtxiuSs 117 117 117 lift nasi 2 t I A Lou is IIOS 1"2S l"2S - I". l"2S 1.1 ChlMIIAI'ucrl I Nillllit 4s. . tl 1S 83 H M "' .1 C M AMP CA t It IIU 103 103 -- I i 10M, 104 I C M A M I c a l' w i I02S lies loj't H Wt 101S I CM AMPcv 4S . .. loss 101s 10IH -- IN toon too S7 CM ASII'gm Ss 102S to? ioj -- ! :s I CM A MIMer WS S 1S irUl M I' Is ST, 93S WIS 4-- N ! tS 4 C S1S S2S S2S - IS 7a 14 CA V Wron PCS IU2S I'CS -- I I03S I'OS 1 canW sf 5 r nt! pa no -- 2S 102 102 f A w Mil AX 4 .' VIS 02 - S 94 i'IVIV cm 4. us his ! . US'. t t'A .' S2'. 2 2 . - S MS CAN". 3'jte HIS 2' S2S elS MS t ill Itvs tslft l.s LH CH1AP lilt is .21-- , IS MS 1 j Ji C It I A V Itv Is let ItW j lill I'M I04S I'1 10 CHI AP Itv 4S. li Ift'i US 9IS "I 21 CHI A Prf 4s. :, 70 ;o - 5, ssS C.St I'M AO 39 .I0IS I0IS' IUIS I02S s 3 (In I) AI 1st. 97S 97'j 97S loo's H7S I CVCA I ron 7s HS I0S 100S IS I0IS I"1', II Col Incol tr ft l MS so'j ss 771, ' 9 Col Ni 4 . U2 2 92 BIS VI ft CtilSti n 4S 92, liVS 92S S UIS li', ICA9lhAV3 9SI4 9S 9S I S 9SS c t'un's (las of Chlfts ion 99'j too nrj win, 3 dun l'l tut ft PCI 91 HI t S MS 90 ' la (Julian fts imK, in)', m, ', c7 (d'i II CatnliTelfts 7'j UiS 97)1 IliuS 90 j la liel A II rv 4s. 7S U7 117 - S s O.'e't I I) ATI fit ft 1JS, 90S' - S W s 37 HAM (ir refftt 73S .2', 73S S MS " 14 II A I! fir 4s S.1I-- , Kl'j MS S S sus l'l t et I 1st IS 71 7S 70S 7.V, 131 Ills .see Cor fts :s fS I MS in l)u Pont is s.v sft sftS - S ' OS lotfS IimS S2S M II Kile CO 4 . 7.1 75S JIS It, 7lt MS li lien l.lec Si . I iS 10:11, IU3S I's I'C'S PUS 4 (irn Mndiros 09', vi w S nn II (it Nor IS. 9 9 loos 90S 1 (ill AWdeltll. 15S l!' US 17S it I Hurl. l IS 100 99 Kin S PUS s IIATrX'enlt in in 9.1 -- 1 94 IV III C If is IIIV1. 91 till, 91 HO SSI, s III .steel 4's . SJS MS iS S 'tlS 47 IndUnaStl.Vi 9i S '""l S HUS tS 1S2 Intertsiro II T !t sr A ins I04S 10s. ;0 tiilri tniio Mel tol tr 4'-- . 77S 7SS 7'iS J SIS 71 I Int Xav rss ; 7 7 S 70 51 Ini Paper ns. nc 10? pr. mi ton 7 Intl'spercvJ vi s.'S ! JlS 2S 7 Iowa On Is M M .v.. VIS 4S .Upsliese IS st ss ss S 9S 3 IvS A t :d is lev :.s U.VS e S 99 111 KO I tS4M ns imi hiss H9 111', luv 9 Kant'SaifA jo) isl to - S is o.i 5 KSnClt).so3.7il ostA9S S 7: o I KanCltvlerl IC'S WS MS S 90S K & lies M Itl HI 01 HI I tw Ill I Ky('rn(4 s7 sj f7 - it ir.n, S7 I K f i:l A P (! 1907 uss !!:' ii'.'S S in 107 KloKsCols sltl s;n, s.'S s?S S ss MS 9 UStcelSt lic.1 u.1 , rrJS - S MS 9IS M l.ksteel.vs I9l.i USS ' 1 0'S S 'el' , in I t.acleilrtiss.'is pus 1'Si'j Iki1, S PC's !nS to servltllile liy class of mure or less I in'ViCcon'.s.linS nV, lii, 1 wicked who have seUeil power 31 KilervosrA. 7iS -- thioURh pet veitlllK irlile(ril oppoi tunlty 172 Kileevissr II. 72S 71', 7I - V that heated suspicious fabric to mote readjustments escape, and tn may happens will lessening and slowness progress of than change proponed Incentives by by sustained AttCo.ntl.lnr MAMI'3'vs. Misr I I. KrleAW HI urjs tn:i, hcS 111 a mis M I.SftM.SUIB.'S. H3S IC 92 S IH'v ll ! IS I.SAMSIsimi. tin, HI ul',- 1, ii;., v,', .'I Vol iSs .urns pms iikP, iiip, nmM ; I.eVal I'naiaslUES HCS nr.", :', I0.V, no ,' 17 i.lgccttAAl i:n', .hi, litis e s IWS nS II l.lifjetlAM.'is us ui'j !i7i-- i S It't l I I l.lslnnis s;s s.'i's '', 'IS MS si ll.'i I, a, , Is , '.US HIS Hi 4. t, ne, mi, I Msnliillaii Is, 11.1 IMS 92 - s "i sr.S III Mntlne tllp'.s r,IS tl ill l', m', .MS I Mich SUICIVI , :.s uti ti'j mi S in IS 07 2'i MllaViir ' 09S wis 0'J's S lS 99S ; MAM I, Is .MS M ''I .'S ,M I MSPASSM is (.2 )l (17 91 0 Mil Iv A II 1st IUIS 101 101 ins tic, 2 Mo Iv A ()' ."is 1(1 j HI'v Hi , IS I"!' H 1.1 Mob A TIs Ml SIS s;eS 1, BV Slj J. Mnlv AT2I 77 7P "IS 'S tl' 71 2.1! MKA P sf I' s KO , MS S k; HI 1 Mo l A T f; 71 71 71 7iHS 7S .1 Mo Pe con nil1, PUS I'OS mi'v io:i 2 MnlNtr.'. IMn 9P, III1, HIS 91', Hi Harriman National Bank Fifth Avenue and 44th Street NEW YORK CAPITAL AKD SURPLUS . $1,000,000 BEPOSITS $12,008,800 The policy of Ihe Htrriman National Rank la lo establish with lis customers reciprocal relation baaed on mutual aatisfac. lion In the conduct snd transaction of business, and the per- sonnel of the administration offer every assurance of fair, liberal snd prompt dealing along broad and progressive lines. INKING HOURS MOM I O'CLOCK . M. TO I0 CLOCK P. M. SUE ItPOSIT VAULTS OPEN MOM S A. M. TO KIONIBHT High- - Net 1913 Ssten en e.( lug, Cli'lllgh Low, iiMoPsc5l!ii;. Ofi' !H' WIS- - IS ton .V llo I'nc cv to1, ;ti', I', m ;;h 2 Mo Par 4 S7 1,7 t7 -- I 70S 4 2 Morgnn'l,sA lev's nw Ids 10 -- 5 tin 10 12 Mar A I s 1st 0 101 101 - S I0.1S 101 21 .Nat Tube A :iV, 61'. M ' S vis ( 2 .rvvklliSs H2S "2S HOS ' "OS I0IS 2 ,VOrl MACS. I I Is - 3 S7 43 .I NV Air llrale , cvr, nij n tn.i M 2 XWnn.iHsoji.PH lou ini t tots' tn 2 MtSnnllsnl.loii 1110 imi - 1, tots HIS 1 M'.inal4s(C. WIS WS IWS S I0IS S 7 .VVCcqS 'II, (CIS S WIS S WS 09S 2 .W Cni 3'js SIS si' j S3'i S s;s sn'v 1 XVCM'as reg. si SI si 1 MS sn Tl .WOl.S.l'j. SIS Mi'i 0i -- I 2S s NL'I..S3Sr si so to Vi si ? 7 XIT M 03Ss. 7(1 77'j 77S1 sn 73 WCASII.I. S' MS WIS I WIS H3'4 lilt XVrity tSs'M if m ret , I03S toas lias- - - s IMS w'i ft X V city IS in'.; . . MtlS loas ions - S I03S 00S 6 X V City 4S , 1837 new ..I0.1S ins 113 S Ion X V City 4S 1917. . lots lot tots S IOIS I'" 3 X V City 4S 11X10 0S OS '"S S IMI( MS V, X VCIH 41939. Pi !I4S !li S 7S !S 12 NCltyllnts. lifts fft1, flftS ( S 7S !S 13 XVCItyiIM7. O.'iS '! W aiS MIS 1 X V as HI I, II At' ft PBS I "3 l"2 IS 103' 4 UflJi 7 X V (Lis CI I. II A P 4s . 4 MS MS MS t X V X II A II evil .. HIS in III t- S 12 lo' 3J NVX1IA1I cv tleb os vv I HITS b S I"? i I07!( 10 47 X V X II A II s IKftH . t so so -- 7 SV4 SO 12 X V X II A II 4s IBM. si) ? 7 -- 7 SS ti 10 X V X 11 A It 3S 103! ret: M si M so sa 2 XV O A V 4s. M k S MS Rft 2S XVIttfd(4s. 75S 74S 74S - S 711 7JS 212 XMt9dJSs. ftft .',4 34 IS 0' tl 01 XVTel gn 4S 9S 7S 17S - S S MH 14 ,N Usteht a Host (S. yy i 2S IS 9S sIS I Xorf So Ss . w OS 3 41 X A Wrv4Sal04S I ".(' ln3S IS to, us 6 Nor AW cv 4. 103 lai 103 IS 112S M II Nor A YV 4s. , t3'i OJS S ii W SS lit .NorPae4. . HS IS 4S ! tSH IS 2XorPcSs. 7S H H S!l lu Or HyAXv 4s. ; t2 93 94 91 1 OrShort l.fts.iw I'Hi ions - H to 10314 3 Or S I, file 4s. 91 91 91 S 'S M 7 Par Coast Itt.loos- - 100 ion ioi)sj 9 M I'acTATSs . 9S 9! H - t lot 93 M racT3Ssllft. 97S 97S S'S f 97S MTi ft Uaa A Coko Mr si.... 99,' ws 9s'-!i- oa s 3 Ptu AK 1st .. SIS "2 S MS H 79 10 I' CCA St L 3'Ci ser K... 94 94 t94 90 90 s Plxirlllard7t.ll9 11a nv UiS lit 21 Plorlllardfu. W'i M Kl 9WS 944 7 Publlc.servlrs Corp X J 5s. 90 9S MS S M WS 1 Ity Ml Spr f.s, WIS MS 90S uS 96 32 ItavCnC'opBl.llO IU7 107S -- IH 111 97S Kdc reo 4. . ms 4i( 94s S 'S 9IS 7 Ul 94 94 4 OSS 9IS 2 ttrplAS ..'34 103 PI2S l1" - 1 10J 102 1 lieplA.s r.s So. m wi m 92S sS 3 Itln (! Wis so si so SftS 70S 1 Itoih A I' 1st lu;s p)7 1H7S S 110S 107', 2 K wa o con mis i3'a nns IS toS 102 2 Stl. A I 3114. n M 79 S3 71 U Ml, A Iron JU ItlvA Cllf 4. MS U S2 - i 77S 2 stl.ASFrnes to7 107 107 tin, iui n Ml.ASKcnft. 90S WS w; S iocs v?S 1 M.AS1 SWS 94 94 lit 100 94 3 MI.AMI'fdK. 70S 70S 70S - S 7St Ki III Ml. AM' rrnftt IIS7 ft3 M S3S ftos 22 Stl.SWHI . IS ) sos MS 2 Stl.SWcotl Is. 7s 7 7 I SPMAMcims. HI Kl Ht S 93 I Stl'A .Vl'acSs (S I00S I0S tlS 113 IHS'j III SAA M'assls. s ns ?0S IS 9ft 79', 2 SV.tlAM-:t- t Kl vie go iiftS IU .12 .eti A I. sdl 74 73 .3 21 .Sollelll ATSs 9S U7S 7S mi 97' j 121 .so 4s . U.'S III ICS 20 1'JIC let Is MtS 'J I ;ii Ul', 117 So ISc rv Is ?S S nns s 4 sPacsir ter Is 7S 2ii Ni.itli Its :,s int h:iS 104 MV int 2 S Itv St t. Is sf, Mi, SI, 11 ssl, 'v is SullHj irrnts 7IS 7l'j 74S S ' 72 S S Msnil (in Us vtS 94 S "IS S lo"S 5 Tenn Coal I A lilt mi 'J so 99 10.1 I TrlssCncvs l 'S I'M I'"1 S IwS :'leAI'ltA.PCS P'l I'd -- I I07S Pm 9U Third Ave ref 4new ... . soi TM, 7 1H S3S 4.1 Thlnl AveadJ .",s new . 7.. 73Vi :ss IS H'i II To kin .. si (S sis HIS SI 10 T SI 1. A W 4s :.t ft 1 47S 1 Lis A llet 1st l"l i(t ini 101S 10J 62 I Pc 4 us' o;s c7S 90S 9t m 1 Pne let 4s M ICS !S S MS K'i I9U l'c cv 4s P21 VI HIS S 7 sa;t, ir ititsr f.i is ;a wi .a at MS 21 1' S ( 1011P 109 lo" 109 - IMS P' fi I s;s lee ois t j ''4S 10IS 9S' 1 ITS of MexA. 90 'H ( tS 90 (' Sof Men 4t 4 st si 1 S.S. S3' , 111 t Sl' cpn 99S 99S 9IS S K'3S IWS Pi fsitublieros PCS PCS I'US 1'nS PHI ,UC LS Steel sf.Ss 110., 101 psi - H i'C oiS 2 L'SSilsf .VsrelrtiS 100S liS iois 9 4 Va Ca llronn llrosACnctf tS s' 4S IS M f. Va I C A 0 .1 91 92 S 9.1 9 to Va llv .1. lisS lS 9H 9S 1 VaASYV n M. !IS 91S 51', W I' tali; on.Wshash isi tin', pS 10.1s - S iwis t''S 3 Wall Isl te toe 104 10 101 lilt I Wah 1st llet ins 10.1 Prt 1 107 injs 9 Wahath 2d .90', S 0S IS 99 9I' 07 M ali Pitts Ter liytstlsetr lS I7S 17'. - i 37S ns 3 Wah ITItv 1st 4CnlTrclf fnrCrnTr I i l -- JS IIS 1 Wall P Ter Ky 2,1 (self S S s 47 Wabash en Is. .'41 4'S 4SS -- IS MS 4S 29 Wah ex 4s Ku Tr rtf std I7S S' 4S I Wesln r.lecv pit leoS l"t 102 1, S 3 Westn Md 4s 791, 79 7 sr, 7J 4 Westshoi 4s. HIS 94S US', ul 2 West sh 44 c (US 9IS 91 S -- IS. 7S is. 2 West t'n 99 UK', IIS f, West L'n l',s 92S Vi - S , ssS 21 W fstlntlimise r.lec cv .'is ICS HIS HIS k ' oi s?S WhAl.f.cnU 75 71 74 t S s 70 I Hue cnl Is . "7 sr 7 "IS si Ilonil sinles. l.ast vtrtk.t8.inH.nOU. Pjrvin'.i wreu. 7,4iltl. 0(1(1 Jan I liiilstr. till) I .! HS.Otm 4Selerailar flat Seller S day rt it tSeller Uitlis tui CARUSLE ISSUES ROAD RULES. 'flirt- - PresiTllir Wrlxtils ttml Npcptls nf lii I or Vrhlflt'a. Aiiiast, tot, I"- - .Itilm N Carlisle, t'liiiiiiilssliilit't' of lllKh'iis. tins IssiipiI lilies Mini resuliitlons fui tin- - protection I of tin1 St .11 o nnil roiinly inuils, paitlrii- - j llilly I' I" til H"" "f tl.lflloil rllKllll'S, ...... I .i,,i,l,i,iu u ill nmnlilli, tin,. La nnd nlttn. ' mobile buses. They will tnl.e effect Octo. her 2n, Copies have been sent tn every foiinty ami town siiperlnleiKlcnt of high- ways, who In case of lnlatlons may In action nf tint tin- - penalty liy Ihe hlRhway law, whlcli Is n line of not less than MO anil not mote than 11"n fj'r each offence. The iCRiilatlotis limit the welwlit of all traction endues, steam rolleis, automo- bile truck ami oilier poner vehicles to fmiiteeii ton, which Includes the vehicle ami lo.iil, escept bj special permission of the Stale Commissioner. Such chicles i.iii.sInK a weiRht in excess of four tons Khali not he opt rateil upon any State or county hlBhway nt a speed Kl cater than tlfleen Miles nn hour. For six tons wcluht, IncludlliR vehicle, the maxlmiini siwtl Is six miles an hour when such vehicle Is equipped with Iron or steel tires, aim twelve miles nn hnortr when the tires ate nf hard rubber or other similar subsliint.e, Merrbiinta Hewitt l'amalTa, The winter campalsn of thn Merrhniits AsMiclallon will be hcRun at u dinner nt the Wnldoif on Nov ember K at which ills. iilHsioli will crntie alioiu how to pitiinnle ln im it i c ia I Hupitinac of the . Tin' M.tjoi elect will be lln pilncipal M'c.ikor, both IMwaid IC. McCall nnd John IS u ii i Mllclid ImxIiir piciiiImiI to be picsriit, Major Kline hsa alao bean Invited. We Offer to Bankers Entire Issues f Mortgage Bonds nrl Preferred Stocks issued by successful Public Service Corporations which have been financed by us, and which operate in sub- stantial and growing centres in the United States. Bertron, 40 Wall .St. NEW YORK & Co. Title Huildinj 10 Boulevard Capuones High grade security, earnings three times interest, a closed mortgage and an income yield six and a quarter per cent, are features of the CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY First Mortgage 5' Bonds The jfory of that fanjs is Inld in ore ncif ircua William P. Bonbright & Co. Incorporated 14 Wnll Street, New York London Philadelphia Boston Detroit Metropolitan E51 Trust Company if Am Oity ofJVQw YbrA 49 WALL STREET Accounts of Banks; Corporations, Estates, Firms, Trustees and Individuals, received, on which interest at current rates will be allowed. Issues Letters of Credit and Draft-- , available in all parts of the world. Designated Depositary for Court & Trust Funds Acts as Executor, Trustee, Adminis- trator, Ouardian and Agent. 9 The Passage of the Income Tax will create complications for everv Estate and evprv individual with an income of more than $3000 a year. The Union Trust Company of New York intends to do everything in its power to make compliance with the law as simple as possible for its friends and customers, and will nive most careful consideration to this important matter as soon as the bill is printed in final form and the Treasury reflations issued. Correspondence or interviews in regard to the Income Tax or other problems relating to the (care of property will be wel- comed. UNION TRUST COMPANY, 80 Broadway CAPITAL and SURPLUS - - $8,300,000 . I , . I MHM HEIHH Capital IHWBIW $2,000,000 auiaauuiiULAgUUiiaaj BKjUubbH Surplus 'mng 9,UvW,UUU Tnutee. for Persona! Trusts ruik a.?taaa aa 34k 14.. Hmw T.rk Emuirr ulruat Company MAIN OFFICE. 42 BROADWAY Breaches sent Fifth Ateaae. caraer 43th Ureal. e)r. Cedar sireel, enraer Nattaa Slraal 343 East Haaslaa Street. MEW TORIC MILLER, FRANKLIN A CO. Efficiency Engineer! nHlll IMI.I. IIIHI.III.Mi. MW KlltK Prodiiction iVlcretted Operating Eipeniei and CotU Reduced. Eximinationi and on Profit Earning Va ue$ of Propert et. j .fort, 35acon $. "iPavie n$.irccra ll BRtlAOWAV, NEW VORK v NF.W ORI.r.ANS SAN FRANCISCO I" I TRANSACTIONS RallroaS mm nu -- Week ended vlebl. .sincUs Sales, tilth. Low 0 HO iiam T.ipress Alaska Cold ::otio sus :ri AllltCbmsMh pd. AlllarbmpMli pd 40(1 1 7 17 Amaletmtd Cop 1MM1I0 7ft!S 7 Am lleet Siiesr i:sn a4ij 8 1111 m Pert She pt (i .a ft Am Ac Chem 'i an m Ae Ch pf 7 in m HraKe Shoe ft. as Am llr Shoe p( Am Can 7.4(1 Am Can pf 4 lift Am Csr ft I'. ft (Ml Am Car ft F pt Am Cities lo p Amer Cities pf N.OII Am Col K 47 Am (;oal l'rotl 7.011 m Coal Prod pt Am Cotton Oil ,i,loo Hill Am Cot Oil pf ion io :i Am llapress im Am Hide ft I, Am II ft I. pf .inn ,Vti Ire Secur 3.1ll Am l.lnseed Am I.liibeed pi sun Am Locomotive. I.Mill 7, OH Am l.oco pf son Am Malt Corp. .mil II.OII Am Malt Cor pf II .'A Am Smelling 1.1 1.Ml 7.(1 Am Smeltlnz pf . 70(1 (I I 7 Am .smelt See .. 7 7 4 Am Snutt. (J Oil Am Snufl pf ,inn Am Steel I'd)' . . 40(i e'e no 1 a7u 11,4 Am Sucar iann no (1,14 Am Sugar pt I I I Tel Cable II Am Tel ft T 1KMIII I'.'ItU Tobarco :iio aatHa Toll pt ne ion 101 a. i 7 WalerWks pt Am oolen inn aa S Ml m odlen pt ami hi la Am rlt pi I on I tn e. iHI Anarnnda t'4'.n U.40 AueUKeellltn.. 70 Griscom I and I'llll.AIJI-l.r'H- HIS of f 1 1 , , Does the Income Tax Affect Your BONDS? Consult I's Mrmtiers New York hint' a nance Broad St., New York Philadelphia Chicago Boston Hirtlord Stock Eiclianse 108 Sa Congress 39 fer Iniieisi Ls Sails St Strait Strut WE OWN AND OFFER ami ninrlraee tinnils by th bl(Rsi clas or lmpTovrri. income.proaiieinj, oa. trallv Inratnl properly, 'lo yield OS aad f S. W. Straus & Co. urniw Mortgage mnJ Bond Banker airsua aulKlr.c Cm Wall trl PSsno HEW TV.. amessss- - lNCOs;sos:aTio jj OON8ULTINO and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEEftS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED nnd MANACCO SO Pine 8treet New Vork FOR THE WEEK. (llhrr Skarssau 11 i!.i Clnslnc Cbaigs. Highest. ! nwt lftO J.m (1 w ' 7S a4.fl (lei I (i s, Oct I Ilia Sept 41 J ,1i r SOIa Sept is Si ,1 ftoia .'n : I n ' ,1 Sil Mnr i ' n ft7 Jsii !t 4 ' nn .inn II (Hit .Un 4 on 1 a (1 N .Inn s I "4 4(17s ,lsn .11 I7K I 'JDlv .Inn. hi au ftll.1 ,ll! I 7 Mar. ; 4S3j .1n. 781a .'an 2 7 .lime Mitr. 4 sn unu Jsn. 1.1 I nft an -- lift ft7a .Inn 08 n ian 4 I IUI I'eb. 1 Is Jan "a . an USU Ten I Vs .14 1 U a Nprll n' Ilia .Inn. aai - 4 a a I la .ii vol ilUlsf U 4 'an. ,1 n I la 4 I niW'4 .1.111. n 4 fta4 . 14 I a .1.111. ft 'i 111 ia hi 4 (Ul r.ais 7 4.l Inn 111W4 tm:i4 - lOi led. 11 Kil .1111. 'i' lea .inn I n 00 no I lift ,1 in. tin 40tv I eh. aft on nnia- - 7s I I 8 I 04 I ft: I I ft.'se I 1 IX nu 41 it I m .Ian. .in vu 34 I VO.I4 iftH I4tl Jan. an ' 134 van ino "ii t.ii .1.111. aim no I I onu .1 .11 'II, nn .1 .11 (I V I ' I (1 Ills Sill mii t n"a " .Inn sua i"a 4 I tj Jm l'l I. r 70 - ISO Im. sept - 17 01j 7 07- S- aaia ania- - ,inn 441n 44 441a- - :: na na pv - susn it.Mj :i;i :i;i.vt- - .I;:-!- ! iiftu t rt i v iu limn r.iH 4at4 40(1 II lift lift - inn :uHa iki :id - .imi oft 4141a d4a(t- - 4 ,1477 Oft Oft an i an '.'(lis '.'II a ini a4ij aaia aoij anij IIHI4 114 nu ft4 Itft.l4 IOOTh ft IlKl 8.U1 Am ft ft ft H HK Am II 00 tit m rap a ins J00 PA 1'xi 30 0 secured Oct .Inn 113 ft 87 t.ti M .'. ft -- a 7:14 4la a7 a I av I t.ia 7ft an II

Transcript of Metropolitan E51 Trust Company - Chronicling …...I I I w: 10 Are Bond Purchases Now Opportune? The...

Page 1: Metropolitan E51 Trust Company - Chronicling …...I I I w: 10 Are Bond Purchases Now Opportune? The (real nd world-wid- e eipati' inn in credit and sluorplion ol cspi' til, which




Are BondPurchases

Now Opportune?The (real nd world-wid- e eipati'

inn in credit and sluorplion ol cspi'til, which his depresied ill invert-ment- t.

hm been fflecliely checkedand rupital i accumulating for fifltimt in number ol yean.

Under nurh'conditioni it invirii-bl-

tttVt aund bond, inch 11 arereadily convertible into cuh, indgood bond are trowing icirce indidintin. We believe thfy srgoing hlithrr.

Send for list ofConsercatice Investment Bondt

Plympton,Gardiner & Co


Mrmhrra . . Mark Kraan

Confidence InviolateThe value of an investment bankingorganization to the investor maybe measured by the quality of theinvestment service it renders.Each investor bates purchasesupon the results from his previousinvestments.The foundation of our investmentservice is thorough investigationto establish true and permanentworth before purchase.Such methods safeguard the inves-tor's funds continuously as thoughthey were our own.

II rt'r fur nw (lfrrlnit of Soundloriilt, YirMltiii i'.. M "i

N.W.Halsey&Co.49 Wall Street, New York

Phllade.rtiU Chlcaeu ."inn FraiitUm

Harris, Forbes & CoSun-e-n N W HurrU A IV, H. T.

Pin Strset, Cor. WilliamNEW YORK

act icfi'ttil .ikiik for miinielpalit ic-- . and corporation anddeal in IiirIi grade munici-pal, and public utility

Bonds lor InvestmentI

Finlev Barrel, & So.74 BROADWAY

Bankers and Brokers

Nfn York vo I, return.Members New. ( .o ion I vcIkiiir-'- .

I Chic.'iK" P.omi of I'r.idv

Two exclusive private wires tothe West.

Chicago 203 So. LaSalU St.

STANDARDln4tr mat O In Inn from

lurthir ui hrrhtamlanl Oil I niinaril.Slii k

7trhHn n hluh Mi nimartL m rcqut t.!

CAPL H. PFORZH-IMC- RI'himi l1n.."-- . IIkm.I t x V

WANTEDIIMI MuxluhUil I'anrr Coin,

tin ll null i:dlnnJIHI c.rrnl Nnrlhern I'sperI oil urthrrn State rawer I nm.IIMI Slnmlarrf 4!a A lllertrle PM.IIMI I' tilled SUIe. Flnl.hllig Pfd.

FREDERIC H. HATCH & GO.Aeiv lurk lluslon

.ill llrind HI. .Ml I'nagrea Ml.rrhsle lelephane lirl .'. V.. Ilo.los. Phils.

Public Utility laauaa(ought and Sold

Saoclal Raporta on any Companyon Requeat.

WILLIAMS. McCONNELL t COLEMAN sBond tttnrk 1ln Wall St. rhnne 4U Jnhn Mew Tor I

American Public UtilitiesSouthern California Edison


United Light & Railways I

H. F. McConnell ft Go.lift Pins Nt. Phone 0004 John New York.

Henry Clews & Go.It. 13. 1ft, 17 and 19 IIIIOAD ST. l

MKMRKIM N. Y. STUCK KXCIIANOr:. ilocks aad Bonds bnuihl ond sold for

Investors; also carried nn liberal terms, 'llanklac Arroanla received subject tocheck si sight. Interest paid nn dally balances,

1. 1; r T K II H 9 CRKUIIliiued available the world over.


Wa Deal In I


Hallowell& Henryft--J Heatar Nt.. V Y. lei. Ilroad 4Po5

Wm.A.Read&Co.Investment Bonds

Cer. Nassau 4 Cedar Street. New YorkChlcaio Pblladelplila liotou London

E. tC. RANDOLPHUtmbcra New York Sinrk IScnanca.Ill Broadway. New York.

Met Ml ftpM HlTllt lICaTttlU OMtrlmtt. r. SHir.i.ns. uir.

Taaktts kt IaMtBaai aad oihtr lsurltlaaf of tfca I'alud suua. CaaatU aaa UnSSST



h'niwast MihIp Abnuiil hiiiI How

It Co in pare With Kvciits

unit ProsiM'i'tx.


Wi'rlil Conditions ami Complica-

tions TliroHtencd liy


Speaking lust July nl the half earlygeneral merlin of the Kieat I'nlon ofl.oridun mill .Smith's Hank, Limited, Sir1'ellx Schuster, the Koternor nf the hank,tnnile suinclhlni; of a forecast nf probabledevelopment In the balance of tin- - yearwhich particularly Interesting to mullnt thl time. Sir IV I U Ik otic nf the mosteminent uf Itrltlsh bankets anil authorityusually attitches In tils utterances onfinancial conditions. Ill remarks whichare ahotit to be quoted here attl actedwide attention at the time oftheir moderate optimism, hut huve piuha-lil- y

been forKotteu. by now. He said:"The late r.ord Avrhury used tn ."ay

that, given a 5 per cent, bank rate for afall ly pmlonited period, Kolil would besine to flow Into Muidon, and althoughthe demand fr,om many quartern hadcrown of late yeni I think the a Ilia;remain tine even a little moretime than formeily may be required totil Ink' about the result. Thus there seemsto be no leasnn whatever for taklnfc analaimlst view of the monetary ltuatlon;If only we hold oilr hand for a llttln whileand do not lend too freely to foreign na-

tion the economic position of the countryIs so sttont that gold will flow In natur-ally and ne -- hall well be able to deal withthe usual autumnal demand as they .'nine,A certain amount of how-eve- r,

I necessary In the matter of newlaur of capital, ami the general develop- -

ment which has been so rapid during the'past few e,us may sslbly be somewhatretarded, but with the exercise of a fairamount of caution It Is probable that wneed not apprehend any excessively highrate for money (luting the autumn, sothat the latJe and prosperous trade of thecount y may progress without disturbanceor hltidiance. That theie will lie a con-siderable employment for money Is lie.tonddoubt. It Is needed fur the developmentof the newer count! les which In lecent

enr have added so gieatly to the volumeof our own export and It I desirable that

uch development should not tie suddenlyresttlctrd. but peace must be restoted, anda l eduction should take plate In the vatside of unpiodiictlte exendltuie amouKall Kuiopean nation, an expcnditiitcwhlch tniit have the most setiom coimc-ouenc-

on the economic dev clopmeut ofthe world at laige."

.ompntlng this survey with the hap- -

peulngs of the last thlee month andwith the liuieli(linK prospect what do wefind'' Among other thing we tlnd thatgold has not Mowed Into London tiut outof It To be ure. the Hank of Kngland'sdiscount rate fiom Aptil 17 last toOetohei --' was is per cent and not .I,but the tlit week of letilin to , ier cent,did not i bet k the outwaid tlow of gold,especially fiom the bank Itself Kffortswele made during the summer to spatethe tending hand In London, tiut neitherthl nor the economic position of thecoiinttj suttlced. tt tiring In much goldwhile expoits of gold continued. Theability of financial Loudon to deal withautumnal demands has become debatable,and ceitalnly since the advent of autumntheie has been mi practice of

III the new luea of capital, de-

spite the Incieasiug congestion of theInvestment markt. I!ritlh trade. nc onl-ine to the Augut and September state-ments, has not progressed without hin-drance or disturbance, for the report

how i cactlnmir tendencies. Further-mul-

the exploitation of wealth creatingiesouic In new couutiles has been sud-denly i est nc ted by the cm tallment ofcapital and t redit supplies with whichtireat llill.iln and the rtst of Kuropehave for years past been satisfying: vora-cious nppetllr. Nor has there been arestoration of peace in the llalkans nora i eduction in the scale of unproductiveexpenditure by the nations of Kurope sofar as i oncet ns the toll taken of wealthto sunpoit huge military atmaments.

Tluse are ienon why there has beenfiesh financial unsetllement abroad Inthe last few da vs. and tbe.v partly explainwhy whatever I tend there may he in ourown countrv toward contiactlon of volMines and values has received some arcel'lallon. What was said in these coIiiiihij

week ago about the momentous slg.nlllciinc of Hie ltstoratlmi of the Hankof KriKla nil's tlisrount rntc to 5 per heen etnplinslieil ly the occurrencesami inillciitloiss since. It vsas iolnled outhere that the elevation' of tile hank ratewas a nnniliiK sIkii. although It was

that liniueillnte Inferences of ndefinite i hanii'ler ns to the causes of thewarnlnK miuht not lie any more readilydrawn than nsuallv the tnse lien themost slKtilfli ant nf all financial per-centages changes In the direction ofmoney mniket stringency. Kvents seem,however, to make the meaning of Hie ,

per cent, bank rate n little clearer.The weeklv statement of the Hank of

KiiRlatul published last Thursday showedthat it has lost almost $10,000,0(1 ftoldnftor raislnir the rate. Its present Kold

boldliuts aie almost $20,000,000 belowthose of a vear ago, which were In turndecidedly lielow an amount that wouldtie considered normal or sntlsfnctoiy evenIn relatively undlstiii bed times. Mean-

while the Hank of France, the Hank nf(iermany and mot of the other centialtianks abroad have been able, althoughveiv mticb at the rxpense of domesticconditions, to recruit nolil supplies abovelast year's figures, and In some cases,notably nt Rllln. lo establish n recon!maximum. Circumstance would 'there-for- e

suggest llutl the world's central. money market nnd Its central institution. are at a illsailvaulaice which cannot beI pel milled loni; to continue and that there,lis rif Imminent likelihood of a fuither; ilse In the London bank rate If theie areI special causes for uneaslne. regarillng

the Hiltlsb flnsnrlal position. Aie therenot'.'

Is not something of the sort signifiedby the relapse of consols to about theItiw record price? How about the chokedand suffocated status of the British

market, on which new canitalpromotions have been pouring; In a flood,the offerings coming fiprn everywhrie,

I0.000.000 of Bt. Petersburg-- 4Via at !'Jiv,tlT.fiOO.OOO nf New Zealand 4s nt M'i.

land so on, i ni". nt,, hiuiuurh unnei-- I

writers have had to take 80 per cent.I and more of Ihe latest offering, one ofj the worst fallurea of flotations belnif the

!2,3u0,0in of cltv of Vancouver 4 Vis at!',"., for which public subscriptions nf nnlv14 per cent, wera received. Again, whatIs in be thought of the aymntoma of dis-

tress noted In the continuous fall of out-

standing security Issues of the newercountries tn which Hlr Felix Schuster

In Brazilians, Canadians and tholike?

i We must recognise that foreign financehas a critical problem on lta handi, fordm anluitnn of flur own economic nrob- -

ems will bo hampered or facilitated bythe outcomes of foreign conditions. KuropeI carrying over all the strain of thopast year resulting from the outbreak ofwnrfurc In the Balkan, In which as yetno effective peace ha been made, Therehas been no political or financial settle-ment nf the Issues Involved In the

nf the Near Kastern queatlen orcrowing out of tho conflict, ahlch ortil- -


nally started as a crusade of the llnlkanalllc against Turkey. Delay has con-

stituted a protraction of monetary strain,and protraction alone, wltluvit any

of strain, I debilitating, Hutthere has hern nggl avatlnn of slialn, theunwelcome Incie.ise coming fioni lb"

n (oimttles, which havej

ocrn in i iiFiuinrii i,, m) iii iiii,,.- - ",iiipltal anil ciidll. Inning the hot earKurope has had to rut down and finallyalmost to shut off supplhs nf money tosuch countries and ha tven hud to with-dta-

funds to some extent fiom debtorlands. The tesult ha been that theie Is

y tiouble so acute In South Americathat It Is described a ctisKwhile almost everywheie else debtor na-

tions ale In difficulties. As long as pub-lic and private borrowei could obtainmoney on their notes and mnrtgngis theycould maintain the pace of even extrava-gant progress, but now the nuestlon I

what shape they are In to meet theirobligations If pressure has to be enduted,sod what iffccl of strain In the newercoutitlles will be tdlected In stl alliedKm ope.

Kconomli' cau and consequence ateheie seen inciting; In a vicious circle andsomething may ovcur to bleak the cornice- -lion happllv. but this Is no time lor met-- .'weaning lellance on customary assump-tion that "everything will wort, nut nillight." Thl Is a time when thing have'got to be worked out with all the skilful '

diligence and CHrefulne that can be)brought to bear by the manager of

cnleipi Is and the leadetsof tlnaiiie,with all the help that can be lent by the1head and dlrectois of government. It l

not going too far to use Hie word cilslIn connection with the whole fotelgn lt -nation. At such a Junctuie the aid ofgovernment can rarely consist of any-thing moie than acts of political self,denial and abstinence fiom Intel feience,tut this much set vice, government canalwav perform.

It I no time for stale repetitions of thoothlng saying with which confidence

was teassuied during the last veal, suchas that thete was no trouble except thetrouble caused by a foollh popular hoanl-In- g

of cash In continental Kurope, Cmsny competent person fall to see that tbewoild's tlnances ale In a state of grave,dlsntder, that the brunt of the task ofitrjltig to set them right has fallen onKm ope, and that the weight naturally fallmost heavily on the world' capital offinance, !ndon" la-- s than a uuartei ofa century ago very much the same kind ofcondition subjected the Old Wot Id to thewrench of a mot violent dlslottloii and'banklng lai'ltlons. as nell aof speculative anil Investment commit- - i

ments. Tha same set of factor I neverrepeated at two similar ptilod" in thesequence of economic events, and In allthe resemblance there are differences be-

tween the condition noted y andthose offering In the late 'Mi and early'SUJ. Thete is piobably a far gleateritotal of resources now better concentratedto cope with emergencle than there vvathen, but now. as then, tiouble has beenhi ed of a most Itioidlnate consumption ofKuropean rapltal and ciedlt both f,u thelegitimate and for the oversoeciibitlve 'exploitation of the wealth fiioduclnu possibilities of new counttle. Theie must hea tendency toward simllai If nut Identical'consequences from similar If not Identicalcauses, and Kuropean tlnanclHl energiesare plainly being everted to aveit 01 mini-mi le the results of an eta of excessiveeconomic stimulation facllltatx! bv theperfection of capitalizing processes and ofthe machinery for expanding cieit

We have mutii at slake In the 011I1 ninesof the rassioents with which Ku-rope Is ,sti uggling, Ourselves a bin row-ing nation, we cannot fail to be nfTectedby the necessities which may arise In

our creditor on permanent capitalaccount to the extent or billions or dollatsApart fiom that the peipetuatloii of ourforeign market depends on the persistenceof foreign buvlng power, while the flee-do-

of our home market fiom oppiesslveforeign competition is involved In thepreservation of the maikets alieaily

for the abruption of the c

capacity of other lanris. To whatextent the state of I lie woild's Hade, andespecially the state of Kuiopean finance,has alieady affected us or Is going toaffect us further cannot now be ascer-tained or demonstrated : but It is Idle tosuppose that we have not begun to make j

lespotise to such conditions as have beenIndicated, How, much comprehension ofthis Is there at Washington, where elabo-rate programmes are being executed orflamed for the puriHive of setting up new ,

ideas of government In the Held of t lade.intliistilal and financial endeavoi " Verv'little. It is to be feared

Their Is absolutely no evlilenie timttin- - Ailinliilstmtion and Its suiipoitrts III J

I oiikTi'Ss Have Iicriiii lo ret'oKiilzr thetcalltle of the win III to.i!a Then- - Isvery evlflentc that Washington vsltare

wauileiliiK In a norlil of mil ealltit s noun- -111 leu liy an extiloiteil mass of struKk'lluir I

souls thMarteil In rvery uny anil IkiiiihI i


to milftsti nill'nnlnBu Thui lu utdence Washington legaiils the rouii-trj'- a

ablest citizens, whether In lines of,corporate Industry oi hanking nttlvlty, asenemies to the public wasf.ire. The Wash- -Ihgtoii atmosphere seem Inflamed with

manias that piovoke oftraltoious conspliacy In every ptntestwhich Is voiced against the economic un-wisdom of tearing the of the Industrial oiganuatlnn pieces in a vainattempt to testore the social order as Itexisted fifty years or ago.

ir there ever was a time calling forsanity and deliberate piocedure In ourhigh political places It Is now, when thereis spread before anxious eves the un-

mistakable symptoms of n worldwideeconomic derangement of a deep seatednature. Civilization nu) not be able tolecover Its equilibrium or restore stability to value without painful sndarduous fiom which wenut selves t annot Nevel tlieless,assuming that a peiind of depressed volumes and values may have to Intervenebefore another eia of expansion, thetransition can he accomplished In one oftwo was. It can tie oiderly enoughslow enough to mitigate Its hardships orit cun be so accelerated as to coinniunl-cut- e

a shock eveiy Inteiest In the land,and recovery from shock delay

the normal recovery from de-

pression.Whatever tiappens abroad vse doubtlesN

cannot help. For what herewe be ourselves responsible. Whenconditions already contribute totviml a

or loss of Unit force whichbusiness linn nee know us toutldencewhat wiser course could politics pursuethan piosecute with utmostpolicies of so railed which dealdirectly with the terms anil basiseconnmjc eiiteiniise'.' What unwisdomcould be greater to manifest ruth-- 1

less purposes to carry out progianinie" i

of social conceived In seasons of i

full blown piospcrlty when It seemed asthough nothing could be whichcould paralyze enterprising ambition,curtail to wealth creatine en- -'

tleavor or contract as much as one)

day's Job or one dollar of wage thequantity of work and profitable tcwaidfor every labor willing Individual? Withwhat satisfaction will Washington bo ableto contemplnle any wreckage of pros-peilt- y

which It has helped to scatterthioiigh a land whore work ha In be.

found the men of ability who canfind It In order to keep a hundred millionpeople happy through emplo-men- t?


High- - t.nw-Clo- Net 1113M1 est. lllg ge mien l.nvr

4 AlUm P. 4t. 57 V 70 S3', 7t1 AlliSll .Ti. M' M' '' Wl 1ft Alll Ch f.s rtf 4 4 4 - 11.1 W;

lo Am A trie Chrv5 100 HI1!; - i9 I0l? M

J Am It tt I. As lf'f itVi inn'-- i - I02'v ie.

in Amlredebas. 7 T xi) To14 AmSmltSecto H4 l4 -- 1 im nit

nl AniTATpvl'i1(0 WAi Wi M I0i m1 Am T T cv

'liiii pd no to. no -- I'jioi'i o'i15 Am f&T rlt 4 "' ' )H ' t M

I Am Tubes. II II II 2 1M ItsAm Writ I'S. s.1l M s.V,' ' na1 SI

II ArmiiiirPj . 01 Wi' M1, SB'S

ATAMf cv S lot !("' tot '.Mov. in2 ATASP rv is. 9I( HI1 !'

s A T 4SI' cv Islano tll'i 01', m'j (13

I AT.sffnl !, i ici no tool aM VTASPcnK. Ol' 3'-- t, l"' W',tt A I A S f sd

4Std .. NK'v K't Ml. - H M7 AtlGl.lne SIS 0l4 H', I, IT.', 7


iiillrcs .. . W s '

i llaldnlnl.Js tm'j HUh IMS - W-- i I034R II A Oev i. Ul't K K.12 II tt O cold 4. .", K : Ml',

Dl'j2 nniM.i:.

W V4l Mi M'i Vi - I, WU W4.11 llAOS'f M't OO! ! 'IS MAO SV ,1' ss S7 S7 - U 9 sis

llelh Steel is, l't t' 0I' bCc K'i7 HcthMtrelfdf

si gi 2 mi --.,JllltT , ini toi ino -- ViWi '

l& llltTcvca .. ;i sflU ' -- l4 WW MSM Ilka U Kl 1st Pt'c M'i Wi S Wl'4 W

3 llkn Un Kl Islsld W'c H'i ' - H IOII4 U

llkn t (ins 1st I0V lOJ'c 10514 P4 im'i PU'jI lint It A P.I .li lii l" OS 03

pi lluh Term 4

Oivrvrmpl Hit, (US !' !' S.1 MushTrrllldg

1st g(d 4 sl'i 4'j e S l M17 r.d(iAt:S MS M S ! HI

I CansdsSiSs loft'j HISS ItttS - - IMS I'M'SPI Cent (! i n M 104 I0SS 104 S 10 KIJ

It c'l.e.vthn.1.. Wi tu's 4i ' VI Ol'ili Cent ISc ttt . 2S 2!4 92' - Ti ; 90

3 CRKof .VJSS.II4S I13S 114 tISS H2S1 Central VI 4s. S4 S4 S4 4-- S" s

ICAOJs toss Hi&i tolU S no ic--i

33. C A O 4Ss S.1 4S - S 101 SIS34 C A Ocv 4'-- oS SI) SO ICS

I CAAIMS e M .S3 M M ,V1

113 CilAUlnt 4s :il mcS 4S . U os'i 03

2 CIIAyjnt 4s r. M' MS Mi -- ' 00 ICS2 CIlAy 111 SS. MS MS MS US S '

0 HA Xeb 4. 3S US S S 7 03

I Chtiasl.ACSs tin ml lot IS 103 sI Ch! A fit V 4s. 74 tS ' S 71

ClAtxiuSs 117 117 117 lift nasi2 t I A Lou is IIOS 1"2S l"2S - I". l"2S

1.1 ChlMIIAI'ucrl I

Nillllit 4s. . tl 1S 83 H M "'.1 C M AMP

C A t It IIU 103 103 -- I i 10M, 104


c a l' w i I02S lies loj't H Wt 101S I

CM AMPcv4S . .. loss 101s 10IH -- IN toon too

S7 CM ASII'gmSs 102S to? ioj -- ! :s

I CM A MIMer WS S 1SirUl M I' Is ST, 93S WIS 4-- N ! tS4 C S1S S2S S2S - IS 7a

14 C A V Wron PCS IU2S I'CS -- I I03S I'OS1 canW sf 5 r nt! pa no --2S 102 102

f A w Mil

AX 4 .' VIS 02 - S 94

i'IVIV cm 4. us his ! . US'.t t'A .' S2'. 2 2 . - S MS

CAN". 3'jte HIS 2' S2S elS MSt ill Itvs tslft l.s

LH CH1AP lilt is .21-- , IS MS 1 j

Ji C It I A V ItvIs let ItW j lill I'M I04S I'1

10 CHI AP Itv 4S. li Ift'i US 9IS "I21 CHI A Prf 4s. :, 70 ;o - 5, ssS

C.St I'M AO 39 .I0IS I0IS' IUIS I02S s3 (In I) A I 1st. 97S 97'j 97S loo's H7SI CVCA I ron 7s HS I0S 100S IS I0IS I"1',

II Col Incol tr ft l MS so'j ss 771, '

9 Col Ni 4 . U2 2 92 BIS VIft CtilSti n 4S 92, liVS 92S S UIS li',ICA9lhAV3 9SI4 9S 9S I S 9SSc t'un's (las of

Chlfts ion 99'j too nrj win,3 dun l'l tut ft

PCI 91 HI t S MS 90'la (Julian fts imK, in)', m, ', c7 (d'i

II CatnliTelfts 7'j UiS 97)1 IliuS 90 j

la liel A II rv 4s. 7S U7 117 - S s O.'e'tI I) ATI fit ft 1JS, 90S' - S W s

37 HAM (ir refftt 73S .2', 73S S MS "

14 II A I! fir 4s S.1I-- , Kl'j MS S S susl'l t et I 1st IS 71 7S 70S 7.V,

131 Ills .see Cor fts :s fS I MSin l)u Pont is s.v sft sftS - S ' OS

lotfS IimSS2S M

II Kile CO 4 . 7.1 75S JIS It, 7lt MSli lien l.lec Si . I iS 10:11, IU3S I's I'C'S PUS

4 (irn Mndiros 09', vi w S nnII (it Nor IS. 9 9 loos 90S

1 (ill AWdeltll. 15S l!' US 17S itI Hurl. l IS 100 99 Kin S PUSs IIATrX'enlt in in 9.1 -- 1 94

IV III C If is IIIV1. 91 till, 91 HO SSI,s III .steel 4's . SJS MS iS S 'tlS

47 IndUnaStl.Vi 9i S '""l S HUS tS1S2 Intertsiro II T

!t sr A ins I04S 10s.

;0 tiilri tniio Meltol tr 4'-- . 77S 7SS 7'iS J SIS 71

I Int Xav rss ; 7 7 S 7051 Ini Paper ns. nc 10? pr. mi ton

7 Intl'spercvJ vi s.'S ! JlS 2S7 Iowa On Is M M .v.. VIS 4S

.Upsliese IS st ss ss S 9S3 IvS A t :d is lev :.s U.VS e S 99 111

KO I tS4M ns imi hiss H9 111', luv9 Kant'SaifA jo) isl to - S is o.i5 KSnClt).so3.7il ostA9S S 7: oI KanCltvlerl IC'S WS MS S 90S

K & lies M Itl HI 01 HI I tw IllI Ky('rn(4 s7 sj f7 - it ir.n, S7I K f i:l A P (!

1907 uss !!:' ii'.'S S in 107KloKsCols sltl s;n, s.'S s?S S ss MS

9 UStcelSt lic.1 u.1,

rrJS - S MS 9ISM l.ksteel.vs I9l.i USS '

1 0'S S 'el' , inI t.acleilrtiss.'is pus 1'Si'j Iki1, S PC's !nS

to servltllile liy class of mure or less I in'ViCcon'.s.linS nV, lii, 1

wicked who have seUeil power 31 KilervosrA. 7iS --

thioURh pet veitlllK irlile(ril oppoi tunlty 172 Kileevissr II. 72S 71', 7I - V


heated suspicious



















I I. KrleAW HI urjs tn:i, hcS 111 a misM I.SftM.SUIB.'S. H3S IC 92 S IH'v ll !

IS I.SAMSIsimi. tin, HI ul',- 1, ii;., v,',.'I Vol iSs .urns pms iikP, iiip, nmM; I.eVal I'naiaslUES HCS nr.", :', I0.V, no ,'

17 i.lgccttAAl i:n', .hi, litis e s IWS nSII l.lifjetlAM.'is us ui'j !i7i-- i S It't l I

I l.lslnnis s;s s.'i's '', 'IS MS sill.'i I, a, , Is , '.US HIS Hi 4. t, ne, mi,

I Msnliillaii Is, 11.1 IMS 92 - s "i sr.SIII Mntlne tllp'.s r,IS tl ill l', m', .MS

I Mich SUICIVI ,:.s uti ti'j mi S in IS 07

2'i MllaViir ' 09S wis 0'J's S lS 99S; MAM I, Is .MS M ''I .'S ,M

I MSPASSM is (.2 )l (17 910 Mil Iv A II 1st IUIS 101 101 ins tic,2 Mo Iv A ()' ."is 1(1 j HI'v Hi , IS I"!' H

1.1 Mob A TIs Ml SIS s;eS 1, BV SljJ. Mnlv AT2I 77 7P "IS 'S tl' 71

2.1! MKA P sf I' s KO , MS S k; HI1 Mo l A T f; 71 71 71 7iHS 7S.1 Mo Pe con nil1, PUS I'OS mi'v io:i2 MnlNtr.'. IMn 9P, III1, HIS 91', Hi

Harriman National BankFifth Avenue and 44th Street


The policy of Ihe Htrriman National Rank la lo establish withlis customers reciprocal relation baaed on mutual aatisfac.lion In the conduct snd transaction of business, and the per-sonnel of the administration offer every assurance of fair,liberal snd prompt dealing along broad and progressive lines.


High- - Net 1913Ssten en e.( lug, Cli'lllgh Low,

iiMoPsc5l!ii;. Ofi' !H' WIS- - IS ton .V

llo I'nc cv to1, ;ti', I', m ;;h2 Mo Par 4 S7 1,7 t7 -- I 70S 4

2 Morgnn'l,sAlev's nw Ids 10 -- 5 tin 10

12 Mar A I s 1st 0 101 101 - S I0.1S 101

21 .Nat Tube A :iV, 61'. M ' S vis (

2 .rvvklliSs H2S "2S HOS ' "OS I0IS2 ,VOrl MACS. I I Is - 3 S7 43

.I NV Air llrale, cvr, nij n tn.i M

2 XWnn.iHsoji.PH lou ini t tots' tn2 MtSnnllsnl.loii 1110 imi - 1, tots HIS1 M'.inal4s(C. WIS WS IWS S I0IS S7 .VVCcqS 'II, (CIS S WIS S WS 09S2 .W Cni 3'js SIS si' j S3'i S s;s sn'v1 XVCM'as reg. si SI si 1 MS sn

Tl .WOl.S.l'j. SIS Mi'i 0i -- I 2Ss NL'I..S3Sr si so to Vi si ?7 XIT M 03Ss. 7(1 77'j 77S1 sn 73

WCASII.I. S' MS WIS I WIS H3'4lilt XVrity tSs'M

if m ret , I03S toas lias-- - s IMS w'ift X V city IS

in'.; . . MtlS loas ions - S I03S 00S6 X V City 4S

, 1837 new ..I0.1S ins 113 S IonX V City 4S

1917. . lots lot tots S IOIS I'"3 X V City 4S

11X10 0S OS '"S S IMI( MSV, X VCIH 41939. Pi !I4S !li S 7S !S12 NCltyllnts. lifts fft1, flftS ( S 7S !S13 XVCItyiIM7. O.'iS '! W aiS MIS1 X V as HI I,

II At' ft PBS I "3 l"2 IS 103' 4 UflJi7 X V (Lis CI I.

II A P 4s . 4 MS MS MSt X V X II A II

evil .. HIS in III t- S 12 lo'3J NVX1IA1I cv

tleb os vv I HITS b S I"? i I07!( 1047 X V X II A II

s IKftH . t so so -- 7 SV4 SO

12 X V X II A II4s IBM. si) ? 7 -- 7 SS ti

10 X V X 11 A It3S 103! ret: M si M so sa

2 X V O A V 4s. M k S MS Rft

2S XVIttfd(4s. 75S 74S 74S - S 711 7JS212 XMt9dJSs. ftft .',4 34 IS 0' tl

01 XVTel gn 4S 9S 7S 17S - S S MH14 ,N Usteht

a Host (S. yy i 2S IS 9S sISI Xorf So Ss . w OS 3

41 X A Wrv4Sal04S I ".(' ln3S IS to, us6 Nor AW cv 4. 103 lai 103 IS 112S MII Nor A YV 4s. , t3'i OJS S ii W SS

lit .NorPae4. . HS IS 4S ! tSH IS2XorPcSs. 7S H H S!llu Or HyAXv 4s. ; t2 93 94 91

1 OrShort l.fts.iw I'Hi ions - H to 10314

3 Or S I, file 4s. 91 91 91 S 'S M7 Par Coast Itt.loos- - 100 ion ioi)sj 9

M I'acTATSs . 9S 9! H - t lot 93

M racT3Ssllft. 97S 97S S'S f 97S MTift Uaa A Coko

Mr si.... 99,' ws 9s'-!i- oa s3 Ptu A K 1st .. SIS "2 S MS H 79

10 I' C C A St L3'Ci ser K... 94 94 t94 90 90

s Plxirlllard7t.ll9 11a nv UiS lit21 Plorlllardfu. W'i M Kl 9WS 944

7 Publlc.servlrsCorp X J 5s. 90 9S MS S M WS

1 Ity Ml Spr f.s, WIS MS 90S uS 96

32 ItavCnC'opBl.llO IU7 107S -- IH 111 97SKdc reo 4. . ms 4i( 94s S 'S 9IS

7 Ul 94 94 4 OSS 9IS2 ttrplAS ..'34 103 PI2S l1" - 1 10J 1021 lieplA.s r.s So. m wi m 92S sS3 Itln (! Wis so si so SftS 70S1 Itoih A I' 1st lu;s p)7 1H7S S 110S 107',2 K wa o con mis i3'a nns IS toS 102

2 Stl. A I 3114. n M 79 S3 71U Ml, A Iron JU

ItlvA Cllf 4. MS U S2 - i 77S2 stl.ASFrnes to7 107 107 tin, iuin Ml.ASKcnft. 90S WS w; S iocs v?S1 M.AS1 SWS 94 94 lit 100 94

3 MI.AMI'fdK. 70S 70S 70S - S 7St Ki

III Ml. AM' rrnfttIIS7 ft3 M S3S ftos

22 Stl.SWHI . IS ) sos MS2 Stl.SWcotl Is. 7s 7 7

I SPMAMcims. HI Kl Ht S 93I Stl'A .Vl'acSs (S I00S I0S tlS 113 IHS'j

III SAA M'assls. s ns ?0S IS 9ft 79',2 SV.tlAM-:t- t Kl vie go iiftS IU

.12 .eti A I. sdl 74 73 .321 .Sollelll ATSs 9S U7S 7S mi 97' j

121 .so 4s . U.'S III ICS20 1'JIC let Is MtS 'J I ;ii Ul',

117 So ISc rv Is ?S S nns s4 sPacsir ter Is 7S

2ii Ni.itli Its :,s int h:iS 104 MV int2 S Itv St t. Is sf, Mi, SI, 11 ssl, 'v

is SullHj irrnts 7IS 7l'j 74S S ' 72 SS Msnil (in Us vtS 94 S "IS S lo"S5 Tenn Coal I A

lilt mi 'J so 99 10.1

I TrlssCncvs l 'S I'M I'"1 S IwS:'leAI'ltA.PCS P'l I'd -- I I07S Pm

9U Third Ave ref4new ... . soi TM, 7 1H S3S

4.1 Thlnl AveadJ.",s new . 7.. 73Vi :ss IS H'i

II To kin .. si (S sis HIS SI10 T SI 1. A W 4s :.t ft 1 47S

1 Lis A llet 1st l"l i(t ini 101S 10J

62 I Pc 4 us' o;s c7S 90S 9t

m 1 Pne let 4s M ICS !S S MS K'iI9U l'c cv 4s P21 VI HIS S 7 sa;t,

ir ititsr f.i is ;a wi .a at MS21 1' S ( 1011P 109 lo" 109 - IMS P'

fi I s;s lee ois t j ''4S 10IS 9S'1 ITS of MexA. 90 'H ( tS 90

(' Sof Men 4t 4 st si 1 S.S. S3' ,111 t Sl' cpn 99S 99S 9IS S K'3S IWS

Pi fsitublieros PCS PCS I'US 1'nS PHI

,UC LS Steel sf.Ss 110., 101 psi - H i'C oiS2 L'SSilsf .VsrelrtiS 100S liS iois 94 Va Ca llronn

llrosACnctf tS s' 4S IS Mf. Va I C A 0 .1 91 92 S 9.1 9

to Va llv .1. lisS lS 9H 9S1 VaASYV n M. !IS 91S 51', W I' tali;

on.Wshash isi tin', pS 10.1s - S iwis t''S3 Wall Isl t e toe 104 10 101 liltI Wah 1st llet ins 10.1 Prt 1 107 injs9 Wahath 2d .90', S 0S IS 99 9I'

07 M ali Pitts Terliytstlsetr lS I7S 17'. - i 37S ns

3 Wah ITItv 1st4CnlTrclffnrCrnTr I i l --JS IIS

1 Wall P Ter Ky2,1 (self S S s

47 Wabash en Is. .'41 4'S 4SS -- IS MS 4S29 Wah ex 4s Ku

Tr rtf std I7S S' 4S

I Wesln r.lecv pit leoS l"t 102 1, S3 Westn Md 4s 791, 79 7 sr, 7J

4 Westshoi 4s. HIS 94S US', ul2 West sh 44 c (US 9IS 91 S -- IS. 7S is.2 West t'n 99 UK', IIS

f, West L'n l',s 92S Vi - S , ssS21 W fstlntlimise

r.lec cv .'is ICS HIS HIS k ' oi s?SWhAl.f.cnU 75 71 74 t S s 70

I Hue cnl Is . "7 sr 7 "IS siIlonil sinles.

l.ast vtrtk.t8.inH.nOU.Pjrvin'.i wreu. 7,4iltl. 0(1(1Jan I liiilstr. till) I .! HS.Otm4Selerailar flat Seller S day rt ittSeller Uitlis tui


'flirt- - PresiTllir Wrlxtils ttml Npcptlsnf lii I or Vrhlflt'a.

Aiiiast, tot, I"- - .Itilm N Carlisle,t'liiiiiiilssliilit't' of lllKh'iis. tins IssiipiIlilies Mini resuliitlons fui tin- - protection I

of tin1 S t .11 o nnil roiinly inuils, paitlrii- - j

llilly I' I" til H"" "f tl.lflloil rllKllll'S,...... I .i,,i,l,i,iu u ill nmnlilli, tin,. La nnd nlttn. '

mobile buses. They will tnl.e effect Octo.her 2n, Copies have been sent tn everyfoiinty ami town siiperlnleiKlcnt of high-ways, who In case of lnlatlons may

In action nf tint tin- - penaltyliy Ihe hlRhway law, whlcli Is n

line of not less than MO anil not motethan 11"n fj'r each offence.

The iCRiilatlotis limit the welwlit of alltraction endues, steam rolleis, automo-bile truck ami oilier poner vehicles tofmiiteeii ton, which Includes the vehicleami lo.iil, escept bj special permission ofthe Stale Commissioner. Such chiclesi.iii.sInK a weiRht in excess of four tonsKhali not he opt rateil upon any State orcounty hlBhway nt a speed Kl cater thantlfleen Miles nn hour. For six tons wcluht,IncludlliR vehicle, the maxlmiini siwtl Issix miles an hour when such vehicle Isequipped with Iron or steel tires, aimtwelve miles nn hnortr when the tires atenf hard rubber or other similar subsliint.e,

Merrbiinta Hewitt l'amalTa,The winter campalsn of thn Merrhniits

AsMiclallon will be hcRun at u dinner ntthe Wnldoif on Nov ember K at which ills.iilHsioli will crntie alioiu how to pitiinnleln im it i c ia I Hupitinac of the .

Tin' M.tjoi elect will be lln pilncipalM'c.ikor, both IMwaid IC. McCall nnd JohnI S u ii i Mllclid ImxIiir piciiiImiI to bepicsriit,

Major Kline hsa alao bean Invited.

We Offer to Bankers Entire Issuesf

Mortgage Bondsnrl

Preferred Stocksissued by successful Public Service Corporations whichhave been financed by us, and which operate in sub-stantial and growing centres in the United States.

Bertron,40 Wall .St.


& Co.Title Huildinj

10 Boulevard Capuones

High grade security, earnings three times interest,a closed mortgage and an income yield sixand a quarter per cent, are features of the


The jfory of that fanjs is Inld in ore ncif ircua

William P. Bonbright & Co.Incorporated

14 Wnll Street, New YorkLondon Philadelphia Boston Detroit

Metropolitan E51Trust Companyif Am Oity ofJVQw YbrA


Accounts of Banks; Corporations, Estates,Firms, Trustees and Individuals, received, onwhich interest at current rates will be allowed.

Issues Letters of Credit and Draft-- ,available in all parts of the world.

Designated Depositary for Court & Trust FundsActs as Executor, Trustee, Adminis-

trator, Ouardian and Agent.


The Passage of the Income Tax will create complicationsfor everv Estate and evprv individual with an income of morethan $3000 a year.The Union Trust Company of New York intends to doeverything in its power to make compliance with the law assimple as possible for its friends and customers, and will nivemost careful consideration to this important matter as soon asthe bill is printed in final form and the Treasury reflationsissued.Correspondence or interviews in regard to the Income Taxor other problems relating to the (care of property will be wel-

comed. UNION TRUST COMPANY, 80 BroadwayCAPITAL and SURPLUS - - $8,300,000




I MHMHEIHH CapitalIHWBIW $2,000,000auiaauuiiULAgUUiiaaj

BKjUubbH Surplus

'mng 9,UvW,UUU

Tnutee. for Persona! Trusts

ruik a.?taaa aa 34k 14.. Hmw T.rk

Emuirr ulruat CompanyMAIN OFFICE. 42 BROADWAY

Breachessent Fifth Ateaae. caraer 43th Ureal.e)r. Cedar sireel, enraer Nattaa Slraal343 East Haaslaa Street.


MILLER, FRANKLIN A CO.Efficiency Engineer!

nHlll IMI.I. IIIHI.III.Mi. MW KlltKProdiiction iVlcretted Operating Eipenieiand CotU Reduced. Eximinationi and

on Profit Earning Va ue$ of Propert et.

j.fort, 35acon $. "iPavie

n$.irccrall BRtlAOWAV, NEW VORK v





RallroaS mm

nu -- Week endedvlebl. .sincUs Sales, tilth. Low

0 HO iiam T.ipressAlaska Cold ::otio sus :riAllltCbmsMh pd.AlllarbmpMli pd 40(1 1 7 17Amaletmtd Cop 1MM1I0 7ft!S 7Am lleet Siiesr i:sn a4ij

8 1111 m Pert She pt(i .a ft Am Ac Chem'i an m Ae Ch pf7 in m HraKe Shoeft. as Am llr Shoe p(

Am Can7.4(1 Am Can pf4 lift Am Csr ft I'.ft (Ml Am Car ft F pt

Am Citieslo p Amer Cities pfN.OII Am ColK 47 Am (;oal l'rotl7.011 m Coal Prod pt

Am Cotton Oil ,i,loo

Hill Am Cot Oil pf ionio :i Am llapress im

Am Hide ft I,Am II ft I. pf .inn,Vti Ire Secur 3.1llAm l.lnseedAm I.liibeed pi sunAm Locomotive. I.Mill

7, OH Am l.oco pf sonAm Malt Corp. .mil

II.OII Am Malt Cor pfII .'A Am Smelling 1.1 1.Ml

7.(1 Am Smeltlnz pf . 70(1

(I I 7 Am .smelt See ..7 7 4 Am Snutt.(J Oil Am Snufl pf ,inn

Am Steel I'd)' . . 40(i


no 1

a7u11,4 Am Sucar iann no(1,14 Am Sugar pt I I I

Tel CableII Am Tel ft T 1KMIII I'.'ItU

Tobarco :iio aatHaToll pt ne ion 101

a. i 7 WalerWks ptAm oolen inn a a

S Ml m odlen pt ami hi laAm rlt pi I on I tn

e. iHI Anarnnda t'4'.nU.40 AueUKeellltn.. 70

GriscomI and









Does the Income Tax

Affect Your BONDS?Consult I's

Mrmtiers New York hint' a nanceBroad St., New York

Philadelphia Chicago Boston Hirtlord

Stock Eiclianse 108 Sa Congress 39 ferIniieisi Ls Sails St Strait Strut

WE OWN AND OFFERami ninrlraee tinnils by th bl(Rsiclas or lmpTovrri. income.proaiieinj, oa.trallv Inratnl properly, 'lo yield OS aad fS. W. Straus & Co. urniw

Mortgage mnJ Bond Bankerairsua aulKlr.c Cm Wall trlPSsno HEW TV..

amessss- -




SO Pine 8treet New Vork


(llhrr Skarssau11 i!.i

Clnslnc Cbaigs. Highest. ! nwtlftO J.m (1 w '

7S a4.fl (lei I (i s,Oct I

Ilia Sept 41 J ,1i rSOIa Sept is Si ,1

ftoia .'n : I n ' ,1

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