Methodology (Putrajaya)

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Transcript of Methodology (Putrajaya)

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)





    The Infrastructure development plan inclusive of planning and design for the

    Project by the Consultant shall:

    Fulfill the Projects needs Optimize on development cost

    educe conflict of utilities and to achieve a !ell integrated plan of

    infrastructure implementation

    Comply to Perbadanan Putrajayas "PP# re$uirements

    The approach to derive a concept for development of various infrastructure

    components differs from each other as outlined in the follo!ing sections% Inessence the concept shall be a !or&able and efficient system design of

    infrastructure utilities for the project%


    The Consultant shall adopt the follo!ing processes for the development of

    'arth!or& Plan:

    (a) (ata collation

    (b) Field reconnaissance and verification of data%

    (c) e$uest for additional survey and investigation%

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    (d) 'stablish the concepts that meet the design approach

    (e) Conforming to PPs re$uirements

    (f) Preliminary platforms levels setting

    (g) Preliminary cost estimates

    2.1 Data Collation

    evie! all available information pertaining to

    )% *urvey dra!ing for the area

    +% Topographic map !ith scale ) :,-.--- from survey department

    /% '0isting land use

    1% *urrounding development

    ,% 2oundary conditions and constraints

    3% 4vailable soil investigation reports

    5% Proposed land use plan

    2.2 Fiel Re!onnai""an!e an #e$i%i!ation o% Data

    "a# Field trips shall be made to substantiate the data received. monitor itscorrectness and to understand the site characteristics. current conditions

    and constraints%

    "b# In addition. areas of unsuitable materials. soft ground. lo! lying areas.

    natural !atercourse and flood plan shall be captured% The Consultant has

    to ta&e note of any changes to the e0isting condition or landscape !hich

    differs from the information received% 6erification of data is critical at this

    stage as it has financial repercussion on the final design of earth!or&%

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    2.& Aitional S'$#e( an in#e"ti)ation

    "a# In the event discrepancies are found or omissions of certain crucial

    information upon verification of data. the Consultant is to re$uest for

    additional survey to be underta&en%

    "b# *ubsurface e0ploration by means of boreholes and seismic refraction

    survey may need to be carried out to determine the general bedroc&

    profiles so as to determine the irregularities of the bedroc& profile in

    various parts of the site. if sub7surface soil investigation by means of

    boreholes reveals irregularities of bedroc& profile underlying the site%

    2.* E"ta+li", t,e !on!e-t" t,at eet t,e e"i)n a--$oa!,

    The concepts adopted in designing most economical and feasible earth!or& and

    platform levels are as follo!s

    )% Optimize8ma0imize on the volume of cut and fill "minimize earth!or

    Ideally this shall follo! the natural terrain of the site+% 4chieve cut and fill balance in the overall development

    /% To avoid cutting into hard material or roc&

    1% 9inimize on the use of retaining !all by adopting split levels !ithin

    building platform

    ,% 9a0imize on land use

    3% Consider the implementation of the scheme in stages8parcels% This

    aims to &eep the earth!or& movement !ithin the parcel at a

    manageable level !ithout resorting to long haulage% Furthermore. it

    enables the parcels to tie in !ith the overall development plan

    5% To ensure interface !ith neighboring areas be it developed or e0isting

    can be achieved%

    % To consider the preferred locations to site utilities such as

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    a% ;ater reservoir"s#

    b% *uction tan&"s#

    c% *e!age pump house"s#

    d% *e!age treatment plant

    e% 9ain drain reserve"s#

    f% (etention pond"s#

    2./ Con%o$in) to lo!al a't,o$itie" $e'i$eent"

    In appreciation of the site natural land profile !hen developing the plan. the

    policy and guidelines asserted by the relevant authorities shall be observed at all

    times% The major guidelines pertaining to earth!or&s are as follo!s%


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    2. P$eliina$( -lat%o$ "ettin)

    a3 Lan !la""i%i!ation

    The Consultant shall carry out land classification using licensed 4uto Civil /( for

    the !hole site to demarcate the categories of different classes of land !ithin the


    +3 Plat%o$ "ettin) an ea$t,4o$5 !o-'tation

    2y considering the concepts outlined earlier and authorities re$uirements. the

    Consultant shall come up !ith a preliminary layout for the earth!or&% The

    earth!or& cut and fill volume for each pac&age are computed using 4uto Civil

    /(% The computation !ould include the amount of roc& cutting. if any. based on

    the inferred bedroc& profile%

    !3 Slo-e "ta+ilit( anal("i"

    To obtain approval from >? and I&ram. the Consultant needs to prepare@eotechnical 4ssessment eport to ascertain long term stability of cut and fill

    slopes !ithin the development site%

    2.6 P$eliina$( !o"t e"tiate

    The Consultant shall come up !ith the preliminary costing for the earth!or& that

    is inclusive of the use of retaining !all. brea&ing up of hard material. roc& blasting

    and hauling and environmental protection measures. such as silt fences. earth

    drains and sediments control basins and other ancillary !or&s%

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    &.0 ROAD S7STE8

    The Consultant shall adopt the follo!ing processes for the development of oad


    "a# (ata collection of e0isting main roads

    "b# Field reconnaissance and verification of data%

    "c# Apgrade or !idening of e0isting road in accordance !ith TI4 report

    "d# Proposed road system that conforms to

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    &.* P$o-o"e $oa "("te

    The proposed road system shall conform to ?s

    definition% They are as follo!s:

    "a# '0press!ay

    "b# 4rterial

    "c# Collector


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    &. P$eliina$( !o"t e"tiate"

    Apon finalizing on the road system for the Project. the Consultant is to prepare

    the preliminary costing for the implementation of the road system%


    The Consultant shall adopt the follo!ing processes for the development of

    (rainage Plan:

    "a# (ata collation

    "b# Field reconnaissance and verification of data%

    "c# e$uest for additional survey and investigation%

    "d# (efine boundary condition%

    "e# (efine e$uirements and needs%

    "f# 'valuate condition and capacity of e0isting infrastructure%

    "g# Carry out Preliminary Bydrological 4nalysis

    "h# Carry out Preliminary Bydraulic analysis

    "i# (evelop (rainage Plan options% ecommend preferred option%"j# Preliminary Cost 'stimate%

    *.1 Data Collation

    The Consultant to obtain the follo!ing data:

    "a# Topographic map !ith scale ):,-.--- from *urvey (epartment%

    "b# Contour survey or grid survey of the project area%


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    Conduct field trip to verify data received and to understand the site conditions.

    constraints and problems% 6isit lo!7lying areas that are fre$uently flooded%

    Formulate preliminary drainage concept and alternatives%

    *.& Aitional S'$#e( an in#e"ti)ation

    To identify the re$uirement as !ell as the scope of any additional survey and

    investigation !or&s%

    *.* De%ine Bo'na$( !onition

    To define drainage catchments areas and drainage boundary condition for the

    project areas%

    *./ E#al'ate Conition an Ca-a!it( o% E9i"tin) In%$a"t$'!t'$e"

    To compile inventory of all e0isting drainage infrastructures and to evaluate the

    e0isting conditions as !ell as the current capacity of all drainage structures%

    *. P$eliina$( H($olo)i!al Anal("i"

    To carry out preliminary hydrological analysis for a preliminary assessment on

    the rainfall7runoff relationship for the project area% 9athematical model such as

    the 'P4 *torm ;ater 9anagement 9odel "*;99# dynamic rainfall7runoff

    simulation model !ill be used for single event as !ell as multiple events

    simulation of runoff for the catchments area% 4ctual time7varying rainfall based on

    rainfall intensity obtained from I(F curve !ill be used to estimate the design

    discharge at various locations of the project area% The steps for the analysis are

    as follo!:

    "a# (ata collection

    "b# ainfall intensity and fre$uency analysis

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    "c# 9odel calibration and verification using observed data

    "d# 9odel simulation to obtain design discharge hydrograph

    *.6 P$eliina$( H($a'li! Anal("i"

    Bec7as model !ill be employed to obtain the preliminary hydraulic behavior of

    the rivers and any main drainage outlet to determine the preliminary sizes and

    reserves re$uirement for planning purposes% The steps are:

    "a# (ata collection

    "b# 9odel setup

    "c# 9odel calibration and verification

    "d# *imulation

    *.: De#elo- D$aina)e Plan O-tion"

    To develop and propose (rainage Plan options to obtain a most effective.

    efficient. feasible and cost effective drainage system that meets drainage

    re$uirement% (rainage alignments. drainage reserves. cross7drainage structures

    and drainage control structures !ill be determined based on preliminaryhydraulics analysis% ecommend for implementation the most optimum drainage

    plan option%

    *.10 P$eliina$( Co"t E"tiate

    To compute preliminary drainage infrastructure cost for the project%

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    The Consultant shall adopt the follo!ing processes for the development of

    *e!erage Plan:

    "a# (ata collection of e0isting se!erage infrastructure

    "b# Components of se!erage infrastructure

    "c# Catchment profiling and Population e$uivalent estimate

    "d# Intermediate *e!age Pumping *tation%

    "e# Preliminary siting and sizing of se!erage treatment plant

    "f# Preliminary cost estimates

    /.1 Data Colle!tion

    The Consultant to obtain the follo!ing data:

    "a# Topographic map !ith scale ):,-.--- from *urvey (epartment%

    "b# Contour survey or grid survey of the project area%


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    2ranch se!ers

    9ain se!ers

    Trun& se!ers

    *e!age Pumping *tation

    *e!age Treatment Plant

    *ludge Treatment and disposal facilities

    /.& Cat!,ent -$o%ilin) an -o-'lation e'i#alent e"tiate

    "a# (efine limits of se!erage catchment%

    The objective is to define the area limits of a catchment for !hich

    se!erage planning is to be carried out%

    Factors defining the catchment limits are influenced by topography.

    administrative borders and artificial or natural barriers that impede the flo!

    by gravity to a centralized *e!erage treatment plant "*TP#

    "b# Timing and staging of development

    The development of the catchment profile is also influenced by the timing

    and staging of the development% This gives an opportunity to gauge the

    number of pump stations that !ill be re$uired. as !ell as to plan out the

    number of permanent *TPs that !ill lead to an optimum se!erage

    catchment plan%

    Furthermore. this approach permits the consultant to e0amine the cash

    flo! in the implementation% Baving conceived the layout. the Consultant

    shall strategize on the implementation of the se!er net!or& in line !ith the

    Project development plan%

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    "c# @ravity se!er reserve

    The locations. alignment and gradient of gravity se!ers !ithin a

    catchment !ill be developed in conjunction !ith the plan and the

    Consultants proposed earth!or& platform levels% *hould the need arise.

    additional reserve for the se!er main shall be identified at the planning

    stage for rerouting to avoid having deep manhole or introducing

    intermediate se!age pumping station%

    /.* Inte$eiate "e4a)e -'-in) "tation"

    "a# To avoid deep manholes. !hich is common in catchment of relatively flat

    terrain. the Consultant is to e0amine the possibility of introducing

    intermediate se!age pumping stations% 4s a guide the location of such

    pumping station is located at the lo!est area !ithin the catchment

    "b# 4fter determining the location best suited to site the se!erage pumping

    station. the Consultant proceed to prepare preliminary layout% This

    enables the Principal Consultant to allocate the re$uired reserve area tothe pumping stations in the plan layout%

    "c# In addition. provision of the necessary buffer zone shall also be allo!ed

    for in the plan layout%

    /./ Se4a)e t$eatent -lant

    "a# Identify most suitable location to site centralized se!age treatment


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    Factors determining its suitability are such as the location of a receiving

    !atercourse. accessibility. topographical feature of the proposed site and

    its location in relation to the overall se!erage net!or&%

    "b# uality of effluent discharge

    The $uality of effluent discharged by proposed *TP shall comply !ith the

    discharge standard established by the (epartment of 'nvironmental

    9alaysia "(O'#% The Consultant shall decide on the *tandard of effluent

    discharge in compliance !ith the e0isting !atercourse condition%

    "c# Class of *e!age Treatment Plant

    The choice of class for the treatment plant varies depending to the

    treatment capacity% This choice can only be made once the tentative

    influent. !hich is the population e$uivalent for the development. to the

    se!age treatment plant is obtained%

    "d# The (@** (evelopers @uidelines on *e!erage Policy for =e!

    (evelopments provides an empirical estimate of areal re$uirement for themechanized *TP% In addition provision of buffer zone surrounding the

    treatment plant shall be allo!ed for in the plan layout in accordance !ith

    the guidelines%

    "e# The planning also re$uires the Consultant to e0amine the cash flo! in the

    construction of the *TP% Baving conceived the layout. the Consultant is to

    strategize the implementation of the *TP in line !ith the Project

    development plan by introducing treatment facilities in modular form%

    /. P$eliina$( !o"t e"tiate"

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    "a# Apon finalizing on the se!erage system plan. the Consultant is to come

    up !ith the preliminary costing for the implementation of the se!erage

    system infrastructure.

    "b# ;ith the development strategy made available. the Consultant shall be

    able to estimate the cash flo! for the implementation of infrastructure in



    The Consultant shall adopt the follo!ing processes for the development of ;ater

    *upply *ystem Plan:

    "a# (ata collection

    "b# Field reconnaissance and verification data

    "c# ;ater demand projection

    "d# Preliminary detail of ;ater *upply Plan

    "e# Preliminary cost estimate and cash flo!

    /.1 Data Colle!tion

    evie! all available information pertaining to

    )% *ource of ra!8treated !aterD

    +% (etail of !ater treatment plant. balancing reservoir. service reservoir

    "capacity. T;

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    Field trips shall be carried out many times to re7access the suitability of the sites

    chosen based on topographical maps% It is important to ascertain that the high

    ground is sufficient to construct the service reservoirs% ;hile the pipeline routes

    selected shall be ascertain from the inspection at site run along the sufficient

    road shoulder or should any land ac$uisition is re$uired to provide strip of pipe

    reserves% =ot only that. the main study shall start of finding the source of treated

    or ra! !ater supply to be treated as !ell%

    4ssistance from *tate ;ater 4uthoritypersonnel are also re$uired to verify data

    such as details of the e0isting pipes. valves. pipeline alignment. etc%

    The Consultant also needs their assistance in providing relevant as7built

    dra!ings or reports to understand the general concepts and system of !ater

    supply in vicinity of the area%

    /.& Wate$ Dean E"tiate

    Population and !ater demand projection are necessary to identify the e0tent ofproposed !ater supply system to satisfy current and future demands. if any% This

    demand projection !ill be used in conjunction !ith the net!or& modeling to

    simulate the effects of increased demand on the hydraulic capacity of the


    /.* P$eliina$( Detail o% Wate$ S'--l( Plan

    ;ith the careful study of the terrain of the e0isting ground and propose platform.

    the Consultant shall be able to come out !ith the !ater distribution system to be

    introduce for the development%

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    The selection of the type of distribution system depends on the topography.

    location. e0tent of the distribution area and site conditions%

    @enerally there are three "/# option for selection that is:7

    "a# @ravity *ystem

    "b# (irect Pumped *ystem

    "c# Combination of @ravity and Pumped *ystem

    @ravity system shall be proposed !ith utilizing the available ade$uate elevation

    of the supply and !hen other site conditions permit% ;here the gravity type is

    not feasible. the gravity and pumped combination shall then be considered%

    Component of ;ater *upply Plan shall be as follo!ingD7

    "a# *uction Tan&

    "i# the !ater sourced from trun& main is delivered and stored into

    suction tan&

    "b# Pumphouse

    "i# to house all pumping facilities and e$uipment

    "c# *ervice eservoir

    "i# It is usually situated in higher ground so that !ater can be

    distributed to consumer through gravity%

    "ii# In the absence of high ground. reservoir shall be elevated


    "iii# For planning purpose. the service reservoir re$uires a minimum

    setbac& of 3m or Em "for elevated reservoir# from slope ground% 4n

    access road combined !ith the pumping and falling main pipe

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    reserve to8from the reservoir is re$uired to allo! for operation and

    maintenance of the reservoir%

    "iv# The service reservoir shall be as close and central as possible to

    the distribution area it serves%

    "v# ;here the service reservoir cannot be sited close to the demand

    area. a t!in pipeline layout shall be given consideration% The t!in

    pipeline !ill be connected at their e0tremities to form a ring main

    through the distribution area% 2y this means not only !ill the system

    be able to cope more effectively !ith pea& rates of flo! but. in

    addition. should a repair be necessary on one main. at least some

    flo! can be maintained to the distribution system%

    "vi# The service reservoir can be built in phases in line !ith the phases

    of development% In this situation. the service reservoir !ill be

    constructed either in stages or in compartments%

    "vii# ;here e0treme topographical conditions prevail in demand areas.

    such as greater than 1- metres difference in elevation. pressure

    zoning of service areas according to the ground elevations may be


    "viii# T!o separate !ater supply systems. eg% Bigh ;ater *upply *ystemand

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    "ii# This main reticulation is the main s&eleton of the !ater reticulation


    "iii# The main reticulation comprises of trun& main pipe into suction

    tan&. pumphouse. pumping main to service reservoir and falling

    main pipeline bypassing the !hole of development%

    "iv# (uring implementation of the project. usually the main reticulation

    laid earlier and supported by the secondary reticulation to serve to

    each phases of development%

    "e# *econdary eticulation

    "i# Pipeline shall be preferably be laid adjacent to roads as provide

    easy access for maintenance% 4part from the space reserved for

    pipe laying on the road shoulder. a clearance of )%- metre from

    se!erage line is re$uired%

    "ii# The reticulation pipes shall be laid as to form a net!or& system%

    (ead ends shall be discouraged%

    "iii# The pipelines shall be as short as possible. thus providing least

    capital and operation costs%

    "iv# The pipelines also shall be designed to suit the head available.ta&ing into consideration the designed flo!. residual head

    re$uirements and the hydraulic gradient%

    "v# The combination of secondary reticulations net!or& shall be studied

    as !ell as to form the (istrict 9etering 4reas "(94# for *tate ;ater

    4uthority to monitor and record the flo!% This (94 is part of the

    =; activity to reduce number of lea&ages pipe% Therefore a

    reliable and efficient distribution system can be provided to the

    development area%

    "vi# There are many types of pipes material to be used to distribute

    !ater supply to the consumer% *election of the pipe material suiting

    to the site condition. best option of pipe net!or& or reticulation shall

    be studied especially in the escalating cost of pipe material recently%

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    "vii# The pipelines of the distribution system normally comprise the

    largest capital assets and underta&ing possesses% 4lthough the

    cost of maintaining pipelines !ill be borne by the *tate ;ater

    4uthorityupon the period of handing over. fre$uent disruption of

    !ater supply due to lac&ing of pipelines design !ill become the

    disaster to the consumer especially industrial consumer in the

    development in the aspect of their economy and operation%

    "f# Communication Pipelines

    "i# e$uirement of communication pipeline also varies depending to

    the *tate ;ater 4uthorityD

    "ii# In certain state. it is compulsory to lay secondary main pipe parallel

    !hen the number of houses to serve in a ro! is more than +- units%

    "iii# ;ith this. communication pipes !ill be laid closer to the main pipe

    at each side of road !ithout introducing too e0cessive number of

    communication pipe crossing underneath the road carriage!ay%

    Therefore. it !ould be easier for maintenance !ithout causing major

    inconvenience "eg% road cutting# to the public%"iv# *election of communication pipes shall also be carefully considered

    as it !ill contribute to the cost of the project development% For

    e0ample to some *tate ;ater 4uthority. preference of using

    stainless steel as communication pipe over B(P' pipe certainly

    incurring higher cost to the developer%

    4nalysis of the !ater supply system !ill be done using net!or& modeling

    soft!are% The net!or& model representing the proposed distribution system !ill

    be modeled using soft!are such as ;aterCad 3%- developed by Baestad

    9ethod. A*4 to assess the system performance under a variety of supply and

    operating conditions%

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    /./ P$eliina$( Co"t E"tiation an Ca", Flo4

    Apon finalizing the proposed !ater supply system for the development. the

    Consultant shall come out !ith the financial analysis to study the feasibility

    comparison to fe! options proposed% The Consultant shall be able to compute

    the segment8stages and total amount of financial cost estimation as not to allo!

    an e0cessive capital cost e0penditure at the early stage of !ater supply !or&s%



  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    WORK 8ETHODOLOG7 FOR E Con!e-t an



    Tene$ Callin)


    P$o=e!t Final i"ation








    Tene$ E#al'ation 2De"i)n

    Re#ie43 @A4a$

    De"i)n ;e$i%i!ation

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  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)



    De"i)n an De#elo-ent Plannin)


    Plannin) an De"i)n In-'t

    4t the outset of the planning. the Consultant shall prepare Project uality

    Plan"PP# Part ) !hich captures the follo!ing details

    Project Particulars Project Title

    2ac&ground of the Project

    *copes of ;or&s


    Project Organization

    Project Team

    (esign 4ctivities and Persons responsible

    'mployer Particular

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    In addition. at this stage. the Consultant must identify and obtain the necessary

    design input that enables the Consultant to prepare the design concept% They

    are summarized in the follo!ing table

    Categories of (esign Input (esign Input Informationa% Client re$uirements 2udget

    *chedule8 phasing plan

    Type usage of building

    (evelopment ideas8concepts

    b% (esign Criteria (esign Code

    @uidelines from 4uthorities

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    4t the project init iation and preliminary stage. the Consultant shall confirm on

    the project team8organization. !hich typical shall conform to the follo!ing

    organization chart%

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    Re"-on"i+ilit( A't,o$it( o% Pe$"onnel in t,e O$)aniation C,a$t

    The follo!ing is an outline of the personnel and their respective responsibilities

    in the project


    Provide policy. lead and chart the development of the firm together !ith

    the 9anaging (irector

    4pprove the 9ission *tatement together !ith the 9anaging (irector%

    Chairs and leads the Consultants 2oard of (irectors

    8ana)in) Di$e!to$

    Co-an(" De#elo-ent Poli!(

    Charts the companys development policy and e0pansion



    Prospecting for >obsD

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    Formulate companys strategic investment policiesD

    9aintains and revie! companys financial related statistics%


    Plan and identify the companys manpo!er resources needs in line

    !ith the companys gro!thD

    Chart the companys employment programmeD

    Identify companys space re$uirement in line !ith the companys

    e0pansion and employment programmeD

    'alit( A""'$an!e

    4pprove the companys mission statement together !ith the


    Together !ith the I*OE--) Project (irector revie! and approve

    uality *ystem Procedures%


    Chart the companys staff remuneration and benefits policiesD

    Together !ith !elfare committee identify and implement training

    and !elfare programmes for employees at all levels%

    P$o=e!t Di$e!to$

    "Including 9( and other (irectors#

    ?o+" P$o"-e!tin)

    Prospecting for jobs

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    evie! of companys capability in accordance !ith the prospective

    jobs re$uirement prior to the acceptance of the job appointmentD

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    The Project Engineer shall report to the Project Director.


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    Carry out design and drafting !or& including preparation of design


    evie! and chec& dra!ings8calculations%

    Co7ordinate and supervise all drafting !or&s%

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    Site Sta%%

    The site staff shall consist of esident 'ngineer8 *uperintending Officers site

    representative and the Cler& of ;or&%

    "a# esident 'ngineer8 *%O%s site representative

    4ns!erable and responsible to the Consultant

    ;atch. supervise and inspect the Contractors ;or&s in

    accordance to the *pecifications and (ra!ings%

    Inspect any materials or goods to be used in connection !ith the

    ;or&s in accordance to the *pecifications and (ra!ings%

    Inspect the !or&manship employed in connection to the ;or&s in

    accordance to the *pecification and (ra!ings%

    ;itness all tests to be carried out on site in connection !ith the


    Anderta&e joint measurement on site !ith the Contractor in

    connection !ith the ;or&s in accordance to *pecifications and


    "b# Cler& of ;or&

    4ns!erable and responsible to the Consultant and esident


    4ssisting the esident 'ngineer8*%O%s site representative in his

    responsibility as in Item "a# above%

    In the event that there is no esident 'ngineer8*%O%s site

    representative appointed for the project. he shall underta&e theresponsibility of the '8*%O%s site representative in Item "a#


  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    De"i)n O't-'t

    Types of design output include the follo!ing: 7

    a# (esign Criteria for Civil and *tructuiral ;or&s

    b# (esign @uidelines for Civil and *tructural ;or&s

    c# (ra!ings "*chematic and Concept (ra!ings#

    d# Performance *pecifications for Civil and *tructural ;or&s

    The design concept output shall be translated into dra!ings "*chematic and

    Concept# and performance specifications. design criteria and guidelines%




    @enerally . the Tendering procedure for design and build contract consists of the

    follo!ing 1 stages:7

    )% Tendering *tage

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    +% Tender 'valuation " (esign evie!# 4!ard *tage

    /% (etail design verification stage

    1% Contract (ocument *tage

    The Consultant shall discuss !ith the Client and confirm the date to carry out

    the tender e0ercise% The date of tendering may be based on the schedule or

    !or&s program. or instruction from the Client%

    The effective Tender (ocument preparation procedures generally involve the

    follo!ing process:7

    )% Confirmation of Contract Particulars

    +% Tender Concept (ra!ings and *&etches Preparation

    /% Performance *pecification Preparation

    1% Preparation of emaining Part of Tender (ocuments

    The above Tendering stage process is to be carried out concurrently%

    Con%i$ation o% Cont$a!t Pa$ti!'la$"

    The Consultant shall prepare the Cont$a!t Pa$ti!'la$" Con%i$ation@A--$o#al

    Li"t Fo$ and be for!arded to the Client for confirmation and approval%

    The Consultant shall prepare the tender document based on the information

    approved or comment by the Client in the Contract Particulars Confirmation8


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    The Consultant shall prepare the performance specifications according to the

    (esign Control procedure that meet the design criteria%

    P$e-a$ation o% Reainin) Pa$t o% Tene$ Do!'ent"

    The Consultant shall prepare the remaining part of Tender (ocuments based on

    the typical tender document table of content and the information in Contract

    Particular Confirmation84pproval

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    If there is verbal comment from the Client. the Consultant shall !rite to the

    Client on confirmed understanding% The Tender (ocument shall be amended


    The tender calling e0ercise shall be carried out upon completion of amendment%

    Tene$ Callin) Clo"in)

    The Consultant shall arrange to ma&e necessary copies of Tender documents%

    @enerally there are + !ays of calling tender as determined by the Client:

    )% Open Tender

    +% Invited Tender

    For Open Tender. the =otice for Tender !ill be published in local ne!spapers

    approved by the Client%

    For Invited Tender. the Consultant !ill send out the Tender Invitation

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    Tene$ E#al'ation

    The Consultant may evaluate the tenderers based on. but not limited to. the

    follo!ing criteria "!here applicable# :7

    Correctness and completeness of filling Form of Tender and *ummary of


    *ufficiency of document submitted%

    *ubmission of tender deposit%

    Formal $ualification re$uires%

    (esign Concept Proposed and !or& methodologies%

    Tender price proposed% Technical capability%

    Financial capability

    esource schedule

    Plant 9achinery

    Tenderers e0perience and trac& record

    ;or& method statement8@eneral approach

    (esign *chedule

    The Consultant shall foremost revie! the design proposal made by the tenderes%

    The objectives of design revie! submitted by the Tenderers are toD

    'valuate ability to meet design re$uirements8criteria8concept8performance


    Identify problems and potential problems

    Apon revie!ing the design concept and chec&ing on the remaining items

    outlined above being complied !ith. The Consultant shall shortlist and

    recommend the tenderers prior to the preparation of the Tender 'valuation


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    The Consultant shall prepare a Tender 'valuation eport that shortlist and ma&e

    recommendations% The Tender 'valuation eport shall be submitted together

    !ith a covering letter to the Client for approval%

    The follo!ings documents shall be attached to the Tender 'valuation eport as

    a tendering record:7

    Tender Invitation

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    The Client or the Consultant "on behalf of the Client# !ill issue the

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    Apon design chec&ing and fulfillment of all conditions in

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)




    Procedures are available to serve as a guideline for the follo!ings:


    8onito$in) Cont$a!to$ Co-lian!e o% Sa%et( an Healt, Re'i$eent>

    Cont$a!t S-e!i%i!ation" an Ot,e$ Stat'to$( O+li)ation"

    The esident 'ngineer "'# is to monitor and ensure that all Parties carry out

    their obligations in the Contract%

    *hould the ' detect any non7compliance. he is to issue a site instruction to the

    Parties concerned%

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    ' is to bring up the matters of non7compliance to the attention of the

    Consultant in the *ite meeting and copies of the site instructions should be sent

    to the Consultant for reference%

    ' is to maintain proper records of all site instructions issued to the Parties


    Site Dia$( Re-o$t

    The Contractor is to maintain a site diary report on site during the period of the

    Construction Contract%

    The Consultant shall approve format of the site diary report% The Consultant

    shall have their o!n format. if the contractor chose to use the same%

    esident 'ngineer is to sign his ac&no!ledgement in the site diary report at the

    end of every !or&ing day or other specified period as agreed%

    P$o)$e"" 8onito$in)

    Contractor is to submit the proposed !or&s programme and resource schedule

    for the contract !ithin 1* a("after the a!ard%

    The Consultant shall revie! and comment the contractors !or&s programme

    and resource schedule through formal correspondence or in the site meeting. if


    Contractor is to submit monthly8!ee&ly8fortnightly or other periodical progress

    report and present to The Consultant during the *ite meeting or deliver to theConsultant as re$uired in the Contract%

    The Consultant and the ' shall revie! all progress as reported in the Progress


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    The ' may maintain his o!n progress record !here necessary as to counter

    chec& on the Contractors records%

    If the progress reported is satisfactory. the Consultant or ' is to file up the

    reports for record purposes%

    If any delay is observed. formal contractual correspondence to the Contractor

    shall then be issued by the Consultant to notify the contractor of the delay and

    re$uest for a recovery programme and method statement to catch up on the


    E9ten"ion o% Tie

    Apon it becoming apparent that the !or&s is delayed. the Consultant shall notify

    the Contractor through formal correspondence and *ite meetings. re$uesting for

    the cause of delay and the application of '0tension of Time%

    The Consultant shall process the Contractors application for '0tension in

    accordance !ith the provisions of the Contract !ith the assistance of the '%

    The Consultant shall issue certificates of (elay and '0tension of Time if the

    reasons for the delay as submitted by the Contractor are valid% The Parties

    empo!ered in the Contract shall endorse the Certif icate% Copies of the

    Certif icate shall be distributed to the 'mployer8*uperintending officer.

    Contractor and for the Consultants records%

    If the reasons for the delay are not valid. a final !arning letter on the *%O%s

    intention to issue the Certificate of =on7Completion shall be issued to the


    If the Contractor is not able to produce valid reasons for his delay !ithin seven

    "5# days from the date of the letter. a Certificate of =on7Completion shall then be

    issued to the Contractor% The Parties empo!ered in the Contract shall endorse

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    the Certi ficate% Copies of the Certi ficate shall be distr ibuted to the

    'mployer8*uperintending officer. Contractor and for the Consultants records%

    The Consultant shall then notify the 'mployer on their rights in the Contract to


  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    The ecommendation For Progress Payment Certificate shall then be sent to the

    Client complete !ith all supporting documents !here necessary for the

    'mployers8*uperintending Officers endorsement%

    'ndorsed copies of the ecommendation For Progress Payment Certificate shall

    be distributed to the 'mployer. Contractor and the Consultants filing%

    Site 8eetin)

    ;here the Consultant is the *uperintending Officer or *uperintending Officers

    representative. minutes of the *ite 9eeting shall be recorded in previous

    minutes or =otes of (iscussion89eeting%

    ;here the Consultant is not the *uperintending Officer or *uperintending

    Officers representative. the person !ho attends the *ite 9eeting representing

    the Consultant shall ta&e notes of discussion in the *ite 9eeting by recording it

    in previous minutes or =otes of (iscussion89eeting%

    Site In"t$'!tion"

    '8CO; is empo!ered to issue *ite Instructions on the ;or&s in the Contract%

    The '8CO; *ite Instruction is not empo!ered to issue any instructions. !hich

    constitutes a variation to the Contract%

    6arious *ituations !hich permits the '8CO; to issue a *ite Instruction i%e

    instructions to rectify8ma&e good. instructions to reject8stop !or&s !hich is not in

    compliance !ith the *pecifications and (ra!ings. re$uest for opening of !or&s

    !hich is not inspected. instructions on safety and health on site%

    *ite Instructions issued shall be ac&no!ledged by the Contractors

    representative on site and8or attached !ith the De%e!t Li"t if necessary% The

    *ite Instruction shall then to be circulated to all parties%

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    4ll verbal instructions must be confirmed !ith !ritten instruction accordingly%

    '8CO; is to monitor the compliance of the instructions issued. re7inspect the

    ;or&s and sign off the (efect

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    "a# Piled Foundation K 9aintained load test for preliminary piles

    to confirm the pile capacity and the pile driving criteria%

    "b# *hallo! Foundation 7 9ac&intosh probe or penetrometer test

    to verify the soil bearing capacity for shallo! foundation

    "c# Concrete 7 Trial mi0 and concrete cube test to validate the

    concrete mi0 design%

    esult of design validation and actions arising are recorded in the relevant test


    If the method statement submitted by the Contractor is in order. the Consultant

    shall prepare and issue a G=o ObjectionH correspondence to the Contractor and

    instruct the Contractor to proceed !ith the ;or&s% Instruction may also be

    issued through site meeting%


    6ariations to the Contract arise mainly due to the change in the project planning

    by the Client. 4uthoritys re$uirement and conditions on site !hich are not

    foreseeable during the tender stage. utilisation of provisional sums allo!ed in

    the Contract and Contractors alternative proposals%

    ;here the Consultant is not the *uperintending Officer "*%O%# or *%O%s

    representative to the Contract. the Consultant shall prepare an 'ngineers

    Instruction% The '%I shall then be sent to the Contractor for ac&no!ledgement

    and copied to all parties in the Contract%

    ;here the Consultant is the *%O% or *%O%s representative. the Consultant shallprepare the *%O Instruction attached !ith all support ing dra!ings and


    The *%O%I% shall then be sent to the *%O% or Client for endorsement complete

    !ith all supporting dra!ings and information%

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    The endorsed *%O%I shall be sent to the Contractor and an ac&no!ledgement is


    ;here the *%O%I constitutes a variation to the Contract. the Contractor shall be

    advised to submit their variation claim timely%

    The Consultant shall verify all variation claims submitted by the Contractor and

    prepare a Certificate of 6ariation of ;or&s accordingly% ;here necessary. the

    Consultant may clarify the claim !ith the Contractor or see& the '8CO;s

    assistance on the same%

    4t no circumstances shall the Consul tant negotiate !ith Contractor on the rates

    or $uantum of !or&s in the variation claim !ithout the authorisation of the Client%

    The Consultant shall then endorse the finalised Certificate of 6ariation of ;or&s

    and send to the 'mployer or the *uperintending Officer for 'ndorsement

    completes !ith all supporting information%

    The duly endorsed Certificate of 6ariation of ;or&s shall be distributed to the

    Contractor and all parties in the Contract%


    A--li!ation %o$ Ce$ti%i!ate o% Fitne""

    ;hen the ;or&s8Contract82uilding is practically completed. i%e% after the

    issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion by the *uperintending Officer.

    the Consultant shall ma&e an application to the relevant authorities for theissuance of the Certificate of Fitness%

    The Consultant shall prepare all CF application forms and proceed to for!ard to

    the authority accordingly%

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    *ubse$uent to the application for CF. the authorities !ould issue notices to all

    relevant local authorities and utilities department e%g% >?. >P*. >PP8I;?.

    >248PA4*. Fire (epartment. Bealth department to see& their comments8support

    on the CF application%

    The Consultant shall then contact and organise !ith the relevant authorities for

    joint inspection and submit all support ing documents8testing results. as7built

    plans. structural plans8calculations. necessary forms in order to obtain their

    support on the CF application%

    >oint Inspection should preferably be carried out in the presence of the

    Client8O!ner. contractor !ho carried out the relevant parts of the !or&s and the


    The Consultant should follo! up diligently for the issuance of the inspection


    If the !or&s is acceptable by the relevant authorities. then the same authority

    !ill issue a letter in support of the CF applications%

    Bo!ever if the !or&s is found to be not in order by the local authorities. then the

    comments from the local authorities should be conveyed to the Consultant%

    The Consultant shall then decide !hether the matter should be brought to the

    attention of the *uperintending Officer. Client. Contractor and decide !hether

    instruction is to be issued to the Contractor to rectify the defective !or&s or

    proceed to appeal to the authorities on their comments%

    4nother joint inspection shall be carried out until all !or&s are in order andacceptable to the authorities%

    .2 A" B'ilt D$a4in)"

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    4s7built (ra!ings !ill be produced and submitted by the Contractor !hen the

    ;or&s or Part of the ;or&s becomes complete%

    *urvey !or&s to produce the as7built dra!ings shall be !itnessed by the ' or


    The as7built dra!ings shall be produced and endorsed by the

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    If the ;or&s is found to be practically completed and !ithout substantial defects.

    the Consultant shall prepare and endorse the Certificate of Practical Completion

    if the Consultant is the *%O% or *%O% epresentative% 4 letter of G=o objectionH on

    issuance of CPC shall be prepared by the Consultant if the Consultant is not the

    *%O% or *%O% epresentative%

    If there is substantial outstanding and defective !or&s to be found during the

    CPC inspection. the Consultant shall record the result of the joint inspection and

    produce a (efect

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    Apon the issuance of CPC. the Consultant shall prepare a ecommendation For

    Progress Payment certif icate for first moiety of the total amounts of the

    etention Fund% This certif icate shall then be for!arded to the Client for


    Together !ith '8CO;. the Consultant shall also verify all claims submitted by

    the Contractor and prepare a *tatement of Final 4ccount% If the *tatement of

    Final 4ccount is found to be in order. the Consultant shall present and discuss

    !ith the Client on the same prior to the officially issuance of the *tatement of

    Final 4ccount to the Contractor% If there is comment from the Client. the

    Consultant shall amend according to the comments%

    The final *tatement of Final 4ccount shall for!ard officially to the Contractor

    and the 'mployer for their endorsement%

    'ndorsed copies of the *tatement of Final 4ccount shall be distributed to the

    'mployers office. Contractor and retain one copy by the Consultant

    D'$in) De%e!t" Lia+ilit( Pe$io

    4t any time !ithin the (efects liabi li ty Per iod. if the Consultant or the ' detects

    any defect. or defect complaint received from the Client. the Consultant and '

    shall investigate the defects or complaints and prepare a !ritten instruction

    together !ith the (efect

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    If the contractor had rectified the defects accordingly. the Consultant shall

    confirm this by signing in the (efects oint Inspection should preferably be carried out in the presence of the

    Client8O!ner. Contractor. the Consultant%

    ;here the joint inspection reveals no outstanding or further defects. the

    Consultant shall prepare and issue the Certificate of Completion of 9a&ing @ood

    (efects "CC9@(# to the Client and Contractor%

    ;here the joint inspection reveals outstanding or further defects. the Consultant

    shall prepare a (efect

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology (Putrajaya)


    This certificate shall then be issued to the 'mployer for approval% 4pproved

    copies of the certificate shall be issued to the Contractor and distributed to the

    'mployer and retain one copy by the Consultant

    The Contractor shall prepare construction Programme% The Construction

    Programme shall be revie!ed and approved by the Consultant%

    To ensure sufficient information for *ite staff to perform their duties.

    Construction (ra!ing. *pecifications and !here applicable. *hopdra!ings.

    9ethod *tatements. 'ngineers Instructions. *uperintending Off icers

    Instructions. correspondences and site meeting minutes shall be made available

    at *ite office for easy reference%

    Inspection Chec&lists are available as additional guidance for *ite staff to carry

    out !or&s inspection% *ite staff shall carry out the necessary !or&s inspection%

    *uitable e$uipment "such as computer. printer. fa0 machine. camera. vehicle#

    shall be used by *ite staff as per contract re$uirements%

    On fortnightly or monthly "or any predetermined interval#. Contractor shall

    submit progress report% The Project 'ngineer shall evaluate the progress report%

    The esident 'ngineer "'# representing the Consultant shall monitor the safety

    practices and ContractorLs compliance to safety re$uirements. authority

    re$uirements. contract specification and dra!ings% The ' or *ite

    epresentative shall not issue any instruction !hich constitute a variation to the


    The Consultant shall evaluate the concrete design mi0. material samples. andshop dra!ing and method statements% The Consultant shall also revie!ed

    material testing reports !hich had been evaluated earlier by esident 'ngineer

    andl duly endorse formal correspondence on the acceptance of the

    material8design8dra!ings8other submissions%

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    esident 'ngineer shall monitor all testing program and evaluate the result of all

    the test carried out by the contractor%