Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and...the conversion of hemeto bilirubin andbilirubin...

Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and human small intestinal mucosa. F Hartmann, D M Bissell J Clin Invest. 1982; 70(1):23-29. Formation of heme, bilirubin, and bilirubin conjugates has been examined in mucosal cells isolated from the rat upper small intestine. Intact, viable cells were prepared by enzymatic dissociation using a combined vascular and luminal perfusion and incubated with an isotopically labeled precursor, delta-amino-[2,3-3H]levulinic acid. Labeled heme and bile pigment were formed with kinetics similar to those exhibited by hepatocytes. Moreover, the newly formed bilirubin was converted rapidly to both mono- and diglucuronide conjugates. In addition, cell-free extracts of small intestinal mucosa from rats or humans exhibited a bilirubin-UDP-glucuronyl transferase activity that was qualitatively similar to that present in liver. The data suggest that the small intestinal mucosa normally contributes to bilirubin metabolism. Research Article Find the latest version:

Transcript of Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and...the conversion of hemeto bilirubin andbilirubin...

Page 1: Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and...the conversion of hemeto bilirubin andbilirubin con-jugates. Hemeand bilirubin metabolism in rat small intestine appearto besimilar in

Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat andhuman small intestinal mucosa.

F Hartmann, D M Bissell

J Clin Invest. 1982;70(1):23-29.

Formation of heme, bilirubin, and bilirubin conjugates has been examined in mucosal cellsisolated from the rat upper small intestine. Intact, viable cells were prepared by enzymaticdissociation using a combined vascular and luminal perfusion and incubated with anisotopically labeled precursor, delta-amino-[2,3-3H]levulinic acid. Labeled heme and bilepigment were formed with kinetics similar to those exhibited by hepatocytes. Moreover, thenewly formed bilirubin was converted rapidly to both mono- and diglucuronide conjugates.In addition, cell-free extracts of small intestinal mucosa from rats or humans exhibited abilirubin-UDP-glucuronyl transferase activity that was qualitatively similar to that present inliver. The data suggest that the small intestinal mucosa normally contributes to bilirubinmetabolism.

Research Article

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Page 2: Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and...the conversion of hemeto bilirubin andbilirubin con-jugates. Hemeand bilirubin metabolism in rat small intestine appearto besimilar in

Metabolism of Hemeand Bilirubin in Rat

and Human Small Intestinal Mucosa

FRANZ HARTMANNand D. MONTGOMERYBISSELL, Liver Center and Departmentof Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; San Francisco GeneralHospital, San Francisco, California 94110

A B S T R A C T Formation of heme, bilirubin, and bil-irubin conjugates has been examined in mucosal cellsisolated from the rat upper small intestine. Intact, vi-able cells were prepared by enzymatic dissociationusing a combined vascular and luminal perfusion andincubated with an isotqpically labeled precursor, 6-amino-[2,3-3H]levulinic acid. Labeled heme and bilepigment were formed with kinetics similar to thoseexhibited by hepatocytes. Moreover, the newly formedbilirubin was converted rapidly to both mono- anddiglucuronide conjugates. In addition, cell-free ex-tracts of small intestinal mucosa from rats or humansexhibited a bilirubin-UDP-glucuronyl transferase ac-tivity that was qualitatively similar to that present inliver. The data suggest that the small intestinal mucosanormally contributes to bilirubin metabolism.


Individual aspects of heme and heme protein meta-bolism in small intestinal mucosa have been the objectof several recent studies. The heme proteins known ascytochrome P-450 have been measured (1, 2) andshown to be responsive to factors in the diet (3) or toadministered drugs (4, 5). As in liver, they mediatemixed-function oxygenation reactions and, therefore,are important in the biotransformation of certainorally administered drugs (6, 7). Their presence pres-umably reflects endogenous heme synthesis, althoughlittle is known of this process in the small intestine.

Degradation of heme to bilirubin and iron in intes-tinal mucosa has long been of interest because of ev-idence that heme is an important source of iron inhumans and is metabolized by a route different fromthat for inorganic iron (8). The necessity for a heme-

Address reprint requests to Dr. Bissell.Dr. Hartmann's current address is Medizinische Univer-

sitatsklinik, Abteilung 1, 7400 Tuebingen, Federal Republicof Germany.

Received for publication 14 August 1981 and in revisedform 23 February 1982.

splitting activity in the release of free iron has beenpostulated, and, recently, heme oxygenase activity inmucosal extracts was demonstrated (9). The activityin vitro is similar to that present in liver and is in-creased in young rats maintained on an iron-deficientdiet (9). It remains to be determined whether it isdirected primarily towards breakdown of luminal(dietary) heme, endogenous mucosal heme, or both.

Finally, the possibility that bilirubin may undergoconjugation in the small intestine has been raised, aprocess which if present could have important effectson the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin and,hence, on the plasma bilirubin concentration. Al-though bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferase activitymay be present in mucosal extracts from the gut (10,11), the data are preliminary or indirect, and studieswith intact cells are lacking.

Wehave recently adapted the technique of intra-vascular collagenase perfusion for preparing intactcells from rat small intestine (12). The method yields,in sequence, villus-tip, mid-villus, and lower-villus/crypt fractions, which have been characterized as totheir viability and specific biochemical markers (12).With these isolates, we examine heme synthesis andthe conversion of heme to bilirubin and bilirubin con-jugates. Heme and bilirubin metabolism in rat smallintestine appear to be similar in several respects to thatin liver, including formation of bilirubin mono- anddiglucuronide. The latter finding is extended to manby the demonstration that extracts of human small in-testinal mucosa contain bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity.


Materials. Crude collagenase (125-250 U/mg, type 1)was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO) andbovine serum from Flow Laboratories (Rockville, MD). Cul-ture media were prepared with amino acids from SigmaChemical Co. or Calbiochem-Behring Corp., AmericanHoechst Corp. (San Diego, CA) and BMEvitamin concen-trate (X100) from Gibco, Grand Island Biological Co. (Grand

J. Clin. Invest. © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. - 0021-9738/82/07/0023/07 $1.00Volume 70 July 1982 23-29


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Island, NY). Solutions were sterilized by filtration througha 0.45-nm membrane from Nalge Co., Nalgene LabwareDiv., (Rochester, NY). b-Amino [2,3-3H]levulinic acid (29 Ci/mmol) was obtained from New England Nuclear (Boston,MA). Penicillin G potassium was from Pfizer, Inc. (Belmont,CA), sterile streptomycin sulfate, USP, from Eli Lilly &Company (Indianapolis, IN).

Buffer solutions were as follows: balanced salt solution(BSS)' contained 8 g NaCl, 0.4 g KCI, 0.09 g Na2HPO4, 0.06g KH2PO4, corrected to pH 7.3 with 0.5 N NaOH, andbrought to 1 liter with distilled water; it was sterilized byautoclaving.

Tris-KCI-glycerol buffer contained 50 mMTris-HCl (pH7.8), 150 mMKCI, 20% (vol/vol) glycerol, and 25 IU heparin.

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) contained 136 mMNaCl,4.7 mMKCI, 1.3 mMNa2HPO4, and 0.44 mMKH2PO4(pH 7.4).

Isolation of small intestinal epithelial cells. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, 200-240 g, and male homozygous Gunn rats,200-240 g, were allowed free access to food and water andhoused under controlled lighting (12 h on, 12 h off). Enzy-matic dispersion of mucosal cells from the small intestinewas carried out as described (12). In brief, a 20-crm segmentof jejunum was perfused via catheters in the thoracic aortaand portal vein with BSS containing 5.5 mMD-glucose, 6mMglutamine, 0.4 U/100 ml insulin, 0.01% (wt/vol) bovinealbumin, 1,000 U/ml penicillin, and 0.04% (wt/vol) bacterialcollagenase. After 15 min, the segment was perfused in-traluminally with 50 ml BSS containing 2% (wt/vol) sucrose,1% (vol/vol) calf serum, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 50 ,g/mlstreptomycin (BSS-sucrose), to harvest villus-tip cells. Theluminal perfusion was repeated after 25 and 35 min of col-lagenase perfusion to obtain isolates enriched in mid-villusand lower-villus/crypt cells, respectively. Cells were washedin BSS-sucrose (70 g, 2 min) and resuspended in completecell culture medium (modified Medium 199) with insulin 4mU/ml, L-ascorbate 0.3 mM, D-glucose 5.5 mM, L-glutamine5 mM, L-arginine 0.4 mM, corticosterone 0.001 mM, peni-cillin 100 U/ml, streptomycin 50 Mg/ml, and 20% (vol/vol)calf serum, then filtered through three layers of cotton gauzeand washed again in complete medium without calf serumbut with 1% (vol/vol) rat serum. Isolates were examinedmicroscopically for purity and viability, the latter testedwith trypan blue (12).

Cells were finally suspended in the last rhedium by gentlepipetting and incubated on collagen-coated plastic dishes(2 X 106 cells/ml) in humidified 2% C02/air atmosphere at37°C. When noted, studies were conducted with the indi-vidual villus-tip, mid-villus, and lower-villus/crypt isolates;otherwise, the fractions were pooled and studied as a com-bined mucosal isolate.

Results are expressed per milligram total cell protein. Inpreliminary experiments, the ratio of DNAto protein (mi-crograms DNAper milligrams protein) in cell isolates wasdetermined and was 80, 90, and 86 for villus tip, mid-villus,and crypt cells, respectively, indicating that the amount ofprotein per cell was similar in all fractions.

Hepatocyte suspensions. Liver perfusion and hepatocytepreparation were carried out as described (13). Suspensionswere placed in culture plates, incubated under the sameconditions as described for small intestinal epithelial cells,and used for experiments immediately.

'Abbreviations used in this paper: ALA, 6-aminolevulinicacid, BSS, balanced salt solution; PBS, phosphate-bufferedsaline.

Formation of labeled heme and bile pigments in culture.Studies were conducted with either radiolabeled 5-amino-levulinic acid (ALA) or glycine as heme precursor, and allmanipulations involving bile pigments were carried out insubdued light. The label was introduced with the mediumas the cells were transferred to culture plates. At designatedtime points, plates were put on dry ice. Frozen cells andmedium were removed from the culture plate with a Teflonscraper and transferred to a conical extraction tube (50 ml,glass stoppered). After addition of 0.05 ml carrier pigmentin the form of normal rat bile containing - 15 mg/dl totalbilirubin, mono- and diglucuronide conjugates were con-verted quantitatively to the corresponding methyl esters byalkaline methanolysis (14). Heme, unconjugated bilirubin,and the bilirubin methyl esters were extracted into chloro-form (14), and the solution was reduced to dryness undernitrogen. The residue was dissolved in a small volume ofchloroform and, under a constant stream of nitrogen, appliedto thin-layer plates (silica gel 60, Merck Chemical Div,Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ) that were immediately de-veloped in one of two different solvent systems.

Chloroform/methanol/acetic acid (97:2:1) was used forseparation of bilirubin and its mono- and dimethyl esters(14). In this system, heme migrates < 1 cm. To separateheme from the origin, a second system consisting of chlo-roform/methanol/water/acetic acid (20:10:2:0.5) was used(15). Under these conditions heme migrates with Rf = 0.65,whereas bilirubin and its methyl esters migrate in a singleband with Rf = 0.9. Labeled bands were removed from theplates by scraping, transferred to counting vials, and mixedwith 200 Ml 0.1 N NaOHand 100 ,l 30% H202 to dissolveand bleach the pigments. After addition of 10 ml Dimilume-30 (Packard Instrument Co., Inc., Downers Grove, IL), ra-dioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation spectrom-etry; counting efficiencies were calculated using the externalstandard method and did not vary significantly among thesamples of individual experiments. Crystallization with car-rier was used (16) when [2-'4C]glycine was used as the labeledprecursor because extraneous labeled cellular material in-terfered with the thin-layer chromatography determination.As reported (15), recovery of heme and bile pigment fromculture medium of all suspensions was 95-98%, and triplicatesamples varied <5% with either thin-layer chromatographysystem.

Bilirubin mono- and diglucuronide synthesis in subcel-lular fractions of small intestinal epithelial cells. Fromrats fasted overnight, 20-cm segments of duodenum/jejunum(measured from the pylorus), of ileum (measured from theend of the small bowel), and of colon (measured from thececum) were resected and perfused with PBS containing 2%(vol/vol) calf serum. Human small intestine (jejunum), ob-tained under a protocol approved by the institutional Com-mittee on Human Research, was from healthy young adultswho required partial small bowel resection after gunshotwounds to the abdomen. Samples were immersed immedi-ately in ice-cold PBS containing 2% (vol/vol) calf serum towash away mucus and blood. Both rat and human specimenswere processed with scraping the mucosal layer with a glassslide. The scraped mucosa was suspended in Tris-KCl-glyc-erol buffer (20%, wt/vol) and disrupted in a nitrogen bomb(Kontes Co., Vineland, NJ) at 850 psi for a period of 5 minand at 4°C. Enzyrmatically isolated rat small intestinal cellsor hepatocytes were suspended in the same buffer and ho-mogenates were prepared by disruption under nitrogen asdescribed above.

Microsomes were prepared from the various homogenatesby differential centrifugation. Bilirubin glucuronyl trans-

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ferase activity in microsomes or cell homogenates was as-sayed as described by Blanckaert et al. (17), except that dig-itonin activation of cell extracts was omitted, and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine was added (18). Radiolabeled bilirubinsubstrate was prepared biosynthetically (19) and used in as-says at concentrations in the range 0.5 to 5.0 gM. The re-action was linear for 10 min, and the radioactivity measuredin conjugated bilirubin was at least fivefold increased abovebackground levels in all samples. Control incubations, inwhich UDP-glucuronic acid was omitted, yielded negligiblelabeled conjugated bilirubin.

Determination of UDP-glucuronic acid. Extracts wereprepared by mixing 1 vol of cell suspension or homogenatewith 2 vol distilled water in a conical centrifuge tube, whichwas immediately placed in a boiling water bath. After 5 min,centrifugation was carried out to pellet suspended material.The supernatant was removed and stored at -20°C for sub-sequent assay. The protein content of both pellet and su-pernatant was measured for an estimate of total cell proteinin the sample. The UDP-glucuronic acid content in extractswas determined fluorometrically (20), and the assay was lin-ear from 10 to 1,000 pm UDPGA. The fluorescence of thereaction product (benzo[a]pyrene-3-O-glucuronide) wasmeasured at an excitation wavelength of 378 nm and emis-sion wavelength of 425 nm. Results are expressed as pico-moles per milligram protein.


Formation of heme and bilirubin in isolated smallintestinal epithelial cells. In cells incubated with theheme precursor ALA, labeled heme increased at a lin-ear rate for at least 80 min; labeled bilirubin was de-tectable after a lag of 10-20 min, then increased lin-early and, after 60-80 min of incubation, represented20% of the total label recovered in heme and bile pig-ment (Fig. 1). The characteristics of the heme pre-cursor pool were studied with the specific goal of de-termining the relative incorporation of exogenous orendogenous ALA into cellular heme and inferringfrom this whether labeled ALA, added to the culturemedium, was causing an appreciable expansion of theendogenous ALA precursor pool. This possibility wasexamined with a dual-label study in which cells wereincubated with both [2-'4C]glycine and [3H]ALA; thecontribution of each precursor to total cellular hemewas quantitated (Table I). The results indicate that,at the concentrations used, the amount of ALA incor-porated (picomoles per milligram protein) was - 0.2%of the amount of glycine incorporated, and this pro-portion was essentially constant between 30 and 60min of incubation. Thus, the concentration of ALAused in these studies appears to represent a tracer level.The relative rates of incorporation of glycine and ALAare similar to those observed in rat hepatocytes in pri-mary culture (15), suggesting that the endogenous poolof ALA may be of comparable size in liver parenchymaand small intestinal mucosa.

Studies of mucosal subfractions. The localizationof heme metabolism along the villus axis was examined

30 -


m\ 20-





30 60TIME (min)


FIGURE 1 Hemeand bilirubin synthesis in isolated mucosalepithelial cells from rat small intestine. Epithelial isolates(5 X 106 cells) were incubated in 1 ml complete culture me-dium containing 1 uCi [3H]ALA (29 Ci/mmol; 3.45 X 10nM). Incubation was terminated at the indicated time pointswith addition of extraction solvent for measurement of ra-diolabeled heme and bilirubin. Results are expressed ascounts per minute per milligram protein. Mean±SD (n = 3).

in individually isolated villus-tip, mid-villus, andlower-villus/crypt cells. Both the formation and thedegradation of heme exhibited a gradient from tip tocrypt, with both processes being significantly increasedin the crypt cell fraction (Table II). Hemeoxygenaseactivity similarly was least in villus-tip and greatestin crypt cells, as shown (12).

TABLE IContribution of Exogenous ALA to Cellular HemeSynthesis in

Isolated Rat Small Intestinal Epithelial Cells

Precursor incorporationHeme Labeled heme into heme

precursor (dpm/plate) (pmol/mg protein)

30 min 60 min 30 min 60 min

['4C]glycine 1,610 3,296 116 237[3H]ALA 31,486 62,064 0.2 0.4

Freshly isolated epithelial cells (5 X 106) were incubated in 1 mlcomplete culture medium containing [2-t4C]glycine (2.49 Ci/mol;0.804 mM) and [3H]ALA (29 Ci/mmol; 3.45 X 10 nM). After 30and 60 min, cells and medium were removed from the plate andmixed with unlabeled carrier heme. Hemewas then isolated andcrystallized (16). The data represent the mean of two experiments,the individual values differing by <10%.

Hemeand Bilirubin Metabolism in Small Intestinal Mucosa



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TABLE IIFornation of Hemeand Bilirubin in Villus-tip, Mid-villus,

and Lower-villus/Crypt cells

Villus-tip Mid-villus Lower-villus/crypt

Heme, dpm/mg protein 19,537±2,344 27,911±2,737 39,570±2,915Bilirubin, dpm/mg protein 3,489±392 6,226±1,622 9,274±1,604

Freshly isolated mucosal subfractions (5 X 106 cells) were incubated in 1 ml completeculture medium containing [3H]ALA (29 Ci/mmol; 3.45 X 10 nM). After 60 min theincubation was terminated, and labeled heme and bilirubin were quantitated by thin-layer chromatography as described in Methods. Mean values±SD (n = 3).

Conjugation of bilirubin by intestinal mucosalcells. Bilirubin conjugates in isolates incubated withlabeled ALA were assayed by a method that permitsquantitation of the physiologic monoglucuronide con-jugates of bilirubin IX-a (the C8- or C12-esters), themonoglucuronide conjugates formed nonenzymati-cally by dipyrrole exchange (the III-a and XIII-aforms), and also bilirubin IX-a diglucuronide (14). Ofthe total labeled bile pigment recovered after 60 minof incubation, monoglucuronide conjugates repre-sented 29% and diglucuronide 24%; the remainder wasunconjugated bilirubin (Fig. 2). Radioactivity presentin the III-a and XIII-a monoglucuronide isomers was


31 60

TIME (min)

FIGURE 2 Bilirubin glucuronide formation in intact epithe-lial cells from rat small intestinal mucosa. Isolates (3.5 X 106cells) were incubated in 1 mnl complete culture medium con-taining 1 uCi ['H]ALA (29 Ci/mmol; 34.5 nM). Incubationwas terminated at designated time points by placing theculture plates on dry ice. After addition of carrier pigmentin the form of rat bile, bilirubin mono- and diglucuronideswere converted to their corresponding monomethylesters byalkaline methanolysis (14), extracted, separated, and quan-titated as described in Methods. Mean values±SD (n = 3).0, [8H]UCB; A, [3H]BMG; *, [3H]BDG.

<4% of the total bile pigment at any time point, sug-gesting that dipyrrole exchange was occurring veryslowly, if at all, during the analytical procedures. Theratio of disintegrations per minute in the major mono-glucuronide isomers (C8/C12) ranged from 1.4 to 1.8.Although total bilirubin formation varied among iso-lates from the tip, intermediate, and lower-villus areas(as shown above), the proportion of monoconjugated,diconjugated, and unconjugated bilirubin formed wassimilar in all (data not shown).

The specificity of the observed conjugating activitywas tested in a parallel series of experiments with cellsisolated from homozygous Gunn rats, in which hepaticUDP-glucuronyl transferase activity is lacking, andbilirubin glucuronide is undetectable in plasma andbile (21). In intestinal mucosal cells from these animals,formation of bilirubin mono- and diglucuronides was<1% of that present in normal cells (Fig. 3).

Bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferase activity andUDP-glucuronic acid content of rat and human smallintestinal mucosa. Endogenously formed UDP-gluc-


30 60TIME (min)

FIGURE 3 Bilirubin formation in intact epithelial cells fromsmall intestinal mucosa of homozygous Gunn rats. Cells wereincubated and processed as described in Fig. 2. Results fromtwo individual experiments were essentially identical; thedata represent the mean values. 0, [3H]UCB; A, [3H]BMG;*, [3H]BDG.

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uronic acid is required for conjugation of bilirubin inintact tissue. This was assayed in extracts from rat andhuman small intestine and found to be 0.23 and 1.99nmol/mg protein, respectively. These concentrationsare comparable to those reported for rat (22) and hu-man liver (unpublished observations).

Microsomal extracts from three different intestinalsegments-proximal small bowel, ileum, and colon-each exhibited bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferaseactivity (Table III). Although the specific activityvaried among animals, the mean activities from allbowel segments were similar, in the range 40 to 65pmol conjugate formed per minute per milligram pro-tein. Assay of hepatic microsomes by this methodyields an average value of 520 pmol/min per mg pro-tein (17). On this basis, the capacity for bilirubin con-jugation in rat intestinal mucosa appears to be -10%of that in liver. A similar relationship was noted whenhomogenates of intact mucosal cells or hepatocyteswere assayed, suggesting that the microsomal extractaccurately reflects the activity present in cells.

While differing quantitatively, the intestinal andhepatic enzyme activities exhibited qualitative fea-tures in common. When extracts of proximal smallbowel were incubated with varying concentrations ofbilirubin (0.5-4.5 gM), the proportion of conjugatespresent as bilirubin diglucuronide fell from 19 to 13%;a similarly inverse relationship between formation ofthe diglucuronide species and substrate concentrationwas reported (17) for hepatic bilirubin conjugationalbeit over a higher range of bilirubin concentrations.Also, in studies with whole cell homogenates, the ratioof radioactivity in the monoglucuronide isomers (C8/C12) was 1.3 to 1.8, from both intestine and liver.

Bilirubin conjugation in human small intestinal mi-crosomes was assayed and was linear for at least 10min (Fig. 4); in preparations from two patientsmonoglucuronide appeared at 139 and 111, and

TABLE IIIBilirubin Conjugation by Microsomes from Proximal Small

Intestine, Ileum, and Colon

Conjugate formed


pmnol/min/mg protein

Duodenum/jejunum 50±61 11±14 61±75Ileum 31±10 9±5 40±13Colon 59±47 6±9 65±55

Incubations were carried out as described in Methods, with 0.70mg protein and 4.2 IAM [(4C]bilirubin (14 mCi/mol). The data rep-resent mean±SD of preparations from three animals. BMG, bili-rubin monoglucuronide; BDG, bilirubin diglucuronide.



- 15EX



5 10

TIME (min)

FIGURE 4 Bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity inmicrosomes of human small intestine. Incubations were car-ried out with ['4C]bilirubin (5.22 mCi/mol; 4.6 MM) as sub-strate and 0.67 mg microsomal protein per assay. At theindicated time points, incubations were terminated by ad-dition of methanol and carrier pigment in the form of ratbile. Bilirubin glucuronides were converted to their corre-sponding mono- and dimethylesters, extracted, and quan-titated as described in Methods. Results are expressed as ra-dioactivity (counts per minute) recovered after thin-layerchromatography. The data represent a typical result. 0,[14C]UCB; A, [14C]BMG; *, [14C]BDG.

diglucuronide appeared at 68 and 55 pmol/min permilligram protein, respectively. Hepatic microsomesfrom a single patient, incubated with a low concen-tration of bilirubin (2.3 gM), yielded a similar value(118 pmol total conjugate formed per minute per mil-ligram protein).


These experiments with isolated intact mucosal cellsprovide direct evidence for synthesis of heme, for-mation of bilirubin, and conversion of bilirubin toglucuronide conjugates in the small intestine. Labeledheme precursor (ALA) is converted rapidly to hemeand bilirubin, with a time-course similar to that for"early labeled" bilirubin in liver (15), and its contri-bution (relative to that of endogenous ALA) to cellularheme synthesis is small, as in rat hepatocytes culturedunder similar conditions (15). These findings are con-sistent with active heme metabolism in intestinalepithelium. In view of the resemblance to liver, itwould be of interest to examine the regulation of ALA

Hemeand Bilirubin Metabolism in Small Intestinal Mucosa 27

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synthetase, the rate-determining enzyme of heme syn-thesis in liver, and the response of intestinal heme for-mation and degradation to administered drugs.

Formation of bilirubin in the small intestine, as incultured hepatocytes, was detectable within 15 minafter introduction of labeled ALA (Fig. 1), and in stud-ies using pulse-labeling with ALA (15), degradationof newly formed heme appeared to yield stoichio-metric amounts of bile pigment (unpublished obser-vations). Bilirubin is rapidly metabolized further tomono- and diglucuronide conjugates, and, as in liver,formation of monoglucuronide appears to increase inproportion to the concentration of available substrate(unconjugated bilirubin) (23). Within the mono-glucuronide fraction, the C8 and C12 isomers are pres-ent in a ratio comparable to that generated by normalrat liver microsomes (18). The parallel between liverand small intestine is extended by the finding that in-testinal, as well as hepatic, cells from the mutant Gunnrat form bilirubin but fail to conjugate it. In humantissue, although studies were conducted with extractsrather than intact cells, the finding of UDP-glucuronicacid and bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transf erase activityindicates that conjugation of bilirubin occurs in thesmall intestine of humans as well as rats.

The similarity of heme and bilirubin metabolism inliver and small intestine suggests that the latter tissuemay contribute importantly to the conjugation andelimination of bilirubin from the body. The apparentspecific activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase (permilligram microsomal protein) in rat small intestineis 10% of that in liver and the mass of small intestinalmucosa is -25% the hepatic mass (unpublished ob-servations). This difference between hepatic and in-testinal enzyme content may be substantially less inthe case of the human tissues, although additional stud-ies are needed. In any event, metabolism of bilirubinin specific compartments may be affected by the pres-ence of glucuronidating activity within the intestinalmucosa. A portion of the unconjugated bilirubin in theintestinal lumen, primarily in the colon, undergoesabsorption and reexcretion by the liver ("enterohe-patic cycling") (24). It has been assumed that the spe-cies entering the circulation is unconjugated bilirubin,although direct evidence for this view is lacking (24).The present data, demonstrating bilirubin UDP-gluc-uronyl transf erase activity in distal as well as proximalbowel, provide strong circumstantial evidence thatbilirubin is conjugated as it traverses the intestinalmucosa, a process which in all likelihood would affectits space of distribution and half-life within the body(25). Similarly, bilirubin passing from plasma to theintestinal lumen (26) may undergo conjugation to beretained within the bowel and excreted more effi-

ciently than unconjugated bilirubin. Further studiesare needed to substantiate these possibilities.

Examination of heme and bilirubin formation invillus subfractions suggests that heme turnover is mostprominent in the lower-villus/crypt region both bymeasurement of heme oxygenase activity in cell ex-tracts and bilirubin formation in intact cells. By con-trast, the major heme protein of the intestine, cyto-chrome P-450, is present in greatest concentration invillus-tip cells and least in lower-villus/crypt cells (12).Thus, a reciprocal relationship appears to exist be-tween the heme protein content and heme oxygenaseactivity of mucosal subfractions. With experimentalmanipulations, also, such as dietary iron deficiency,reciprocal changes in cytochrome P-450 and hemeoxygenase have been observed (9, 27). These findingsclosely resemble those reported earlier for liver (28),suggesting that endogenous heme, derived from cy-tochrome P-450, induces heme oxygenase, albeit re-sults at variance with this interpretation have beenreported (29).

Enzymatic cleavage of the heme ring presumablyis required before heme iron is released and availablefor transfer to plasma and use by the organism. Thedistribution of heme oxygenase activity in mucosalfractions suggests that the lower-villus/crypt regionmay be particularly important in mediating the assim-ilation of heme iron. The present findings indicate alsothat not only the degradation but the turnover of en-dogenous heme is increased in lower-villus/crypt cells.If heme degradation results in transfer of iron out ofthe cell, then ongoing synthesis of heme implies inputof iron, presumably from the intestinal lumen. It ispossible that this process constitutes a pathway for thetransfer of iron from lumen to plasma involving itstransient organification as heme.

Synthesis of heme, its degradation to bile pigment,and conjugation of bilirubin are metabolically linkedprocesses that may well be involved with formationof heme enzymes and transport of iron, as outlinedabove. Related questions concern the uptake of dietaryheme and inorganic iron from the lumen and modu-lation of these processes at the cellular level in irondeficiency or pathologic iron excess (hemochromato-sis). Further study of these areas is needed, and theavailability of viable, isolated mucosal subfractionsprovides a direct approach.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWewould like to thank John Gollan, Rudi Schmid, and LydiaHammaker (Liver Center, University of California, SanFrancisco) for helpful discussions. Support was provided inpart by National Institutes of Health grant AM21642 andby a fellowship (to Dr. Hartmann) from the Deutsche For-schungsgemeinschaft.

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Page 8: Metabolism of heme and bilirubin in rat and...the conversion of hemeto bilirubin andbilirubin con-jugates. Hemeand bilirubin metabolism in rat small intestine appearto besimilar in


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