Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La...

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Friend of the Sea Tag in Köln

Datum: 16. 10. 2009

Gourmet Report Archiv

Wer nachhaltig Fisch isst, ist «Friend of the Sea»

Am 9. Oktober, einen Tag vor der ANUGA, trafen sich im Kölner Hilton Vertreter von

Produzenten und Handelsfirmen der Seafood-Branche aus Deutschland, der Schweiz,

Holland, Norwegen, Irland und Australien. Zum Treffen eingeladen hatte «Friend of the

Sea» (FOS), das internationale führende Label für nachhaltige Fischerei und


Pragmatisch, aber streng

FOS-Direktor Paolo Bray (Mailand) und Heinzpeter Studer (Winterthur), FOS-

Delegierter für den deutschen Sprachraum, stellten* eingangs dar, was ihr Label will

und leistet. Ziel von FOS ist es, mit pragmatischen, aber strengen Kriterien möglichst

rasch möglichst viel Wirkung gegen die Überfischung der Meere zu erzielen. Die

Befischung von überfischten Beständen wie z. B. Alaska-Seelachs wird unter dem

FOS-Label ebensowenig zugelassen wie der Einsatz von zerstörerischen

Grundschleppnetzen wie z. B. in der Fischerei auf Neuseeland-Hoki. Nur gezielte

Fischereimethode sind zugelassen, welche den Beifang gefährdeter Arten

ausschliessen und den Wegwurf auf unter 8 Prozent der Fangmenge begrenzen. Um

dem Handel eine Alternative bei Fischarten zu geben, welche nicht mehr befischt

werden sollen, zertifiziert FOS als einziges Fischereilabel auch Aquakulturen, welche

sich über ein strenges Management- und Kontrollsystem bezüglich aller relevanten

Faktoren wie Wasser, Abwasser, Entweichen von Fischen usw. ausweisen. Das Futter

darf nur Fischmehl enthalten, welches aus Verarbeitungsabfällen oder aus

nachhaltiger Fischerei stammt. Alle zertifizierten Firmen müssen zudem ihre CO2-

Ausstoss reduzieren bzw. durch Abgaben kompensieren und die Kernkonventionen

der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation der UNO einhalten.

In kurzer Zeit zum Erfolg

Bewusst verzichtet FOS auf einen grossen Apparat und einen komplizierten und damit

zeit- und kostenintensiven Ansatz. Ein flexibles System günstiger Labelgebühren

ermöglicht auch kleinen Produzenten und Händlern ein Mittun. So konnte FOS,

obschon erst vor vier Jahren gestartet, mengenmässig bereits die Führung aller

Seafood-Labels übernehmen: Aus FOS-zertifizierter Produktion stammen 10 Mio.

Tonnen Fänge von Speisefischen, 8 Mio. Tonnen Fänge von Fischen für die

Gewinnung von Fischmehl und Fischöl sowie 0.5 Mio Tonnen Speisefische aus


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Aquakultur. Damit sind bereits 9 Prozent aller Speisefische und 24 Prozent aller

Industriefische für FOS zertifiziert.

Praktische Beispiele

Am Kölner Treffen präsentierten* einige ausgewählte FOS-Produzenten ihre Arbeit.

Die Noordzee Vissers, eine Gruppe von sechs holländischen Fischerfamilen, fangen

Seezunge nicht wie üblich mit Grundschleppnetzen, welche den Meeresboden

umpflügen und hohen Beifang verursachen, sondern mit schonend horizontal über den

Boden ausgelegten Kiemennetzen. Norway Prawns fischt Eismeergarnelen in der

Barentsee; sie setzt dabei leichte Grundschleppnetze auf ebenem Grund ein, welche

mit einem Filter versehen sind, dank dem beigefangene Fische wieder entweichen

können. Die deutsche Firma International Fish Farming Technology erstellt derzeit im

Saarland eine Anlage zur Zucht von Salzwasserfischen, die dank geschlossenem

Kreislaufsystem mit sehr wenig Frischwasser und ohne Antibiotika auskommen wird.

Die südaustralische Firma Clean Seas züchtet Gelbschwanzmakrele und Adlerfisch

und hat es als weltweit erste geschafft, Thunfische in Zucht zu vermehren. Das jüngste

FOS-Zertifikat erhielt DKSH Switzerland in Köln für ihre im Süden Vietnams extensiv

und ohne Futter gezüchteten Black Tiger Garnelen.

Deutschsprachiger Markt noch zögerlich

Während FOS-Produkte auf den Märkten Südeuropas und des angelsächsischen

Raums präsent sind, hält sich der Handel im deutschsprachigen Raum noch zurück.

Das ist insofern erstaunlich, als die meisten Handelsketten sich eine nachhaltige

Beschaffung ihres Seafood-Sortiments zum Ziel gesetzt haben. Dieses Ziel wird freilich

nur zu erreichen sein, wenn auch mit FOS eine Zusammenarbeit gesucht wird. Denn

FOS bietet mit Abstand das breiteste Sortiment: Bereits sind zertifizierte Produkte von

74 Fischarten lieferbar, rund doppelt soviele wie alle andern Seafood-Labels


Anders die Nummer 3 im Schweizer Detailhandel, die Warenhauskette Manor mit 33

Frischmärkten: Sie entschied sich im Herbst 2007, ihr gesamtes Sortiment auf FOS-

zertifizierte Quellen umzustellen. Ein höchst anspruchsvolles Vorhaben, welches

sowohl Manor wie FOS fordert. Mittlerweile generiert Manor bereits die Hälfte ihres

Seafood-Umsatzes mit FOS-Produkten. Studer stellte die exklusive Entscheidung von

Manor als besonderen Fall vor, der für viele Akteure im Handel in dieser Form kaum

denkbar sei. FOS gehe es jedoch darum, den Handel bei der Beschaffung eines

möglichst breiten nachhaltigen Sortiments mit zusätzlichen Alternativen zu

unterstützen. In den regen Diskussionen während des Kölner Treffens entwarfen die

Teilnehmer Strategien, um die Verbraucher direkt anzusprechen.

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Peruvian scallops certified sustainable

Acuapesca Group delivers its Friend of the Sea products to the international market

Friend of the Sea announces the first scallop producer certified sustainable. Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) has been operating since 1990 in the remote and pristine bays in Northern Perú: Guaynumá and Salinas in Casma – Ancash - and Nonura in Piura. The company employs 480 and a produces 2000 tons per year. Successful independent Environmental Impact Assessments have been run and water parameters are checked every 7 days by the official laboratory, as part of the Shellfish Control Program of seawater bivalves. The development of the plant has not determined a net conversion of critical ecosystem. The species (Argopecten purpuratus) is a native species, whose broodstocks are captured in the bay and induced to spawn in laboratory, for later reintroduction in the bay to continue the growth process. Because of the natural farming method, no feed nor drugs are used. The scallops are grown (long line system) in cages which are recollected. While fuel consumption is limited to the boats picking up the cages, the company has engaged at estimating and reducing its carbon footprint in the next 12 months. Acuapesca Group has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90% of the employees are locals of the nearby community of Casma in Ancash and Sechura in Piura. Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official bodies. “We are proud of having obtained the Friend of the Sea certification” comments Carlos Goldin, CEO, “we are glad to join this way an international group of companies enthusiastic about sustainability. We hope other scallop farmers in Peru will also apply for Friend of the Sea certification and share our efforts in conservation of the marine habitat”.

Source: Friend of the Sea"

WorldFishingToday d. 25-11-2009

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Page 5: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores
Page 6: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores
Page 7: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores
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Page 10: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

Perú: Fried of the Sea certifica a conchas de abanico (ostión) de cultivo como sustentables

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Malo Bueno Puntuar

Miércoles, 25 de Noviembre de 2009 02:00

Friend of the Sea anuncia la primera certificación sustentable para la concha de abanico (ostión) de cultivo. Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) ha venido operando desde 1990 en las bahías de Guaynumá y Salinas ubicadas en Casma - Ancash, y Nonura en Piura. La empresa emplea a 480 personas y produce 2000 t/año. La empresa ha implementado con éxito un sistema de evaluación de impacto ambiental y el registro de los parámetros de calidad de agua cada 7 días por un laboratorio oficial, como parte del Programa de Control de Moluscos Bivalvos. La implementación de la planta no ha significado una amenaza critica para el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores son obtenidos en la misma bahía e inducidos al desove en laboratorio; la semilla se vuelve a cultivar en la bahía para continuar con el proceso. Debido a que el método de cultivo es natural, no se requiere de alimentos ni medicamentos. Las conchas crecen en linternas que cuelgan de un sistema denominado "long line". Aun cuando el consumo de combustible esta limitado a las embarcaciones, la empresa se ha comprometido a reducir su huella de carbono en los próximos meses. Acuapesca Group viene siendo auditada de acuerdo a los requerimientos sociales de Friend of the Sea. Mas del 90% de los trabajadores viven en Casma (Ancash) y Sechura (Piura). Se ha verificado el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de seguridad, salud y adecuados salarios por un auditor independiente y ellos son regularmente inspeccionados por las autoridades gubernamentales. "Estamos felices por obtener la certificación de Friend of the Sea" comentó Carlos Goldin, presidente de Acuapesca Group. "Estamos contentos de unirnos en este camino a un grupo internacional de empresas entusiastas por la sustentabilidad. Esperamos que otros productores de concha de abanico peruanos también apliquen a la certificación de Friend of the Sea y compartir nuestros esfuerzos en la conservación del hábitat marino". Para mas información: Friend of the Sea Acuapesca Group


Pagina 1 di 3Perú: Fried of the Sea certifica a conchas de abanico (ostión) de cultivo como susten...


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Home Features Archives October, 2009 Archived News A WORLD FIRST FOR SPRING BAY FOODS

A WORLD FIRST FOR SPRING BAY FOODS Monday, 26 October 2009 17:44

As a result of our sustainable farming practices and “closing the cycle” in the hatchery, this

company was this year certified by the international organisation Friend of the Sea

( Phil Lamb’s marine farms are the largest in eastern Australia.

After years of research and development, Lamb is the largest single producer of blue shell

mussels in the country and home to the world’s first commercial scale mussel hatchery. In 2006,

the company set about building the world’s first commercial scale mussel hatchery. After a long

period the company is now consistently spawning and growing their own mussel spat. More


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Page 12: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

Friend of the Sea fails fishery �� IntraFish� Media

Published - November 05. 2009 - 14:21 GMT

Atlantic langoustine fisheries failed to achieve Friend of the Sea certification, which calls it "unsustainable and overfished."

The northeast Atlantic trawl fisheries for langoustine failed to meet Friend of the Sea certifying standards after a preliminary assessment on behalf of a “main European retailer.”

Nephrops trawl fisheres in ICES areas Via and VII “is not compliant” with Friend of the Sea criteria, which demands “the stock under consideration is not overfished.”

“We hope the fishery will in the future improve its management and lower its impact by promoting alternative fishing methods” said Paolo Bray, director of the international eco-label program.

“However, none of the bottom-trawling fisheries in the area currently stand a chance to be certified Friend of the Sea.”

Stocks in the areas have declined from 40 percent to 60 percent the past two years, and according to ICES' 2009 advice they “are being exploited unsustainably” and “are overfished.”

In some areas, ICES “advice now calls for a reduction in catches to the lowest possible level.”

Friend of the Sea criticized the discarding of 70 million undersized nephrops, or 25 percent of the catch, each year in the north and south Minch fisheries alone, and warned the bottom trawling employed is non-selective, with a 2002 study claiming nine kilograms of discards were recorded for every kilogram of nephrops landed.


Copyright 2005 IntraFish Media AS - All rights reserved.

The North Atlantic bottom-trawl langoustine fisheries

are "over exploited."

- Friend of Sea OKs Moroccan anchovies - Friend of the Sea seeks purse seiners - Pole-and-line tuna fishery gains Friend of Sea OK - Langoustine prices plummet in U.K. - Young's helps langoustine fishery gain MSC certification

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Fjord salmon gets Friend of Sea OK �� IntraFish� Media

Published - November 10. 2009 - 14:14 GMT

Fjord SpA, producer of more than15 percent of Italian smoked salmon, and Sjotroll Havbruk AS, one of the main Norwegian producers, obtained Friend of the Sea certification.

Sjotroll owns six hatcheries and 25 seafarms. All farming operations are located in remote Norwegian islands in the Bergen area.

An environmental impact assessment was run successfully at all sites, according to the Norwegian statutory requirements. Parameters are tested annually by an independent laboratory for velocity, inorganic nutrients, redox potential, flora and fauna potential impact. Daily water quality, temperatue, tides and oxygen tests are run at all sites.

All seawater sites are offshore and have between 100 and 200 meters depth below cages, allowing for appropriate nutrients dispersion, Friend of the Sea said Monday. Underwater cameras are used to optimize feeding practices. Annual benthic assessment at seawater farms have reported good results due to the depth and tidal movement of water. Strict procedures are in place and tested in case of any escape, according also to the Norwegian legislation.

As part of the audit requirements, both Sjotroll and Fjord have engaged at assessing their carbon footprints and reducing them over the next 12 months, Friend of the Sea said.

“We are enthusiastic in being part of the Friend of the Sea project,” said Antonio Pellin of Fjord SpA. “We are in the process of having all other suppliers assessed and some products are already out on the shelves labeled. Friend of the Sea label explains our demanding customers that our company cares about the environment and conservation.”

More than five million metric tons of Fjord’s Friend of the Sea-labeled products will be out on the shelves the next 12 months, also as private labels in some major retail chains in Italy.


Copyright 2005 IntraFish Media AS - All rights reserved.

- Friend of the Sea fails fishery

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Page 14: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

Pangasius pioneer’s high hopes for double-certified shrimp

�� Tom� Seaman Published - November 30. 2009 - 06:04 GMT

One of the first companies to bring pangasius into Europe hopes its Friend of the Sea and Naturland-certified Vietnamese black tiger shrimp can be a success in new markets.

DKSH Switzerland Ltd., an international market expansion services group with a turnover of CHF 8 billion (€5.3 billion/$8 billion), plans to add a seafood specialist to its office in the United Kingdom with a view to opening a new market for the black tigers.

The firm, which was one of the first in the world to start importing pangasius into Europe 20 years ago, already sells shrimp, pangasius and other seafood into its home market Switzerland, as well as into Germany, Australia and Japan through seafood teams in its offices in these countries.

Although its seafood division accounts for only €18 million ($27 million) of its overall turnover figure, the firm is looking to grow this business.

“Our goal is also to expand in the U.K. and we will be commercially active in this market in the very near future,” Thomas Schefer, DKSH’s Area Manager Seafood for Europe for its performance materials business unit, told IntraFish.

The black tiger shrimp product has been certified by the NGO Friend of the Sea and is due to get Naturland organic certification in December.

“This gives the customer the choice what they want to use. Using the Friend of the Sea will not add to the price, but the organic label will,” he said.

Although the company has been selling the black tiger shrimp into Switzerland for the last 20 years, it is a new product for other markets.

Sales of black tigers into Germany, where DKSH opened up an office four years ago, have struggled in the discount-dominated market.

However, Schefer said the firm sees the United Kingdom as a market that could take to the product.

“The U.K. has the same appearance to some as Germany. There is a high volume of low quality shrimp coming from Bangladesh. But, I feel that there is a market for the high quality products, especially if you look at some of the retailers and what they sell,” he said.

“There is a consumer who is ready to pay more for high quality, as long as it is proven that this is really a safe product,” he said. “That is why we have decided to go for the certification and not just offer the product as it is.”

Currently, the company imports 400 metric tons of black tiger into Switzerland every year.

A one hectare growing area will produce 400 kilos of raw material a year. For a standard pond, a one hectare area will produce up to 10,000 kilos.

“The Friend of the Sea standard guarantees the surrounding mangrove forests remain intact. The shrimps grow without feed or any other human influence,” he said.

- Friend of the Sea-certified pangasius ready for market - Market expansion giant opens seafood arm in U.K. - Shrimp supplier Devi Seafoods plans U.S. retail expansion - Black tigers turning up along U.S. East Coast - Sysco signs shrimp marketing deal - Black tiger shrimp prices drop to 10-year low - Shrimp producer snags Wal-Mart deal - Photo gallery: Black tiger shrimp, pangasius pioneer - Double-certified black tiger shrimp

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Page 15: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

DKSH is also a major importer of pangasius from Vietnam and was one of the first to start bringing the fish into Europe. It has a team of ten in Vietnam to ensure suppliers meet the quality standards demanded by customers.

Sales of pangasius into Germany and Switzerland are currently at around 4,000 metric tons a year and have doubled over the last two years, said Schefer.

“We are trying to do more. But, we are not a volume operation. Our focus is on key accounts and special products for customers.”

DKSH is the global leader in market expansion services, employing 22,000 specialists in 460 locations around the world. The firm’s business is assisting other companies to grow their businesses in and with Asia, providing knowledge, advice, relationships, and logistics.

Its business units cover consumer goods, healthcare, performance materials, and technology.


Copyright 2005 IntraFish Media AS - All rights reserved.

Pagina 2 di 2Pangasius pioneer’s high hopes for double-certified shrimp


Page 16: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

First Mauritius seafood certified by Friend of the Sea �� IntraFish� Media

Published - December 11. 2009 - 06:06 GMT

Red drum and goldlined seabream from Mauritius-based firm Ferme de Mahebourg has met the Friend of the Sea standard for sustainable seafood.

Ferme Marine de Mahebourg is the idea of group of entrepreneurs planning on establishing a aquaculture operation in Mauritius, becoming the first from the island to reach the Friend of the Sea standard.

“A key consideration in all aspects of our company is to protect and enhance the environment to ensure the long-term future of the business,” said Graham Benjamin, processing and marketing manager of Ferme Marine de Mahebourg.

“For this reason and in order to have international recognition of our environmental conservation efforts, we have undergone Friend of the Sea audit for certification.”

The company has two farm sites are located on the eastern coast of the Island. Both sites were selected after surveys and an environmental impact assessment, to ensure water quality, whilst protecting the environment.

Cages’ nets are checked daily for maintenance preventing any possible escapes. Friend of the Sea has requested analysis of further water quality parameters, which have been carried out positively prior to certification.

The stock in the cages is fed at regular intervals during the day using also Friend of the Sea-certified feed from Coop Agricole Le Gouessant.

The feed is certified free from all artificial additives and genetically modified ingredients ensuring excellent quality of the fish.

The company has a hatchery producing up to two million fingerlings annually on a closed system to ensure bio-security of the operations.


Copyright 2005 IntraFish Media AS - All rights reserved.

Pagina 1 di 1First Mauritius seafood certified by Friend of the Sea


Page 17: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

CÁC TIN KHÁC Hà Lan sắp “mở cửa” cho thủy sản Việt Nam Những cuộc tàn phá của động vật ngoại lai Tonga: Nguồn lợi cá ngừ Thái Bình Dương giảm Ngừng đánh bắt cá ngừ vây xanh Mỹ tiếp tục cho phép nhập khẩu tôm Êcuađo Italia phê duyệt Hiệp định ngăn chặn khai thác thủy sản bất hợp pháp Mỹ đã sẵn sàng giáp mặt với luật chứng nhận đánh bắt mới Canada sắp phát hành chứng chỉ đánh bắt Hàn Quốc: Hạn ngạch khai thác cá ngừ mắt to tăng 38% Cắt giảm hạn ngạch cá ngừ Bluefin tạo tiếng vang tại Nhật Bản

Điệp Pêru đạt chứng nhận bền vững Hội Nghề cá Khánh Hòa - 08/12/09-07:48:46

Tổ chức Friend of the Sea (FOS) vừa cấp chứng nhận bền vững cho sản phẩm điệp của công ty nuôi trồng thủy sản Pesca (Acuapesca), Pêru. Công ty Acuapesca bắt đầu nuôi điệp từ năm 1990 tại các vịnh nguyên sơ ở Bắc Pêru và hàng năm sản xuất 2.000 tấn điệp

Những đánh giá tác động đối với môi trường độc lập được các nhân

viên phòng thí nghiệm tiến hành thành công cùng với việc thanh tra các

thông số về nguồn nước trong vòng 7 ngày, một phần của Chương trình

Kiểm soát các loài nhuyễn thể 2 mảnh vỏ biển. Sự phát triển của công ty

không hề làm thay đổi hệ sinh thái thiết yếu.

Điệp (Argopecten purpuratus) là loài bản địa. Điệp giống được khai

thác tại vịnh và cho sinh sản trong phòng thí nghiệm, sau đó được đưa trở

lại vịnh để sinh trưởng tiếp.

Đây là phương pháp nuôi tự nhiên, không sử dụng thức ăn hay thuốc,

điệp được nuôi trong các lồng có hệ thống dây treo dài. Bên cạnh việc

hạn chế tiêu hao nhiên liệu của các tàu vớt lồng, công ty đã và đang nâng

cấp để ước lượng và giảm lượng khí thải cácbon trong vòng 12 năm tới.

Các thanh tra viên của Tổ chức FOS đã xác nhận công ty Acuapesca

đã đáp ứng được các quy định về an toàn, vệ sinh và mức lương thỏa

đáng cho công nhân. (Fis - PY) VASEP Editor


Công văn số 2018: Quy định nhập khẩu thủy sản vào Pêru

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Pagina 1 di 2Hội nghề cá Khánh Hòa


Page 18: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

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"The most enterprising

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In the light of the present economic climate, is it really advisable to keep on s...

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Acuapesca's scallops have been certified as FOS sustainable. (Photo: Acuapesca/FOS)

Peruvian scallops certified sustainable


Friday, November 27, 2009, 00:40 (GMT + 9)

Friend of the Sea (FOS) has certified scallop producer Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) as a sustainable enterprise.

The company has been operating since 1990 in the remote and pristine bays in Northern Perú: Guaynumá and Salinas in Casma – Ancash - and Nonura in Piura.

Successful independent Environmental Impact Assessments have been run and water parameters are checked every 7 days by the official laboratory, as part of the Shellfish Control Program of seawater bivalves. The development of the plant has not determined a net conversion of critical ecosystem.

The species (Argopecten purpuratus) is a native species, whose broodstocks are captured in the bay and induced to spawn in laboratory, for later reintroduction in the bay to continue the growth process.

Because of the natural farming method, no feed nor drugs are used. The scallops are grown (long line system) in cages which are recollected. While fuel consumption is limited to the boats picking up the cages, the company has engaged at estimating and reducing its carbon footprint in the next 12 months.

Acuapesca Group has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90 per cent of the employees are locals of the nearby community of Casma in Ancash and Sechura in Piura.

Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official bodies.

“We are proud of having obtained the Friend of the Sea certification” comments Carlos Goldin, CEO, “we are glad to join this way an international group of companies enthusiastic about sustainability. We hope other scallop farmers in Peru will also apply for Friend of the Sea certification and share our efforts in conservation of the marine habitat."

The company employs 480 and a produces 2,000 tonnes per year.

By Denise Recalde

[email protected]

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United Kingdom

Sep 3, 22:00 (GMT + 9): IN BRIEF - FSA carve-up begun United States Sep 3, 21:50 (GMT + 9): NOAA reopens more Gulf waters Spain

Sep 3, 16:20 (GMT + 9): Assessment of juvenile anchovies in the Bay of Biscay Thailand Sep 3, 15:20 (GMT + 9): Govt to fund algal biofuel research Mexico

Sep 3, 04:30 (GMT + 9): Investment of USD 170 million to boost Fishing Industry United States Sep 3, 03:40 (GMT + 9): Researchers work toward cheaper algal biodiesel Iceland

Sep 3, 03:10 (GMT + 9): HB Grandi's mackerel and herring catch down Colombia Sep 3, 02:30 (GMT + 9): Tension builds at tuna plant Thailand

Sep 3, 01:40 (GMT + 9): Shrimp industry to get face lift Spain

Sep 3, 01:20 (GMT + 9): Spain commit to renew EU-Morocco agreement United Kingdom Sep 3, 00:20 (GMT + 9): First offshore mussel farm gets green light Norway

Sep 2, 23:20 (GMT + 9): Salmon prices decline Spain

Sep 2, 22:30 (GMT + 9): Red tide causes mass closure of mussel rafts Canada Sep 2, 21:50 (GMT + 9): MSC standards questionable: experts Chile

Sep 2, 16:50 (GMT + 9): Million dollar investment to promote Chilean mussels in Russia




DFO faces criticism after record salmon run Canada With the biggest sockeye salmon run in 100 years, many depending on the fishery are reaping the benefits. However, the DFO has faced criticism for not opening the fishery earlier.

Greenpeace catches Danish vessels fishing illegally Sweden Greenpeace Sweden said it has documented “systematic,” “intensive” and “continuous” illegal fishing by Danish vessels within a protected area of the Kattegat that is closed for fishing.

First biodiesel plant in Latin America opens Argentina Argentina's first factory to make bio-diesel from algae has opened its doors, with the aim of using this product as a replacement for soy in making bio-diesel as part of a push for renewable energy.

Salmon baby food in the works United States A food science professor from the University of Illinois is working to create a tasty and nutritious salmon baby food. In a study, 81%t of the parents said they would feed it to their children.

Pagina 1 di 2FIS - Worldnews - Peruvian scallops certified sustainable


Page 19: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

Peru is ranked 126th, in terms of quality of port infrastructure, of the 133 countries of the World Economic Forum. Thanks to the investment from DP World, Callao will become the only port in the region with eight port cranes: two belonging to ENAPU and six to the foreign firm. With the help of these cranes, which reduce the time at which ships are at port by 60 per cent. Callao will be able to double its movement capacity in 2010. DP World executives have also shown interest in operating Callao's North Pier. In Se

Callao Port. (Foto: Enapu)

Peruvian scallops certified sustainable

PERU Friday, November 27, 2009

Friend of the Sea (FOS) has certified scallop producer Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) as a sustainable enterprise.

The company has been operating since 1990 in the remote and pristine bays in Northern Perú: Guaynumá and Salinas in Casma – Ancash - and Nonura in Piura.

Successful independent Environmental Impact Assessments have been run and water parameters are checked every 7 days by the official laboratory, as part of the Shellfish Control Program of seawater bivalves. The development of the plant has not determined a net conversion of critical ecosystem.

The species (Argopecten purpuratus) is a native species, whose broodstocks are captured in the bay and induced to spawn in laboratory, for later reintroduction in the bay to continue the growth process.

Because of the natural farming method, no feed nor drugs are used. The scallops are grown (long line system) in cages which are recollected. While fuel consumption is limited to the boats picking up the cages, the company has engaged at estimating and reducing its carbon footprint in the next 12 months.

Acuapesca Group has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90 per cent of the employees are locals of the nearby community of Casma in Ancash and Sechura in Piura.

Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official bodies.

“We are proud of having obtained the Friend o

Hake fishing suspended

PERU Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Ministry of Production (Produce) has suspended the harvesting of hake (Merluccius gayi) from 25 November, with the aim of protecting specimens of smaller sizes. According to the new ministerial resolution, the closure applies to the maritime area south of the 5°00' South Latitude. The ban covers the hake fishery on the part of coastal trawling vessels, medium-scale trawling vessels and large-scale trawling vessels. The artisanal fleet remains exempted from the fishing prohibition, and only those vessels that possess valid fishing permits and utilise longline fishing gear in their operations may continue to operate. Artisanal vessels will not be able to supply hake to the industrial establishments located in the prohibition area, and will only be able to commercialise their landings as fresh product. The Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE) will be in charge of tracking the fishing of the resource and must inform and recommend appropriate measures to Produce. In December 2008, a provisional fishing regime was established for hake, through which the fishing of hake was authorised between 1 January and 31 January of this year in the maritime areas located between Peru's farthest northern point and parallel 06º 00’ 00” South. At that opportunity, the government fixed the total hake fishing quota at 45,000 metric tonnes. However, on 16 November, IMARPE announced a variation on the minimum figures in sub-areas, with lower numbers below the 04° 30' South Latitude. “The biologi

September seafood exports sink

Nov 15, 22:00 (GMT +

9): IN BRIEF - Region 10 sees fish production increase significantly

Pagina 2 di 5FIS - Worldnews in Brief - Anchovy fishing suspended -


Page 20: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores
Page 21: Messerkatalog [] CHROMA CNIFE Friend of the … · 2019-02-13 · el ecosistema. La especie concha de abanico ( Argopecten purpuratus ) es una especie nativa, cuyos reproductores

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Alfonso Paz Andrade

"The most enterprising

companies make the most of new opportunities"

In the light of the present economic climate, is it really advisable to keep on s...

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Acuapesca's scallops have been certified as FOS sustainable. (Photo: Acuapesca/FOS)

Peruvian scallops certified sustainable


Friday, November 27, 2009, 00:40 (GMT + 9)

Friend of the Sea (FOS) has certified scallop producer Acuacultura y Pesca Group (Acuapesca) as a sustainable enterprise.

The company has been operating since 1990 in the remote and pristine bays in Northern Perú: Guaynumá and Salinas in Casma – Ancash - and Nonura in Piura.

Successful independent Environmental Impact Assessments have been run and water parameters are checked every 7 days by the official laboratory, as part of the Shellfish Control Program of seawater bivalves. The development of the plant has not determined a net conversion of critical ecosystem.

The species (Argopecten purpuratus) is a native species, whose broodstocks are captured in the bay and induced to spawn in laboratory, for later reintroduction in the bay to continue the growth process.

Because of the natural farming method, no feed nor drugs are used. The scallops are grown (long line system) in cages which are recollected. While fuel consumption is limited to the boats picking up the cages, the company has engaged at estimating and reducing its carbon footprint in the next 12 months.

Acuapesca Group has also been audited according to Friend of the Sea social accountability requirements. More than 90 per cent of the employees are locals of the nearby community of Casma in Ancash and Sechura in Piura.

Compliance with safety, health and adequate salaries regulations have all been verified by the independent Friend of the Sea auditor and they are regularly inspected by the official bodies.

“We are proud of having obtained the Friend of the Sea certification” comments Carlos Goldin, CEO, “we are glad to join this way an international group of companies enthusiastic about sustainability. We hope other scallop farmers in Peru will also apply for Friend of the Sea certification and share our efforts in conservation of the marine habitat."

The company employs 480 and a produces 2,000 tonnes per year.

By Denise Recalde

[email protected]

ShareThis Print


United Kingdom

Sep 3, 22:00 (GMT + 9): IN BRIEF - FSA carve-up begun United States Sep 3, 21:50 (GMT + 9): NOAA reopens more Gulf waters Spain

Sep 3, 16:20 (GMT + 9): Assessment of juvenile anchovies in the Bay of Biscay Thailand Sep 3, 15:20 (GMT + 9): Govt to fund algal biofuel research Mexico

Sep 3, 04:30 (GMT + 9): Investment of USD 170 million to boost Fishing Industry United States Sep 3, 03:40 (GMT + 9): Researchers work toward cheaper algal biodiesel Iceland

Sep 3, 03:10 (GMT + 9): HB Grandi's mackerel and herring catch down Colombia Sep 3, 02:30 (GMT + 9): Tension builds at tuna plant Thailand

Sep 3, 01:40 (GMT + 9): Shrimp industry to get face lift Spain

Sep 3, 01:20 (GMT + 9): Spain commit to renew EU-Morocco agreement United Kingdom Sep 3, 00:20 (GMT + 9): First offshore mussel farm gets green light Norway

Sep 2, 23:20 (GMT + 9): Salmon prices decline Spain

Sep 2, 22:30 (GMT + 9): Red tide causes mass closure of mussel rafts Canada Sep 2, 21:50 (GMT + 9): MSC standards questionable: experts Chile

Sep 2, 16:50 (GMT + 9): Million dollar investment to promote Chilean mussels in Russia




DFO faces criticism after record salmon run Canada With the biggest sockeye salmon run in 100 years, many depending on the fishery are reaping the benefits. However, the DFO has faced criticism for not opening the fishery earlier.

Greenpeace catches Danish vessels fishing illegally Sweden Greenpeace Sweden said it has documented “systematic,” “intensive” and “continuous” illegal fishing by Danish vessels within a protected area of the Kattegat that is closed for fishing.

First biodiesel plant in Latin America opens Argentina Argentina's first factory to make bio-diesel from algae has opened its doors, with the aim of using this product as a replacement for soy in making bio-diesel as part of a push for renewable energy.

Salmon baby food in the works United States A food science professor from the University of Illinois is working to create a tasty and nutritious salmon baby food. In a study, 81%t of the parents said they would feed it to their children.

Pagina 1 di 2FIS - Worldnews - Peruvian scallops certified sustainable
