Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987

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Transcript of Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987

  • 8/11/2019 Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987


    Messages -1987

    January 1, 1987 #1,062I address all my children: Start this irst day ! the year "y e aminingy!ur c!nscience: $! y!u ma%e time during the day !r the &!rd'$! y!u let (hat )e *lants in y!ur hearts s*r!ut'$! y!u l!+e the &!rd as )e as%s t! "e l!+ed'

    I tell y!u: )e (h! slee*s (ill n!t see the sun, he (ill !nly see thenight May man !*en himsel t! !d, and !re+er he (ill "el!ng t!

    !d May man l!+e !d, may his heart n!t hesitate.raise "e !re+er t! the &!rd Ma%e it %n!(n

    January 2 #1,06/$aughter, e+erything c!unts in the eyes ! !d: (hat is "eauti ul,(hat is ugly, (hat is "ig, (hat is small n!thing esca*es !d )is )and stretches !ut !+er each child t! rec!+er s!uls, t! deli+erthem and t! sa+e them

    lessed "e !d

    January / #1,063 &et the (ea% ly r!m the (ea% and ta%e re uge in !d &et *ride "rea% a(ay r!m haughty hearts, and let humility enterth!se hearts, !r !d (ill enter (ith it &et charity "e e *ressed in each child "y l!+ing the neigh"!r, as !d isals! in the neigh"!r

    l!ry "e t! the 4+erlasting

    January 3 #1,065 I say these (!rds t! all *e!*le: n the inside and !n the !utside, I see!nly alseh!!d in the heart ! many ! y!u

    hange, lea+e alseh!!d, and enter int! ruth (al% in ruth and li+e inruth !ur M!ther as%s this ! y!u, "ut y!u are ree t! d! s! !r n!tl!ry "e t! the &!rd

    January 5 #1,066

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    h, my *!!r children e( ! y!u *lunge dee*ly int! hrist, and manyare highly destr!yed "y sin In reality, this time is a *reci!us time thatmust n!t "e (asted, "ut ta%en ad+antage !

    he ;edeemer is sh!(ing the (!rld the (ay ! acing death, (hich isSatan )e is ! ering, as )e did r!m the r!ss, )is M!ther, (h! is the

    Mediat!r ! all race My children, my )eart (ants y!ur s!ul t! last !re+er and e+er May this message "e %n!(n t! all the uni+erse

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    =hate+er is d!ne !r the l!+e ! !d is !r the l!ry ! !d )ea+enand earth "el!ng t! the &!rd and may )ea+en and earth >!in t! *raise)im

    r!m )ea+en, )is angels *raise )im and ad!re )im !n earth, let manl!+e !d, let man *raise and ad!re !d

    May this "e dee*ly meditated u*!n

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    !day I *ray !r all and s*ecially !r children, the lessed Airgin a**ears andsays t! me:

    My daughter, the children he (!rld is ull ! children (h! r!m "irth,li+e (ith!ut %n!(ing !d In the children?s (ea%ness, hrist (ants t! *lace )is strength In the children?s l!+e, hrist (ants t! "e (ith )is l!+e In the children?s *urity, hrist (ants t! enter (ith )is *urity

    he &!rd (ants t! %ee* them t!tally healthy, that n!thing sh!uld*!llute them Mary, aith ul t! the ather, (atches !+er )is little children, m!st"el!+ed "y the &!rd Ma%e the M!ther?s message %n!(n

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    ;eser+e n!thing !r y!ursel+es, lea+e e+erything t! y!ur M!ther +ery!ur uncertainty is the M!ther?s certainty, the M!ther?s irmness Surrender serenely t! my )eart and the l!st c!n idence, thatc!n idence that the &!rd e *ects ! y!u, (ill s*ring u* again

    lessed "e !d

    January 17 #1,076 lessed "e the s!n (h! see%s re uge in the M!ther?s heart lessed "e

    he (h! (ants t! li+en u* the lame ! his heart in the M!ther?s )eart lessed "e he (h! e *ects t! "e redeemed thr!ugh the M!ther?s

    )eart May the lessed Sacraments "e *raised

    January 18 #1,077 hildren, aith ulness t! the &!rd must ne+er "e le t aside, !n the

    c!ntrary, it must al(ays "e r!!ted in each child In a aith ul heart, there (ill "e n! r!!m !r *ride, n!r !r hatred,"ecause it (ill "e l!!ded (ith humility and l!+e

    e aith ul t! the &!rd see% and ta%e c!m !rt in )is >ustice

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    he M!ther, t!gether (ith the S!n, *!ur !ut their l!+e !r the "ene it! s!uls

    he enemy, the seducer, he (h! damages and destr!ys, is tem*tingthem

    hrist Jesus is teaching t! distinguish the light r!m the shad!(s

    he M!ther, a *er ect leader, g!es guiding the children t!(ards the&ight

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    !rtress (here the children ta%e re uge r!m the ad+ersary, "ecause Iam:

    M!ther ! )el*, M!ther Missi!nary, M!ther ! the .!!r, M!ther ! the )!ly ;!sary .raise "e t! the &!rd!ice, !r y!ur M!ther (ill lead y!u "y day and "y night )e (h!l!+es me and see%s me, l!+es and see%s hrist Jesus l!ry "e t! )ea+en

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    t! !d .raise "e t! )ea+en

    e"ruary 3 #1,091

    !rtunate is the man (h!, in Jesus, (ishes t! "e !rgi+en !rtunate, he (h! as%s in the &!rd?s name, "ecause he (ill "e heard !rtunate, he (h! l!+es the ather, "ecause in )im, he l!+es the S!n

    and in the S!n, the )!ly S*irit

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    destr!yed .raise "e t! the Eame ! !d May this "e %n!(n "y all

    ;ead: Isaiah 50 A10

    Isaiah 50 A1010 =h! am!ng y!u ears the & ;$ , heeds his ser+ant?s +!ice,

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    he =!rd ! !d is "e !re y!u Ma%e it %n!(n ustice .raise )is name t!day and


    .raise )im, ma%e haste !u must *reach it

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    e"ruary 16 #1,101 $ear children, d! n!t %ill y!ur M!ther?s l!+e, that l!+e that has startedt! s!( in y!ur hearts I gi+e it t! y!u !r y!u t! ha+e su icientca*acity t! l!+e the &!rd

    hildren, see% n!thing "ut the maternal "!s!m ! Mary in it y!u (illind hrist, thr!ugh it y!u (ill reach hrist

    .reach it, daughter lessed "e the M!st )!ly

    e"ruary 17 #1,102

    4+erything that re ers t! my S!n, hrist, the Sa+i!r, is s! l!+ely, mydaughter Aery sl!(ly, I (ill g! re+ealing it t! y!u =hat mar+els areencl!sed in )is s*iritual li e

    hat is h!( )e li+ed, in *rayer, in c!ntinual c!mmunicati!n (ith )isather

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    his is n!t h!( the M!ther (ants t! recei+e them She (ants t! seethem (al%ing the r!ad t! al+ary this is the (ay t! >!in hrist Jesusand als! t! "e *uri ied .reach, daughter

    lessed "e !d

    ;ead: Sirach 5 A1 6 A2/

    Sirach 5 A1 6 A2/5:1 ;ely n!t !n y!ur (ealth say n!t: BI ha+e the *!(er B

    6:2/ !r disci*line is li%e her name, she is n!t accessi"le t! many

    e"ruary 19 #1,103 $ear children, d! n!t increase my su ering I am the M!ther (h!c!m !rts t!day may y!u "e my c!m !rt I (ant t! "e heard, I (ant t! "e !"eyed, I (ant t! "e l!+ed E! childl!+es the M!ther as the M!ther l!+es the child

    l!ry "e t! the &!rd and 4+erlasting !d

    e"ruary 20 #1,105

    My children, gather the l!+e that I lea+e y!u $! n!t re>ect it, ma%e itl!(er li%e the r!se"ud l!(ers My )eart gi+es itsel la+ishly andgener!usly My )eart has descended t! y!u and is sa+ing y!u, my

    ragile creatures

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  • 8/11/2019 Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987


    E! child trem"les !r des*airs in the ace ! the trials, i he surrenderst! the M!ther )e (h! is al!ne su ers, he (h! d!es n!t eed !n !d"ec!mes (ea%

    he &!rd is *lenti ul in grace in a+!r ! )is children May this "emeditated !n lessed "e the 4ternal ather

    e"ruary 25 #1,110 h, my daughter My heart ta%es *art (ith all y!ur "rethren in each

    n!+ena &et n! !ne e+er st!*, let n! !ne ta%e a ste* "ac%(ards, mayn!thing "e a reas!n t! *re+ent *rayer I g! sl!(ly !r(ard, ma%ing a reality ! my S!n?s (!r%: the *er ect(!r% ! redem*ti!n !r the sal+ati!n ! men

    !u must ma%e it %n!(n

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    ;ead: .salms 25 A/,12

    .salms 25 A/,12/ E! !ne is disgraced (h! (aits !r y!u , "ut !nly th!se (h! lightly "rea% aith

    12 =h! are th!se (h! ear the & ;$ ' !d sh!(s them the (ay t! ch!!se

    March 2, 1987 #1,113 )e (h! surrenders t! hrist, inds hrist he enemy lur%s, "ut the&!rd !*ens )is d!!rs )e (h! as%s hrist !r *eace (ill ind *eace in

    hrist l!ry "e t! the &!rd ! )ea+en

    May this "e *reached

    ;ead: Eum"ers 6 A23-26

    Eum"ers 6 A23-2623 he & ;$ "less y!u and %ee* y!u

    25 he & ;$ let his ace shine u*!n y!u, and "e graci!us t! y!u

    26 he & ;$ l!!% u*!n y!u %indly and gi+e y!u *eace

    March / #1,115 $ear children, see% this M!ther?s heart eel the need !r me, and >!iny!ursel+es t! me, s! that y!ur hearts (ill "e as Jesus hrist (antsthem t! "e

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    Jesus, Merci ul &!+e, )!*e ! )umanity, (atches !+er humanity May the &!rd "e gl!ri ied Ma%e it %n!(n

    March 5 #1,117 el!+ed children, let y!ursel+es "e guided "y !d rust in !d is

    sh!(n "y surrendering c!m*letely t! )im It is the &!rd that li+ens thes*irit and ma%es the s*irit %ee* healthy and str!ng

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    li+es that !nly "el!ng t! !d !d !(ns li e, and !d calls t! li e, !nly !d lessed "e the &!rd

    March 8 #1,120 $ear children, !ll!( this E!+ena, ! ering it t! hrist in this time !&ent, (ishing that y!ur hearts "e *uri ied $! n!t "etray )im, d! n!t a"and!n hrist

    !day, as in the *ain ul m!ments ! )is ag!ny, )e su ers !r man%ind .ray and ! er, )e listens t! y!u

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    indi erent t! the s!rr!( ! my children l!ry "e t! !d

    .reach it

    March 12 #1,123 ladys, this is a time t! ta%e ad+antage ! :

    < time !r see%ing, < time !r inding, < time !r *l!ughing, < time !r s!(ing

    < time !r (al%ing, < time !r st!**ing, < time t! "e "!rn, < time t! gr!(

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    March 13 #1,127 &ater, I see the lessed Airgin, She says t! me:

    his M!ther says t! her children: +er an iety, !+er s!rr!(, h!*e

    shines +er des!lati!n, !+er death, h!*e shines n these (!rds y!ush!uld meditate

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    May this "e a day ! dee*, meditated *rayer y *raying the )!ly ;!sary, y!u (ill "e a"le t! rene( y!ur s*irithr!ugh *rayer, y!u (ill eel my c!m*any and a"!+e all, that ! hrist

    Jesus?, ;edeemer and Sa+i!r ! the (!rld May )e "e "lessed and *raised

    .reach it

    March 20 #1,1/1 I say t! my dear children: Increase y!ur trust in the &!rd and s!!n y!u(ill disc!+er )is *!(er

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    March 2/ #1,1/3 I address all my children: Inner *eace @uiets the s!ul his *eacec!mes r!m !d this *eace is t! "e !und in !d $! n!t "eindi erent, d! n!t slee* "e sensiti+e and a(a%e y!ur M!ther (antsit May *eace reign in the hum"le hearts that "el!ng t! the &!rd

    l!ry "e t! the M!st )!ly .reach it

    March 23 #1,1/5 I tell th!se (h! are c!nsecrated t! me: ;ene( y!ursel+es (ith *rayer,

    (ith intense *rayer I (ish *erse+erance I (ish idelity I (ish truec!nsecrati!ns I (ant y!u (ith me !u ha+e c!me near t! my )eart y!u ha+e c!meint! my )eart, c!ntinue there

    er, my children, t!gether (ith y!ur l!+e, y!ur s*irit ! *enance l!ry "e t! !d !u must *reach it, my daughter

    March 25 #1,1/6

    My dear daughter: My B esB t! the &!rd (as a B esB ! c!m*letesurrender, a B esB said (ith all my (ill and a c!m*lete l!+e !r the )!lyS*irit &ater, my "!dy (as t! issue the S!n ! the ather, the $i+ine &!+e, theMar+ell!us &i e, )e (h! su ered and died !n the r!ss

    !day, )e l!!%s u*!n y!u r!m )ea+en, )e (h! tears man a(ay r!mthe "itterness ! death !re+er, and leads him t! the s(eetness ! &i e

    lessed "e the &!rd Ma%e it %n!(n

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    March 25 #1,1/7 In the a tern!!n I see )er again:

    My daughter, thr!ugh y!u I am reaching y!ur "rethren thr!ugh!ut the(!rld th!se (h!, leaning !n aith, (ait in the M!ther !r the S!n

    M!ther, "lessed "y !d, M!ther (h!, "y the grace ! !d, "ringshumanity the *r!mise ! the &!rd, sh!( humanity the true andde inite *ath She gi+es humanity her )eart, !r them t! !rti y theirl!+e !r hrist

    l!ry !re+er t! !d .reach it

    March 25 #1,1/8 In the athedral a ter Mass, (hen I t!uch her image t! greet )er , I hear her +!ice say t! me:

    My >!y is y!ur >!y

    March 27 #1,1/9 I say t! all my children: 4+ery ne( day, *ray and l!+e the &!rd 4+eryne( day, *lease )im "y *raising )im May the "lessing ! !d "e (ithy!u

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    March 29 #1,131 =hen the s*irit "ec!mes dull, !nly the &ight ! !d can ma%e it shine

    r!m the heart ! man%ind, may the +anity that c!rr!des it disa**ear,and may man%ind surrender t! !d, a(aiting )is mercy

    lessed "e .reach

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  • 8/11/2019 Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987


  • 8/11/2019 Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987


    *lace )is hand !n him May the &!rd "e *raised

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    Matthe( / A10,1210 4+en n!( the a lies at the r!!t ! the trees here !re e+ery tree that d!es

    n!t "ear g!!d ruit (ill "e cut d!(n and thr!(n int! the ire

    12 )is (inn!(ing an is in his hand )e (ill clear his threshing l!!r and gatherhis (heat int! his "arn, "ut the cha he (ill "urn (ith un@uencha"le ire B

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  • 8/11/2019 Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1987


    !ur silent m!ti!n tra+els r!ads,

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    My daughter, dar%ness (ill ne+er "e a"le t! dull the "rightness ! the&ight that, (ith time, is "eing !utlined (ith m!re intensity e+ery day May Jesus hrist "e *raised !r eternity .reach it

    May 8 #1,167 I say t! all my children: .ray in this E!+ena !r y!ur hearts t! "urn(ith l!+e !r Mary !u (ill ne+er "e disc!uraged, i y!u l!+e me andta%e re uge in my )eart at all times

    !u (ill n!t eel ar r!m !d, i y!u are united t! me, "ecause e+erychild (h! l!+es the M!ther immediately c!mes t! l!+e the S!n

    lessed "e the Sa+i!r !u must ma%e it %n!(n

    ;ead: .r!+er"s 2/ A15

    .r!+er"s 2/ A1515 My s!n, i y!ur heart "e (ise, my !(n heart als! (ill re>!ice

    May 9 #1,168 !d l!+es the (!rld (h!lly, (ith!ut measure May the &!rd?s &!+e and

    Mercy "e rec!gnised, then )e is the !nly !ne in =h!m the s!ul cantrust

    l!ry "e t! !d

    May 10 #1,169 h, my daughter !ur "rethren d! n!t manage t! see all that the

    M!ther ! ers them I say t! them: $! y!u n!t understand that I am

    li+ing am!ng y!u' .r!ceed as the &!rd e *ects ! y!ur deeds $! n!t e *ect e+erything r!m !d, i y!u d! n!thing !r )im

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    my c!m !rt .raise "e t! the &!rd

    May 12 #1,171

    ladys, again I (ill s*ea% t! y!u ! Jesus My S!n, "eing !n earth, )e!nly li+ed !r the things ! )ea+en n!thing material attached )im t!the things ! the earth )e %ne(, ! c!urse, that )e had t! li+e )istime (ith men, and )is last years (ere th!se )e dedicated c!m*letelyt! "eing the She*herd, t! gather the !ld ! !d, )is ather

    It is necessary !r th!se (h! ha+e n!t yet underst!!d the im*!rtancethat the &!rd?s !ld has, t! understand the +alue ! the uni!n ! that

    !ld, s! l!+ed "y my S!n

    It must "e m!re numer!us and str!nger e+ery time in this (ayn!thing (ill (ea%en it I s*ea% clearly t! my children he &!rd (ants t! rec!+er )is !ld

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    May 13 #1,17/ I say t! my children: $! n!t see% "ey!nd (hat the &!rd mar%s !r y!u,

    !r all (!uld "e "arren 4+erything the &!rd as%s is edi ying It is that )e, (ith )is (isd!m,(ith )is l!+e, enlightens all Dee* my (!rds in y!ur heart

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    May 21 #1,176 $aughter, men are destr!ying themsel+es in s! much +i!lence heysee% (ith!ut inding, "ecause they see% !n the sur ace here they (ill

    ind n!thing, and they (ill remain in s*iritual *!+erty

    he &!rd (ants r!m men a s*iritually rich li e, that can "e achie+ed(ith *rayer, (ith surrender, and a c!ntinual ! ering t! !d

    nly li%e this can !ne "e in dee* c!mmunicati!n (ith the &!rd l!ry "e t! )ea+en

    May this "e meditated !n

    May 22 #1,177 I see Jesus , and )e says t! me :

    Many hristians are ar r!m !d here are un"elie+ing hearts thereis distance r!m the =!rd ! !d h!se hristians d! n!t see thereality that I sh!( them My +!ice is unmista%a"le i they ail t! hearit, they (ill n!t "ec!me (!rthy ! li e e+erlasting

    h!se (h! "elie+e (ill n!t "e turned !ut r!m My *resence

    May 22 #1,178 In the a tern!!n, I see the lessed Airgin:

    I tell y!u children, y!u stum"le at each m!ment, "ut this M!ther (ill

    le+el the r!ad !r y!u

    In the ace ! di iculties, in the ace ! an iety, d! n!t gi+e in he&!rd (ill deli+er y!u at the right m!ment )e (ill release y!u "ecause)e is the .!(er )e (ill re+i+e y!u "ecause )e is &i e itsel

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    My )eart eels the (armth !r the c!ldness ! each heart I (ait !rthem, t! *lace them "e !re the &!rd?s mercy, "e !re the &!rd?s l!+e.raise "e t! )im

    May 23 #1,180 Inner ha**iness is !nly recei+ed (hen !ne is near !d

    he s!ul is *uri ied in !d there !re, the s!ul must "e aith ul t! )im! "e aith ul t! !d means t! "e in c!m*lete riendshi* (ith !d

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    i+e us the &!+e that !ur )eart,

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    ! race &i+e it ully, and y!u (ill n!t ear the night l!ry "e t! the &!rd

    May /1 #1,186

    May my attem*t t! reach the hearts n!t "e in +ain &et man n!t dis*lease !d, and acce*t (hat c!mes r!m !d &et his m!uth n!t deny (hat his heart eels: the l!+e !r !d, andthere (ill "e n! sadness in that heart

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    May )e "e "lessed

    ;ead: / J!hn: A3

    / J!hn: A33 E!thing gi+es me greater >!y than t! hear that my children are (al%ing in the


    June 3 #1,190 Since an early h!ur I ha+e "een s*ea%ing t! my children I ha+es*!%en in atima, I ha+e s*!%en in &!urdes, and t!day I am here =hat are my children (aiting !r' hey must start n!( t! n!t d!u"tthe M!ther, and t! h!ld !n t! the M!ther

    In the hearts, let there "e a desire !r *uri icati!n and a gr!(ing andc!nstant surrender t! the &!rd l!ry "e t! the 4+erlasting

    June 5 #1,191 he &!rd eels c!m*assi!n !r the (!rld l!ry "e t! the &!rd

    .ray t! )im, !r )e (ants !r all, the 4+erlasting &ight lessed "e the&!rd, "ecause )is )eart is a ter the heart ! the hristian

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    e+il !ne tries t! *re+ent r!m "eing *uri ied E!thing (ill a+!id the ect alseh!!d l!ry "e t! !d

    June 11 #1,196 Many still tra+el an uncertain r!ad he )eart ! my S!n (ants t! "ecust!dian ! the uncertainty ! these *!!r children ! mine hey !nlyneed t! !*en t! )im and )e (ill guide them

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    June 12 #1,197 ladys, *ray !r atheism, !r it n!t t! "e e tended .ray !r the

    *ersecuti!n that the hurch is su ering .ray !r the s*iritual railty !y!ur "rethren he Merci ul acti!n ! the &!rd is s! great, that it (illc!me it all c!nsists ! *rayer, and re*arati!n I (ill n!t cease as%ingmy children: St!* ! ending !d May )e "e "lessed

    June 1/ #1,198 I say t! my children: &!+e and gl!ri y the lessed rinity $! n!t see% an ans(er t! (hat is !r"idden t! men

    he lessed rinity is the secret ! !d, !nly )e %n!(s it and it

    "el!ngs t! )im

    l!ry "e t! the ather and t! the S!n and t! the )!ly S*irit

    June 13 #1,199 In uni!n (ith Jesus and in uni!n (ith Mary, my children (ill "e a"le t!strengthen their s*irit I mysel (ill ma%e this race *!ssi"le My )earttransmits &!+e My )eart als! recei+es l!+e

    l!ry "e t! !d

    June 15 #1,200 ladys, the ruth that I "ring t! hristians is n!t underst!!d, n!r is

    the l!+e ! hrist c!m*letely acce*ted It is %n!(n that the e+il !ne ma%es the mind ! man t!r*id, dull, andta%es it r!m !d hat is (hy the &!rd (ants t! remain in the hearts,

    !r them n!t t! stray

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    June 16 #1,201 I address all *e!*le: See, my children, (ith (hat "ene+!lence thisM!ther s*ea%s t! y!u &et the hum"le re>!ice and say: My heart l!+esthe &!rd, my s!ul h!*es !r )is hel* .ray sincerely, yielding t! the &!rd

    .raise "e t! )im

    June 17 #1,202 hrist is the =ay, and I am the guide t!(ards that =ay hrist is the

    &i e and my heart"eats (ant t! "e the dri+ing !rce t!(ards that &i e Iam in+iting my children t! cling t! me E! !ne (ill "e un%n!(n t! the&!rd (hen arri+ing (ith Me

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    June /0 #1,21/ I say t! all y!ur "rethren: &isten, and y!u (ill "e sa+ed $! n!t remainign!rant and *raise the &!rd )e calls all s!uls, and recei+es the s!uls Dn!( the &!rd, d! n!t a"stain r!m the &!rd

    hildren, the night a**ears, "ut the $ay arri+es and clears e+erythingl!ry "e t! !d

    &et this "e meditated

    July 1, 1987 #1,213 My daughter, the l!!d ! hrist is stained t!day "y th!se (h! ! end)is hurch )e (h! d!es n!t *!ssess hrist in his heart, has n!t gr!(n in l!+e &et man n!t cl!se his heart t! hrist

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    Le*haniah / A2020

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    !d sa+e me, i+ing me humility, *erse+erance,

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    July 10 #1,223 I say t! all my children: ear n!thing, "ecause n! !ne (h! thirsts (illremain (ith!ut drin%ing In s*ite ! men?s sins, the &!rd l!+es menMeditate !n this and see% the &!+e ! !d

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    I say t! my children: !u are "eing seduced "y the e+il !ne I s*ea% t!y!u t!day !r y!u n!t t! "e c!n used, and t! "e attenti+e t! (hat I sayt! y!u

    lessed are th!se ! y!u (h! ha+e !*ened y!ur hearts t! themar+ell!us &!+e ! !d

    lessed, th!se ! y!u (h! (ish t! "e sa+ed lessed, th!se ! y!u (h! l!+e and *ractice )is =!rd.raise "e t! !d

    July 25 #1,229 My dear children, li+e each t(enty i th, *raying and yielding y!urheart m!re and m!re t! the &!rd and t! )is M!ther May y!u "e true children ! !d

    i+e y!ursel+es t! )im (ith!ut measure l!ry "e t! !d

    ;ead: Isaiah 26 A3

    Isaiah 26 A33 rust in the & ;$ !re+er !r the & ;$ is an eternal ;!c%

    July 26 #1,2/0 I s*ea% r!m this city, t! all *e!*les, and y!u, my daughter, are the!ne ch!sen "y me t! transmit t! all y!ur "rethren, the h!*e in hristJesus

    r!m my m!uth y!u listen t! the *ain I eel !r th!se (h! are ar r!m!d y!u als! %n!( ! my M!therly an iety

    I ha+e c!me t! as% r!m my children, and t! gi+e t! my children

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    right sh!ulder, causing a dee* (!und, and the m!st *ain ul t! thatm!ment

    inally He was crucified )is m!uth clam!ured t! the ather, n!t s!much !r )imsel , "ut !r men, !r the human misery that surr!unded

    )im he ruci i i!n ! hrist Jesus sh!(ed and c!ntinues t! sh!( the(!rld the &!+e ! !d !r all, e+en !r th!se (h! ha+e n!t !und the=ay t! &i e, "ecause all is the (!r% ! the reat!r I as% aith r!m the (!rld t!(ards hrist, h!*e in hrist, and l!+e !r

    hrist l!ry "e t! the Sa+i!r

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    My daughter, as )el* ! hristians, I (ant t! rescue my children,as%ing ! them c!n+ersi!n, and then the c!nsecrati!n t! my M!therly)eart I tell them: I (ill res*!nd t! y!ur c!nsecrati!n (ith my *r!tecti!n, thatis, I (ill de end y!u r!m any a+ersi!n

    Ma%e y!ursel+es small and interi!rly hum"le and y!u (ill enter my)eart l!ry "e t! !d

    .reach t! all y!ur "rethren

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    l!ry "e t! !d May this "e %n!(n

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    .salms 95 A7-117 !r this is !ur !d , (h!se *e!*le (e are, !d?s (ell-tended l!c% h, that

    t!day y!u (!uld hear his +!ice:

    8 $! n!t harden y!ur hearts as at Meri"ah, as !n the day ! Massah in the

    desert9 here y!ur ancest!rs tested me they tried me th!ugh they had seen my


    10 !rty years I l!athed that generati!n I said: B his *e!*le?s heart g!esastray they d! n!t %n!( my (ays B

    11 here !re I s(!re in my anger: B hey shall ne+er enter my rest B

    Se*tem"er 1, 1987 #1,250 )!( many ha+e "een ta%en r!m dar%ness "y me

    !day I g! !n stretching my hand, see%ing t! *lace it !n my children In me, there is M!therly understanding and M!therly &!+e, !r all

    humanity l!ry "e t! !d

    Se*tem"er 3 #1,251 ladys, *ray !r the *!!r, !r marginal *e!*le, and e+en !r the rich he *!!r su er "ecause ! their great *!+erty and are n!t hel*ed "y

    their "rethren Marginal *e!*le are underestimated and n!t acce*ted "y their"rethren either

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    I say t! my children: ;ecei+e this M!ther and my )eart (ill *uri yy!urs, (ill ma%e it hum"le and aith ul &et me trans !rm it, !nly let y!ur heart l!+e me

    lessed "e the &!rd, i+er ! all grace .reach it, daughter

    Se*tem"er 8 #1,25/ My children, *re*are y!ursel+es (ith c!m*lete !"edience t! the ather,(ith that same !"edience (ith (hich I, r!m my "irth, surrendered t!)im It is necessary t! "e !"edient, !r the &!rd t! ma%e the children, )ischildren and this is the right m!ment, as y!u are called "y the M!thert! meet )im

    l!ry "e t! !d

    Se*tem"er 9 #1,253 My dear daughter, I address all y!ur "rethren: In this E!+ena, each !y!u *lace y!ur !(n intenti!n .ray (ith a s*irit ! surrender *ray (ithhumility in y!ur heart and (ith all y!ur senses *laced in the &!rd

    he last day ! the E!+ena (ill "e a day ! re>!icing !r all I (ill s*ill"lessings that (ill all li%e s(eet nectar, "athing my children .raise "e t! )ea+en

    Se*tem"er 10 #1,255 he lessed Airgin says t! me:

    It is my (ish that my children see% !d, d! n!t stray r!m !d, and

    "el!ng entirely t! !d $aughter, I a**ear !r them n!t t! l!se their(ay I sh!( aith and h!*e as a r!ad

    here is n! *r!gress unless !ne (al%s, and !ne !nly (al%s, i there isaith and h!*e in hrist Jesus

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    It is hrist (h! is as%ing men t! c!me cl!se t! )im )e is eelingl!neliness, the same l!neliness that !ne day (ill "e elt "y men

    hey (ill (ant t! ind )im and it (ill "e late n!( is the time t! ind)im, as there is still daylight May man (arm hrist, "y see%ing(armth in hrist

    .raise "e t! the &!rd May this "e meditated in de*th

    Se*tem"er 1/ #1,257 I say t! my children: I (ant y!u t! li+e l!+ing !d and sh!(ing l!+e !r

    !d, that is, gi+ing true testim!ny ! that l!+e In this time, may aEe( and .!tent &ight shine y!ur (ay =ith it, y!u (ill "e a"le t!de end y!ursel+es against the c!nstant dangers that (aylay y!u;e>!ice and "e a *e!*le ! !d I ha+e e *ressed the (ish ! my S!n

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    he S!rr!( ul M!ther su ers t!day !r the s!uls ! her S!n es, daughter, my S!rr!( dee*ens "ecause I see my children harassed

    and tem*ted "y the e+il !ne that is (hy I (ant t! *r!tect them his M!ther says: My strength is the !rtitude ! hrist My (!rd is

    the )!*e that hrist gi+es My mercy, is the Merci ul &!+e ! hrist

    May the (h!le (!rld understand my message

    Se*tem"er 15 #1,260 In the a tern!!n I see )er !n the right side ! the a"ernacle , at the athedralShe is al!ne and She says t! me:

    .ray, daughter, !r the su ering ! my )eart t! "e mitigated

    Se*tem"er 18 #1,261 ladys, I (al% silently in the midst ! my children =ith my M!therly

    &!+e, I see% them c!m*assi!nately, !r them t! achie+e a true uni!n(ith !d

    hrist calls hrist (ants t! s*ill )is &!+e in all hearts l!ry "e t! the &!rd

    Se*tem"er 21 #1,262 My dear daughter, h!( sadly l!st, y!uth is $rug addicti!n and easy li e is the *icture the e+il !ne has set !r they!ung Sin, c!mmitted in +ery di erent (ays, ma%es them stray urther and

    urther r!m !d nly i they turn their eyes t!(ard the M!ther ! !d, the M!ther (ill

    ma%e them ind !d again nly i they *enetrate in the )eart ! the M!ther, (ill they "e a"le t!

    hear the A!ice ! the &!rd I hide r!m n! !ne let n! !ne hide r!m Me, then

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    /2 $! n!t "e a raid any l!nger, little l!c%, !r y!ur ather is *leased t! gi+ey!u the %ingd!m

    Se*tem"er 2/ #1,26/

    ladys, I am leading my children t!(ard the great ruth I am !*ening their eyes t! the clearest da(n I am here t! assist them, t! gi+e them the !nly medicine ca*a"le !sa+ing them I am the M!ther (h! c!mes and s*ea%s at the right time, sent "y herS!n

    l!ry "e t! the Sa+i!r Se*tem"er 23 #1,263

    $aughter, many are th!se (h! "eing c!nsecrated, ha+e n!t yetyielded t! me hey ign!re (hate+er I as%, as they are lac%ing in *rayer, in charity,

    and in humility hat is (hy they d! n!t "el!ng t! Me entirely It is in *rayer that !ne can "e near !d and in charity, !ne l!+es !ne?sneigh"!r y li+ing in humility, the s!ul eels (!rthy ! hrist hat ish!( the real c!nsecrated children must "e "e !re !d My children must "e guided and sha*ed "y the M!ther, !r the S!n

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    =al% !n the .ath that leads t! the ;!ad ! !d and y!u (ill *ass r!mign!rance t! the =isd!m ! !d, and r!m the &!+e ! Mary t! the li e! hrist .raise "e t! )ea+en

    ;ead: !l!ssians 1 A10-11 K 1 hessal!nians 2 A11-12

    !l!ssians 1 A10-1110 t! li+e in a manner (!rthy ! the &!rd , s! as t! "e ully *leasing, in e+ery

    g!!d (!r% "earing ruit and gr!(ing in the %n!(ledge ! !d ,

    11 strengthened (ith e+ery *!(er, in acc!rd (ith his gl!ri!us might, !r allendurance and *atience, (ith >!y

    1 hessal!nians 2 A11-1211

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    Se*tem"er /0 #1,269 I s*ea% t! all hristians: It is my (ish that my &!+e is a"le t! gi+e "irthin y!u, t! the dee*est l!+e !r the &!rd My )eart (ill light y!ur hearts (ith l!+e, s! that y!ur detachment r!m(hat is material "e t!tal, s! as t! "e a"le t! drin% !nly (hat iss*iritual I (ill ma%e (hat d!es n!t c!me r!m )ea+en, *erish r!m the earth .raise "e t! !d

    ct!"er /, 1987 #1,270 I say t! my children: S!( g!!dness and y!u (ill rea* the .eace !

    hrist S!( aith in hrist and y!u (ill rea* the )!*e ! hrist S!(the =!rd ! the &!rd and y!u (ill en>!y the &!+e ! !d l!ry "e t! )im !re+er

    ct!"er 5 #1,271 )ere I am, says the &!rd My dears, d! n!t ma%e a (!unding s(!rd ! y!ur "eha+i!r t!(ards )im Sh!( y!ur heart t! the M!ther, surrenderit and She, (ith her *urity, (ill cleanse it, t! "e recei+ed thus "y the&!rd

    he )eart ! this M!ther Ceal!usly cares !r her children l!ry "e t! !d !u must ma%e it %n!(n

    ct!"er 7 #1,272 n this day, I address all my children: er y!ur *rayer t! the M!ther,

    c!ntem*lating each mystery ! the )!ly ;!sary

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    M!ther ! hristians, M!ther ! the )!ly ;!sary May the &!rd "e *raised

    ct!"er 8 #1,27/ !ur M!ther says: In this E!+ena, *ray !r the =!rd ! !d t! "e

    %n!(n uni+ersally

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    l!+e !r !d here is n! *eace, "ecause the (!rld is still cha!tic t!day here is n! l!+e !r !d, "ecause hearts are still cl!sed t! the &!+e !!d

    Man%ind must understand that the (!rst illness it su ers is atheism,

    and it must understand that the !nly *!ssi"ility ! sal+ati!n is hristJesus &et my children?s hearts "e illed (ith l!+e !r !d, "ecause my )eartis als! illed (ith &!+e !r my children

    l!ry "e t! the &!rd

    ct!"er 13 #1,276 I see Jesus )e says t! me:

    I gi+e all *e!*le the &!+e ! My M!ther s! that they g! t! )er She is the .r!tecti!n, (h! (ill ta%e hristians !ut ! the shad!(s, and*lace them in the &ight May )er Eame "e called u*!n (ith in inite l!+e

    ct!"er 13 #1,277 In the a tern!!n I see the lessed Airgin and She says t! me:

    I say this t! all my children: a ne( time has started, a ne( h!*e is"!rn ta%e h!ld ! that h!*e

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    My )eart re>!ices !n seeing children (h!, a ter lying inertly, a(a%e t!the +!ice ! the M!ther ust !r my sal+ati!n

    is a"!ut t! c!me, my >ustice , a"!ut t! "e re+ealed

    ct!"er 18 #1,280 I a(a%e and I see )er "eside me She says t! me: ;ise and "e ha**y !n this day

    I say t! all y!ur "rethren: i+e than%s t! !d, "ecause )e rests )iseyes !n )is children ;e>!ice, the &!rd is (ith y!u

    lessed "e the &!rd, "ecause in these days )e all!(s the Mediati!n !)is M!ther, !r all t! c!me really cl!se t! )im .raise "e t! the

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    !d e *ects a *raying *e!*le !d e *ects re*entance r!m all, andthe desire t! "e ne( I tell y!u, I am "eside y!u and I (al% (ith y!u !ll!( the ne (h!(ants t! lead y!u t!(ards the .r!mise

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    )e as%s ! y!u: .rayer, c!nsecrati!n and su"missi!n .ray then, (ith all y!ur heart t! the &!rd

    er y!ur su ering t! the &!rd .re*are y!ur s*irit and yield it (ithl!+e t! the &!rd

    eha+e s! that hrist may enter y!ur heart

    l!ry "e t! )ea+en Ma%e it %n!(n

    ct!"er 26 #1,287 &ean !n the &!rd al(ays, e+ery(here

    he (ea% "ec!mes str!ng "eside the &!rd, (hen he trusts in )im e *atient and a(ait )is Mercy is great, I assure y!u

    My children (ill certainly see the $ay, i they d! n!t l!se the (ay !u must ma%e it %n!(n

    ct!"er 28 #1,288 &et man%ind call !d and !d (ill ans(er May his heart n!t "ere"elli!us and may he ear the &!rd I ! ten as% !r *rayer, humility and c!n+ersi!n I say t! my children: nly a s!n (h! *rays, (h! is hum"le and

    c!n+erted (ill deser+e the c!m*assi!n ! the &!rd $! n!t !rsa%e )im and y!u (ill n!t "e !rsa%en .raise "e t! the &!rd .reach it e+ery(here

    ;ead: &amentati!ns / A30-31

    &amentati!ns / A30-3130 &et us search and e amine !ur (ays that (e may return t! the & ;$

    31 &et us reach !ut !ur hearts t!(ard !d in hea+en

    ct!"er 29 #1,289 In the a tern!!n I see the lessed Airgin and She says t! me:

    E!thing is "etter !r a child than t! "e underst!!d "y the M!ther andt! "e su**!rted "y the M!ther

    e d!cile, my children, !r I ha+e c!me t! lead y!u t!(ards my ad!redS!n

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    his is !r th!se (h! er+ently (ish t! reach )im l!ry "e t! !d

    E!+em"er 1, 1987 #1,290 I address all man%ind:

    y aith, the hristian c!nsiders himsel a child ! the M!ther y aith, he (ill sa+e his s!ul y aith, the child "elie+es in the Mercy ! the ather y aith, he h!*es in the .r!mise ! the ather y aith, he (ill *erse+ere in aith itsel y aith, the *!int ! de*arture and ! arri+al ! each hristian ishrist Jesus y aith, he l!+es in the M!ther, the S!n

    )a+e aith in hrist and )is S*irit (ill grant y!u *lenti ul race May )e "e "lessed and *raised !re+er .reach it

    E!+em"er / #1,291 an it "e that man%ind d!es n!t understand h!( much the &!rd l!+es


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    ather I d! n!t (ant chains !r y!u, my children, n!r d! I (ant y!u de+!id !the &!+e ! !d I y!u listen t! me, y!u (ill "e ree and y!u (ill als! ha+e )is &!+e

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    19 Indeed, the seed has n!t s*r!uted, n!r ha+e the +ine, the ig, the*!megranate and the !li+e tree yet "!rne r!m this day, I (ill "less

    E!+em"er 11 #1,296

    ladys, the Strength and the &!+e in my )eart (ill raCe all the !rce ! e+il, that !rce that !nly leads t! death

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    I ha+e an inner l!cuti!n: ! surrender t! !d means t! rid !nesel ! !ne?s !(n(ill and t! (ish t! d! !nly the =ill ! !d

    E!+em"er 18 #1,/01 $aughter, may man%ind yield t! the &!rd c!m*letely, as )e e *ects !them hat (as (hat my surrender (as li%e, c!m*lete and (ith aith inthe &!rd, ardently (ishing t! *lease the &!rdMay the children "e !ll!(ers ! the M!ther, in *atience, in c!nstancy,

    in aith and in h!*e 4+erything that c!mes r!m the &!rd must "e acce*ted man?s heartmust "e a"s!lutely c!n+inced ! this

    l!ry t! the &!rd

    ;ead: 2 !rinthians 1/ A5

    2 !rinthians 1/ A55 4 amine y!ursel+es t! see (hether y!u are li+ing in aith est y!ursel+es

    $! y!u n!t realiCe that Jesus hrist is in y!u'--unless, ! c!urse, y!u ail thetest

    E!+em"er 19 #1,/02 I see Jesus )e says t! me:

    !day I (arn the (!rld ! (hat the (!rld seems una(are: S!uls are indanger, many (ill "e l!st Sal+ati!n (ill reach e( unless I am

    acce*ted as the Sa+i!r My M!ther sh!uld "e recei+ed, My M!ther sh!uld "e listened t! in all ! )er messages Man%ind must disc!+er the (ealth She "rings t!


    he children ! sin (ill gr!( in sin, i dis"elie gr!(s in them I (ant a rene(al ! s*irit, a "rea%ing a(ay r!m death and anattachment t! &i e

    he )eart ! my M!ther is the !ne ch!sen !r (hat I as% t! "ec!me

    reality S!uls (ill ind Me thr!ugh )er Immaculate )eart

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    E!+em"er 19 #1,/0/ I see the lessed Airgin and She says t! me:

    ladys, there is at this time a real and great +acuum "et(een manand !d hat +acuum can "e illed "y *rayer It has t! "e illed "y*rayer, "ecause that is (hat "rings man near t! !d .rayer has

    al(ays "een and is, es*ecially in these days, the !nly ha"it !r thehristian

    .rayer *uri ies, destr!ys sin and ma%es the s!ul li+e in riendshi* (iththe &!rd

    hat is (hy I say t! my children: .ray and y!u (ill li+e in )is &ight

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    E!+em"er 25 #1,/06 My daughter, e+ery t(enty i th, I eel there are m!re children (h!c!me t! me e+ery t(enty i th, my m!therly acti!n (!r%s !n m!rechildren It is the race ! !d that "ec!mes *resent and is mani est thr!ugh)is M!ther it is the &!+e ! !d that is elt th!ugh the M!ther, it is theMercy ! !d that is e *ressed "y )er

    he eternal &!+e ! the M!ther is in my children l!ry "e t! the &!rd

    E!+em"er 27 #1,/07 My daughter, *ray !r th!se (h! su er *ride, sel ishness, and !r allth!se (h! are su">ect t! the *!(er ! e+il

    =here there is *ride, there is n! humility (here there is sel ishness,there is n! charity < heart d!minated "y e+il is ar r!m !d My children must "e attenti+e t! (hat I say

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    $ecem"er 1, 1987 #1,/09 My dear daughter, this must "e a m!nth dedicated t! c!ntem*lati+e*rayer

    ! *ray, it is !nly en!ugh t! "e (ith !d and the time t! *ray c!mesal!ne Jesus (ishes that the s!ul "e in t!uch (ith )im, that it "e rec!nciled(ith )im, that it l!+es )im )e l!+es s!uls s! much

    !d is the Strength ! s!uls they must trust in !d I as% this, "ecause s!uls are dr!(sy in *rayer May the name ! !d "e l!ri ied !re+er

    !u must ma%e it %n!(n t! all y!ur "rethren

    $ecem"er 2 #1,/10 ladys, (hen a *ers!n "egins t! *ray, at that m!ment he is already in

    the *resence ! !d and r!m that m!ment !d *r!tects him It d!es n!t matter (hich *rayer !ne starts (ith there is n! s*ecial!ne, as the &!rd is called u*!n in all

    ten *rayer leads t! re*entance, t! c!n+ersi!n, t! a"s!lute surrendert! the &!rd In the rec!llecti!n ! *rayer, the s!ul meditates, is @uiet, and the &!rd(!r%s in that s!ul

    h, my daughter, may my children l!+e *rayer dee*ly let them (antt! ha+e !d in their hearts

    lessed "e the &!rd

    FShe says this t! me, "ecause I tell )er that I thin% that c!ntem*lati+e *rayer ist! *ray and a"and!n !nesel t! !d and let )im c!me int! y!u G

    $ecem"er / #1,/11 ladys, I (ant my =!rds t! "ear ruit I (ant my children t!

    understand h!( seri!us the *resent time in the (!rld is !r the

    hristian, and t! listen !nly t! !d he M!ther ! ers the &!+e ! theS!n the M!ther d!es n!t silence the Message ! the S!n

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    l!ry "e t! )ea+en

    ;ead: ;!mans 8 A28

    ;!mans 8 A2828 =e %n!( that all things (!r% !r g!!d !r th!se (h! l!+e !d , (h! are

    called acc!rding t! his *ur*!se $ecem"er 3 #1,/12 My daughter, many are the children (h! see% the ;!ad t! Sal+ati!nmany m!re th!se (h! ta%e the r!ad t! *erditi!n hese are the !nes(h! run r!m su ering and destr!y themsel+es *!!r children ! mine,"ecause "y e+ading su ering, they e+ade the &ight and li+e in them!st c!m*lete dar%ness

    his M!ther (ill lead t! the &ight th!se (h! "rea% a(ay r!m the

    shad!(s, and they (ill n! l!nger "e su"mitted, "ut they (ill "e reeand children ! the &ight

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    !me, (al% (ith me lessed !re+er "e the &!rd

    $ecem"er 17 #1,/22 $aughter, my M!therly )eart al(ays "eats !r my "el!+ed S!n, e+en

    r!m the +ery m!ment ! the !y, !n the day ! )is irth, alth!ugh )is cradle (as a manger in a*!!r sta"le

    My )eart, acc!m*anied )im in )is *reaching t! )is disci*les, "ecause

    (here+er my S!n (as, (as my M!therly )eart My )eart (as seiCed (ith s!rr!( (hen I sa( )im die !n the r!ss My *!!r )eart is in anguish t!day !+er the s!uls that are l!st, thatremain indi erent t! the call !r c!n+ersi!n that hrist Jesus ma%es t!man%ind

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    here is much dis!rder in the s*irits and +ery little *eace

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    $ecem"er 29 #1,/29 Is it *!ssi"le that man%ind sh!uld ail t! understand that !d iss*ea%ing r!m )ea+en' &et their hearts n!t hesitate !n hearing my call &et them listen t! myteaching let them st!* t! meditate

    nly !d gi+es &!+e and recei+es l!+e merci ully, !nly !d is &ight,!nly !d is &i e

    ;ead: .salms // A1-15

    .salms // A1-151 ;e>!ice, y!u >ust, in the & ;$ *raise r!m the u*right is itting

    2 i+e than%s t! the & ;$ !n the har* !n the ten-stringed lyre ! er *raise

    / Sing t! !d a ne( s!ng s%ill ully *lay (ith >!y ul chant

    3 !r the & ;$?S (!rd is true all his (!r%s are trust(!rthy

    5 he & ;$ l!+es >ustice and right and ills the earth (ith g!!dness

    6 y the & ;$?S (!rd the hea+ens (ere made "y the "reath ! his m!uth alltheir h!st

    7 he (aters ! the sea (ere gathered as in a "!(l in cellars the dee* (asc!n ined

    8 &et all the earth ear the & ;$ let all (h! d(ell in the (!rld sh!( re+erence

    9 !r he s*!%e, and it came t! "e, c!mmanded, and it st!!d in *lace

    10 he & ;$ !ils the *lan ! nati!ns, rustrates the designs ! *e!*les

    11 ut the *lan ! the & ;$ stands !re+er, (ise designs thr!ugh allgenerati!ns

    12 )a**y the nati!n (h!se !d is the & ;$ , the *e!*le ch!sen as his +ery!(n

    1/ r!m hea+en the & ;$ l!!%s d!(n and !"ser+es the (h!le human race,

    13 Sur+eying r!m the r!yal thr!ne all (h! d(ell !n earth

    15 he !ne (h! ashi!ned the hearts ! them all %n!(s all their (!r%s

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