merchandize planning retail budgeting

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Transcript of merchandize planning retail budgeting

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting


    McGraw-Hill/IrwinRetailing Management, 7/e © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Comanie!, "ll right! re!er#e$%

    Chapter 13

    Merchandise Planning Systems

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Merchandise Management


     Chapter 15


    MixChapter 16

    MerchandisePlanningSystems Chapter 13

    ManagingMerchandiseAssortmentsChapter 12


    Chapter 1

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting




    ■ How does a staple merchandise buying systemoperate

    ■ !hat are a merchandise budget plan and open-

    to-buy systems" and how are they de#eloped■ How do multi-store retailers allocate

    merchandise to stores

    ■ How do retailers e#aluate their merchandisingper$ormance

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



     &ypes o$ Merchandise Management Systems

    Staple Merchandise

    Predictable 'emand

    (elati#ely )ccurate *orecasts

    Continuous (eplenishment

    !ashion Merchandise

    +npredictable 'emand

    'i$$icult to *orecast Sales

    Merchandise ,udget Planpen-to-,uy

    "he Mc#ra$%&ill Companies 'nc()*en Ca+anagh Photographer    "   h  e   M  c   #  r  a  $  %   &   i   l   l   C  o  m  p  a  n   i  e  s ,

       '  n  c (   )   -  a  r  s   A (   .   i   /   i ,

      p   h  o   t  o  g  r  a  p   h  e  r

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Staple Merchandise Planning

    ■ ,uyer 'etermines/  ,asic Stoc0 or )ssortment Plan  e#el o$ ,ac0up n#entory

    ■ System/ 

    Monitors n#entory le#els  )utomatically reorders when in#entory gets

    below a speci$ied le#el

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    n#entory e#els $or Staple Merchandise

    Cycle 4base5 stoc0/ in#entorythat goes up and down due tothe replenishment process

    ,ac0up 4bu$$er" sa$ety5 stoc0n#entory needed to a#oid stoc0out

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    n#entory e#els $or Staple Merchandise

    (etailers try to reduce the stoc0 le#el to 0eepn#entory n#estment low by reordering and recei#ing

    merchandise o$ten but without increasedadministrati#e and transportation costs with $re7uentreorders

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    ,asic Stoc0

      ndicates the 'esired n#entory e#el $or 9ach S:+

    Cost o0 Carrying'n+entory

      -ost Sale ue

    to Stoc/out

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    *actors 'etermining ,ac0up Stoc0

    ■ Higher product a#ailability 4ser#icele#el5 retailer wishes to pro#ide tocustomers

    ■ o$ completeorders recei#ed $rom a #endor5




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    (elationship between n#entoryn#estment and Product )#ailability

    Product A+ailaility Percent4






    5 7 75 1

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    Staple Merchandise ManagementSystems

    Staple merchandise planning systems pro#ide in$ormationneeded to assist buyers by per$orming three $unctions/

    ■ Monitoring and measuring current sales $or items at the

    S:+ le#el

    ■ *orecasting $uture S:+ demand with allowances made$or seasonal #ariations and changes in trend

    ■ 'e#eloping ordering decision rules $or optimumrestoc0ing

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Staple Merchandise Management

    Ryan Mc8ay)#etty 'mages

    Most merchandiseat homeimpro#ementcenters arestaples@

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    n#entory Management (eport$or (ubbermaid Merchandise

    n#entory a#ailable

    sales rate

    Per$ormance measures

    ,ac0up stoc0 $or desired product a#ailability

    desired product a#ailability

    Sales $orecasts

    Appropriate ordering decisions

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    rder Point

    the point at which in#entory a#ailable should not go below orelse we will run out o$ stoc0 be$ore the neAt order arri#es

    rder point B salesday 4lead time D re#iew time5 D bu$$er stoc0

    ■  )ssume ead time B 3 wee0s" re#iew time B 1 wee0" demand B 1?? unitsper wee0

     rder point B 1?? 43D15 B %??

    ■  )ssume ,u$$er stoc0 B .? units" then

    rder point B 1?? 43D15 D .? B %.?!e will order something when order point gets below %.? units@

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    Calculating the rder Point

     )#ocado ,ath Mat

    n a situation in which the lead time is twowee0s" the buyer re#iews the S:+ oncea wee0" 18 units o$ bac0up stoc0 areneeded to maintain the producta#ailability desired" and the sales rate $orthe neAt $our wee0s is .@%3 per day@rder Point

    rder Point B 4'emand'ay5 A 4ead &ime D(e#iew &ime5 D ,ac0up Stoc0

    132 units B E.@%3 units A 41% D 6 days5F D 18 unitsSo ,uyer Places rder !hen n#entory in Stoc0 'rops ,elow 132 units

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    rder Quantity

    !hen in#entory reaches the order point" the buyerneeds to order enough units so the cycle stoc0isn=t depleted and sales dip into bac0up stoc0

    be$ore the neAt order arri#es@

    rder Quantity B rder Point G Quantity )#ailable

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    n#entory Management (eport $or(ubbermaid S:+s

     )#ocado ,ath Mat

    Quantity a#ailable B Quantity on Hand D Quantity on rder B ;?rder Quantity B rder Point G Quantity )#ailablerder Quantity B 132 G ;? B %2

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    *ashion Merchandise Management Systems

    &he system $or managing $ashionmerchandise categories is typically called

    a Merchandise ,udget Plan

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    Merchandise ,udget Plan

    ■ Plan $or the $inancial aspectso$ a merchandise category

    ■ Speci$ies how much moneycan be spent each month to

    achie#e the sales" margin"in#entory turno#er" and

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Steps in 'e#eloping a Merchandise ,udget Plan

    ■ Set margin and in#entory turn goals

    ■ Seasonal sales $orecast $or category

    ■,rea0down sales $orecast by month■ Plan reductions G mar0downs" in#entory loss

    ■ 'etermine stoc0 needed to support $orecastedsales

    ■ 'etermine Jopen to buyK $or each month

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    SiA Month Merchandise Plan$or Men=s Casual Slac0s

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    Monthly Sales Percent 'istribution to Season4ine 15

    1( Sales : istriution to Season  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept  

    1(: 21(: 12(: 12(: 17(:21(: 15(:

    &he percentage distribution o$ sales by month is based on

    L  Historical dataL  Special promotion plans

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Monthly Sales Percent 'istribution toSeason 4ine 15 Continued

    (etail sales are #ery seasonal@ &he Christmas season o$tenaccounts $or more than %?> o$ a retailer=s annual sales@

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Monthly Sales4ine 25

    Sales : istriution 1( Month 6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept 

    1??@??> 21@??> 12@??> 12@??> 1;@??> 21@??> 1.@??>2( Mo( Sales

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Monthly (eductions Percent 'istribution4ine 35

    3( Reduction : istriution to Season

    6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept 1??@??> %?@??> 1%@??> 1@??> 12@??> 1?@??> 8@??>

    &o ha#e enough merchandise e#ery month to support themonthly sales $orecast" buyers need to consider $actorsthat reduce the in#entory le#el in addition to sales made

    to customersMar0downsShrin0age'iscounts to 9mployees

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      n#entory loss caused by shopli$ting" employee the$t"merchandise being misplaced or damaged and poorboo00eeping@

      (etailers measure shrin0age by ta0ing the di$$erence between1@ &he in#entory recorded #alue based on merchandise bought

    and recei#ed

    2@ &he physical in#entory actually in stores and distributioncenters

    Shrin0age > B shrin0age

    net sales

    M thl ( d ti

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Monthly (eductions4ine %5

    Reduction : istriution3( Month :  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept 

    1??@??> %?@??> 1%@??> 1@??> 12@??> 1?@??> 8@??>( mo(


  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    ,eginning o$ Month 4,M5 Stoc0-to-Sales(atio 4ine .5

    5( B9M Stoc/ to Sales Ratio  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept  ( 3(6 ( ( ( 3(6 (

    Stoc0-to-Sales (atio speci$ies the amount o$ in#entory 4in retail

    dollars5 that should be on hand at the beginning o$ the month tosupport the sales $orecast and maintain the in#entory turno#erobecti#e $or the category

    (etails o$ten use a related measure" !ee0s o$ n#entory 

    St i ' t i i

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    Steps in 'eterminingthe Stoc0-to-Sales (atio

    Step 1/ Calculate Sales-to-Stoc0 (atio 

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    Steps in 'eterminingthe Stoc0-to-Sales (atio Continued

    Step 2/ Con#ert the Sales-to-Stoc0 (atio ton#entory &urno#er  

    n#entory &urno#er B Sales-to-stoc0 ratio A 41 G 1??5

    n#entory &urno#er B2@63 A 41 G %.1??5 B 1@.?

    St i ' t i i

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    Steps in 'eterminingthe Stoc0-to-Sales (atio Continued

    Step 3/ Calculate )#erage Stoc0-to-Sales (atio 

     )#erage Stoc0-to-Sales (atio B monthsn#entory turno#er 

    B 1@. B %

    St i ' t i i

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    Steps in 'eterminingthe Stoc0-to-Sales (atio Continued

    Step %/ Calculate Monthly Stoc0-to-Sales (atio

    L Monthly stoc0-to-sales ratios #ary in the opposite directiono$ sales

    L &o ma0e this adustment" the buyer considers theseasonal pattern" pre#ious years= stoc0-to-sales ratios

    ,M St 0

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    ,M Stoc04ine 5

    6( B9M 'n+entory  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept  ;828? ;828? 8%? 8%? ;88?? ;828? 8???

    ,M Stoc0

    B monthly sales 4line 25 A ,M stoc0-to-sale ratio 4line .5

    B 26"3?? A 3@

    B ;8"28?

    9 d $ M th 49M5 St 0

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    9nd-o$-Month 49M5 Stoc04ine 65

    =( >9M 'n+entory  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept  56 66 66 2=5 72 = 656

    &he ,M stoc0 $or the current month B the 9M stoc0 inthe pre#ious month

    Monthl )dditions to Stoc0

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    Monthly )dditions to Stoc04ine 85

    ( Monthly additions to stoc/  6 mo( data April May ;une ;uly Aug Sept  1132 26 1=71 6 261 6= 2

     )dditions to stoc0

    B Sales 4line 25 D (eductions 4line %5 D 9M Stoc0 4line 65

     G ,M Stoc0 4line 5

     )dditions to stoc0 4)pril5

    B 26"3?? D "?? D 8"%? - ;8"28? B %"2?

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    9#aluating the Merchandise ,udget Plan

    ■ n#entory turno#er

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    pen-to-,uy System

    &he &, system is used a$ter the merchandise is purchasedMonitors Merchandise *low

      'etermines How Much !as Spent and How Much is e$t toSpend

    Photo-in/)#etty 'mages Photo-in/)#etty 'mages

  • 8/20/2019 merchandize planning retail budgeting



    SiA Month pen-to-,uy

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     )llocating Merchandise to Stores

     )llocating merchandise to stores in#ol#es threedecisions/

    ■  how much merchandise to allocate to each store

    ■  what type o$ merchandise to allocate

    ■  when to allocate the merchandise to di$$erentstores

    n#entory )llocation ,ased on Sales

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    n#entory )llocation ,ased on SalesNolume and Stoc0-to-Sales (atios

    Smaller stores re7uire a proportionally higher in#entoryallocation than larger stores because the depth o$ theassortment or the le#el o$ product a#ailability is toosmall" customers will percei#e it as being in$erior@

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    &ype o$ Merchandise )llocated to Stores

    (etailers classi$y stores according to the characteristics o$the stores= trading area

    &he assortment o$$ered in a ready-to-eat cereal aisle should matchthe demands o$ the demographics o$ shoppers in a local area

    &ype o$ Merchandise )llocated to Stores

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    &ype o$ Merchandise )llocated to Storescontinued

    9#en the sales o$ di$$erent apparel siOes can #arydramatically $rom store to store in the same chain@

    &iming o$ Merchandise )llocation to

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     13-Sales o$ Capri Pants by (egion

    &iming o$ Merchandise )llocation toStores

    Seasonality di$$erences and consumer demand di$$erences

    )nalyOing Merchandise Management

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     )nalyOing Merchandise ManagementPer$ormance

    &hree types o$ analyses related to themonitoring and adustment step are/

    ■   Sell through analysis

    ■   ),C analysis o$ assortments

    ■   Multiattribute analysis o$ #endors

    Sell &hrough )nalysis

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    Sell &hrough )nalysis9#aluating Merchandise Plan

     ) sell-through analysis compares actual and plannedsales to determine whether more merchandise is neededto satis$y demand or whether price reductions arere7uired@

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     ),C )nalysis

      )n ),C analysis identi$ies the per$ormance o$ indi#idualS:+s in the assortment plan@

      (an0 - orders merchandise by some per$ormance

    measure determine which items/ should ne#er be out o$ stoc0 should be allowed to be out o$ stoc0 occasionally should be deleted $rom the stoc0 selection@

    ■  ) items/ .> o$ S:+s" represent 6?> o$ sales

    ■ , items/ 1?> o$ S:+s" represent 2?> o$ sales

    ■ C items/ .> o$ S:+s" represent 1?> o$ sales

    ■ ' items/ 2?> o$ S:+s" represent 1?> o$ sales

    ),C )nalysis (an0 Merchandise

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     ),C )nalysis (an0 Merchandise,y Per$ormance Measures

    ■ Contribution Margin

    ■ Sales 'ollars

    ■ Sales in +nits

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    Multiattribute Method $or 9#aluatingNendors

    &he multiattribute method $ore#aluating #endors uses aweighted a#erage score $oreach #endor@ &he score isbased on the importance o$#arious issues and the #endor=sper$ormance on those issues@

    C S?uared Studios)#etty 'mages

    Multiattribute Method $or 9#aluating

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    Multiattribute Method $or 9#aluatingNendors

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    9#aluating Nendors

     ) buyer can e#aluate #endors by using the $ollowing $i#e steps/

    1@ 'e#elop a list o$ issues to consider in the e#aluation4column 15

    2@ mportance weights $or each issue in column 1 are

    determined by the buyerplanner in conunction with the

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    Home 'epot=s Nendor 9#aluation

    Home 'epot ta0e #endor e#aluations seriously@ Home 'epot=s #endor analysis scorecard gi#es e#eryone a 7uic0 #iew o$ how the #endor is doing@