
 I:\MEPC\52\4-8.doc For reasons of economy, this do cument is printed in a limited num ber. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.  INTERNATIONA L MARITIME ORGANIZATION IMO  E  MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE 52nd session Agenda item 4 MEPC 52/4/8  20 July 2004  Original: ENGLISH  PREVENTION OF AIR POLLUTION FROM SHIPS Sulphur monitoring 2003 Submitted by the Netherlands SUMMARY  Executive summary:  Presentation of the results of sulphur monitoring 2003  Action to be taken:  Paragraphs 7 and 9  Related documents:  MEPC 43/10, resolution MEPC.82(43), MEPC 45/INF.12, MEPC 47/INF.2, MEPC 48/INF. 4, MEPC 49/4/1, MEPC 49/22, MEPC 51/22. Background 1 At MEPC 43, the Committee adopted resolution MEPC 82(43): Guidelines for monitoring the worldwide average sulphur content of residual fuel oils supplied for use on board ships. In this paper, the results of the application of the Guidelines for the year 2003 are reported. 2 For the purpose of the Guidelines, calculation of one worldwide figure for the average sulphur content for a given year is based on the data made available by the providers of sampling and testing services as mentioned in paragraph 7 of the Guidelines. The method of calculation is as described in paragraph 4.2 of the Guidelines. 3 A graphical representation of the distribution, as mentioned in paragraph 4.2 of the Guidelines, requires a breakdown of the data provided per increment of 0.5% of sulphur. To that end, the number of samples within the increment is made available by each provider and subsequently added up. A graphical representation is shown in the annex to this submission. 4 The graphical representation in the annex to this document shows that over 90% of the samples had sulphur contents between 1.5 and 4% m/m. Almost 50% is between 2 and 3 % m/m. Only 1% of the samples is over 4% m/m sulphur. It should be noted that 2 providers now report samples containing over 5% (5 samples in total). 5 The draft guidelines provide for calculation of a rolling average of the sulphur content for a three year period. The sulphur content of residual fuel being measured for 2001, 2002 and 2003 now presents the third consecutive rolling average. The first rolling average was based on data for 1999, 2000 and 2001 and is also the reference value.



Transcript of MEPC.82(43)

  • I:\MEPC\52\4-8.doc For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.





    MEPC 52/4/8 20 July 2004 Original: ENGLISH


    Sulphur monitoring 2003

    Submitted by the Netherlands


    Executive summary: Presentation of the results of sulphur monitoring 2003

    Action to be taken: Paragraphs 7 and 9

    Related documents:

    MEPC 43/10, resolution MEPC.82(43), MEPC 45/INF.12, MEPC 47/INF.2, MEPC 48/INF. 4, MEPC 49/4/1, MEPC 49/22, MEPC 51/22.

    Background 1 At MEPC 43, the Committee adopted resolution MEPC 82(43): Guidelines for monitoring the worldwide average sulphur content of residual fuel oils supplied for use on board ships. In this paper, the results of the application of the Guidelines for the year 2003 are reported. 2 For the purpose of the Guidelines, calculation of one worldwide figure for the average sulphur content for a given year is based on the data made available by the providers of sampling and testing services as mentioned in paragraph 7 of the Guidelines. The method of calculation is as described in paragraph 4.2 of the Guidelines. 3 A graphical representation of the distribution, as mentioned in paragraph 4.2 of the Guidelines, requires a breakdown of the data provided per increment of 0.5% of sulphur. To that end, the number of samples within the increment is made available by each provider and subsequently added up. A graphical representation is shown in the annex to this submission. 4 The graphical representation in the annex to this document shows that over 90% of the samples had sulphur contents between 1.5 and 4% m/m. Almost 50% is between 2 and 3 % m/m. Only 1% of the samples is over 4% m/m sulphur. It should be noted that 2 providers now report samples containing over 5% (5 samples in total). 5 The draft guidelines provide for calculation of a rolling average of the sulphur content for a three year period. The sulphur content of residual fuel being measured for 2001, 2002 and 2003 now presents the third consecutive rolling average. The first rolling average was based on data for 1999, 2000 and 2001 and is also the reference value.

  • MEPC 52/4/8 - 2 -


    Calculation of rolling average 6 The rolling average as mentioned in paragraph 4 of the guidelines is calculated on the basis of the average sulphur contents calculated for 2001(MEPC 48/INF.4), 2002(MEPC 49/4/1) and 2003 (the present paper). These values were 2.7, 2.6 and 2.7 % respectively, for the three years mentioned. Therefore the three-year rolling average referred to in paragraph 4 of the guidelines is now 2.67% (Previously 2.67%, MEPC 49/4/1). The reference value referred to in paragraph 5 of the guidelines is 2.7%. 7 After January 2005, the data of 2004 will be processed. The results will be available as a submission to MEPC 53 in July 2004, provided the data for 2004 are received in time to meet the deadline for MEPC 53. Otherwise the relevant data will be reported orally at MEPC 53 and a written submission will be made to MEPC 54. 8 Based on the decision by MEPC 51 (MEPC 51/22, paragraphs 4.16-4.18), the Netherlands intends to continue taking care of the annual submission of the information document for another two years, i.e. regarding sulphur data for 2004 and 2005. At the time of submission of this paper, contractual arrangements with the providers of data and the funding of monitoring for two more years were still being prepared. Action requested of the Committee 9 In view of the entry into force of Annex VI in May 2005, the Committee is invited, in consultation with the Secretary General of IMO, to consider more permanent financial arrangements for the period after entry into force of Annex VI (i.e. sulphur monitoring in 2006 and beyond) and, in conjunction with these, to decide on arrangements for continued reporting of sulphur data. The Committee is further invited to put this issue on its agenda for MEPC 53 for consideration and decisions as appropriate.


  • MEPC 52/4/8



    Data for 2003: Total number of samples tested : 66958 Corresponding quantity of residual fuel oil: : 67.395.141 metric tons Calculated average sulphur content : 2.7 % m/m Distribution per increment of 0.5% S m/m : as per graphical representation

    Sulphur distribution of 66958 samples; average sulphur content: 2.7% m/m







    1 03









    0-0.5 0.5-1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2-2.5 2.5-3 3-3.5 3.5-4 4-4.5 4.5-5

    Sulphur content % m/m

    % o

    f sam


    % of samples
