€¦ · MEMPHIS, soVESinnn ts, isse. on Every Page. Reading Slattci...

MEMPHIS, soVESinnn ts, isse. on Every Page. Reading Slattci th City' In' Largest Circiation FIILST and rocitTii WOES. Fixst Pxbe. Newt Bd MlseellaneouJ Items : Curious Piece of History. Fori Pt-M- He Mm; Thrllline; oa the reaBSjlvtnlA Billfold ; rSngltna and rraice; Wttft Aeuulir-te- d ; Tbe Cora Trade a' 1859-- tothc HiOTonrorcconcECii roiXDnxxmt. Mr rolirollTin was bora in LouialcoaBiT, Yrrim,uil82a- - His slither, wlwseratiaen .ame was dura,e4 tnis,ner youngest too, was an :nfaBt. IBs father afflttaaea to mideiriUwicoBBty, giving Ms crJrtR the advantagr of the exetlleat beols ef that county, until about tse year 182S. when be to Caiis con?, KeatccVy, wuniei raasvof fereJatavesna pme before Ha RemainmrWb4 a short rims, he i--ln with f istlly to the tbta almost Western WMrtet, UWag ap his aWe in Onion counta. Here Captain PeiXEixTix c eJ,leiTieMywrsentothe ear et Ms J'c-M- er, Mrs. Johjc ef TVeakley eonntv. in whose family he Uni and grew ap j ral Dfloo. From his earliest Voyhood he dispHrei a ram antral for leaniiBs:. and so well Hd he ar-l- y hiBaerf, ttat is Aogast, 1847, he was admitted a'aeraberef the Sephoraere class of Eowdoineatce, MaiBe an iBstltatteB second -- .one ill the laaeVier the exactions $ re- -, quires freia its apftociftU for limlijioa, erin- - ie scholarly atUtnawsts ef its graauites. Tre our frieas entere into coapetstten with Tssne sees, xsaay of them roach oHer than tmterf, wan had Veen trataeu to tbe severest s' : y from "their fcoyfee, but he waa never ts bud is taerace, matin up by tbeBrflUaocy of I is inteJIeet for theUck of that drsry to w ' 'cb he eeja)ttstoBfise bis noble seal, lie a once tea a treat rank In his class, exeerHnrr m every brancA of taowWge, mastering the Jead and "lMac lincna'rs with a facility which wonderful until K was seen with what ease Ms Bind nveigae the profound aratteas of jare raatheajaties or the nice iisttoetioM of the roetaphysleiaiK. He gradsM with great honor In Septeaker, '50. In college he was a favorite with all, aBd daring the vaeatioBB his classaates all con-- s dered tweras- e- aosored by hts acceptance of their oners of hopKality and even bow r e mourrafal inteflia-etw-e ef his sad fate is casting a gieoa sr saasy a faBtUy hearth !iat dtsUittUBi. where the rff ei soaAern 111 is, TCBMaaWred as the Best rtimehtfal, rDial. tesoer aad bri5at of nests. He re- - to ToBBessee in the fall ef 16M, aad resided with Ms sister asA tbe foHsjvjnj e mmer, wheahe reaoTsd te Lebanon, WHson c:, " aU aenied Mssself to taeieg school, at tbe sasse tisse tarsiae: Ws atiootioii 'o tbe stadr of the taw. He nutmd at L inoa seaMHate, gnejaatiag at the law sch ol there is 18M. Alter bring adaitted tothebar.heleeatad at CtarksriHe, aad re gained there ssiH feTtted by Got. . Biowx who bad laag ksewn aBd admired him) to c respeasIHe positien ef Chief Clerk ef the r Ofiee Depertaeet, which Best he ailed 4,.e ratirc satitfactiM of the Gomnaent, ' , the usaiis r of 1S8, when he parchased ntereet ia the tMencxd Jmtriem, aad be-r- -t its Btraetaal werkiag esUer, which po-- s on be hold with great credit U bhafett asd ' he lartu ei!ifftcUon of tbe BeBtocratic r;y aatOtheaay ef hlseeath, tho lath ef ember, 1M. A JesTersaa Peaocrat froai berth aad cos. t the teatsef Ms patty w h a oearaess, force ani earnestness whteh I acd hiss at eaee ia the frost rank of joar-cii.s- : aad it repaired so Brepbetic eye to f - ft tait the day was set far distaet wbea 3 fa me as a writer woM baye been xtsashaj with the wh4e ceeafay. As a scholar he probably had no superior in TLnessW,Tnat; wall rersed In the exact tef- -r -- .ft, haaiag a waaderfal acqaaiatance with a "he oM EaglMa writers, and reading with ii'y ttr? Greek, litttn, French, Gensan and Bteh taagaoges. He was a rain ef rare - 'ainmrnts is rvtry WaBch of learalsg. WLFre these atteinaieats roade him respected y the wecUrM was hit mWe sod aad brave tn i tbst Vsam te hiss as "with books of e"!'!" the heartsof his fsieads. To know him wsrtndeed to hwe kto. To a cha radar usMemished, a We as pare z.z 1 statBiees as aa iaf aat's, a tessptr sweet and r- - a,bastaafthof soble geaemity asd c m that avade him to these who L--w hsB) wsll aa sbject ef alssest idolatroas c'-rtio- Qaiek: to reseat aa'tasatt, he as rkT faqret aad fergare an injBry. The t y soalef hoaor aad of ehtVaVrjr.he aerer v. ISr.gJy hajaraf the f eeHags of a ay bb, nor of a weawn. His good altii trecM aS a beek, white bis faaHs r- - Id aH be wrhten ia a Use. So tcmoc, so gsfted and so early deal; a Trrr : heart was aerer stWed a trser man ailed a bloody arare. ?t whe we weesrSach a aannererdies. " still rrreftu, the serrowtricken hearts of lost who sarrtte hiss; and he will abcays - m tbe inaaeacsv which bis pare Hfe est- - oa all who were area&d bis. BoiiV4.s,K.a,lSee. T. E. s. Ripley and. JUn Grange Ilallroad 1 fives as pleasare, as reqaested by ear I jsiesippi fnesds, te capyiht loUewing pro- - "tdiis3 ef a reeeat aeetlag held at Riplry, - -- .(! ask the sttestiOB of ear graders to them. TVe can see no geed reason why this work antot be eocaplfted at an eijjf day. It wtH e rootaaHy beaefcefal to Mississippi aad Tce- - resee : A' a Bteettag ef the corporators ef tee Rip-- -' ra i Iroed coBpaay, beid at thecaart hosse, 2 Kipley, Miostssippi.en theieflr4ay or So--rt rrjer.iSW. there wr preseail C P. MiU er. n. Darts. & A. Gre. J. H.'E-tzT- ', J. Y. M'jmr. W. A. Gray, S. R. Snieht,W. R. Cole, TPtr Esbrey, L. S. Hekombe, J, E. Jtogetf, J W. Theuipson. rn motioa of J. TP Th'apwm, C- - P. MH-'- :r waaroaoested-t- o aetaa chajpsasi, ars tern, an ! O. Saris as secretary. On BtetieB ef 0. Darts, it was ' Ruakti, That we accept, adopt and coafirss the acttoBS, proeeediaes and resrfres of the in'' ing held by the original eorponalors en the Uii day o! April, 1SS7. On motion of C. A. Greea, it was, Urtelrei. That the sabsertBtioafer stock. ? Tftofore taken by the ceowtissBers ap- - pointed at tae eriglaal raeeuag, on Apni e. IS57, be asd the some are hereMr rriested. L pob rans rtesinunn i;. A. ureei ;lr ays aad Bays. Jw O. Darts. W. B. Cole. C. iCIrsen. Tesse Embrrr, J. W. Soes.J. W. Thomson IE W. A. Oray. t .Vflv e K. Spicht, I S. Hekombe aad J. T. Morry. O', Betfcn of C. A. Grsee, it was RinbtJ, That the chairman appetat afcem- - mittee of Mteeu to act as comaaMlBBeri, to pen new books and eoBctt sabscriptioss to fort. Th chair thereapoa appaiated Dr. M. TV. Moody, He. S. F. 1Vkhim, J. T. Msnr, t. Roan. A. Brown, Sr., T. Xf. Smith, A..C. T izier, W. D. Beck, Wmism Ayres, J. H. f tnbriy, J)r. E. A. --Cor, Ji. Verntr, PMBp Heeabe.. R. and W. C. Or motioa ef John W. ThoeapMn ftwat Baoh, That Hon. D. B. WrrJt,Dr. M.: W. MoedT, Hoc B. F. Werssam, Cot W.'G. Perram aad Gen. tT. C Falkner be and they hereby reaaested to cs Brass the county :,r..i solicit sohaeriarieBS to stack. '"" Ruottti. That W. T. StrfcMta, B!,V ho an he is hereby appaiated pemantst srcreJ ?T ef this Board. On motion of J. E. Rarer It was Jfetoiesd, That the aeeoad and fearth Moj-- lavs of each ssoath b tbe timet for the rjuJj .a- - meeciac;.f this board of corperaiers and '"inraiisteiiers. ' rt. .t t r. u . v uvuw vi. v. A. ineni li h a RtnlMt. That tbe Ripley, Meeaphit, HoHy nr, La Gnafe aad Grand Jocti o? ."pi -- rs be, asd thoy are hereby pab-s- .i the asacudinge ef this aeotiag. On soetiea ef W. S. Cole, tbe rattling! i 'juratd , a P. MILLER, Chatrmn. :. Davis, Secretary. , Al.mssa Kutsoilib in Ms aaesil Bes. s;e lite Gweraet of AlVan; jtates that the Mobile aad Ohio raHroad debtto the State has been extended. The interest is paactsiHy 1ng the 'Central R aJ.,M teconaeet hie waters of. the Teoscwec r- - er with these raaatae into Mobile bar, Mr. T' i T. MHaer was appointed engineer, an2 . - i as reported etx different rontes as praeU-- i eao'.e, all bernefeg near Montevalloon t s3u'li,aBd teratiaatinr:, foor at Decatur a: tro at Beard'a Bir, oa the Sewannee.- - - ' 1 The buildiag of 4hia ro4 Is advocaled ca, i .i . . . mm n ii necessary to secure tor razrkete in the SUIetb'e raeti'cXorth, Alabaausd Teno-sSi- e, which otbenrUejjvill seek New Orleans. ' g-l-ti said that SapoleoB's tin OM-'m- ,l - ..Mi. wti to t Hrum 1 leu, nw-- u irr munj wi r imnce "WS JPAlf rUllJ lowered, the Xeeateea dynftj declared to be roT -- d ap recever.and th Kaeaaarel tieYk-toill- r ettewedtfcroiKbt Earepe. EniJaiid, i- - may be pneamed, -- fH not streegly object to inewset'eaaent of Europe, mai-J- y on tbe be-- M of 181-,- , bat it wilt te a bitter draught fir satrla, Russia and Prastls to e willow. jtnKXS5Asirnrc cxiauaotkk Ajin Editoii Attiai. Alt is gratlfylns to lbs peopleiefvArkansaa ioksowctiat,notwith. standing the calatsnlea that hare teen heaped epon the reputation of that Stateshe is rising to a place of taportance among the sisterhooi ef States. Her cHmee aad soil re weH adapted te the raising ef eettoa, corn, wheiU cats, barley, rye, heap, tobbacoo, tomipSjJxJ. tatees, and alabit every thing else ttt can becalUrateclwiQiBtteeessinittie Mifhborlng SUtes. Of coerte, cotton is raised roost saeeessfaHy ' tbe coathem portion pi. the Stale, and along the AiJaa'as rirer. 'Whaat aeea best in the finely wBere it ra Borthem pa"tvCora grows nlanted and cafclnte. FewcoairtrieaDve.TireTt o apples and peaches than Arkansas. The for- mer grow larger ftfewwatlas farthest north, and the latter are sappesed to be a jBore reUa- - We crep in the soath. Let any raan take the map or Aransas look at its geographical f eatares, and he ww see it a glance that nature "M "-- j raarkable adraatirei It to Bettber, too cold nor loo botJrbifcastern boaads-- T Is washed byth great WFmer of "Watersi p Red river throaeh the seath-we- st ; Me Arami raw almost diary bhroBgh the State, a ntrtgatieo to the best cottoa regioB en the'f aee of the cam. Mast way river and the Mississippi, in the santheca part ef the State, is thV&aeVta, B inferior as it respects Mvigauea to aay other stream of Ha lire. Half way between the Arkansas river and tbe Mississippi, is foaad White river, with perpetaal navigation, traversing ia its serpeBStnr etrarse a most f estBe aad iatereet-lageeaalr- y. Bestats these there are irher smaller strearas Ja variom pirt et the State, aSerdiBgsavigatioo and water power ia abaa-tkec- e. The writer has spent rainysyeara In' Arkan- sas, and traveled over almost the .whale State, and dates to. hnawaf Ms awa P all kaowl-ed- g aH that he here sttrnM In this behalf. His lot is cast elsewhere, ad la allwehabibV ij he will neveftgaln reside west of the Mis- sissippi. l4te'iaWeottBAikaBsasiBB-abated- . t In raisgliBgieeeatlf- - with ftapeople of Mid- dle Tennessee, maay iaeairies were made of me eoBeerntag- Arkansas. Heodreds are soil. ing oat , and aiming to settle somewhere west. One gentleman, as acaaaintaneeof sitae, aetd his beEaested at S08er80 acres.lytBgin at 5T per aere, and eaterUhMda notion of emfciiHagte Artaaaae, bat bis wire was f earfal that she weoM fisd society set very good, do prtackiec, so gaod scteait, etc. nd she prevailed foJita tepareha;e ia Maary coaaty, ten raHe soath of Cekmbia, in a hilly, rocky region, where he had to pay $45 an acre. 'With tbe money be obtained for his MBaVtie coo have bosgbtaa imewnsaagaaati-t- y of lasd Jn lArkaBsas, as pl as bis ever was land ihitTvill soon be valeed as high as thstberoM.- - , ?, Society is as good is, AiVs u it is In STeat Teaarser, AWdle Teaaeesee, or any where else, ,Tbe twople are as mora, hospit- able, anaajdeWgeat, as any ether people. School, toavTf "not as nomeree?, are generaKr hetter snpported than they are In Tennessee, and as antes, deserving snpport. let there are scores ef people In the popohms parts of tbe oM Stales, who are payisgfrera $2 to $4 pece as rent, Jearfal to go to Arkaasas, lest they sbeitd f aH fa araoBg eanaifcata, or heatbeBS atieast. I have picked ap several amastag iscadeals, shewiagbew deploraWy mistaben tiioassnds are, relative to men asd thing West at 4he Mississippi. .Bat. this comaoBleatlen is grow- ing to long; I meet defer their meation te a fatare namber. S. Mtxreij, Texk., Nov. 16, 180. tii ii ivUmioi: aixri-s- . A great excitement has sprang sp in CaM forniaabee't the rich Washoe mines. The San Francisco ' BaMeits gives the fMieirisg interesriag partiealars: Mr. F. J. Haghee arrived in this city last nhrht from the new miaiag region la Washoe vaSler. Xil. Hashes weat to Ttrgiaia town, tbe locality of the richest discoveries., ia Jnne last, aad reroateed there antil the close of last wtekjso shit Ws emfwrtaeities ef observariMi have nample. The existeBee of silver in that region waaeliseoveied by three men who were workiaca coed claim in Sur-mi- le canon in Jaae of the present year. Feilowine; tbir sarface diggines, they at length stock the gold lea4 coBaisting of a Mack soU without lustre, so rich that portfeBS of K yielded $) to the pan. They foaad a pocket, as it is called, filled with Uaek metal, from which they made $166 per day with a recker. A noeber of Mexi'an miners from Sosora ex- amined IbataiUscs ai r time JiiJ, and inonaed tb miaers that tber were 'hrowiar awav two dollars et stiver or each one of gold that ther collected. A company of three or fear Mexi- cans commence! working these " tailine" for the silver, aad for some time coUectM from $300 to'is) per day. Aboat two raoBths ago, Jndee Walsh took one tan of the-Ws- metal ia which the silver occurred, to Sen Francisco, in order to jcoewre a reliable assay. The remit was from $900 to $SS tier' too. according to the parts ef tbe mice from which tbe epecimeas were taken. It is a remarkable property of this "UaekmetaV that it decomposes and be- comes ssft from exposure, to each a degree that it can. .even be crashed between tbe Sogers. JThe eiafaa had ia the meantime been divided" Into JrTx chares, two to each of the original Tarries. Comstork soM bis for S5,-56- 0, and UcLaaghHn bis portion for ttflOO. Klev is bow the one f the oririaal par ses interested iatfaelead, and be has refasel o Mr. if'ijrhes savs $40J)00 for his share. Jadgf Wa)sh awasi s, and is te have been toitertA $60X160 for half bis iaUtest. Mr; Hashes ana, with him a mass of etlrer mixed with roW, weighing 47aoee, aad vm-ae- d at Si ner eaBce. 1 his bar was obeaiBed from one arroba. or 25 poaad ef tbe tailiags Before spoken er. UeaM this Be UKea as a feir osooie of tbe whole it woahl indies tc the astonishing resolt of of refase dirt, from which the gold had been extracted by tbe ordinary process, worth foer dollars to the pound. Tb ledce in the Coassteek daia baa two leads of gold and one of silver ore. The roU reck has been aroved br the ordlBart test to be worth from JSB0 to $4509 per tvn. The silver lead cossirts of tbe black metal which Is stated to predate $6000 to the tan, ia tbe proportion of 4 a: surer to l or gold, ine eroiJ leads are froa five to Bine feet thick, aad the dip of the fold bearisr rock is aboat St de grees, or neatly perpenoieaiar. ine eatire ledce is between 15 and 20 feet wide. Tbe sti ver vein Is from 6 to 24 inches wide. Tbe de posits arefatjTitgtnia town, which is 20 stiles from Carson vaBey, 15 from Carson city, aad about lWfromSacramenth. There ia a ledg of cold rotfneir Washoe lake wMehsasid to nave yitMea tziuu in goM te tae tas. More than twenty o'her veins have been opened iaghe viciniy, and are now ia the nro-f- M ef develonment. It is tboa?bt that ther extend alftheway from Honey Lake to Walker rivet toe prc4pecMQtage4esrsuy reveai gcea nntbcsBrfaee: the silver arwears etebt or tee feefrbelotri: The most magM&cent deposit of eeUtrverdsecovered la this contteeat or in the world, is represented to have been opened at Gold Hill, in a ccon, or talker vaHrv.eae and a batf tn$ra from Virginia town. The bill i isolated from 'he mouBiaia tears, to which prosBbiy4once beienred, aad is sroperly a meand, aboat fi feet high, 5,000 feet long bv 2,000 feet wide. It is traversed by veins of asx.feroas aaarte, partly rfeeoaposed, yieldinr from $500 te $2,559 to the tan. This enar-mo- ss mass of welthwasdtcweetbvawhis-kpdrinkln- e character from Virriaia, In honor of whom tbe . aeirhbodae; vilisee has btea named. It it eeafpated that this fertBBSJe nerson has emsadstt wlthtn two months eixht often thotenallaioHars In tbe parehase of his favorite Said, r jhe consaaptien ef himself ano nis mesas, , There are new eiehteen arastras fc operetiee inTirginla town, andj eight or Bine at Cold hiil - The 4 ;v neareslSmher.'saJteble'Jar lumberiar reSrnos el is fifteen aties from tbe mfaesjand the mkHs which can be relied anon for a sapplv are rwenr tmiesntsiant. xe pnee er Ian bet at'VirrinU town in $50 per M. The bab itof the people are jieceasartly nomadic and SBprame. isey are in tests, as many of them as can secaTe that aceoniodatiea t those vibo cannot, sleep in haystacks. When meals ra te bad ther are Tsrmtbe! at- - the reasoBable price of seventy -- hre cents eaeh. Abaalflehtr toss of ntlrtr hart alreadr Teen sen to San Franelseo, or fs en the way Dither; and ate Jingoes parted almost one hundred teams rotnr oat with Brevtstesa aad general sappUes. The price of frefceht has been raised to 10c 2 or $800 9 tan faesa T)1. ... . 111. . W Ih. rflw. M 1. . arayjar t alf thatrate. The rash te the mieee 3s so ereat that a dallv Use has been arranered. SB tbe day on which he arrived at PiacervRle f ..1 1 i In rim f mii,ae,rfl Hi J K.n n gaceo lor me sexi ixip. - Mr. Harhes states that ten feet claims are Jtltin; at from $2,900 to $300 each. Fall or a Great Fjxbt Mr-rso- A ain- - gttltr phenomenon was wttnexsed yeeUrdav .Boning aboat 9i o'clock, In the apfer part of vue cnv. jr, tae rorm or a meteor, or immense . ' . 1 II van wi iuc, u was generally lereara uy cyc le is reMemeAted ax husine- - hmn ef rtritl brilliancy,'and in s!xe as lerre u a eoanwa baW, wrth a taM some, tbirty feet in lenrth, rrsemMing that of a eomet, which. " ' iMnm. uaf ii m, Kir ip - - er.trai!. The appearaeee of oe remarkable pheienon In broad dayllzfat,whae the sen (was shining fiem an alawst cloudtee. ster. feSUt?inrf J" toTprobSt; eUr." er tlarfiar raasafesUUon M ""i"""' -- ";""eo at nigra, naUirafljr rrea-te- d an arnsna! degrrt of excitement, part ly in the nsperwards, where it waa wi . fces-e- d bjr njany persons. Kinsta Tsxajuacs Tiis editor nt flu T raass.)i2eprferfBrnisbes bis readers an acceentf of a recent vimt )e Deareon Rock, and hts interview with Mr. MarWe, wtio has been enrared for the last rlAt veara in Jhls.jgprolarlr wild locality, in the stlfl wilder iptio cvuis me ireasBTes or ium, the freebooter. Gudid In bis Users at first by cUlrvayants.sra Utterly by epiritaatiets, the deluded 'nrxn has, wltifltti asaistoBCe of bis eon, Masted s passage waW8 bant eight feet in higbt and breadth, seariy a brMfiMkit In the SSTvser0 fissare aUie Ut torn an HBflwleenrreseeJ from whfeh"arttes a earreat of foal ?that will extiBCHih a flame held over it. Mr. Marble believes be has less than ten feet to ro to reach the long-song- ht care. ARKANSAS SETTS. AE MEMPHIS P-A-JgL- X A.PPEJLi-nBI3rESP-- Y, STOTEMEER 33, 1809. Swairr Lasss. la rely to numerous in dries, we state that it .a imnonible to tell when the new confirmation of lands in the BaraoTOrftt?vrlU be received. The de partment In Washington city. In answer to letters, state that it is new bard at wetk on these llstaand patents and wffl forward them as aoas as it can possibly be done. Of eearae, the silly ranter that the governor has these Ktit asdeMs them ap, ia with oat founda- tion. So eoou aialist r Wtent la acted npoiy by the secretary or President, that fact Is rjatfetslh WashiBgtoneity papers, which neefee often$aaehes us, before the list or pa- tent dees, and is spread all over the State. ZiNieJJocI: TVut Dtmecrat. We eHp tbe following items from the Bine paper t X SeteOTSrKi ScaArt. On Saturday night Mf. UriSth, the city constable, was shot lit flte tMgfc er grain, by ColliBs, who is, or lately w, eee ef the stock actors at the theater here. It appears that Griffi. in the line ef hts daty aa constable, had taken Cottins oat of the theater where he had been noisy and Mdiaaee, and while in the lobby, at the bead af the stairs, Collins drew a pis. tot aad shot at Orrflrtfe twice, the last time hitting him as before stated. QettiBS was seen arrested, and we preeeme the fraud jary, aawtn seetion, will imrtittgate tbe matter. Kx, Gritaara wauBd ttwacb ssrsnus, is not, vatare happy to say, considered a diDgeroas one. Stampede. Six prisoners, two white men and foor riecrees, coniBed in the Jail at this place, made their escape last Bight Sheriff hr- -i l wimr ererv jKMsible eJart te apere- - hesd them. Helena SMtU. A company ef GeoreiaBs pasetbroath enr town en Sahsrdar Uet en their way ham froa Pike's Peak. All we eeald learn of their sac-ee- ss gees t corroborate tike fact that tbe sasse aaoant of toil and money necessary to a trip t these mines, expended in ealtfvatiug the rich lands of Arkansas, is pradaetlve ef ranch greater reselta. De Jn CiH:r, Abeemsrr 16. Foe Govaason. A eorreepondent ef tbe Searcy aw suggests Captain D. McCreerr, af White coantv, as the Deeaocratic caBoidate far GoverBer ef Arkansas. OSDITS or XltB DAT. Pr tk VW SUet, MOl Fmtmt, 1 o'ciecE r. sr. It is expected en alt sides that the treatr In Mexico, which Mr. McLeai engaged in BeaatiatiBg, will be transmitted to Washington by tbe Teaneseee, en the 8th proximo. In thst ease H wiH likely reach bere br the Urh in tame for the Preni-ie- nt to eeaauBieate it to the Senate before tbe Christmas reeees. It is believed ia diplomatic circles that Great Britain will dij9nanne relations wKfathegev-ereme- ef the robber chief, Miraaen, as soon as she receives lateHigeBCe af the captare of tbe cendueta by Marqaez. It is sot unlikely that in one way ei a Bother, the will aid Jna-re- z la getting tn tbe capital, ia order tlfat she mar obtain redress for tbe inter-Batioa-al out- lawry of which hei eabjects have been tbe victims. Seaor Lopez, the sen af the Preeident of v, is expeated to arrive here aboat the 1st af December. He eesaes as joint the claim of the Rhode Island eeapaay against the government ef his father. The eagle gestae of Prof. Dial try Is no less- ee' tied dowa fa the State Department te the thaabless work of teraing Spanish aBd FreBch words into those of Ecglisb. It is bow soar-ta- g in the expanded reeioas under a socihem hi. We learn from Nicaragua that the Pro- fessor is decidedly a favorite with the gnvera-meata- the people of that coaBtry. We ex- pected as much from the first. It is bow rendered alaoet certain that tbe vote of Eeatucky wilt be east for Mr. Gathrie. It is as good aa positively so that Mr. Breck- inridge wrtl be triompbantly elected te the V. S. Senate by the ele here of that State, which coaraeBces its seeeion in a few days. A brill-ta- at career will undoubtedly be that ef this apidly rising and already accomplished young stotesman. The meabers and other winter sojourners are begiBBiog to drop In. Washington ia well prepared far their reception aad entertainment Tbere is bo city, perhaps, In the world, in pro- portion to its pepebtiee, which possesses, ia arsc-cia- hotels aad bearding booses, each a large amount ef eKeelleet " accommoda- tion. " Tbe heads of departaeats are all at their peato, tadaetrionslr engaged ia pattinc; their " h oases in order " for thereeeptfen ef Cen-gre- Tbe Hen. Roger A. Pryer is daily expected here upon a c ristt. Cordial salntatiens wiH aeet hie noon his arrival, asd tbe cordial good will ef the BetrepoUs will atteed htm dur ing Ma May. If Jodre Donelas continues to iaprore as he has iarareved for the last two or three davs, bat a aborf tlae wHI eianee until be will be enabled to receive bis friends. The State Depart aent is In receipt this morning ef eaVial aH rices ef tbe jatiBeation and exrhantre of tbe Obieese treaties. Tbe time for an teriiiaeiafn from ear govern- ment on tbe San Juan question has not yet ar- rived, but when it does the British government will be apprised that the United State Utie te tbe inland is looked upon by the administration as clear as it is to tbe city ef Xew York. The intelligence which win, In a few days, reach the goverameat from Gea. Scott, will enable it to promptly convey to that of Great Britain our final decision. The EOvernmeBt places little reWanee la the report bow In atrralatien as to attempts at res- cue of Brown & Co. The Administration is saarised at tbe apathy esWhitod by tbe authorities of Texas in regard to the forsry oa BrowneviNe, and has received only two ofttial ceamaaicntions see from the poet maer at Browne rill. and the ether ;froa the collector at Xew Or leans. COTTON ITEMS. A correspoBdcBt in tbe Galveston (Texas) CtrtVea writes : A seaae ef jaetice cow pels as to adait that aa Manse is te be a Jacbed te these who seek bad cotton at low price : and that a large por- tion of this year's crop ie both sandy aad dus- ty. Is unfortunately too true ; bat this is ewiag aere to the carelessness than to the rascality of planters. Many planters prefer sendine; te market a large number of carelessly handled bales, rather than a less.-- r number, wbkb, if cararafly attended to, weaH aMmateiy prove more profitable. Fntepsan maaatarturca make three times as mash saint American cattoa as tbe producers of it do rheaserve. England alone realizes double aa sanest aa the American piasters da from their work. The Gonzales (Texas) IfOrtr ef the 12'h last nays: The weather continues hisblr favorable for the planter, and the top arep, or second growth. promises an abundant yieM. We were la the country one day dim week, aad every field which we nassed seemed to be banrallr covered with bolls, which only resraire a few days more of warm sunshine to stature them, and to pro-da- something like a thouuaad pounds to the aere. in utat event, many of ear farmers will have good picking far three or fear Bents to come. The PiUefieM (Maes.) Sm states that A. Richardson & Co., ef North Adams, took one hundred aad sixty-tw- o pounds af sand fram a bale of cottoa that they bad purchased last week for fifteen cents Loss of Cottos. The New Orleans JHea-ysn- c of the 18th intt says : Last evening, about seven o'clock, one of the box ears eoataining cotton was discovered to be on fire, when the train of the Jackson rail- road was about a mile and a quarter above the Tiekfaw station. This car bad been received at AtnHe station, and It is supposed that the fire originated from a spark coming from tbe woods, which have been burning in tfaatneieh-berbee- d for snore than a week. Tbe wind current created by the passage of the cars over the rails fanned this spark into a blaze, and the rope-bou- cottoa bursting, communi- cated the fire to other cars, until one hnndred and eighty bales-wer- e fbtntty consumed, and fire cars were destroyed on the track. The track itself for nearly one hundred yartx Is destroyed, tbe rails being beat in tbe most etfigabir aaBser, and ths cross-tie- s and foundation structure being much Injures1. Culture of Cotton. What number of bales of cotton would satisfy the pla stern ef Mlteisaippi requires a better calculator than we are, or bops to be. Ko doubt exists on our mind that could we direct bow tbe whole couBtry eoaW make fif- teen bales, though only fourteen could be heated, the desire would be to make sixteen. When we traveled the road froa Vieksbnr; to Jackson, la July, 130, we beetd of one planter waking eirht bales per hand, yet one of his aeareet atbers leclared he did not believe it. We removed from Carolina to Hinds in the fall efeaO, aad learned that a planter on Big Black, Bear as, had made eight bales, bis neifdibess said it was impossible. Tbirty years ago, say twenty -- five years aeo, we dout if two cress in tots county, Hinds, could be found yielding an average crop of eight bales. This year we can find ten asd twelve bale crops, not eatie&ed yet. We doubt the pro- priety of throwing oat any hints whereby the erop'can be terreneed. beeaase K tends io destroy more lasd, asm make us more de- pendent.- That tbe Interior counties can make mere cotton, with aere esse to negroes, we have so doubt, bat involving more labor to gather. Tbe whole secret fv, arid what we have sati for these many years, to rely less apea the hoe, have nsore team and rait upon the plow. We have made Wry bushels of corn per acre, the hoe never entering the field, the turner plow excluded, after the land was pbsted. This, the maay will not believe, because their preconceived opinione are in favor of tbe hae. Ctow deep, make good rMgri.piant cot-to- n thhrand earrb-wve- some implement from the start, thin oat by hand or boe aad keep tbe clean with. ealtiva tan or 'aweem. stir thc earth late and keep cotton In growth t! nr. shedding. This wHI gire aere time to attend to manuring, taking care of stock, pe store Jands and laying downaeadows. We have heard of one doctor who hat Srane, (has and rerrydenb!esbis neighbors and upon' land aofanr bettor. Cotton er eera will not be Injured freen stirring tbe surface even ererv day. We bar; grows tome tews a Iks yearly in ear garden w Meant a plow, and boed, towentf times the year. A friend aware us he naa pieKsdfreaeae stare five pounds cotton, had weighed it and Kaa positive. At six feet by two, 300 stalks, 18,000 Tt; fire by three, ijm starts, 14,500 ; foar by four, rrea otejbe, ttOO Bx. We have picked ii wire tdoiis rrora a sun-- , admit one pound ef eottea, and anon ordinary land, four W ""T? baK 7,860 stalks or 7,300 pounds. ." Weksen, of Oa., wrifas os, He sendi for as to exhibit a atalk with over 500 botfg. "We wgch now," says a friend. Well let aa sJaptihe better wWvjciofi and plant lest In cotton and more in train and grass. Creeada fatal Gntlmam. AMtck Spaniaddah has been received uifi, wtscansin, It H tew prodaet of the .natarai serl fibeitfrrwcndls an averacs bf ecra. It measerea 1? inahec 22 rsees in circuafe cece, and weighs 121 pounds. It was raited f i oa the seed furnished by ibe p itent office, and sown in July, 1859. CLIPPINGS. The Texas legislature assembled on the 4th instant. , . . f Hume, the rapping median', Is oa his way"to ArserlcaVith his wife." The Canadian Parliament meets at Quebec snWedncslay, December ,T. t , Sausage maker's sigh Lbre me lovAny dog. It is better to lovea person you cannot msr-r-y than msrry a jjenoa you cannot lore. A new American opera, foanded upon Mr. Longfellow's MHei Standlth, will soon be pro- duced itr New York. At Galveston, Texas, on the 12th Inst, the thermometer fell from seventy-fiv- e degrees to tbirty during the dayt - The "bear tax" of .Vermont, last year, was $500. The State pays a prernlim for bear scalps. The Constitution or' the State of Alabama requires a revised digest of ibe laws of the State to be made every leatyears. . There are two hundred and sixteea convicts In tbe Alabama penitentiary of whom six are females. In Iowa rcrn Is soiplentlfnlJhAtln Van Bo- nn and adjacent counties, It Is selling at from 10 to 18 cents a buiheL , , Mr. Itarry has given gratuitous exhibitions of horse taming te tbe carters, eab and o suit-b- at men of Glasgow. . ( The New Orleans Pfcayune of November 10, says: The damage to Ibe sugar crop by the latest frosts is reported to us, from the conn-tr- y, as much greater than was at first d. Tbe trustees ef tbe ObiefLlf e and Traattem-pan- y, says the JSrcning Pott are paying a of 10 per eeaL to creditors, later eat be- - 4c reade up to August 24, 1857, the day of the failure. John B. Goegfa lately gave three lectures ia the Round Room of tbe Retaadt In Dablin, which is capable of containing 2,K)0 persons, and was f nil to the almost possible extent. About fifty ItiiiaBi assembled on the 8'h last.. In the Stuyvesant InHtte, New York, to take measures for aiding Garibaldi in bis efforts h obtain a rnllBoa maskets. In the northern part ef the State of New York, the people are now enjoying very good sleighing. In seme f the eon Deles tbe ow Is a feel deep. The San Antonio (Texas) Zeegrr says the Indians were never so troublesome In twelve years as now seven citizens bad beenklBed In a few days. Tbe one hundred and seventy-seven- th anni- versary of the landing of Peon, was commem- orated on tbe 8th imtant. by the Pennsylvania Historical SecletyabFhHadelphla. Democratic meetings have been held in fcreoty-si- x counties In Kentucky. Fourteen have instructed for Mr. Guthrie for the Presi- dency, and twelve have left their delegates tntastructed. WBlis, in hH plav of "Tortesa, the Usurer," tiakes eae of his characters say, that "ever since tbe flood .water has had the .taste of sin- ners," therefore he preferred wine. A lady who began to weary of the criticisms of a party of gentlemen on crinoline, exclaim- ed: "So long as booped skirts keep foolish people at a distance, just so lone will they be tolerated." Tbe State Department gives notice that the only passports that will admit American trav- elers into Prussia, are those issued by tbe gen- eral government at Washington. Such Is the decision of the Prussian authorities. In Wenona, Minn., ays the RrpnUican of tbe 9rh i&st., a meteor like a ball of living fire was seen dfreetly under the moon ; it was very brilliant and moved along slowly. The Boston Trserm'pf of the 7th mentions aslmi!ar phe- nomenon. Iowa bas just completed a State census, shewing a population of 633.540. She bad 192,219 1lSo$, and 43,111 in 1840. She bas that noflTlKan trebled her nortnlatioii in the "last nine years, and increased it about fifteen U in ...... : . turu om sat j v Mr. Jullien has been released from bis pe- cuniary embarrassments In Paris. During tbe twenty years that Jullien reigned monarch of the famed population concerts, be acknowl edges to have received tbe enormous sua ef Sl.txxyxx) in England and America. Mr. Thornbum, (son of oH Grant Th era- - burn) well known as a seedsman and hortienl-taralls- t, will probably, save the Boston Journal, soon oc cine to Mount Vernon tosapertnteM the restoration of those hallowed eroaads laid oat by Washington. Tbe NevrTtlver (Ascension) .fesdian of the 17th najt I We regret to be compelled to an- nounce that ear bright anticipations about tbe sugar crop cannot be realized. Tbe drouth and freeze have blasted them. So look oat for short crops. Official reports of the city of DarSBgo, Mex- ico, say that between the 27th April aad tbe lSth June ef tbe current ear, 53,9M scorpions were MPed wHbin the city limits, and $338.37 were paid, as rewards out ef tbe city treasury for killing them, la Sardinia tbe kingdom bas been divided into seventeen provinces, each of which will have a governor with a council. Tbe objects of the measure are declared to be centraHsa tion ef the political cover nment, and dreen tratixation of the administration. The London strike continues with as little prospect of a settlement aa ever. Mr. Patter a his friends have drawn no certain nrepoti- - t'eas which they have submitted to the mas- ters ; but if is feared that a speedy arrange- - ceai is scarcely posaioie. Soaisueae, in his retreat at Kingston, Jama ica, on nesting or ine arsassiaauon of uetr-rard- 's daaeMer, ordered a hich mass of thanks- - giving, bat the priest be applied to refused to aaetate. ine Met Das arouse aa aeastlonal toward Seoleueae on the part of the Haytiaas. In Texas a bill hat passed the Hoate the rover nor to oner a reward for the capture ef Certinas" tbe Mexican brigand, or any ac iae icaoers or nis ana, ine nam or ten thousand dollars ha bees appropriated with that object. It is thought that the bill will also piss the Senate. Gv. RbdbU of Texas, in his reeeat mes- sage recommends a clear and unequivocal ex- pression ef opinion opon the issaes of squatter sovereignty. " Equality and security in the Union, er independence oat of It," be says, ''should be tbe motto of every Southern State." A correspondent of the New York Tries ne says that sore aBd weak eyes will be benefitted by washing them in salt water several times a day, and well eyes will be kept In order by opening (hern In salt water every morniag and keeping la thatpoirtton several seconds. If your sister, while tenderly engaged in a tender conversation with her tender sweetheart, asks you te bring a glass of water frets an roam, you can start on the errand but yon need net return. You wd! not be aisted, that's certain. General Taylor's " all the world, and the rest of mankind," Is memorable, bat Mr. Buchanan matched it in his speech In Caro- lina when he said : "I do believe that man- kind, as well as tbe people ef the United States, are interested in tbe preservation of tbe Union." In " Adam Bede" one of the characters, Mrs. Poyser, is made to deliver tbe following spicy sentence : " Men are mostly so low, their thoughts overran 'em an' they can only catch 'era by the tall. However, I'm not denying that women arefooHsh; God Almighty made 'em so to aatch the men." Tbe emigration to the port of New York for the year thus far Is about 200 less than that for a corree ponding period In 185S. This fall- ing off bt more than fertry a heavy tide of emigration in tbe sprine. Tbe Hard Shell Democratic State central committee met at Albany on Wednesday, to isrine cnoiee or delegates to he Charleston Convention: but after some consultation It was agreed to postpone action on ine samect, ana ine convention adjourn unui me mid oz jjteemner. The Senate of Massachusetts, on Tuesday, had under discussion an amendment providing .for the adaission et infidels to give evidence in courts ef justice. Tbe amendment was finally adopted by the casting vote of tbe president. Tbe jobbers of Pittsburg and Cincinnati are announcing toe practice or selling by sample the goods of merchants, and manufacturers outside of those States. In Pittsburg they are determined to prosecute every person offeartiBg inline. John Mitchell writes a etccndletter of hit serise from Paris to the lAihman, coonseiliag the JTatfonalitis " of IrelSa " to be prepar- ed." He expects ere losirfSSee Gibraltar, as tbe key et the Mediterranean, and San Juan, as the key of the Colambian Archipelago, wrc-v- ra iiim - uic swindler ana usuper er na- tions," England. Jn cOBseqnenco of the action of (he .New York roads, reducing the fares $1 between Buffalo and New York city, the schedule latelv aeoMM line west nas been reirivtd. and thfaajb tickets will hereafter be sold for $M fiampiritinaati to New York ; $17.50 to iTitlJtteiprila, aid 11X60 to Baltimore. Governor Chase, of Ohio, la out In a decla- ration to the effect thst he bad no knowledge oi urn Atrown-- s inemion to create an injur recttaa among slaves, but admits that he csBtribeted money in aid of "freedom" in Kansas. Oho governor does not tell if he intends to leave'the country for Canada or for The work of deepening and Improving tbe Savannah river it to be discontinued next month. A depth of twelve and a half feet, at low water, bas been obtained over the sunken wrecks, and thr. certainty of, a gradually depth going on, occasioned by causes which have jiojt yet been fully deUnalBed, ren- der a free andjintnlerrupted navigation a set- tled fict OM Brown narrpwly escaped being a clergy- man. Wbri abur twenlv of stadWttMology in Plainfield, Maesacbjisetts, under. ISc direction of Rev, Moses Halleck. While pursuing hts studies, he was attacked WHO iBnammsiion or me eyes, which ulH-aat- became chronic, and DreeWeJ from the possibility of the fnrther nuraoit of Qtrsmcies, woes ne rriurnea io unio. A New York correspondent of a Charleston paper says that tbe leadiee- - fur manufacturer of the former city have been busily working up, ouring ine par: summer, sxuni: skim, intended for the foreien market where the skunk and bit rrmararaUe proper? oca are entirety ohkrowu. lirj-- e rrusnrmes ef Ihem go to Europe, and they areattl-M- y prized there under various fictitioui anTfancy names. Sir Wm. Nspier, beHcvlng England to be In danger et invasion from FraneebaspoiSlibed Instructions of the guidaneej6r votunteers in aebAClte. The aecutenr! experienced his. torian of tbe Pen in ular war corrects Ibe pop. blar Idea that biyonet charges and solid emelt of heavy colomns are threading features of modern' warfare; onfihd contrary, three-fourt- of every battlebetween regniararmlrs, he tells nj,depejids.ujg)nn"Uie Jrt of hiding behind trees and 'hashes', rocks, sticks and stones." This art tie tennsr" the very essence of modern warfare and he contends that the whole of a battlejrat between volunteer rifle-cor- ps andreguletjrp, will depend upon the fcraex?s,'tkMt'n concealing themselves." The'malSng rarjpod shots be regards aa of In- finitely less importance than a careful tralnta'-i- those mintc vers. Tun itBitniTAGE. vtsb tiw Kukrill (Tenn ) Banner, Krr. 5 We made a pilgrimage to this hallowed spot a few evenings since, and spent an hour or so rambling Jn the graveled walks and flowery avenues in the vicinity ef the tomb of tbe im- mortal hero, Jackr on. We could not but think of the neglect that bas been so long manifest- ed by our people In tbe Improvement and fit- ting up of these grounds, now tbe property of the State, and of the preservation from ths band of the desolator of a spot so dear to tbe heart of every TeenesseaB. It is not enough that tbe sleeping place of Jackson should merely be tbe property of Tennessee, 'ibe grounds should be properly laid out and deco- rated with shrohbsrr. and a keeper appointed to receive visiters tad guard aBd preteet the roauaeni ana ins nerai adornments wbkb rtrrroanaVit from Ibe rude basd of deeeeratieB. Undoubtedly the Hermitage Is one of the great objects of interest to the traveler-visit- of oar city. It Is a delightful drive ef twelve miles from the elty, over the Lebaaon tnraalke We ap- proach the sacred spot vrith the reverence dae the immortal dead. The farm, the groaalt, aad all art In aper-fe-et state of preservatiea, Ia tbe garden tbe old hero reposes. Beneath a modest teajple all that Is mortal, af the gnat Jackson Res buried. There, beside tbe wife be eberiehed with more than manly affection because, whereas be waa all sternness aad jroa will elsewhere, he was but yMttiBg foadaies to bis Rachel he is burled. We could but stand ante observers ef the scenes and places where the hero of New Or- leans bad walked and talked. A How if we stacked, tbe fragrance ef which wiH serrive even partyism. The Hermitage estate 1 now owned by the Stats of Teaaeesee, aad It Is proposed to estab-Ha- h an agrieuHural college there. A better tribute could not be paid te tbe chieftain of New Orleans. From the fatnu and firesides of Tennessee and Kentucky be drew the rtie. sten who shot down Paekenbtm at New Or- leans. We notice that a reao'utioe offered by Mr. Stokes, of Wilson, has been adopted by e Senate, appointing the committee of wayt and means to inquire into and examine tbe matter in relation to the Hetaitaaa, and report to the legislature. We are trulr gla-"- . to learn tills resolution hat been adopted in the Senate, and trust It may aeet with similar fa- vor In tbe lower how. We sincerely trust, also, that sece plan mar be devised for the re- - jsnrenatien and fitting up of these grounds, and we snail await me report er ine coamtttee with no small degree of interest. ' ' i Til e Cnpttrt! of Tiorocco. The following is soae account of the ancient. capital of the Moorish dominion. Morocco, or Metakaeb.baviBxbeen ruined by disastrous wars and depopulated by the plasue, is new only tbe shadow of what it formerly was. Leon Afrieanas says that " it is a city larger than Paris, where the King bas bis palace, which is more sumptuous aad more aagaificent than any other in the world." At the com mencement of tbeserenteenthcenturv Morocco had a papulation et 600000 ; it now scarcely reaches 30.000. The eltv was founded 1073: it walls, which attest its former splendor, em- - braces a circumference of six sailes, aad are pierced by eleven double trates flanked by towers ; gardens and mine fill ap the greater part of the ground within its walk. The modern city is similar with reerard to its architecture, to the other cities of the empire ; its streets are narrow and irregular; the bouses are composed ef a court with galleries round it, which lead to loot; and narrow rooms, tbe windows of which rarely look into the street. Many of the houses are built of stone, bat the great majority are constructed of a kind ef mortar composed of sand, lime, and earth, which is beaten bard toe; other between planks placed on either side of tbe wall as it is being built. There are several large open squares, or market places in Morocco, but, like the streets, they are neither paved nor sanded. There ore several mosques, the principal ones being those of El Koutoubia and Mouaim, that of the Beatous, and that of Sidi Belabess, the patron of the city. Tbe Sultan's palace i outside ef the walls ; it consists ef a,vast group of buildings surrounded by pleasure and kitch- en gardens. There are aleo a mosque and large courts, where the Sultan givet his public audience. Like Hue, tbe capital of Cochin China, all the buildines form a complete laby- rinth of walls. The Jeers are no' well treated in the empire. At Morocco, they occunv a special quarter, which I surrounded by a wall, toe rate or wnten is closed: at nler&t and dur-i- ar the whole ef Saturday, aad gaarded by a eaid. Tbe Jews are tbe oalv tinmen aad tail ors in Morocco ; the Moors only exercise the trades or seeeaal:ers, carpenters, masons, locksmiths asd weavers of bald s anjdgoadours. Daranre to the Sujrnr Crop. Tbe effects of tbe great norther of Siturday last, aad ef the several freezes siace, have been aoet disastrous on the sugar crop. Tbe loss throughout the State by these nnprece- - deBle visitations of extreme com is vark estimated froa seventy to one hundred tbons- - an noers&eaos. V arioun causes have combin- ed to increase the extent ef this disaster. Owing to the backwardness of Ibe ease, ear planters were renerallr behindhand in triad- - inc. not ef the crep haviBtr been taken off at the date of the norther of Satur day. Most of them. too. had commenced with the rattoent, Veavingthegreen plant to mature, and therattooM are far lees injuriously affect- ed by the freeze than the plants. The enVct of the cold, therefore, fell mainly upon the green ease, which, having already iok tie erneectaea ot ine leaves ay am frost, has beea very coap'etrly " cooked " bv 1 1...... ....... I r TV 1. :ll . J and tbe juice exudes 'from them a very btd symptom The plsntera stopped their mills. and went vigorously to work to wind row their cane, in tnis way they may save a portion at least of it ; but even windrowinr. may be de- feated by the pierclLg breeze, and the seed-ca- for next season seriooslv endsneered. The extent ef tbe calamity can not at present be.i eeamai-- a, our in me most ravoranie view it rs believed that it will restore the crop to an ag- gregate of two hundred aad twenty-fiv- e thou sand nogebeade. iv. o. JMU, jVo. 19. Chambers of Commerce. In a coaatercial community particalariy a new oae, id wniea ail local uaatres are tn pro cess ot rerreatna no tnboBai can bare a more Important aad beneficial iBufienee ea trade, than a ChaaVerof Cota- - meree, composed ot men ot intelligence and integer y. la moot liturated qoeatio crewlag out ot cnaaorciai transactions, local swage, as est Wished by the testimony of the best business) men. Is tbe usual test ; asd if ibis can be broaght to ber directly, in anticinat-in- r, or amicably adiutttnr neb questions. without the expensive aad vexatious forms afcl law, we lime, noney nnu leennezs or pametr will often he saved, wbile me cause of justice will be maintained and advanced in the easi- est and cheapest manner. In tilts country w believe that tbe decisions of a rbaaber of commerce are net technically legalized in any of our cities. We understand that the Ne-- York corn exebanee is competent to decile disputes referred to it by parties ; and from whose decision there is no appeal, bat ike chamber ot commerce has no seen power. In Europe, w believe, store atteatiott has been paid to the adjastaaent ef mercantile questioBt,withoutthe intervention of tbe courts, as in fact is the ease In many other satinets transactions. Arbitration is more frequently resorted to in Europe than with citizens of tbe United States. In Belgium ther Is coapnl-sor- y arbitration respecting adjustments be- tween partners. Tbe tribunal refers them to arbitration. In France, we believe, there are cKaerent ;rerultlons 'in different cities. At Bordeaux, if both parties prefer to go to a civil eoart, thev can do so ; bat it either party pre- fer the tribunal of commerce, he can require the ease to be decided here. Such tribunals In France take eonisance of everything which is of a commercial character, or which is done for tbe purpose of profit, and, without appeal, except when tbe disputes are not of a commer- cial nature, or tbe tribunal is otherwise incom- petent. The competence of the tribunal of commerce extends over all eoessercial suit, that is, over all disputes arising between tra- ders, or arising between one party beine; a tra- der and the other not, he being the defendant. The Halt of the jurisdiction la BeJetam, from which there is no appeal, is SOi, except It be a question of competener. Even if the dispute be set among merchants, wherever it has pro- fit for its end, it may be brought before the Commercial court judges. Axothek Mobtaba Case, Antw Mortara case is at present sagasing the attention of tbe British government. The facts, as set forth ttrl the official correspondence, are these: Mr. Geo. Graham is a British subject, residing at Denia, in the province ot Valencia, u apain, and on the 19th of September hit wife gave bleih to a six raeBUM child, which tbe doctor, a Rotnajj lamoiie, seeing tnsi it coaM not live, bap- tized it in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Cbott. Tbe child died tbe next day. and was buried in the Protestant refeerery. When tbe rector Deaia learnt what bad occurred, be applied to the mayor (alcalde) of Denia for protection la e Bterin; forcibly tbace raetaay a nd, f ditinterlBg the child, so that, as a bipfTzed Iamb of bis own flock, it Bright be interred in tbe Roman Catholic cemetery. Tbe mayor neMuiea to neeu sucn aa oomge, and ap- plied te the ehrll govern or ef Use protiace for irstructions. Tbe ecclesiastical authorities, however, ordered the rector to prosecute tbe ease with great zeal, bat with great prudence. The rector accordingly wrote a letter to the father, clatnring the child as one ef fait flock, and atkl&g the Protestant parent to dislter the corpse of bis child and take It to tbe parish church, so that after the usual ceremonies had been performed, it might be buried tn the Cath- olic cemetery. Mr. Graham nreteback, rebuking the priest for thus annoying him, in the nrme of aeeoust of a child already deed and buried, and telling the reverend re-t- or that he seemed to have imbibed a very Imperfect no- tion ot tbe religion of tbe holy Scriptures. Mr. Graham alto appealed te the British who interfered actively in behalf ct tbe outraged father; the case was afterward brought befatt Mr. BacJianan.thjBritiskraln-iste- r at Madrid, who hat addreMeiothe Spanish minister of foreign affairs a formal a remonstrance agalBi! tbe intolerant proceed- ings of the ecclesiastical authorises, and Led John Russell bas approv-- d the stesataken'to' secure Mr. Graham f rnjji, ujolel t SsSSf Here the case rests at KUgntTit is, however, wor- thy of notice tiLitpMtctar openly and brave- ly aekajedrjifliat in baptizlag the child he had noSAoMetijtt making it a member of tbe Citblmc church. U enlr efcWr. the chad would die. "was to make It a Cbrifttaa.'' Tbe father, too, sayt that used was that which 'would hare1 been used by a Protestant elerr raan ocbv himself, but still the Spanish pri its will nob . u. i..i. ). :J . nJ 1 i i BTfie New Yotlt CJt;cA J -- sal fcEpls- - copal) denies most eapbatieally a story tbat Bishop Otiderujoak m abbot te appeal to the civil courts te eats In relief from the pecuniary; results of tbe icateneo of taspensKn The carter says: T The bishop has lonr aro had In his posses sion the opinion af dlttiBgulsded jurists that such an appeal weald probably be successful, and thousands of dollars bare been placed In hit bands to defray tbe expenses of the eon-te- st. But he bat at all times steadily refused to take any step of the sort, preferring to leave the whole question wnere toe church nas placed K. i of tuastvUUliJiatta-l- a 01 the House of iirBctj. DIED, AI Me reeiaiDC, in Braroville, so Stsdar, B sots lint., Willi Air JL.Pottib, In His Bad reartftdi at. 4 f Vafreeitrtro, Tenn., pyjri pue eopj- - AU MttrtUranlifor Ike AmtaX mutt t Insured ffltfA;CfcVrfk. AH Mrtrtittortlf pblitKtd ia tie H ky jfp-ft- d an tktrfii Out DtUar ptr ijoart for taca (aitriion. JUtratulnt tvtvtrtUtmtntt muttTt ntritd for wxf lieu. Tlie ael IAi aarJcei (km vtitlbt (karrtdfer nl xcttk, and dicold at tit tnd af Hmt umi. Wanted be tsree rffc.tle firl- e- a Mrr SmtATtOVS steal A Mtn a wilier. Mtter u sruk ui ma. weM nat etieet t so Into Ike 't riAUfrel.KretiKalnl. ei.l.ra. wltan eeereuieai Aswau. l.fGiimx a ixi3, SIS Malnureet. Mince Pies, Mince Pies. IMS'T WTTkatkettvHtDireei fcin-- W A rwtMs at J. ?Mnrs. IBS If itn Street ao4 ea Mgt--St MeinVet. Kaln ia rE.VDI.ETO.V &JOUETT, PPiODOCE AND PROSION Commission 'Mcrcliants, 18 PINB STREET, ST. LOUIS. B restmcTox, I R. Jaurrr. aattr b Bke, WooJ ateCaltkt aad Kerrtll, cm. nexam limT MEMP1TTS THEATER. imixmi su jtaaitH.'itwici c.Taovnosr. Sue Pireattr ?...t.r.lOizm X. DAWSOS. TTTXDS'BSDAT ETEKLVS, Kevemer tt. U cei- - V Vitea Anrtkaa uifvtieatx Vn . rAEKX.V. ai tke ToUfcrW aad Iarialtn( Mtaiaienne, Shi fAKJCT nrgAatrafr,rto win npearit a tr wHten ex-- f Ikes, etatlllad tna WIDOWS STRATA1EM i oa. two TrAM or Tgurso X STORT If as. fe-- MlHM,XiS na JettaMte. xiu r.anr rvi rr-- ren. ti' )AM or A LOVES Oertra !e, viltt mn. ViH raaarnu nutea; raier sejte. ai. pivns. V?" Brt Circle. Fafauetla aol Baioinv. 75 ceBls 1 rrtaate K $t aad 10; Tkird Tier tmi tMerrd Oaller', ts enu. B IMset aen inn 10 A sc. to S p. K. Utaca oesa at f clod. Overture M at 7 e'dwet. OartaJn iltes preelMlr at 7K o'eleex. nis macs iiicotheus, rxrxii:T02s or ScIigBana's Chemical IlaSrlnvIgorator Ta y tTtmt BeMMt. nv4 lWltKe tt ITiir tkt bit titW dfftX 1mB til IB. aVabJ U W9 X,1 MfplwttsrtaaSaITf-- fT(T ftftlWsT, B4 I bai-falt- .!tttf4. vltk a ttt tVMnu, t4tkr a- - tlttsawt tor ta kitr, mrt txtr mHmm, ytn aoifBai rrvsM or mmmIiIsMH. Ilclwrf tte M7f tb tkiB, . a W.Hhr mHq tf la V& IS nVTTL tC, W.iCtn I rft tfc lr, tkfttbf pft?- - nifi (k hair t carl satl ktep4 H tv; win ptnMtvf-l- ctaVOtt I ran tMaH (Mr Sto IM UVBtrt fsaft, vtmar. aiteerw4d ; at iavfarti tait a cUrkar eator, wtVIae fro at f K win bth th tkia aatl ta hilf in a Itnltar and lent-tea- t tetatainrt.1 th Htftt ptrio4 f Ufa. IMin tnll Sa4 th lBTiatr.t.r a trtl wi&M t t&f tollat. luch oa xattot or iu dalteAtft a4 arretiie aef faaii. ai tat? arail (aeiliti it afJanU ia tlrtvisf tart hak. vaeh, wbsv noM with te iBTiformttir, cas We 4ft?Mtfl as MT rtMatrasf furm. toeVi tatvrarnreNaiMaet?, 1eHhr aM9 or tn tWr1. intrn a ckiMraa)' h4. it 19- - tty frryJttja U a ef hiir. tjaH o47 ar Joe. SrtiaKAXx, tor fltrtS SBUlrl'ilU, fJ ut.eitir atrU-l- Oor If n4 ITaiae t.. Mnmb. A. CAR3. HAVING utvxlitM wHh ta, ia my M bnts, that 4 taf4tn; Nere., bMh oa ctteauzeffiaa aa4 aa prirat araavoM. Xr. S. 9. Jonzf af Deftjt. UiM., ft tar braaT, VT U foiREtT ot HemrbH. 1 eaf ttr to myttitvU tiller rtcilMiMtaaa I aarc trrar aaaB't aaa aaia la aar them. Oor bfaxMr lttttai ai Ka. 69 JL4aaif ttrett. vxi dour tnt of my a3! art Tfcr are tpctcit, ootaauat; erxaraifk-sai- , twrtlort aa4 afaajy arg aaaortor aay tabiaarat of ttM kind tn La Stt, aa--i nfaal to aay taat I hare rrar imt. X rph0lj awtltatt P aar n?w flna from tsy old aVacd an t im'kaaari ami aa poallc, tae aatroaiif waiek han- - mrwwfr Mt ttOoraUy tmxw4 Marla Mum Uattra, taf wni oatr mn tat wuti w ptrarsl a. BeroRBT ... t. jTa-..tTu- . JCriDpah. D4ot, Htaa. FORREST, J0XES & CO., DEALERS IN SLAVES. No. 89 ADAMS STREET, IVraiVrSPSjODS, T.Z3TNTTJ0-- . rpatr bmnl cooiaiwtM, WW keep X en naed K w4 awttjeM ml VirtMU, OMfiiM Onee'tna N' n 500 Negroes Wanted. ?X7K will pay aMtr taaa any other portvoa lor Ko. I YT Nfrropi, uM ii ta w mtun.. i1 aw yORRBST JOHSA & rpr Toiiticisec. ; IIERR. IinESiilCII & MIBIE'S MENAGE RIE S ifigaiftteaUy Fitted nj fer ths Ssusa ef 1859. Maaater.. W. it. PATH. ninokt tkw lieajaavlei. Herr. DRIS33A0IT. aeonaM xanaew teiPfrtoraMr S. ORATIK. Asent...........,...Ma...H,..,.......R, RH0BKS. Tke mmkai 4 MesmtetieA win ExktMtat Memphis Musday and Tuesday, Nor. 23 and 29, M AlSaaaalT Sareac Par two dita orrir Aitornaan an Kiss. TAaars rpan allJl a4Su faaarz r. ac itomUt at utila Okll. are am sermu. ceata. A Grand Procession wm be ma ra t!ia farmooj ef the OAT Z tlkibtUie.. raeae mf taa Mnieal OnarM. drtwa kr EWeiab. Tha Mtowioc IIM ennarliM to 4M aoitnaia now etntetiBe a Herr. nrietaaek'a at Mtkie's tieuaMiea. Two OotVwuI fJietfuBU tori tot the team at tha GREAT BAXD CHAR IOT rive minifleeat IJoat, Rani Brsnl Tltef. Bran!lian B:a--k Titer, Leoawrd.. Paathen, Oeosar, OceVa, Tieer rata Strtpe an forftM Hrenaa, Grlnlj IM B act H ',r runrit arw a. umas. nar. Bie-- f f)nw Atovm.. Orav aJ Clark Walret, Whit Cu.ii. htitmr.. Porccytsea, as a vikteraete r Birda ana wasters. nerr uaiaauuH, tae estaaatea Anlntl Tamer, will enter the den tt tratnM aaimaH, mmi axkihtt kla waa- - i .b1 . : oawrr ' aver . . the .... orate creittoii. . 7Jrv'v mijsy ana mt a ner wau Bute wa Baaet mt. axe aalmal auack heoevlh kis feet. Air STEWART smt aceraj Traher l U wt-p- t. will MtneMre the tw waader. ef werfarmtne aaeakattto Mmeatnl J tttt. whan ex- - traorttnarr feaf btr aatoaitkrt everr fctkaktor Is atl eeoetrr and Eamoe rtMaBMr waaa-- ao'ioflinau tnan Keater. Alw lbs twa COMIC utrLUS Tb sMve craad arrar af aa ral a&4 lastrtettT eaierUlnmenlt. TretMltl to tke auMic, aanool ran to meet with wiua. A atdaadid BRASS ASB STRIXe BASD It aHaaked t thlt aaxaianat eaatprtlao of am satis, ledkr lk recaaraad caraet ..iw v.. sr. fl. a)L5Q.T. rwrkerra--iiaaiar- t tors pletorulaal deserio. llTtbiHt mmi 'MaieraM aa tne amjmmj. DHeua Notice to Consignees of Cotton nv Tnc Itlcinphis ami Ohio R A I L R 4 D. Surr.nnrTxxozwr'a Orricr, I Maveaaker 11. MM. $ rapft IftSax ef Cafkaa by ikaa read, reedera it Trit Io have It imaediate r reaad (nam lb IVepst. The Mlereat at aH parttea MUBis tbta, aa reaaoval wltbla teDtr-l- w boar after at arrival, ia arxeatlr reaarreo ,tj.i.aiiAM,api. aoairr ofr- - " nalS-- i To tlto Hlcrchnnts orasicmpliis. ooercttaed pfaorlaaert r tan SfkAir. WElba 21 tb labdlBa. WIS rreea as af enarselk rentor uaoiaattn or 1H percent. oaal aiooaal adraeeed far frtitkt and aaarfM It ateaabaala. Kawetake r M, IS3S. j. j.ssrmi a. Co. nelt-l- al ' XE5T ORLEANS SCHOOL 1GE.CT ' And Teachers' Asswiation, rHrected r Prf. T. RICniBDrvJ Oravier tret I, nr- - l e- oar St. ffharlea 10 KladBaJt, 7artitta. Otardiaaa a Private Pan- - X ine It UaM aeaentkiince 'hit weoty w fana- - ad, afat yt ar aTrevfr mia iieialan af B kndte let. tes J ai tknatMit dtotiaraiaked enarbern learkara'aU avtr tk-- eauatrr. wfUnx 14 ejuectlkeir altaAllans. Wa are able to pracur wifbantdttar, Ea tilth. Prtaob, JIalh emetic ant Atoale Teacher, Oovera. caaes and Tatars, of botk m, to ;nj eskuol er print taoillr in ar out of towa. Let every oat tUte tkt faealtlM reire4.-- we win himb theaa at oarwretiunibiUir. with tke vtrr ptreott (krr wMi . Wtnlr rorereecea rrm teacbari asweneiaiplorrva-- tri kalow aoeewB, Ap-- pl teat toe nrutb eirecte4to . rrvm a mu afiir. 33 ttrsvter II. K E Wa hava aaveral vaeaacles far todlM abt to teaco Prtneh maA aaaale, and a r,ir t ar. Wa are.pannWeJ.loreler u Col InasC Areanr, O. BoTleila ; fa. Mtrre. Xas . II X.TB Oontnl. X J.V. narJen, Eq , Ttletrapk At rat of th X. T asd sr. f). AnicllIM rr3y - . ndJ-j- Special Notice to tho Ladie3. A!5'IHiTllS - mttetnw In a mm, " town, or a kw keeper. Wen eiwrite4 la IA. .!. atcuttlwtetatUM. Al,raa.ker lujkZbS lnaers, Ben lee dltckiac tsreealM etc WMhin apt reetor Mreeti. tMOt-- at Bank or Tennesc at aieaplils. KOTICE. HJZXT tfcwsaar, na hut . Mat t a(Mt w 1 twemor at a iter or . Bruek ear will te tkM on me r trerlM. Iw DireeAsnare ei met TT, j. i Beai-- It sr. t. ctt. A SITOATipX traaMttsrsyrean - ttll ereM ssrai. Aaere aTm.iela rant tat aaal e2eea vawt a maaaetcAiisa m k. t ' JVofricc. .y";Cao Basx, i rnntaganxwHiae iiniiea vtinlir v... L (iftnrtaestatlaa. Ftsxr tAiUat ana m timSa aaa to pass an ear taws. r. w. tsire, ctiater BuAscif er van ruirtM' Bamk Mltli. BjometerBt ia I rnms Beak win t cts onTWita.. in sen, m. X Hit TksntiHlnr faliat m that oay, enetsuM pa im tnr spin. nim r AHBJS MX. Ml AADEUSO.V & TVATSOy, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 2d Coasserctal aad U Levee St., SI. Xouft, JBhsourt, J"otlcc. rrsntSntaa wiu I 1 mm 4m raa i t unitjt C. W. CMBUBT, Attachment lYoticc. 0fUae, h C Betm eee, Wmm I T US, to. MM Afarrla k Laaa, Str sat r taentnml Mn Biilum i rarthv wwH tM aa MSMerll kare'a IM, rant He Hmi are an riilSim i ts Btaae at Tenaewee. it U tkerenire arOarea tfet tusskgattnt nu4. tlvint milts t mi 'ifassats rkt ine tken Hr tetwe at tar env, ia tn etty mt r itn. mnimeTt j U r. late, as HmM ail Mil, m tM lint win te s teat list vukn pnrie ftUMI r. BILL. 1. r. Land vvarrant o. 72,3GI Lost or MOICB. Stall tf Tean Cannai BBtisr 'PHIS r lirsn-l- l, mure mtmm ate. a. w X WAker, m exaMC Juatke mt Ike rem is ulfer ttweMstr m State aBeve uael lMla1Artr, (wire rf jMkn I Tattor, aa oatr rklM mt VeUBlM mm, KturtJH um won kawra, aa. Wlac tmij wwon. nates tkat la ik kwjatialpera eatrtlel to bnt warrM Ke. ItM. Sw eae knatr aa4 .txr are of UM, iMtel mmtt tkaac tt Hank 1. IMi ttet ia wen aauese Ikat mtmt wwraat wa Hist er antawttay token Ina ib aaalli Otol il nmr react ker tsat tew ks imie. mU mt ealuaiarUr tvu l'k tr iiaianiiiw LaxixiZA TArun. awavu toa aini kerr t. a Jnstlteaeaaai uH, tail TUl 4mt mt HmmmWt, ItH. R. V. WJLtXtK, JtatsMal omPmc. Ptr C-- -, teaa TTrxM. xoncx IskeretTirventoantseMui. Hal T ekall aaathr a the OanealMtaext w rinnna tar a alieate at OVs aaava oefernti lams: arrant si it ana LlON-lZ- TATtaVB, natt-eiw- - . i?eaaewllto. tTaaaur Cmmtr. Texsa. X. A. TALBOT. .rnaax i. baxot. ( Late mt BMIr Strauja, XJta. ) WnalMiet aaRetaa DRUGGISTS! No. 340 Main Street. FSOTOTE X. STEWART'S BLOCC, JIE3IPIIIS, TEXSES8EE. paoos, XBfarnjTJan, rAisrts. WimtOW OLASw, GARBEK amb riBLB p!. JV SaU'al Z.OIO Frlcts.- - aaker, aduatrtoas, aincto nun to take ASTEADT. aMnraarv, ate., an taai eaa tee aa lain aa kiawir cloaelr to beian Kaca atnar aea aosCy. A libera' .s ar win aa pale. Apalr to OAS. STONB. atO-t- At Ike Appeal Ofaee. LXJXTJRIO TJ S ! ITUXiIfER & TOlirKIiV, af ea1 itltiawl almta. koeeinat rawl COBKBU, of all Via mt aaaalri ataane and a new aexawrw- - Paaaily rrpl Prmit. af all kkws wb aa OraeaCjrm, Ore Peas, Pi Pralto, etc. , alt fraa BaMiaaor. They bav ato arresxemeats to keep uanlMtly n ha all tin of WiH ntaa. Bear. Tialua. Fueka, Win oee. Rabbi ta, aar , Ire. avat at all kind. Alt tboeo wiahia apaaethiaa o to aa aboaM aiva ax a aB. aata-l- Stationery and Blank Books. TTTX take pit mi t a Isettla XevebMta aa TTaeea-- V V snea to call a4 exaaiiBe oar Imrtm abk mt and Bla- -l Bank. WaparekaM witk tk view a awap'yio ta cltf eta wtik all tki i oar lia I th r.iatl reoea, aa will aatl al the low t trtan. AT BUR Beiatilal Cheek Baa aa alt IMattr kaeka. Pkaaty Hra Praialiani j Itataa. Turn i tiiii if fi ttntji Bat and Cettoa ton Boaka. Bakre Oaa af wrr wnetv. Gar. Dovoll tad AraaU' aaaarior brintoat ink. w. r. mi you at on., noBl So Sit aier laal Pallawa' Han DR. G. SCIIIFF, Physkaw, Sirgeoa aad Orims, oppicb-- m was arsacT. B4eea tdaau sWuhiarUB lalt. Reara X. S. nj- Bam raarn TUB .H I Sr at ;TtoSr. M. Praai I to X r. m. Bar attnus at tk ear. nK-l- v Oalticood !urseri. BATE for UavmMiately aiioiaiac to iAr I af Co). JarB K Carim. a 'arjtt? an4 twaptrto aaefV ebom of rariT rsVSS, ladediat m eholm c re Jr. X t tm umiWUm araia t' aa . AHay IImoo, lslajliu atvi 1rkf XEW TXKtnm a&4 tM-r- at awta.tat of rT'irthias aaaiMy foaad io a SwttfTT. whitrh I will toll oa aeoaaajty-l- al g tot-i- lo paactva. Haaiort. All oritra fro--a f o enmm'Tj K4 prttaapily aa4 e4 br aUlI or Vate at Um Ttmk of Itto pmrrafT. ntol-l- M. XOOST, Arant. Xaqairor pr. For Sale Very Cheap. 7 1-- 2 Wlcrcs ' ON HERNANDO PLANKROAD. (A part of the Dr. Ymb; Traet.) - . ItUns a G iod House, AND Four Acres in Cultivation. aiOXSAaifctT. J3UPIIEE ii. CO., totn-a- t ai Youns America. Attention! AT XHs? NKvy.OHINA STORE, 3S8 .TTain Slrtrt. iMaaas, sors OABta, BOrajWASoss, wMaWUtABBOwS, aHIUHBKg WAOOSg, JfARBLSS, ra, BTC A fall an.UMII af Cktba, takta m Harvkara Ware, aR af whjea I aaar at riiiMitle prioaa. new QUA. 31 50 BBLS. Puaa'i IX.rioar. UHttaXT i PtOCLRrT. X. Hawar- - Row. Eice, Lull & 0o. ( LATE OF ALAllAJIA, ) fILL SflORTLT OPEN A LARGE AD ELEGAST STOCK or mi sows, 199 evS &-3e- ' r.AKL,i rifjiiut; or XHf km OPEAINC WJteB" GIVEN. Plantation, NegroeStock, Etc Tn Sol rat- - Counltr.Htas.. ASStJlRAMJ. RJatBracR, It tsln rrSthitir x Mrtalu MFerad ra Utteiwe place, b, THOS. PETRBS, a Cartra Keck, Mtia ttreet SSoien. TTSBfAlf Be r.imm. . a .uu. M J1 Tatiaaj;iealH , lie aaarta as kl twakl BtH aavaiaraltavseri akrktsit aa Mttta waa ta UM nana 9mm aanaanBaw artB UB.iBe "-a- rt ratarataa tiM hrer. Hta ajiii it E. ABaTVOit. Trustee's Sale. X frintnea at tae ataalaiana af a eee mt trat auda t?T Uarlf Oa-rf-ll aa UM SMU mvi af rOrrr. SSM aa mm aa uaatea, ta Mara R mmm at i liiwia litai u- - tmwft mm oartola aatea ttaweta A. T. Satwaet k. Q , UMeaat taarrOM. aa tar tne Mluteta'aal Cwataatla aj; Ua rwa leal af mm aatea. I wtSLtasfeel anaa er eeaaaaawr mmxm, mt IS, u aiaae aaa,aiar tiaatavTV. Mat triaH aBa. n i til la I r at) " k atli I. l Its. lawaia. aa ami! M alaflt af all Maaa. ketax i Oa a taM Oaatre. I.tai . p. WIX7P. Tiaili . Oil S9 a I n tings AT AVCtlOSm TjmWmjltnnUT Mia af A at kv mbm af tha aaM alt at I antott af kaa Raraeeaa aad Aaaavlean. aanataliaclaiaaat af CUaaac. Bnati lal, tat llaaiaaA ranay rfaja Ptaaea, , anar ana roe eat viewa, vuajva riecaa, nta- - aa 1 aotnttr atl aa ateaetar eae. n to, tk Stttiui aitka ASSOCIATED AMERICAN ARTISTS, WMattltoBwatl L Biltlii. aa WBBH5SAT. - - at M tfatoat A. W t mm -- , sas Mala) ajaaa. ra-- paiaattaxa w w aaa tor eakltltlal, wta ea., ara tmtt aiitatat Ol mil Ot aarrii,etUraeaii wtiav toeBi to tilltJi ate. TaraM aaaa, tf iat si S. B. LOCKS i CO , C X Gr A E SI AT AUCTIO.V, 40,ooo Common Brands; lavoritc do. 25,000 Superior do IXT will aan to - . W taoaaaa a- - JasawiCB0BJa.T) ' ' VOHtAniAT, najpHae; A. OS. Jnt Secoivod. ' ""e seelSaaiitai Vtaar ear. Par aatokv J T. nAXI, a Prae Raw. (5 HA SB Military and Civic Ball! At Ottil Fellows' SlalL TOBSDAY BFtnitVG, XoTf mbt r 23th. The nines "BT kr a ran JfUitarr aa Ol.U'k Ball. U ft tia .a. mUcm a eaM srrrait wi i itTVo. , T77r.. A Z?m. ractaai IN Mr O'attaawaaaaarlautoaanwant Laakn to Bans anal Srp. txet. AemiiMtonTwitk aT toy-- . afAXAetata. u CM rretoM SaaBfe. AAi. . M. lliatoittal. Ouart'r J. a. BaaaBaWa Jaraaaa Dr. A. Tkannaj. date praek. Oa. J. aeuatte. mmmu Wm. MUtor. utai, w. i reaaaa. AaV g. Unas laaae Strmm. U. r. t. ena. m. is. Cocoa iTlatliiisI - rjoemA XAXTttm, Irt mm. mm. 4 ea. aW. t-- . 4 . 4a. 4- -4 aXHWA. aa It AK1LLA MAIIMniA . Rwatta tkla af Mdlar aatokv nat yctTl.fWBT A. OBx Slats! .Hats! Jlatsl TOCH SaOBS ! GLKAX Oaoaa Break Xaar-a- erj aa. Star - - Poaar Basdaind Cooa Mala. Xeealla aa Caaaa Bala JM Mato, AXai4a Xato iMkaa irili l ai ttJttaajMlll. Tkatj tklapitia Xato. Velvet aa Tatted Xal. taaaawawBat Mirrors! Mirrors I T ABeXa SUE PIBS 3trBR43B3 easkttf saw uvea ran- - jtortwr. Oval Mmjtm ttu'i " -- Mlrrara natoare. Mirtwrat1tWToT Pfkei. Tkktkad of tk aitdrrune, Aaeua for th Lartwet IaaoUac OtoM atoMaaboaaat a Sew Tarl City a VeKlNNXT t CO PIANOS. aCikaleaoa Tioliat, Si tart, Clarijeei. Aimi tana, Pa-- i ttaaa, Taaabortnea, rife Batuaa Sheet Maefc, X mnc kkofea, aa varrtktaz ia the aaaht line aar faa oa Monr ,tret. a few aVut aiain arreai. Bar, sbo, aa mt ktoaan. BUtkaa X Pkilltuph't Bonaj. ISO sua .Irert. akar h raaa tbe GREAT VALLACE PIANOS Tilt oaTs Improve TieWtis &Gaars, Jtm xm 9h, amimiM mmmetm aaatniMf imt mum A inliajlmrtei. ntann T Bi i aa k aaap wtti. a aattUio of tat f a nsr pjawstoa of In, taa Waa la try aad attest froa. At, a aoie-l- v PacMtlT af MaakviBe. Teaa. NHjitlrios, 1 Hn tPoTotn usr.-sa- r a. nu.v, te. S Hawaf Row. K ntsU. ektot Asae JUtt- - - PotoUea, t arriv pa LUsaaar st ptcc'itt. ai Plonr. 100 usrasaT h ricXLiii OHtS. Qflfi BACU OaU, ia atova aa tor aato by xjvvj aan irBeaT . rtcxuK. T f. & c. necitXE. $1101117 street, HearGayeso KeHse MEMPHIS, TBNN-- , BCALBBS H oip mmmx and xte whiskies, r, IS'ran'dle'S) Xrr Wta,Ttk. aa PrraM wlae, trtotwr Wtao. CBimtisni Vlaaa, aMaaatt BUI tit. Eaninl, a an katlsa of alaer mat .T toim aa Cat. wt-a- a BAftOAIrfS BARGM.tS. BARGAtteSaat. - BARGAINS. BARGAINS --.BARGAINS. raa attil h mmA at IK Kal atraat. at. BNtMAW, nalt-ea- w O. O. NIL1UV Alaa. HOPKI1VS, SLOVBR & CO., COTTO.t FACTORS HHI cff.n.Tiissio.r JiiKRCir.z.vTS, Ne. la Fboxt Mff. tor th. jKST- - Hope, Shoal & Crescent Mills COTTO.V GOODS. Lead ato. aeaau tor Pk klaf lp twa' new patent IBOK juaaatwafaa naaoi lata app7 at oatta Tama, ant. waM-p- . inumaaoiwtnrat, ana iiH a Jeaea, i af whKb win h aaU at factory artoea. fsah,ataatrtaaML wan ra at sm Our Second Fall Stock FAXCY CASS1MBUB rasies3 Units I COAgS, ! .. . BASTS and ' "VESTS 1 Over Coats, Over Coats, Over Coats, Over Coats, 0PC0r0RED BSQUIJIAUX BBAVBR; PANfy. MOSCOW ... aIo. PANOx MA1AK0PI do. ' . PANCV WHITTaVBY aa. FAKfJY CASTOR do. FANOT yRBNCII PILOT CLOTHS. BLTJK ae. a. da. L.iBR.VIOR COATLNOtJ. ROr-A- l. BE.VGAL PLUSH. AT GREATLr,'RBDDCBDTRI(JBSJ Jt Ato. aatwMatAr mt nrr.v ouestjsii s n.nir?s QCI.Xfil!,lTEQ mm m Ymtk Yoke Sfcirts! GILT, XID, mjet AKB OAeeJtVXSI fKatTB, lata aadCMtard. y JOHSgO.V & JOftT, wtotMeri. JT. S Chirk' Xarbto Btect. . vALUABLB SUBURBAN LOTS . AT ATLCTIOX. Oh Fr'Wtv next, the 2Sh IntUat. WBJ?.? ? Jf v nMtVi. J X T. BM. XmmZ Uadtoaa Hreet. ext, bet. ItoTefct!J . Bk 11. B. II. It, S. SS St. T7. S. 1 11 ne)""- - TM prpertj ariry VoeilM. m a rood aad Beaakv neavhhovhaail. mmt ,..i dun of Ml at an ttm. It a - aer kr wa aseeahtttoa. a I ftiy?- law fke tin a eaaaorv oteajan. w,,a i..., Tag va tv. , irs., uuawes ana reriaJmuiu pmvldad frt. G. B LOCK! ICO, SoIS-l- Auc'rj tMleil KHateErelirj. " gfisctflanfeus. LADIES, AITlirifl! Pianos at Auction; i 'r On TTctlnesday morBtRA;. tiCrd, MUK ocJoct arfcsatlT, at mr mm roo atroot w wtll m1I TWO MAGNIFICENT PIANOS taacihtatatuiieitliij af AOWtaa a. Oa .ktewTark. BIm Plait, are at Beae Waa. rtattr aeei eeatl laaa iaiia tl 1!1 larilt rrr urn Iter are to M Mat Matstiaearkw. Taaais Cme mt iiailiUitr naa. aa)tk iBtttaat mt atailt Matwia taaa. vosaA'SAT, ia on To the ladies. have am jteaaat ap aaaaMsat SCtssT WE wooemMhCsaa, iaavrtoa ., an-laetva- ra Warrasi t tar tea fan. Ptoaa m mht Tkap vtB keaaat Vow mti imtxuxttuT, atipann . on. Uarana Cigars. 2G,000c-bA-- r Fine Old Brandy. yfMISMBelAT. BtTPRBC h. tMk. Snso5 Se.Tlnp; machines. Ittoa tor tk h.artoat mat Saaat takvtoi Prioa aia. tarr Iteltl SABBAT, Banas & co. A Bargain for Farmers. ORfl ACBto. ta ataarad. istttsikto ewaJU i Itto i ia aalnlaai eaaaaua. aa ta CWlea- - katf-aa- B of rovtaaSTtn PiaiiH a Call aa m MOBBABJIAT, BTPRBS Si f)0., aH SXoara, 3f la. Swaai. TO CAriTAI.IsJTi AXO OTIIEIIS. W ara dtrxae to aell tb corras pactory axj mills, aiiairat BTiil III m M,AJe. Tk Oalto Pa, tar, to aapahli of aVtwtaa: "Hi n iTii AH th baikt-- at bbmI latniry at a aat iai Alaa. aa- - k yam an tw 6rM JUlaa aa at IB. The ia atoaa toraaitare raaat, aatotk h I in r apacatla. The aarMaa aBitaaiiBliisi aew.ta i rim bv wattr m alraaeawokktk Pastovp it kuiit la m Bight H4re)l aai Forty Acres. Taaa pi ipaU will he aM at a crral bartai. MOMSARKAT, DUPRKE & CO., aaaa-l-la t Xaora attw WELLING HOUSES & LOTS For Sale. TWO NEW TWO-STOR- Y FRAME HOUSES, State a raptor ptreat, oWwtn bkaaM Bbiatw'lna. ComrortaMeItesitlonce, And wa Wa tk aonwr, a kajr bank ar arfharr of taaa Hi am and Lata, at vary tow aj:roa. aW XONSABRAT. BtTPaUIB k CO. & WI HAVE IX STORK Ai EXCELLBiVTSTOCK SP GENTLEMEN'S m m mmu BOYS' ISB lOlTUS' Pine OJ GUILDMLTS F11YE ( Pfw. thjrao paar , Urn k aaawt.kiaa alaa at Xa. r- - atone, aad mar art m aa w IP rices are JLozv. W kaa a Ian ateak f ts io: j: inFi 3? m fraaaa. tl.kaa koaae t Karri k. Bart. l MM Pat Xo. Sat For Sent or Sale. , B1JI RCsraaCR with ilamil ADBB1R Iw au ra .Mt f Coart Saaar. eta-l- B. B. WJU TalUwjo Tswa Pr-r- ty flir Sklc In HailltSVellc. .11(1. 71 lata ajrtar tan ear mm privately a a raaidaaaa j. an rratiin iret. ha nt alxht wiaatiiMaryAVowaa ia -- nat r tk tot tati eweae neea pan a. I kaa to pa iksii aa rrloevad tor tonaa, aaa., to B. D.Trap. awa. not-- 1 w MtV." B. BABAtABB. CAKDEE, IHX & 00. HAV2 XOXIVBB A.VB WILLJB1X AT VatBT EEDTTCED PEICES 209 Cases Boots and Skoca, 100 Wm A'EGRO BLAXKETS, 100 Bales Jeans and Linseys, 20 CASUS BED BlaiMBTg ISO Bales Osttaharga, 50 OASES FJRXISFTS, 50 Pieces Carpets, 5fl CASES HD0L HATS. ALSa JTXRTt LARSBT SAax OP Ready 3Iadc3otJiiof TtUtttHBCtt tapSeae, SILK ASD FASCY DRESS GOODS, Conks, Shawls, etc., Tk Goad kav keen I tkl tltitiatliii itil iti. a Candet, .Vlx ' Go.. "RRif?iTSrrr"B HeJ totert taa at tmjiorUltoa ky au-ir- . aiLUKi Aira , Trustee's Sale of Real Bsfate. NOTIOR 1. stm Sttrvtraaf a af eaente to . aa trwwe to ael twSl W. Barer, December lk, law. as rettoeratknta. ttrtOfflo, at Sktlkr eaaat.. T.aan.. laaaotKavM, puea ia and Ml. on xnh ninalir. IfBat. fta him, rb parmtat ef tw aofea ex to D . Taraer ft $Jie aacQ r I wHI on ta Mtk day af rieoAki KMS il la fraat of lb atoM ef J. O. Lanier, fitork aa lo ckanctrr. oa th aoatk aato af Own, Saaaat, Waanhi. Tetaawae. at pahflt Jcliaa, to sit ttaktit hidlrr. f r tuk, a UadtaMvertdt a br el trta Ore. :,.-- : A eartalB tract r b mt tvml ataatA Mrcm. tk aamtr f Sktlkr. and Slate of Stoaaeaaet. aa. Ik attr ml if etnpkia, eoetalaltaT d 89 ka aawaa of laatl. tk taa kiw tot B f B. 5. BoeiaatcfiaUltiiyaWi pireafor ai arre af Ha.1 ow . awfH by aa. a Vrtt ua mrrnn ir. 11 ma, raa ni parrel of a wool of a aere afloue.u jpvra wtacaaeiea, a the aaHtia - a Jakn Rka S03Q aer araat. aa l ..h a taa uierp eawvere ttw s ir sevi er narajir nrown, n. Browaaiyf il . ia w jl. Trate A. a. urr. .a. x. rxutnKUSD. iS.ffllli.1 COLUiV. f Kwis aavcimptajlin Menkasts, iw nia4Son street. PSSHn ATTEKTIOfs pA1B TO A7j, s.tLES oy REAL ESTATE. NEGSOBS, MBUCnAXia.SK, nntNITXTEE, GEOCEBlSJn, IX CITY OR COUNTRY. pstteaawaUfSBtn aaltritot All II I Setae ., V raapi vCm ,1 mil jm tTaaataanaat. . aka to an aajrai Theatrical Wardrobe AJtO SCENERY AT AtftTftON, By A. S. Icvy t Co., We. W) TTT5 wfR Mt u leoat i ato a aa lATtrKBAT Veaajr. W Uettol a ', aCalartwtota 1,1 WABjrar.BB Airp BTAOt paaaiUv. a ltd J. ahk Co.. wharfboot. A. a. LBVT. Aaettoaea. GR0CS8SI Al WQDORS --A.T AUCTION, BY A. S. liliYY 4i IO. Me. 10 MADISON STltEKT. WEwMI aell al v raaea. m rnrt uf nut, BTZRT a e o'clock, tanerrtot , Uaiii, T- - rattae, etc.. c. A. S LBVT ifiatrlTfS, Ittorirp, i-t- . r. K. CUM....JAI. 9. WtLIIBO THOafe. fl' f. Ii. UM 1 1 OUR M I'MR IN MilPlilS; October 1, 1859. ir1""" avawwVJhU. STOCK. mm m mtWm mm IN DIAMONDS ! STOER JEWELRY IS Pl3re)RTIWi. $20,000 in Silver Wxe. mm ii mi. m. wtisj A Pau. Aseotrntaarr op Cntiew: Canes : SILTKR TUlTSS GOODS, OPIRA GLASSES. LltftaS M vaWtw' IsllMlM em nrc, Tfc, nc uikatava! Sk tea nana aaaj i "I net 'ante, Mr PneHitieaS. w ptp aa ant oa a haakaaa aa aaaaB a.piair ittnli oar aa nwaa Up haxata. aa ha- - ar aaabe ka wlthaow i m ill a a kaa4ae at ear arsaaaaaOtaO wk)aftlaa aa 9a BnaanB avsT anaasasaaBwaaa1 w4ww F H. WAW k CO,, JT. t Clark's Xarble Block. at-- LooiTOtfi-Gu- ss mss, SltT FREBKAiV &, CO.. fW. x a. raaanAa. f.anlia, aaaa.) M '".""" w' va atraov traa.aiia i A otooi j aeapaia,Tewa., wsrr tawpwiBaaalM ar SMt Mill Unit, Pier at Mall. Xto, aval ptoi aa mum tm afaalaaaoa. Catota W. aba. Perora.1 aa Phttar titan, laaato Taatnto la,a- - . etc.. aa keep tw aato Hi I I r an krada, Paanilaaa, wiaow shaaaa, T nl Hp UTa tola. PVtaai ata.a. Me. Oar aatt utaeBa mm a .Miaikl w aa i br tax lraipa1in . a araaaa to aat an wn parlaet order . A esparioaco of erba iwaraaar kaaM wiu, w ii aat, oaatato aato area aaaatdoattoa to ae af tki aatjaaiur. if. B. OK Pratao. ralUa aad VMitlaa ttlada M tVnaaPa"t'l aVajtl BTaaaaBaOat jeBewOO MAXSTAcrtraaa or a nbwa. a IMPROVED SPECTACLK. X423raia Street, OPPOSITE THE PROVIXB BLOCK, lVSSIaZXSZS, T3S2ST3Nr. OLBPRAJiBS re-- wilk Conn to aalt tb Xye. Jawohw, ate., CMwntBr repair " aadwojuotiil. Svery San tacit wiBbe aiaj.lil) aslatal a the. MMtoaahl tao a.aiti to ttoBaotsaKlioa. pliaiat, oltker by dap or caadteliskt, with aejlau eaa a tosatoeaon. witkout oooBalsaha sat mafe tea r tatktae to tk mt M.IU to b Tthaaf aha aid mar. rs. aaatta nnrieamtaa. B a aaa, nar will I asoves b a 1 M bawtaar aahDawlaM af the aje. It ia aay pianatl avparlMM a aannmaiu with tkoa Mpnioe til M nat I saak aalv-ra- ol Pmaaa wtoaasara apar Sp.LlaclM i i ill aaa a kr an Poat Oato I win aa a maun I I Jvtnc fa pa Ucnlara aboal dlrorti.n.. 'iat of PI kaa, ae Ve f iiauall a 1HV8RA!1AIT & S.BBS. SIS .Vatit Street. WHOLESALE AOVB RETAIL OsUCBfiB iir Wooden anil Willow Ware. atork la now eap a. Jwat rrro: OVS twteaaaa Fania Baokertc M Mt Beta, CtoaM Pla trt. 1 00 Mto toVto' kbVtr.' ' ,aatSbr A "00 tot pattVeS kpm at Jaae arm., wtkk iAJUfl T04XNV, MB 3t mm. HmmU hWeMveaoC rboie 1 Wimkattlnlto Tara. x aiaaas.itn, iiatMwinasanat - taatp. ev.akaaa JAjjjMTorfliO, iaadBtoltaaosaT3aAa atrl- - . eAtapay ajk. mm- m- h. .!fte'Rn ,eyf " a mm oektknaa'tia tkaHa-tataa- at rtMr,aaatea .in si, to. Unatp itli , attL. aa. X a ptoaa, m ttbMal aaVaP?9( SSleML oVaWwaBw. Wtwa, EpaVNaO wTtaatpSarsta awBkjrtiilnaan l i ts i ll CMI ana, mm ml tort. . JI1IBB Toaots aK ktoaltaBiwka. atkVat.. aataaa- - Kciurnctl. BOP. P. CATiaalBACB aaaa. aaaea ta hi n il II lllmili andiialim tkahaHi laiail ramdt. tto to aaM a aaM a aaprtatajbal aa th- - Baal of . bo 71. mtot aaksa. v at tb hi tn al I .of A. J Whtt 00 .St.. a Proa Bow a. n. nr?- - - laXaaO. tawUBst X AMIMlX STAPLE iM fklXT 9M HODS Oeraer Mala anefaHtatee s Sts t PTO'. 291 RIKE-Ir- S BliwSI MenJiwfc! Tean. ff n er.sanawRnBSTVi L. B. AoaraW, afinitn B. C. ABt, W. SV SeHHw; Soatraalt. A.J. BlaAwX. OaHrat. Via. JA3 AniaiaiafeOlatoa. M P R 0 SS UK'S P A TE X T Iff VRkB) - IKOWBOHE5I TsT35B. actio, net. a arr W aHttU. IBktJI Mai EVRBT tlTTSn?Iim tohW kert taaosr TaawCtoaoaY- - taoot Wiraad WHilctoao Br Tab (ar AaWBffi Alt WMA3, rtt perwt4af SiaS as batk aolea ar with Cowpltn -- tther ota latlile. T30XA3 PSOSJEJl a .io IMa Tlalt airaatJtw

Transcript of€¦ · MEMPHIS, soVESinnn ts, isse. on Every Page. Reading Slattci...

Page 1:€¦ · MEMPHIS, soVESinnn ts, isse. on Every Page. Reading Slattci Largest Circiation In' th City' FIILST and rocitTii WOES. Fixst Pxbe. Newt Bd MlseellaneouJ

MEMPHIS,soVESinnn ts, isse.

on Every Page.Reading Slattci

th City'In'Largest Circiation

FIILST and rocitTii WOES.Fixst Pxbe. Newt Bd MlseellaneouJ

Items : Curious Piece of History.

Fori Pt-M- He Mm; Thrllline;

oa the reaBSjlvtnlA Billfold ; rSngltna

and rraice; Wttft Aeuulir-te- d ; Tbe Cora

Trade a' 1859--

tothc HiOTonrorcconcECiiroiXDnxxmt.

Mr rolirollTin was bora in LouialcoaBiT,

Yrrim,uil82a- - His slither, wlwseratiaen

.ame was dura,e4 tnis,ner youngest

too, was an :nfaBt. IBs father afflttaaea to

mideiriUwicoBBty, giving Ms crJrtRthe advantagr of the exetlleat beols ef that

county, until about tse year 182S. when be

to Caiis con?, KeatccVy, wunieiraasvof fereJatavesna pme before HaRemainmrWb4 a short rims, he i--ln

with fistlly to the tbta almost

Western WMrtet, UWag ap his aWein Onion counta. Here Captain PeiXEixTixc eJ,leiTieMywrsentothe ear et Ms

J'c-M- er, Mrs. Johjc ef TVeakley

eonntv. in whose family he Uni and grew ap

j ral Dfloo.From his earliest Voyhood he dispHrei a

ram antral for leaniiBs:. and so well Hd he

ar-l- y hiBaerf, ttat is Aogast, 1847, he wasadmitted a'aeraberef the Sephoraere class ofEowdoineatce, MaiBe an iBstltatteB second ill the laaeVier the exactions $ re- -,

quires freia its apftociftU for limlijioa, erin--

ie scholarly atUtnawsts ef its graauites.Tre our frieas entere into coapetstten with

Tssne sees, xsaay of them roach oHer thantmterf, wan had Veen trataeu to tbe severest

s' : y from "their fcoyfee, but he waa neverts bud is taerace, matin up by tbeBrflUaocy

of I is inteJIeet for theUck of that drsry to

w ' 'cb he eeja)ttstoBfise bis noble seal, liea once tea a treat rank In his class, exeerHnrr

m every brancA of taowWge, mastering the

Jead and "lMac lincna'rs with a facilitywhich wonderful until K wasseen with what ease Ms Bind nveigae theprofound aratteas of jare raatheajaties or

the nice iisttoetioM of the roetaphysleiaiK.

He gradsM with great honor In Septeaker,'50.

In college he was a favorite with all, aBd

daring the vaeatioBB his classaates all con--s

dered tweras- e- aosored by hts acceptance

of their oners of hopKality and even bow

r e mourrafal inteflia-etw-e ef his sad fate is

casting a gieoa sr saasy a faBtUy hearth!iat dtsUittUBi. where the rff ei soaAern

111 is, TCBMaaWred as the Best rtimehtfal,rDial. tesoer aad bri5at of nests. He re- -

to ToBBessee in the fall ef 16M, aadresided with Ms sister asA tbe foHsjvjnje mmer, wheahe reaoTsd te Lebanon, WHsonc:, " aU aenied Mssself to taeiegschool, at tbe sasse tisse tarsiae: Ws atiootioii

'o tbe stadr of the taw. He nutmd atL inoa seaMHate, gnejaatiag at the lawsch ol there is 18M. Alter bring adaittedtothebar.heleeatad at CtarksriHe, aad regained there ssiH feTtted by Got. . Biowx

who bad laag ksewn aBd admired him) toc respeasIHe positien ef Chief Clerk ef the

r Ofiee Depertaeet, which Best he ailed4,.e ratirc satitfactiM of the Gomnaent,' , the usaiis r of 1S8, when he parchased

ntereet ia the tMencxd Jmtriem, aad be-r- -t

its Btraetaal werkiag esUer, which po-- son be hold with great credit U bhafett asd

' he lartu ei!ifftcUon of tbe BeBtocraticr;y aatOtheaay ef hlseeath, tho lath ef

ember, 1M.A JesTersaa Peaocrat froai berth aad cos.

t the teatsef Ms pattyw h a oearaess, force ani earnestness whteh

I acd hiss at eaee ia the frost rank of joar-cii.s-

: aad it repaired so Brepbetic eye tof - ft tait the day was set far distaet wbea

3 fa me as a writer woM baye beenxtsashaj with the wh4e ceeafay.

As a scholar he probably had no superior inTLnessW,Tnat; wall rersed In the exact tef- -r

-- .ft, haaiag a waaderfal acqaaiatance witha "he oM EaglMa writers, and reading with

ii'y ttr? Greek, litttn, French, Gensan andBteh taagaoges. He was a rain ef rare

- 'ainmrnts is rvtry WaBch of learalsg.WLFre these atteinaieats roade him respected

y the wecUrM was hit mWe sod aad brave

tn i tbst Vsam te hiss as "with books ofe"!'!" the heartsof his fsieads. To know him

wsrtndeed to hwe kto.To a cha radar usMemished, a We as pare

z.z 1 statBiees as aa iafaat's, a tessptr sweet andr- - a,bastaafthof soble geaemity asdc m that avade him to these whoL--w hsB) wsll aa sbject ef alssest idolatroasc'-rtio- Qaiek: to reseat aa'tasatt, he as

rkT faqret aad fergare an injBry. The

t y soalef hoaor aad of ehtVaVrjr.he aererv. ISr.gJy hajaraf the feeHags of a ay bb, nor

of a weawn. His good

altii trecM aS a beek, white bis faaHsr- - Id aH be wrhten ia a Use.

So tcmoc, so gsfted and so early deal; a

Trrr : heart was aerer stWed a trser man

ailed a bloody arare.?t whe we weesrSach a aannererdies.

" still rrreftu, the serrowtricken hearts oflost who sarrtte hiss; and he will abcays- m tbe inaaeacsv which bis pare Hfe

est- - oa all who were area&d bis.BoiiV4.s,K.a,lSee. T. E. s.

Ripley and. JUn Grange Ilallroad1 fives as pleasare, as reqaested by ear

I jsiesippi fnesds, te capyiht loUewing pro--

"tdiis3 ef a reeeat aeetlag held at Riplry,- --.(! ask the sttestiOB of ear graders to them.TVe can see no geed reason why this work

antot be eocaplfted at an eijjf day. It wtHe rootaaHy beaefcefal to Mississippi aad Tce- -

resee :

A' a Bteettag ef the corporators ef tee Rip-- -'

ra i Iroed coBpaay, beid at thecaart hosse,2 Kipley, Miostssippi.en theieflr4ay or So--rt

rrjer.iSW. there wr preseail C P. MiUer. n. Darts. & A. Gre. J. H.'E-tzT- ', J. Y.

M'jmr. W. A. Gray, S. R. Snieht,W. R. Cole,TPtr Esbrey, L. S. Hekombe, J, E. Jtogetf,J W. Theuipson.

rn motioa of J. TP Th'apwm, C- - P. MH-'- :r

waaroaoested-t- o aetaa chajpsasi, ars tern,an ! O. Saris as secretary.

On BtetieB ef 0. Darts, it was 'Ruakti, That we accept, adopt and coafirss

the acttoBS, proeeediaes and resrfres of thein'' ing held by the original eorponalors en theUii day o! April, 1SS7.

On motion of C. A. Greea, it was,Urtelrei. That the sabsertBtioafer stock.

? Tftofore taken by the ceowtissBers ap--pointed at tae eriglaal raeeuag, on Apni e.IS57, be asd the some are hereMr rriested.

L pob rans rtesinunn i;. A. ureei;lr ays aad Bays.Jw O. Darts. W. B. Cole. C. iCIrsen.

Tesse Embrrr, J. W. Soes.J. W. ThomsonIE W. A. Oray. t

.Vflv e K. Spicht, I S. Hekombe aadJ. T. Morry.

O', Betfcn of C. A. Grsee, it wasRinbtJ, That the chairman appetat afcem- -

mittee of Mteeu to act as comaaMlBBeri, topen new books and eoBctt sabscriptioss to

fort.Th chair thereapoa appaiated Dr. M. TV.

Moody, He. S. F. 1Vkhim, J. T. Msnr,t. Roan. A. Brown, Sr., T. Xf. Smith, A..C.T izier, W. D. Beck, Wmism Ayres, J. H.f tnbriy, J)r. E. A. --Cor, Ji. Verntr, PMBpHeeabe.. R. and W. C.

Or motioa ef John W. ThoeapMn ftwatBaoh, That Hon. D. B. WrrJt,Dr. M.:

W. MoedT, Hoc B. F. Werssam, Cot W.'G.Perram aad Gen. tT. C Falkner be and they

hereby reaaested to cs Brass the county:,r..i solicit sohaeriarieBS to stack. '""

Ruottti. That W. T. StrfcMta, B!,V hoan he is hereby appaiated pemantst srcreJ?T ef this Board.

On motion of J. E. Rarer It wasJfetoiesd, That the aeeoad and fearth Moj--

lavs of each ssoath b tbe timet for the rjuJj.a- - meeciac;.f this board of corperaiers and'"inraiisteiiers. 'rt. .t t r. u .v uvuw vi. v. A. ineni li h a

RtnlMt. That tbe Ripley, Meeaphit, HoHynr, La Gnafe aad Grand Jocti o? ."pi --

rs be, asd thoy are hereby pab-s- .ithe asacudinge ef this aeotiag.

On soetiea ef W. S. Cole, tbe rattling!i 'juratd

, a P. MILLER, Chatrmn.:. Davis, Secretary. ,

Al.mssa Kutsoilib in Ms aaesil Bes.s;e lite Gweraet of AlVan; jtates that theMobile aad Ohio raHroad debtto the State hasbeen extended. The interest is paactsiHy

1ng the'Central

R aJ.,M teconaeet hie waters of. the Teoscwecr- - er with these raaatae into Mobile bar, Mr.T' i T. MHaer was appointed engineer, an2.

- i as reported etx different rontes as praeU-- ieao'.e, all bernefeg near Montevalloon ts3u'li,aBd teratiaatinr:, foor at Decatur a:tro at Beard'a Bir, oa the Sewannee.- - - ' 1

The buildiag of 4hia ro4 Is advocaled ca,i .i . . .mm n ii necessary to secure tor

razrkete in the SUIetb'e raeti'cXorth,Alabaausd Teno-sSi- e, which otbenrUejjvillseek New Orleans. '

g-l-ti said that SapoleoB's tin OM-'m-,l

- ..Mi. wti to t Hrum 1 leu,nw-- u irr munj wi r imnce "WS JPAlf rUllJlowered, the Xeeateea dynftj declared to beroT -- d ap recever.and th Kaeaaarel tieYk-toill- r

ettewedtfcroiKbt Earepe. EniJaiid,i-- may be pneamed, --fH not streegly object toinewset'eaaent of Europe, mai-J- y on tbe be-- M

of 181-,- , bat it wilt te a bitter draught firsatrla, Russia and Prastls to e willow.

jtnKXS5Asirnrc cxiauaotkk Ajin

Editoii Attiai. Alt is gratlfylns to lbspeopleiefvArkansaa ioksowctiat,notwith.standing the calatsnlea that hare teen heapedepon the reputation of that Stateshe is risingto a place of taportance among the sisterhooief States. Her cHmee aad soil re weHadapted te the raising ef eettoa, corn, wheiUcats, barley, rye, heap, tobbacoo, tomipSjJxJ.tatees, and alabit every thing else ttt canbecalUrateclwiQiBtteeessinittie MifhborlngSUtes.

Of coerte, cotton is raised roost saeeessfaHy

' tbe coathem portion pi. the Stale, and along

the AiJaa'as rirer. 'Whaat aeea best in thefinely wBere it raBorthem pa"tvCora grows

nlanted and cafclnte.FewcoairtrieaDve.TireTt o

apples and peaches than Arkansas. The for-

mer grow larger ftfewwatlas farthest north,

and the latter are sappesed to be a jBore reUa- -

We crep in the soath.Let any raan take the map or Aransas

look at its geographical featares, and he ww

see it a glance that nature "M "--jraarkable adraatirei It to Bettber, too cold

nor loo botJrbifcastern boaads-- T Is washed

byth great WFmer of "Watersi p Red riverthroaeh the seath-we- st ; Me Arami

raw almost diary bhroBgh the State, antrtgatieo to the best cottoa regioB en

the'faee of the cam. Mast way

river and the Mississippi, in the santheca part

ef the State, is thV&aeVta, B inferior as

it respects Mvigauea to aay other stream of

Ha lire. Half way between the Arkansas

river and tbe Mississippi, is foaad White river,with perpetaal navigation, traversing ia itsserpeBStnr etrarse a most festBe aad iatereet-lageeaalr- y.

Bestats these there are irhersmaller strearas Ja variom pirt et the State,

aSerdiBgsavigatioo and water power ia abaa-tkec- e.

The writer has spent rainysyeara In'Arkan-

sas, and traveled over almost the .whale State,

anddates to. hnawaf Ms awa P all kaowl-ed- g

aH that he here sttrnM In this behalf.

His lot is cast elsewhere, ad la allwehabibV

ij he will neveftgaln reside west of the Mis-

sissippi. l4te'iaWeottBAikaBsasiBB-abated- .t

In raisgliBgieeeatlf- - with ftapeople of Mid-

dle Tennessee, maay iaeairies were made of

me eoBeerntag- Arkansas. Heodreds are soil.

ing oat , and aiming to settle somewhere west.

One gentleman, as acaaaintaneeof sitae, aetd

his beEaested at S08er80 acres.lytBginat 5T per aere, and eaterUhMda

notion of emfciiHagte Artaaaae, bat bis wire

was fearfal that she weoM fisd society set very

good, do prtackiec, so gaod scteait, etc. nd

she prevailed foJita tepareha;e ia Maary

coaaty, ten raHe soath of Cekmbia, in a hilly,rocky region, where he had to pay $45 anacre. 'With tbe money be obtained for hisMBaVtie coo have bosgbtaa imewnsaagaaati-t- y

of lasd Jn lArkaBsas, as pl as bis ever

was land ihitTvill soon be valeed as high asthstberoM.- -

, ?,Society is as good is, AiVs u it is In

STeat Teaarser, AWdle Teaaeesee, or any

where else, ,Tbe twople are as mora, hospit-

able, anaajdeWgeat, as any ether people.

School, toavTf "not as nomeree?, are generaKr

hetter snpported than they are In Tennessee,

and as antes, deserving snpport. let thereare scores ef people In the popohms parts of

tbe oM Stales, who are payisgfrera $2 to $4

pece as rent, Jearfal to go to Arkaasas,lest they sbeitd faH fa araoBg eanaifcata, or

heatbeBS atieast.I have picked ap several amastag iscadeals,

shewiagbew deploraWy mistaben tiioassndsare, relative to men asd thing West at 4heMississippi. .Bat. this comaoBleatlen is grow-

ing to long; I meet defer their meation te afatare namber. S.

Mtxreij, Texk., Nov. 16, 180.

tii ii ivUmioi: aixri-s- .

A great excitement has sprang sp in CaM

forniaabee't the rich Washoe mines. TheSan Francisco ' BaMeits gives the fMieirisginteresriag partiealars:

Mr. F. J. Haghee arrived in this city lastnhrht from the new miaiag region la WashoevaSler.

Xil. Hashes weat to Ttrgiaia town, tbelocality of the richest discoveries., ia Jnnelast, aad reroateed there antil the close of lastwtekjso shit Ws emfwrtaeities ef observariMihave nample. The existeBee of silver inthat region waaeliseoveied by three men whowere workiaca coed claim in Sur-mi- le canonin Jaae of the present year. Feilowine; tbirsarface diggines, they at length stock thegold lea4 coBaisting of a Mack soU withoutlustre, so rich that portfeBS of K yielded $)to the pan. They foaad a pocket, as it iscalled, filled with Uaek metal, from whichthey made $166 per day with a recker. Anoeber of Mexi'an miners from Sosora ex-

amined IbataiUscs ai rtime JiiJ, and inonaedtb miaers that tber were 'hrowiar awav twodollars et stiver or each one of gold that thercollected. A company of three or fear Mexi-cans commence! working these " tailine"for the silver, aad for some time coUectMfrom $300 to'is) per day.

Aboat two raoBths ago, Jndee Walsh tookone tan of the-Ws- metal ia which the silveroccurred, to Sen Francisco, in order to jcoewrea reliable assay. The remit was from $900to $SS tier' too. according to the parts eftbe mice from which tbe epecimeas weretaken. It is a remarkable property of this"UaekmetaV that it decomposes and be-

comes ssft from exposure, to each a degreethat it can. .even be crashed between tbeSogers. JThe eiafaa had ia the meantime beendivided" Into JrTx chares, two to each of theoriginal Tarries. Comstork soM bis for S5,-56- 0,

and UcLaaghHn bis portion for ttflOO.Klev is bow the one f the oririaal parses interested iatfaelead, and be has refaselo Mr. if'ijrhes savs $40J)00 for his share.

Jadgf Wa)sh awasi s, and is tehave been toitertA $60X160 for half bis iaUtest.

Mr; Hashes ana, with him a mass of etlrermixed with roW, weighing 47aoee, aad vm-ae- d

at Si ner eaBce. 1 his bar was obeaiBedfrom one arroba. or 25 poaad ef tbe tailiagsBefore spoken er. UeaM this Be UKea as afeir osooie of tbe whole it woahl indies tc theastonishing resolt of of refase dirt,from which the gold had been extracted by tbeordinary process, worth foer dollars to thepound. Tb ledce in the Coassteek daia baatwo leads of gold and one of silver ore. TheroU reck has been aroved br the ordlBart testto be worth from JSB0 to $4509 per tvn. Thesilver lead cossirts of tbe black metal whichIs stated to predate $6000 to the tan, ia tbeproportion of 4 a: surer to l or gold, ineeroiJ leads are froa five to Bine feet thick, aadthe dip of the fold bearisr rock is aboat St degrees, or neatly perpenoieaiar. ine eatireledce is between 15 and 20 feet wide. Tbe stiver vein Is from 6 to 24 inches wide. Tbe deposits arefatjTitgtnia town, which is 20 stilesfrom Carson vaBey, 15 from Carson city, aadabout lWfromSacramenth. There ia a ledgof cold rotfneir Washoe lake wMehsasidto nave yitMea tziuu in goM te tae tas.

More than twenty o'her veins have beenopened iaghe viciniy, and are now ia the nro-f- M

ef develonment. It is tboa?bt that therextend alftheway from Honey Lake to Walkerrivet toe prc4pecMQtage4esrsuy reveai gceanntbcsBrfaee: the silver arwears etebt or teefeefrbelotri: The most magM&cent deposit ofeeUtrverdsecovered la this contteeat or in theworld, is represented to have been opened atGold Hill, in a ccon, or talker vaHrv.eae anda batf tn$ra from Virginia town. The bill iisolated from 'he mouBiaia tears, to whichprosBbiy4once beienred, aad is sroperly ameand, aboat fi feet high, 5,000 feet long bv2,000 feet wide. It is traversed by veins ofasx.feroas aaarte, partly rfeeoaposed, yieldinrfrom $500 te $2,559 to the tan. This enar-mo- ss

mass of welthwasdtcweetbvawhis-kpdrinkln- echaracter from Virriaia, In honor

of whom tbe . aeirhbodae; vilisee has bteanamed. It it eeafpated that this fertBBSJenerson has emsadstt wlthtn two months eixhtoften thotenallaioHars In tbe parehase of hisfavorite Said, r jhe consaaptien ef himselfano nis mesas, ,

There are new eiehteen arastras fc operetieeinTirginla town, andj eight or Bine at Coldhiil -

The4 ;v

neareslSmher.'saJteble'Jar lumberiarreSrnos el is fifteen aties from tbe mfaesjand themkHs which can be relied anon for a sapplv arerwenr tmiesntsiant. xe pnee er Ianbet at'VirrinU town in $50 per M. The babitof the people are jieceasartly nomadic andSBprame. isey are in tests, as many of themas can secaTe that aceoniodatiea t those vibocannot, sleep in haystacks. When meals rate bad ther are Tsrmtbe! at-- the reasoBableprice of seventy --hre cents eaeh.

Abaalflehtr toss of ntlrtr hart alreadrTeen sen to San Franelseo, or fs en the wayDither; and ate Jingoes parted almost onehundred teams rotnr oat with Brevtstesa aadgeneral sappUes. The price of frefceht hasbeen raised to 10c 2 or $800 9 tan faesaT)1. ... . 111. . W Ih. rflw. M 1. .

arayjar t alf thatrate. The rash te the mieee3s so ereat that a dallv Use has been arranered.

SB tbe day on which he arrived at PiacervRlef ..1 1 i In rim f mii,ae,rfl Hi J K.n n

gaceo lor me sexi ixip.- Mr. Harhes states that ten feet claims areJtltin; at from $2,900 to $300 each.

Fall or a Great Fjxbt Mr-rso- A ain- -gttltr phenomenon was wttnexsed yeeUrdav.Boning aboat 9i o'clock, In the apfer part ofvue cnv. jr, tae rorm or a meteor, or immense

. ' . 1 I Ivan wi iuc, u was generally lereara uy cycle is reMemeAted ax husine-- hmn

ef rtritl brilliancy,'and in s!xe as lerre u aeoanwa baW, wrth a taM some, tbirty feet inlenrth, rrsemMing that of a eomet, which." ' iMnm. uaf ii m, Kir ip - -

er.trai!. The appearaeee of oe remarkablepheienon In broad dayllzfat,whae the sen(was shining fiem an alawst cloudtee. ster.

feSUt?inrf J" toTprobSt;eUr." er tlarfiar raasafesUUon M

""i"""' --";""eo at nigra, naUirafljr rrea-te- dan arnsna! degrrt of excitement, part ly

in the nsperwards, where it waa wi .fces-e- d bjr njany persons.

Kinsta Tsxajuacs Tiis editor nt flu T

raass.)i2eprferfBrnisbes bis readers anacceentf of a recent vimt )e Deareon

Rock, and hts interview with Mr. MarWe, wtiohas been enrared for the last rlAt veara inJhls.jgprolarlr wild locality, in the stlfl wilder

iptio cvuis me ireasBTes or ium, thefreebooter. Gudid In bis Users at first bycUlrvayants.sra Utterly by epiritaatiets, thedeluded 'nrxn has, wltifltti asaistoBCe of biseon, Masted s passage waW8 bant eight feet inhigbt and breadth, seariy a brMfiMkit In the

SSTvser0fissare aUie Ut torn an HBflwleenrreseeJfrom whfeh"arttes a earreat of foal ?that

will extiBCHih a flame held over it. Mr.Marble believes be has less than ten feet to roto reach the long-song- ht care.




Swairr Lasss. la rely to numerous indries, we state that it .a imnonible to tell

when the new confirmation of lands in theBaraoTOrftt?vrlU be received. The department In Washington city. In answer toletters, state that it is new bard at wetk onthese llstaand patents and wffl forward themas aoas as it can possibly be done. Of eearae,the silly ranter that the governor has theseKtit asdeMs them ap, ia with oat founda-tion. So eoou aialist r Wtent la acted npoiyby the secretary or President, that fact Isrjatfetslh WashiBgtoneity papers, whichneefee often$aaehes us, before the list or pa-

tent dees, and is spread all over the State.ZiNieJJocI: TVut Dtmecrat.

We eHp tbe following items from the Binepaper tX SeteOTSrKi ScaArt. On Saturday night

Mf. UriSth, the city constable, was shot litflte tMgfc er grain, by ColliBs, who is, or latelyw, eee ef the stock actors at the theaterhere. It appears that Griffi. in the line efhts daty aa constable, had taken Cottins oat ofthe theater where he had been noisy and

Mdiaaee, and while in the lobby,at the bead af the stairs, Collins drew a pis.tot aad shot at Orrflrtfe twice, the last timehitting him as before stated. QettiBS wasseen arrested, and we preeeme the fraud jary,aawtn seetion, will imrtittgate tbe matter.Kx, Gritaara wauBd ttwacb ssrsnus, is not,vatare happy to say, considered a diDgeroasone.

Stampede. Six prisoners, two white menand foor riecrees, coniBed in the Jail at thisplace, made their escape last Bight Sheriffhr--i l wimr ererv jKMsible eJart te apere--hesd them. Helena SMtU.

A company ef GeoreiaBs pasetbroath enrtown en Sahsrdar Uet en their way ham froaPike's Peak. All we eeald learn of their sac-ee- ss

gees t corroborate tike fact that tbe sasseaaoant of toil and money necessary to a tript these mines, expended in ealtfvatiug therich lands of Arkansas, is pradaetlve ef ranchgreater reselta. De Jn CiH:r, Abeemsrr 16.

Foe Govaason. A eorreepondent ef tbeSearcy aw suggests Captain D. McCreerr,af White coantv, as the Deeaocratic caBoidate

far GoverBer ef Arkansas.

OSDITS or XltB DAT.Pr tk VW SUet, MOl

Fmtmt, 1 o'ciecE r. sr. It is expected enalt sides that the treatr In Mexico, which Mr.McLeai engaged in BeaatiatiBg, will betransmitted to Washington by tbe Teaneseee,en the 8th proximo. In thst ease H wiH likelyreach bere br the Urh in tame for the Preni-ie- nt

to eeaauBieate it to the Senate before tbeChristmas reeees.

It is believed ia diplomatic circles that GreatBritain will dij9nanne relations wKfathegev-ereme-

ef the robber chief, Miraaen, as soonas she receives lateHigeBCe af the captare oftbe cendueta by Marqaez. It is sot unlikelythat in one way ei aBother, the will aid Jna-re- z

la getting tn tbe capital, ia order tlfat shemar obtain redress for tbe inter-Batioa-al out-

lawry of which hei eabjects have been tbevictims.

Seaor Lopez, the sen af the Preeident of v,

is expeated to arrive here aboat the1st af December. He eesaes as joint

the claim of theRhode Island eeapaay against the governmentef his father.

The eagle gestae of Prof. Dial try Is no less-ee' tied dowa fa the State Department te thethaabless work of teraing Spanish aBd FreBchwords into those of Ecglisb. It is bow soar-ta- g

in the expanded reeioas under a socihemhi. We learn from Nicaragua that the Pro-

fessor is decidedly a favorite with the gnvera-meata-

the people of that coaBtry. We ex-

pected as much from the first.It is bow rendered alaoet certain that tbe

vote of Eeatucky wilt be east for Mr. Gathrie.It is as good aa positively so that Mr. Breck-inridge wrtl be triompbantly elected te the V.S. Senate by the ele here of that State, whichcoaraeBces its seeeion in a few days. A brill-ta- at

career will undoubtedly be that ef thisapidly rising and already accomplished young

stotesman.The meabers and other winter sojourners

are begiBBiog to drop In. Washington ia wellprepared far their reception aad entertainmentTbere is bo city, perhaps, In the world, in pro-portion to its pepebtiee, which possesses, iaarsc-cia- hotels aad bearding booses, eacha large amount ef eKeelleet " accommoda-tion. "

Tbe heads of departaeats are all at theirpeato, tadaetrionslr engaged ia pattinc; their" h oases in order " for thereeeptfen ef Cen-gre-

Tbe Hen. Roger A. Pryer is daily expectedhere upon a c ristt. Cordial salntatienswiH aeet hie noon his arrival, asd tbe cordialgood will ef the BetrepoUs will atteed htm during Ma May.

If Jodre Donelas continues to iaprore as hehas iarareved for the last two or three davs,bat a aborf tlae wHI eianee until be will beenabled to receive bis friends.

The State Depart aent is In receipt thismorning ef eaVial aH rices ef tbe jatiBeationand exrhantre of tbe Obieese treaties.

Tbe time for an teriiiaeiafn from ear govern-ment on tbe San Juan question has not yet ar-

rived, but when it does the British governmentwill be apprised that the United State Utie tetbe inland is looked upon by the administrationas clear as it is to tbe city ef Xew York. Theintelligence which win, In a few days, reachthe goverameat from Gea. Scott, will enable itto promptly convey to that of Great Britainour final decision.

The EOvernmeBt places little reWanee la thereport bow In atrralatien as to attempts at res-cue of Brown & Co.

The Administration is saarised at tbeapathy esWhitod by tbe authorities of Texasin regard to the forsry oa BrowneviNe, andhas received only two ofttial ceamaaicntions

see from the poet maer at Browne rill.and the ether ;froa the collector at Xew Orleans.

COTTON ITEMS.A correspoBdcBt in tbe Galveston (Texas)

CtrtVea writes :

A seaae ef jaetice cow pels as to adait thataa Manse is te be a Jacbed te these who seekbad cotton at low price : and that a large por-tion of this year's crop ie both sandy aad dus-ty. Is unfortunately too true ; bat this is ewiagaere to the carelessness than to the rascalityof planters. Many planters prefer sendine; temarket a large number of carelessly handledbales, rather than a less.-- r number, wbkb,if cararafly attended to, weaH aMmateiyprove more profitable.

Fntepsan maaatarturca make three times asmash saint American cattoa as tbe producersof it do rheaserve. England alone realizesdouble aa sanest aa the American piasters dafrom their work.

The Gonzales (Texas) IfOrtr ef the 12'hlast nays:

The weather continues hisblr favorable forthe planter, and the top arep, or second growth.promises an abundant yieM. We were la thecountry one day dim week, aad every fieldwhich we nassed seemed to be banrallr coveredwith bolls, which only resraire a few days moreof warm sunshine to stature them, and to pro-da-

something like a thouuaad pounds to theaere. in utat event, many of ear farmers willhave good picking far three or fear Bents tocome.

The PiUefieM (Maes.) Sm states that A.Richardson & Co., ef North Adams, took

one hundred aad sixty-tw- o pounds af sandfram a bale of cottoa that they bad purchasedlast week for fifteen cents

Loss of Cottos. The New Orleans JHea-ysn- c

of the 18th intt says :

Last evening, about seven o'clock, one of thebox ears eoataining cotton was discovered tobe on fire, when the train of the Jackson rail-road was about a mile and a quarter above theTiekfaw station. This car bad been receivedat AtnHe station, and It is supposed that thefire originated from a spark coming from tbewoods, which have been burning in tfaatneieh-berbee- d

for snore than a week. Tbe windcurrent created by the passage of the carsover the rails fanned this spark into a blaze,and the rope-bou- cottoa bursting, communi-cated the fire to other cars, until one hnndredand eighty bales-wer- e fbtntty consumed, andfire cars were destroyed on the track.

The track itself for nearly one hundredyartx Is destroyed, tbe rails being beat in tbemost etfigabir aaBser, and ths cross-tie- s andfoundation structure being much Injures1.

Culture of Cotton.What number of bales of cotton would

satisfy the pla stern ef Mlteisaippi requires abetter calculator than we are, or bops to be.Ko doubt exists on our mind that could wedirect bow tbe whole couBtry eoaW make fif-teen bales, though only fourteen could beheated, the desire would be to make sixteen.When we traveled the road froa Vieksbnr; toJackson, la July, 130, we beetd of one planterwaking eirht bales per hand, yet one of hisaeareet atbers leclared he did not believeit. We removed from Carolina to Hinds inthe fall efeaO, aad learned that a planter onBig Black, Bear as, had made eight bales, bisneifdibess said it was impossible. Tbirtyyears ago, say twenty -- five years aeo, we doutif two cress in tots county, Hinds, could befound yielding an average crop of eight bales.This year we can find ten asd twelve balecrops, not eatie&ed yet. We doubt the pro-priety of throwing oat any hints whereby theerop'can be terreneed. beeaase K tends iodestroy more lasd, asm make us more de-pendent.- That tbe Interior counties can makemere cotton, with aere esse to negroes, wehave so doubt, bat involving more labor togather. Tbe whole secret fv, arid what wehave sati for these many years, to rely lessapea the hoe, have nsore team and rait uponthe plow. We have made Wry bushels of cornper acre, the hoe never entering the field, theturner plow excluded, after the land waspbsted.

This, the maay will not believe, becausetheir preconceived opinione are in favor of tbehae. Ctow deep, make good rMgri.piant cot-to- n

thhrand earrb-wve- some implement fromthe start, thin oat by hand or boe aad keep tbe

clean with. ealtiva tan or 'aweem. stirthc earth late and keep cotton In growth t!

nr. shedding. This wHI gire aere time toattend to manuring, taking care of stock,

pe store Jands and laying downaeadows.We have heard of one doctor who hat Srane,(has and rerrydenb!esbis neighbors and upon'land aofanr bettor. Cotton er eera will notbe Injured freen stirring tbe surface even erervday. We bar; grows tome tews a Iks yearlyin ear garden w Meant a plow, and boed,

towentf times the year. A friendaware us he naa pieKsdfreaeae stare

five pounds cotton, had weighed it andKaa positive.

At six feet by two, 300 stalks, 18,000 Tt;fire by three, ijm starts, 14,500 ; foar byfour, rrea otejbe, ttOO Bx. We have picked

ii wire tdoiis rrora a sun--, admit onepound ef eottea, and anon ordinary land, fourW ""T? baK 7,860 stalks or 7,300 pounds.

." Weksen, of Oa., wrifas os, He sendi foras to exhibit a atalk with over 500 botfg. "Wewgch now," says a friend. Well

let aa sJaptihe better wWvjciofi and plantlest In cotton and more in train and grass.

Creeada fatal Gntlmam.AMtck Spaniaddah has been received

uifi, wtscansin, It H tew prodaet of the.natarai serl fibeitfrrwcndls an averacsbf ecra. It measerea 1? inahec rsees in circuafe cece, and weighs 121pounds. It was raited f i oa the seed furnishedby ibe p itent office, and sown in July, 1859.

CLIPPINGS.The Texas legislature assembled on the 4th

instant. , . . fHume, the rapping median', Is oa his way"to

ArserlcaVith his wife."The Canadian Parliament meets at Quebec

snWedncslay, December ,T. t ,

Sausage maker's sigh Lbre me lovAnydog.

It is better to lovea person you cannot msr-r-y

than msrry a jjenoa you cannot lore.A new American opera, foanded upon Mr.

Longfellow's MHei Standlth, will soon be pro-duced itr New York.

At Galveston, Texas, on the 12th Inst, thethermometer fell from seventy-fiv- e degrees totbirty during the dayt -

The "bear tax" of .Vermont, last year, was$500. The State pays a prernlim for bearscalps.

The Constitution or' the State of Alabamarequires a revised digest of ibe laws of the Stateto be made every leatyears. .

There are two hundred and sixteea convictsIn tbe Alabama penitentiary of whom six arefemales.

In Iowa rcrn Is soiplentlfnlJhAtln Van Bo-nn and adjacent counties, It Is selling at from10 to 18 cents a buiheL , ,

Mr. Itarry has given gratuitous exhibitionsof horse taming te tbe carters, eab and o suit-b- at

men of Glasgow. .(

The New Orleans Pfcayune of November 10,says: The damage to Ibe sugar crop by thelatest frosts is reported to us, from the conn-tr- y,

as much greater than was at first d.

Tbe trustees ef tbe ObiefLlf e and Traattem-pan- y,

says the JSrcning Pott are paying aof 10 per eeaL to creditors, later eat be- -

4c reade up to August 24, 1857, the day of thefailure.

John B. Goegfa lately gave three lectures iathe Round Room of tbe Retaadt In Dablin,which is capable of containing 2,K)0 persons,and was fnil to the almost possible extent.

About fifty ItiiiaBi assembled on the 8'hlast.. In the Stuyvesant InHtte, New York,to take measures for aiding Garibaldi in bisefforts h obtain a rnllBoa maskets.

In the northern part ef the State of NewYork, the people are now enjoying very goodsleighing. In seme f the eonDeles tbe owIs a feel deep.

The San Antonio (Texas) Zeegrr says theIndians were never so troublesome In twelveyears as now seven citizens bad beenklBed Ina few days.

Tbe one hundred and seventy-seven- th anni-versary of the landing of Peon, was commem-orated on tbe 8th imtant. by the PennsylvaniaHistorical SecletyabFhHadelphla.

Democratic meetings have been held infcreoty-si- x counties In Kentucky. Fourteenhave instructed for Mr. Guthrie for the Presi-dency, and twelve have left their delegatestntastructed.

WBlis, in hH plav of "Tortesa, the Usurer,"tiakes eae of his characters say, that "eversince tbe flood .water has had the .taste of sin-ners," therefore he preferred wine.

A lady who began to weary of the criticismsof a party of gentlemen on crinoline, exclaim-ed: "So long as booped skirts keep foolishpeople at a distance, just so lone will they betolerated."

Tbe State Department gives notice that theonly passports that will admit American trav-elers into Prussia, are those issued by tbe gen-eral government at Washington. Such Is thedecision of the Prussian authorities.

In Wenona, Minn., ays the RrpnUican oftbe 9rh i&st., a meteor like a ball of living firewas seen dfreetly under the moon ; it was verybrilliant and moved along slowly. The BostonTrserm'pf of the 7th mentions aslmi!ar phe-nomenon.

Iowa bas just completed a State census,shewing a population of 633.540. She bad192,219 1lSo$, and 43,111 in 1840. She basthat noflTlKan trebled her nortnlatioii in the

"last nine years, and increased it about fifteenU in ...... : .turu om sat j v

Mr. Jullien has been released from bis pe-

cuniary embarrassments In Paris. During tbetwenty years that Jullien reigned monarch ofthe famed population concerts, be acknowledges to have received tbe enormous sua efSl.txxyxx) in England and America.

Mr. Thornbum, (son of oH Grant Th era- -burn) well known as a seedsman and hortienl-taralls- t,

will probably, save the Boston Journal,soon oc cine to Mount Vernon tosapertnteMthe restoration of those hallowed eroaads laidoat by Washington.

Tbe NevrTtlver (Ascension) .fesdian of the17th najt I We regret to be compelled to an-

nounce that ear bright anticipations about tbesugar crop cannot be realized. Tbe drouthand freeze have blasted them. So look oat forshort crops.

Official reports of the city of DarSBgo, Mex-ico, say that between the 27th April aad tbelSth June ef tbe current ear, 53,9M scorpionswere MPed wHbin the city limits, and $338.37were paid, as rewards out ef tbe city treasuryfor killing them,

la Sardinia tbe kingdom bas been dividedinto seventeen provinces, each of which willhave a governor with a council. Tbe objectsof the measure are declared to be centraHsation ef the political cover nment, and dreentratixation of the administration.

The London strike continues with as littleprospect of a settlement aa ever. Mr. Patter

a his friends have drawn no certain nrepoti- -t'eas which they have submitted to the mas-ters ; but if is feared that a speedy arrange- -ceai is scarcely posaioie.

Soaisueae, in his retreat at Kingston, Jamaica, on nesting or ine arsassiaauon of uetr-rard- 's

daaeMer, ordered a hich mass of thanks- -giving, bat the priest be applied to refused toaaetate. ine Met Das arouse aa aeastlonal

toward Seoleueae on the part of theHaytiaas.

In Texas a bill hat passed the Hoatethe rovernor to oner a reward for the

capture ef Certinas" tbe Mexican brigand, orany ac iae icaoers or nis ana, ine nam orten thousand dollars ha bees appropriatedwith that object. It is thought that the billwill also piss the Senate.

Gv. RbdbU of Texas, in his reeeat mes-sage recommends a clear and unequivocal ex-pression ef opinion opon the issaes of squattersovereignty. " Equality and security in theUnion, er independence oat of It," be says,''should be tbe motto of every Southern State."

A correspondent of the New York Tries nesays that sore aBd weak eyes will be benefittedby washing them in salt water several times aday, and well eyes will be kept In order byopening (hern In salt water every morniag andkeeping la thatpoirtton several seconds.

If your sister, while tenderly engaged in atender conversation with her tender sweetheart,asks you te bring a glass of water frets an

roam, you can start on the errandbut yon need net return. You wd! not beaisted, that's certain.

General Taylor's " all the world, and therest of mankind," Is memorable, bat Mr.Buchanan matched it in his speech In Caro-lina when he said : "I do believe that man-kind, as well as tbe people ef the United States,are interested in tbe preservation of tbeUnion."

In " Adam Bede" one of the characters,Mrs. Poyser, is made to deliver tbe followingspicy sentence : " Men are mostly so low, theirthoughts overran 'em an' they can only catch'era by the tall. However, I'm not denying thatwomen arefooHsh; God Almighty made 'em soto aatch the men."

Tbe emigration to the port of New York forthe year thus far Is about 200 less than thatfor a corree ponding period In 185S. This fall-ing off bt more than

fertry a heavy tide of emigration intbe sprine.

Tbe Hard Shell Democratic State centralcommittee met at Albany on Wednesday, to

isrine cnoiee or delegatesto he Charleston Convention: but after someconsultation It was agreed to postpone actionon ine samect, ana ine convention adjournunui me mid oz jjteemner.

The Senate of Massachusetts, on Tuesday,had under discussion an amendment providing.for the adaission et infidels to give evidencein courts ef justice. Tbe amendment wasfinally adopted by the casting vote of tbepresident.

Tbe jobbers of Pittsburg and Cincinnati areannouncing toe practice or selling by samplethe goods of merchants, and manufacturersoutside of those States. In Pittsburg they aredetermined to prosecute every person offeartiBg

inline.John Mitchell writes a etccndletter of hit

serise from Paris to the lAihman, coonseiliagthe JTatfonalitis " of IrelSa " to be prepar-ed." He expects ere losirfSSee Gibraltar, astbe key et the Mediterranean, and San Juan,as the key of the Colambian Archipelago,wrc-v- ra iiim - uic swindler ana usuper er na-tions," England.

Jn cOBseqnenco of the action of (he .NewYork roads, reducing the fares $1 betweenBuffalo and New York city, the schedule latelvaeoMM line west nas been reirivtd. andthfaajb tickets will hereafter be sold for $Mfiampiritinaati to New York ; $17.50 toiTitlJtteiprila, aid 11X60 to Baltimore.

Governor Chase, of Ohio, la out In a decla-ration to the effect thst he bad no knowledgeoi urn Atrown-- s inemion to create an injurrecttaa among slaves, but admits that hecsBtribeted money in aid of "freedom" inKansas. Oho governor does not tell if heintends to leave'the country for Canada or for

The work of deepening and Improving tbeSavannah river it to be discontinued nextmonth. A depth of twelve and a half feet, atlow water, bas been obtained over the sunkenwrecks, and thr. certainty of, a gradually

depth going on, occasioned by causeswhich have jiojt yet been fully deUnalBed, ren-der a free andjintnlerrupted navigation a set-tled fict

OM Brown narrpwly escaped being a clergy-man. Wbri abur twenlv ofstadWttMology in Plainfield, Maesacbjisetts,under. ISc direction of Rev, Moses Halleck.While pursuing hts studies, he was attackedWHO iBnammsiion or me eyes, which ulH-aat-

became chronic, and DreeWeJfrom the possibility of the fnrther nuraoit ofQtrsmcies, woes ne rriurnea io unio.

A New York correspondent of a Charlestonpaper says that tbe leadiee-- fur manufacturerof the former city have been busily workingup, ouring ine par: summer, sxuni: skim,

intended for the foreien marketwhere the skunk and bit rrmararaUe proper?oca are entirety ohkrowu. lirj-- e rrusnrmesef Ihem go to Europe, and they areattl-M-y

prized there under various fictitioui anTfancynames.

Sir Wm. Nspier, beHcvlng England to be Indanger et invasion from FraneebaspoiSlibedInstructions of the guidaneej6r votunteers inaebAClte. The aecutenr! experienced his.

torian of tbe Pen in ular war corrects Ibe pop.blar Idea that biyonet charges and solid emeltof heavy colomns are threading features ofmodern' warfare; onfihd contrary, three-fourt-

of every battlebetween regniararmlrs,he tells nj,depejids.ujg)nn"Uie Jrt of hidingbehind trees and 'hashes', rocks, sticks andstones." This art tie tennsr" the very essenceof modern warfare and he contends that thewhole of a battlejrat between volunteer rifle-cor- ps

andreguletjrp, will depend upon thefcraex?s,'tkMt'n concealing themselves."The'malSng rarjpod shots be regards aa of In-

finitely less importance than a careful tralnta'-i-those mintc vers.

Tun itBitniTAGE.vtsb tiw Kukrill (Tenn ) Banner, Krr. 5

We made a pilgrimage to this hallowed spota few evenings since, and spent an hour or sorambling Jn the graveled walks and floweryavenues in the vicinity ef the tomb of tbe im-

mortal hero, Jackr on. We could not but thinkof the neglect that bas been so long manifest-ed by our people In tbe Improvement and fit-

ting up of these grounds, now tbe property ofthe State, and of the preservation from thsband of the desolator of a spot so dear to tbeheart of every TeenesseaB. It is not enoughthat tbe sleeping place of Jackson shouldmerely be tbe property of Tennessee, 'ibegrounds should be properly laid out and deco-rated with shrohbsrr. and a keeper appointedto receive visiters tad guard aBd preteet theroauaeni ana ins nerai adornments wbkbrtrrroanaVit from Ibe rude basd of deeeeratieB.Undoubtedly the Hermitage Is one of the greatobjects of interest to the traveler-visit- of oarcity.

It Is a delightful drive ef twelve miles fromthe elty, over the Lebaaon tnraalke We ap-proach the sacred spot vrith the reverence daethe immortal dead.

The farm, the groaalt, aad all art In aper-fe-et

state of preservatiea, Ia tbe garden tbeold hero reposes. Beneath a modest teajpleall that Is mortal, af the gnat Jackson Resburied. There, beside tbe wife be eberiehedwith more than manly affection because,whereas be waa all sternness aad jroa willelsewhere, he was but yMttiBg foadaies to bisRachel he is burled.

We could but stand ante observers ef thescenes and places where the hero of New Or-leans bad walked and talked. A How if westacked, tbe fragrance ef which wiH serriveeven partyism.

The Hermitage estate 1 now owned by theStats of Teaaeesee, aad It Is proposed to estab-Ha- h

an agrieuHural college there. A bettertribute could not be paid te tbe chieftain ofNew Orleans. From the fatnu and firesidesof Tennessee and Kentucky be drew the rtie.sten who shot down Paekenbtm at New Or-leans.

We notice that a reao'utioe offered by Mr.Stokes, of Wilson, has been adopted by e

Senate, appointing the committee ofwayt and means to inquire into and examinetbe matter in relation to the Hetaitaaa, andreport to the legislature. We are trulr gla-"- .

to learn tills resolution hat been adopted in theSenate, and trust It may aeet with similar fa-

vor In tbe lower how. We sincerely trust,also, that sece plan mar be devised for the re- -jsnrenatien and fitting up of these grounds, andwe snail await me report er ine coamttteewith no small degree of interest.

' ' iTil e Cnpttrt! of Tiorocco.The following is soae account of the ancient.

capital of the Moorish dominion. Morocco,or Metakaeb.baviBxbeen ruined by disastrouswars and depopulated by the plasue, is newonly tbe shadow of what it formerly was.Leon Afrieanas says that " it is a city largerthan Paris, where the King bas bis palace,which is more sumptuous aad more aagaificentthan any other in the world." At the commencement of tbeserenteenthcenturv Moroccohad a papulation et 600000 ; it now scarcelyreaches 30.000. The eltv was founded 1073:it walls, which attest its former splendor, em- -braces a circumference of six sailes, aad arepierced by eleven double trates flanked bytowers ; gardens and mine fill ap the greaterpart of the ground within its walk. Themodern city is similar with reerard to itsarchitecture, to the other cities of the empire ;its streets are narrow and irregular; the bousesare composed ef a court with galleries roundit, which lead to loot; and narrow rooms, tbewindows of which rarely look into the street.Many of the houses are built of stone, bat thegreat majority are constructed of a kind efmortar composed of sand, lime, and earth,which is beaten bard toe; other between planksplaced on either side of tbe wall as it is beingbuilt. There are several large open squares,or market places in Morocco, but, like thestreets, they are neither paved nor sanded.There ore several mosques, the principal onesbeing those of El Koutoubia and Mouaim, thatof the Beatous, and that of Sidi Belabess, thepatron of the city. Tbe Sultan's palace ioutside ef the walls ; it consists ef a,vast groupof buildings surrounded by pleasure and kitch-en gardens. There are aleo a mosque andlarge courts, where the Sultan givet his publicaudience. Like Hue, tbe capital of CochinChina, all the buildines form a complete laby-rinth of walls. The Jeers are no' well treatedin the empire. At Morocco, they occunv aspecial quarter, which I surrounded by a wall,toe rate or wnten is closed: at nler&t and dur-i- ar

the whole ef Saturday, aad gaarded by aeaid. Tbe Jews are tbe oalv tinmen aad tailors in Morocco ; the Moors only exercise thetrades or seeeaal:ers, carpenters, masons,locksmiths asd weavers of bald s anjdgoadours.

Daranre to the Sujrnr Crop.Tbe effects of tbe great norther of Siturday

last, aad ef the several freezes siace, havebeen aoet disastrous on the sugar crop. Tbeloss throughout the State by these nnprece- -deBle visitations of extreme com is varkestimated froa seventy to one hundred tbons- -an noers&eaos. V arioun causes have combin-ed to increase the extent ef this disaster.Owing to the backwardness of Ibe ease, earplanters were renerallr behindhand in triad- -

inc. not ef the crep haviBtr beentaken off at the date of the norther of Saturday. Most of them. too. had commenced withthe rattoent, Veavingthegreen plant to mature,and therattooM are far lees injuriously affect-ed by the freeze than the plants.

The enVct of the cold, therefore, fell mainlyupon the green ease, which, having alreadyiok tie erneectaea ot ine leaves ay amfrost, has beea very coap'etrly " cooked " bv1 1...... ....... I r TV 1. :ll . Jand tbe juice exudes 'from them a very btdsymptom The plsntera stopped their mills.and went vigorously to work to wind row theircane, in tnis way they may save a portion atleast of it ; but even windrowinr. may be de-feated by the pierclLg breeze, and the seed-ca-

for next season seriooslv endsneered. Theextent ef tbe calamity can not at present be.ieeamai-- a, our in me most ravoranie view it rsbelieved that it will restore the crop to an ag-gregate of two hundred aad twenty-fiv- e thousand nogebeade. iv. o. JMU, jVo. 19.

Chambers of Commerce.In a coaatercial community particalariy a

new oae, id wniea ail local uaatres are tn process ot rerreatna no tnboBai can bare amore Important aad beneficial iBufienee eatrade, than a ChaaVerof Cota--meree, composed ot men ot intelligence andinteger y. la moot liturated qoeatio crewlagout ot cnaaorciai transactions, local swage,as est Wished by the testimony of the bestbusiness) men. Is tbe usual test ; asd if ibiscan be broaght to ber directly, in anticinat-in- r,

or amicably adiutttnr neb questions.without the expensive aad vexatious forms afcllaw, we lime, noney nnu leennezs or pametrwill often he saved, wbile me cause of justicewill be maintained and advanced in the easi-est and cheapest manner. In tilts country wbelieve that tbe decisions of a rbaaber ofcommerce are net technically legalized in anyof our cities. We understand that the Ne--

York corn exebanee is competent to deciledisputes referred to it by parties ; and fromwhose decision there is no appeal, bat ikechamber ot commerce has no seen power.

In Europe, w believe, store atteatiott hasbeen paid to the adjastaaent ef mercantilequestioBt,withoutthe intervention of tbe courts,as in fact is the ease In many other satinetstransactions. Arbitration is more frequentlyresorted to in Europe than with citizens of tbeUnited States. In Belgium ther Is coapnl-sor- y

arbitration respecting adjustments be-

tween partners. Tbe tribunal refers them toarbitration. In France, we believe, there arecKaerent ;rerultlons 'in different cities. AtBordeaux, if both parties prefer to go to a civileoart, thev can do so ; bat it either party pre-fer the tribunal of commerce, he can requirethe ease to be decided here. Such tribunals InFrance take eonisance of everything which isof a commercial character, or which is donefor tbe purpose of profit, and, without appeal,except when tbe disputes are not of a commer-cial nature, or tbe tribunal is otherwise incom-petent. The competence of the tribunal ofcommerce extends over all eoessercial suit,that is, over all disputes arising between tra-ders, or arising between one party beine; a tra-der and the other not, he being the defendant.The Halt of the jurisdiction la BeJetam, fromwhich there is no appeal, is SOi, except It be aquestion of competener. Even if the disputebe set among merchants, wherever it has pro-fit for its end, it may be brought before theCommercial court judges.

Axothek Mobtaba Case, Antw Mortaracase is at present sagasing the attention of tbeBritish government. The facts, as set forth ttrlthe official correspondence, are these: Mr. Geo.Graham is a British subject, residing at Denia,in the province ot Valencia, u apain, and onthe 19th of September hit wife gave bleih to asix raeBUM child, which tbe doctor, a Rotnajjlamoiie, seeing tnsi it coaM not live, bap-tized it in the name of the Father, Son andHoly Cbott. Tbe child died tbe next day. andwas buried in the Protestant refeerery. Whentbe rector Deaia learnt what bad occurred, beapplied to the mayor (alcalde) of Denia forprotection la e Bterin; forcibly tbace raetaay a nd,

fditinterlBg the child, so that, as a bipfTzedIamb of bis own flock, it Bright be interred intbe Roman Catholic cemetery. Tbe mayorneMuiea to neeu sucn aa oomge, and ap-plied te the ehrll govern or ef Use protiace forirstructions. Tbe ecclesiastical authorities,however, ordered the rector to prosecute tbeease with great zeal, bat with great prudence.The rector accordingly wrote a letter to thefather, clatnring the child as one ef fait flock,and atkl&g the Protestant parent to dislter thecorpse of bis child and take It to tbe parishchurch, so that after the usual ceremonies hadbeen performed, it might be buried tn the Cath-olic cemetery.

Mr. Graham nreteback, rebuking the priestfor thus annoying him, in the nrme of

aeeoust of a child already deed andburied, and telling the reverend re-t- or that heseemed to have imbibed a very Imperfect no-tion ot tbe religion of tbe holy Scriptures.Mr. Graham alto appealed te the British

who interfered actively in behalf cttbe outraged father; the case was afterwardbrought befatt Mr. BacJianan.thjBritiskraln-iste- r

at Madrid, who hat addreMeiotheSpanish minister of foreign affairs a formal a

remonstrance agalBi! tbe intolerant proceed-ings of the ecclesiastical authorises, and LedJohn Russell bas approv-- d the stesataken'to'secure Mr. Graham frnjji,ujolel t SsSSf Herethe case rests at KUgntTit is, however, wor-thy of notice tiLitpMtctar openly and brave-ly aekajedrjifliat in baptizlag the child hehad noSAoMetijtt making it a member of tbeCitblmc church. U enlr efcWr.the chad would die. "was to make It aCbrifttaa.'' Tbe father, too, sayt that

used was that which 'would hare1been used by a Protestant elerr raan ocbvhimself, but still the Spanish pri its will nob.u. i..i. ). :J . nJ 1 i i

BTfie New Yotlt CJt;cA J --sal fcEpls- -copal) denies most eapbatieally a story tbatBishop Otiderujoak m abbot te appeal to thecivil courts te eats In relief from the pecuniary;results of tbe icateneo of taspensKn Thecarter says: T

The bishop has lonr aro had In his possession the opinion af dlttiBgulsded jurists thatsuch an appeal weald probably be successful,and thousands of dollars bare been placed Inhit bands to defray tbe expenses of the eon-te- st.

But he bat at all times steadily refusedto take any step of the sort, preferring to leavethe whole question wnere toe church nas placed K.

i of tuastvUUliJiatta-l- a 01the House of iirBctj.

DIED,AI Me reeiaiDC, in Braroville, so Stsdar, B sots

lint., Willi Air JL.Pottib, In His Bad reartftdiat. 4 f

Vafreeitrtro, Tenn., pyjri pue eopj- -

AU MttrtUranlifor Ike AmtaX mutt t InsuredffltfA;CfcVrfk.

AH Mrtrtittortlf pblitKtd ia tie H ky jfp-ft- d

an tktrfii Out DtUar ptr ijoart fortaca (aitriion.

JUtratulnt tvtvtrtUtmtntt muttTt ntritd forwxf lieu. Tlie ael IAi aarJcei (km

vtitlbt (karrtdfer nl xcttk, and dicoldat tit tnd afHmt umi.

Wantedbe tsree rffc.tle firl-e- a Mrr

SmtATtOVS steal A Mtn a wilier. Mtteru sruk ui ma. weM nat etieet t so Into Ike

't riAUfrel.KretiKalnl.

ei.l.ra. wltan eeereuieaiAswau. l.fGiimx a ixi3,SIS Malnureet.

Mince Pies, Mince Pies.IMS'T WTTkatkettvHtDireei fcin-- WA rwtMs at J. ?Mnrs.

IBS If itn Street ao4 eaMgt--St MeinVet. Kaln ia


PPiODOCE AND PROSIONCommission 'Mcrcliants,


B restmcTox, IR. Jaurrr.

aattr b Bke, WooJ ateCaltkt aad Kerrtll,cm. nexam

limT MEMP1TTS THEATER.imixmi su jtaaitH.'itwici c.Taovnosr.Sue Pireattr ?...t.r.lOizm X. DAWSOS.

TTTXDS'BSDAT ETEKLVS, Kevemer tt. U cei- -V Vitea Anrtkaa uifvtieatx Vn . rAEKX.V. ai

tke ToUfcrW aad Iarialtn( Mtaiaienne, Shi fAKJCTnrgAatrafr,rto win npearit a tr wHten ex--

f Ikes, etatlllad tna WIDOWS STRATA1EM ioa. two TrAM or Tgurso X STORT If as. fe--MlHM,XiS na JettaMte. xiu r.anr rvi rr--ren. ti')AM or A LOVES Oertra !e, viltt mn. ViHraaarnu nutea; raier sejte. ai. pivns.

V?" Brt Circle. Fafauetla aol Baioinv. 75 ceBls 1

rrtaate K $t aad 10; Tkird Tier tmi tMerrdOaller', ts enu. B IMset aen inn 10 A sc. toS p. K. Utaca oesa at f clod. Overture M

at 7 e'dwet. OartaJn iltes preelMlr at 7Ko'eleex. nis

macs iiicotheus,rxrxii:T02s or

ScIigBana's Chemical IlaSrlnvIgoratorTa y tTtmt BeMMt. nv4 lWltKe tt ITiir tkt bit

titW dfftX 1mB til IB. aVabJ U W9

X,1 MfplwttsrtaaSaITf-- fT(T ftftlWsT, B4 I

bai-falt- .!tttf4. vltk a ttt tVMnu, t4tkr a- -

tlttsawt tor ta kitr, mrt txtr mHmm, ytnaoifBai rrvsM or mmmIiIsMH. Ilclwrf tte

M7f tb tkiB, . a W.Hhr mHq tf la V&IS nVTTL tC, W.iCtn I rft tfc lr, tkfttbf pft?- -

nifi (k hair t carl satl ktep4 H tv; win ptnMtvf-l-

ctaVOtt I ran tMaH (Mr Sto IM UVBtrt fsaft, vtmar.aiteerw4d ; at iavfarti tait a cUrkar eator, wtVIaefro at f K win bth th tkia aatl ta hilf in aItnltar and lent-tea-t tetatainrt.1 th Htftt ptrio4 f Ufa.

IMin tnll Sa4 th lBTiatr.t.r a trtl wi&M t t&ftollat. luch oa xattot or iu dalteAtft a4 arretiie aeffaaii. ai tat? arail (aeiliti it afJanU ia tlrtvisf tarthak. vaeh, wbsv noM with te iBTiformttir, cas We

4ft?Mtfl as MT rtMatrasf furm. toeVi tatvrarnreNaiMaet?,1eHhr aM9 or tn tWr1. intrn a ckiMraa)'

h4. it 19-- tty frryJttja U a ef hiir.tjaH o47 ar Joe. SrtiaKAXx, tor

fltrtS SBUlrl'ilU, fJ ut.eitiratrU-l- Oor If n4 ITaiae t.. Mnmb.

A. CAR3.HAVING utvxlitM wHh ta, ia my M bnts, that

4 taf4tn; Nere., bMh oa ctteauzeffiaaaa4 aa prirat araavoM. Xr. S. 9. Jonzf af Deftjt.UiM., ft tar braaT, VT U foiREtT ot HemrbH. 1

eaf ttr to myttitvU tiller rtcilMiMtaaa I aarctrrar aaaB't aaa aaia la aar them.

Oor bfaxMr lttttai ai Ka. 69 JL4aaif ttrett. vxidour tnt of my a3! art Tfcr are tpctcit, ootaauat;erxaraifk-sai-, twrtlort aa4 afaajy arg aaaortor aaytabiaarat of ttM kind tn La Stt, aa--i nfaal to aaytaat I hare rrar imt.X rph0lj awtltatt P aar n?w flna from tsy oldaVacd an t im'kaaari ami aa poallc, tae aatroaiifwaiek han- - mrwwfr Mt ttOoraUy tmxw4 MarlaMum Uattra, taf wni oatr mn tat wuti w ptrarsl

a. BeroRBT ... t. jTa-..tTu- .

JCriDpah. D4ot, Htaa.




rpatr bmnl cooiaiwtM, WW keepX en naed K w4 awttjeM ml VirtMU,

OMfiiM Onee'tna N' n

500 Negroes Wanted.?X7K will pay aMtr taaa any other portvoa lor Ko. I

Y T Nfrropi, uM ii ta w mtun..i1 aw yORRBST JOHSA &




MENAGE RIE SifigaiftteaUy Fitted nj fer ths Ssusa ef 1859.Maaater.. W. it. PATH.ninokt tkw lieajaavlei. Herr. DRIS33A0IT.aeonaM xanaew teiPfrtoraMr S. ORATIK.Asent...........,...Ma...H,..,.......R, RH0BKS.

Tke mmkai 4 MesmtetieA win ExktMtatMemphis Musday and Tuesday, Nor. 23 and 29,

M AlSaaaalT SareacPar two dita orrir Aitornaan an Kiss. TAaars rpan

allJl a4Su faaarz r. ac itomUt at utila Okll.are am sermu. ceata.

A Grand Processionwm be ma ra t!ia farmooj ef theOAT Z tlkibtUie.. raeae mf taaMnieal OnarM. drtwa kr EWeiab.Tha Mtowioc IIM ennarliM to 4Maoitnaia now etntetiBe a Herr.nrietaaek'a at Mtkie's tieuaMiea.Two OotVwuI fJietfuBU tori tot theteam at tha GREAT BAXD CHAR

IOT rive minifleeat IJoat, Rani Brsnl Tltef.Bran!lian B:a--k Titer, Leoawrd.. Paathen, Oeosar,OceVa, Tieer rata Strtpe an forftM Hrenaa, GrlnljIM B act H ',r runrit arw a. umas. nar.Bie--f f)nw Atovm.. Orav aJ Clark Walret, WhitCu.ii. htitmr.. Porccytsea, as a vikteraete r Birdaana wasters.

nerr uaiaauuH, tae estaaateaAnlntl Tamer, will enter the den tttratnM aaimaH, mmi axkihtt kla waa- -

i .b1. : oawrr' aver. . the....orate creittoii..

7Jrv'v mijsy ana mt a ner wau Bute wa Baaet mt.axe aalmal auack heoevlh kis feet.

Air STEWART smtaceraj Traher l U

wt-p- t. will MtneMre the tw waader.ef werfarmtne aaeakattto Mmeatnl J tttt. whan ex- -

traorttnarr feaf btr aatoaitkrt everr fctkaktor Is atleeoetrr and Eamoe rtMaBMr waaa-- ao'ioflinau

tnan Keater. Alw lbs twa COMICutrLUS Tb sMve craad arrar afaa ral a&4 lastrtettT eaierUlnmenlt.TretMltl to tke auMic, aanool ran tomeet with wiua. A atdaadidBRASS ASB STRIXe BASD ItaHaaked t thlt aaxaianat eaatprtlaoof am satis, ledkr lk recaaraad caraet

..iw v.. sr. fl. a)L5Q.T.rwrkerra--iiaaiar- t tors pletorulaal deserio.

llTtbiHt mmi 'MaieraM aa tne amjmmj. DHeua

Notice to Consignees of Cottonnv Tnc

Itlcinphis ami Ohio

R A I L R 4 D.Surr.nnrTxxozwr'a Orricr, I

Maveaaker 11. MM. $

rapft IftSax ef Cafkaa by ikaa read, reedera itTrit Io have It imaediate r reaad (nam lbIVepst. The Mlereat at aH parttea MUBis tbta, aa

reaaoval wltbla teDtr-l- w boar after at arrival, iaarxeatlr reaarreo ,tj.i.aiiAM,api.

aoairr ofr- - " nalS-- i

To tlto Hlcrchnnts orasicmpliis.ooercttaed pfaorlaaert r tan SfkAir.WElba 21 tb labdlBa. WIS rreea as af

enarselk rentor uaoiaattn or 1H percent. oaalaiooaal adraeeed far frtitkt and aaarfM It ateaabaala.

Kawetake r M, IS3S. j. j.ssrmi a. Co.nelt-l- al '


And Teachers' Asswiation,rHrected r Prf. T. RICniBDrvJ Oravier tret I, nr- -

l e- oar St. ffharlea10 KladBaJt, 7artitta. Otardiaaa a Private Pan--

X ine It UaM aeaentkiince 'hit weoty w fana- -ad, afat yt ar aTrevfr mia iieialan af B kndte let.tes J ai tknatMit dtotiaraiaked enarbernlearkara'aU avtr tk-- eauatrr. wfUnx 14 ejuectlkeiraltaAllans. Wa are able to pracur wifbantdttar, Eatilth. Prtaob, JIalh emetic ant Atoale Teacher, Oovera.caaes and Tatars, of botk m, to ;nj eskuol er printtaoillr in ar out of towa. Let every oat tUte tkt faealtlM reire4.-- we winhimb theaa at oarwretiunibiUir. with tke vtrrptreott (krr wMi . Wtnlr rorereecea rrm teacbariasweneiaiplorrva-- tri kalow aoeewB, Ap-- pl

teat toe nrutb eirecte4to. rrvm a mu afiir. 33 ttrsvter II.

K E Wa hava aaveral vaeaacles far todlM abt toteaco Prtneh maA aaaale, and a r,ir t ar.

Wa are.pannWeJ.loreler u Col InasC Areanr,O. BoTleila ; fa. Mtrre. Xas . II X.TB Oontnl. XJ.V. narJen, Eq , Ttletrapk At rat of th X. T

asd sr. f). AnicllIM rr3y - . ndJ-j-

Special Notice to tho Ladie3.A!5'IHiTllS - mttetnw In a, " town, or a kw keeper.Wen eiwrite4 la IA. .!.atcuttlwtetatUM. Al,raa.ker lujkZbSlnaers, Ben lee dltckiac tsreealM etc

WMhin apt reetor Mreeti. tMOt--at

Bank or Tennesc at aieaplils.KOTICE.

HJZXT tfcwsaar, na hut . Mat t a(Mt w1 twemor at a iter or .Bruekear will te tkM on me r trerlM.Iw DireeAsnare ei met TT, j. i

Beai-- It sr. t. ctt.A SITOATipX traaMttsrsyrean - ttll

ereM ssrai. Aaere aTm.iela rant tat aaale2eea vawt a maaaetcAiisa m k. t '

JVofricc..y";Cao Basx, i

rnntaganxwHiae iiniiea vtinlir v...L (iftnrtaestatlaa. Ftsxr tAiUat ana m timSaaaa to pass an ear taws. r. w. tsire, ctiater

BuAscif er van ruirtM' BamkMltli. BjometerBt ia I

rnms Beak win t cts onTWita.. in sen, m.X Hit TksntiHlnr faliat m that

oay, enetsuM pa im tnr spin.nim r AHBJS MX. Ml


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Nos. 2d Coasserctal aad U Levee St.,

SI. Xouft, JBhsourt,

J"otlcc.rrsntSntaa wiu I1 mm 4m raa i tunitjt C. W. CMBUBT,

Attachment lYoticc.0fUae, h C Betm eee, Wmm I T US,

to. MMAfarrla k Laaa,

Str sat r taentnml Mn Biilum irarthv wwH tM aa MSMerll kare'a IM, rantHe Hmi are an riilSim i ts Btaae atTenaewee. it U tkerenire arOarea tfet tusskgattntnu4. tlvint milts t mi 'ifassats rkt ine tkenHr tetwe at tar env, ia tn etty mt r itn.mnimeTt j U r. late, as HmM ail Mil, m tMlint win te s teat list vukn pnrie

ftUMI r. BILL. 1. r.Land vvarrant o. 72,3GI Lost or

MOICB.Stall tf Tean Cannai BBtisr'PHIS r lirsn-l- l, mure mtmm ate. a. wX WAker, m exaMC Juatke mt Ike rem is ulferttweMstr m State aBeve uael lMla1Artr, (wirerf jMkn I Tattor, aa oatr rklM mt VeUBlM mm,KturtJH um won kawra, aa. Wlac tmij wwon.

nates tkat la ik kwjatialpera eatrtlel to bntwarrM Ke. ItM. Sw eae knatr aa4 .txr are ofUM, iMtel mmtt tkaac tt Hank 1. IMi ttet iawen aauese Ikat mtmt wwraat wa Hist er antawttaytoken Ina ib aaalli Otol il nmr react ker tsattew ks imie. mU mt ealuaiarUr tvu l'k triiaianiiiw LaxixiZA TArun.awavu toa aini kerr t. a JnstlteaeaaaiuH, tail TUl 4mt mt HmmmWt, ItH.

R. V. WJLtXtK,JtatsMal omPmc. Ptr C---, teaa TTrxM.

xoncxIskeretTirventoantseMui. Hal T ekall aaathr a the

OanealMtaext w rinnna tar a alieate at OVs aaavaoefernti lams: arrant si it ana

LlON-lZ- TATtaVB,natt-eiw- - . i?eaaewllto. tTaaaur Cmmtr. Texsa.

X. A. TALBOT. .rnaax i. baxot.( Late mt BMIr Strauja, XJta. )

WnalMiet aaRetaa

DRUGGISTS!No. 340 Main Street.





GARBEK ambriBLB p!.

JV SaU'al Z.OIO Frlcts.--

aaker, aduatrtoas, aincto nun to takeASTEADT. aMnraarv, ate., an taai eaa tee aalain aa kiawir cloaelr to beian

Kaca atnar aea aosCy. A libera' .s ar win aa pale.Apalr to OAS. STONB.

atO-t- At Ike Appeal Ofaee.


ITUXiIfER & TOlirKIiV,af ea1 itltiawl almta. koeeinat rawlCOBKBU, of all Via mt aaaalri ataane and a

new aexawrw- - Paaaily rrpl Prmit. af all kkwswb aa OraeaCjrm, Ore Peas, Pi Pralto, etc. , alt

fraa BaMiaaor.They bav ato arresxemeats to keep uanlMtly

n ha all tin of WiH ntaa. Bear. Tialua. Fueka,Win oee. Rabbi ta, aar , Ire. avat at all kind.Alt tboeo wiahia apaaethiaa o to aa aboaM aiva ax aaB. aata-l-

Stationery and Blank Books.TTTX take pit mi t a Isettla XevebMta aa TTaeea-- V

V snea to call a4 exaaiiBe oar Imrtm abk mtand Bla- -l Bank.

WaparekaM witk tk view a awap'yio ta cltf etawtik all tki i oar lia I th r.iatlreoea, aa will aatl al the low t trtan.

AT BURBeiatilal Cheek Baa aa alt IMattr kaeka.Pkaaty Hra Praialiani j Itataa.

Turn i tiiii if fi ttntjiBat and Cettoa ton Boaka.Bakre Oaa af wrr wnetv.Gar. Dovoll tad AraaU' aaaarior brintoat

ink. w. r. mi you at on.,noBl So Sit aier laal Pallawa' Han


Physkaw, Sirgeoa aad Orims,oppicb-- m was arsacT.

B4eea tdaau sWuhiarUB lalt. Reara X. S.nj- Bam raarn TUB .H I Sr at ;TtoSr.

M. Praai I to X r. m. Bar attnus at tk ear.nK-l-v

Oalticood !urseri.BATE for UavmMiately aiioiaiac to iArI af Co). JarB K Carim. a 'arjtt? an4 twaptrto aaefV

ebom of rariT rsVSS, ladediat m eholm cre Jr. X t tm umiWUm araia t' aa . AHayIImoo, lslajliu atvi 1rkf XEW TXKtnma&4 tM-r- at awta.tat of rT'irthias aaaiMy foaad ioa SwttfTT. whitrh I will toll oa aeoaaajty-l- al g tot-i- lopaactva. Haaiort.

All oritra fro--a f o enmm'Tj K4 prttaapily aa4 e4

br aUlI or Vate at Um Ttmk of Itto pmrrafT.ntol-l- M. XOOST, Arant.

Xaqairor pr.

For Sale Very Cheap.7 1-- 2 Wlcrcs '

ON HERNANDO PLANKROAD.(A part of the Dr. Ymb; Traet.) - .

ItUns a G iod House,AND

Four Acres in Cultivation.aiOXSAaifctT. J3UPIIEE ii. CO.,

totn-a- t ai

Youns America. Attention!AT XHs? NKvy.OHINA STORE,

3S8 .TTain iMaaas,

sors OABta,BOrajWASoss,


JfARBLSS, ra, BTCA fall an.UMII af Cktba, takta m Harvkara

Ware, aR af whjea I aaar at riiiMitle QUA. 31

50 BBLS. Puaa'i IX.rioar.UHttaXT i PtOCLRrT.

X. Hawar- - Row.

Eice, Lull & 0o.





mi sows,199 evS &-3e-


r.AKL,i rifjiiut; or XHfkm


Plantation, NegroeStock, EtcTn Sol rat-- Counltr.Htas..

ASStJlRAMJ. RJatBracR, It tsln rrSthitirx Mrtalu MFerad ra Utteiweplace, b, THOS. PETRBS,a Cartra Keck, Mtia ttreet

SSoien.TTSBfAlf Be r.imm. . a .uu. MJ1 Tatiaaj;iealH ,

lie aaarta as kl twakl BtHaavaiaraltavseri akrktsit aa Mttta waata UM nana 9mm aanaanBaw artB UB.iBe

"-a- rt ratarataa tiM hrer. Hta ajiii itE. ABaTVOit.

Trustee's Sale.X frintnea at tae ataalaiana af a eee mt trat auda

t?T Uarlf Oa-rf-ll aa UM SMU mvi af rOrrr. SSM aamm aa uaatea, ta Mara R mmm at i liiwia litai u--tmwft mm oartola aatea ttaweta A. T. Satwaet k. Q ,UMeaat taarrOM. aa tar tne Mluteta'aal Cwataatlaaj; Ua rwa leal af mm aatea. I wtSLtasfeelanaa ereeaaaaawr mmxm, mt IS, u aiaae aaa,aiar tiaatavTV.

Mat triaH aBa. n itil la I r at) "k atli I.

l Its. lawaia. aa ami! M alaflt af all Maaa. ketaxi Oa a taM Oaatre.I.tai . p. WIX7P. Tiaili .

Oil S9 a I n tingsAT AVCtlOSm

TjmWmjltnnUT Mia afA at kv mbm af tha aaM alt at I antott af

kaa Raraeeaa aad Aaaavlean. aanataliaclaiaaataf CUaaac. Bnati lal, tat llaaiaaA ranay rfaja Ptaaea,, anar ana roe eat viewa, vuajva riecaa, nta- -

aa 1 aotnttr atl aa ateaetar eae. n to, tkStttiui aitka

ASSOCIATED AMERICAN ARTISTS,WMattltoBwatl L Biltlii. aa WBBH5SAT.- - at M tfatoat A. W t mm

-- , sas Mala) ajaaa.ra-- paiaattaxa w w aaa tor eakltltlal, wta ea., ara tmtt aiitatat Ol mil Otaarrii,etUraeaii wtiav toeBi to tilltJiate. TaraM aaaa, tf iat si

S. B. LOCKS i CO ,


40,ooo Common Brands;lavoritc do.

25,000 Superior doIXT will aan to - . Wtaoaaaa a- - JasawiCB0BJa.T)' '

VOHtAniAT, najpHae; A. OS.

Jnt Secoivod.

' ""e seelSaaiitai Vtaar

ear. Par aatokvJ T. nAXI,a Prae Raw.

(5 HA SBMilitary and Civic Ball!

At Ottil Fellows' SlalLTOBSDAY BFtnitVG, XoTf mbt r 23th.

The nines"BT kr a ran JfUitarr aa Ol.U'kBall. U ft tia .a. mUcma eaM srrrait wi iitTVo. , T77r..A Z?m.

ractaai IN MrO'attaawaaaaarlautoaanwant Laakn to Bansanal Srp. txet. AemiiMtonTwitk aT toy--.

afAXAetata.u CM rretoM SaaBfe.

AAi. . M. lliatoittal. Ouart'r J. a. BaaaBaWaJaraaaa Dr. A. Tkannaj. date praek.Oa. J. aeuatte. mmmu Wm. MUtor.

utai, w. i reaaaa. AaV g.Unas laaae Strmm. U. r. t.ena. m. is.

Cocoa iTlatliiisI- rjoemA XAXTttm,

Irt mm. mm.4 ea. aW.

t-- .4 . 4a.

4- -4 aXHWA. aa It AK1LLA MAIIMniA .Rwatta tkla af Mdlar aatokvnat yctTl.fWBT A. OBx

Slats! .Hats! JlatslTOCH SaOBS !GLKAX Oaoaa Break Xaar-a- erj aa.

Star - -Poaar Basdaind Cooa Mala.Xeealla aa Caaaa BalaJM M ato, AXai4a XatoiMkaa irili l ai ttJttaajMlll.Tkatj tklapitia Xato.Velvet aa Tatted Xal.


Mirrors! Mirrors I

T ABeXa SUE PIBS 3trBR43B3 easkttf sawuvea ran-- jtortwr.Oval Mmjtm

ttu'i " --

Mlrrara natoare.Mirtwrat1tWToT Pfkei.

Tkktkad of tk aitdrrune, Aaeua for th LartwetIaaoUac OtoM atoMaaboaaat a Sew Tarl Citya VeKlNNXT t CO

PIANOS. aCikaleaoa Tioliat, Si tart,Clarijeei. Aimi tana, Pa--ittaaa, Taaabortnea, rife Batuaa Sheet

Maefc, X mnc kkofea, aa varrtktaz ia theaaaht line aar faa oa Monr ,tret. a few aVut

aiain arreai.Bar, sbo, aa mt ktoaan. BUtkaa X

Pkilltuph't Bonaj. ISO sua .Irert. akar h raaa tbe


Tilt oaTs Improve TieWtis &Gaars,Jtm xm 9h, amimiM mmmetm

aaatniMf imt mumA

inliajlmrtei. ntannT Bi i aa k aaap wtti. a aattUio of tat

f a nsr pjawstoa of In, taa Waa la tryaad attest froa. At, a

aoie-l- v PacMtlT af MaakviBe. Teaa.NHjitlrios,

1 Hn tPoTotn

usr.-sa- r a. nu.v,te. S Hawaf Row.

K ntsU. ektot AsaeJUtt- - - PotoUea, t arriv pa

LUsaaar st ptcc'

Plonr.100 usrasaT h ricXLiii

OHtS.Qflfi BACU OaU, ia atova aa tor aato byxjvvj aan irBeaT . rtcxuK.T f. & c. necitXE.$1101117 street, HearGayeso KeHse



oip mmmx and xte whiskies,

r, IS'ran'dle'S)Xrr Wta,Ttk. aa PrraM wlae, trtotwr Wtao.CBimtisni Vlaaa, aMaaatt BUI tit. Eaninl, a ankatlsa of alaer mat .T toim aa Cat. wt-a- a


raa attil h mmA at IK Kal BNtMAW,

nalt-ea- w O. O. NIL1UV Alaa.


cff.n.Tiissio.r JiiKRCir.z.vTS,Ne. la Fboxt Mff.

tor th.jKST--

Hope, Shoal & Crescent MillsCOTTO.V GOODS.

Lead ato. aeaau tor Pk klaf lp twa' new patent IBOK

juaaatwafaa naaoi lata app7 at oatta Tama,ant. waM-p- . inumaaoiwtnrat, anaiiH a Jeaea, i af whKb win h aaU at factory artoea.fsah,ataatrtaaML wan ra at sm

Our Second Fall Stock


rasies3 Units I


! .. . BASTS and' "VESTS 1

Over Coats,

Over Coats,Over Coats,


PANfy. MOSCOW ... aIo.PANOx MA1AK0PI do. '




Jt Ato. aatwMatAr mt

nrr.v ouestjsii s n.nir?sQCI.Xfil!,lTEQ

mm m Ymtk Yoke Sfcirts!


lata aadCMtard.yJOHSgO.V & JOftT,

wtotMeri. JT. S Chirk' Xarbto Btect..


. AT ATLCTIOX.Oh Fr'Wtv next, the 2Sh IntUat.

WBJ?.? ? Jf v nMtVi.J X T. BM. XmmZUadtoaa Hreet. ext, bet. ItoTefct!J. Bk 11. B. II. It, S. SS St. T7. S. 1 11ne)""- - TM prpertj ariry VoeilM. m a roodaad Beaakv neavhhovhaail. mmt ,..i

dun of Ml at an ttm. It a -

aer kr w a aseeahtttoa. aI ftiy?- law fke tina eaaaorv oteajan. w,,a i...,Tag v a tv. , irs.,

uuawes ana reriaJmuiu pmvldad frt.G. B LOCK! ICO,SoIS-l- Auc'rj tMleil KHateErelirj.



LADIES, AITlirifl!

Pianos at Auction;i

'rOn TTctlnesday morBtRA;. tiCrd,MUK ocJoct arfcsatlT, at mr mmroo atroot w wtll m1I

TWO MAGNIFICENT PIANOStaacihtatatuiieitliij af AOWtaa a.

Oa .ktewTark. BIm Plait, are at Beae Waa. rtattraeei eeatl laaa iaiia tl 1!1 larilt rrr urnIter are to M Mat Matstiaearkw.

Taaais Cme mt iiailiUitr naa. aa)tk iBtttaat mt

atailt Matwia taaa.vosaA'SAT,

ia on

To the ladies.have am jteaaat ap aaaaMsat SCtssTWEwooemMhCsaa, iaavrtoa ., an-laetva- ra

Warrasi t tar tea fan. Ptoaa m mhtTkap vtB keaaat Vow mti

imtxuxttuT, atipann . on.

Uarana Cigars.

2G,000c-bA-- r

Fine Old Brandy.

yfMISMBelAT. BtTPRBC h. tMk.

Snso5 Se.Tlnp; machines.

Ittoator tk h.artoat mat Saaat takvtoi Prioa aia.

tarr IteltlSABBAT, Banas & co.

A Bargain for Farmers.ORfl ACBto. ta ataarad. istttsikto i Itto i ia aalnlaai eaaaaua. aa ta CWlea--

katf-aa- B of rovtaaSTtn PiaiiHa Call aa m

MOBBABJIAT, BTPRBS Si f)0.,aH SXoara, 3f la. Swaai.

TO CAriTAI.IsJTi AXO OTIIEIIS.W ara dtrxae to aell tb

corras pactory axj mills,aiiairat BTiil III m M,AJe. Tk Oalto Pa,tar, to aapahli of aVtwtaa: "Hi n iTii AH th baikt--at

bbmI latniry at a aat iai Alaa. aa--k yam an tw 6rM JUlaa aa

at IB. The ia atoaa toraaitare raaat, aatotk hI in r apacatla. The aarMaaaBitaaiiBliisi aew.ta i rim bv wattr m

alraaeawokktk Pastovp it kuiit la m

Bight H4re)l aai Forty Acres.Taaa pi ipaU will he aM at a crral bartai.

MOMSARKAT, DUPRKE & CO.,aaaa-l-la t Xaora attw


For Sale.


FRAME HOUSES,State a raptor ptreat, oWwtn bkaaM Bbiatw'lna.

ComrortaMeItesitlonce,And wa Wa tk aonwr, a kajr bank ar arfharr of taaaHi am and Lata, at vary tow aj:roa.




m m mmuBOYS' ISB lOlTUS'Pine OJ


( Pfw. thjrao paar ,Urn k aaawt.kiaa alaa at

Xa. r-- atone, aad mar art m aa w

IPrices are JLozv.W kaa a Ian ateak f

ts io: j: inFi 3? mfraaaa. tl.kaa koaae t Karri k. Bart.

l MM Pat Xo. Sat

For Sent or Sale., B1JI RCsraaCR with ilamilADBB1R Iw au ra .Mt f Coart Saaar.

eta-l- B. B. WJU

TalUwjo Tswa Pr-r- ty flir SklcIn HailltSVellc. .11(1.

7 1 lata ajrtar tan ear mm privately a a raaidaaaaj. an rratiin iret. ha nt alxht

wiaatiiMaryAVowaa ia -- nat tk tot

tati eweae neea pan a. I kaa to pa iksii aarrloevad tor tonaa, aaa., to B. D.Trap. awa.

not-- 1 w MtV." B. BABAtABB.




209 Cases Boots and Skoca,


100 Bales Jeans and Linseys,


ISO Bales Osttaharga,


50 Pieces Carpets,



Ready 3Iadc3otJiiof

TtUtttHBCtt tapSeae,


Conks, Shawls, etc.,

Tk Goad kav keen I tkl tltitiatliii itil iti. a

Candet, .Vlx ' Go..

"RRif?iTSrrr"B HeJ totert taa attmjiorUltoa ky au-ir- . aiLUKi Aira ,

Trustee's Sale of Real Bsfate.NOTIOR 1. stm Sttrvtraaf a af

eaente to . aa trwwe to ael twSl W.Barer, December lk, law. as rettoeratknta.ttrtOfflo, at Sktlkr eaaat.. T.aan.. laaaotKavM,puea ia and Ml. on xnh ninalir. IfBat. fta him, rbparmtat ef tw aofea ex to D . Taraer ft $JieaacQ r I wHI on ta Mtk day af rieoAki KMS il lafraat of lb atoM ef J. O. Lanier, fitork aa lockanctrr. oa th aoatk aato af Own, Saaaat, Waanhi.Tetaawae. at pahflt Jcliaa, to sit ttaktit hidlrr. f rtuk, a UadtaMvertdt a br el trta Ore. :,.-- :A eartalB tract r b mt tvml ataatA aamtr f Sktlkr. and Slate of Stoaaeaaet. aa. Ikattr ml ifetnpkia, eoetalaltaT d 89 ka aawaa of laatl. tktaa kiw tot B f B. 5. BoeiaatcfiaUltiiyaWipireafor ai arre af Ha.1 ow . awfH by aa. a Vrtt

ua mrrnn ir. 11 ma, raani parrel of a wool ofa aere afloue.u jpvra wtacaaeiea, a the aaHtia -a Jakn Rka S03Q aer araat. aa l ..ha taa uierp eawvere ttw s ir sevi er

narajir nrown, n. Browaaiyf il .

ia w jl. Trate

A. a. urr. .a. x. rxutnKUSD.

iS.ffllli.1COLUiV. f

Kwis aavcimptajlin Menkasts,iw nia4Son street.




pstteaawaUfSBtn aaltritot All II I Setae .,V raapi vCm ,1 mil jm tTaaataanaat. .

aka to an aajrai

Theatrical WardrobeAJtO


By A. S. Icvy t Co.,We. W)

TTT5 wfR Mt u leoat i ato a aa lATtrKBAT Veaajr.W Uettol a ', aCalartwtota1,1

WABjrar.BB AirpBTAOt

paaaiUv. a ltd J.ahk Co.. wharfboot.

A. a. LBVT. Aaettoaea.


--A.T AUCTION,BY A. S. liliYY 4i IO.

Me. 10 MADISON STltEKT.WEwMI aell al v raaea. m rnrt uf nut, BTZRT

a e o'clock, tanerrtot , Uaiii, T- -rattae, etc.. c.


ifiatrlTfS, Ittorirp, i-t-.

r. K. CUM....JAI. 9. WtLIIBO THOafe. fl'

f. Ii. UM 1 1OUR

M I'MR IN MilPlilS;

October 1, 1859.

ir1"""avawwVJhU. STOCK. mm mmtWm



$20,000 in Silver Wxe.

mm ii mi. m.wtisj A Pau. Aseotrntaarr op

Cntiew: Canes :



LltftaS M vaWtw' IsllMlM emnrc, Tfc, nc

uikatava! Sk tea nana aaaj i

"I net


Mr PneHitieaS.w ptp aa ant oa a haakaaa aa aaaaB a.piair

ittnli oar aa nwaa Up haxata. aa ha- - ar aaabe

ka wlthaow i m ill a a kaa4ae at eararsaaaaaOtaO wk)aftlaa aa 9a BnaanB avsT anaasasaaBwaaa1 w4ww

F H. WAW k CO,,JT. t Clark's Xarble Block.


LooiTOtfi-Gu- ss mss, SltTFREBKAiV &, CO..

fW. x a. raaanAa. f.anlia, aaaa.)M '".""" w' va atraov traa.aiiaiA otooi j aeapaia,Tewa., wsrr tawpwiBaaalMar SMt Mill Unit, Pier at Mall. Xto, aval

ptoi aa mum tm afaalaaaoa. Catota W.aba. Perora.1 aa Phttar titan, laaato Taatnto

la,a- - . etc.. aa keep tw aato Hi I I ran krada, Paanilaaa, wiaow shaaaa, T nl Hp UTa

tola. PVtaai ata.a. Me. Oar aatt utaeBa mm a .Miaikl w aa i br taxlraipa1in . a araaaa to aat an wnparlaet order . A esparioaco of erba iwaraaarkaaM wiu, w ii aat, oaatato aato area aaaatdoattoa to

ae af tki aatjaaiur.if. B. OK Pratao. ralUa aad VMitlaa ttlada M

tVnaaPa"t'l aVajtl BTaaaaBaOat jeBewOO

MAXSTAcrtraaa or a nbwa. a



lVSSIaZXSZS, T3S2ST3Nr.OLBPRAJiBS re-- wilk Conn to aalt tb Xye.

Jawohw, ate., CMwntBr repair "

aadwojuotiil.Svery San tacit wiBbe aiaj.lil) aslatal a the.MMtoaahl tao a.aiti to ttoBaotsaKlioa.pliaiat, oltker by dap or caadteliskt, with aejlau eaa

a tosatoeaon. witkout oooBalsaha sat mafetea r tatktae to tkmt M.IU

to b Tthaafaha aid mar. rs. aaattannrieamtaa. B a aaa, nar will I asoves

b a 1 M bawtaar aahDawlaMaf the aje. It ia aay pianatl avparlMM a aannmaiuwith tkoa Mpnioe til M nat I saak aalv-ra- ol

Pmaaa wtoaasara apar Sp.LlaclM i i ill aaa akr an Poat Oato I win aa a maun I I

Jvtnc fa pa Ucnlara aboal dlrorti.n.. 'iat of PI kaa, aeVe f iiauall a

1HV8RA!1AIT & S.BBS.SIS .Vatit Street.


Wooden anil Willow Ware.atork la now eap a. Jwat rrro:OVS twteaaaa Fania Baokertc

M Mt

Beta, CtoaM Platrt.

1 00 Mto toVto' kbVtr.' ' ,aatSbr

A "00 tot pattVeS kpm at Jaae arm., wtkk

iAJUfl T04XNV, MB 3tmm. HmmU

hWeMveaoC rboie 1

WimkattlnltoTara. x aiaaas.itn,

iiatMwinasanat - taatp.ev.akaaa

JAjjjMTorfliO,iaadBtoltaaosaT3aAa atrl--

. eAtapay ajk. mm- m-

h. .!fte'Rn,eyf " a mm oektknaa'tia tkaHa-tataa- at

rtMr,aaatea .in si, to. Unatpitli , attL. aa. X a ptoaa, m ttbMal

aaVaP?9( SSleML oVaWwaBw. Wtwa, EpaVNaO wTtaatpSarsta

awBkjrtiilnaan l i ts i ll CMI ana, mm ml tort.. JI1IBB Toaots

aK ktoaltaBiwka. atkVat.. aataaa--

Kciurnctl.BOP. P. CATiaalBACB aaaa. aaaea ta hi n il IIlllmili andiialim tkahaHi laiail ramdt.tto to aaM a aaM a aaprtatajbal aa th- -

Baal of. bo 71. m tot aaksa. v at tb hi tn al I

.of A. J Whtt 00 .St.. a Proa Bow

a. n. nr?- - -

laXaaO. tawUBst X AMIMlX


Oeraer Mala anefaHtatee s Sts tPTO'. 291 RIKE-Ir- S BliwSI

MenJiwfc! Tean.

ff n er.sanawRnBSTVi

L. B. AoaraW, afinitnB. C. ABt,W. SV SeHHw; Soatraalt.A.J. BlaAwX. OaHrat. Via.JA3 AniaiaiafeOlatoa. M

P R 0 S S UK'S P A T E X TIff VRkB) -

IKOWBOHE5I TsT35B.actio, net. a arr W aHttU. IBktJI MaiEVRBT tlTTSn?Iim tohW kert taaosrTaawCtoaoaY- - taoot Wiraad WHilctoao BrTab (ar AaWBffi Alt WMA3, rtt perwt4af

SiaS as batk aolea ar with Cowpltn -- tther otalatlile. T30XA3 PSOSJEJl a .io

IMa Tlalt airaatJtw