Members of the Royal Family

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  • 8/12/2019 Members of the Royal Family


    Members of the Royal Family

    support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the

    areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and stability.Those who

    undertake official duties are members of The Queen's close family: her children and their spouses, and

    The Queen's cousins (the children of ing !eorge "#'s brothers$ and their spouses.%ounger members of

    the &oyal amily who are presently in education or military training such as )rince *illiam and )rince+arry do not undertake official duties fulltime, but often play a role in important national events and

    commemorations.very year the &oyal amily as a whole carries out over -, official engagements

    throughout the / and worldwide. The &oyal amily also plays an important role in supporting and

    encouraging the public and charity sectors. 0bout 1, organisations list a member of the &oyal amily

    as patron or president.

    People always come into your life with a reason.

    There are so many things that are important in life to know and understand all types of people, knowing

    how to read people, knowing how to differentiate between being with the wrong people and the right

    people. #t is super important to surround yourself always with different types of people and get to know

    their mind set and to know their personality, traits, attitudes, actions, their trail of thought about things. #ts

    so imperative to know this. Some people come into your life as blessings because they are the right type

    of people to be with who are true to you, who would never lie to you, who would never betray you and

    your trust, someone who will always be your backbone, someone who will be part of your life and stay

    their with no strings attached. Some people come into your life as lessons. Sometimes friendships,

    relationships, do not pan out to be the way you would have e2pected to, and that is a learning e2perience

    on seeing people3s true colors to come out and see how a personality, attitude and character come into

    place with time. *ith time you will get to know people, and some people have the gift to read people

    instantly and know what they are all about with certain keywords, eye, facial movements, and body

    language. 4ife is too short. Things happen for a reason, everything in life that happens are for a valid

    reason, people come in and out of your life and that is another reason. *ere all on our own separate

    5ourney3s in life and most importantly who we take with us on that 5ourney and who we associate with.

    6e happy, positive, confident, optimistic in life. #f things are rocky, unstable and miserable for you now,

    always remember that everything works out in the end. !od is always there to protect us and to watch

    over us. 4earning valuable lessons in life and acting on it is something that will benefit you in future.

    0lthough sometimes people do not think it will, when you least e2pect it, something great will come out

    of everything with patience, perseverance, and determination. *hen we e2pect it, and when we keep

    doing that, it sometimes will take longer and it will not be the result you were looking for. don3t have too

    many e2pectations, don3t 5in2 yourself, don3t over e2ert yourself with things. 4et the right people come

    naturally. ventually !od will place you with the right crowd, and things will make sense.

    Diferrent countries have reputations for being good at different sports

    6ritain. 6ritain is a country where leisure time and the sporting life are taken seriously. There is

    widespread interest in most kinds of sport throughout 6ritain. The 6ritish invented the rules of many of

    the sports and games now played all over the world. The game of football or soccer was first played in6ritain and spread to other countries. 7ricket is sometimes called the nglish national game. #t is usually

    played by men and boys though there are teams of women and girls as well. )layers traditionally wear

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    white clothes. There are a lot of amateur cricket teams. 6owls is another outdoor summer game which

    has been played in 6ritain for centuries. 6owls is played on a specially prepared bowling green, a piece

    of ground covered with grass. 8o one is allowed on the green e2cept players wearing the correct kind of

    shoes. The 6ritish have a reputation for being mad about sports. #n fact they en5oy watching sports

    rather than playing them. The 6ritish are natural spectators and the most popular spectator sports are,

    undoubtedly, cricket and football. 4arge crowds attend occasions such as football and rugby union

    matches9 the *imbledon lawn tennis championships9 the classic horse races and international cricket

    matches. The 2ford7ambridge 6oat &ace is a traditional annual rowing race between teams from2ford /niversity and 7ambridge /niversity, held on a section of the river Thames in 4ondon. The 7up

    inal is one of the main annual competitions of the football season organi;ed on a knockout basis, with

    the final match played at *embley in 4ondon. *imbledon is a famous place, where the annual open

    lawn tennis championships are held. The *imbledon tournaments are regarded as the most important

    tennis events in the world. They draw large crowds of spectators. The /S0. Sports in the /S0 is a

    comple2, manysided phenomenon. 4ike many other aspects of 0merican life sports is one of the most

    profitable goods on the 0merican market. #t has become a social institution which influences education,

    economics, art, international relations. #t is widely used in 0merican political life.

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    discover them in you. Some may think reputation doesn't matter or shouldn't matter, that we should all

    focus on doing our best, on being our best, and let others think what they may. 7ertainly, # agree we

    should never seek to manipulate what others think about us (it never works in the long run anyway$, but

    to ignore the practical importance of a good reputation cheats us of many opportunities we might

    otherwise en5oy. 7aring about our reputation doesn't mean we need others to like us. #t means recogni;ing

    that as human beings we often can't help 5udging a book by its cover and that as long as the book itself is

    good there's nothing wrong with caring about having an attractive cover around it.

    The Scots, are a nation andethnic groupnative toScotland. +istorically they emerged from an

    amalgamation of the )ictsand !aels, incorporating neighbouring 6ritonsto the south as well

    as !ermanic peoplessuch as the0ngloSa2onsand the8orse.4ater the8ormansalso had some

    influence.There are people of Scottish descent in many countries other than Scotland. migration,

    influenced by factors such as the +ighlandand 4owland 7learances,Scottish participation in the 6ritish

    mpire,and latterly industrial decline and unemployment, resulted in Scottish people being found

    throughout the world. 4arge populations of Scottish people settled the newworld lands of8orthand

    South 0merica, 0ustralia and8ew Cealand.There is a Scottish presence at a particularly high level in

    7anada, which has the second largest population of descended Scots ancestry, after the /nited States.

    They took with them their Scottish languagesandculture.DEFGScotland has seen migration and settlement of

    peoples at different periods in its history.!ermanicpeople such as0nglesand Sa2onsarrived beginning

    in the Hth century while the8orsesettled many regions of Scotland from the Ith century onwards. #n

    the +igh

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    through it all, =my special tree= remained resolutely rooted to its spot.inally, spring arrived and

    from the branches of the beech tissuey, light green leaves emerged. #ts trunk, still scrawny, stood

    elegantly erect. Spring segued into summer, and the tissuelike leaves turned leathery. *hen

    summer flowed into fall, the emerald foliage changed to cinnamon and gold and the leather to

    parchment. 8e2t spring's leavestobe had already formed, tightly furled in long, pointy buds,snug in their protective shells along each twig.Then winter came, and the beech stood bare again,

    with its old lamentable look of vulnerability. 6ut now # knew how deceiving that appearance

    was. Sure enough, the little tree remained alive and well throughout that vicious winter, as well

    as through all the following ones since we first had met. #ts halfway hollowed trunk remains J

    halfway hollowed. #ts umbrellaprong branches continue spreading tran>uilly in their

    semioverhanging way. 0nd right on schedule every year, its leaves change again from tissue to

    leather to parchment.# never did discover how the little beech got damaged. 6ut later on, #

    learned that the vital portion of a tree is its sapwood, a living layer surrounding the woody inner

    core *ithin the sapwood, special vessels carry nutrients up and down the tree. 0bove the

    sapwood an ad5acent layer consists of cells forming wood for the tree's inside core and bark for

    its outside coat. #f in5ury occurs to any portion of the cambium, surrounding cells form a

    protective scar, allowing arboreal life to carry on.0nd so the fact remains: Kust like =my= little

    damaged beech, a tree does not need perfection to survive. *ith vital force intact, it can calmly

    continue life and growth, weathering storms through every season, year after year.4ife

    sometimes strips away from all of us J plant, animal, and man J what may look like essential

    parts9 it may deal what appears to be a mortal blow. %et often 5ust a thin, living layer somewhere

    within our depths can be enough.uenchable resilience, no matter what

    appearances may be.

    The human race is using up the arth's resources faster than ever before.

    *nvironmental devastation is not simply a waste of resources" it is a threat to the complex

    structures that support human development. !rgent attention must be paid to find a

    balance between human and environmental needs.1ater supplies and agricultural lands

    are coming under such increasing pressure that" if left unchecked" our planet will not be

    able to support us in future years./ver the past 23 years" the worlds population has tripled

    to 4.5 billion people" with water#use increasing six#fold" says the report. 0lready 637 million

    people live in 85 countries that lack water. 0nd the problem is likely to worsen as global

    the population is pro)ected to rise to eight billion by 9396.$y 9363" " :.9 billion people will

    be living in countries that cannot meet peoples daily basic needs. !nclean water and poor

    sanitation already kills over 59 million people every year.(ood production is also affected

    by environmental problems.

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    To accommodate the ;future population and improve their diets" the world will have to

    double food production.$ut since available cropland is shrinking" most production will have

    to come from higher yields rather than new cultivation.Global poverty cannot be alleviated

    without reversing the environmental damage caused by these increases in consumption

    and population levels.To reduce the burden on the planet" the report suggests" all efforts

    should be made to improve education and healthcare" as this would in turn reduce

    population growth.

    Love is blind but friendship is clairvoyantThis is the truestatement that a person could make. When you love, it can be blind, but if you

    are loving someone who has become your best friend, then it is clairvoyant. I think it is

    essential to have your best friend as your counterpart. Let me clarify. You meet someone. Yes

    you want to establish the romantic aspect of the relationship, but in that, you should be getting

    to know each other. he ends and outs of each other. You find out the things you love about

    that person. You confide in that person. hey are your true best friend. Someone who you rush

    to tell them about your day, whether good or bad. Some people are in relationships and can!teven talk to their counterpart. hey can!t open up and tell them how they are emotionally

    feeling. I am not one to "udge, because I am single, but I "ust don!t see how a relationship like

    that can last. I need the person that i am with to be everything for me. I want to be able to cry

    on their shoulder, laugh in their arms, feel confident in being able to discuss when I am angry.

    I know love is not perfect, hince the reason we love blindly, because we turn our eyes away

    from the things that are displeasing, but I believe that if you are loving someone whom you

    value as a friend, you can love their imperfections as much as you love them. #o one is perfect.

    If you!re looking for the perfect person, then you will always be looking. I like to say this,

    $You!re not perfect, but you are perfect for me. $ %or e&ample, someone may cuss every other

    word. %or some that may be an automatic turn off. %or others, they can "ust simply dismiss it.

    hat person may not be for someone, but can be perfect for another. I know I am rambling,but I know that I want my counterpart to be my everything. I want them to be my lover, my

    best friend, my family, and partner in 'hrist. %ind your perfect imperfection.