Melting Point - · •The melting point of ice is 273.16 K, i.e. 00 C. •The melting...


Transcript of Melting Point - · •The melting point of ice is 273.16 K, i.e. 00 C. •The melting...

  • Melting Point

    गलन ांक बबद ु

  • •The temperature, at which solid melt and transform into

    the liquid (at the given atmospheric pressure), is known as

    “melting point.”

    •The melting point of a solid is an indication of the

    strength of the force of attraction between its particles.

    •The melting point of ice is 273.16 K, i.e. 00 C.

    •The melting point of wax is 630C. The melting point of

    iron is 153500C

    •The process of melting (i.e. change of solid state into

    liquid state) is known as fusion.

  • Boiling or Vaporisation

    उब लन य व ष्पीकरण

  • •The process in which a liquid substance changes

    into a gas rapidly on heating, is called boiling.

    •The boiling point of alcohol is 780C, the boiling

    point of water is 1000C, whereas the boiling point of

    mercury is 3570C

    •The boiling point of a liquid is a measure of the

    force of attraction between its particles. Higher the

    boiling point of a liquid, grater will be the force of

    attraction between is particles.

  • Condensation


  • •The process of changing a gas (or vapour) to

    a liquid by cooling, is called condensation.

    when steam (or water vapour) changes into

    water on cooling, is called condensation

    •Condensation is the reverse of boiling (or


  • Freezing


  • The process of changing a liquid into a solid by

    cooling, is called freezing when water is cooled, it gets

    converted into a solid called ‘ice’. This is called

    freezing of water. Freezing means solidification.

  • Solution, Suspension and Colloid

    हवलयन, हनलांबन और कोल इड

  • Introduction/पररचयA pure substance is that that consists of single type of

    particle or particles.

    एक शुद्ध पद थथ वह ह ैहजसमें एक ही प्रक र के कण होत ेहैं।

    •Mixtures of two or more pure components without any

    undesirable substance are known as Mixtures, for

    example, water, minerals, soil etc.

    हबन ककसी अव ांछनीय पद थथ के दो य अहधक शुद्ध घटकों के हमश्रण

    को हमश्रण के रूप में ज न ज त ह,ै उद हरण के हलए, प नी, खहनज,

    हमट्टी आकद।

  • •A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is

    known as solution. For example, lemonade, soda water etc.

    दो य अहधक पद थों के एक सम ांगी हमश्रण को हवलयन के रूप में ज न

    ज त ह।ै उद हरण के हलए- नींब ूप नी, सोड प नी आकद।

    •Solution could be in any form such as – it could be in

    liquid, solid, or gaseous.

    हवलयन ककसी भी रूप में हो सकत ह ैजसै े- यह तरल, ठोस य गसैीय

    में हो सकत ह।ै

  • •Alloys are another example of mixture that contains

    homogeneous mixtures of metals; they cannot be separated

    into their components by physical methods. E.g. For

    example, brass is a mixture of zinc (approximately 30%)

    and copper (about 70%).

    हमश्र ध तु हमश्रण क एक और उद हरण ह ैहजसमें ध तुओं क सम ांगी

    हमश्रण होत ह;ै उन्हें भौहतक तरीकों स ेअपने घटकों में अलग नहीं

    ककय ज सकत ह।ै जसै ेउद हरण के हलए, पीतल जस्त (लगभग

    30%) और त ांब (लगभग 70%) क हमश्रण ह।ै

  • Significant Features of Solution

    हवलयन की महत्वपूणथ हवशेषत एां

  • •Solution is normally a homogeneous mixture. हवलयन एक

    सम ांगी हमश्रण ह।ै

    •The particles of a solution are even smaller than 1 nm (10-

    9 meter) in diameter and hence, these are not visible from

    the naked eyes.

    एक घोल के कण व्य स में 1 nm (10-9 मीटर) स ेभी छोटे होत ेहैं और

    इसहलए, य ेनग्न आांखों स ेकदख ई नहीं दतेे हैं।

    •The path of light is not visible in a solution.

    हवलयन में प्रक श क म गथ कदख ई नहीं दते ।

  • The dissolved particles cannot be separated

    from the mixture by the simple process of


    The dissolved particles do not settle down

    when it left undisturbed.

    हनस्पांदन की सरल प्रकिय द्व र भांग कणों को हमश्रण से

    अलग नहीं ककय ज सकत ह।ैहवघरटत होन ेपर

    हवघरटत कण नीचे नहीं बैठत ेहैं।

  • •At a given temperature, when no more solute can be

    dissolved in a solution, it is known as „saturated solution.‟

    ककसी कदए गए त पम न पर, जब ककसी घोल में अहधक घोल नहीं ड ल

    ज सकत , तो इस े'सांतृप्त घोल' के रूप में ज न ज त ह।ै

    •At a given temperature, the amount of the dissolved

    particles present in the saturated solution, is known as


    ककसी कदए गए त पम न पर, सांतृप्त घोल में मौजूद हवघरटत कणों की

    म त्र को हवलेयत के रूप में ज न ज त ह।ै

  • Types of solution / हवलयनSolution of Solid in a Solid

    एक ठोस में ठोस क हवलयन

    Metal alloys are the solutions of solids in solids. brass is a solution of zinc

    in copper

    ध त ुहमश्र ठोस पद थों में ठोस के हवलयन होत ेहैं। पीतल, त ांब ेमें जस्त क एक हवलयन


    Solution of Solid in a Liquid

    एक तरल में ठोस क हवलयन

    Sugar solution and salt solution are the solutions of solids in liquids.

    चीनी क घोल और नमक क घोल तरल पद थथ में ठोस पद थथ क घोल ह।ै

    Solution of Liquid in a Liquid

    तरल में तरल क हवलयन

    Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) in water.

    हसरक प नी में एहसरटक एहसड (एथनेोइक एहसड) क एक हवलयन ह।ै

    Solution of Gas in a Liquid

    एक तरल में गसै क हवलयन

    Soda-water is a solution of carbon dioxide gas in water.

    सोड -प नी प नी में क बथन ड इऑक्स इड गसै क एक हवलयन ह।ै

    Solution of Gas in a Gas

    गसै में गसै क हवलयन

    Air is a solution of gases like oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and water

    vapour, etc., in nitrogen gas.

    न इट्रोजन गसै में व य ुऑक्सीजन, आगथन, क बथन ड इऑक्स इड और जल व ष्प आकद

    गसैों क एक हवलयन ह।ै

  • Suspension/हनलांबनA suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which

    the solute particles do not dissolve, but rather

    remain suspended throughout the bulk of the

    medium, is known as „suspension.‟

    एक हनलांबन एक हवषम हमश्रण ह ैहजसमें हवलेय कण हवघरटत

    नहीं होते हैं, बहकक परेू मध्यम में हनलांहबत रहत ेहैं, इस े

    'हनलांबन' के रूप में ज न ज त ह।ै

  • Significant features of Suspension

    हनलांबन की महत्वपणूथ हवशेषत एां

    •Particles of a suspension are clearly visible from the

    naked eye.

    एक हनलांबन के कण नग्न आांखों स ेस्पष्ट रूप स ेकदख ई दतेे हैं।

    •The particles of a suspension scatter a beam of light that

    passes through it and likewise, its path is visible.

    हनलांबन म ेप्रक श ककरण गजु रने पर प्रक श ककरण हबखरती ह ै|

    •The salute particles can be separated from the mixture by

    the simple process of filtration.

    नमकीन कणों को हनस्पांदन की सरल प्रकिय द्व र हमश्रण स ेअलग

    ककय ज सकत ह।ै

  • Colloid/कोल यड़•A heterogeneous mixture is known as

    „colloid.‟ E.g. mist, fog, smoke, face cream,


    हवषम ांगी हमश्रण को 'कोल इड' के रूप में ज न ज त

    ह।ै ' धुांध, कोहर , धुआँ, फेस िीम इत्य कद।

  • •The size of colloid particles is too small to see from

    the naked eye.

    कोल इड कणों क आक र नग्न आांखों स ेदखेन ेके हलए बहुत

    छोट ह।ै

    •Colloid particles are big enough to scatter a beam

    of light passing through it and make the path


    कोल इड के कण बड़े होते हैं जो प्रक श के एक बीम को

    हबखरेत ेहैं और इसके म गथ को कदख ई दतेे हैं।

  • •Colloid particles cannot be separated from the

    mixture by the simple process of filtration.

    कोल इड कणों को हनस्पांदन की सरल प्रकिय द्व र हमश्रण स े

    अलग नहीं ककय ज सकत ह।ै

    •The special filtration technique i.e. centrifugation,

    can be used to separate the colloidal particles.

    हवशषे हनस्पांदन तकनीक य नी सेंट्रीफ्यूगशेन, कोल इडल कणों

    को अलग करन ेके हलए इस्तेम ल ककय ज सकत ह।ै

  • Chromatography/िोमैटोग्र फी The process of separation of components of a

    mixture is called as chromatography;

    normally it is used for the color separation.

    हमश्रण के घटकों के पृथक्करण की प्रकिय को

    िोमटैोग्र फी कह ज त ह;ै आमतौर पर इसक उपयोग

    रांग पृथक्करण के हलए ककय ज त ह।ै

  • •Chromatography technique is used for

    separation of those solutes that dissolve in

    the same solvent.

    िोमैटोग्र फी तकनीक क उपयोग उन हवलेय के

    पृथक्करण के हलए ककय ज त ह ैजो एक ही

    हवल यक में घुलते हैं।

  • Distillation/ आसवन•The process of purifying a liquid by heating

    and cooling means is known as distillation.

    हीटटग और कूबलग स धनों द्व र एक तरल को शुद्ध

    करन ेकी प्रकिय को आसवन के रूप में ज न ज त ह।ै

  • Crystallization/ किस्टलीकरणThe process that separates a pure solid in the

    form of its crystals from a solution is known

    as „crystallization.‟

    एक हवलयन से इसके किस्टल के रूप में एक शुद्ध ठोस

    को अलग करने व ली प्रकिय को 'किस्टलीकरण' के रूप

    में ज न ज त ह।ै '

  • Tyndall effectThe Tyndall effect, also known as Willis–Tyndall

    scattering, is light scattering by particles in a colloid or in a

    very fine suspension. It is named after the 19th-century

    physicist John Tyndall.

    ट इन्डल प्रभ व, हजस ेहवहलस-ट यांडॉल हबखरने के रूप में भी ज न

    ज त ह,ै कोल इड में कणों द्व र य हनलांबन में प्रक श प्रकीणथन ह।ै

    इसक न म 19 वीं सदी के भौहतक हवज्ञ नी जॉन टटडले के न म पर

    रख गय है

  • •Shining a flashlight beam into a glass of milk is an

    excellent demonstration of the Tyndall effect. You

    might want to use skim milk or else dilute the milk

    with a bit of water so you can see the effect of the

    colloid particles on the light beam.

    एक ग्ल स दधू में टॉचथ बीम चमक न टटडल प्रभ व क एक

    उत्कृष्ट प्रदशथन ह।ै हस्कम हमकक क उपयोग करें य कफर दधू को

    थोडे से प नी के स थ पतल करें त कक आप कोलोइड कणों के

    प्रक श ककरण पर प्रभ व दखे सकें ।

  • •An example of how the Tyndall effect scatters blue light

    may be seen in the blue color of smoke from motorcycles

    or two-stroke engines.

    ट यरांड इफेक्ट स्कैटर ब्ल ूल इट को मोटरस इककल य टू-स्ट्रोक इांजन स े

    धुएां के नील ेरांग में दखे ज सकत ह|ै

    •The visible beam of headlights in fog is caused by the

    Tyndall effect. The water droplets scatter the light, making

    the headlight beams visible.

    कोहरे में हडेल इट्स की कदख ई ककरण टटडॉल प्रभ व के क रण होती ह।ै

    प नी की बूांदें प्रक श को हबखरेती हैं, हजसस ेहडेल इट बीम कदख ई दतेी


  • •The Tyndall effect is used in commercial and lab settings

    to determine particle size of aerosols.

    एरोसोल के कण आक र को हनध थररत करने के हलए ट इन्डल प्रभ व क

    उपयोग व हणहययक और प्रयोगश ल सेटटग्स में ककय ज त है

    •Opalescent glass displays the Tyndall effect. The glass

    appears blue, yet light that shines through it appears


    ओपलेसेंट ग्ल स ट इन्डल प्रभ व को प्रदर्शशत करत ह।ै क ांच नील

    कदख ई दते ह,ै कफर भी प्रक श जो इसके म ध्यम स ेचमकत ह ैवह

    न रांगी कदख ई दते ह।ै

  • • Blue eye color is from Tyndall scattering through

    the translucent layer over the eye's iris.

    ब्लू आई कलर ट इन्डल स ेहोत ह,ै जो आांख की पररत ररक

    पर प रभ सी परत के म ध्यम स ेहबखरत ह।ै

  • Types of Glass

  • We know that glass is used for making many articles,

    but we cannot use same type of glass for making

    everything. This means that we need different types of

    glass for different purposes. These types of glass can be

    made by changing the chemical composition of

    ordinary glass.

    Now we will study different types of glass, their

    chemical composition and there uses.

  • 1. Soda Glass or Soft Glass or Ordinary Glass

    Soda glass is the cheapest and most commonly

    used glass. It is made by fusing a mixture of

    sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate and silica.

    It is called soda glass because it is prepared from

    soda ash or sodium carbonate. It is called soft

    glass because it becomes soft after heating.

    soda glass is prepared from soda ash or sodium


  • Uses:- Soda glass is used for making glass tumblers,

    mirrors, window panes, electric bulbs, bottles, and

    dishes etc.

  • 2. Potash Glass or Hard Glass

    It is prepared by fusing a mixture of

    potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate

    and silica. As its name indicates it is

    very hard and have high melting point.

    It is also more resistant to action of


  • Uses:- Hard glass is used for making hard

    glass laboratory apparatus.

  • 3. Optical Glass

    It is prepared by fusing

    potassium carbonate, lead oxide

    and silica.

  • Uses:- It is used for making lenses which are used in

    spectacles, cameras, microscopes, telescopes and other optical

    instruments. It is also used for making glass prisms.

  • 4. Pyrex Glass or Borosilicate


    It is made by fusing a mixture of

    sodium carbonate, potassium

    carbonate, calcium carbonate, silica,

    borax and aluminium oxide.

  • Uses:- It is used for making laboratory apparatus such as flasks, and

    beakers because it can withstand high temperature while heating

    without breaking. It is also used for making ampoules which are used

    for storing the medicines for injections. In our homes the utensils

    which are used in microwave ovens are made up of Pyrex glass.

  • 5. Safety Glass

    It is prepared by sandwiching a thin sheet of

    plastic between two layers of glass by applying suitable

    adhesive on both the sides. These three layers are then

    joined together by the action of pressure and heat to

    form a single sheet of safety glass. This glass is very

    strong. It cannot be broken into small pieces by hitting

    with heavy objects. That is why it is called safety glass.

  • Uses:- It is used mainly for making the

    windscreens of automobiles, trains and

    aeroplanes. It is also used for making bullet-proof


  • 6. Photo Chromatic Glass

    This glass has a unique property of becoming

    dark coloured when exposed to bright

    sunlight and coming back to original state

    when bright sunlight is removed. This

    happens due to the presence of a layer of

    silver bromide over it.

  • Uses:- This glass is used for making spectacles,

    cameras and goggles.

  • 7. Lead Crystal Glass

    It is made by fusing a mixture of

    potassium carbonate, lead oxide and


  • Uses:- This glass has the property of shining

    so it is used for making expensive glass


  • Colours in fireworks

    and glass

  • DLB 54

    Colours in fireworks

  • Red strontium salts,

    lithium salts

    lithium carbonate,

    Li2CO3 = red

    strontium carbonate,

    SrCO3 = bright red

  • DLB 56

  • Orange calcium salts calcium

    chloride, CaCl2calcium sulfate,


    where x = 0,2,3,5

  • DLB 58

  • Gold incandescence of iron

    (with carbon),

    charcoal, or


  • DLB 60

  • Yellow sodium compounds



    NaNO3 cryolite,


  • DLB 62

  • Electric White white-hot metal,


    as magnesium

    or aluminum

    barium oxide,


  • DLB 64

  • Green barium compounds +



    barium chloride,

    BaCl+ =

    bright green

  • DLB 66

  • Blue copper compounds +



    copper acetoarsenite

    (Paris Green),

    Cu3As2O3Cu(C2H3O2)2= blue copper (I)

    chloride, CuCl =

  • DLB 68

  • Purple mixture of strontium

    (red) and

    copper (blue)


  • DLB 70

  • Silver burning


    titanium, or


    powder or


  • DLB 73

    Colours in glass

  • DLB 74

    Selenium,copper Oxide(cu2o) -Red

  • DLB 75

    Chromic Oxide -Green

  • DLB 76

    Copper mono oxide - Blue

  • DLB 77

    Iron Oxide - Browns

  • DLB 78

    Manganese oxide-voilet colour


  • Introduction:

    •It is a smallest particle which may or may not exist freely.

    • It is a smallest unit of an element which takes part in a

    chemical reaction.


    •Atoms are building blocks of matter.

    •They are very small in size around 100 picometer. (10–12 m)

    •Atomic radius is measured in nanometer (1 nm = 10–9 m).

    •Atoms of most of the elements do not exist freely.

  • Symbols of Element •It is symbolic representation of name of element.

    •Dalton was the first scientist to use the symbols of elements.

    •He used symbols which meant a definite quantity of that

    element, that is one atom of an element.

    •Berzelius suggested that the symbols of elements can be

    made by first one or two letters of the name of elements.

  • • In the beginning, the names of elements were derived from the names

    of places from where they had been found first time

    e.g. The name of copper was taken from Cyprus.

    •Some names were taken from specific colours,

    e.g. Gold was taken from English word meaning yellow.

    • IUPAC approved the name of elements in those days.

    • The symbols of 12 elements are first letters of their names and in many

    elements it is first two letters.

  • •First letter is written in capital and second in small case,

    e.g. ‘Al' for Aluminium, Co for Cobalt.

    •Some names of elements have been derived from Latin,

    Greek or German.

    • Latin name of iron is Ferrum (Fe),

    • Sodium is Na from Natrium,

    •Potassium is K from Kalium.

    •They represent one atom of an element, e.g. as shown in the


  • Atomic Mass •The mass of an atom is called atomic mass.

    •Relative atomic mass: It is defined as number of times the given atom of

    an element is heavier than 1/12th of the mass of atom of carbon-12.

    •Relative atomic mass of an element is also defined as average mass of

    an atom as compared to 1/12th of the mass of one atom carbon-12,

    e.g. H= 1u, C = 12u, N = 14u, O = 16u, Na = 23u, Mg = 24u, Al = 27u =

    S = 32u

    Cl = 35.5u Ca = 40u, K = 39u, P = 31u Cu = 6.3.5u, Zn = 65u, Fe = 56u

    • Unified mass (atomic mass unit): It is equal to mass of 1/12th of the

    mass of 1 atom of C-12.

  • Molecule of Elements

    •It is mostly a group of two or more atoms which are chemically bønded

    together, i.e. strongly held together by force of attraction.

    •It is a smallest particle of an element which is capable of free existence.

    Atoms of same or different elements join together to form a molecule.

  • Monoatomic: These elements exist as single



    He, Ne, Al, Kr,

    Xe, Rn, Na, K,

    sFe, Al, Cu, C.

  • Diatomic: These elements exist as two atoms

    bonded together,


    O2, N2,

    Br2, C12,

    H2, I2.

  • •Triatomic: These molecules contain three atoms

    e.g. Ozone (O3)

    •Tetratomic: Molecules made up of four atoms,

    e.g. P4•Octatomic: Molecules made up of eight atoms,

    e.g. S8

  • Molecules of Compounds •Atoms of the different elements combine together in a

    definite proportion to form molecules of the compounds, e.g.

    H2O (water), NH3 (ammonia), CO2 (Carbon dioxide), CH.

    (Methane), CO (Carbon monoxide).

    •Each molecule has atoms in a fixed ratio by mass, e.g. in H2O

    is 2:16 i.e., 1:8. In NH, the ratio is 14 : 3 by mass.

  • Ions •The charged species are known as ions.

    •Positively charged ion is called a cation, e.g. K+, Na+, Ca2+,

    Mg2+, Al3+, Fe2+.

    •Negatively charged ion is called an anions, e.g. Cl-, Br-, O2-

    ,S2-,N3- .

    •A group of atoms carrying a charge is called polyatomic ion.

    Those compounds which are formed from ions of opposite

    charge in a fixed proportion are called ionic compounds, e.g.

    CaO has Ca2+ and 02- in the ratio of 5:2, MgO has Mg2+ and

    O2- in ratio of 3 : 2, NaCl has Na+ and Cl- in ratio of 23 : 35.5.

  • Molecular Mass• It is the sum of atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule

    of that substance,

    • e.g. molecular mass of H20 = 2*H +1*O = 2 1+1 x 16 = 18 u.

    •Formula Unit Mass- It is sum of atomic mass of ions and

    atoms present in a formula for an ionic compound,

    •e.g. NaCl has 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 u as formula unit mass.

  • Rules for Writing Chemical Formula

    •We first write symbol of elements which are present

    in a compound.

    •Below the symbol of each element, we write valency.

    •Now we cross over the valencies of combining atoms.

    •With first atom, we write the valency of second atom

    (as a subscript)

    With second atom, we write, the valency of the first

    atom (as a subscript).

  • •The valencies or charge on atom must be

    balanced (equal).

    •When metal and non-metals are present in a

    compound, symbols of metals are written first

    and then non-metals on the right side.