MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP,...

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment Haipeng Wang Lijun Mao (Experiment) at IMP and Yuhong Zhang, (LDRD 2014 PI) and He Zhang (Cooling Simulation) at JLab Thanks also for contribution from Jie Li, Xiaoming Ma, and He Zhao, IMP, China and ChinaVasily Parkhomchuk and Vladimir Reva1, BINP, Russia

Transcript of MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP,...

Page 1: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment Haipeng Wang

Lijun Mao (Experiment) at IMP and Yuhong Zhang, (LDRD 2014 PI) and He Zhang (Cooling Simulation) at JLab

Thanks also for contribution from

Jie Li, Xiaoming Ma, and He Zhao, IMP, China and

ChinaVasily Parkhomchuk and Vladimir Reva1, BINP, Russia

Page 2: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

HIREL-CSR Layout and Performance Specification

EC-35 cooler


Circumference (m) 161.0014 128.8011

Geometry Race-track Race-track

Max. energy (MeV/u) 900 (C6+) 400 (U72+)

1100 (C6+)

2800 (p)

600(C6+) 400(U90+)



B (Tm) 0.91/10.64 0.81/12.04 1.20/8.40 0.50/9.00

B(T) 0.12/1.40 0.10/1.59 0.20/1.40 0.08/1.50

Ramping rate (T/s) 0.05 ~ 0.4 0.1 ~ 0.2

Repeating circle (s) ~ 17 (~10s for Accumulation )

Acceptance Normal mode

A h ( mm-mrad) 200 (p/p = 0.15 %) 150 (p/p =0.5%)

A v ( mm-mrad) 30 75

p/p (%) 1.25 (h= 50 mm-mrad)

2.6 (h= 10 mm-mrad)


Ion energy (MeV/u) 8---50 25---400 10---450

length (m) 4.0 4.0

RF system Accel. Accum. Capture

Harmonic number 1 16, 32,64 1

fmin/fmax (MHz) 0.24/1.81 6.0 / 14.0 0.5 / 2.0

Voltages (n kV) 1 7.0 1 20.0 2 10.0

Vacuum (mbar) 6.0 10-11 (3.0 10-11)

Page 3: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Proposed Bunched Electron Cooling Experiment Parameters

Page 4: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

EC-35 DC Cooler and Commissioned Performance

1—electron gun, 2—electrostatic bending plates, 3—toroid, 4—solenoid of cooling section, 5—magnet platform, 6—collector for electron beam, 7—dipole corrector, 8—vacuum flange for CSRm. Two BPMs placed in the cooling station, one is at upstream of electron beam at gun side in position 9, another one is at downstream collector side in the mirror symmetric position relative to 9.

• vacuum 21011 mbar,• high voltage 20 kV,• electron beam current 1.6 A,• collector efficiency >99.99%,• angle of magnetic field line in

cooling section <210-5

Commissioned in March 2003

Page 5: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Terminal Circuit Diagram and Average Current Measurement

ions electronsCollector efficiency

Page 6: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

EC-35 RF Modulation + DC Bias Scheme for Bunched Electron Beam Formation

bunch length

fm3 MHz

Page 7: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Beam Diagnostic Devices for Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment

Parameters EC35-electron CSRm-ions Data-acquisition

average beam current

dc readings on PSs, sampling resistors


existing calibra. and DAS

peak beam current mod. freq. fm rf or harmonic freqs n*f0 fiber optical link readout

Beam position capacitive BPMs capacitive BPMs existing calibra. and DAS

Beam trans.-profile capacitive BPMs(off-line screen)

residual gas BPMs DAS

Beam long.-profile resonant BCMson BPMs

resonant BCMson BPMs or DCCTs

fast scope and on-line DAS

Cooling rates n.a. Schorttky resonator and pickups

fast scope and on-line DASOff-line side-band signal analysis

• existing • modification • new installation

Page 8: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

RF Amplifier Resonant Circuit Design, Prototype and test Result

Courtesy of Dr. L.J. Mao, IMP

Input ( mV p-p)

Output ( V p-p)

100 4.63 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900



simulations Output voltage and impedance measurements

Bench prototype circuit

Page 9: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Electron Gun Simulation by CST EM-Static and PS Tracking Solvers

E-potential E-field-am

Solid beam Hollow beam

Page 10: MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015) Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at IMP, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo Experiment.

MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Solid to Hollow Beam Formation in Simulation and Experiments

• Reduction of transversal instability of cooled ion beam. It may be achieved by using the electron beam with the density increasing radially but low at the center.

• Problems arisen due to space charge effect may be partially solved by using the hollow electron beam with low transversal electric field near its center.

• Reduction of the effect of recombination between the accumulated ions and the electron beam.

• Suppress the electron heating effect in the center

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Existing BPM Devices at EC-35 Cooler and CSRm Ring

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Capacitive Beam Pickup Principles and Sensitivity to Beam Current

Our bunched beam electron cooling experiment is at the range of 0.121~0.247. So either type of the pickup is OK for the BCM

For RCs <<1, fm<<fc, R is preferred in low resistance for high roll-off frequency fc.

Too weak!We need to modify the external circuit of BPM to be a resonant circuit in order to improve the bunch edge sensitivity and S/N ratio.

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Modification Suggestion to Existing BPM External Circuits to BCM

• Can tune harmonic of the ion accelerating frequency f0 and electron modulation frequency fm separately on different BPMs if not synchronized

• Detune due to the resistive loss is small and the inductance can be compensated by a tunable inductor element.

• Bunch beam charging time t >> the resonance RLC circuit (or cavity) filling time Q/r. Say 2 times at least. So the induced voltage V(t) will not drop between the bunches 1/f0-t.

• Data sampling rate fs has to be fast enough to resolve the bunch rise time scale of ~10ns.

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

1D Signal Calculation for Square Bunch and Ring-shape Pickup

Electron (red solid line) and ion (green solid line) bunch signals picked up by modified capacitive type BCM plates and their bunch shapes (dashed red line for electron, dashed green line for ion) calculated by MathCAD program for =0.121, average beam currents of 70mA for electron and 3mA for 12C+6. The voltage signal is picked up on the total shunt resistor of R=150. The voltage signal gain on the ion current is 40dB (80dB in power) for this display. In this calculation example, there are 7 electron bunches with in one ion bunch.

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

1D Signal Calculation for Gaussian Bunch and Ring-shape Pickup

Gaussian bunch shape distribution (black) in 7ns (rms) bunch length current picked up by 50 shunt impedance’s voltage (red, calculation) and comparison to the experimental data (blue) for one of 12C+6 bunches accelerated in the CSRm ring at the 0.5 velocity. The blue data is measured by a fast oscilloscope on a Ls=15cm pickup cylinder. The voltage gain of such signal is ~350. The ion current is ~3A. Signal ringing on the back is due to the pickup circuit.

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Resonant Signal Processing and Sampling Rate to Improve S/N

Res. BCMs E-cooler Ion-ring

voltage gain 0 dB 40 dB

sensitivity 7.8V/70mA 6.2mV/3.2uA

S/N n.a. 1938

sampling rate 2131.2 MHz

frequency 103MHz 10frf tunable

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

BCM Resonant Circuit Design Parameters

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)

Using Longitudinal Schottky Diodes to Measure the Cooling Rates

Courtesy of Dr. L.J. Mao, IMP

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)


• Bunched electron Beam Cooling Demo Experiment at IMP has been proposed in 2014 at JLab and carried out by the collaboration team at 2015 with JLab LDRD fund and IMP internal fund.

• HV power supplies and RF amplifier hardware are under commissioning for the electron beam modulation scheme

• Demo experiment is scheduled in 2016• Modification of IMP CSRm BPM system into a BCM measurement device to

measure the beam bunch length and peak current is possible for our demo bunched electron cooling experiment

• Using existing EC-35 BPM system, a minor circuit modification (or using sum/diff. combined signals) using a resonant circuit is possible for the electron bunch length and shape measurement

• Modification to resonant Schottky, using Palmer pickup devices (in CSRs ring only), extraction kicker in CSRe ring (under the study) for the ion beam bunch length and current measurement will greatly increase the S/N ratio. The new BCM circuit design parameters have been specified.

• EC-35 Cooler and CSRm ring can do all of these schemes for the demo experiment: DC to coasting, bunch to coasting and bunch to bunch, synchronization and non-sychronization

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MEIC Collaboration Meeting (October 5-7, 2015)


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