Medical Record for Medical Scribes

The Medical Record The Medical Scribe’s Role


The demand is growing for Medical Scribes. If you are looking for a new career and love the mix of medical language and technology, and want a challenging career with a bright future, this is for you!

Transcript of Medical Record for Medical Scribes

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The Medical Record

The Medical Scribe’s Role

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The medical record is an important part of the patient’s care in the clinic or emergency room.

The information a scribe records on the chart could affect how the patient is managed currently or in the future.

The Medical Record

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To communicate relevant information to other medical personnel.

It is a legal document that can be presented in a court of law.

Functions of the Medical Record

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A physician may be asked to testify in cases of:◦Rape◦Homicide◦Assault◦Child abuse◦Civil procedures involving personal injury

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The method used in charting the patient’s stay through the clinic/ED must follow a logical progression.

The most common method is to consider the chart to have four generalized sections:◦Subjective◦Objective◦Assessment◦Plan


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The Subjective portion includes: ◦Chief Complaint (CC)◦History of Present Illness (HPI)◦Review of Systems (ROS)◦Past Medical History (PMHx)◦Family History (FHx)◦Social History (SHx)


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The Subjective section pertains to any information that the patient and/or family states.

This information is dependent upon the patient’s condition, beliefs, personality, etc.

This section will contain the patient’s story in his/her own words.


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Chief Complaint◦The main reason the patient has come to the clinic/ED.

◦Every chart must have a Chief Complaint.◦A short statement in the first sentence of the HPI identifying why the patient has come to the clinic/ED.

◦Should be in the patient’s own words (if possible).

SubjectiveChief Complaint (CC)

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History of Present Illness (HPI)◦Explains the Chief Complaint.◦Describes why the patient is in the clinic/ED and lists any pertinent positives and negatives.

◦This should be in a narrative paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences depending on the severity of the patient’s condition.

◦The HPI is a chronological description of the development of the patient’s present illness from the first sign/symptom or from the previous encounter to the present.

SubjectiveHistory of Present Illness (HPI)

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8 dimensions of HPI - directly related to Chief Complaint◦Location◦Quality◦Severity◦Duration◦Timing◦Context ◦Modifying factors◦Associated signs and symptoms

SubjectiveHistory of Present Illness (HPI)

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Location◦A place on the body Examples: R flank, midsternal chest, etc.

Quality ◦Description of the complaint Constant, dull, crampy, intermittent, etc.

Severity◦How bad is it? ◦Usually on a scale of 1 to 10 Examples: Acute, mild/moderate/severe,

7/10, 3 pads in the last hour, etc.

SubjectiveHistory of Present Illness (HPI)

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Duration◦How long do the episodes last? Examples: 30 seconds each, 5 years, etc.

Timing◦When did it start? Examples: 3:00 AM, this afternoon, etc.

Context◦What were you doing when it happened? Examples: Running laps, just ate 7 doughnuts, awoken from sleep, etc.

SubjectiveHistory of Present Illness (HPI)

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Modifying factors◦What makes it better or worse? Examples: Worse with activity, improve with nitroglycerin, increased pain with movement.

Associated signs and symptoms◦Any other symptoms Examples: If CC is chest pain, associated with diaphoresis and N/V.

SubjectiveHistory of Present Illness (HPI)

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A review of the patient’s past medical, social history, and family medical history.

Depending on the circumstances or encounter, the patient’s Chief Complaint could be an indication of a complication of, or a result of, a preexisting condition or the patient’s past medical history.

SubjectivePast Medical, Social, and Family History

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Past Medical History (PMHx)◦Includes injuries, chronic illnesses, and surgeries.

Social History (SHx)◦Identifies behavioral risks such as tobacco alcohol, or drug use.

Family History (FHx)◦Includes relevant past family medical information.

SubjectivePast Medical, Social, and Family History

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Past Medical History (PMHx)◦ Hypertension (HTN), coronary artery disease

(CAD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes (DM), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), cancer (Ca).

Past Surgical History ◦ A subcategory under PMHx.

Social History (SHx)◦ Tobacco use (Tob), alcohol use (EtOH),

intravenous drug use (IVDA), living situation (lives alone, lives with others, nursing home, or lives at home with parents).

Family History (FHx)◦ Includes genetic traits, DM, Ca, cardiac disease,


SubjectivePast Medical, Social, and Family History

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Common ROS:◦ General◦ Eyes◦ ENT◦ CVS◦ Resp◦ GI◦ GU

SubjectiveReview of Systems (ROS)

Identifies any recent symptoms the patient may have other than the current illness.

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A Review of Systems is an inventory of body systems obtained through a series of questions seeking to identify signs and/or symptoms which the patient may be experiencing or has experienced.

SubjectiveReview of Systems (ROS)

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General Symptoms ◦ e.g. diaphoresis, cold symptoms, fever, chills.

Eyes◦ e.g. Visual changes, blindness, ophthalmoplegia, blurry, eye pain,

discharge. Ear, Nose, Throat, Mouth

◦ e.g. dysphagia, tinnitus, epistaxis, rhinorrhea. Cardiovascular

◦ e.g. palpitations, edema, cyanosis, dyspnea on exertion, CP. Respiratory

◦ e.g. SOB/dyspnea, wheezing, cough. Gastrointestinal

◦ e.g. dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dysuria, vaginal bleeding. Musculoskeletal

◦ e.g. arthralgia, myalgia.

SubjectiveReview of Systems (ROS)

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Skin/Breast◦e.g. rashes, hives, discoloration, pallor,

mastectomy. Neurological

◦e.g. H/A, dizziness, LOC, numbness, paresthesia.

Psychiatric◦e.g. suicidal, depressed.

Endocrine◦e.g. cold intolerance, heat intolerance,

polydipsia, polyuria. Hematologic

◦e.g. active bleeding, easy bruising.

SubjectiveReview of Systems (ROS)

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EXCEPTIONS: ◦ If a patient is unable to provide any information

due to severity of illness, inebriation, intubation, unconscious, etc., you may check the “Unable to obtain HPI/ROS/PMFHSH secondary to pt’s condition.

◦Be careful when using this caveat, and only use it if it really applies (HPI, Past Medical/Social/Family History, and ROS only).

◦Ask the physician for clarification when needed. ◦Speaking another language is not an exception.◦Physical exam must be documented.

SubjectiveReview of Systems (ROS)

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The Objective portion includes:◦Physical Exam◦Medical Decision-Making Elements


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The Objective section contains information that is obtained through observation and testing and is independent of an individual’s interpretation.


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Physical Examination (PEx)◦Information is more medically-oriented ◦Information elicited through observation, palpitation, percussion, and auscultation.

Medical Decision Making (MDM)◦Documented under “Progress Notes” and contains Differential Diagnosis, Progress notes, attending note.


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Differential Diagnosis (DDx)◦Lists the different conditions that testing will rule out.

Progress Notes◦Any new subjective information provided by the patient and any new or changed findings upon reexamination of the patient.


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Example:Re-eval at 1532 – Pt states she is improved. Nausea resolved. PEx: Abd soft, NT/ND, nl active BS. Pt will be discharged and f/u with PMD advised within 24 hours.

ObjectiveProgress Notes

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Attending Note◦Recorded when a physician oversees a resident case.

◦This will follow the SOAP format. ◦Example:

A) Attending Note: Reviewed and agree c Hx.B) PEx – GI: abd soft, NT, CVS: RRR s MGR. RESP: Lungs CTA.C) A: UTI vs. Kidney stoneD) P: Labs, CT abd/pelvis r/o stone


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The Assessment portion includes:◦Diagnosis: The physician’s impression of the patient after combining the information in both the Subjective & Objective sections.


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The Plan consists of:◦How the physician manages the patient’s care after the final diagnosis has been identified and can include:

Admission◦Ensure that the chart has been coded to the appropriate level and enter admission information.

Discharge Instructions◦Lists the various treatments, medications prescribed, work status, precautions, and followup care the patient needs.


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Level 1: Visits requiring very minor care. This level is seldom used in the ED but would be used in a clinic setting.◦ Removal of sutures from a well-healed, uncomplicated laceration.◦ Tetanus toxoid immunization; Depo-Provera injection; hormone injections.◦ Several uncomplicated insect bites.

Level 2: Diagnosis reached without the aid of any labs or x-rays. ◦ Painful sunburn with blister formation on the back in an otherwise healthy

patient.◦ Child presenting with impetigo localized to the face.◦ Minor traumatic injury of an extremity with localized pain, swelling, and bruising.◦ Red, swollen cystic lesion on patient’s back in an otherwise healthy patient.◦ Rash on both legs after exposure to poison ivy.◦ Inflamed sclerae and purulent discharge from both eyes without pain, visual

disturbance, or history of foreign body in either eye in an otherwise healthy patient.

Five E/M Coding Levels

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Level 3: Visits requiring minor lab work such as CBC, U/A, or a few x-rays.◦ Well-appearing child who has a fever, diarrhea, and

abdominal cramps and is tolerating oral fluid.◦ Inversion ankle injury, patient is unable to bear

weight on the injured foot and ankle. ◦ Acute pain associated with a suspected foreign body

in the painful eye.◦ Blunt head injury with local swelling and bruising

without subsequent confusion, loss of consciousness, or memory deficit in an otherwise young and healthy adult.

Level 4: Visits requiring extensive lab workup or CT scan.◦ Child sustaining a head injury (falling off bicycle)

with brief loss of consciousness.◦ Elderly patient who has fallen and complaining of

pain in the right hip with inability to ambulate. ◦ Flank pain and hematuria without fever.◦ Lower abdominal pain and a vaginal discharge.

Five E/M Coding Levels

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Level 5: Visits requiring admission into the hospital, critical care patients.◦ Complicated overdose requiring aggressive

management to prevent side effects from the ingested materials.

◦ New onset of palpitations/tachycardia requiring IV drugs.

◦ Active upper gastrointestinal bleeding.◦ Motor vehicle accident with intraabdominal injuries or

multiple extremity injuries.◦ Acute onset of chest pain compatible with symptoms

of cardiac ischemia and/or pulmonary embolus.◦ Sudden onset of “the worst headache of my life” with

associated meningismus, nausea, and vomiting.◦ New onset of a cerebral vascular accident.◦ Acute febrile illness in an adult, associated with

shortness of breath and an altered level of alertness.

Five E/M Coding Levels