Media slide show 2


Transcript of Media slide show 2

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• I like this album cover and think it works well as it portrays Rihnanna just as you would imagine her from her genre of music, fierce, sexy and modern which is exactly the image of the artist on the front of the CD cover creates. The 'R' standing for her name is styled in a bold font, this works well as her music and personality is bold, so it’s a great link. The colours are mainly dark, with the exception of her lips which I think is because that's where the music comes from so they need to be bright and make a point.

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• This album cover seems very strange, and unique because of the motorbike turned into a human being, the reason this is like this is because it reflects on the type of music Lady GaGa sings, the songs she has come out with are very weird and unique so the cover of this album gives you a taste of the songs inside and the sort of thing you would expect to hear. The colours are dark in the background and the only things that are brighter is the album name and Lady GaGa herself, this is because these are the most important aspects of the album. The font is bulky, usually it would be slim and feminine on female artists covers, however it isn't here because Lady GaGa as we know her isn't girly, she is herself and very odd, she likes to be different therefore her album cover isn't as we would expect it to be. The special effect of the glow is used well as it makes the album cover more eye catching, and perhaps comes across as more special than other CD covers.

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• The colour purple is very girly so this would appeal well to everyone as it's girls who are the target audience, not so much boys. The font used is typical for female album covers, its tall, thin and simple; this instantly makes it more feminine as you wouldn't expect the font to be chunky, bold and ugly. The artists dressed in Black makes them stand out from the rest of the album, partly because it contrasts with all the lighter colours in the background but also because it makes the girls look more attractive in a slim, black outfit. It instantly draws your eyes to them and then allows you to recognise who’s album it is.

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• I like this album cover as it sums up the album straight away, the emotions on there faces and the effects used give off a negative, dark image which is exactly the music going on inside. The colour Red used works well also as the connotations of Red are blood, death and danger; this again creates the negative image, especially the use of the devils horn and tail which is the link to the main song in the album ‘highway to hell’. The font is sharp, bold, thick and gothic which is effective to us because it gives us a great impression on the genre of the music and all the minor details of the album all click together to work as a whole and allows us to understand the album before listening to it.