Media Evaluation

Media Evaluation By Callum Sands

Transcript of Media Evaluation

Page 1: Media Evaluation

Media Evaluation


Callum Sands

Page 2: Media Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The media products that I mainly looked at for the development of my trailer were the films Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream and Friday the 13th. I watched both the films and the trailers for inspiration. I liked how the trailers used a convention in which they give a brief story line but also use a cut-by-cut technique to show a series of snapshots where all the action happens in the film. I liked this technique and I wanted to explore this in my trailer.


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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Other media products I have looked at are the films Scream4 and the remakes of Halloween 2 and A Nightmare on Elm Street. To allow my product to be taken seriously I wanted to address the theme of remake’s in a similar way to that of Scream 4 to keep the project modern.

It also challenges the Scream franchise on tackling awareness of horror film cliché as Scream is now apart of this. Therefore creating A more complex take on the theme of a film within a film.

Another component I think that challenges these already existing media products is that I'm taking these iconic scenes and costumes, which is selling point, that audiences are all ready familiar with but throwing them at the audience in a different with added twists. Also the British setting and culture gives my project an immediate different look and tone.

This blog entry discusses how I have looked at existing media products and how they will be used in my work.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My trailer uses codes and conventions that are used in trailers in general as the first thing you see is the name of the production company. Which helps not only sell the product but also helps the audience in their decision to see the film or not as they can look back at the company’s previous films that they have produced.

Company logo, also links with the red H’s used in the text throughout the trailer.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Other codes and conventions used in horror trailer in general are how tension is created and the music which develop as the trailer goes on. This helps establish this as stereotypical horror trailer. Another code and convention used is the speed of the trailer. I have cut together short clips of the scary moments of the film which causes the trailer to be more intense for the audience.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


When developing my magazine cover I looked at two already established magazine’s, Fangoria and Entertainment Weekly.

One of the conventions I used was the masthead. As you can see my masthead dominates the top of the magazine and is powerful and sinister looking which can be linked to Fangoria masthead design as that is also powerful and sinister look and also emphasis’ this as a horror magazine. Fangoria’s masthead stands out against the image where as mine is less obvious. Also my masthead is layered on

top of my image like Fangoria’s.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Another convention I developed was the font style. The font style used on my magazine cover helps establish this magazine as a horror special where as Fangoria uses this convention to everyone of their covers.

Also like Fangoria I have used my main character on the cover. But its not as obvious as on Fangoria’s, as there you clearly see who she is in the image and also her name is revealed on the banner at the bottom which is also a selling point. On my cover the character’s identity is concealed and the costume helps link the image to the film without giving too much away. This was done intentionally as I want the audience to see this cover and my poster and then want to find out more and watch the trailer. If you notice in the trailer the main character is wearing the same costume as featured on the cover and begs the question, ‘Is she the killer?’. This is a selling point as it would make the audience want to see the film and find out. Another selling point would be the mask, I’m not relying on the actors featured in this film or the people involved but I’m relying on the costumes as they are iconic images in horror.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I used a long angled shot on picture as it helps create stature of the character so you get a real sense of fear. The background is another convention I developed as the white background helps the character and font stand out and also links with the colour of the mask. Fangoria uses a close-up of the characters face with a black background. A convention that both covers share is the contrast of the image with the colour of the text.

My costume helps the cover as its an iconic image but used in a new film which as I’ve said helps sell the product. Also this is why the puff about the film is so small.

Other puffs/plugs on the cover emphasis the horror content of the magazine like Fangoria. Also there is emphasis on special issue too.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Another convention I developed in my magazine cover is that there is a clear colour trend. Like Entertainment Weekly my magazine uses the colours red, black and white.

Black and White mask

Red text, Red background

White background, White text

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


A code and convention that both my poster and Scream 4’s poster share is that both feature an eye catching image of the main killer, or in my case one of the main killers, of the film which helps promote the film regardless of the plot which helps create a feeling of mystery.

Codes and conventions that both posters share are the colour scheme of black and white, both use a close up on the mask; which shows no expression which makes the image scarier. The names of the films standout against the black background as well as the tagline, which has clearer importance.

The tagline hints at the plot but doesn't give too much away and also links to the image. The colour red establishes this as a horror film as red is symbolic of blood anger and hate. The date also links to real media products as it allows audience’s to find out when the film will be released.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination and ancillary texts gives the audience a taste of the different aspects of the film but in different forms. There is a clear horror feeling in all three aspects.

One similarity that is clear in all three forms of the film project is the colour scheme of red, black and white. The only difference I can really see is that the trailer offers more in detail of the plot of the film.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The poster and magazine helps give a sense of character. They also help give a hint of the plot and there fore would make audiences go and see the film.

The different costume’s featured both on the magazine and poster also give a hint of the plot as there are more than one iconic image involved with the film. Also the audience would notice once they’ve watched the trailer that the main character is on the magazine cover masked.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Also the combination of my main product and ancillary texts appeals to my target audience as the iconic images of the costumes appeals to the teenage demographic. The magazine cover plays on codes and conventions which helps separate the cover from the trailer.

The ancillary texts on the main product help give a sense of plot.

The poster features less ancillary texts which helps create a sense of mystery surrounding the plot. The tagline also gives a subtle hint at the plot as well. All of these ancillary texts help increase the audience’s level of intrigue.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my main products and ancillary texts has proven effective.

With the trailer the text helps reveal parts of the plot combined with the music help establish this as a stereotypical horror trailer.

The images featured on the poster and magazine both hint at the plot and also the red fonts used links to codes and conventions that both products share and also visually stimulate the audience as red conveys feelings of hate and anger. It is also symbolic of blood.

Ancillary texts used in all three products have colour scheme’s that match. Red, white and black.

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

During a focus group the majority of the feed back was positive with only one negative comment. The only negativity from the focus was regarding the titles as I only had basic titles as I was waiting for more feedback if I needed to make any other alterations to the trailer. Positive reception came in the form of clear plot, the scares, clear footage, high quality imagery and the codes and conventions of a good horror film.

The reception of both the poster and the magazine were well received as well. Audiences liked the codes and conventions of the products which allow them to make a clear assumption of horror. The colours help make the images standout on both the posters and magazine covers and also emphasis on the horror theme.

Focus Group Questions

Do you understand the narrative?What don't you like about the like about the trailer?

What do you look like about the trailer?Would you see this film in the cinema?

Do you think this film appeals to teenagers and young adults?

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I’ve had many likes on my Facebook page and many positive comments from people who have seen the trailer. Also as you can see from the image above I’ve had 61 views on YouTube, 2 likes and a comment from a user on YouTube too.