Media cw pp

Evaluation By George Fernberg



Transcript of Media cw pp

  • 1. Firstly I will start with my masthead. The name of my magazine is Turn Up. I wanted this to stand and be evident to my target audience, by enforcing this I made the mast head bold and used the colour black to help it stand out. I think this not only stands out but also relates to my genre, the colours black read and white are all colours associated with the genre of rap. I chose Turn Up as the name of my magazine because I personally think it is engaging with my target audience. I researched many different types of front cover from various magazines and found that magazines such as VIBE and XXL are the ones that I tried to imitate and get ideas from to create my masthead. Next I will move onto how my mise en scene I use relates to a real magazine. Firstly my location. I used several locations to obtain different images and then tried to integrate them into a general feeling and emotion of each page. I also tried to relate the lactation used to my target audience, using run down and deprived areas. I have done this because my target audience will then feel on the same level as the magazine and they themselves can relate and trust the magazine. The lighting used is fairly dark throughout, this is again because I want to reflect the magazine to my target audience and help create a realistic and emotional feel to my magazine. When taking the photos I used a variety of shots, for example I used a mid shot for my front cover, the model looks directly at the audience with an eye line match, this helps create a bong between the magazine and the audience simply because they are on the same level. For my double page spread I used a long shot, I managed to get my model and the location fully in the shot. The model himself is not looking at the audience, he is looking away and towards the ground. This in my opinion will create a familiar feel for my audience, by this I mean some of my target audience would have been neglected or would have felt down at some point in their lives and I think that again they can relate to my magazine through someone similar to them experiencing what they have maybe experiecend in the past. When it cam to costumes and props I had to think about what my target audience wear, so I researched into the topic, I myself had a basic idea of what hey wore so started off on the right track. I tried to and I think I successfully managed to represent my target audience well. Other magazines such as XXL and VIBE both use clothing to represent their target audience and success and fashion, I tried to imitate this. When comparing my magazine to other rap magazines my costume and props are fairly different, this is because I have created a magazine that speaks out to and relates to young males living in the rough and deprived areas of London whereas in say XXL for example they have a larger audience and promote money and wealth.
  • 2. So that is one main and prominent difference, however I have stated within my magazine that other rap artists such as Lil Wayne also feature, so therefore this opens the magazine up to a much wider audience. This will gain more interest in the magazine and will therefore make it more popular and successful. Next I will describe the people I have chosen and why I have chosen them. I have chosen two main models that feature in my magazine, one of the is my brother and the other a friend. The main and prominent reason is because they are both young and are of a similar age to some of my target audience. This in turn will help promote and sell the magazine to my target audience. They are both males, this is because the majority of my target audience are males, so this again would help sell the magazine to my target audience, they will look at the front cover and instantly see that the magazine is aimed towards them. When comparing this to other magazines of my chosen genre you can see that the concept of using males on the front cover are very similar, for example the majority of models on XXL and VIBE magazine are male, this shows that their specific target audience is males. From viewing several front covers from these chosen magazines I imitated ides from them. When it came to font I researched various different fonts using the website DaFont which was very helpful. I have used different fonts throughout the 4 pages. The front cover consisted of bold and clear font that stood out well. For my mast head I used a futuristic type of font, I personally think that this gives the magazine a professional look, the target audience will be taken in by it instantly. I then used a destructive font to write about my main feature. This again was a bold and colorful font. This stands out well and represents not only the genre but also my target audience. I think I managed to maintain are professional and realistic effect throughout my magazine and was also able to reflect the font to my genre and my target audience. The language I use throughout my magazine consists of colloquial. For example instead of riding I use ridin, this is shortening the word. This is what some of my target audience do, so again this reflects and relates to my target audience and genre, another element that will help sell the magazine. When it comes to genre I think that I have managed to successfully reflect my magazine to my chosen genre. I have done this through the use of font, language, mise en scene, colour and contents. I researched into each of these in depth and managed to integrate what I researched into my own magazine. For example the colours red, white, black and grey are all associated with rap etc, so I used these colours specifically to create a realistic feel. I used costumes that my chosen target audience wear, connecting the magazine and the target audience together.
  • 3. When analysing each of my four pages I feel that each of them reflects and relates to my chosen genre and my target audience. I feel that I have used various techniques and elements to create a realistic magazine and a professional one that my target audience would enjoy and would feel accustomed to. I specifically made sure that there was not tones of writing on all of the pages, this would have made the magazine less appealing, so therefore made sure there were plenty of images and ones that stood out well and looked interesting. When choosing a magazine to base my magazine on I chose XXL magazine, I researched into many magazines and found that this was the most appropriate one and one that I could not only imitate but enjoy reading myself. I used big fonts like XXL did to enhance the appeal to my audience. Overall I think that I have followed conventions of a rap magazine. I have used all the techniques that other rap magazines have used and have implemented them into my own magazine. I feel that if my magazine was placed into the magazine industry it would survive an thrive.
  • 4. I think that my media product has represented teenagers and young adults from a deprived and neglected area and a way of life. This in turn was my chosen target audience. I feel I have accomplished this through the use of mise en scene, language, colour and mode of address. Firstly I will describe how I have represented my social group through mise en scene. I used props and costumes such as a BMX bike and clothing designs such as Adidas and Nike. Most teenagers and young adults from deprived areas wear this type of clothing and use bikes as transport, I feel that by using this type of clothing, my target audience will on the same level as the magazine and that the magazine is aimed and relates towards them. This makes the magazine more appropriate and approachable. The language I use throughout is colloquial. This type of language tends to be not only used by my target audience but the majority of young people across the world. I think that again this will make the magazine more appropriate and will be popular with my target audience. This will also open up a wider audience. Other younger people will see the language used and see that it is aimed towards them, therefore they more likely to purchase the product. The mode address used is a simple and obvious one, it is implying that you can achieve something from nothing, I have featured artists that have started from nothing to being huge stars and celebrities who have millions of fans. This will hopefully not only be interesting but also will inject some hope and passion into my target audience. By this I mean I hope that it will inspire them to lead better and successful lives, defeating the odds and accomplishing a dream of theirs.