Mecanizado agroindustrial




Transcript of Mecanizado agroindustrial

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Ein Energía, inercia, circunstancias

especiales, tiempo y espacio.

L'energia, l'inerzia, circostanze particolari, il tempo e lo spazio.

Articles Analitiques, voyons ce que nous ne pouvons pais voir, tocher á ce que nous ne pouvons pasvoir, Découvrez l’ invisible.

Ein Ein Ein Energia, hitaus, erityiset olosuhteet, aikaa ja tilaa.

Artikel analyse Laten we eens kijken wat we niet kunnen zien. Raak wat we niet kunnen zien. Ontdek het onzichtbare.

Articulo de análisis Ein.

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Veamos lo que no podemos ver. Palpemos lo que no podemos percibir. Descubramos lo invisible. Энергии, вялость, особых обстоятельств, времени и пространства. Енергије, инерције, посебне околности, време и простор.

Ein ce Ein ce

Ein ce

Energi, treghet, spesielle omstendigheter, tid og plass.

Ein ceEin ce tye Artikel Analyse Mal sehen, was wir nicht sehen Konnen. Touch, was wir nicht sehen konnen.

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Entdecken sie die unsichtbar.

Ein ce tye Análisis.Ein ce tye. Análisis. E=in.c.e=T. y E.

E=in.ce=T.y e

Autor Arturo Raúl Cortés

Article translated into other languages in electronic form, we apologize if this translation differs from the original document, written in Spanish language. All rights reserved.





Simple tools, complex


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Article written in simple, for the reader with or without knowledge in the field of physics, you can create a concept of Ein, that we show as a lens, and is the focus on a specific point of physical facts, imperceptible to the naked view, the purpose of this paper is to deepen this subject, this is written to complement the energy of time and space, as the first document was presented, time and space, the second paper, Time, and the third document, Entropy, and the fourth as energy, all written by the same author, and with this fifth document called Ein, more information to leave no holes in the idea, while presenting this as a new concept in physics, and to show the facts that go beyond, from simple observation or conclusion of certain facts (X), since what we discuss in this paper is the phenomenon of such facts, relating to energy, and show what's behind it. The mere mention of this word, a phenomenon, we must speak of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, as this article is closely related to the description, as it states.

(The phenomena constitute the world as we perceive it, as opposed to the world as it exists independently of our experience, to what Kant calls "the thing itself" (Das Ding an sich). According to Kant, humans can not know things-in-themselves, only things as perceived or experienced. Therefore, the task of philosophy is to try to understand the very process of experience.)

This is that science should not base their conclusions on what is seen but rather, what it is, this is a fundamentally important issue, since the understanding of the subject of physics, must be grounded on what is and not what we perceive as what we see may be illusory.

This article is focused on our own sanity to know procedures for creating concepts, know ourselves to put affairs in order related to the subject of physics, and these days the energy issue, and that science itself must be the lock to the guidelines, which adhere to what is, and what appears to be making the clarification that this article is not a philosophical article, but we touch the subject of philosophy to explain matters in terms of

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physical, and the reality of actual physical facts and physical facts illusory, we see many examples in this paper thus will support the ideas that lead us to the concept. In some cases, our examples seem a little infantile, but if we include in this document, has its rationale.

We are used and taught culturally to follow rules and obey, to those from whom we learn, who preside over us, those who govern us, as we are inculcated from childhood, that is embedded in our species, because from very small, we are instructed in this, we can say that from the moment we are born, we are taught to obey, in our homes, our schools, in society, it is important to mention this, because thanks to this, our species succeeded, palpable in modern societies, unfortunately, this powerful, feature of the human race is a mixed blessing, for in defining moments, can be a hindrance to development and prosperity, I say this appearance when they have forged dogmas related to a topic, in this case the energy is absolutely necessary to combat these, not in the form of war, but with valid arguments, and new strategies, because the demands of energy on our planet is enormous, and as world population is growing these demands are increasing.


An important aspect mentioned in the epilogue is the fact that we are accustomed to obey, and take for granted the lessons given by those who have instructed us, whether our parents, family friends, teachers, and so on. Take some examples. 1 .- The rules. (A). We are taught to obey them, (B), usually also teaches us why we must obey, (C), Most times, it also teaches us the benefits of obeying them.

For example very young are taught to not dirty our clothes, brush their teeth several times a day, wash our hands after using the bathroom, and much more, and with it because it teaches us we must obey this teaching in these cases would be to have a better appearance in the case of clothing and hands and better breath in the case of teeth, we are warned that if they do not obey, we will decay, or we see very wrong with the laundry, or we can get sick if we eat with dirty hands, and teaches us the benefits we get for obedience, which are, we do not have to go to the dentist, not getting food poisoning from eating with dirty hands, or look better if we keep our clothes clean. A little older, for example when we are taught to drive a motor vehicle, we are taught to respect traffic signals, we

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are taught because we respect them, and the benefits we are taught to respect, so does the moral is teaches us that we must obey, but also because we must, and the benefits of doing so in the course of our lives we go through several stages, the first is to learn to obey, and older and we learn these things, to teach, for example when we become parents, or for work reasons or simply because we're older and more experienced, generally all cultures, we behave more or less like this. The result of this cultural channel is quite good, generally, in this way lead us as a species, all results are positive, and this is the foundation of our success as a species. Maybe you're thinking as a reader, good and has to do with the matter of physics, we now proceed to explain, now even in third world countries, there is some degree of formal education, and even these are now generally known, the lesson that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it becomes a conviction in people with a greater degree of knowledge, as is that of a person with an engineering career, convictions are even stronger if individuals obtained a diploma in physics or mathematics, or people with higher education. When discussing the topic of energy, for example talking about the multiplication of energy, the response is usually immediate and dogmatic, and generally is as follows, that is not possible, period. I can understand why that response, as this is related to the way learning and teaching of our species, this is linked to our culture of learning, and as we have said, this way of leading is generally beneficial, but specifically on this issue, there is no benefit to anyone, for example, a physics professor, who learned of another physics teacher, in turn taught his disciples, that energy is neither created nor destroyed, usually 99.9 percent of the entire world population, with no career or career, none of these can confirm that this dogma is true, generally, no one does experimental work, and therefore can not verify that this teaching is true, and yet what give a true fact, which holds them is the fact that another individual, (X), which they consider more intelligent, or preparation which they conclude that this is so and for that matter, it must be so, so became a law, and as we are accustomed to the law must be respected, and the laws of physics a law is absolute, and in transferable, we do not even hear the arguments of those who argue that such laws are false. I can understand as I said earlier, because of the behavior of someone educated in that subject, I can not understand is that in the chain of education, we saw the three aspects of this, it was (a), Teaching, (b), why should we obey and accept this teaching, and (c), the benefits of obedience, and that any benefits in education, is the trigger to hold

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a position, it is important to note, that this theme, all we have is the (a), teaching, (b), and (c), are not present, for example, because there is no reason to obey and accept this teaching, and (c), there is no benefit or remuneration to obey it. We conclude that this position is absurd and ridiculous, since education must have the 3 ingredients, (a), (b), and (c), which are teaching, why obey it and accept it, and the benefits of obeying, but well at least we know the reason for our behavior, even that has no reason or sense in the end we are only humans.


What is illusion?, An illusion is a concept, or representation not true reality, suggested by the imagination, or caused by the senses!, Unfortunately, many concepts in the field of physics, this is only an illusion, they are out of reality, and for this reason, we present this article to remove the illusions and give wisdom to science.

Here are some examples of an illusion, caused by the senses, this example is known to all, and often used in films at the cinema and television, this is a man walking in a desert where it's hot and all around there is only sand, these individuals generally have lost and without water, the result of fatigue and thirst that individual begins to see puddles of water, this happens as we all know the effect of the sense of sight, which to see the steam emanates from the floor, indistinguishable from a pool of water, that all of us to think happened on occasion, when traveling by car in summer time, as the steam roads, produce the same effect in our view be on the road, since it seems we're seeing puddles of water instead of steam. Another example is when we travel by road in a group of hills, our orientation decreases as a result of curves and ups and downs of the road, sometimes to the point that it seems that we are going down a slope and the reality is that we are going up she. As a final example, we will say something I think we have all experienced, is the fact that when we were kids, we played spin spinning and then stop, in this case as being without turning, in custody, our senses tell us that we are spinning, is something so real that when we were kids and played at this, if someone were to say that we were not

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spinning, not believed, and we thought we were cheating,

Now let an illusion, as an example caused by the imagination, ancient mariners as the story goes, was unaware of how or where the end of the ocean, and many imagined that somewhere, beyond the limits of their knowledge, ocean ended abruptly in a waterfall, and were afraid to venture beyond the places they knew, as they feared that their ships sank in that place, and they might die, this example as opposed to illusion, caused by our senses, is based only on facts and we assume this only in our minds, this way of functioning of our brain can be a useful tool in science, because with it we can make assumptions and draw conclusions, imagining fictitious events and to discuss mental exercises, in this case our senses are not involved, only our imagination, this is where science makes a difference, science fiction, as an illusion, with foundations and a somewhat reasonable explanation , becomes a theory, or through imagination and some verifiable physical facts, we can formulate a hypothesis.

Simple tools, complex

The phenomenon, Immanuel Kant, had a vision that he would act itself, beyond things, this vision is a determining factor if we incorporate into science as a tool, as it explores certain event (X), this we call education, sophisticated tool or a complex, intelligent life. The following examples use the word tip, to describe the excess of the special circumstances, for what it is, a tip, since this is a reward not included in the cost of a service. Since this is a gift of energy.

Here are some simple tools used by our species, I believe fire is one of the first and very important in the development and achievement of our planet, This simple tool helps to cook food, heat in winter to give us helps us as the light source at night, and willingly served as our weapon, and helped us ward off wild animals, was and is very useful as tool. Here is an example, a man at night, beside a bonfire, now the question is, What is fire?, In a simple way we can describe as the burning of organic matter, gases, etc., for example in the burning subject, in this case wood is burning, becomes a gas, we can say in full this is matter in processing, this produces energy, and this energy in turn produces energy of time and space, which we been using since the beginning, in the form of heat, in this particular case, we do not we benefit from what becomes or is this burning wood, that is with gas, but with the

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inertia of matter in transformation which is the heat, and now well, what's the heat?, heat is a result of friction of the material, product of acceleration and friction of the particles, and because of this friction, temperature increases in this If we're not using something fundamental transformation of matter, but we're using, inertia, added to the fact something is happening, we could say in a simple way, we are using the tip of this fact, the wood burning, or otherwise we use a consequence of these facts at the time and place, or time and space, we can summarize it as follows, (E), energy, (in ), inertia, (ce), special circumstances, (tye), just in time and space, we can now see the concept of Ein, which means, inertial energy, we can summarize as tye, time and space. Here's another inertial benefit in this example, and is made of light, the light emanating from the fire is yet another benefit of burning wood in the other benefit, we are not using anything critical of the very fact to be burning wood, or what comes of this, or gas, which is transforming, we are not subtracting, (removing), absolutely nothing, because the wood is transformed into gas, but get this one additional benefit to see another tip inertia of the fact itself, so we can summarize this in the same manner as in the example of the tip of the heat, (E), energy, (in), inertia, (ce), special circumstances, (tye), here again the concept of Ein. Now yes, in this example, we removed the man who is next to the campfire, you will see will be happening the same, but without any benefit to man, this is the fact itself, that the inertial energy, or time and space, will be present, the difference is that the man is not present may not realize this fact, and therefore did not benefit from it. Now in the instance where this man by the fire, he may realize that collecting facts, but not the fact itself, this is the case that a scientific explanation, without using the concept of Ein, given as result, that energy is neither created nor destroyed only transformed, since they do not take into account the inertia of energy, in special circumstances, and therefore the concept of time and space, remain hidden. Here comes a matter in three dimensions, and the following order, first the fact whether this is related in a real physical fact, the burning of wood in the fire, and this is independent of the second but the first consistent , consciousness, this is in man by the fire, getting the benefits, and the third, using a complex tool, such as Immanuel Kant's statement, which can give an explanation of the facts soberly that is, not that we perceive.

As another example, the heat used as a tool, but in this case unlike the campfire, which we use as a simple tool, is

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that this tool is complex, steam engines, one of the first engineering works are steam engines, which operate in a very simple, since we use the heat, for transmission, and in this transfer, heat water which in turn evaporates, and the fact itself, seize and use the inertial motion of this physical change, transformation of matter in order to generate a thrust force, which is converted into kinetic energy, and in turn that the kinetic energy used to transport and freight transport, consider the fact that we perceive as simple view is explained well, the energy in a steam engine is transforming itself into other forms of energy, which we take for carrier, it is the fact as we see, let's see whether the fact, say that this is a train of steam train in this coal is burned and heat produced by burning coal, was used to heat a boiler, which was boiled to evaporate water that was used to push the train, what was happening with coal is that is transforming itself into gases, the heat produced by burning coal is a key part of this change or process, since heat is a consequence of the motion of matter in transformation, this is a result of acceleration and friction of particles The use the heat of this fact in itself, not subtract, or taken anything from the transformation, since matter in this case burning coal will be transformed into gas, we can say in full, the transformation of the water, Similarly, not subtract anything because you just move from a solid to a liquid state, which we summarize as the use of the inertia of matter in transformation, we know the time and place, or time and space, here we add the concept Ein, which means as we have said in the previous example as inertial energy in special circumstances, which translate as time and space. In this example of a steam engine number one see as we burn coal, then use the heat of that burning, to create a physical change in the water which becomes steam, and this change is transformed into kinetic energy, but have to see what we use, the whole process, and this is a tip, as they will not take nothing to the process, the matter will be entirely the same, only with a chemical change, here the concept Ein, remains hidden to the naked eye, and this because it is a chemical process, and this disguises the power of time and space.

Consider now another complex tool that we use worldwide today, internal combustion engines, in this case is used in the same way, changing the subject to generate kinetic energy, but unlike the non-steam train use, the tip of the heat, to produce kinetic energy, to the contrary here the heat is generally controlled engine cooling water to prevent overheating and damage to it, here is another tip used in transformation of matter, this is the expansion of gases from burning fuels, but in the same way we can say

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that the matter will not go away or subtract anything, as this one is transformed, a fact used here inertia in the process, as we've said is not the heat, if that is the expansion of gases, here in this example the conclusion that we perceive is that we are using gasoline as energy, and this is what drives us, and as this conclusion disappears is that we are spending on petrol, which is not the fact itself, but rather the fact that we perceive as the fact itself, this procedure is that we are actually using the expansion of gas processing as a means to generate the kinetic energy used for transportation or transport materials, which is energy of time and space, yet it seems not, and this fact is camouflaged, but with the concept of Ein, we can see what is the in fact if not, the fact that we perceive the problem of using these energy is polluting, because in the process, there are many gases harmful to human health, and these are also heating up the planet.

Here is another example of energy of time and space, a wind generator, these generators are very useful, unfortunately, the amount of energy produced can not be controlled, if not up to us the wind speed, and that's why are not very popular to generate electricity, they work very simply because essentially they are a rotating blade and this turn drives a generator, here in this example what we perceive is that we are using air to generate electricity or the fact if not in use the air to generate electricity, what use is the strength of this, since in the air does not subtract anything because you did not change its molecular composition by passing through the blades, the perception we have is that the air is generating electricity, but the truth is that there is air, in fact in this case is that it is used to generate this force.

Another example of energy of time and space, is a tidal power generator or hydroelectric plant, such as supplying power our cities, in this as in the example above, what we perceive at a glance that what generates electricity, is water, but as we see using the concept of Ein, is that the fact itself, is the force of the water, which generates energy.

Another example of the power of time and space is Electromagnetism, for example if we produce a short circuit, a winding and a battery, the power of this action is in motion, in this case the energy of time and space would, induction, since this is a tip of the short circuit happens is the inertia of the electrons, being in motion, and if we use this induction, did not detract from the electrons, not decrease in quantity, or properties change,

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Here we use the tips of the facts on the movement of water, with these examples together, we can see, we perceive that the concept of energy is something we need in these cases was, firewood, coal, heat, gas, water, electrons, but the reality, the fact itself, is that what we need is the movement or processing of these things, which puts the power in this position, E = C, M, m, t, and this is what we use inertial facts as this, the matter, is in special circumstances, this is what it is energy, and is already in motion, becomes potential energy of time and space. And this energy comes into office as effective and usable in certain circumstances (X). which are special circumstances.

Here are five examples of energy of time and space, acting.

1 .- The thunderstorms. 2 .- Tornadoes. 3 .- The causes of the rivers, 4 .- The ocean currents. 5 .- The rain. 6 .- Tides 7 .- Hurricanes. These are just some examples among many others, we can use.

These examples above, we will try to explain them in combination and as a counterexample using the Moon, our satellite, none of these examples occur in the moon, the question here is, it does not happen on the moon?, If this is to the same distance from our sun, has the same translational motion that our land, and has even rotation that is not equal to the land, the answer is simple, this does not happen on the moon because the special circumstances that cause them, are not present, among them we mention some general way, the atmosphere, organic matter, water in its 3 states, liquid, solid, gaseous, these are just some of saying something, among many, many others, another question we can ask is, why is our planet earth in time so much energy and space? the answer is the same, because our planet has the conditions, or special circumstances that give rise and generate this energy, which are the same as mentioned in the previous answer, this energy is sometimes multiplies way, on our planet, is an axiom. If we analyze all cases in general, and each one in particular, we find that everyone has a logical explanation, and with common sense. Which brings us results in the equation, E = C, M, m, t, xi, i, i.

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And parallel to this we can understand the new concept of Ein, which basically means, E = Energy, and in, = inertia, and completing the description you add, ce, which are special circumstances, and as a last result tye, time and space , which in simple words we can say as the time and place.


Due to the urgent need for energy of our planet, a significant number of scientists are working on alternative energy in this branch, there can be no place for experimentation, energy and space weather, as not even to begin know it, much less understand, because of these reasons is to built a giant wall, which is grotesque and false foundations, created the error, our ancestors, making the current laws of thermodynamics, which are absolutely false, and these must be applied in our satellite, the moon, because there is no visible energy multiplying, and that if that fits the dogma of that energy is neither created nor destroyed.

The purpose of these articles, and those arguments, absolutely legitimate, these science-based, is to blow up these laws and put aside, the main impediment, which makes no sense, if not, but rather in the opposite way, these Laws are only a partial example of events that also occur under certain circumstances, but they are not universal and do not take into account time and space, these laws have usurped the place of science, having been created only with fundamentals mathematicians, are appropriated from the truth.

And while presenting this equation, and this new concept, whereby new and legitimate tools appear, and these in turn give a new vision to take us to a new era in clean energy technology.


Arturo Raul Cortes

The king is naked. The king is naked.

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