Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah 2 · 2015. 12. 3. · Measuring the Progress of AI...

Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley 2

Transcript of Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah 2 · 2015. 12. 3. · Measuring the Progress of AI...

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Measuring the Progress of AI Benchmark Problems

    Dhaval Adjodah & Kane Hadley

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Structure of presentation

    •  The Big Picture•  Fundamental problem: measuring AGI and it’s

    progress•  Meta-problem and meta-solution•  Common Framework •  Bottom-up and top-down approaches•  Tasks

    • DISCUSSION!!!!!!

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    The space of possible minds by Joscha Bach

    •  The space of possible architectures of minds is huge

    •  We imagine minds through our own limited cognition

    •  There should be a more scientific/general map of measuring our progress

    The big picture:

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Fundamental problem: measuring AGI

    •  We have a formal definition of general intelligence based on the Solomonoff-Levin distribution (Legg and Hutter 2007)

    •  Problems:

    •  Notallintelligentsystemsareexplicitlyreward-seeking(Goertzel2010)•  TheabovedefiniBonissuperficialinthatitwouldpasstheNorvig‘test’butnot

    theChomsky‘test’•  Nowayfundamentallytomeasure‘beingconscious’sinceitisan‘inside’

    experience•  Thereisreallynowaytoproveanybodyelseisconscious

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Alternate measurements:

    •  Collective intelligence (Woolley 2010)

    •  Chimpsbeathumanatindividualintelligencetests,butnevercollecBveintelligencetests

    •  Distillation learning / Dark Knowledge (Hinton 2014)

    •  Emergent intelligence / Generalization measurement

    •  Disobedience

    •  Internalgoals

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Meta-problem: collaborating on AGI research effectively

    “But aside from the many technological and theoretical challenges involved in this effort, we feel the greatest impediment to progress is the absence of a

    common framework for collaboration and comparison of results”

    “A common goal and a shared understanding of the landscape ahead of us will be crucial to that success, and it was the aim of our workshop to make

    substantial progress in that direction”

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Meta-solution: building a common framework

    “A common goal and a shared understanding of the landscape ahead of us will be crucial to that success, and it was the aim of our workshop to make

    substantial progress in that direction”

    “research paradigms could be used to spawn a slightly different requirements list, but we must start somewhere if we are to make progress as a community”

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Meta-solution: building a common framework“A common goal and a shared understanding of the landscape ahead of us will

    be crucial to that success, and it was the aim of our workshop to make substantial progress in that direction”

    “research paradigms could be used to spawn a slightly different requirements list, but we must start somewhere if we are to make progress as a community”

    “To test the capability of any AGI system, the characteristics of the intelligent agent and its assigned tasks within the context of a given environment must be well specified. Failure to do this may result in a convincing demonstration, but make it exceedingly difficult for other researchers to duplicate experiments

    and compare and contrast alternative approaches and implementations”

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Common Framework Part 1: Characteristics



  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Common Framework Part 2: Characteristics



  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Challenges: •  One challenge is to find tasks and environments where all of these

    characteristics are active, and thus all of the requirements must be confronted.

    •  A second challenge is that the existence of an architecture that achieves a subset of these requirements, does not guarantee that such an architecture can be extended to achieve other requirements while maintaining satisfaction of

    •  A third challenge, that of defining the landscape, the focus of the rest of this presentation

    •  “weiniBallyhadneitherawelldefinedstarBngpointnoracommonlyagreedupontargetresult”

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Final destination

    •  The final destination, full human-level artificial general intelligence, encompasses a system that could learn, replicate (and possibly exceed) human level performance in the full breadth of cognitive and intellectual abilities

    This is where the requirements from previous tables (characteristics and architectures of AGI) is important, in addition to ways to measure intelligence.

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    The harder problem: the starting point

    •  The starting point is more problematic, since there are many current approaches to achieving AGI that assume different initial states

    •  “We finally settled on a developmental approach to the roadmap, following human cognitive development from birth through adulthood”

    •  Two ways to think about it:

    •  TopDown:lookingattheemergentcharacterisBcsofAI(e.g.IQ)•  BoTom-up:lookingathowthemindisimplemented(e.g.informaBontheory)

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Bottom-up: The Psychological Perspective:

    •  HolisBcperspecBveincorporaBnggeneBc,biochemical,andneuralmechanisms,amongothers

    •  ConsistentpaTernacrossawiderangeofcultures,physicalenvironments,andhistoricalBme-periods

    •  ExplainsdifferencesbetweentypicalandatypicalpaTernsofdevelopment(e.g.,auBsm,ADHD,learningdisorders,disabiliBes,etc.)

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Bottom-up: The Mathematical Perspective

    •  Typified by formal definition of general intelligence based on the Solomonoff-Levin distribution (Legg and Hutter 2007)

    •  They define intelligence as the average reward-achieving capability of a system, calculated by averaging over all possible reward-summable environments

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Bottom-up: The Information processing Perspective

    •  Provides a more direct mapping to the target implementation for AGI systems.

    •  Cognitive development in infancy and childhood is due to changes in both “hardware” and “software”

    •  Rather than advocating a stage-based approach, this perspective often highlights processes of change that are gradual or continuous.

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Top Down: Characterizing Human Cognitive Development

    •  The psychological approach to intelligence encompasses a broad variety of sub-approaches rather than presenting a unified perspective•  Spearmanpsychologicalfactorgisbiologicallydetermined,andrepresentedthe

    overallintellectualskilllevelofanindividual•  BinetandSimonscalethatprovidedcomprehensiveagenorms,sothateach


    •  TermanintroducedthenoBonofanintelligencequoBentorIQ,whichiscomputedbydividingthetest-taker’smentalage(i.e.,theirage-equivalentperformancelevel)bytheirphysicalorchronologicalage

    •  Psychologists don’t agree on intelligence as a single, undifferentiated capacity (fortunately!)

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Top-down landscape:

    •  Researchers in the field of cognitive development seek to:•  describeprocessesofintellectualchange,•  whileidenBfyingandexplainingtheunderlyingmechanisms(bothbiologicaland

    environmental)thatmakethesechangespossible.•  Contemporary theories of cognitive development are very diverse and defy

    simple systematization•  Two major schools of thought, those of Piaget and Vygotsky, will serve as

    axes for our AGI landscape.

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Landscape of Human Cognitive Development

    Top-Down Landscape

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Piaget•  Piaget proposed that humans develop through four

    qualitatively-distinct stages of development•  sensorimotorstage(0-2years):infantsacquirearichrepertoire

    ofperceptualandmotorskills•  infantsenterthepreoperaBonalstage(2-6years)asthey

    acquirethecapacitytomentallyrepresenttheirexperiences•  nextstage(6yearstoadolescence):childrenattheconcrete


    •  finalstageofdevelopment,formaloperaBons,beginsinadolescenceandincludestheuseofdeducBvelogic,combinatorialreasoning,andtheabilitytoreasonabouthypotheBcalevents

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Vygotsky •  His classic theory of cognitive development

    emphasizes the sociocultural perspective (Vygotsky 1986)•  thecapacityforthoughtbeginsbyacquiringspeech(i.e.,


    •  parents,teachers,andskilledpeersfacilitatedevelopmentbyhelpingthechildfuncBonataleveljustbeyondwhattheyarecapableofdoingalone

    •  uniquesetofobjects,ideas,andtradiBonsthatguidelearning.ThesetoolsofintellectualadaptaBonnotonlyinfluencethepaTernofcogniBvedevelopment,butalsoserveasconstraintsontherateandextentofdevelopment

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley




    Identifying Tasks

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Identifying Tasks

    •  General Video-game Learning

    •  Preschool Learning

    •  Reading Comprehension

    •  Story / Scene Comprehension

    •  School Learning

    •  The Employment Test

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley





  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Additional Challenges

    •  Aesthetic Appreciation and Performance

    •  Structured Social Interaction

    •  Skills the require high cognitive function and integration

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley



    •  All AI tests so far are testing the desired emergent behaviors of the architecture, but there are no tests for deeper cognition such as:

    • Developing internal goals different from the environmental norm• Introspection• Learning / teaching / generalization• Wisdom / knowledge

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley



    •  What other approach should we take than following human cognitive development from birth to adulthood?

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley



    •  Problem solving vs. Environment Utility

    •  Cognition as intelligence vs. Perception as intelligence

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Discussion – Stanley Parable

  • Measuring the Progress of AI Dhaval Adjodah Kane Hadley


    Discussion – Monument Valley