Measure of Angular Velocity

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  • 8/9/2019 Measure of Angular Velocity


    Measure of Angular Velocity

      The main application of angular velocity measurement is in speed control

    systems. They also provide the usual means of measuring translational velocities,

    which are transformed into rotational motions for measurement purposes bysuitable gearing. Many different instruments and techniques are available for 

    measuring rotational velocity.

      Some type of sensor is configured to produce a known number of pulses per 

    revolution of the device being monitored. By counting pulses, the number of 

    revolutions or angular position may be determined. In conunction with this if time

    is also measured angular speed may be measured.


    There are three maor types of instruments used for measurement of rotary

    motion, namely!

    a. "lectrical

     b. #ptical

    c. Mechanical

      $igital tachometers, or to give them their proper title, digital tachometric

     generators, are usually non%contact instruments that sense the passage of equally

    spaced marks on the surface of a rotating disc or shaft. Measurement resolution is

    governed by the number of marks around the circumference. &arious types of sensor are used, such as optical, inductive and magnetic ones. 's each mark is

    sensed, a pulse is generated and input to an electronic pulse counter. (sually,

    velocity is calculated in terms of the pulse count in unit time, which of course only

    yields information about the mean velocity. If the velocity is changing,

    instantaneous velocity can be calculated

    at each instant of time that an output

     pulse occurs. In this circuit, the pulses

    from the transducer gate the train of 

     pulses from a )M*+ clock into a

    counter. ontrol logic resets the counter and updates the digital output value after 

    receipt of each pulse from the transducer.

    The measurement resolution of this

    system is highest when the speed of 

    rotation is low.Fig: Scheme to measure angular velocity

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    Optical sensing 

      $igital tachometers with optical sensors are often known as optical 

    tachometers. #ptical pulses can be generated by one of the two alternative

     photoelectric techniques. The pulses are produced as the windows in a slotted disc

     pass in sequence between a light source and a detector. 'nother way is to have

     both light source and detector mounted on the same side of a reflective disc which

    has black sectors painted onto it at regular angular intervals. -ight sources are

    normally either lasers or -"$s, with photodiodes and phototransistors being used

    as detectors. #ptical tachometers yield better accuracy than other forms of digital

    tachometer but are not as reliable because dust and dirt can block light paths.

    Variable Reluctance Transducers

      Variable reluctance velocity transducers, also known as induction

    tachometers, are a form of digital tachometer that uses inductive sensing. They are

    widely used in the automotive industry within anti%skid devices, anti%lock braking

    systems 'BS/ and traction control. ' more sophisticated and the most recently

    used type has a rotating disc that is constructed from a bonded%fibre material

    into which soft iron poles are inserted at regular intervals around its periphery. The

    sensor consists of a permanent magnet with a shaped pole piece, which carries a

    wound coil. The distance between the pick%up and the outer perimeter of the disc is

    around 0.1 mm. 's the discrotates, the soft iron inserts on

    the disc move in turn past the

     pick%up unit. 's each iron

    insert moves towards the pole

     piece, the reluctance of the

    magnetic circuit increases and

    hence the flu2 in the pole piece

    also increases. Similarly, the

    flu2es in the pole piece

    decreases as each iron insertmoves away from the sensor.

    The changing magnetic flu2

    inside the pick%up coil

    causes a voltage to be induced

    in the coil whose magnitude is

     proportional to the rate of

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    change of flu2. This voltage is positive whilst the flu2 is increasing and negative

    whilst it is decreasing. Thus, the output is a sequence of positive and negative

     pulses whose frequency is proportional to the rotational velocity of the disc. The

    ma2imum angular velocity that the instrument can measure is limited to about )0

    000 rpm because of the finite width of the induced pulses. 's the velocity

    increases, the distance between the pulses is reduced, and at a certain velocity, the

     pulses start to overlap. 't this point, the pulse counter ceases to be able to

    distinguish the separate pulses. The optical tachometer has significant advantages

    in this respect, since the pulse width is much narrower, allowing measurement of

    higher velocities.

      ' simpler and cheaper form of variable reluctance transducer also e2ists that

    uses a ferromagnetic gear wheel in place of a fibre disc. The motion of the tip of

    each gear tooth towards and away

    from the pick%up unit causes a

    similar variation in the flu2 patternto that produced by the iron inserts

    in the fibre disc. The pulses

     produced by these means are less

    sharp, however, and consequently

    the ma2imum angular velocity

    measurable is lower.

    Hall Effect Sensors

    The *all "ffect is the appearance of a

    transverse voltage difference on a

    conductor carrying a current

     perpendicular to a magnetic field. This

    voltage is

    directly proportional to the magnetic field

    strength. 3hen the current is flowing

    through a plate because of an emf of 

     battery/ there is +ero voltage displayed in

    the transverse direction. *owever when

    there is a magnetic field acting

     perpendicular to the current, the electrons are deflected by the magnetic force and

    create a negative charge on one end. The other side has accumulation of positive

    charge. ' voltage across the transverse ends of plate is displayed on the meter. The

    Fig: Variable Reluctance Transducer

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    hall effect is present in any conductor carrying current in the magnetic field, but it

    is much more predominant in semiconductors than in metals. Thus most hall effect

    transducers use a semi conducting material as the conductor.

    The rotating element in  Hall-effect or 

    magnetostrictive tachometers has a

    very simple design in the form of a

    toothed metal gearwheel. The sensor is

    a solid%state, *all%effect device that is

     placed between the gear wheel and a

     permanent magnet. 3hen an intertooth

    gap on the gear wheel is adacent to thesensor, the full magnetic field from the

    magnet passes through it. -ater, as a

    tooth approaches the sensor, the tooth diverts some of the magnetic field, and so

    the field through the sensor is reduced. This causes the sensor to produce an output

    voltage that is proportional to the rotational speed of the gear wheel.


    Fig: Hall Efect Sensor

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      The measurement of speed can also be done with the help of tachogenerator.

    The tachogenerators are of two types, namely! $ 4 '

    D.C. Tachogenerator -The armature of the d c tachogenerator is kept in the permanent magnetic field. The armature is coupled with the shaft whose speed is

    to be measured. 3hen the shaft revolves, the armature also revolves in the

    magnetic field producing an ".M.5, which is proportional to the magnetic flu2

    and speed of rotation.

    's the field of permanent magnet is fi2ed, the ".M.5 generated is

     proportional to speed. The ".M.5 induced is measured using moving coil

    voltmeter, the scale of which is calibrated in speed directly. The circuit has

    commutator and carbon brush arrangement to receive current from induced


    The advantages of $.. Tachogenerator are as follows

    The output voltage is small enough to measure it with conventional d.c.


    The polarity of output voltage directly indicates the direction of rotation.


    $ue to variation in contact resistances at brushes, considerable error isintroduced in output voltage. 6egular maintenance of commutator 4 brushes

    is required.


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    A.C. Tachogenerator 7 In this, the coil is wound on stator itself. The magnetic field is thus rotating.

    The magnetic field can be obtained using permanent magnet or electromagnet.

    $ue to rotation of magnet, an emf is generated in the stator coil, which has

    amplitude and frequency directly proportional to the speed of rotation. Thus speedof rotation can be calibrated in terms of either amplitude or frequency of the

    induced voltage.

     7 In the above circuit shown in fig., the amplitude is used to measure speed.

    (sing rectifier and filter '. . voltage is converted to $. and measured with the

    help of moving coil voltmeter.

     7 'dvantages of '.. Tachometers are as


     7 The output can be calibrated in terms of two parameters namely amplitude and

    frequency of induced voltage.

     7 ommutator and brush contact

    resistance problems are eliminated as

    the coil is wound on stator.

     7 $isadvantages

     7 5or very low speeds rotation frequency

    of induced voltage is also very low, thus ripples in the output increases. To

    overcome this number of poles of stator is increased so that induced voltage

    frequency is higher even at low speeds.

     7 5or high speeds, the frequency of induced voltage is also very high. Thus the

    coil impedance increases and the linearity of output is affected. To maintain

    the good linearity the display device should have higher input impedance

    than that of the coil.

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    Otical Encoders

    #ptical instruments for angular velocity measurement include.

     7 #ptical Shaft encoder 

     7 8on contact optical tachometer  7 Stroboscope.

    Otical shaft encoders are based on circular binary encoders which are used for 

    angular displacement measurement can also be used for angular velocity

    measurement. Similar to the above disc can be made with optical encoding for 

    optical tachometer.

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    9 A !hoto interruter consists of an -"$ light source often infrared/ and a photo

    detector. Mechanical interruption of the light path can be used for various

     purposes such as counting, triggering etc.

     :hoto interrupter type sensors are used in automobiles to monitor the angular 

     position and the rate of change of steering angle. The sensor comprises a slit discattached to steering column and rotates with the steering wheel and a fi2ed (

    shape photo interrupter. 3hen the column is turned the rotating slotted disc

    alternatively e2poses and blocks the light emitting beams directed toward

     photodiode receptor, this interruption of the light beam generated a series of 


    9 Other non contact otical tacho"eters are available as handheld units. ' light

     beam from tachometer is reflected from the moving pattern on the rotating

    surface, which may be something as simple as a piece of reflective tape. Bycounting the reflected light pulses, rotary speed may be determined to high


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    9 "arly version of mechanical stroboscope is shown in fig. above. which willhelp understanding the principle/. It consists of a whirling disc and a stationary

    mask having opening of same shape 4 si+e. 3hen the two openings on the disc

    4 stationary mask coincide, an observer can catch glimpses of the obect behind

    the mask.

    9 If the obect is rotating and the speed of disc is synchroni+ed with the motion of 

    obect. The obect would appear to be motionless. 'lso if the disc is rotating at

    slightly lesser speed than obect the obect would appear to creep forward and if 

    the disc is rotating at slightly faster speed the rotating obect would appear tocreep backward.

    9 Modern stroboscopes operate with slightly different setup. Instead of the

    whirling disc, a controllable, intense flashing light source is used. 6epeated

    short duration )0%;0 ms/ light flashes of adustable frequency are supplied by

    the light source. The required flashing rate frequency for synchroni+ation with

    the motion of obect is read as the angular speed of the obect. These devices

    are often called strobe lights.

    9 To properly view the rotating obect in the flash light it is required to place a

    distinctive mark on the rotating obect e.g. mark on one of the spokes of 

    moving wheel/. This mark is taken as reference to look for one%on%one


    9 Stroboscopes are used to check speeds ranging from

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    9 The stroboscope is highly versatile= it uses no power from the moving obect

    that is being measured.

    9 It has an accuracy as close as 0.)>

    9 Most stroboscopes consist of an oscillator, a reed and a flasher as shown

    above. The oscillator provides trigger pulses to flasher mechanism to control

    the flashing rate. The vibrating reed serves as a reference for accurately

    calibrating the stroboscope. The reed is driven from ac lines and vibrates at

    ?@00 times per minute. This steady rate is used to calibrate the flasher.

    5lasher produces illumination required for the measurements. The flasher 

    lamp can be a very bright -"$ or an inner gas filled tube which gives

    illumination on ionisation of the gas.

    9 3hen the frequency of rotation of obect e2actly matches the stroboscope

    frequency the moving mark on the obect is viewed stationery as it is at the

    same position every time when flash light illuminates. Such stationery image

    also appears when speed of rotation is some e2act multiple of the

    stroboscope frequency. The highest of the strobe frequency that produces

    stationery image is the fundamental frequency.

      e.g. when obect is rotating at )@00 rpm and the flashing rate is

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    Thus it is not necessary to always obtain one%to%one synchroni+ation. 'lso

    note that above procedure makes it possible to e2tend the upper limit of the

    device beyond stroboscopes normal frequency range. 5lash rates range from

    ))0 to )10,000 cpm enabling measuring speeds upto ),000,000 rpm.

    Mechanical Tacho"eters

    9 Mechanical Tachometers are either 

    )/ $irect counters #6 

    @/ entrifugal speed indicators

    9 Mechanical counters may be of the

    direct counting digital type or maybe

    counters with a gear reducer. In thelatter case, angular motion available at

    shaft end is reduced by a worm and

    gear, and the output is indicated by

    rotating scales.

    9 In both e2amples rpm is measured by

    simply counting the revolutions for 

    length of time as measured with stop

    watch and calculating the rpm.

      Sometimes timing mechanism is also

    incorporated in the counter. The timer is

    used to actuate a internal clutch that

    controls the time interval during which

    count is measured. 

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    Centrifugal r" indicators

    entrifugal tachometer. entrifugal rpm indicators / use the Cfly%ball

    governorD principle, which balance centrifugal force against a mechanical

    spring. 'n appropriate mechanism transmits the resulting displacement to a

     pointer, which indicates speed on a calibrated scale.

    $escription of working !

    "ach portable centrifugal tachometer has a small rubber%covered wheel and

    a number of hard rubber tips. Eou fit the appropriate tip or wheel on the end

    of the tachometer drive shaft, and hold it against the shaft to measure speed

    of rotation. 's the drive shaft begins to rotate, the fly weights rotate with it.

    entrifugal force tends to pull the fly weights away from the center, causing

    the lower collar to rise and compress the spring. The lower collar is attached

    to a pointer, and its upward motion, restricted by the spring tension, causes

    an increase in the indication on the dial face. 3hen properly used, a

    centrifugal tachometer will indicate correct shaft speed as long as it is in

    contact with the machine shaft under test. ' portable centrifugal tachometer

    has three ranges! low 10 to 100 rpm/, medium 100 to 1,000 rpm/, and high

    1,000 to 10,000 rpm/.