Me hero


Transcript of Me hero

Some people come in our lifes, they get round for a moment and than they leave us as if nothing special happened. Perhaps they will stay kept in our minds, maybe not. The others stop with us and we are grateful for their friendship, help, advice or sympathy. If you meet a special person once, he-she will become „a hero“ for you forever. But sometimes you can become a hero, too.

This happened to Karolína either. She was meeting new people every day and she was looking for her „heroes“ among them all. But she hardly ever met somebody, who could understand her ideas and dreams. Only yesterday Karolína was walking by the rush streets of a city right to school, where she goes for 8 years. She was thinking, what could help her to write an essay.

She cut short her walk across the park, where she saw some small children playing in some leaves. But it wasn´t all.

She noticed a small boy hiding over the bush. Four a little bit older boys were nearing towards to him and they were looking for something, or somebody evidently.

She thought, that the boy hidden in the bush is in troubles. „What´s here up?“ Karolína asked herself .

Karolina stood there for a while and watched what was going on. But the four elder boys did not find the boy. She started walking home and suddenly she heard a scream. She turned around, and then the boy was gone! She thought by herself, "Where is he?” It seemed like something was not right, she went home. When she got home she was thinking of what had happened to the boy. She started to get worried about him.

The next morning she saw a car pass by with a boy in the back seat. Karolina ran out and started running after the car. She ran as fast as she could, but suddenly the car was gone.

When she came to school she saw that there was blood traces on the ground.

She ran inside to find the teacher, but when she came into the classroom, there was no one there.

No students or teachers were in school. The school was completely empty!

Suddenly Karolina heard the sound of breaking glass. She went to see what had happened when she saw that there was someone who had broken one window. She saw that the four elder boys where running as fast as they could and one of them was carrying the boy on his shoulders.

Karolina started chasing them. The boys under pressure of Karolina chasing them, tossed little Will into the garbage container.

Before Karolina could reach it, the garbage truck collected it. The girl started shouting “Stop! Stop!” but it didn’t help at all because the driver was with the four boys.

Seeing the garbage truck disappear she grabbed a pizza delivery boy’s moped

ate some pizza and started chasing them.

She got to the landfill to see what was happening to Will. She hid behind one of the garbage heaps just to see that the garbage men locked Will in a small cabin. She decided to stay put and waited for the right moment to rescue the boy. When the garbage men went into a house opposite the cabin, she crawled to it.

When she opened the door, she noticed there was nobody inside. She started looking for him. She checked the wardrobe, then under the bed. Suddenly she noticed a deep ditch with a piece of Will’s clothing in.

Karolina saw traces. She followed them to the wall. Suddenly the traces disappeared. She started to think: How? Where are the traces? She walked around the room, then stopped and leaned against the wall. Suddenly, the wall opened! She was scared, but she said to herself: I´ll do it! Karolina you´ll do it! She went through the door in the wall and went down the stairs.

She came into a dim room. She hid behind a wooden box and checked the room .She saw Will. He was tied.

She also saw the bad boys. She got an idea.

She went back to the pizza moped. She took some pizza and put it into another cabin. The pizza was still warm and smelt nice. She went back and hid.

„Guys, good work. Now I´m calling the boss! Come on, we must do some work outside,“ she heard them saying.

In a moment the bad guys smelt the pizza and followed its smell. They entered the cabin.

Karolina ran after them and locked them in.

She got back to save Will. About fifteen minutes later, Carolina and Will were going home. Will told her that his parents are very rich and the bad boys wanted money. They went to the police station and told everything. Everybody thanked Karolina. This day Karolina became a hero!