ME Accreditation Review Question

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  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question





  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    1. What is the sample for compressive strength determination of a structural

    concrete? Answer: concrete cylinder sample

    2. What is the test to determine the consistency of concrete?

    Ans: Slump test3. What is the length required for RSB sample for quality test?

    Ans: 1.0 m/10,000 kg/size/shipment4. o! many samples should "e ta#en for every $% cu.m fresh concrete?

    Ans: 1 set consist of 3pcs sample

    %. What is the required si&e of test specimen for '.(. sheets?Ans: 3 pcs!0 mm in 1 sht/100 sheets). What #ind of paint that has a reflectance or "eads?

    Ans: "eflectorized #aint$. What is that construction material that has a property of "eing a dar# "ro!n to

    "lac# cementitious material in !hich the predominating su"stance is "itumen?

    Ans: asphalt*. +or ho! long or ho! many hours shall a "ituminous prime coat "e left


    Ans: $% hours,. What is the rate of application of "ituminous tac# coat?

    Ans: 0.$ to 0.& '/s(.m1-. What is the penetration grade of "lo!n asphalt?

    Ans: 0 to 30 penetration grade

    11. What #ind of sample is ta#en for fleural test?

    Ans: )oncrete *eam sample12. What are the tests needed for the 2.)%- cu.m (tem 2-1 /0ggregate Base ourse?

    Ans: )+", a*rasion, #)-

    13. o! many grading tests are required for a 32-- cu.m selected "orro! topping

    /(tem 1-4?

    Ans: 3 grading tests14. 0s a materials ngineer !hat !ill you recommend if you find out that the

    materials to "e used as (tem 2-- if finer than the required materials?

    Ans: *lend tem $00 with coarser materials1%. What is the standard specification for 55 and 6( of (tem 2-1?

    Ans: maimum of $ and maimum of ! respecti2ely1). What is the BR requirement for (tem 2-1?

    0ns7 *-8 maimum


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    1$. What asphalt is used for sealing !ea#en plane 9oint of concrete pavement?

    Ans: +lown Asphalt1*. What is (tem 311 of the :6W Specification /Blue Boo#?

    Ans: #ortland )ement )oncrete #a2ement1,. What is the machine used for a"rasion test?

    Ans: 'os Angeles A*rasion achine

    2-. o! to determine the degree of compaction of (tems 1-4 2-- ; 2-1?

    Ans: *y 4ield -ensity 5est21. What is the formula in o"taining the value of 6(?

    Ans: 'i(uid 'imit minus #lastic 'imit22. What are the other terms for sieve analysis?

    Ans: rading 5est, #article Size -istri*ution 5est, echanical Analysis23. What is the degree of compaction of the soil if the !et density is 22-- #g

  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    3%. What asphalt is commonly #no!n as hot asphalt or penetration grade asphalt?

    Ans: Asphalt )ement3). o! many days does the sample for (mmersion = ompression @est "e soa#ed in


    Ans: % days 0 o)

    3$. (f ductility test is for asphalt AAAAA is for cement?

    Ans: agnesium ;ide, nsolu*le "esidue, 'oss on gnition3*. 6aint is composed of AAAAA

    Ans: 3 2ehicle, 0 pigment, 1 *eads3,. What is the si&e of tamping rod used in tamping concrete sample?

    Ans: 1! mm < and !10 mm long with hemispherical tip4-. What is the temperature to "e maintained !hen curing sample after its initial


    Ans: $3o ) 7 1.&o)

    41. oncrete cylinders are cured and ready for test. @emperature "et!een )3+ to*%+ are permitted for a period not to eceed AAAAA hours immediately prior to

    test if free moisture is maintained on the surface of the specimen at all times.

    Ans: three =3>42. @he molds of specimen not to "e transported shall "e removed after initial curing

    of AAAAA hours and should "e cured to the standard curing temperature of $3.4 +C 3+

    Ans: 5wentyfour =$%>43. igh plasticity inde means AAAAA of a soil?

    Ans: high degree of compressi*ility44. Sample to "e used for liquid limit and plastic limit tests should pass to !hat


    Ans: ?o. %0 =0.%$ mm>4%. What compaction rammer shall used if the specs given for >oisture = :ensity

    Relation @est />:R is @ = 1*-?

    Ans: %.% kg with %& mm drop4). 0 "ean mold measuring )D )D 2- is to "e used for sampling concrete ho!

    many "lo!s

  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %1. 0n em"an#ment having a 6( of 3-8 55 of 4-8 and '( of - !hat is the degree

    of compaction for this #ind of soil?

    Ans: @ degree of compaction%2. @he minimum cement factor for concrete lass E0D is , "agsaterials ngineer !hen is the right time to start sampling and testing


    Ans: ;nce the source is identified%%. @he minimum compressive strength for concrete lass E6D is %--- psi !hat is

    the minimum compressive strength for concrete lass ED?

    Ans: 3000 psi%). @he volume of concrete mier per "atch shall not eceed the mierFs nominal

    capacity in cu.m as sho!n on the manufacturerFs standard plate on the mierecept that an overload up to AAAAA percent a"ove the mierFs nominal capacity

    may "e permitted provided concrete test data for strength segregation anduniform consistency are satisfactory and provided that no spillage of concrete

    ta#es place.

    Answer: 5en =10>

    %$. Where do !e ta#e additional cores !hen the measurement of any core ta#en from

    pavement is deficient in thic#ness "y more than 2% mm?

    Answer: at no less than meter inter2als parallel to the centerline in eachdirection from the affected location

    %*. Gnder !hat climatic condition do !e use lo!er penetration grade or hard asphalt?

    Answer: hot climate =cold climate 8 higher penetration grade or soft asphalt>

    %,. What is the "asis for the acceptance or re9ection of any construction material?

    Answer: aterials test results/reports

    )-. 6enetration test is for asphalt7 cement is to AAAAA?

    Answer: consistency

    )1. Slump test is a very important test in fresh concrete to determine AAAAA?

    Answer: consistency of concrete

    )2. o! many samples should "e ta#en for an asphalt mi for each full dayFs


    Answer: at least one *ut not to eceed three samples

    )3. @he thic#ness of asphalt core using a caliper is "ased on ho! many



  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: four =%>

    )4. @he thic#ness of concrete core using a caliper is "ased on ho! manymeasurements?

    Answer: nine =@>

    )%. +ailed samples do not necessarily mean that the structure it represents isdefective !hy?

    Answer: may *e the sampling is incorrect

    )). @he specification calls for a 17 274 concrete mi. (n a one "agger mier !hich of

    the follo!ing amount of !ater is most li#ely required for the mi?

    Answer: $0 liters

    )$. @he spot test on asphalt is used to determine AAAAAA.

    Answer: o2erheating during the process of manufacture

    )*. o! many samples shall "e su"mitted for test if 31% pails of flat !all enamelpaint are to "e used in the pro9ect?

    Answer: four =%> pails

    ),. 0ggregate Su" = "ase course has a volume of % --- cu.m and to "e laid in a 1%cm

    compacted depth. o! many samples shall "e su"mitted for BR test and forsieve analysis?

    Answer: $ samples for )+" and 1& samples for sie2e analysis

    $-. o! many samples shall "e su"mitted for quality test if )- tons of Bituminous6rime oat is to "e used in the pro9ect?

    Answer: 5wo =$> samples

    $1. o! many compaction tests shall "e conducted for (tem 2-1 having a volume of

    *2%- cu.m?

    Answer: Si =!> compaction tests

    $2. What composed of >aterials uality ontrol >onthly Reports?

    Answer: Summary of field tests and status of test

    $3. What is the required miing of mortar for (tem %-% /Stone >asonry?

    Answer: 1 part cement and $ parts sand *y 2olume with sufficient water

    $4. What is the required miing of mortar for (tem %-- /6ipe ulverts and Storm


    Answer: 1 part cement and $ parts sand *y 2olume with sufficient water

    $%. Before the pro9ect starts the materials ngineer or the technician must have a

    program on ho! many samples for each item of !or# should "e tested "ased on

    the minimum testing requirements. What program or report is this?


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: uality )ontrol #rogram

    $). (f sample splitter is not availa"le for use in reducing samples for test !hat is thealternative !ay of reducing sample for testing si&e?

    Answer: apply (uartering method and get two opposite sides as sample

    $$. @he road !ill not "e opened to traffic until test specimens molded and cured haveattained the minimum strength requirements. (f such tests are not conducted prior

    to the specified age the pavement shall not "e operated to traffic until AAAAA days

    after the concrete !as placed.

    Answer: 4ourteen =1%>

    $*. 0s the !or# progresses the >aterials ngineer should #no! ho! many sample

    has "een su"mitted and tested and ho! many samples are to "e su"mitted inother !ords the > must refer to !hat report so that he

  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: week

    *). Ine of the duties of >aterials ngineer is to see to it that all the constructionmaterials "e tested7

    Answer: *efore it is incorporated into work

    *$. What is the maimum depth or road!ay em"an#ment per hori&ontal layer in loosemeasurement?

    Answer: $00 mm loose measurement

    **. Why is it that ) samples are needed for quality test of concrete masonry?

    Answer: 3 samples for compressi2e strength and 3 samples for a*sorption

    *,. Sample su"mitted for test should have a tag "earing the name of the pro9ect thequantity represented #ind of sample original source !ho sampled and !ho

    su"mitted it the date sampled and date su"mitted and etc. What is the common

    name of that tag for you as >aterials ngineer?

    Answer: Sample )ard

    ,-. (f course aggregate li#e em"an#ment is to "e placed in layers ho! many layersshould a 4- cm thic# 0ggregate Base ourse is placed?

    Answer: 5hree =3>

    ,1. @he > should al!ays "e alert of his schedule !ith regards to the num"er of days

    of a quality test that ta#es place. Since not all construction materials can "e tested

    9ust for a day or even a !ee# so !hat is the lead time should he consider for a

    quality test of a cement sample?

    Answer: ;ne =1> month

    ,2. BR Sample for test has "een compacted "ut it should "e soa#ed for ho! manydays "efore testing?

    Answer: 4our =%>

    ,3. (f sieve analysis and plasticity test are used for Soil lassification !hat test that

    its result "e used in field density test?

    Answer: )ompaction 5est or oisture -ensity "elation 5est

    ,4. eavy rains occur the night "efore prior to your scheduled field density test are

    you going to pursue your schedule? Why?

    Answer: ?o, *ecause the moisture content is high and can affect the result

    ,%. hec#ing the gradation of composite aggregates and asphalt content of asphalt

    mi can "e done "y !hat test?

    Answer: Dtraction 5est

    ,). What is the device used in testing for liquid limit test?

    Answer: li(uid limit de2ice with groo2ing tool


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    ,$. What apparatus is used in plastic limit test?

    Answer: glass plate

    ,*. o! long does a vi"rator "e inserted in a concrete mi?

    Answer: not to eceed 1 seconds at 0 8 !0 cm inter2al

    ,,. 0long the slope of high em"an#ment AAAAA is provided as an erosion control

    measures and also to improve the sta"ility of the slope.

    Answer: +erm

    1--. (n soil and su" = surface eplorations for flood control design of foundation

    condition a soil sample !as ta#en for field and la"oratory tests. @he test requiredfor soil !as ta#en ecept

    0ns!er7 specific gravity a*rasion !ater content 0tter"erg 5imits gradationcompaction relative density

    1-1. Structure crossing a"ove such covered underground drainage conduit shall "e

    laid at least AAAAA a"ove the top of the conduit.

    Answer: 1.0 m, 0. m, 1. m, $.0 m

    1-2. lass of stones for riprap ranging from 3- #gs to a maimum of $- #gs !ith atleast %-8 of the stones !eighing more than %- #gs.

    Answer: )lass +

    1-3. lass of stones for riprap ranging from 1% #gs to a maimum of 2% #gs !ith atleast %-8 of the stones !eighing more than 2- #gs.

    Answer: )lass A

    1-4. lass of stones for riprap ranging from )- #gs to a maimum of 1-- #gs !ith at

    least %-8 of the stones !eighing more than *- #gs.

    Answer: )lass )

    1-%. lass of stones for riprap ranging from 1-- #gs to a maimum of 2-- #gs !ith at

    least %-8 of the stones !eighing more than 1%-- #gs.

    Answer: )lass -

    1-). @he maimum si&e of stone for stone masonry.

    Answer: 10 mm

    1-$. @he maimum si&e of aggregate for item 3--.

    0ns!er7 1 inch

    1-*. Required maimum liquid limit for (tem 3--.

    Answer: 3


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    1-,. Required plasticity inde range on (tem 3--.

    Answer: % to @

    11-. Range of sand si&e.

    Answer: $.0 mm to 0.00 mm

    12-. >inimum time for removal of forms and false !or#s for floor sla"s.

    Answer: 1% days =minimum of design strength 8 &0>

    121. >inimum time for removal of forms and false !or#s for !alls.

    Answer: 1 day =minimum of design strength 8 &0>

    122. >inimum time for removal of forms and false !or#s for columns.

    Answer: $ days =minimum of design strength 8 &0>


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    123. >inimum time for removal of forms and false !or#s for side of "eams and all

    other vertical surfaces.

    Answer: 1 day =minimum of design strength 8 &0>

    124. 0mass of solid reinforced concrete cast around the head of a group of piles to

    ensure that act as a unit to support the imposed loadAnswer: #ile cap

    12%7 0n em"an#ment shall "e compacted layer "y layer.

    Answer: 10 mm

    12). lass of concrete deposited in !ater.

    Answer: )lass Seal

    12$. lass of concrete used in all superstructures and heavily reinforced

    su"structures. @he important parts of the structure included are sla"s "eams

    girders columns arch ri"s "o culverts reinforced a"utments retaining !allsand reinforced footings.

    Answer: )lass A

    12*. lass of concrete used in footings pedestal massive pier shafts pipe "edding

    and gravity !alls unreinforced or !< only a small amount of reinforcement.

    Answer: )lass +

    12,. lass of concrete used in thin reinforced sections railings preJcast piles

    cri""ing and for filler in steel grid floors.

    Answer: )lass )

    13-. lass of concrete used in pre = stressed concrete structures and mem"ers.

    Answer: )lass #

    131. eight of dropping concrete to the point of deposit

    Answer: 1.0 m

    132. Reflectori&ed @hermoplastic 6avement >ar#ings

    Answer: tem !1$

    133. 6ermitted variation from the design thic#ness of layer for (tem 3--

    Answer: E 1 mm and 8 mm

    134. (tem 31- shall have a mass percent of air voids !ith range of AAAAA

    Answer: 3 to

    13%. :o!el "ars for 66 shall "e AAAAA

    Answer: plain *ars


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    13). oncrete "eam sample !hen tested "y @hird = 6oint >ethod shall have a

    fleural strength of AAAAA !hen tested in 14 days.

    Answer: 3.60 #a

    13$. When the required thic#ness of (tem 2-- is more than 1%- mm the aggregate

    su" = "ase shall spread and compacted in AAAAK Answer: two or more layers

    13*. (tem 2-2 shall have a minimum soa#ed BR value of AAAAA

    Answer: 60

    13,. 6ermitted variation from design thic#ness of layer for (tem 2-1.

    Answer: 7 10 mm

    14-. Sieve designation standard /in mm for -.42% mm to alternate GS standard

    Answer: ?o. %0

    141. (f slag is used as course aggregate for (tem 311 the minimum density is AAAAA

    Answer: 1,1$0 kg/m3

    142. >inimum price allo!ed of contract for deficiency in strength of concrete

    specimens for 66 !hich 1-8 to less than 1%8

    Answer: &0

    143. @his 9oint is also called cold 9oint. (t is constructed !hen there is an interruption

    of more than 3- minutes in the concreting operation

    Answer: 5rans2erse )onstruction Foint

    144. >inimum variation of the surface from the testing edge of the straight edge"et!een contacts !ith the surface in (tem 31-

    Answer: !.0 mm

    14%. 6ortland ement @reated 6lant >i Base ourse after the completion of the final

    rolling the surface !ill "e treated !ith "ituminous curing seal ho! much is the

    rate of application?

    Answer: 0. '/m$to 1.0 '/m$

    14). (n (tem 2-1 the volume required in the pro9ect is 1---- cu.m. @he required

    num"er of BR test is AAAAA

    Answer: four =%>

    14$. Slump test of concrete determines the follo!ing ecept

    0ns!er7 !or#a"ility fluidity consistency9o* density

    14*. @he significance of liquid limit are the ff. ecept

    0ns!er7 measures the shearing resistance of soil measures the potential cohesion

    of soil fineness and shape of grain Atter*erg limits


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    14,. (n soil classification 3%8 or less passing Lo. 2-- sieve are the ff. ecept

    0ns!er7 0J1 0J2 0J3A%

    1%-. @o evaluate the performance quality of a soil as a high!ay su"grade material

    Answer: roup nde

    1%1. (f the paving of concrete pavement !ill "e done at the rate 2-- ln.m half !idth

    per paving day ho! many sets of concrete "eam samples shall "e required.'iven7 0 H 11%--- sq.m !idth H ).%- m thic#ness H 23- mm

    Answer: 33 sets

    1%2. @he required liquid limit for selected "orro! toppings

    Answer: 30

    1%3. @he maimum plastic limit for selected "orro! toppings

    Answer: !

    1%4. Soil is considered unsuita"le material !hen the liquid limit and plastic limiteceeds

    Answer: 60 and respecti2ely

    1%%. Soil is considered unsuita"le !hen the material density is

    Answer: 600 kg/cu.m or lower

    1%). @he plasticity inde is determined in accordance !ith

    Answer: AASG5; 5 @0

    1%$. @he liquid limit is determined in accordance !ith

    Answer: AASG5; 5 6@

    1%*. @he required compaction of em"an#ment layer "y layer

    Answer: @

    1%,. @he minimum compaction trial of em"an#ment

    Answer: 10 m wide *y 0 m long

    1)-. 0t least ho! many in = situ density tests should "e carried out for each %-- m 2 of

    each layer of compacted fill?

    Answer: three =3>

    1)1. >aimum plasticity inde for (tem 2--

    Answer: 1$

    1)2. >aimum liquid limit for (tem 2--

    Answer: 3


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    1)3. >aimum si&e of grading requirement for (tem 2--

    Answer: $H

    1)4. @he 5os 0ngeles 0"rasion @est for aggregate su"J"ase course is determined in

    accordance !ithAnswer: AASG5; 5 @!

    1)%. @he required a"rasion loss for (tem 2--

    Answer: 0

    1)). @he minimum BR required for (tem 2--

    Answer: $

    1)$. @he required soa#ed BR for aggregate su"J"ase course is determined "y

    Answer: AASG5; 5 1@3

    1)*. >inimum required percent compaction of each layer of aggregate su"J"ase


    Answer: 100

    1),. (n = place density determination of aggregate su"J"ase course material shall "emade in accordance !ith

    Answer: AASG5; 5 1@1

    1$-. (n some areas !here the conventional "ase course materials are scarce or non =availa"le the use AAAAA allo!a"le percent !eathered limestone /anapog "lended

    !ith crushed stones or gravel.

    Answer: %0 =!0 crushed stones or gra2el>

    1$1. >aimum si&e of aggregate for "ase course material under grading B

    Answer: 1 I inch

    1$2. >aimum required percent a"rasion loss for (tem 2-2

    Answer: %

    1$3. >aimum required mass percent shall have at least one /1 fractured face of

    (tem 2-2

    Answer: 0

    1$4. >inimum required soa#ed BR for (tem 2-2

    Answer: 60

    1$%. >aimum si&e of aggregate for (tem 2-2 under grading 0

    Answer:1 I inch


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    1$). >aimum si&e of aggregate for (tem 2-1 under grading 0

    Answer: $H

    1$$. >aimum si&e of aggregate for (tem 2-2 under grading B

    Answer: 1 inch

    1$*. @his item consists of a foundation for surface course composed of soil aggregate

    lime !ater in proper proportion road = mied and constructed on a prepared


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: erlin "oad "oughness easuring -e2ice

    1,-. (t is used for the rapid in = situ measurement of the structural properties ofeisting pavement !ith un"ound granular properties.

    Answer: -ynamic )one #enetrometer

    1,1. What is the thinnest cut = "ac# asphalt?

    Answer: ) 8 3000

    1,2. (n the construction of "ridges pro9ects !hat is the method used to determine the

    casting length of the regular piles?

    Answer: 5est #itting

    1,3. (t is an equipment !hich is used to measure differential deflection "et!een 9oints

    of a concrete pavement to determine the modulus of the eisting sla"s for use in

    the design of an overlay and to determine the remaining life of eisting

    pavement.Answer: 4alling Jeight -eflectometer

    1,4. What is the equipment used to pinpoint re"ars conduits pipes nails and other

    metals em"edded in concrete "efore cutting or drilling?

    Answer: "e*ar 'ocator

    1,%. What is the instrument or equipment used to measure for surface test of concrete

    and asphalt pavements as soon as he concrete has hardened sufficiently or as soon

    as the asphalt mi has "een initially compacted?

    Answer: 3 8 meter straight edge

    1,). What is the latest state of the art equipment consuming radioactive material!hich is commonly used in the compaction control of earth and asphalt road

    construction and in the measurement of moisture content?

    Answer: ?uclear -ensity auge

    1,$. (t is an instrument used to measure pavement deflections resulting from vehicle

    !heel loadings. @he results of the elastic deformation tests are used to evaluate

    the structural condition of roads and to help in the design of road strengtheningmeasures and road capacity improvement.

    Answer: +enkelman +eam and -eflection 'ogger

    1,*. What is the instrument that is used for eamining the quality of rigid materials

    such as roc#s and concrete? @his instrument is a non = destructive porta"le

    instrument !ith dimensions of 11- mm 1*- mm 1)- mm and its main usesincludes the determination of concrete strength /either in = situ or pre = castalso

    to determine the presence of voids crac#s and other imperfections.

    Answer: #undit Kltrasonic )oncrete 5ester


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    1,,. Soil sta"ili&ing agent

    Answer: 'ime 8 for silty and clayey soil)ement 8 fro sandy soil

    2--. Water content at !hich soil passes from plastic to liquid state.

    Answer: 'K- '5

    2-1. Water content at !hich soil passes from semi = solid to plastic state.

    Answer: #'AS5) '5

    2-2. Water content at !hich soil passes from solid to semi = solid.

    Answer: SG"?LAD '5

    2-3. Steel "ars placed along longitudinal 9oints to hold the ad9oining sla"s together

    are called AAAAA

    Answer: tie *ars

    2-4. @he concrete pavement surface sho!s high spots of 1% mm in a 3 = m straight

    edge. @he concrete in the area represented "y these high spots AAAAA

    Answer: shall *e remo2ed and replaced =*ut if high spots *eing noted eceeds3 mm *ut not eceeding 1$ mm, it shall *e ground down only.

    2-%. @he cali"ration of the Gniversal testing machine is conducted AAAAA

    Answer: ;nce a year

    2-). What is the sampling requirement of "ituminous miture?

    Answer: 1 sample per 130 tonnes

    2-$. What is the depth of the thermometer inserted in the "ituminous miture?

    Answer: $H

    2-*. (n the design of "ituminous mi the design criteria for sta"ility under the>arshall Sta"ility >ethod for heavy traffic is AAAA

    Answer: 1600 l*s

    2-,. @he sta"ility criteria of the >arshall Sta"ility >ethod is the maimum loadresistance that a specimen !ill develop at AAAAA

    Answer: !0M

    21-. Bituminous mi specimens are compacted at ho! many "lo!s at each end for a

    heavy traffic design under the >arshall Sta"ility >ethod?

    Answer: & *lows

    211. (n a penetration test if the penetration is ,. What is the grade of the asphalt?

    Answer: 6 8 100


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    212. (n case of scarcity or non = availa"ility of @ype ( 6ortland cement !hat type of

    po&&olan shall "e used?

    Answer: #ortland #ozzolan )ement 5ype 1#

    213. @he required fleural strength of concrete "eam sample of (tem 311 !hen tested

    "y the midpoint method.Answer: %.0 #a

    214. @he required forms to "e used in concrete pavement are AAAAA

    Answer: Steel forms of an appro2ed section

    21%. So!ing of the !ea#ened plane 9oints shall "e done usually at AAAAA

    Answer: Jithin $% hours

    21). Removal of forms of concrete pavement

    Answer: $% hours

    21$. @he required slump of concrete using slip = form method of paving is AAAAA

    Answer: 1 I inches

    21*. :eficiency in strength of concrete specimen !herein no payment of contract

    price allo!ed is AAAAA

    Answer: $ or more

    21,. What is the length of a lot of pavement !hen a single traffic lane is poured?

    Answer: 1,000 ln.m

    22-. What is the length of a lot of pavement !hen t!o lanes lane are poured


    Answer: 00 ln. m

    221. What is the required si&e of concrete "eam sample?

    Answer: 10 mm 10 mm $ mm

    222. What is the required num"er of set of concrete "eam specimens to "e ta#en from

    each 33- sq. m of pavement of fraction thereof placed each day?

    Answer: 1 set

    223. What is the required compressive strength that concrete piles "e moved?

    Answer: 60 of the designed $6 8 day compressi2e strength

    224. @he required circular pin diameter used to "end 1- = 2- mm M reinforcing steel.

    Answer: !d =$0 mm 8 $ mm < N 6d: $6 mm < and a*o2e N 10d>

    22%. @he miing speed of the transit mier during "atching.

    Answer: % to ! rpm


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    22). What is the slump of concrete lass 0 deposited in !ater?

    Answer: 10 to $0 cm

    22$. @his item shall consist of preparing and treating an aggregate "ase course

    preparatory to the construction of a "ituminous surface course.Answer: #rime )oat

    22*. What item no. is Bituminous Surface @reatment?

    Answer: tem 30%

    22,. What is the required tolerance for "ituminous material in 9o" = mi formula for

    (tem 31-?

    Answer: 7 0.%

    23-. @his item consists of an application of "ituminous material !ith or !ithout the

    application of aggregate on eisting "ituminous surface?Answer: Seal )oat

    231. No" = mi tolerance for temperature in the miture for (tem 31-.

    Answer: 7 10M)

    232. What is the si&e of the sample in (tem 31- ta#en for each full dayFs operation?

    Answer: 10 mm 10 mm or 100 mm inimum thic#ness measured perpendicular to the slope using lass : stonesfor riprap.

    Answer: 600 mm =)lass A 8 300 mmB )lass + 8 00 mmB )lass ) 8 !00 mm>


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    23,. @his item shall consist of preparing and "earing an eisting "ituminous or

    cement concrete surface !ith "ituminous materials preparatory to the

    construction of "ituminous surface course.

    Answer: 5ack )oat

    24-. What is the rate of application of "ituminous seal coat using asphalt cement?Answer: 0.@ to 1.6 lit/m$

    241. What is the rate of application of "ituminous seal coat using cut = "ac# asphalt?

    Answer: 1. to 3.0 lit/m$

    242. What is the maimum tolerance of the variation of the surface of (tem 31- from

    the testing edge of the straight edge *etween any two contacts with thesurfaceO

    Answer: ! mm

    243. What is the minimum dry compressive of (tem 31-?Answer: 1.%0 #a

    244. What is the required (nde of Retained Strength of (tem 31- !hen tested "y

    AASG5; 5 !OAnswer: &0 minimum

    24%. No" = mi tolerance in (tem 31- for grading passing Lo. 4 and larger sieve.

    Answer: 7&

    24). No" = mi tolerance in (tem 31- for grading passing Lo * to Lo. 1-- /inclusive.

    Answer: 7%

    24$. .No" = mi tolerance in (tem 31- for grading passing Lo. 2-- sieve.

    Answer: 7$

    24*. @he property of asphalt mi to resist deformation from imposed load.

    Answer: sta*ility

    24,. @he property of asphalt mi to resist the detrimental effects of air !atertemperature and traffic.

    Answer: dura*ility

    2%-. @he property of asphalt mi to !ithstand repeated fleing caused "y the passage

    of !heel loads.

    Answer: fatigue resistance

    2%1. @he property of asphalt mi to "end slightly !ithout crac#ing and to conform to

    gradual settlements and moments of the "ase and su"grade.

    Answer: flei*ility


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    2%2. @he range of aggregates composition in (tem 31-.

    Answer: @$ to @

    2%3. What is the test on asphalt in order to determine the effect of !ater on the

    cohesion of the mi?Answer: mmersion 8 )ompression 5est

    2%4. (n temperate countries li#e the 6hilippines !hat is the most commonly usedgrade of asphalt cement?

    Answer: !0 8 &0 and 6 8 100

    2%%. @o determine the thic#ness AAAAA of asphalt (mmersion = ompression @est isperformed.

    Answer: sta*ility

    2%). 6ercent air voids !ill AAAAA as percent asphalt increases in >arshall Sta"ility.Answer: decrease

    2%$. @o determine the temperature of delivered asphalt mi !hat apparatus is used?

    Answer: armored thermometer

    2%*. 6eat and muc# soils are considered as7

    Answer: highly organic soils

    2%,. Why is it that a trial section is conducted in su" = "ase or "ase courseconstruction?

    Answer: to check the suita*ility of materials, efficiency of the e(uipmentused and the construction method.

    2)-. What does it mean !hen there is "leeding in a ne!ly paved asphalt road?

    Answer: ecessi2e asphalt content

    2)1. 0 good su"grade soil should have the follo!ing7

    Answer: low li(uid limit and low plastic limit

    2)2. oncrete samples may "e tested at an earlier stage in order to AAAAA

    Answer: determine the trend of its strength de2elopment

    2)3. What is the test criterion for reinforced concrete pipe tested in a three = edge

    "earing test machine?

    Answer: 0.3 mm crack

    2)4. (n testing concrete cylinder sample the applied load should "e continuous

    !ithout shoc# at a constant rate !ithin the range of AAAAA

    Answer: $0 to 0 psi/second =compression>B 1$ 8 1& psi/second =fleural>


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    2)%. ement !hich has "een in storage for a long period of time and that there is

    already dou"t as to its quality should7

    Answer: *e retested prior to use

    2)). (t is a process of improving the properties of soil to ma#e it more suita"le for aparticular purpose.

    Answer: Sta*ilization

    2)$. @!o tests are done in one lot sample. @he test differs from each other third test

    is taken. Jhat will *e this testOAnswer: referee test

    2)*. (f no "eam sample ta#en to determine the strength of concrete pavement is it

    allo!ed in :6W specs to use core samples to determine the strength. What is

    the required compressive strength?

    Answer: Ces, 3,00 psi at 1% days

    2),. @act coat must "e at !hat condition prior to the application of asphalt mi?

    Answer: tacky

    2$-. @he use of sea !ater in reinforced concrete may AAAAA

    Answer: induce risk of corrosion in reinforcing steel

    2$1. Su"grade having a BR value of 28 or less is considered AAAAA

    Answer: weak su*grade

    2$2. Su"grade having a BR value of 1%8 or more is considered AAAAA

    Answer: 2ery sta*le

    2$3. Su"grade other than those defined in the t!o a"ove categories is considered AAA

    Answer: normal

    2$4. What are the three /3 ma9or groups of soil?

    Answer: granular soil, fine grained soil, organic soil

    2$%. What is the significance of field density test?

    Answer: to determine the degree of compaction of soil. t is also a control testin em*ankment construction to ensure ade(uate compaction.

    2$). Weighing hot sample is not advisa"le "ecause it affects the accuracy of the

    result. @rue or false?

    Answer: true


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    2$$. o! to prepare or to come up !ith an air = dried sample?

    Answer: air dry the sample under the heat of the sun

    2$*. (f it is impossi"le to air = dry the sample under the heat of the sun !hat

    alternative should "e used?

    Answer: o2en 8 dry the sample !0M)

    2$,. Sample for compaction test should pass to !hat sieve si&e?

    Answer: ethod A P + 8 use sample passing ?o. % ethod ) P - 8 use sample passing Q inch

    2*-. What is the difference "et!een @ = ,, and @ = 1*- compaction test method?

    Answer: 5 8 @@ uses $.kg =.l*s> rammer with a 1$H drop while 5 8 160uses %.% kg =10l*s> rammer with an 16H drop.

    2*1. What is particle si&e analysis?

    Answer: t is the determination of particle size distri*ution in soils *y sie2e,hydrometer or a com*ined analysis

    2*2. What #ind of !ater shall "e used in la"oratory test especially if it deals !ith


    Answer: distilled water

    2*3. 5iquid limit "rass cup !< sample is raised and allo!ed to drop sharply on the

    "ase through a height of AAAAA?

    Answer: 10 mm

    2*4. o! many rotations per second !ill the cran# of a liquid limit "e rotated?

    Answer: $ rps

    2*%. (n doing a plastic limit test to !hat M !ill the soil thread "egin to "rea#?

    Answer: 3.$ mm =1/6H>

    2*). What is specific gravity?

    AnswerB t is used in a gra2imetric 8 2olumetric relationship in soils =ordefined as the ratio of the wt. in air of an e(ual 2olume of water at a statedtemperature>

    2*$. What is the approimate area for density control strips?

    Answer: 33 s(. m

    2**. What (tem of !or# is em"an#ment?

    Answer: tem 10%

    2*,. What #ind of material for (tem 2--?


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: Aggregate su* 8 *ase course

    2,-. What is the required particle si&e for selected "orro! for toppings under (tem1-4?

    Answer: All particle size will pass sie2e & mm or 3H openings and not more

    than 1 mass will pass 0.0& mm. =AASG5; 5 11>

    2,1. What is the minimum degree of compaction for (tem 2-- and 2-1?

    Answer: 100

    2,2. What is the highest point in the moisture density curve of the moisture density

    relation test or compaction test?

    Answer: aimum dry density =--> and ;ptimum moisture content=;)>

    2,3. What is the required si&e of cali"rated sand used for field density test /+:@?Answer: Any clean, dry, free 8 flowing, uncemented sand passing ?o. 10 andretained ?o. $00 sie2e

    2,4. What is the standard diameter of an orifice of an +:@ sand cone?

    Answer: I inch =1$.& mm>

    2,%. What are the apparatus used in +:@?

    Answer: sand cone, 9ug =at least % liters>, guide plate, moisture cans,cali*rated sand, weighing scale, o2en with temperature control, chisel ordigging tool, plastic *ags and la*eling materials =tag name>

    2,). o! many hours does a fine aggregate tested for specific gravity and a"sorption"e soa#ed in !ater?

    0ns!er7 1% to 1, hours

    2,$. o! to determine if the fine aggregate reaches the saturated dry condition?

    Answer: t is determined *y the use of cone test for surface moisture. f themolded shape of fine aggregate slumps slightly, it indicates that it hasreached a surface dry condition

    2,*. What are the tests required for concrete aggregates?

    Answer: 4ine aggregate N grading, specific gra2ity, a*sorption, dry unitweight: )oarse aggregate N grading, specific gra2ity, a*sorption, dry unitweight an d a*rasion?ote: Soundness test is also performed as per re(uest

    2,,. What are the si&e or diameter and !eight of cast = iron spheres used in a"rasion



  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: Approimately %!.6 mm < and each weighing *etween 3@0 8 %grams

    3--. What is the required total !eight of sample for a"rasion test of coarse aggregate

    grading 0 !ith 12 as num"er of spheres?

    Answer: ,000 grams 7 $ grams

    3-1. What is significance of a"rasion test?

    Answer: t e2aluates the structural strength of coarse aggregate. t gi2es anindication of (uality as determined *y resistance to impact and wear. t alsodetermines whether the aggregates will ha2e degradation during traffic orrolling.

    3-2. What is the sieve used in sieving materials for a"rasion test?

    Answer: ?o. 1$ =1.&0 mm>

    3-3. 0t !hat age should a concrete "eam sample "e tested for fleural test?Answer: 1% days

    3-4. o! to compute the fleural strength of concrete "eam sample tested at third


    Answer: " N #' *d$

    3-%. o! to compute the fleural strength of concrete "eam sample tested at center


    Answer: " N 3#' $*d$

    3-). What is the si&e of the tamping rod used is sampling concrete?

    Answer: 1! mm < and !10 mm long with the tamping end rounded to ahemispherical tip of the same < as the rod.

    3-$. oncrete masonry /hollo! "loc#s if su"9ect to test ho! many samples are


    Answer: ! pcs/10,000 units =1$ pcs if more than 10,000 units>

    3-*. What is the strength requirement for load "earing concrete masonry units?

    Answer:ndi2idual N . #a =600 psi> minimumA2erage =for 3 samples> N !.@ #a =1000 psi> minimum

    3-,. What is the strength requirement for non = load "earing concrete masonry units?

    Answer:ndi2idual N 3.% #a =00 psi> minimum


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    A2erage =for 3 samples> N %. #a =!00 psi> minimum

    31-. What is the significance of testing reinforcing steel "ars?

    Answer: 5o determine the yield and tensile strength of the *ar as well as itselongation and is used to classify the *ars into grade.

    311. What is the significance of "ending test for RSB?

    Answer: 5o e2aluate the ductile properties of "S+

    312. What is the required testing requirement for paints?

    Answer: 1 can =gal or pail>/ 100 cans =gal or pail>

    313. SS = l or SS = lh is !hat #ind of asphalt?

    Answer: slow 8 setting emulsified asphalt

    314. +or ho! many hours or ho! long shall a "ituminous prime coat "e left

    undistur"ed?Answer: $% hours

    31%. What #ind of asphalt is used as tac# coat?

    Answer: cut 8 *ack asphalt

    31). Ine /1 set of concrete cylinder sample shall "e ta#en for every ho! many

    pieces of R6?

    Answer: $ pieces

    31$. What is "eing determined in a core sample from asphalt pavement?

    Answer: thickness and densityof pavement

    31*. 0ll records regarding quality control such as accomplishment daily activities

    !eather etc. are recorded in a AAAAA

    Answer: aterials log*ook

    31,. @he Standard 6enetration @est /S6@ is an in = situ test that measures !hat?

    Answer: depth of soil layer

    32-. @he main pro"lem associated !ith !rong practice of conveying concrete is

    called AAAAA

    Answer: segregation

    321. 0 one = lane road !ith a pavement !idth of 3.% m and shoulder !idth of -.% m

    on each side of the pavement !as designed to have su""ase and "ase courses

    !ith a com"ined thic#ness of 3-- mm. (f the thic#ness of the su""ase is 12% mm


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    the spreading and compaction of the "ase and su""ase courses shall "e carried

    out in AAAAA?

    Answer: three =3> layers o2er the full width of %. m

    322. :uring the application of the first half of the anticipated load a AAAAA rate of

    loading shall "e permitted?Answer: higher

    323. uality of factory = produced R6 may "e "est esta"lished through !hat?

    Answer: 5est of concrete pipe samples

    324. Soft and unsta"le soils !ere encountered during the course of su"grade

    preparation. (f you !ere the > assigned to the pro9ect !hat is the mosteffective and cheaper method that you !ould recommend to sta"ili&e the soil

    prior to the construction of the su""ase course?

    Answer: geotetiles

    32%. o! many times per layer should a concrete specimen molded in a )D )D 21D

    "eam mold "e rodded?

    Answer: !3 *lows/layer

    32). Rolling of "ituminous mi shall "e discontinued !henever it "egins to produceecessive AAAAAAA or AAAAAAA.

    Answer: pul2erizing of the aggregate, displacement of the miture

    32$. (n placing concrete the required temperature should "e less than AAAA

    Answer: $@R)

    32*. o! many concrete cylinder samples is required for a 3-- pcs R6?

    Answer: 1$ sets

    32,. (f concrete cylinder is not availa"le for a 3-- pcs R6 ho! many pipes shall"e su"9ected to test?

    Answer: ! pcs "))#

    33-. (f there is a necessity to add !ater to the concrete mi in order to increase its!or#a"ility /provided concrete does not ecced specified slump ho! many

    minutes after the initial time of miing does adding !ater "e permitted?

    Answer: not eceeding % minutes and that water 8 cement ratio is noteceeded.

    331. What are the t!o /2 types of "itumen that are commonly used in the "ituminous



  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question



    5A"= is a viscous liquid o"tained from the distillation of coal or !ood.#D5";'DK AS#GA'5= are the products of the distillation of crudeoil.

    332. What are the three /3 ma9or petroleum asphalts?Answer: Asphalt cement, cut 8 *ack asphalt, emulsified asphalt

    333. What are the solvents of cut = "ac# asphalts?0ns!er7

    AS;'?D= for rapid = curing typeLD";SD?D= for medium curing type-DSD'= for slo! curing type

    334. mulsified asphalts are either AAAAA or AAAAA.


    )A5;?) DK'S;? = !or#s "etter !ith !et aggregates and

    in cold !eather. (t is a positively charge electron.A?;?) DK'S;? J adheres "etter to aggregates !hich havepositive charge. (t is a negatively charge electron.

    33%. What is the "ituminous material used in (tem 31-?

    Answer: asphalt cement

    33). What greatly affects the service of asphalt cement?

    Answer: grade and (uantity of asphalt

    33$. What influences primarily the grade of asphalt selected?

    Answer: climatic condition

    33*. o! many !ee#s do the producer of asphalt mi or the contractor shall su"mit

    the 9o" = mi formula?

    Answer: three =3> weeks

    33,. Who !ill approve the 9o" = mi formula?

    Answer: -#JG #D and D

    34-. @he 9o" = mi formula contains provisions the follo!ing7


    a. grading of aggregates*. percentage and type of asphaltc. temperature of aggregates and asphaltd. temperature of miture upon deli2ery or time of compaction

    341. When tar is used !hat is the temperature that the miture shall "e placed?

    Answer: !!R) to 10&R)


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    342. When is the right time to compact in order to attain the required density?

    Answer: when the miture is still hot and worka*le

    343. What is to "e done in order to determine the num"er of passes that !ould attain

    the required density?

    Answer: trial section

    344. What needs to "e controlled during the miing and compaction and is of great

    significance in the strength of the resulting pavement?

    Answer: temperature

    34%. (n (tem 31- ho! is rolling "e done?

    Answer: t should *egin from the sides and proceed longitudinally paralleltowards the center line, each trip o2erlapping one half the rollers width.

    34). 0fter the final rolling !hat !ill "e chec#ed?

    Answer: degree of compaction

    34$. @he compacted pavement shall have a density equal to or greater than AAAAA

    Answer: @ of the la*oratory compacted density

    34*. When !ill the traffic "e permitted to utili&e the pavement?

    Answer: when the pa2ement has cooled to atmospheric temperature

    34,. o! do !e ta#e sample from the finish pavement?

    Answer: *y the use of core drill or saw

    3%-. What is the allo!a"le slump of a !or#a"le concrete if not vi"rated?

    Answer: %0 mm 8 & mm

    3%1. What is the allo!a"le slump of a !or#a"le concrete if vi"rated?

    Answer: 10 mm 8 %0 mm

    3%2. When concrete is mied in a central miing plant !hat is the time of miing?

    Answer: not less than 0 seconds or more than @0 seconds

    3%3. (n transporting concrete !hat is the time elapsed from the time !ater is added

    to the mi until the concrete is deposited in = place at the site?

    Answer: t shall not eceed % minutes if hauled in non 8 agitating trucksand @0 minutes if hauled in truck miers or agitators

    3%4. o! is concrete consolidated?

    Answer: *y the use of 2i*rator inserted in the concrete 2ertically 3%%. (f thelanes are concreted separately !hat #ind of 9oint in a form of a #ey!ay is used?


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: longitudinal construction 9oint

    3%). What #ind of "ar is placed perpendicular to the 9oint stated in the precedingpro"lem?

    Answer: deformed steel tie *ars

    3%$. What is the depth of the !ea#en plane 9oint !hen sa!ed !ith a concrete sa!?

    Answer: not less than 0 mm

    3%*. @he !idth of the !ea#en plane 9oint is AAAAA

    Answer: not less than ! mm

    3%,. What shall "e done if crac#s appear at or near the 9oint prior to the time ofsa!ing?

    Answer: sawing shall *e omitted

    3)-. @ie "ars shall not "e coated or painted !ith AAAAAAnswer: asphalt or other materials

    3)1. What is the material that is used as a load transfer device held in a position

    parallel to the surface and center line of the sla" of pavement?

    Answer: dowel

    3)2. @o protect do!els from corrosion and to facilitate sliding in concrete it shall "e

    coated !ith AAAAA

    Answer: thin film of *itumen

    3)3. @he surface of the pavement shall "e roughened "y means of AAAAA

    Answer: *rooming

    3)4. What is the depth of corrugation produced "y "rooming in the surface of the


    Answer: 1. mm

    3)%. @he surface of a ne!ly put concrete !hen has sufficiently set shall "e cured for

    a period of AAAAA

    Answer: &$ hours

    3)). @he curing of the pavement is done "y means of the follo!ing7

    Answer:a. *y co2ering the concrete with mats saturated with water*. *y thoroughly wetting the pa2ementc. *y pondingd. *y applying curing compound immediately after finishing of the



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    3)$. When is the right time to seal the 9oints?

    Answer: after the curing period or *efore it is opened to traffic

    3)*. What is the difference "et!een (tem %-4 and (tem %-% /"lue"oo# F,%?

    Answer: the placement of stone or *oulders and the ratio of cement and fine


    3),. @he > of the contractor is directly under the supervision of the AAAAA?

    Answer: aterials Dngineer of the -#JG

    3$-. @he requisites in transporting samples of the la"oratory is AAAAA

    Answer: Jell packed in dura*le containers to a2oid damages in transit,accompanied *y a sample card filled up in detail and duly signed *y the D

    3$1. Who has the po!er to recommend the acceptance or re9ection of construction

    materials for use in the pro9ect *ased on test resultsO

    Answer: aterials Dngineer of the -#JG

    3$2. (t is a chemical composition of asphalt that gives color and hardness.

    Answer: asphaltene

    3$3. @he mineral filler !hich is used in the "ituminous mi is passing sieve?

    Answer: ?o. $00

    3$4. old mi asphalt is used in AAAAA

    Answer: pothole patching

    3$%. O>0 means

    Answer: Toids in ineral Aggregates

    3$). @he compaction temperature in molding the "ituminous miture specimen

    Answer: 1$%R)

    3$$. @he miing temperature of "ituminous mi is

    Answer: 1!3R)

    3$*. @he heating temperature of "ituminous mi is

    Answer: 1$1R) 166R)

    3$,. @he heating temperature of aggregates ranges from

    Answer: 1&&R) 1@1R)

    3*-. @he maimum a"sorption content of B

    Answer: $%0 kg/m3


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    3*1. @he maimum moisture content of B

    Answer: %

    3*2. S6@ means

    Answer: Standard #enetration 5est

    3*3. 0 tu"e sampler is used in sampling undistur"ed sample

    Answer: Shel*y tu*e

    3*4. Gsed in sealing undistur"ed sample

    Answer: wa

    3*%. 0 tu"e sampler used in sampling distur"ed sample

    Answer: split spoon sampler

    3*). (t is a dynamic test used in the field to o"tain rapid empirical results !hich can

    "e used to estimate shear strength and "earing capacityAnswer: Standard #enetration 5est

    3*$. 0 type of coring "it used in roc# coring

    Answer: diamond *it

    3**. 0 means

    Answer: )ertificate of uality )ontrol Assurance =su*mitted weekly>

    3*,. @he specific gravity of asphalt ranges from

    Answer: 1.01 8 1.0%

    3,-. @he type of electron present in rapid curing emulsified asphalt?

    Answer: cationic

    3,1. o! many group of three in = situ densities are required if the compactedvolume of em"an#ment laid !as estimated to "e 1%-- cu. m !ith a thic#ness of

    2-- mm

  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    "A-D %0 %63 #a $&! #a"A-D !0 !$1 #a %1% #a"A-D & !6@ #a 1& #a

    3,%. 6lasticity inde is an indication of percent

    Answer: clay content

    3,). @he condition of the soil to "e tested in the la"oratory compaction test is

    Answer: air 8 dried condition

    3,$. @he method in the determination of density of soil in = place

    Answer: Sand cone method

    3,*. 0ir =dry sand used in the density apparatus is passing

    Answer: sie2e ?o. 10 retained ?o. $00

    3,,. Which of the follo!ing items does not need BR?0ns!er7

    a. su""ase materials". surfacing materials

    c. "ase course materials

    4--. (n a"rasion test the a"rasive charge shall consist of cast = iron spheres or steel


    Answer:"A-? A 8 1$ spheres"A-? + 8 11 spheres"A-? ) 8 6 spheres"A-? - 8 ! spheres

    4-1. (n truc# miing the minimum num"er of revolutions after all ingredients

    including !ater is in the drum is

    Answer: 100 rpm

    4-2. 0 maimum time of AAAAA shall "e permitted for !et miing lay do!n and

    finishing !hen this method is used /(tem 2-)

    Answer: two =$> hours

    4-3. @raffic shall "e prohi"ited from traveling at the speeds in ecess of AAAAA untilthe asphaltic material has set.

    Answer: %0 kph

    4-4. >ortar shall "e used !ithin AAAAA after its preparation

    Answer: @0 minutes


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    4-%. (n placing concrete for sla" using "uggies the correct method that should "e

    follo!ed is

    Answer: concrete should *e dumped into the face of the pre2iously placedconcrete.

    4-). @here is a failure of fleural strength in the pavement if you are the > of yourfirm !hat !ill you recommend?

    Answer: conduct recoring

    4-$. When loads have "een arriving at the spreader !ith the material pea#ed or

    doomed up and a load suddenly appears in !hich the material lies flat it indicates

    Answer: ecessi2e asphalt

    4-*. Where and !hen !as the first use of 6ortland cement?

    Answer: +ellafontaine, ;hio =16@3>

    4-,. @he curve in the logarithmic scale !here the 2%


    "lo! is pro9ected in order todetermine the liquid limit of the soil.

    Answer: 4low cur2e

    41-. 6ercentage of !ear represents the value of AAAAA

    Answer: a*rasion loss

    411. (n the design of concrete mi !hat is the volume of !ater in the concrete mithat produces a slump of $).2 mm?

    Answer: $%.& liters

    412. @he standard fineness modulus of sand is a"out AAAAAAnswer: $.&

    413. @he standard pac#aging !eight of cement

    Answer: %0 kg/*ag

    414. (t is an impervious mem"rane applied to concrete pavement "efore its initialsetting that prevents rapid evaporation of !ater from the mi.

    Answer: curing compound

    41%. @he type of paint that is used for &one mar#ing traffic lanes and par#ing spaces

    !hich is rapid drying resistant to a"rasion and !eather conditions and possess

    improved visi"ility at night.

    Answer: reflectorized paint

    41). 0n ingredient in the paint that gives reflection during night time.

    Answer: glass *eads


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    41$. @he paint !hich is used on concrete or masonry units.

    Answer: 'ate

    41*. @he average loss in !eight of three specimens in &inc coating test.

    Answer: 5riple spot test

    41,. Ine the three specimens in the triple spot test !ith lightest coating.

    Answer: Single spot test

    42-. @he type of paint that is used in !ood surfaces. (t is a special type of paint made

    !ith varnish as the vehicle.

    Answer: Dnamel

    421. 'roup inde is an empirical num"er ranging from - to 2- under average

    conditions of good drainage and adequate compaction. @he supporting value of a

    material as su"grade may "e assumed as an inverse ratio to its group inde that is a

    group inde of &ero indicatesAnswer: good su*grade material

    422. (t determines the target density !hich is constructed at the "eginning of the

    !or# on each course of material to "e compacted.

    Answer: )ontrol strips

    423. @he instrument used in placing concrete in !ater in a compact mass in its fina


    Answer: tremie with $0 mm 100

    43,. @he temperature requirement in initial rolling for (tem 31-.

    Answer: $00U4 to $$U4

    44-. What is the color of asphalt !hen it is overcoo#ed?

    Answer: yellowish *rown

    441. o! many gradation ranges for ot 6lant >i "ituminous pavement are there

    in the "lue "oo#?

    Answer: se2en =&>

    442. o! many gradation ranges for old 6lant >i "ituminous pavement are there

    in the "lue "oo#?

    Answer: two =$>

    443. @he cored sample of asphalt pavement is measured at

    Answer: approimately (uarter points


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    444. @oo much asphalt in the "ituminous mies causes

    Answer: *leeding

    44%. What is the plasticity inde of mineral filler?

    Answer: not greater than %

    44). @he !earing a!ay of pavement surface caused "y dislodging of aggregate


    Answer: ra2eling

    44$. @he interconnected crac#s forming a series of small "loc#s resem"ling an

    alligatorFs s#in or chic#en !ire.

    Answer: alligator cracking

    44*. (t is prescri"ed in each pro9ect "ased on estimated quantities and specifies the

    #ind and num"er of test of each item of !or#.Answer: inimum 5esting "e(uirements44,. (f the coarse aggregates are su"9ected to five cycles of sodium sulfate soundnesstest the !eighted loss shall not eceed

    Answer: 10 mass

    4%-. (f the fine aggregates are su"9ected to five cycles of sodium sulfate soundness

    test the !eighted loss shall not eceed

    Answer: 1$ mass

    4%1. 0dditives used in concrete miing.

    Answer: admitures

    4%2. @he test that determines the resistance of aggregates to disintegration "y

    saturated solutions of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate.

    Answer: Soundness test

    4%3. @he design of concrete mi specified in the "lue"oo# is "ased on

    Answer: A*solute -esign ethod

    4%4. @he initial setting time of 6ortland cement is not less than

    Answer: % minutes

    4%%. @he final setting time of 6ortland cement

    Answer: 10 hours

    4%). @he standard sand used in testing the mortar strength of 6ortland cement

    Answer: ;ttawa sand


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    4%$. @he apparatus used to determine the fineness of 6ortland cement "y air


    Answer: +laine Air #ermea*ility Apparatus

    4%*. 0 miture of cement and !ater is

    Answer: cement paste

    4%,. @he apparatus used to determine the initial and final setting of 6ortland cement

    in the la"oratory.

    Answer: illmore needle

    4)-. @he compressive strength of cement mortar samples in $ days is

    Answer: [email protected] #a

    4)1. What is the appearance of the molded cement paste !hich fails to meet the


    Answer: crum*led

    4)2. @he critical num"er of days of curing of concrete

    Answer: first se2en =&> days

    4)3. (t is the equally as important as testing and the sampler shall sue everyprecaution to o"tain samples that !ill sho! the nature and condition of the materials

    !hich they represent.

    Answer: sampling

    4)4. 0 soil sample received from the field for su"sequent tests "y reducing

    aggregations of particles into si&es !hich !ill pass certain sieves.

    Answer: distur*ed samples

    4)%. 0 procedure to recover relatively undistur"ed soil samples suita"le la"oratory

    tests of structural properties.

    Answer: thin 8 walled tu*e sampling

    4)$. @he representative !ho !ill !itness the testing of materials in an accredited


    Answer: go2ernment

    4)*. Samples o"tained from the field !ith minimum distur"ance "y using anydrilling equipment that provides clean hole "efore insertion of thin = !alled tu"es

    that is "oth the natural density and moisture content are preserved as much as


    Answer: undistur*ed samples

    4),. @he type of additive that is used to delay the setting of fresh concrete.

    Answer: retarder


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    4$-. @he type of additive that is used to attain maimum early compressive strength

    of concrete.

    Answer: accelerator

    4$1. @he "est enemy of construction.Answer: water

    4$2. @he follo!ing are considered unsuita"le materials7

    Answer:a. aterials containing detrimental (uantities of organic materials

    such as grass, roots and sewage*. Gighly organic soils such as peat and muckc. Soils with '' eceeding 60 and/or #' eceeding d. Soils with a natural moisture content eceeding 100e. Soils with 2ery low natural density, 600kg/m3

    f. Soils that cannot *e properly compacted as determined *y theengineer

    4$3. What is the spec of mass 8 passing in sieve Lo. 2-- grading 0 for aggregate

    "ase course?

    Answer: 0 8 1$

    4$4. @he rate of application of special curing agent

    Answer: % liter per 1% s(. m

    4$%. @he method of measurement for determining the depth of the river channel.

    Answer: sounding

    4$). (f the type of soil in (tem 2-- is non = plastic !hat 0tter"erg limit test can "e


    Answer: 'i(uid limit test

    4$$. @he minimum penetration of the preservatives into the surface of tim"er is

    Answer: $0mm

    4$*. @he engineer shall "e notified at least AAAAA "efore the treating process of


    Answer: 10 days

    4$,. 0ll grout shall pass through a screen !ith a AAAAA maimum clear opening.

    Answer: $mm

    4*-. @he allo!a"le height of fall in driving piles to avoid in9ury using gravity


    Answer: $.m 8 3. =concrete>


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %.m =tim*er>

    4*1. @his increases the shearing strength of aggregates of any si&e shape andgradation.

    Answer: )ompaction

    4*2. (n general soils high value of this and plasticity inde are poor as engineering


    Answer: li(uid limit of fines

    4*3. @he recommended thic#ness of ot >i asphalt overlay depending on the

    epected traffic and the modulus of the crac#ed and seated pavement section.

    Answer: 3H to H

    4*4. Sta"ili&ation and under sealing are recommended if the mean deflection is

    AAAA or the differential deflection is AAAA.

    Answer: greater than 0.1%H, greater than 0.00$H

    4*%. Super plastici&ers can reduce the !ater content "y AAAAA and increase the 24 =hour strength "y AAAAA.

    Answer: $ to 3, 0 to &0

    4*). 5oose material is removed from all 9oints crac#s and areas that have

    previously patched "y asphalt "y AAAAA !ith nominal AAAAA air pressure.

    Answer: power sweeping and air *lowing, 100 psi

    4*$. 0dmitures !hich can help incorporate a controlled amount of air on the form

    moist in concrete during miing !ithout significantly altering the setting or the

    rate of characteristic of concrete.

    Answer: air entraining admitures

    4**. (t is the activity of monitoring planned scheduled against actual and "y speedtas# to ma#e = up for the past or future loss of time.

    Answer: -eli2ery control

    4*,. Bo!l = shaped holes of various si&es in the pavement surface.

    V Answer: potholes

    4,-. 0 form of plastic movement typified "y ripples /surface !aves across thepavement.

    Answer: corrugation

    4,1. 0 form of plastic movement resulting in locali&ed "ulging of the pavement.

    Answer: sho2ing


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    4,2. 5ongitudinal surface depression in the !heel paths.

    Answer: rutting

    4,2. (t is the chief load = "earing of gravel road?

    Answer: *ase or su**ase course

    4,3. @he maimum distance of the discharge point from the point of deposit "y

    pneumatic means.

    Answer: 3 meters

    4,4. (t reduces the vertical compressive stress induced "y traffic in the su""ase and


    Answer: *ase course

    4,%. >inimum separation of splices !hen staggered.

    Answer: %0 times *ar inimum grouting pressure of "onding tendons.

    Answer: 0.!@6% #a =100 psi>

    4,*. @he main cross mem"er of Bailey "ridge that carry the road!ay structure.

    Answer: transom

    4,,. oring sampling shall "e done at AAAAA interval "y using split spoon sampler

    and the depth needed is AAAAA.

    Answer: one =1> meter, 30m

    %--. What is the diameter of split spoon sampler?

    Answer: 0mm

    %-1. @he uniform sampling run in core drilling.

    Answer: 1.0m length

    %-2. @he initial diameter of "ore hole.

    Answer: &!mm

    %-3. What is the core "it diameter?

    Answer: !&mm

    %-4. @he required spacing of "ore holes along centerline of roads for 3-- O6:


    Answer: $0m =1.m *elow su*grade


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %-%. @he required spacing of "ore holes along centerline of roads for less than 3--

    O6: traffic.

    Answer: 00m =along centerline>

    %-). @he required spacing of "ore holes along centerline for ne! road on s!ampyor marshy ground.

    Answer: 100m =$m along the centerline of new road>

    %-$. @he required spacing of "ore holes for "ridge pro9ect

    Answer:1 deep drill for each a*utment =30m run>1 *oring for each pier for multi 8 span =3m into the *ed rocks>

    %-*. @he required spacing and depth of "ore holes over foundation area of dam.

    Answer: !0m spacing, 30m intermediate along centerline

    -epth N I times *ase width

    %-,. +or ports and har"ors pro9ects7

    Answer: 30m to 10mB 1m *elow dredged *ottom =1$m minimum for piersP whar2es>

    %1-. +or "uildings /large area = greater than ,3- m27

    Answer: 1 *ore hole at each corner of the structure and one on the interior=@m *elow lowest foundation>

    %11. +or "uildings less than ,3- m2

    Answer: two =$> *oring at opposite corners

    %12. @his reflector shall "e the short type having a minimum "ase area of 1*-mm


    Answer: 4lush Surface "eflector

    %13. Iccurs on 66 !hen the cutting of !ea#ened plane is delayed.

    Answer: shrinkage cracking

    %14. What is the primary purpose in esta"lishing design criteria in design?

    Answer: consistency

    %1%. 6ositional tolerance of duct tu"es during casting operations.

    Answer: 7 %mm

    %1). @his method is usually adopted !hen there is no visi"le evidence of termite


    Answer: )ordoning


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %1$. @his method is used !hen soil sho!s termite infestation.

    Answer: -renching

    %1*. >oisture content of rough lum"er should not eceed AAAAA

    Answer: $$

    %1,. >oisture content of dressed lum"er should not eceed AAAAA

    Answer: 1%

    %2-. :esign pressure of glass in gla&ed position.

    Answer: $%% kg/m$

    %21. @he minimum pressure of testing !ater tan#.

    Answer: 1,033.0 L#a

    %22. @he minimum energy per "lo! of diesel hammer on concrete

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    %31. @he minimum depth of B !all footing of other minor structure on the


    Answer: &00mm

    %32. @he minimum depth of footing on a !ell compacted fill.

    Answer: 100mm

    %33. @ypically a plain or reinforced concrete that is usually provided to support a


    Answer: Spread footing

    %34. 'a"ion dimensions are su"9ect to tolerance limit of AAAAA of the manufactured


    Answer: 7 3

    %3%. 0 field density result of **8 degree of compaction o"tained on the su"grade

    indicates thatAnswer: compaction of the su*grade fails the compaction specs and needsadditional compaction

    %3). 5iquid limit is usually

    Answer: greater than plastic limit

    %3$. @he "lue "oo# requires that the "ase course "e compacted at least

    Answer: 100 modified proctor

    %3*. 0s construction !or# progresses you noticed that the delivered materials aredifferent from the on tested passed. (f you are in dou"t !hat !ill you do?

    Answer: conduct immediate re 8 testing for 2erification

    %3,. Which of the follo!ing is not the responsi"ility of the >aterials ngineer?


    a. sampling of material". analysis of test result of material

    c. scheduling of deli2ery of materialsd. design of concrete mi

    %4-. >easure of construction materials for concrete structure shall "e

    Answer: 2olume

    %41. @he moisture density curve if different from each soil. Which of the ff

    statement is true?


    a. granular, well graded soil generally ha2e fairly high maimumdensity at low optimum moisture content

    ". clay soil have lo!er densities at I> than granular !ell graded soil


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    c. granular !ell graded soil have greater densities than uniform soil at


    d. none of the a"ove

    %42. What should "e done on the su""ase course !ith eisting moisture content of

    1-8 higher than the optimum moisture content?Answer: dry out to reduce moisture, spread to the re(uired thickness andcompact

    %43. @he :6W specs provide AAAAA tolerance for asphalt pavement thic#ness

    Answer: mm

    %44. 'eosynthetics may "e used for

    Answer: filtration or drainage, reinforcement, erosion control

    %4%. Which of the ff. is not included in determining moisture content?

    0ns!er7a. "eam "alance

    ". ovenc. moisture can

    d. etruder

    %4). Steel "ars are considered undersi&e if

    Answer: its nominal diameter as determined *y caliper doesnt meet themanufactured size

    %4$. Samples of aggregates for "ase course !hen tested for quality the requirements

    ecept grading. What !ill you recommend?

    Answer: reprocess the materials *y *lending

    %4*. oncrete curing refers to

    Answer: procedure done to maimize concrete strength

    %4,. What is the most inferior type of soil as to its engineering properties?

    Answer: organic

    %%-. What is the testing soil that involves the application of energy and addition of

    !ater as lu"ricant?

    Answer: oisture 8 -ensity relation test

    %%1. @he dividing line "et!een gravel and sand in concrete pavement is

    Answer: ?o. 10

    %%2. What is the volume of the mold using )D for 00S@I @ = 1*- : method in

    compaction test?

    Answer: 0.00$1$% m3


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %%3. 0 material resulting from the disintegration grinding or crushing of roc# and

    !hich !ill pass 2.--mm sieve and "e retained on the -.-$%mm sieve

    Answer: sand

    %%4. What is 0S@>?Answer: American Society for 5esting P aterials

    %%%. What is 00S@I?

    Answer: American Association of State Gighway P 5ransportation ;fficials

    %%). :6W thru Bureau of Research ; Standards has prepared a revised la"oratory

    testing procedure manual in order to have "e consistent !ith the latest methodsas prescri"ed under

    Answer: AS5 P AASG5;

    %%$. What is the category of contractor that are required "y :6W to havela"oratory equipments or apparatus in pre = "idding qualifications?

    Answer: large

    %%*. What is the maimum si&e of aggregate used in (tem 1-4?

    Answer: I of the thickness

    %%,. What #ind of material that passes .--1mm sieve?

    Answer: colloids

    %)-. (n soa#ing sample for BR the !ater should at least AAAAA a"ove the


    Answer: $mm

    %)1. 0 natural or prepared miture consisting predominantly of stone gravel or

    sand and containing silt = clay materials

    Answer: soil aggregates

    %)2. 0 roc# fragment usually rounded or semi = rounded !ith an average dimension

    "et!een $%mm = 3-%mm

    Answer: *oulders

    %)3. @he process of cutting the "ranches around a tree on the roadside to ma#e themdenser and gro! straight.

    Answer: #runing

    %)4. @he road near or a"utting a "ridge.

    Answer: Approach

    %)%. Settlement of right of !ay pro"lems should "e done


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: *efore the construction work

    %)). >aterial that has the greatest load carrying capacity

    Answer: sand and gra2el

    %)$. (n hydrographic survey sounding 9oints should "e made at a maimum intervalof

    Answer: $0 meters

    %)*. @he use of geofa"ric material to increase the strength of the su"grade

    material for road construction is classified as

    Answer: Soil "einforcement ethod

    %),. What to recommend if the surface test of ne!ly asphalted !hich sho!ed a


    Answer: remo2e and replace the pa2ement area with irregularity

    %$-. ontrolled :ensity >ethod in em"an#ment construction involves

    Answer: -epositing and spreading materials in layers of not more than$$mm depth, loose materials and etending to the full width of theem*ankment

    %$1. What type of crac#s !ill appear on concrete if it !as not cured immediately

    after final placement especially during the first seven days?

    Answer: #lastic shrinkage cracks

    %$2. What is commonly used as curing media for fresh concrete?

    Answer: 'i(uid mem*rane forming

    %$3. What is the !or# sequence on cylinder specimen?

    Answer: cylinder shall *e prepared, cured and tested at the specified date

    %$4. When to remove the false !or# of continuous structure?

    Answer: when the 1stand $ndad9oining span on each side ha2e reached thespecified strength

    %$%. (t is generally either a soft soil composed largely of silt clay organic deposit

    or loose sand having high void rather and usually not high !ater content

    Answer: Jeak Su*grade

    %$). What is @!elve = (nch 5ayer >ethod m"an#ment?

    Answer: the material shall *e deposited and spread in layers not more than300 mm in depth =1$H> loose measure, parallel to the finished grade andetending to the full width of the em*ankment

    %$$. What is Roc# m"an#ment >ethod?


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    Answer: the material shall *e deposited on the fill and push o2er the end ofthe fill *y means of *ulldozer. 5his method is only applica*le to fill W 1.$ min depth. t shall not *e placed within !00 mm of the other grade

    %$*. What is ydraulic +ill >ethod m"an#ment?

    Answer: the material shall *e taken from *orrow locations and shall *edeposited so as to form the grade and cross section and shall *e thoroughlycompacted

    %$,. What is the principal factor used in determining the thic#ness of the pavement?

    Answer: S5"D?5G ;4 SK+"A-D =deterioration due to frustrationmo2e also *e considered>

    %*-. What is 6lacing and Removing Surcharge >ethod m"an#ment?

    Answer: were unsuita*le material is present under the em*ankmentcorrecti2e work consists of placing a surcharge constructed to the full

    width of the road *ed. 5he surcharge shall remain in place until theem*ankment has reached sta*ility or the re(uired settlement

    %*1. What is ydraulic onstruction >ethod m"an#ment?

    Answer: this in2ol2es the introduction of water into the em*ankment toaccelerate consideration

    %*2. >iture of fine = grained aggregates "ituminous "inder and !ater for surface


    Answer: slurry seal =*ituminous slurry>

    %*3. What is the formula for percentage of !ear?

    Answer:#ercentage of wear, N =orig wt. 8 wt. retained sie2e X 1$> 100

    original wt.

    %*4. +ree "itumen on the surface of the pavement !hich creates a shiny glass = li#e

    reflecting surface that usually "ecomes quite stic#y

    Answer: *leeding

    %*%. Iccurring usually at the transverse crac#s 9oint caused "y ecessive epansion

    of the sla"s during hot !eather

    Answer: *uckling

    %*). @he splitting of concrete surface material from the concrete pavement

    Answer: crushing

    %*$. @he authori&ed hauling of materials in ecess of the of the free haul distance

    Answer: ;2erhaul


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    %**. (f slurry /!et lime is employed !hat is the typical slurry ratio?

    Answer: 1 tonne lime : $ cu*ic meter of water

    %*,. What is the amount of cement to "e added to the soil aggregates in (tem 2-4?

    Answer: ! 8 10 mass of the dry soil

    %,-. Who is the father of Soil >echanics?

    Answer: -r. Larl 5erzhagi

    %,1. Jhat is (ualityOAnswer: t the degree of ecellence

    %,2. What is control?

    Answer: s to regulate

    %,3. What is quality control?

    Answer: t is conformance to re(uirements

    %,4. What is assurance?

    Answer: it the degree of certainty

    %,%. What are the t!o #inds of control activities?

    Answer: nspection and 5esting

    %,). What is the minimum distance of !ater ta"le from su"grade level?

    Answer: % 8 feet

    %,$. What is the process of com"ining t!o or more soil in suita"le properties to

    produce good grading on gravel sand silt and clay?

    Answer: echanic Sta*ilization

    %,*. What is the common material employed in sta"ili&ing the moisture content ofsoil or liquid and hydroscope in nature? (t is an aid in the compaction process "y

    slo!ing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil

    Answer: )alcium chloride or rock salt

    %,,. When do clay and granular soils "ecome unsta"le?

    Answer: )lay soil *ecomes unsta*le if moisture content increases. ranularmaterial *ecomes unsta*le if it has dried

    )--. Why do liquid asphalt !as introduced in road construction aside from asphalt


    Answer: t was introduced in order to sa2e heating costs and fromcon2enience in road 8 miing or priming

    )-1. @he theory of concrete design mi is to


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: ;ptimize aggregate packing and optimizes properties of cementmortar

    )-2. @o optimi&e the properties of the cement mortar one has to depend on

    Answer: cement type, cement content and water content

    )-3. What type of cement is the Irdinary 6ortland ement /I6?

    Answer: 5ype

    )-4. What type of cement is the >oderate Sulphate Resistant 6ortland ement?

    Answer: 5ype

    )-%. What type of cement is the Rapid ardening 6ortland ement?

    Answer: 5ype

    )-). What type of cement is the 5o! eat 6ortland ement?

    Answer: 5ype T

    )-$. What type of cement is the igh Sulphate Resistant 6ortland ement?

    Answer: 5ype T

    )-*. What type of cement is the 6ortland Blast +urnace Slag ement?

    Answer: 5ype 1S

    )-,. What type of cement is the 6ortland 6o&&olan ement?

    Answer: 5ype 1#

    )1-. @ype ( is for general use such as

    Answer: pa2ements P sidewalks, *uildings P *ridges and tanks P waterpipes

    )11. @ype ((( cement is used for

    Answer: early stripping of forms P high early strength

    )12. @ype (O is used for

    Answer: massi2e structures such as dams

    )13. @ype O cement is used for

    Answer: when sulphate content of groundwater is 2ery high

    )14. @he inventor of 6ortland cement !as

    Answer: Foseph Aspdin

    )1%. 6ortland cement is composed of "lended materials containing

    Answer: calcium, alumina, iron and silica


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    )1). @he simple recipe of 6ortland cement is

    Answer: $ parts of crushed limestone, 1 part clay/pul2erized shale, 1 pinchof iron ore, then 1 pinch of gypsum added to clinker

    )1$. 6o&&olan cement is composed of a ra! material called

    Answer: 2olcanic earth

    )1*. @he $%8 compressive strength of 6ortland cement is composed of

    Answer: )3S and )$S

    )1,. @he 2%8 setting time of 6ortland cement is controlled "y

    Answer: )3A and )%A4

    )2-. When !ater is added to 6ortland cement AAAAA process is developed

    Answer: hydration

    )21. alcium Silicate 'el /=S= and lime Pa/I2Q are developed !hen AAAAAis added to 6ortland cement

    Answer: water

    )22. When 6ortland cement contains a lo! 30 it means

    Answer: the setting time is larger

    )23. Surplus lime Pa/I2Q in 6ortland cement !hen mied !ith !ater ta#es care

    of the concreteFs

    Answer: alkalinity

    )24. oarse aggregates can "e ta#en from

    Answer: crushed rock, slags and ri2er gra2el

    )2%. @he !ater required for concrete mi should "e

    Answer: fresh water

    )2). Sea !ater is deleterious to concrete mi unless on admiture is added "ecause

    it contains

    Answer: chloride

    )2$. @he entrapped air in concrete is

    Answer: accidental and unwanted

    )2*. @he entrained air in concrete is

    Answer: deli*erate and desira*le

    )2,. We use aggregate in concrete as

    Answer: filler materials in concrete


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    )3-. 0ggregates are important in concrete "ecause they strongly influence7

    Answer: the properties of concrete, its mi proportion and its economy

    )31. Which of the follo!ing is not deleterious material to concrete?


    a. calcium". chloridec. coal

    d. sulphate

    )32. Iver sanded and under sanded miture require more !ater to "e !or#a"le "ut

    ma#ing it so !ill only result to sacrifice in

    Answer: strength

    )33. oncrete in the area represented "y the cores !ill "e considered adequate if the

    average strength of the cores is equal to or at least AAAAA of the specified

    strength fcF and no single core is less than AAAAAAnswer: 6 of fc, & of fc

    )34. +ine aggregate shall "e re9ected !hen it fails in the AAAAA for organic


    Answer: )olormatic 5est

    )3%. 6ortland cement may "e 4,4 as

    Answer: Jater 8 reducing admiture

    )42. +or core specimens each lot !ill "e divided into ho! many equal segments?


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: fi2e =>

    )43. @he unit pressure greater than !hich progressive settlement occur leading tofailure

    Answer: *earing capacity

    )44. @he recommended thic#ness of hot mied asphalt overlay

    Answer: $H

    )4%. (n the test to determine the moisture content of samples the "eam "alance

    should "e sensitive up to

    Answer: 0.1g

    )4). (f a sample can not "e !eighed !ithin the prescri"ed time after "eing removed

    from the oven it !ill placed inside a

    Answer: dessicator

    )4$. 6lastic and finely grain soil !ill require at least ho! many hours to dry ay

    constant !eight

  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    Answer: 0.0 8 0.!0

    )%). 0 cement !hich has a cementitious effect

    Answer: #ortland cement

    )%$. 0 concrete !here compression is induced "efore the application of !or#ingload so that tension under these loads is reduced

    Answer: #re 8 stressing

    )%*. What la"oratory test is used in determining the phosphorus content of steel


    Answer: #hospho molydate

    )%,. What chemical property in the composition of steel material that !ill cause

    "rittleness or cold shortness !hen its content goes "eyond -.-%8 to -.1-8

    Answer: phosphorous

    ))-. Base or su" "ase is etended "eyond each edge of proposed concrete pavement

    Answer: 0.!0 m

    ))1. (f you !ant to ad9ust the slump and the air content ho! do you it?

    Answer:7 10 mm slump N 7 $ kg/m3from =water>7 air entrapment N 7 3 kg/ m3of a2erage =water>

    ))2. (n non = entrained concrete !hat is the range of 8 air entrained?

    Answer: 3 0.$ =small 8 *igger aggregates>

    ))3. (n air = entrained concrete !hat is the range of air entrained?

    Answer: 6 3 =small 8 *igger aggregates>

    ))4. +or a constant !ater = cement ratio !hat !ill happen if air content is involved?

    Answer: the strength of concrete is reduced

    ))%. What !ill happen if you lo!er the !ater = cement ratio and maintaining other

    values of its ingredients?

    Answer: it will ac(uire strength

    ))). What is the miing time of concrete?

    Answer:1. m3capacity mier, 5 W !0 secondsA*o2e1. m3capacity mier, 5 W @0 seconds

    ))$. When cement is in contact !ith moist aggregates "atch made "y mi !ill "e

    disallo!ed "eyond AAAA

    Answer: 1 I hours


  • 7/25/2019 ME Accreditation Review Question


    ))*. o! many hours should an aggregate "e !ashed and stoc#piled "efore

    "atching starts?

    Answer: 1$ hours prior to *atching shall *e stockpiled or *inned fordraining

    )),. When !ill truc# miing start?

    Answer: miing shall *egin within 30 minutes upon cement has due added1 minutes when wet aggregates is used, as 3$R) temperature is present

    )$-. oncrete delivered "y agitation of truc# mier must "e discharged !ithin 1

    hour or 2%- revolutions of the drum or Ilader. Why?

    Answer: to a2oid o2er miing and initial setting of concrete

    )$1. (n final computation of concrete in road to "e paid !hat is the maimum si&e

    of pipe that is negligi"le in the volume computation?

    Answer: pipes with < of %H or less