
Versión Abreviada Muestras de Desempeño Docente 1 Lesson Title: General English Grade Level: First year UCSC Supervisor: Astrid Guerra Supervisor Signature: Lilian Jansson Mentor Teacher: Astrid Guerra 1 Adapted to the MDD standards and tasks from based the document Level II Teacher Work Sample. University of Northern Iowa, Level 2 of the UNI Teacher Education Professional Sequence.

Transcript of Mdd1

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Versión Abreviada Muestras de Desempeño Docente1

Lesson Title: General English

Grade Level: First year

UCSC Supervisor: Astrid Guerra

Supervisor Signature: Lilian Jansson

Mentor Teacher: Astrid Guerra

1 Adapted to the MDD standards and tasks from based the document Level II Teacher Work Sample. University of Northern Iowa, Level 2 of the UNI Teacher Education Professional Sequence.

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MDD Standard The teacher candidate collects data regarding the institutional and classroom

contexts, the characteristics of the pupils as a group and its diversity, using this information to plan and deliver instruction.

1. Community in which the school is located and/or serves, municipality or owner and school factors: We observed English classes at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. This university is located in Alonso Rivera in Concepción, this campus has different buildings in which are taught majors regarding to different areas. In the center of the city is located another campus, where students can study law.The community in this university belongs to different parts of the city and the country. Here we can find students from this region and from others. A big group of the students are from Talcahuano, Concepción, Coronel, Lota and Penco, and the last three spend around 1 hour and 45 minutes travelling to the University. Also UCSC has different buses that helps students to get to their homes quickly during the day.This institution has the benefit to be supported by Consejo de Rectores, and this means that every student has the possibility to apply to scholarships to finance their studies.

How These Factors May Impact My Lessons: Explain specific ways that these factors may impact your lesson topics, teaching strategies, assessment techniques, etc.

For us, as future teachers and permanent students, we know that environment has an impact in the process of learning. A positive aspect that we can highlight is the fact that some students are really motivated and they spend a lot of time in the university trying to get more opportunities to learn. In this way those students are always waiting for special tutorials where we can reinforce their knowledge and teach them strategies, in order to provide them tools to face problems that they could have in the future, and taught them the importance of knowing another language. A negative aspect that we can have is that in the program of this major that we are teaching, students feel that they are bound, and they have to pass this course in order to be allow to move to another year and complete the program. In consequence of this, teaching is very hard, because motivation to learn is not the power that this students have, so activities and different resources that we could use when we are teaching are not going to be important at all, and in this opportunity has a negative effect for us, in our desire to teach perfectly.

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2. Student Characteristics and Their Instructional Implications:

Description of First Characteristic of Student(s) in this Class:

It has been noticed that most of the students do not pay attention to what the teacher says, and when she asks them to do an activity they get distracted with their technological devices almost all the time. In the classroom we can find two different groups of students, they belong to different majors. One group is from biology and the other from humanistic area.

How This Characteristic Will Impact my Lesson:

Surely, these factors will impact the way how we will teach these contents to the students, because we would have to plan a very dynamic lesson, where every group can identify an aspect that would help them, besides implement attractive aids in order to keep them focused on the task.Taking into account the idea of they belong to different areas, they have different ideas about why they are learning a new language. For one group this knowledge could represent an opportunity, because they have an advantage in terms of finding jobs in the future. For students that belong to the humanistic area learning English has a different and a controversial aim, because they do not really know if they are going to have a job, and the idea of studying something that they are not sure that is what they really want, is confusing.

Description of Second Characteristic of Students in this Class:

Another fact to be considered is their level of English, which is not even elementary. During our observations, we have noticed that students do not understand what they were asked for, either using very basic words or preparing for them very elementary activities. The fact is that most of the students do not understand what they have to do during the class. Sometimes they wait until the teacher clarify again the activity or just they get distracted.

How This Characteristic Will Impact my Lesson:

As the level of English that they have is more than basic, it might affect the effectiveness of different lessons, or it could take longer than we expected. Consequently, it is very important to consider my students’ characteristics all the time, and be conscious of the language that I am using in order to be understood, as well as to try to engage them to the activity. I would have problems, because students would

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not be allow to understand the purpose of every class, and this will make everything more difficult.

3. Physical Aspects of the Classroom and Their Instructional Implications: The classroom has electronic devices (pc, audio, etc.) in order to make easier the implementation of different ways to teach. In this way I can use technological resources in order to teach different contents using internet or visual aids that could help my students to understand according to their different ways to learn. There is any poster or elements that could help my students get distracted.

3.1 Description of First Physical Aspect:

When students are working on their own, the teacher does not arranged the eats of the classroom, they are always put in columns; however, when students have to work in groups, they make little circles.

How This Aspect Will Impact My Lesson:The idea of making semi circles is better when they have to work in groups. This fact helps a lot when they have to interact to each other in speaking activities and they have the chance to practice and learn. Here the affective filter is lesser than when they have to perform an oral activity in front of the classroom and this help them getting confidence.

Description of Second Physical Aspect:

Teacher uses frequently visual aids to keep more engaged the students and give them facilities to do the activities.

How This Aspect Will Impact My Lesson:At the moment of teaching, students will be ready to do activities supported by different elements; however this will mean that in every class I should have flash cards or something that could help them at the time of doing an exercise.

Reflects on the importance of knowing about students and the context to provide quality teaching.

Taking everything in to account, it is essential to consider my students’ level of proficiency, interests, and knowledge. At the moment of making decisions I will decide to teach contents where they can get involve and feel enough confident. In order to provide quality of teaching, I will pay attention to specific characteristics that every group of students have. In this way I will provide classes that they are going to feel comfortable and they will think the usefulness of the language in different situations.

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