MCU-9000 User Guide - User Guide.pdf · When the...

MegaTr Customer SharePo Connex, ConnexLink and C rak MCU-9000 User Micro Control Unit User Example Screens, Menus an d d Models MCU-9000 a The MCU-9000 is a MegaTronics Internation a a San An S Patented and/or P Copyright © 2010 by Megatronics Interna On the web at www oint Site at MegaTrak® is a reg A Connex 4790 are trademarks of Aerocomm/Laird Tec r Guide G Guide with d d Commands and MCU9000R200 a Green Product of a al Corporation ntonio, Texas, USA Revision 1.116 September 1, 2010 Patents Applied For ational Corporation s (mega, M9000!) gistered trademark All Rights Reserved chnology

Transcript of MCU-9000 User Guide - User Guide.pdf · When the...


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Connex, ConnexLink and Connex

MegaTrak MCU-9000 User

MMiiccrroo CCoonnttrrooll UUnniitt UUsseerr

EExxaammppllee SSccrreeeennss,, MMeennuuss aanndd

Models MCU-9000 and MCU9000R200

The MCU-9000 is a

MMeeggaaTTrroonniiccss IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaa

San Antonio, Texas, USA

September 1, 2010

Patented and/or Patents

Copyright © 2010 by Megatronics International Corporation

On the web at

Customer SharePoint Site at

MegaTrak® is a registered trademark

All Rights Reserved

and Connex 4790 are trademarks of Aerocomm/Laird Technology

User Guide

GGuuiiddee wwiitthh

dd CCoommmmaannddss

9000 and MCU9000R200

9000 is a Green Product of

aall CCoorrppoorraattiioonn

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Revision 1.116

September 1, 2010

Patents Applied For

Megatronics International Corporation (mega, M9000!)

is a registered trademark

All Rights Reserved


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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Table of Contents

About the MCU-9000 .................................................................................................................................... 4

MCU-9000 Models ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Model Codes ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Accessories ................................................................................................................................................ 5

MCU-9000 System Start-Up Screens ............................................................................................................ 6

MCU-9000 Standby Screens .......................................................................................................................... 7

Standby Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Function keys in Standby Mode ................................................................................................................ 8

F1 – Keyless Fueling .............................................................................................................................. 8

F2 - Transactions in Memory ................................................................................................................ 8

F3 - Show Statistics Values .................................................................................................................... 8

F4 - Show Start-Up Screens ................................................................................................................... 8

F5 - Show Network Parameters ............................................................................................................ 8

F7 – Diagnostic Screen .......................................................................................................................... 9

F8 - Server Communication Test ........................................................................................................... 9

Operating the MCU9000 ............................................................................................................................. 10

PIN Number ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Driver and Vehicle Information............................................................................................................... 10

Fuel Type Checking ................................................................................................................................. 11

Getting Server Authorization .................................................................................................................. 11

Denial versus Failure to Authorize .......................................................................................................... 12

Meter Check Failure ................................................................................................................................ 12

Key Types and Their Operation ................................................................................................................... 13

Equipment or Vehicle Key ....................................................................................................................... 13

Special User Key ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Driver Key ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Administrator Key ................................................................................................................................... 14

Function F1: Fuel Vehicle .................................................................................................................... 14

Function F3: Write Settings to Key...................................................................................................... 14

Function F4: Fuel Transfer (Site-to-Site Transfer) ............................................................................... 14

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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Function F5: Tank Level ....................................................................................................................... 14

Function F6: Totalizer Reading ............................................................................................................ 15

Function F7: No Function at this time ................................................................................................ 15

Function F8: Fuel receipt .................................................................................................................... 15

“Stop At” Option ......................................................................................................................................... 16

Visiting Vehicle Mode ................................................................................................................................. 17

Transaction Transfers using Datakeys ........................................................................................................ 18

Off-Loading MCU Transactions ............................................................................................................... 18

Injecting Transactions into the MCU ...................................................................................................... 18

INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................... 20

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

About the MCU

To securely control access to fuel, an FMS (Fueling Management System) must


• The Driver’s identity

• The Vehicle’s identity

The FMS may also collect other useful information:

• Driver and/or Vehicle PIN

• Current Vehicle Odometer Reading

• Current Vehicle Running Time (Hours)

• Vital engine or drive train statistics

• Fuel Efficiency Statistics

• Driver Behavior Statistics

The basic function of the MCU-9000 is to gather this information,

database for validation and reporting,

fuel that is dispensed, and maintain logs of the

The MCU-9000 represents a new generation of versatile, expandable FMS hardware. Communication is

a critical part of the FMS system and the MCU

communications subsystem that can use hard

network (local area network, wireless networking

The MCU-9000 appears and is operated much like previous

comparison ends. With a high-speed serial expansion bus the MCU

lube-reels or a variety of fuel types at much lower cost. And using modular expansion maintains the one

pump-one-controller reliability that has been the hallmark of the MegaTra

More importantly, the MCU-9000 is prepared to inter

will soon revolutionize the fueling control industry

collecting useful data and increasing

9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e

is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

About the MCU-9000

control access to fuel, an FMS (Fueling Management System) must first collect some critical

The FMS may also collect other useful information:

Odometer Reading

Running Time (Hours)

Vital engine or drive train statistics

9000 is to gather this information, electronically submit it to a central

and reporting, allow or deny a fueling session, control the amount and type of

fuel that is dispensed, and maintain logs of the transaction details.

9000 represents a new generation of versatile, expandable FMS hardware. Communication is

a critical part of the FMS system and the MCU-9000 meets the challenge with a state-of

communications subsystem that can use hard wires, commercial radio, dial-up modems

network (local area network, wireless networking, cellular networking or the Internet).

9000 appears and is operated much like previous Megatrak™ products, but that is where the

speed serial expansion bus the MCU-9000 can control multiple pumps,

reels or a variety of fuel types at much lower cost. And using modular expansion maintains the one

controller reliability that has been the hallmark of the MegaTrak™ product line.

9000 is prepared to inter-operate in a new generation of components that

will soon revolutionize the fueling control industry by lowering cost, simplifying operation,

collecting useful data and increasing reliability.

P a g e | 4

is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

first collect some critical

submit it to a central

, control the amount and type of

9000 represents a new generation of versatile, expandable FMS hardware. Communication is


up modems or a TCP/IP

or the Internet).

products, but that is where the

9000 can control multiple pumps,

reels or a variety of fuel types at much lower cost. And using modular expansion maintains the one-

product line.

components that

lowering cost, simplifying operation, reliably

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 5

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

MCU-9000 Models

The base MCU-9000 model is a well-equipped unit which supports:

• RS485 “hard-wired” multi-drop networking

• Ethernet networking (10/100 TCP/IP) and Internet communications

• Operation from 120 VAC, 240 VAC or 11-18 VDC “truck” power

• RS232 Telephone Modem control (external modem)

• Commercial FHSS encrypted radio at 900MHz

Model Codes

The MCU-9000 is the basic model without an internal radio. It is able to perform network (LAN and

Internet) communications and hard-wired RS485 communications. The MCU-9000 can also support an

external RS232 Hayes™-compatible telephone line MODEM.

The MCU-9000R200 model is provided with an internal 900MHz, 200mw radio module and an antenna

mounted on the top of the housing.

The MCU-9000R200X model is provided with an internal 900MHz, 200mw radio module and an N-type,

UHF or SMA type RF connector used to connect to an external antenna system using coaxial cable.

The MCU-9000HPX model is provided with an HID™ Proximity card reader attached.

OOtthheerr mmooddeellss wwiitthh vvaarriioouuss ffeeaattuurreess aanndd eennhhaanncceemmeennttss,, ssuucchh aass aalltteerrnnaattee ddaattaa

ccaarrdd aanndd ttookkeenn rreeaaddeerrss,, wwiillll bbee ddeeffiinneedd iinn tthhee nneeaarr ffuuttuurree..


Various accessories, such as cables for re-programming, cables for connecting Modems or card readers,

and the like, will be detailed in the MCU-9000 Accessory Guide.

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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

MCU-9000 System Start-Up Screens

When the MCU-9000 is powered-up it will provide various bits of useful information on a series of

screens. The first screen tells how many times the MCU

has been reset, either manually (m), by the internal

watchdog timers (w) or by power-loss(p). This information

can be useful in figuring out why the system is having

problems. The power-loss count will increase every time

the power is removed from the MCU and then restored.

The next screen shows the internal software version and revision, the electronic serial number of the

MCU unit, and the checksum of the software in the MCU.

This checksum will be different with each version of the

MCU operating software. The number will be incorrect if

any of the program data stored in the MCU has been

affected by component failure, tampering, a failed

download or some other extreme condition. (The program code in the MCU is stored in highly reliable

flash memory and is not likely to ever be affected inadvertently.)

MCUMCUMCUMCU----9000 PowerUp9000 PowerUp9000 PowerUp9000 PowerUp

RstRstRstRst m00m00m00m001111w000p000w000p000w000p000w000p000

V 3.122V 3.122V 3.122V 3.122 444443458434584345843458

ChecksChecksChecksChecksum:um:um:um: 87B487B487B487B4

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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

MCU-9000 Standby Screens

Standby Mode

When the MCU-9000 is in “standby” mode, waiting for

something to do, it cycles slowly through four

informative screens as shown at the right:

The fourth screen contains a great deal of useful

information about the current configuration of the

MCU. (The numbers in this example will be different

in every MCU.)

The top line contains the system number (i.e. “08833”) which must be the same on all the MCUs in the

same system. The next digit(s) on the top line (i.e. “23”) represent the site number of which this MCU is

a member. The last number on the top line (i.e. “05”) is the assigned primary pump number.

This display is similar to the MCU-3000 display, but something new appears on the bottom line on the

far right: A single letter “R”, “N”, W”, “M” or “S”. This letter tells you if the MCU is set to communicate

using hard wired (“W”), networked (“N”), wireless radio (“R”), Modem (“M”)or stand-alone(“S”) mode.

This mode can be changed in the SETUP key operations.

In the networked (“N”) mode, the letter in the lower-right corner of the display will be either “n” or “N”.

The lower case letter ”n” indicates that the device is in networked mode with DHCP enabled, but it has

not yet acquired its DHCP-assigned addresses. When this changes to an upper case “N”, it indicates that

the DHCP acquisition has been successful. If this letter remains a lower-case “n” for more than three to

five minutes, the network connection may not be operational or connected, or there may not be a

working DHCP server in the network. If DHCP is disabled, this letter will always be an upper-case “N”.

Observing this change after re-start is a simple indication that a valid network connection exists.

In front of the letter there is a symbol “-“ or “+”. This symbol indicates if the MCU-9000 is off-line (-) or

on-line (+). If the symbol indicates off-line mode then the MCU will not try as hard to connect to the

server and will use off-line rules to determine fueling authorization. If the MCU obtains a server

connection, this symbol will change to “+” and the MCU will re-enter the on-line mode.

** Welcome To **** Welcome To **** Welcome To **** Welcome To **

** MegaTrak **** MegaTrak **** MegaTrak **** MegaTrak ** Insert KeyInsert KeyInsert KeyInsert Key

& Turn to Right& Turn to Right& Turn to Right& Turn to Right Press (ENTER)Press (ENTER)Press (ENTER)Press (ENTER)

after each entryafter each entryafter each entryafter each entry 08833 23 0508833 23 0508833 23 0508833 23 05

16:18 03/18/0916:18 03/18/0916:18 03/18/0916:18 03/18/09++++NNNN

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 8

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Function keys in Standby Mode

While in the Standby Mode, pressing any of the Function Keys (F1 thru F8) may cause special functions

to be performed:

F1 – Keyless Fueling

If the MCU-9000 has been configured for Keyless Fueling, the F1 key starts the process, and also can be

used to end the process.

F2 - Transactions in Memory

When the “F2” key is used in the standby mode, you will see a screen that indicates the number of

fueling transactions that are stored in the memory of the

MCU. After two seconds, the MCU will return to the

standby screens.

Note: The number of transactions won’t change in this

display until it is refreshed by pressing “F2” again.

The MCU9000 can hold tens of thousands of transactions in non-volatile memory if server

communication is not working. When communication is restored, these transactions will be sent to the

server at a rate of about one per second.

F3 - Show Statistics Values

This key causes internal MCU-9000 statistics to be displayed. These values may be of use to the

technicians when troubleshooting the MCU. Use the F1 key to exit this screen.

F4 - Show Start-Up Screens

Pressing F4 causes the MCU to display the start-up screens so that the software version, checksum and

unit serial number can be seen. This does NOT perform a system restart.

F5 - Show Network Parameters

Pressing F5 causes the MCU to display the current network settings (only if in networked

communications mode). This can be used to find out what DHCP network parameters were assigned to

the MCU.

Transactions inTransactions inTransactions inTransactions in

Memory: 5Memory: 5Memory: 5Memory: 5

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 9

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

F7 – Diagnostic Screen

When the F7 key is pressed in Standby mode, a diagnostic screen is brought up that shows the status of

various thing in the MCU in real-time mode. This screen will

remain until 30 seconds after the last keypad key is pressed

and then returns to Standby mode. You can also exit to

Standby Mode by pressing ESC (Blue and ESC). The bits

displayed indicate as follows:

• Kb : Goes to “1” when any keypad key is pressed, and is used to test keypad buttons

• Pu : Goes to “1” when a pulser contact closes. This should toggle when fuel is being pumped if

the pulser is working properly, or when the pulser wires are shorted together as a test.

• By : Goes to a “1” when the unit is bypassed with a mechanical key

• Ky : Goes to a “1” when a Datakey is inserted and turned to the right

• Dr : Goes to a “1” when the door is opened (“X” if door switch disabled)

• Hk : Goes to a “1” when the hook switch is activated (“X” if hook switch disabled)

Note that the Dr and Hk symbols might show an “X” if

those inputs are deactivated in the setup menus.

F8 - Server Communication Test

While the MCU9000 is in Standby mode, pressing the F8

key will cause it to send a test message to the MegaTrak

Pro™ server and wait for an answer. This test requires a

response from the MT PRO Transaction Service, not just the

computer, so it is a good test of complete server connectivity.

The MCU will display “Got Server ACK” when the message is received by the server and acknowledged.

Then, the MCU will display “Server Responded” along with the date and time when the server responds.

This exchange also sets the MCU date and time to match

the server date and time.

If the MCU displays “No Server Response” then the MCU is

unable to reach the server and communications should be


NNoottee tthhaatt iitt iiss ppoossssiibbllee ffoorr nneettwwoorrkk llaatteennccyy oorr ddiiaall--uupp ttiimmeess,, ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn yyoouurr ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss mmooddee,, ttoo

ccaauussee tthhiiss tteesstt ttoo ffaaiill tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee iitt iiss uusseedd.. RReeppeeaatt ttoo sseeee iiff ssuubbsseeqquueenntt mmeessssaaggeess aarree ssuucccceessssffuull..

Pinging Server..Pinging Server..Pinging Server..Pinging Server..

Please WaitPlease WaitPlease WaitPlease Wait =Got Server ACK==Got Server ACK==Got Server ACK==Got Server ACK=

*No Serve*No Serve*No Serve*No Server Resp*r Resp*r Resp*r Resp*


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 X X0 0 0 0 0 0 X X0 0 0 0 0 0 X X0 0 0 0 0 0 X X

Server RespondedServer RespondedServer RespondedServer Responded

10:12 08/12/1010:12 08/12/1010:12 08/12/1010:12 08/12/10

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 10

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Operating the MCU9000

PIN Number

The driver inserts his Datakey and turns it to the right,

then closes the door. The MCU reads the Datakey and, if

a PIN number has been programmed for this key, will ask

the driver to enter the matching PIN number. (The PIN

number will not be displayed for privacy.)

Driver and Vehicle Information

Next the MCU-9000 will examine the key type and ask

for the Driver ID, the Vehicle ID, and possibly the

Odometer or Hours depending on the type of Datakey

and how the key is programmed.


******* *** *** ***





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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Fuel Type Checking

The MCU-9000 will then check to see if the fuel type matches what they key has authorized. If the MCU-

9000 fuel type is set to “ANY” then any key will allow fueling. And if the Datakey has a primary or

secondary fuel type of “ANY” then the key will allow fueling. Otherwise, the fuel type in the MCU-9000

must match either the primary fuel type or the secondary

fuel type programmed into the Datakey or a fuel type

error will be displayed and fueling will not be allowed.

The Fuel Type Error screen tells you what fuel types are

defined in the key (K=) and what fuel type is defined in the MCU (M=).

Getting Server Authorization

Once this information has been provided, the MCU attempts to connect to the central database to

obtain fueling authorization. When authorization is obtained, the fueling system is enabled and fueling

may begin.

If the MCU-9000 is controlling multiple pumps or hoses,

all the attached pumps or hoses will be authorized. As

each is used, the MCU will display the fluid being

dispensed in whole units. When the dispensing cycle ends, either by return of the nozzle to the hook-

switch or by time-out, the total fluid dispensed will be reported in a transaction. Each separate pump or

hose will report a unique transaction, even if more than one fluid is dispensed at the same time.

As an example, consider a truck fueling depot where there are two pumps, one for either side of the

vehicle. The driver-side hose is the primary and the second hose on the passenger-side has its own

pump and pulser, and is controlled by the same MCU using an expansion module. When the driver

obtains authorization, both pumps are enabled. However, the fuel dispensed by each pump is treated

separately in the transaction log. This means that the pumps could also dispense alternate fuels. In

either case, both pumps can be used at the same time and under the same authorization.

Another example is the multiple “lube-reel” or multi-fluid set up. The MCU-9000 might control several

reels or hoses. However, each reel has its own tank affiliation (fluid type) and is measured separately,

and can be used sequentially or simultaneously as long as the authorization is valid.

Fueling at all pumps or reels is disabled when the door is opened, the Datakey is removed or when no

dispensing has been observed for long enough that the MCU timeout occurs.

Because of this multi-pump capability of the MCU9000, it operates a little differently than older MCU

versions. During fueling, the MCU serves more as a “monitor”, watching the various pumps and





M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 12

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

reporting their progress. However, each pump has its own intelligent controller and each is running its

own dispensing session independent of the others.

None the less, opening the door (if the door switch is enabled) and/or removing the Datakey in the

MCU9000 will signal to all the expansion channels that the dispensing cycles should be ended and any

fluid dispensed should be reported.

Denial versus Failure to Authorize

If the MT PRO™ server finds any reason why the fueling should not be authorized, a denial message will

be displayed that is provided by the server and tells the reason why. An active denial from the server is

different from a failure to authorize which might be caused by a server outage or a communications


If the Fall Back Level has been set in the MCU-9000 to 3 or 4 then an active server authorization must be

obtained or fueling will not be allowed.

However, if the Fall Back Level is set to 1 or 2, then MCU-9000 will attempt for obtain authorization a

few times and then allow fueling anyway in Off Line

Mode. Once the MCU-9000 has entered Off Line Mode, it

will try again to obtain server authorization for each new

fueling session, but will not try for as long before going off


Meter Check Failure

The MCU-9000 may be programmed to check the mileage or hour meter to see if it is in an allowable

range from the last meter that was entered. If the MCU detects an out-of-range meter, it may be

programmed to deny fueling, to allow the meter to be entered again, or to allowing fueling despite the

incorrect meter entry.

If the meter checking is in mode ‘2’, then the MCU will notify the driver of the meter error and ask that

the meter be keyed-in again. If the same out-of-range meter value is keyed-in three times in a row, the

system will assume that the new meter is correct and will allow fueling and update the key and the

database to use this new value in the future.



M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 13

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Key Types and Their Operation

There are several key types and the MCU-9000 responds differently to each. The key types are:

• Equipment or Vehicle

• Special User

• Driver

• Administrator

• System Setup

• Transaction

• Settings

Equipment or Vehicle Key

When an Equipment (also called a vehicle) key is presented, the MCU-9000 will ask for the driver ID

number and, if desired, the mileage or hour meter reading.

Special User Key

When Special User key is presented, the MCU-9000 asks for the vehicle or equipment ID and, if desired,

the mileage or hour meter reading.

Driver Key

When a Driver Key is presented, the driver ID is obtained from it and then the user is asked to remove

the key and present a valid Vehicle or Equipment key. Then the mileage or hour meter reading may

optionally be requested.

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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Administrator Key

The Administrator key type is used to allow a special user to perform various administrative tasks. The

MCU-9000 will ask the user to Enter a Function using the functions keys, F1 thru F8. These keys each

perform different actions as described below:

Function F1: Fuel Vehicle

This function allows the user to fuel the vehicle as usual, asking him for the vehicle ID and optionally the

mileage or hour meter reading.

Function F3: Write Settings to Key

The MCU-9000 will ask “ARE YOU SURE?” and, if a “Y” is entered, will then ask that the administrative

key be removed and a transaction-type key be inserted. This key will be cleared of any data already

contained on it. The MCU-9000 will then proceed to generate a settings key and write all the current

MCU systems, communications, identity information and pump settings to the key. This will allow the

settings of this MCU to be restored to it after servicing, or to be copied into another MCU to replace this

one, or to make set-up of an adjacent MCU faster by providing a starting point.

Function F4: Fuel Transfer (Site-to-Site Transfer)

When fuel needs to be taken from a tank into a fuel truck or

transferred to another tank, this function is used. The user

will be asked for the Site number and Tank number where

the fuel is being moved TO, and then it will proceed as a

vehicle or equipment key and allow the fuel to be dispensed.

The result will be a transfer of fuel to the site and tank

specified. (i.e. the amount of fuel pumped will be debited

from the tank it is pumped out of and credited into the

destination tank specified.)

NNoottee:: IIff aa ffuueell ttrruucckk iiss ffiilllleedd ffrroomm aa ddiissppeennsseerr uussiinngg aa nnoorrmmaall eeqquuiippmmeenntt oorr ddrriivveerr kkeeyy,, tthhee ssyysstteemm wwiillll

rreefflleecctt tthhaatt tthhee ffuueell wwaass ddiissppeennsseedd ffrroomm oonnee ttaannkk aanndd tthheenn ddiissppeennsseedd aa sseeccoonndd ttiimmee ffrroomm tthhee ttrruucckk ssiittee,,

wwhhiicchh wwiillll mmaakkee tthhee ffuueell lleevveell iinn tthhee ttrruucckk ttaannkk ggoo nneeggaattiivvee aanndd aann eerrrroorr wwiillll bbee rreeppoorrtteedd iinn ffuueell lleevveellss..

UUssiinngg tthhee ttrraannssffeerr ffuunnccttiioonn kkeeeeppss tthhee ttaalllliieess ooff ffuueell iinn bbootthh ttaannkkss ccoorrrreecctt..

Function F5: Tank Level

This administrator function is used to set the tank level to a know value, such as after using a “wet-stick”

measurement or some other accurate method of physically measuring the tank contents. The MCU-

9000 will ask for the Site number and Tank Number, and then the number of gallons, and will set the

current tank level to that value.


(NNNNN) (NNNNN) (NNNNN) (NNNNN) 00000000000000000000


(NN) (NN) (NN) (NN) 00000000

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 15

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Function F6: Totalizer Reading

Most pump “computers” or dispenser meter heads have a resettable fuel measurement as well as a

non-resettable “total units pumped” meter, called a “totalizer”. This function allows the totalizer

reading to be read from the dispenser head and entered into the database at the MCU.

Function F7: No Function at this time

Function F8: Fuel receipt

This administrator function is used when bulk fuel is added to a tank as a way to tell the MT PRO system

the amount of fuel that was added. The MCU-9000 will ask the user to enter the Tank Number at the

current site to which the fuel was added, and the amount of fuel added.

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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

“Stop At” Option

If the MCU is set to ask “Stop At” (See the MCU-9000 Setup Guide) then the driver will be asked to enter

the amount (in whole units) where the fluid dispensing should stop. This is most often used with lube or

hydraulic oils.

When the MCU-9000 obtains authorization to fuel, the

MegaTrak Pro software sends an authorized amount based

on the vehicle tank capacity, the “Max Load” value, and

possibly the declining balance features. When the “Stop At” option is used, the MCU will stop the flow

of fluid when the amount reaches this limit sent from the database or the Stop At amount, whichever is


In other words, if the MegaTrak Pro software sends a limit of 20 quarts and the driver enters 5 quarts at

the “Stop At” question, the flow will be stopped at 5 quarts. If the driver enters 100 quarts, the flow will

be stopped at 20 quarts.


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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Visiting Vehicle Mode

Some customers need to be able to fuel vehicles that come from remote locations which are not known

to the MegaTrak system (i.e. that are not in the MegaTrak Pro database). However, in a normal fuel

management system, the driver credentials and the vehicle credentials must be validated before fueling

is allowed. For this reason, the MCU-9000 offers an optional “Visiting Vehicle” mode that can be enabled

using the SETUP key. (See the MCU-9000 Setup Guide for details.)

If Visiting Vehicle operation is enabled, the MCU-9000 will respond to the driver’s Datakey or card by

asking for the odometer reading and then the Vehicle ID as usual, but the driver may press the “F2” key

to enter the Visiting Vehicle Mode.

The MCU-9000 (if so configured) will then ask for a three-

character Reason Code. This code can be any combination

of up to three letters and/or numbers that will be passed to

the database. This code may be used to log the reason why

fueling was done using this mode, or any other useful

information. (The Reason Code is not validated by the server.)

The MCU-9000 (if so configured) will then ask for a five

character Visitor Department ID. This allows the visiting

vehicle to be described by the department to which it

belongs. (The Department ID must be a valid department

defined in the database.)

The MegaTrak Pro software will log a visitor fueling transaction with an “^” error flag (unknown vehicle)

but the keyed-in vehicle ID will be provided, as well as the department ID and reason code.





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MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

Transaction Transfers using Datakeys

Transactions in the MCU-9000 memory may be off-loaded into special Datakeys called “Transfer Keys”.

The keys have a larger capacity than the normal user and equipment keys. Empty Transfer Keys are

made at the MT PRO software workstation.

Off-Loading MCU Transactions

When the user inserts a Transfer Key into an MCU-9000, it will display the number of transactions that

are currently stored in the MCU memory (“T:”), and the

number that are already stored in the Transfer Key (“K:”).

This example shows that there are 205 transactions stored

in the MCU memory and 22 already present in the Transfer


After about four seconds, if the Transfer Key remains in place, the MCU will attempt to offload as many

transactions as it can from the MCU to the key. In the

example at right, only 22 transactions can be off-loaded

because the Datakey only holds 44 transactions in total.

Injecting Transactions into the MCU

If, during the four second wait after the transfer key is inserted, the user presses the “F7” key, then the

MCU will perform the opposite task, and will upload transactions from the Transfer Key into the MCU


This feature can be used to manually carry transactions

from an MCU that has no other functional means of

communication, to one that does.

In the example at right, the key starts with 22 transactions

on-board and then transfers them into the MCU, which

already contains 183. The MCU is left with 205

transactions, and the Datakey with none.

After the transfer is completed, the MCU-9000 will ask if the contents of the Datakey should be deleted.

If you answer Yes (“Y”) then the Transfer key will be cleared and made available to store a full 44

Transfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer Key

T:205 K:22 T:205 K:22 T:205 K:22 T:205 K:22

Transfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer Key

T:205 T:205 T:205 T:205 --------> K:22 K:22 K:22 K:22

Transfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer Key

T:205 T:205 T:205 T:205 <-------- K:0 K:0 K:0 K:0

Transfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer Key

T:183 T:183 T:183 T:183 <-------- K:22 K:22 K:22 K:22

Transfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer KeyTransfer Key

T:183 T:183 T:183 T:183 --------> K:44 K:44 K:44 K:44

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 19

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.

transactions once again. If you do not allow the Transfer key to be cleared, the same transactions will

remain in the key and can be taken elsewhere.

NNoottee:: TThhee MMCCUU wwiillll oonnllyy ssttoorree ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss tthhaatt aarree nnoott dduupplliiccaatteess ooff ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss iitt aallrreeaaddyy hhaass

ssttoorreedd iinn mmeemmoorryy.. IIff tthhee DDaattaakkeeyy iinn tthhee aabboovvee eexxaammppllee wwaass rreemmoovveedd wwiitthhoouutt cclleeaarriinngg iitt aanndd

pprreesseenntteedd aaggaaiinn,, aanndd tthhee ““FF77”” kkeeyy pprreesssseedd,, tthhee ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss wwoouulldd bbee ssccaannnneedd,, bbuutt tthhee TT::220055 nnuummbbeerr

wwoouulldd nnoott cchhaannggee bbeeccaauussee tthheessee 2222 ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss aarree aallrreeaaddyy ssttoorreedd iinn tthhee MMCCUU.. TThhee MMCCUU wwiillll nneevveerr

aacccceepptt dduupplliiccaattee ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss ttoo tthhoossee tthhaatt iitt aallrreeaaddyy hhaass ssttoorreedd iinn tthhee mmeemmoorryy..

M e g a T r a k ® M C U - 9 0 0 0 U s e r G u i d e P a g e | 20

MegaTrak® is a trademark of MegaTronics International Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Copyright ©2010 by MegaTronics. All Rights Reserved. Patents filed and/or pending.


Accessories, 5

administrative tasks, 14

Administrator, 13

Administrator Key, 14

bulk fuel, 15

cables, 5

checksum, 6

communications problem, 12

current network settings, 8

DataKeys, 18

denial message, 12

Denial versus Failure to Authorize, 12

DHCP, 7, 8

Diagnostic Screen, 9

Driver, 13

Driver Key, 13

Ethernet, 5

F1, 8

F2, 8

F3, 8

F4, 8

F5, 8

F7, 9

F8, 9

failure to authorize, 12

Fall Back Level, 12

Fuel Type Checking, 11

Function F1: Fuel Vehicle, 14

Function F3: Write Settings to Key, 14

Function F4: Fuel Transfer, 14

Function F5: Tank Level, 14

Function F6: Totalizer Reading, 15

Function F8: Fuel receipt, 15

Getting Server Authorization, 11

Injecting Transactions, 18

internal radio, 5

key types, 13

Key Types, 13

Keyless Fueling, 8

Max Load, 16

MCU timeout, 11

Meter Check Failure, 12

Model Codes, 5

MT PRO Transaction Service, 9

multiple pumps or hoses, 11

multi-pump capability, 11

Network Parameters, 8

Off Line Mode, 12

Off-Loading MCU Transactions, 18

Operating, 10

out-of-range meter, 12

PIN Numbers, 10

power-loss, 6

Proximity card, 5

pump number, 7

Reason Code, 17

RS232, 5

RS485, 5

Server Communication Test, 9

server connectivity, 9

server outage, 12

Settings, 13

settings key, 14

site number, 7

Site-to-Site Transfer, 14

software, 6

Special User, 13

Special User Key, 13

standby, 7

Standby Mode, 8

Start-Up Screens, 8

Statistics Values, 8

Stop At, 16

system number, 7

System Setup, 13

Transaction, 13

Transaction Transfers, 18

Transactions, 8

Transfer Key, 18

Transfer Keys, 18

transfer to another tank, 14

Vehicle Key, 13

vehicles from remote locations, 17

Visiting Vehicle Mode, 17

Visitor Department, 17

visitor fueling transaction, 17

watchdog timers, 6

wet-stick measurement, 14