MCKinney Rogers Corporate overview

Corporate Overview

Transcript of MCKinney Rogers Corporate overview

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Corporate Overview

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A Truly Global Organisation…

“Our Vision is to be admired as the global leader in business execution by 2015”

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Our Business Impact

• Realigned entire US business as part of complete reorganization of 2010 Field structures (1.5 million people)

• Achieved stretch mission targets in F10, for the third year running

• Established and are driving integrated Leadership development structures to provide sufficient talent for growth

• Smirnoff driven from #4 to #1 spirits brand by volume globally

• Johnnie Walker to #1 spirits brand by value globally

• Diageo Asia: From -2% in 05 to +12% Sales Revenue in 07•

• Moet Hennessy Diageo Japan: from declining profit for 14 straight years

to exceeded profits by x2.5

• EABL from 5.3 billion TP to 14 billion Kenya Shillings TP

• A 6% increase in revenue

• A 23% increase in operating profit

• A 5% increase in organic revenue growth

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Our Business Impact

• HDTV initiative launched on time ....making-up for over 6 weeks of delays

• Mission Leadership® and High Performing Teams were deployed throughout the Wirtz Beverage Group in 2008 and 2009. Mission Leadership has helped to bring six operating companies under one umbrella to drive economies of scale and operating synergies.

• MR WBG deliver 101.92% of Sales Plan and 100.63% of Contribution • MR WBG deliver 101.92% of Sales Plan and 100.63% of Contribution Plan in H1 FY10.

• WBG grew revenue by 2.3%in H1 FY10.

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Our Unique Focus

Strategy Technology

The McKinney Rogers

Unique Focus

People Operations

Unique Focus


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Unique Focus – Successful Business Execution

What is Business Execution?

Translation of an organisation’s strategy into focused and aligned

action to DELIVER sustainable business results

“McKinney Rogers has a unique offering, with no competitors “McKinney Rogers has a unique offering, with no competitors

in this space” – Dick Boyce, Texas Pacific Group

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McKinney Rogers’ Business Execution Model

ONE Aligned Organisation

Vision & aligned transformational

growth strategy

Dynamic,Thoughtful Execution

Unleashing ExtraordinaryPeople Performance




Inspiring and Empowering Leadership

& Team Performance

Transparency, Measurement & AccountabilityRapid, Timely


Thoughtful ExecutionPeople Performance PurposeOur reason for being

ValuesThe Core of our being

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The End-To-End Mission Leadership Business Solution


Business Operating Rhythm





Pressure Test the Plan

Measure Performance


Integrated Business Leadership

High PerformanceTeams


Business Performance


Aligning behavior to Values and


Mission Planning

Defining / Reinforcing









Counter Competitor Intelligence

Align, Clarify and focus


Contingency Plans

Deep understanding of

operating environment


Evaluate Predict

Course Correct

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Aligning your organisation & building an High Aligning your organisation & building an High Aligning your organisation & building an High Aligning your organisation & building an High Performing Culture based on your company’s Performing Culture based on your company’s Performing Culture based on your company’s Performing Culture based on your company’s

values values values values

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Aligning Organization Behind One Compelling Vision...

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…Moving At Pace As One High Performing Team…

High Performing Teams move at the pace of the fastest member

Regular Team

Finish Line

High Performance Team

Competitive Advantage

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Setting Direction, Achieving Alignment and Measuring Effects


Strategic Direction and

Measures of Success


Effect of Direction through



Strategic Direction and

Measures of Success

Business Unit Effect on Business

Strategic Direction and Measures flow downwards

to ensure alignment

Direction & Measures of


Effect on Business

Unit of Direction

through measures


Direction & Measures

of Success

Effect on Team of

direction through



Direction & Measures

of Success

Impact of

Direction on


Measurement of the effect of Direction flows upwards to advise progress and inform

subsequent decisions

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Mission Leadership DashboardMission Leadership DashboardMission Leadership DashboardMission Leadership Dashboard

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Mission Leadership Dashboard® - Home Page

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View Mission

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View Mission Map

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View Team

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View Analytics – Financial And Operational

Optional feature includes proven Business Intelligence

tool to enable data to be analysed, sliced and diced

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Mobile Apps

Additionally, the Dashboard can be installed on your

iPhone, iPad or BlackBerry for online and offline viewing

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Inspiring People to Achieve the ExtraordinaryInspiring People to Achieve the ExtraordinaryInspiring People to Achieve the ExtraordinaryInspiring People to Achieve the Extraordinary