Mblex orientation

Study Tips The Proper Mind Set First and foremost, stay positive and feed your brain positive information. Instead of saying, “It’s too hard. I don’t understand it. I don’t know if I can do it…” Consider turning those fears into hope. Instead of “It’s too hard…” consider saying to yourself, It is challenging, but I can do it. Ans instead of “I don’t understand…” consider saying, everyday I am learning more and more and more. And instead of saying, “I don’t know if I can do it.” Ask yourself this, why wouldn’t I be able to pass? Others have. If they could study and pass, so can I. I am not afraid, I am eager. I believe I could very easily pass the exam because I am prepared. Testing Text Book The only text I recommend to pass the MBLEX is the www.massage-exam.com . Of course, you want to use your textbooks also, they will be your source to help you study with massage-exam. I feel this test is the closest to the real thing. Master Section by Section Your goal is to score 75 in each category. When you score 75 in EVERY CATEGORY and then score 75 in the random tests for 7x - then your chance of passing the MBLEX is very high! If you devote one week for each category, in two months, you will be ready. If you want to test sooner, double your study time and study two categories a week. Review Your Missed Answers Massage-Exam has a link to click so that you can study the questions you missed. When you see the correct answer, if you “get it.” Good, move on to the next. If you don’t “get it,” Google what is needed to focus on the question and master it by looking at images, taking notes, or some other process. Remember, only study what you don’t know. Organization Body Into Groups When you begin to study, you will find that a lot of questions repeat themselves in a different way. For example, you may find quite a few questions that asks you about the elbow joint and its function. So when you find recurring questions, then study that particular area - the elbow joint. Or if you find repeated questions about “scope of practice” and you are still confused about the meaning, Google it to see if you can gain more clarity. Train Your Eyes to See the Answer Understanding with your mind is best, and in addition, you can train your eyes to see the correct answer. You can do this by constant testing and when viewing answers block them all out, and focus on seeing the correct answer. This can only be done when you are familiar with the tests questions. So it does not work well in the beginning stages of your study, but after you take the test more and more, you will begin to remember more and more and

Transcript of Mblex orientation

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Study Tips  The Proper Mind Set 

First and foremost, stay positive and feed your brain positive information.  Instead of saying, “It’s too hard. I don’t understand it. I don’t know if I can do it…”  Consider turning those fears into hope.  Instead of “It’s too hard…” consider saying to yourself, It is challenging, but I can do it.  Ans instead of “I don’t understand…”  consider saying, everyday I am learning more and more and more.  And instead of saying, “I don’t know if I can do it.”  Ask yourself this, why wouldn’t I be able to pass?  Others have.  If they could study and pass, so can I.  I am not afraid, I am eager.  I believe I could very easily pass the exam because I am prepared.  Testing Text Book 

The only text I recommend to pass the MBLEX is the www.massage­exam.com.  Of course, you want to use your textbooks also, they will be your source to help you study with massage­exam.  I feel this test is the closest to the real thing.  Master Section by Section 

Your goal is to score 75 in each category.  When you score 75 in EVERY CATEGORY and then score 75 in the random tests for 7x ­ then your chance of passing the MBLEX is very high!  If you devote one week for each category, in two months, you will be ready.  If you want to test sooner, double your study time and study two categories a week.   Review Your Missed Answers   Massage­Exam has a link to click so that you can study the questions you missed.  When you see the correct answer, if you “get it.”  Good, move on to the next.  If you don’t “get it,” Google what is needed to focus on the question and master it by looking at images, taking notes, or some other process.  Remember, only study what you don’t know.  Organization Body Into Groups 

When you begin to study, you will find that a lot of questions repeat themselves in a different way.  For example, you may find quite a few questions that asks you about the elbow joint and its function.  So when you find recurring questions, then study that particular area ­ the elbow joint.  Or if you find repeated questions about “scope of practice” and you are still confused about the meaning, Google it to see if you can gain more clarity.  Train Your Eyes to See the Answer 

Understanding with your mind is best, and in addition, you can train your eyes to see the correct answer.  You can do this by constant testing and when viewing answers block them all out, and focus on seeing the correct answer.  This can only be done when you are familiar with the tests questions.  So it does not work well in the beginning stages of your study, but after you take the test more and more, you will begin to remember more and more and 

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understand more and more, and something else wonderful happens, the questions you did not know about begin to make sense to you.  Total Immersion 

Be willing to totally immerse yourself in this study process and know that studying it is short lived.  Soon, you will have taken the MBLEX test and passed it, and all this effort will be behind you.  Then you can establish your new career and earn the additional income you deserve.  So stay focused, motivated, and determined.  You will pass. Other people have, and you will too.  Build on What You Already Know 

Remember that you already have A LOT of the information needed to pass.  The information is stored in your mind because you have been reading texts, listening to lectures, watching DVDs, watching youtube, watching demonstrations, practicing, and taking tests, so access what you know!  Play Games 

Taking a test requires a lot of memory, so plan memory games to help you remember.  You would be surprised how many questions you get right by knowing these memory tricks.  I cant tell you how much little memory tricks helped me.  One I still remember is that AA is for arteries carry blood away (AA) from the heart.  How did I remember that, a wise instructor said, “Remember AA is for arteries away.”  I always remembered, it helped me pass the test, and now I am sharing it with you.    Link Your Question and Answer 

When you are trying to remember the answer, can you link something in the question to something in the answer so that you can immediately identify it?    Closing, 

Basically, you need to believe you can do it.  School is over, you no longer have the pressure of getting up early, driving in traffic, classroom attendance, homework, tests, or anything else. Your only concern is passing the test.  Now you have a free mind, free time, and you can focus.  Sure, I know you have a life, family, work, and other matters to take care of, but I also know you don’t have to go to class all day, so you can take some of your new free time and get busy preparing to pass your test.  I know you can do it.  If others can, you can!  Over the next few pages, I have attached pages from our text.  You could compile this information yourself as you study, but I thought it would be helpful for you to have a little booklet of information that you might refer to over and over.  Please print it out, and add to it if you need to.  Of course, you will need to refer to your text for detailed information such as the muscles of the back or muscles of the legs, etc.  So I hope these pages help you during your study.  Please keep me informed of how you are doing, and if you want to meet for coffee and talk “MBLEX.” I would be happy to meet with you. 

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 You know I love you and my prayers are with you, Marguerite