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  • 8/20/2019 MB - Final Presentation.docx


    P a g e  | 1

    Executive Summary

    Mystique Boutique is an innovative company that ofers women in the Tulsa area an

    afordable, yet ashionable way to stay ahead o the latest trends. This proect details a

    plan to ocus the company on the best ways to brea! out their ashion resources and

    begin building their online presence. Targeted mar!eting will place the Mystique name in

    ront o consumers that will "nd interest in the product and will directly impact the

    success o the company. This plan emphasi#es the most pro"table areas or Mystique to

    advertise as well as the cost bene"ts and the direct impact o these promotions. This will

    lead to an increase in brand awareness, customer engagement and overall purchases.

    Company Description

    Mystique Boutique is located at $%%& 'herry (t. in the downtown 'herry (treet district o 

     Tulsa, )*. Mystique ofers upscale women+s clothing selections, ranging rom "erce,

    sophisticated designs to un, irty, ashion orward apparel. Mystique also ofers

    e-clusive personal style services which include a detailed style assessment or ourpatrons. Mystique is a emaleowned partnership that e-tends its products and media

    e-posure to Tulsa and the surrounding areas o Bi-by, Bro!en /rrow, 0en!s, )wasso and


    Situation Analysis

    Mystique Boutique is a new business, thereore our primary goal is to introduce our

    boutique, create brand awareness and to urther maintain this brand awareness as we

    grow and evolve. The (1)T /nalysis highlights our internal strengths and wea!nesses

    and our e-ternal opportunities and threats. Being aware o our current situation will

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    P a g e  | 2

    assist us in urthering our strengths and ta!ing advantage o our opportunities, while

    "nding ways to minimi#e our wea!nesses and our threats.

    SWOT AnalysisStrengths




    3ours o availability 4close at 5pm, Th(at6


    7easonably priced comparatively


    )wners have public relationsdegrees


    (trong online presenceWeaknesses


    2ower pro"t due to reasonableprices


     Tedius wor! schedule due to laterhours


    7ental costs are e-pensive

    2ow stoc! volume





    Partner w9 other 'herry (treetshops ofer :;< discount withreceipt


    2oyal customers


    7evolving9seasonal ashion trends





    'ompetition o other 'herry (treetboutiques


    =conomy 4lac! o necessity6


    /dvertising budget o higher endboutiques

    Target Audience


      7each >;< o women in Tulsa and surrounding areas

    • ?@,5&& women ages :@%; years old in the target area

    • )ur reach goal, at >;

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    P a g e  | '

    •  Tulsa, B/, 0en!s, )wasso, Bi-by, (apulpa•


    • 1omen ma!e @>< o the purchases in the amily, so this boutique is clearly aimedat women speci"cally.


    Competitive Analysis

    1e believe a competitive analysis is crucial or establishing a point o diference or

    your brand as well as or developing the competitive attac! plan. Csing a

    competitive analysis in a strategic manner can lead to a number o media strategy

    decisions. @

      Cherry Street "ocal Shops

    • )opeD BoutiqueD 'herry (treetD 1omens 'lothing 9 8aceboo! 9 Twitter

    • The *est on Cherry St. D 3ome Ecor 9 8aceboo! D Mimosa (aturday eals D

    change hours or all shopping D online drawings or ree merchandise• De Shops D 1omens 'lothing 9 8aceboo! 9 Fnstagram D ofer plus si#e clothing


    (roduct (urchase Cycle

    • :$ minutes to wal! past the window, see a ashionable out"t and decide to stop in

    • %; min:.> hours on shopping trip or a speci"c item

    • Guarterly (easonal shopping9rebuilding wardrobe 48all9(pring9(ummer91inter6


    )each &oal

     To reach >;< o women :@ %; yrs in Tulsa and surrounding areas•  Total emale population :@%; yrs old in Tulsa and surrounding areas is ?@,5&&

    according to suburbanstatistics.org.

    o  TulsaD %>,%5Ho Bi-byD :,%5?o Bro!en /rrowD &,$?5

    o )wassoD $,%5@o  0en!sD :,;:>o (apulpaD :,>$>


    )ur reach goal, at >;

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    P a g e  | +

    ,orms o# Communication

    • 8liers 4)peningI(easonal6

    • Arand )pening Press 7elease

    • (ocial Media Platorms

    • (ocial Media /ds

    • 'oupons

    • 2ocal =vent 'alendars

    • Jewspaper /ds

    • 2oyalty 'ards

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    P a g e  | -

      ,re.uency &oals

      April 2/1- Strativity )esearch Study

    o /lmost ?;< o customers interact with their avorite company atleast wee!ly, ma!ing the quality o customer interactions veryimportant.:

    o 8requency o interaction builds loyalty and advocacyD @&< daily,H?< wee!ly, ?5< monthly and %%< ew times9year.:

      ,liers0o (ot )pening 8liers

      (end out initial ier two wee!s prior to (ot )pening Jov.$H

      (end out reminder ier one wee! prior to (ot )pening ec. %•

    o (easonal 8liers (end out quarterly, prior to pea! season change (end out additional holiday advertisements in Jov. K ec.

    o 'ostD L&;.?? annually

    • 2/12 CO Council Direct arketing )eport states that ?;< o

    consumers say that they have tried a new business ater receiving direct

    mail, and &;< have renewed relationships with businesses that they had

    previously ceased using.$

    • 2/1' Direct ail n#ormation Service )eport highlights that over

    &>< o direct mail is opened by the recipients while H%< read the contents.%


    &rand Opening (ress )eleaseDo Printed once, prior to Arand )peningI printed ec. :? 487==6o  Total Tulsa 1orld (unday 7eadership $5>,5?5o ?H< emale :%H,:%& emale readership o all ages?

      Social edia0o 8aceboo! )nce or twice per day 487==6o Fnstagram )nce or twice per day 487==6

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    P a g e  | 3


    Social edia Adso aily advertisements, 0anuary ecembero 'ostD L%,HH; annuallyo =stimated aily 7each?:;; women within >; mile radius


    o )fer special deals and sales $% times per wee!o /dvertise on our social media platorms and event calendars


    • 2/1+ Capgemini Consulting Analysis only $>< o companies

    reward loyalty program members based on nonpurchase interactions.>

    • "ocal Event Calendars0

    o /dvertise wee!ly as necessary 487==6

    • *e4spaper Ads0o :% wee! contract 48ull page ad>w!s, 3al page ad@w!s, plus

    banner ad on newspaper website or entire :%w!s6o 'ostD L&,>5$ annuallyo  Total Tulsa 1orld (unday 7eadership $5>,5?5

    o ?H< emale :%H,:%& emale readership o all ages?

    • "oyalty Cards0

    o Printed semiannually and presented to customers

    • 2/1- "oyalty )eport states that &H< o /mericans thin! that

    loyalty programs are part o their relationships with brands.H•

    • The 2/1- )eality o# )etail )eport  says ?H< o shoppers who

    use loyalty programs consider them to be important in their decision to


    • Total Audience mpressions

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    P a g e  | 5

    7eachN - 8requency Total /udience Fmpressions•

      &rand Opening (ress )eleaseo (unday emale readership 4all ages6 in target area :%H,:%&o :%H,:%& - : (unday Press 7elease 1'361'5 TA

    • Social edia Ads

    o 8emale reach 4all ages6 within >; mile radius ?:;;o ?:;; - %H> 4daily ad6 16+736-// TA

    • *e4spaper Ads

    o (unday emale readership 4all ages6 in target area :%H,:%&

    o :%H,:%& - :% (unday /ds 165376581 TA•

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    P a g e  | 8


    mplementation (lan

      edia O!ectives

    • Fntroduce our company and

    create brand awareness

    • Fncrease our online presence

    using social media platorms

    • 7each $?,?@@ women :@%;

    yrs old in target area at least

    :; times9wee! using social

    media• 7each ?H< o emale

    readership 4:%H,:%& all ages6

    through print circulation at

    least once9wee!?

    • Fncrease customer

    participation 4li!es, shares,

    retweets, hashtags6 by >;<

    within % months

    • Fncrease sales by :;< within

    the "rst %H months o our

    media plan

      edia Strategies

    • 8liers

    4)peningI(easonal6• Arand )pening Press

    7elease• (ocial Media Platorms

    • (ocial Media /ds

    • 'oupons

    • 2ocal =vent 'alendars

    • Jewspaper /ds

    • 2oyalty 'ards

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    P a g e  | 7

      edia Tactics0

      So#t Opening ,liers0o Fnvite close riends, ashion bloggers, media outlets, and amily

    )J2O or a snea! pea! o the boutique, with the request that

    everyone tal! about and share pictures9statuses about our

    boutique via Blogs, 8B, Fnstagram and Twitter.9uarterly:Seasonal ,liers0

    o Post iers in our window at the boutiqueo Post iers around town and surrounding areas such as Bi-by, B/,

    )wassoo Mail9email iers to media outlets and ashion bloggers

      nstagram0o Cpload images o latest ashionso Post once or twice per dayo Cse hashtags such as Nmystiqueboutique Ntshirttuesday


    o )fer :;< of coupon when customer uses hashtag showing ofour product


    o Post once or twice per day between the times o 5am and >pm.

    4Business hours6o Cse hashtags and catch phrasesD Nwearablewednesday

    Nirtyridayo  Cpload images o latest ashion K new styles in store wee!lyo Promotional giveaway or sharing our brand9store


    Coupons0o )fer special deals and sales $% times per wee!o /dvertise on our social media platorms and event calendars

    487==6  *e4spaper Ads0

    o :% wee! contract 48ull page ad>w!s, 3al page ad@w!s, plus

    banner ad on newspaper website or entire :%w!s6

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    P a g e  | 1/

      "oyalty Card0o )fer loyalty cards to all purchasing customerso 'ustomers get a hole punch or every L>; spento 'ustomers will receive :>< of purchase ater getting :; holes



    "oyalty Card

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      So#t Opening ,lier

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    ;oliday ,lier

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      %udget (ie Chart



    edia ,lo4 Chart

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    Testing $ Evaluation


    Arand )pening 'ustomer poll 1hat brought you inQ


    (ocial Mediao  Trac! li!es, shares, comments, customer engagemento  Trac! number o coupons and associated discount

      2oyalty 'ardso  Trac! #ip codes to locate customer base inormationo  Trac! loyalty cards given and cards cashed in


     Trac! consumer receipts brought in to monitor local shops9competition use



    : httpsD99strativity.com9aprilnewstheinuenceorequencydelightonloyalty


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    •$ httpsD99www.cmocouncil.org9actsstatscategories.phpQ


    •% httpsD99www.aabacosmallbusiness.com9advisor9directmailmar!etingsmall

    businessadvice :>$%:$;>$.html

    •? httpD99www.tulsaworld.com9app9media!it9downloads9rates9Jational.pd 

    •> httpsD99www.capgemini.com9resource"leaccess9resource9pd9rede"ningRloyaltyR

    programsRcapgeminiR consulting. pd 

    •H  httpD99ino.bondbrandloyalty.com9theloyaltyreport$;:>

    •& httpD99www.inreality.com9resources9report9$;:>;%%:9

    •@ *elley, 2arry ., *im B. (heehan, and onald 1. 0ugenheimer. 'hapter @. Advertising

    Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. %rd ed. /rmon!D M.=. (harpe, $;:$. H;.
