May Newsletter

SOMALI RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT FORUM Issue # Somali Relief & Development Forum FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR LATEST PROJECTS AND WORK IN THIS ISSUE May Newsletter We’ve had an eventful May here at SRDF, with an IQRA Live TV Appeal, the Live Below the Line launch week, our Edmonton Islamic Lecture and a Somali Diaspora event. It’s also been a busy month for our member organisations on the ground in Somalia, the last few months have seen the completion of two key projects in Galkayo. ‘The Best Among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it’ –Islamic Lecture IQRA Live Appeal Thank you to everyone who called in to donate to our IQRA live TV appeal on Tuesday 7th May and special thank you to all our guests including Sheikh Suleiman Gani and Andrew Fryer from Live Below the Line. There’s still time to donate, just call us on: +44 (0)300 777 1125 We’re pleased to announce the success of our latest Islamic lecture held on Sunday 26th May at Edmonton Islamic Centre. The inspirational Shaykh AbdulRashid Ali gave a moving talk on the importance of the Quran and the guidance it can offer us in today’s world. This was followed by an equally engaging and informative talk by the well known Shaykh Uthman Lateef. During the course of the day we managed to raise just under £20,000, money that will go towards the development of water wells, eye care provision and education projects.


Read SRDF's May newsletter to find out what we've been up to lately.

Transcript of May Newsletter


Somali Relief &

Development Forum

May/ April



May Newsletter

We’ve had an eventful May here at SRDF, with an IQRA Live TV Appeal, the Live Below the Line launch week, our Edmonton Islamic Lecture and a Somali Diaspora event.

It’s also been a busy month for our member organisations on the ground in Somalia, the last few months have seen the completion of two key projects in Galkayo.

‘The Best Among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it’ –Islamic Lecture

IQRA Live Appeal

Thank you to everyone who called in to donate to our IQRA live TV appeal on Tuesday 7th May and special thank you to all our guests including Sheikh Suleiman Gani and Andrew Fryer from Live Below the Line.

There’s still time to donate, just call us on: +44 (0)300 777 1125

We’re pleased to announce the success of our latest Islamic lecture held on Sunday 26th May at Edmonton Islamic Centre. The inspirational Shaykh AbdulRashid Ali gave a moving talk on the importance of the Quran and the guidance it can offer us in today’s world. This was followed by an equally engaging and informative talk by the well known Shaykh Uthman Lateef.

During the course of the day we managed to raise just under £20,000, money

that will go towards the development of water wells, eye care provision and education projects.


‘Somali Talks: Local Perspectives in Somalia

The Somali Relief and Development Forum teamed up with the Royal African Society to organise an event at SOAS. On Saturday 4th May, members of the Somali Diaspora and civil society came together to discuss key humanitarian and development challenges. The event was chaired by Mary Harper and speakers included SRDF’s executive manager Rahma Ahmed and WASDA executive director Aydrus Daar.

Read one of our attendee’s thoughts on the event here:


Live Below the Line

Thanks to everyone who took part in Live Below the Line for SRDF in May. So far we have raised over £6,000!

For those of you who haven't yet taken part in the challenge, there's still time to sign up! Live Below the Line officially ends on the 30th June 2013. Don't miss out on the chance to experience this life-changing challenge.

If you think you have what it takes to live off of £1 a day for 5 days, then sign up now. Get sponsored during your challenge and help us to raise my money to fund crucial food and water well campaigns.


‘IF and SRDF

The Somali Relief and Development Forum are proud supporters of the IF campaign.

At present, there is enough food in the world but not everyone has enough food. G8 leaders are deciding the fate of millions of hard-working families in countries across the world, including Somalia.

We can end hunger and save millions IF we stop tax dodging in the poorest countries, IF we stop land grabs, IF we give life-saving aid and IF we grow food not bio-fuel. Join in at and come to the Big IF rally this Saturday in Hyde Park. Team SRDF will be there.


Project Updates from our Member Organizations

It's been a busy period for our member organisations. We’re pleased to announce that two key projects have been completed in recent months by our members: the Library Project and Health Project.


Mobile Clinic Project

Essential drugs and treatments were provided at Galkayo IDP’s camp. Basic education on health care was also provided to IDP’s for prevention of several diseases through hygiene and basic sanitation. The project also sought to improve access to basic health care and proper mobile diagnostic laboratory to IDPs.

Donated by: Young Professionals for Somalia. Granted to SRDF. Implemented by SRDF Members namely MUFED in collaboration with ADT

Library Project

Administered in Galkayo University, the project sought to improve access to reference books for students, as well as encourage readership in younger groups. Other aims of the library project included to improve the quality of education and provide significant resources in the region as well as to provide a suitable environment for students to study.

Donated by: Human Appeal International

Granted to SRDF. Implemented by SRDF Members namely MUFED in collaboration with ADT

Social Media Check out SRDF’s new tumblr displaying a range of videos and photos of

our projects.

Follow us on Twitter: @somalirdf

Facebook: Somalirdf