May APECA Newsletter 2014

 MA Y 2014 ~ APECA NEWSLETTER APECA El Fundo: Opening New Doors in Amazonia  Ever wante d to try something new? Something REAL- LY different ? Something that pu shes the e dges of your comfort zone? If your answer (to any or all of these questions) is “yes,” your natural instinct for exploration may well be kicking in. You may be re ady to participate in an ex- citing learning experience with APECA (Association Promoting Education and Conservation in Amazonia). With APECA, opportunities to learn by doing (experiential exploration), range from meditation and  journaling in a jungle setting to participating in a re- search project to determine norms of growth and devel- opment of the riberenios (“riverside people”) of Ama- zonia. Other choices could be to plant trees in a village tree nursery, help in a water construction pro-  ject or serve on a vaccine campaign. Taking a photo tour, camping overnight in virgin jungle or playing soccer on a village field are other options. Tree plant- ing, water project construction, vaccination campaigns,  photo tours, sleeping in virgin jungle or pla ying soccer on a village field – the possibilities for involvement, learning and service are many! Most importan t - and a certainty for every participant - is working to meet the goals of sustainable conservation.  APECA invites y ou to follow that in stinct. To join us. To be a part of our work. Yes, dealing with pove rty,  primitive life style, nuances of the indigenous culture and a foreign language are “part of the package,” but you will be changed. You will grow more sensitive and complete. And, you’ll have the experience of a lifetime, one you’ll remember forever.  APECA’s study center, El Fundo, chosen for its prox- imity to village communities, is located in the Peruvian Amazon Rainf orest up river from Iquitos. El Fundo is a s afe gathering place where community leaders from surrounding villages come for training workshops. El Fundo is accessible by boat to participants and visitors and to the government officials and professionals who  provide much of the training. There are two dormito- ries, a kitchen, dining room and an open -air meeting area. Both do rmitories are multi-use, available as train- ing space and/or overnight accommodations, depend- ing upon the needs of the particular group. Collected rainwater is gravity fed to all campus water systems including the tile bathrooms, which are complete with 1 (See  APECA  , page 2) 

Transcript of May APECA Newsletter 2014

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El Fundo: Opening New Doors in Amazonia Ever wanted to try something new? Something REAL-

LY different? Something that pushes the edges of your

comfort zone?

If your answer (to any or all of these questions) is“yes,” your natural instinct for exploration may well be

kicking in. You may be ready to participate in an ex-

citing learning experience with APECA (Association

Promoting Education and Conservation in Amazonia). 

With APECA, opportunities to learn by doing

(experiential exploration), range from meditation and

 journaling in a jungle setting to participating in a re-search project to determine norms of growth and devel-

opment of the riberenios (“riverside people”) of Ama-zonia. Other choices could be to plant trees in a village

tree nursery, help in a water construction pro-

 ject or serve on a vaccine campaign. Taking a photo

tour, camping overnight in virgin jungle or playing

soccer on a village field are other options. Tree plant-ing, water project construction, vaccination campaigns,

 photo tours, sleeping in virgin jungle or playing soccer

on a village field – the possibilities for involvement,

learning and service are many! Most important - and a

certainty for every participant - is working to meet thegoals of sustainable conservation. 

APECA invites you to follow that instinct. To join us.

To be a part of our work. Yes, dealing with poverty,

 primitive life style, nuances of the indigenous culture

and a foreign language are “part of the package,” butyou will be changed. You will grow more sensitive

and complete. And, you’ll have the experience of a

lifetime, one you’ll remember forever. 

APECA’s study center, El Fundo, chosen for its prox-imity to village communities, is located in the Peruvian

Amazon Rainforest up river from Iquitos. El Fundo is

a safe gathering place where community leaders fromsurrounding villages come for training workshops. El

Fundo is accessible by boat to participants and visitors

and to the government officials and professionals who provide much of the training. There are two dormito-

ries, a kitchen, dining room and an open-air meeting

area. Both dormitories are multi-use, available as train-

ing space and/or overnight accommodations, depend-ing upon the needs of the particular group. Collectedrainwater is gravity fed to all campus water systems

including the tile bathrooms, which are complete with

1  (See  APECA , page 2) 

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showers and septic systems. A solar collector system and generators supply ample power. The well-equipped

wood workshop is used for education programs as well as for construction, equipment maintenance and general

repairs. APECA’s boats are always available for visiting local communities. Participants and visitors can concen-

trate on learning from trainers and other participants because their personal needs of food and shelter are well pro-


El Fundo is a demonstration farm, where local villagers can see what could be replicated in their own village. The

site also serves as a sustainable source of nutrition resulting from the working projects of gardens, chicken rafts,

fish ponds, clean water collection, natural medicine collection and an ample tree nursery. Villagers learn new

skills while being part of a well-managed environment and can begin to imagine possibilities for their own com-

munities. International student guests gain first-hand experience in community development projects for local

Amazonians and have the opportunity to initiate research related to the mission of APECA.

APECA El Fundo Calendar activities at APECA website: 

QUESTIONS? [email protected]

( APECA , from page 1)