May 21, 2017 The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment F A MI L Y M A S S A N D A RT S H O W M A Y 21, 2 01 7 May 21, 2017 The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Transcript of May 21, 2017 The Sixth Sunday of Easter

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Parish Office: 773.486.4300

Parish Fax: 773.252.5346

School Office: 773.486.1334

School Fax: 773.486.1782

2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647

Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m.,11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m.

Reconciliation (Confession):Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Weekdays: by Appointment

Family mass and art show may 21, 2017

May 21, 2017The Sixth Sunday of Easter

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The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017


Dear Friends,

We live in a troubled world. Our national and international politics frighten calm spirits. We fret about our national security. Violence continues to plague our cities. Through it all, Saint Paul exhorts us to always be ready to give a reason for our hope. I remain hopeful. I still believe that

good wins. That’s what Easter is about. And we are Easter people.

Six weeks ago, inviting all to celebrate the Triduum, we sent a postcard calling our friends and neighbors to celebrate love’s victory. Portraying a photo of our church doors and the sign above them that declares, “Love not hate. All are welcome,” the card announcing love’s victory arrived in hundreds, maybe thousands of mailboxes. We had big crowds on Easter Sunday. People looking for a reason to hope filled our pews and we sang alleluia to our Risen Lord. We joyfully celebrated love’s victory.

All the while, during these weeks of Easter, the crowds at Mass thinned and more victims of violence (sadly including some of our own community members) suffered in our city. I remain, through it all, hopeful. I hope you do too. Today’s Scriptures give us ways to be hopeful; as does a quote I found this week, written by a humble monastic priest, Father Solanus Casey, who was beatified this month. Let’s start with Blessed Solanus. When we get worried or upset about the world around us or about our own uncertain future, Solanus tells us,

“Worry is a weakness from which very few of us are entirely free. We must be on guard against this most insidious enemy of our peace of soul. Instead, let us foster confidence in God, and thank Him ahead of time for whatever He chooses to send us.”

When we look at all that troubles our world, it would be easy to worry. Blessed Solanus tells us not to worry but to foster confidence in God. When we place

our confidence, our real trust in political parties, power, money, or anything else rather than God, we possess false hope. God, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, ever faithful and always provident, deserves our trust, reliance and - as Blessed Solanus reminds us - gratitude.

Jesus tells the disciples as he prepares for his departure that he will not leave them – or us – orphans. This continues a promise made by God to God’s people centuries ago. I think of the words of an eighties church song by Carey Landry, inspired by Isaiah 49. These words help me during challenging times. “I will never forget you my people. I have formed you from the palm of my hands. I will never forget you; I will not leave you orphans. I will never forget my own.” God does not forget us. Jesus guarantees that, by his coming, by his teaching, by his healing and curing, by his suffering and dying, by his rising from the dead, and most especially by his reminding his followers to expect the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said to his disciples, and the words ring true for us today, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you.” Jesus has asked and continues to ask, and the Holy Spirit still comes and is with us always. Rely on the Spirit. Be led by the Spirit. And great things will continue to happen!


P.S. We send weekly email updates to our database of email addresses. Many say they don’t receive them. If you’re not, please do 2 things: check your spam box and/or email [email protected]. Also, You have all received by now your raffle tickets. The Pastoral Council hopes that every household will buy at least one ticket. I am buying three. Join me.

We Are Not Orphans

Wayne’s World

Our Mission:Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place.

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The Sixth Sunday of EasterMay 21, 2017



There will be a special second collection at all Masses on the weekend of May 20-21 and June 3-4 to help balance the parish budget. Please give as generously as you are able.


Classes for the 2017-2018 Religious Education program are scheduled to begin Saturday, Sept. 9. Registration for the 2017-2018 school year is now open. Register by July 1 and there will be no registration fee. After July 1 the registration fee is $20. Registration forms are available in the parish office and on the parish website.

Parish AnnouncementsParish Announcements

SJB is having a Pentecost Birthday Party and you’re invited! Come

Holy Spirit! Join us for a Pentecost Birthday Party after all Masses

June 3 & 4. Celebrate by bringing cupcakes or fruit (for a fruits of

the Holy Spirit salad). Wear your party clothes of red, orange and

yellow. We will have activities for kids and sing Happy Birthday


Pentecost Birthday Party

Healing Mass Tuesday, May 23 at 7 p.m.

All are invited to a special Healing Mass that will be held in our church on Tuesday, May 23, at 7 p.m. The mass will be celebrated

by Father Claudio

Barbut. Father Claudio is a priest of the Bucharest

Archdiocese. He’s been a priest for 20

years and worked for nine years in the Vatican’s Pontificate Family Council during the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The evening begins with the Holy Sacrifice

of the Mass, followed by Eucharistic Adoration, and then an Imposition of Hands on all who seek healing.

Please plan on attending.

Save the Date: Summer on the Square June 17, 2017

Summer on the Square takes place Saturday, June 17, beginning with Mass at 4:30 p.m. Lots of help is needed to make this community-wide party a success. Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the back of church. Raffle tickets are also available for purchase in the church vestibule. Ticket prices are lower this year—so why not buy two! Contact Joe D’Arco in the parish office with questions about tickets and volunteering. We need a promoter - market, social media, etc.

Joe D’Arco in the rectory office at (773) 486-4300 or [email protected].

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The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017


Wayne’s World Directora de Admisiones

Nuestra Misión:“Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.”

Wayne’s World

Queridos Amigos,Vivimos en un mundo turbulento. Nuestra política nacional e internacional asusta a cualquier espíritu tranquilo. Nos preocupamos por nuestra seguridad nacional. La violencia continúa invadiendo nuestras ciudades. Pero aun así, San Pablo nos exhorta a estar siempre dispuestos a dar razón por nuestra esperanza. Yo mantengo la esperanza. Todavía creo que

el bien gana. Eso es de lo que se trata la Pascua. Y somos gente de Pascua.Hace seis semanas, invitamos a todos a celebrar el Triduo, enviamos una postal llamando a nuestros amigos y vecinos a celebrar la victoria del amor. La postal contenía una foto de las puertas de nuestra iglesia y el letrero por encima de ellas que declara: “Amor, no odio. Todos son bienvenidos”, la postal anunciando la victoria del amor llegó a cientos, quizás miles de buzones. Tuvimos grandes multitudes en Domingo de Pascua. La gente que buscaba una razón de esperanza ocuparon nuestras bancas y cantamos aleluya a nuestro Señor Resucitado. Celebramos con alegría la victoria del amor.Pero durante estas semanas de Pascua las multitudes en la Misa han disminuido y las víctimas de violencia han aumentado (incluyendo, tristemente, algunos de nuestros propios miembros de la comunidad) han sufrido en nuestra ciudad. Yo mantengo la esperanza a pesar de todo. Espero que ustedes también. Las Escrituras de hoy proporcionan maneras de tener esperanza; Como una citación que encontré esta semana, escrita por un humilde sacerdote monástico, el Padre Solanus Casey, quien fue beatificado este mes. Empecemos con el bienaventurado Solanus. Cuando estamos preocupados o trastornados por el mundo que nos rodea o por nuestro propio futuro incierto, Solanus nos dice,“La preocupación es una debilidad de la cual muy pocos somos totalmente libres. Debemos estar en guardia contra este enemigo insidioso de nuestra paz del alma. En su lugar, fomentemos la confianza en Dios, y le agradecemos por adelantado por todo lo que Él elige enviarnos “.Cuando observamos todo lo que afecta a nuestro mundo, sería

fácil preocuparnos. El bienaventurado Solano nos dice que no debemos preocuparnos, sino fomentar la confianza en Dios. Cuando depositamos nuestra confianza, nuestra verdadera confianza en los partidos políticos, el poder, el dinero o cualquier otra cosa que no sea Dios, poseemos una falsa esperanza. Dios omnisciente, omnipresente y omnipotente, siempre fiel y siempre providente, merece nuestra confianza, dependencia y - como nos recuerda el Beato Solano - gratitud.Jesús dice a los discípulos mientras se prepara para su partida que Él no los dejará - ni a nosotros - huérfanos. Esto continúa en una promesa hecha por Dios al pueblo de Dios hace siglos. Pienso en las palabras de una canción de la iglesia de los años ochenta de Carey Landry, inspirada por Isaías 49. Estas palabras me ayudan durante los tiempos difíciles. “Nunca te olvidaré mi pueblo. Te he formado de la palma de mis manos. Nunca te olvidaré; No los dejaré huérfanos. Nunca olvidaré a los míos.” Dios no nos olvida. Jesús garantiza que, por su venida, por su enseñanza, por su alivio y sanación, por su sufrimiento y muerte, por su resurrección de entre los muertos, y especialmente por su recordatorio a sus seguidores a esperar el Espíritu Santo.Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, y estas palabras suenan verdaderas hoy: “Y yo le rogaré al Padre, y él les enviará otro Consolador que esté siempre con ustedes, el Espíritu de verdad, el mundo no puede recibirlo, porque no lo ve ni lo conoce; ustedes, en cambio, si lo conocen, porque habita entre ustedes y estará en ustedes.” Jesús ha preguntado y continúa preguntando, y el Espíritu Santo sigue viniendo y está con nosotros siempre. Confíen en el Espíritu. Sean guiados por el Espíritu. ¡Y grandes cosas seguirán ocurriendo!Paz,

P.D. Enviamos semanalmente actualizaciones por correo electrónico de nuestra base de datos con direcciones de correo electrónico. Muchos dicen que no los reciben. Si no los ha recibido, por favor haga 2 cosas: revise su caja de spam y/o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Además, todos ustedes han recibido ahora sus boletos de la rifa. El Consejo Pastoral espera que cada hogar compre al menos un boleto. Yo compraré tres. Hágalo usted también.

No somos huérfanos

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The Sixth Sunday of EasterMay 21, 2017


Habrá una segunda colecta especial en todas las Misas el fin de semana del 20 y 21 de mayo y del 3 y 4 de junio para ayudar a estabilizar el presupuesto de la parroquia. Por favor dé generosamente como le sea posible.


Las clases para el programa de Educación Religiosa 2017-2018 están programadas para comenzar el sábado 9 de septiembre. La registración para el año escolar 2017-2018 está abierta. Regístrese antes del 1 de julio y no habrá cuota de inscripción. Después del 1 de julio, la cuota de inscripción es de $ 20. Las formas de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina parroquial y en el sitio web de la parroquia.


Anuncios Parroquiales

Misa de Sanación Martes, 23 de mayo a las 7 p.m.

Todos están invitados a una especial Misa de Sanación que se llevará a cabo

en nuestra Iglesia el

martes 23 de mayo a las 7 pm La misa

será celebrada por el Padre

Claudio Barbut. El

padre Claudio es sacerdote

de la Arquidiócesis de Bucarest.

Ha sido sacerdote durante 20 años y ha trabajado nueve años en el Pontificado Consejo de la Familia del Vaticano durante los pontificados de Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI. La noche

comienza con el Santo Sacrificio de Misa, seguido por la Adoración Eucarística, y luego una Imposición de Manos a todos los que buscan la sanacion. Por favor planee asistir.

Save the Date: Summer on the Square June 17, 2017

El Verano en la Cuadra se llevará a cabo el sábado, 17 de junio, comenzando con una Misa a las 4:30pm. Se necesita mucha ayuda para hacer que esta fiesta sea exitosa. Las hojas de inscripción de voluntarios se encuentran en la parte posterior de la Iglesia. La venta de boletos de la rifa están disponibles en el vestíbulo. El precio de los boletos es mas económico – para que compre dos! Póngase en contacto con Joe D’Arco en la oficina parroquial si tiene alguna pregunta o desea ser voluntario. Necesitamos un promotor - mercado, medios sociales, etc.

Joe D’Arco in the rectory office at (773) 486-4300 or [email protected].

SJB is having a Pentecost Birthday Party and you’re invited! Come

Holy Spirit! Join us for a Pentecost Birthday Party after all Masses

June 3 & 4. Celebrate by bringing cupcakes or fruit (for a fruits of

the Holy Spirit salad). Wear your party clothes of red, orange and

yellow. We will have activities for kids and sing Happy Birthday


Pentecost Birthday PartySJB estará celebrando una fiesta de cumpleaños de Pentecostés después de las Misas el 3y 4 de junio. Celebre con nosotros trayendo cupcakes o fruta para la ensalada de los”frutos del Espíritu Santo”. Por favor vistase con ropa color rojo, anarandado y amarillo. Tendremos actividades par los ninos y cantaremos

Feliz Cumpleanos

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The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017



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The Sixth Sunday of EasterMay 21, 2017


Stewardship ReportMay 14, 2017 Mass Collection Online giving

Total Sunday Collection

Our weekly goalSurplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal

2016-17 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7/1/16)Our goal to dateCollected year to dateSurplus/(Shortfall) year to date

Thank you ~ Gracias





ONLINE GIVING TO SJBSave the hassle of envelopes, checks, and Sunday memory lapses by giving to Saint John Berchmans online! Log on to GiveCentral to set up an account, and your weekly offering will be deducted directly from your checking or savings account.

DONACIONES EN EL INTERNET A SJBAhorre la molestia de los sobres, cheques y lapsos de memoria haciendo su donación semanal a San Juan Berchmans por medio del internet. Inicie sesión en GiveCentral para crear su cuenta y ofrenda semanal. Se deducirá directamente de su cuenta corriente o cuenta de ahorros.

Alleluia!He has Risen!

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The Sixth Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017


SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Wayne F. Watts, [email protected]

RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, [email protected]

PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins

DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, [email protected] Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Joseph P. D’Arco, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION AND EDUCATION: Shelagh Donoghue, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY: Scott Arkenberg, [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, [email protected]

PRINCIPAL: Peggy Roketenetz, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS: Maria Ferraro, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Rochelle Brophy, [email protected]

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, [email protected]

Please Pray


For the health of Mark Baker, Dan Bass, Ivan Bermudez, Katarzyna Bielarz, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Rev. Anthony Bus, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Mike Cokins, Adriana Collado, Nan Condit, Jean Condon, Brian DeLeon, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Evan Flores, Margaret Gielnewski, Ruth E. Gomez, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Bertha Jiminez, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Mary Ann Kosiba, Hector Lorenzo, Alice Maestrazi, Olivia Maxon, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Humberto Moya, Katie O’Connor, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Debra Parsons, Genevieve Podraza, Rita Rattin, Fr. Paul Reicher, Orlando Reyes, Sonia Rivera, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Joanne C. Runner, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Celeste Schwilck, Simon Shilston, M. E. Shober, Joseph Slocki, Rosa Maria Santos, Will Sullivan, Cheryl Szucsits, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Jill Tibbe, Brooks Tonn, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres Sylvia Torres, Jason VonGerichten and Lucille Wozny

Please Pray



Please Pray


All are Welcome at Saint John Berchmans!If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are happy to have you share in today’s celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a part of our parish family. To register as a parishioner, please contact the rectory office. Registration forms can also be found in the vestibule of the church or on our website at

Si usted es nuevo en nuestra iglesia o simplemente está visitando, por favor deténgase e introdúzcase. Estamos contentos de poder compartir la celebración de la Eucaristía el día de hoy. Si no tiene una iglesia, le invitamos a formar parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Para registrarse como feligrés, por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría. Las formas de registro se pueden también encontrar en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en nuestra página web

United Stand, a Catholic agency, currently provides counseling services in our school community. Their work is to empower youth whose everyday journeys include unpredictable encounters with stress, conflict, and violence. They are participating in a 24-hour fundraising event through #ILGiveCommunity on May 30, 6 PM –May 31, 6 PM and would appreciate your support to continue to effectively advocate for the youth of our parish. Please consider donating online at

Thank you for your support.

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The Sixth Sunday of EasterMay 21, 2017


SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY, May 20 5:00pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Kathleen Wetstein Lector: Dan Wetstein EMHC: Martha DeLeon, Rachele Esola Altar Servers: Max, Gigi and Annika Bagazinski

SUNDAY, May 21 8:15am + GLORIA VALDERRAMA Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Sarah Fakhoury Lector: Conan Heelan EMHC: Raghda Fakhoury, Tom Fox, Nancy Krause Servers: Rheanna Rojas, Nora Swinford

9:45am +ANNE BURNS Presider: Fr.Wayne F. Watts {Family Mass - All Rolls Filled By Families of SJB} Servers: Gabe Garza, Olivia Garza, Charlotte Reynolds

11:30am JESSE Y ROSE TINAJERO Y FAMILY MARIA ACEVEDO’S HEALTH + MATILDE C. CANO Oficiante: Pd. Kevin Birmingham Diácono/Homilista: Guillermo Mendizabal Comentarista/Peticiones: Alice Vila Lectores: Manuel Cerrillo, Wanda Reyes MESC: Maria e Ivette Gudino, Manuel Cerrillo y Guadalupe Pantoja Monaguillos: Daniela Rodriguez, Daniel Hernandez, Joseph Uruchima

6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Kathleen Kania Lector: Cristina Gomez EMHC: Mark Dombrowski, Kathleen McCormick, Phillip Ramirez Servers: Diego Ballesteros, Leo Ballesteros, Nina Reginiewicz

MONDAY, May 22– Easter Weekday [Saints Rita of Cascia, Religious] 7:00am +ROGER HOYLE Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher

TUESDAY, May 23 – Easter Weekday 7:00am GLORIA VALDERRAMA Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

WEDNESDAY, May 24- Easter Weekday [Saint Damien de Veuster, Priest] 7:00am JOANNE C. RUNNER Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

THURSDAY, May 25 – The Ascension of The Lord 7:00am DRS. ALFONSO 7 LOU DIVINA TIU +NATHALIE METOYER +PRIMATIVA CABRERA Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher

FRIDAY, May 26 – Easter Weekday [Saints Phillip Neri, Priest] 8:30am M.C. NELSON-VOLINI Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

ASCENSION OF THE LORDSEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY, May 27 5:00pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Margaret Hughes Lector: Theresa Bui EMHC: Magda Cardona, Cathy Whinna Altar Servers: Andrew Bui, James Bui, Anahi Rios

SUNDAY, May 28 8:15am + ALLAN BOYD +TONY (FRIERI) HOPKINS Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Olga Perez Lector: Conan Heelan EMHC: Anna Wozny-Ramirez, Jeffrey Bowen, Krystyna Bielarz Servers: Tristan Calderon, Lilijana Santiago

9:45am +SADOT NAJERA Presider: Fr.Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Benjamin Harrison Lector: Kara Harrison, Nicole Vilches EMHC: Jeremy O’Keefe, Rosa Ramirez, Rocio Valdivia Servers: Steven Reyes, Madeleine Vilches, Sebastian Vilches

11:30am LA SALUD DE MARIA ACEVEDO Oficiante: Pd. Wayne F. Watts Diácono/Homilista: Jorge Cabrera Comentarista/Peticiones: Alice Vila Lectores: Manuel Cerrillo, Wanda Reyes MESC: Estela Izaguirre y Ninfa Rangel, Armando y Maria E. Salgado Monaguillos: Anthony Hernandez, Joseph Uruchima, Daniel Uruchima

6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Kathleen Kania Lector: Jocelyn Guerra EMHC: Mary Jane Fernandez, Carlos Fernandez, Orlando Guerra Servers: Diego Ballesteros, Leo Ballesteros, Rebecca Guerra