May 2013 - Temple Sinai

Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins Iyar/Sivan 5773 Volume 67, Number 6 May 2013 Temple Sinai Goes to Washington! Pg. 13 Temple Sinai Goes to Washington! Pg. 13

Transcript of May 2013 - Temple Sinai

April 2011

Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins

Iyar/Sivan 5773 Volume 67, Number 6 May 2013

Temple Sinai Goes to Washington! Pg. 13 Temple Sinai Goes to Washington! Pg. 13


Our “Imagine 613” adventure has begun!

And over the course of the coming year,

every member of our congregation will have

the opportunity to participate in the writing

of a sefer Torah (“Torah scroll”) from which

we will enjoy reading for many years to


Does Temple Sinai need another Torah?

The fact is that while we have a sizable

collection of Torah scrolls in aronot kodesh

(“holy arks”) throughout the building, not all

of these scrolls are usable. If even one letter

of a Torah scroll is illegible – and that

happens over time – the entire Torah is

considered un-kosher and cannot be used

until it has been made kosher again. At

regular intervals, a sofer (“scribe”) comes to

examine our sifrei Torah and determines

how much work will be required to repair

those scrolls which are no longer fit for use.

The work must be done meticulously by a

trained scribe and is generally accomplished

over many hours which is why it is an

expensive endeavor. The expense of

maintaining our Torah scrolls to the point of

having them all be kosher would be

considerable. What we have done over the

years is ensure that we always have three

Torah scrolls in the chapel and in three in the

sanctuary which are kosher. Why three?

There are occasions – such as on Simchat

Torah or when the Shabbat of Chanukah

coincides with Rosh Hodesh Tevet (“the new

month of Tevet”) – when we read from three

separate Torah scrolls on one morning, but

we never read from more than three-at-a-


So if we have six scrolls which are

kosher, why do we need another Torah

scroll? The issue is a weighty one. Beyond

the two Torah scrolls from which we read

most often (one in the sanctuary and one in

the chapel), the others are heavy, very heavy.

There are not many people in the congrega-

tion who can lift these heavier scrolls and of

those who can, most would probably prefer

not to. Lifting a Torah and trying to unroll it

to the point where three columns can be seen

by the congregation is not easy even when

the Torah is light. It requires practice and

good technique. And no one wants to drop a

Torah. The penalty for doing so is having to

fast. One opinion requires that the person

who drops a Torah must fast for 40 days . . .

as must all who were present and saw it fall

to the ground. As if the person who dropped

the Torah did not feel badly enough, now he

can be assured that he will be the least

popular person in his congregation!

The new Torah scroll that we will take

part in writing will be of a lighter weight and

this will allow us to provide a greater

number of people with the honor of lifting

the Torah, as well as carrying the Torah.

Beyond our need for a lighter-weight

Torah, the fact is that writing a sefer Torah is

actually one of the 613 mitzvot

(“commandments”) in the Torah. To be

sure, it is the 613th commandment, and that is

why our initiative is called “Imagine 613.”

Take a look at the thirty-first chapter in the

Book of Deuteronomy, verse 19, and you

will see that God says: V’a’tah kitvu lachem

et ha’shira ha’zot – “Therefore, write down

this poem.” In its context, this

commandment is given to Moses and Joshua

to write down the final words of Moses’s

declaration to the Children of Israel. But the

Rabbis understood from this verse that every

Jew is commanded to write a sefer Torah.

Unless you are a trained scribe and decide to

devote a year’s worth of your time to writing

a Torah, you will probably find it very

difficult to fulfill this mitzvah. However,

as Dr. Ronald L. Eisenberg points out in his

book, The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions:

Based on the Talmudic statement, ‘Even

if he corrected but one letter [in a sefer

Torah] he is regarded as if he had

written it [the entire Torah]’ (Men.

30a), in recent centuries the custom has

developed for the scribe who completes

the writing of a Torah scroll to [allow] .

. . members of the congregation [to] . . .

fill in each letter and thus symbolically

participate in the writing of a Torah


This is the opportunity that we will enjoy

as a congregation. Over the course of the

coming year, we will write a Torah, we will

learn about the Torah and from the Torah,

and we will rededicate ourselves to being a

community that at its core is dedicated to the

principles which we have learned from the


From the Rabbi’s Study


Adam Wohlberg


JUNE 2nd, 2013


Since our first reunion was such a success

in May 2010, there was an enthusiastic

request for another one to be

held in 3 years.

We have begun planning for our

next reunion!

If you were a Bat or Bar Mitzvah at Temple

Sinai in West Oak Lane around the years

1964 -1967, please become a member of the

"Temple Sinai Reunion" Facebook page.

We'll be asking for your input about

our next gathering to be held in June 2013.

Please share this with others who you'd like

to see at this reunion, too!

For more information, please contact

Jan Solkov at 215-962-4952 or

[email protected]

On February 25, Rabbi Wohlberg joined a delegation of Philadelphia Rabbis at a meeting

hosted by Gratz College with US Representative Alyson Schwartz and

Israel Consul General Yaron Sideman.




Cantor Stephen


In just a few weeks, I’ll be attending the 66th

annual Cantors Assembly Convention, to be

held this year at the Meadowlands, NJ. The

theme for this year’s gathering is “L’eila –

Lifting Cantors Higher.”

Through a full four-day schedule of

workshops, lectures, concerts and prayer, we

as a collegial community will explore the

many ways in which we can enrich

ourselves as hazzanim and in turn enrich the

congregations which we serve.

This year, we will have the opportunity to

learn intensively about an area of interest to

us, choosing in-depth study in chaplaincy,

homiletics, social media and technology,

mindful spiritual leadership, programming

for the 21st century shul, or songleader boot


In addition, we will hear from a number

of noted scholars on topics such as:

Integrating Interfaith Families into Life

Cycle Events; Teaching Children Music;

Understanding the Haftarot; and more.

We will enjoy a number of concerts,

featuring both our own talented members as

well as outstanding artists from the larger

Jewish community, including the Josh

Nelson Project; Six 13 A Cappella; The

Wizards of Ashkenaz; and Ellen Allard. I

have the privilege of co-producing and

participating in the “Jewish World and

Israeli Music” concert which will feature a

number of Cantors Assembly members.

Services are held daily, with options for

both traditional and contemporary worship


We will spend a day in New York City,

commemorating the Shoah and touring the

9/11 memorial.

Along with all of the programming

comes the opportunity to reconnect with

colleagues and friends, to spend time

brainstorming, to hear about what’s going on

in other Conservative congregations. In

some ways, this can be the most important

part of attending the convention.

All in all, it looks to be a wonderful

learning and inspirational experience; I’m

looking forward not only to attending, but to

sharing with you all that that I learn!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that camp is just

around the corner! We are busy planning a

fabulous summer. Each week will be

themed and filled will many activities for

your children to enjoy. Themes this year

will include “Five Senses Week”, “Musical

Adventures”, and “Colors of the Rainbow”.

We will have special programs including

Mr. David, Hatman, and Segal Puppets.

Once again, we will have experienced and

loving counselors to engage your children.

Our groups are staffed by some of our own

preschool teachers including Joanne Black

and Susie Delfiner. Our camp this summer

will offer not only the regular hours of 9-1,

but we will be having weekly afternoon

programming too! Registration is open and

we look forward to having your child join

us for summer at CAMP MACCABEE!!!

Camp Maccabee

Laurie Matez,



Sunday April 28th ushered in our yearlong

initiative of creating our own new

lightweight Sefer Torah scroll fulfilling

Mitzvah 613. Over 500 people joined

together in the opening ceremony of a year

of learning, community and Torah

dedications. The sanctuary was a beautiful

sight as 44 religious school children entered

walking down the aisle in pairs, each

holding leaf banners representing our

Temple Sinai affinity groups, the many

“branches” that form our community. Bill

and Karen Kramer, along with Rabbi

Wohlberg welcomed everyone and

passionately described their hope that in the

fulfillment of this Mitzvah, our family

members will be brought closer to Torah

both physically and spiritually; and will be

generous in their Torah dedications, so that

we raise needed dollars to make us more

financially secure. Cantor Freedman and

the Adult/Junior Choirs added liveliness to

the festivities featuring songs about the

Torah and Tree of Life. Sara Segal, our

oldest and longest active member was given

the honor of being our first letter writer.

She was also recently honored by

sisterhood, attends services regularly and is

soon to celebrate her 93rd birthday! Shofar

blasts from around the room concluded the

enthusiastic launch of this wonderful


Following the ceremony, 41 families

were scheduled for scribing opportunities

and rotated through several fun, educational

stations that focused on mitzvot, the Torah

and selection of the dedication verse or

passage most meaningful and appropriate

for each individual family. They met with

Rabbi Salazar, our sofer, had meaningful

conversations with Rabbi Wohlberg and

members of the Imagine 613 committee and

even had a Mazel Tov L’Chaim to celebrate

their participation in Mitzvah 613, the

writing of a Sefer Torah. Those in

attendance experienced a true sense of

increased community and we look forward

to seeing everyone at our additional events.

Please visit us at for

the most current listing of upcoming

scribing dates and programs.

The Temple Sinai initiative, “Imagine

613” beginning now through May 2014, will

sponsor a full year of events, educational

experiences and scribing opportunities. We

hope that every member of our congregation

takes advantage of the programs throughout

the year. There is no cost to partake in the

Torah letter writing experience. Imagine

613 will be successful spiritually and

financially with the participation and shared

commitment of all our members. As the

individual letters combine to form the

finished Torah, each individual’s generosity

through dedications, will combine to ensure

the legacy of our congregation and heritage

continues for generations to come.

We want to thank the numerous people

who helped so far to bring to life this very

important initiative for our community and

synagogue. Special thanks go to the

committee chairs below for their many

hours and endless energy that have helped

propel this project forward.

Imagine 613 Chairs Ceremony Chairs

Karen & Bill Kramer Janet Isaacman

Torah Writing Chairs Marla Kepnis

Jill Rosen Education Chairs

Andrea Rosenthal Renee Greenberg

Dedication Chairs Karen Petkun

Julie & Alan Gubernick Marketing Chairs

Joan & Bob Parkin Marci Hackel

Janet Lynn

Imagine 613 Opening Ceremony – the beginning of our special Year of Torah…


I hope you were able to join us for the

Opening Ceremony for our Imagine 613

Torah project. I am so excited about

kicking off what will be an amazing year of

community building, education and

tzedakah. For those of who were there, you

learned all about this incredible initiative.

For those unable to attend, I want to give

you a brief idea of all the plans we have for

the coming year.

First, we want every member of our

congregation to have the opportunity to

participate in the mitzvah of writing a

Torah. Mitzvah 613 states that every Jew

should write Torah, and through the coming

year you can participate in this sacred act

and assist a sofer, a Torah scribe, in

completing a letter of the Torah. As part of

this experience, you will learn about how a

Torah is written, as well about the particular

letter you will be assisting to write.

Everyone who has had this opportunity talks

about how meaningful and exciting it was

for them. Our goal is to give everyone this

special experience. Over the course of the

year, you will be notified of all the available

dates. Please sign up as soon as you can.

For more info, go to the Imagine 613

website link at

Second, to infuse our year of Torah into

educational programs, we are planning a

year of programs for all ages and synagogue

affinity groups. There is so much to learn

and we are working hard to develop

interesting programs for everyone. Please

avail yourself of these terrific opportunities

to learn more about Torah and our heritage.

Finally, this is a significant fundraising

endeavor. We have not had a capital

campaign for over thirty years. We have an

aging building that continually needs

investment. Last summer we installed a

new roof that required us to re-finance our

mortgage. The goal of this campaign is to

secure our financial future. Our expectation

is to be able to reduce our mortgage debt,

enhance our endowment and invest in

capital improvements for our building. We

are off to a good start in our fundraising

efforts, but we still have a long way to go.

We will keep you informed of our success

during the year. In addition to our goal of

connecting with every member of our

congregation to the mitzvah of writing in the

Torah, thanks to one our generous donors, if

every member of Temple Sinai makes a

dedication for our Imagine 613 Torah

project, no matter what level of donation,

our generous donor will contribute an

additional significant gift to our campaign.

Next year at this time, May 4th, 2014, our

closing ceremony will celebrate the

completion of our new lighter Torah that

will allow more members of congregation to

participate in the honor of lifting the Torah

during services.

In addition our Imagine 613 Torah

Project, so many other great things are

happening at Temple Sinai. We are

finishing the first year of our incredible

Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas program

that has engaged over 70% of our

community in a Friday night Shabbat

experience so far. The Temple Sinai Players

produced an awesome production of “The

Music Man.” We are completing a terrific

year for our religious school and pre-school,

and are planning a great summer for Camp

Maccabee. Those are just some of the great

stuff happening every day.

I am very proud to be part of our great

synagogue and to have the opportunity to

lead our shul at this very exciting time. I

want to thank all of you for making my first

year as president so rewarding.



Bill Kramer


Jordyn started her Jewish education at the

Ann Newman Preschool when she was just

two years old. Jordyn attended the

Perelman Jewish Day School during her

elementary years and is currently a 7th

grader at Sandy Run Middle School.

Jordyn enjoys the activities at Temple

Sinai and being part of her Rosh Hodesh


Jordyn is an accomplished drummer who is

part of her school concert and jazz bands.

This year she started playing in bands at

the Fort Washington School of Rock. She

likes writing music and looks forward to

her performances. In addition, Jordyn

spends her time taking art classes, going to

the movies and the mall and socializing

with her friends. She loves children and

enjoys babysitting.

For her mitzvah project, Jordyn

volunteered at several places. She loves

animals, so she spent time at the Ivy Hill

Therapeutic Equestrian Center working

with children who have special needs

during their riding lessons. She

volunteered at the Operation Ava pet

shelter, Cradles to Crayons and at the Ann

Newman Preschool.

Jordyn will be sharing her special day with

her parents, Bonnie and Wayne, her

brother Brandon, grandparents Jules and

Marsha Factor and Jay and Barbara Satz as

well as many aunts, uncles, cousins,

extended family and friends.

Jordyn Satz,

Daugther of

Bonnie & Wayne


May 11, 2013

Emily Steinslofer,

Daughter of

Lisa & Marc


May 18, 2013

Max Steinslofer,

Son of

Lisa & Marc


May 18, 2013

Max Steinslofer is a 7th grade student at

Sandy Run Middle School. He began his

Jewish education at the Ann Newman Pre-

school and Bayt Yeladeem Children’s

House in Elkins Park as well as Camp Ma-

cabee. Max enjoys participating in many

activities at Temple Sinai such as The

Brotherhood, Makor and Kadima. He

hopes to continue his education in the Gratz


Max has been involved in many UDJAA

sports since kindergarten. His favorite

sports to play are soccer and basketball.

This was his first year playing in the Junior

Jewish Basketball league. It was a great

experience and he met a lot of boys from

other synagogues. He is a huge Flyers fan

and loves attending games with his dad.

Max also loves playing video games, music,

travel and is a huge history buff. He has

spent the last three summers at Pine Forest

Camp in the Poconos.

For Max’s mitzvah project he wanted to

help families that he had met at the Ronald

McDonald House. He collected loose

change and donations of over $350 dollars.

Over the past year and a half he and his

sister collected glossy paper from family

and friends and delivered it to the RMH in

Hershey PA for recycling which the charity

receives money for. He also helped shop,

prepare, and serve a breakfast to the

residents in the Philadelphia RMH. At

holiday time he collected and delivered toys

which are distributed to the children upon


Max will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah

with his twin sister Emily, and proud

parents Lisa and Marc. Also celebrating

will be Max’s two grandmothers, aunts,

uncles, cousins and friends who will be

traveling from near and far.

Emily Steinslofer is a 7th grade student at

Sandy Run Middle School. She began her

Jewish education at the Ann Newman

Preschool and Bayt Yeladeem Children’s

House in Elkins Park as well as Camp

Macabee. Emily enjoys participating in

many activities at Temple Sinai such as Rosh

Hodesh, Makor and Kadima. She hopes to

continue her education in the Gratz program.

Emily has been involved with cheerleading

and tumbling since third grade, and has

cheered on the UDJAA Competition squad

for two years. She has a passion for fashion

and enjoys shopping. She also loves music,

travel and the beach. In the summer she

attends Pine Forest Camp and is looking

forward to her fifth year.

Emily knew that she wanted to help children

for her mitzvah project. She chose the

Ronald McDonald House Charities. Over the

past year and a half she has been collecting

glossy paper from family and friends and

delivering it to the RMH in Hershey PA for

recycling. She also prepared and served a

breakfast for residents in the Philadelphia

RMH, baked cookies at holiday time and

delivered toys which are distributed to the

children upon arrival. It was a great

experience for her to sit with the families and

hear their stories. She hopes to continue

making visits on a regular basis.

Emily will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah

with her twin brother Max, and proud parents

Lisa and Marc. Also celebrating will be

Emily’s two grandmothers, aunts, uncles,

cousins and friends who will be traveling

from near and far.

B’nai Mitzvah


Sam Kassar,

Son of

Bethany & Ami


May 25, 2013

Sam is a 7th Grade Student at Sandy Run

Middle School and a student at the Temple

Sinai Hebrew School. Sam also spent many

years studying at Perelman Jewish Day

School and enjoyed his time at the Ann

Newman Pre-School.

Sam’s favorite subjects at school are math

and social studies. He also loves playing

basketball, football and lacrosse. Sam plays

on the travel basketball team for Upper

Dublin Township, and plays on the Sandy

Run football and lacrosse teams.

Sam has spent the last five summers at

Camp Starlight in the Poconos – where he

plays … more sports !!!!

Sam is excited to celebrate his bar-mitzvah

at Temple Sinai.

For Sam’s mitzvah project he threw a bingo

party for the foster kids in our community.

The idea was for the kids to have a lot of

fun, and to give the foster parents a break.

Sammy helped get food donated for the

party, and thanks family and friends who

were able to donate bikes and tri-cycles and

video games that they didn’t need any more

that were given to the kids for prizes.

Sam is looking forward to celebrating his

bar-mitzvah with his parents Bethany and

Ami and his sister Charlotte. He is looking

forward to having lots of family and friends

from around the world come to celebrate

with him.



Son of

Lorie & Marc


June 1, 2013

Jake is a seventh grade distinguished honor

roll student at Wissahickon Middle School.

He began his Jewish education at the age of

18 months where he attended the Terri

Lynn Lokoff Center for early childhood


Jake has many interests. He enjoys playing

Lacrosse, both for the township team,

Wisslax and for his school. Jake also

enjoys playing football and in his spare

time enjoys playing video games and

hanging out with his dog Mollie.

For his Mitzvah project, Jake volunteered at

the Abramson Center for Jewish Life,

where he helped to transport residents to

events, playing games and interacting.

Jake enjoys spending his summers at Camp

Starlight and the shore. He is a warm,

loving little brother to his sisters Emily and

Jordyn. He shares this special day with his

parents, Lorie and Marc and his

grandparents, Ian and Sharon Modelevsky,

Jerry and Cathy Shotz and lots of aunts,

uncles and cousins.

Sydni Avery,

Daughter of

Stayci & Todd


June 1, 2013

Sydni is currently a seventh grader at Sandy

Run Middle School. She began her Jewish

education at the age of 2, attending the Ann

Newman Preschool, where she began long

lasting friendships with some of her closest


Sydni has many interests. She is quite the

athlete with softball and basketball being

two of her favorites. She also loves

spending time at the beach or poolside with

her family and friends. This summer will

be Sydni’s 10th summer at Sesame

Rockwood Daycamp where she will be a

CIT. She has a great love of movies and

television shows filled with suspense and

mystery. Sydni is known for her spirited

personality and her desire to make others

laugh. She is a joy to be around and will

always be the life of the party.

For her mitzvah project, Sydni spent many

hours at the Abramson Center for Jewish

Life. She was responsible for transporting

the residents to and from their social

activities. Sydni became close with several

of those residents and has plans to visit

them often.

Sydni shares this special day with her

parents, Stayci and Todd Avery, her sister

Taylor, her grandparents, Gloria and Fred

Katz, Honey and Denis Diehl and Fredric

Avery, as well as her many aunts, uncles,

cousins and friends.

B’nai Mitzvah

B’nai Mitzvah

May 11

Jordyn Satz

May 18

Emily Steinslofer

Max Steinslofer

May 25

Sam Kassar

June 1

Jake Modelevsky

Sydni Avery

June 8

Ashley Morris

Joshua Morris

June 9

Lily Levis

June 15

Samuel Joseph

B’nai Torah Temple Sinai students who continue their

Jewish education after becoming a Bar

Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah are invited to

return to the bimah to read from the Torah

and are recognized as a Ben Torah or Bat

Torah. We honor them and their parents

for their dedication to their Jewish studies

and thank them for enhancing our services

by reading from the Torah.

June 8

Aaron Glatter


Ashley is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run

Middle School. She is an excellent student

who takes pride and pleasure in her

academic accomplishments. This same

commitment to excellence carries over to

her four Torah reading opportunities as a

member of Yad Squad, as well as her

membership in and commitment to the

Junior Choir. Ashley is a determined

young person who loves to learn.

Ashley is an accomplished violinist, a

member of the Sandy Run Orchestra,

Upper Dublin Honors Orchestra, and

Symphonic Strings Ensemble. She has

been invited to participate in the District 11

Orchestra Workshop for the past several

years. She loves her music and takes every

opportunity to demonstrate her passion for

and mastery of the violin. Whenever

possible, she joins her grandparents to

attend the Philadelphia Orchestra program,

especially the sessions with guest


Ashley is working on her second degree

black belt in Taekwondo and has won gold

and silver medals in Taekwondo Forms at

various regional tournaments. Tennis and

soccer are also important parts of Ashley’s

life and round out her week. As a warm,

caring and compassionate young person,

Ashley is constantly involved with mitzvah

projects. Along with her Bahai sponsored

interfaith youth group, Ashley volunteers

with Manna, putting together food

packages for needy families, particularly

for children. Ashley also advocates for

animals in need, by fighting for

endangered species. This year she also

participated in Project Hope at Temple

Sinai, putting together and then delivering

Passover packages. Reaching out to help

those in need is important to Ashley.

Ashley will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah by

sharing the bimah with her twin brother


Ashley Morris,

Daughter of

Julie Parish-Morris

& Jeffrey Morris

June 8, 2013

Joshua Morris,

Son of

Julie Parish-Morris

& Jeffrey Morris

June 8, 2013

Lily Levis,

Daughter of

Joan & Jesse


June 9, 2013

Lily is a 7th grader at Sandy Run Middle

School. She and her family have been

members of Temple Sinai since 2006. Lily

enjoys many activities at Temple Sinai

especially Rosh Hodesh. Lily plans on

continuing her Jewish education next year

at Gratz Hebrew High School.

Lily is on the competitive cheerleading

team for Upper Dublin Township. Lily

loves to tumble and flip. She also enjoys

reading, playing the violin and spending

time with family and friends. Lily spends

her summers at Willow Grove Day Camp.

She was a camper there for 7 years and is

looking forward to becoming a CIT this


Lily helped out at Cradles to Crayons for

her mitzvah project spending weekends

putting together items needed for young

children. She also helped by collecting

needed items for the agency.

Lily is very excited to celebrate her simcha

with her Mom, Dad, brothers Jared and Joe,

Bubbie Barb, aunts, uncles and many


Joshua is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run

Middle School. He is proud to be following

his father as a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Sinai.

Joshua is an excellent student and is very

focused on his studies, his athletics, and his


Joshua has been deeply involved in

Taekwondo since he was very young. He is

working on his second degree black belt, and

this is the third year that he is the

Pennsylvania and New Jersey State

Champion in Olympic Style Sparring and

Weapons. Joshua is also involved in the

Upper Dublin Soccer Club and pursues

tennis at the Upper Dublin Sports Center.

Beyond athletics, Joshua is accomplished on

the cello. He has been a member of both the

school orchestra and the Honors Orchestra

for many years. Joshua has read Torah on

four separate occasions with the Yad Squad,

and participates regularly in Junior Choir for

Friday night services.

When Joshua has free time, he enjoys

reading and spending time with family and

friends. He also chooses to dedicate time

helping others. Joshua participates in

charitable work through activities with a

multi-faith youth organization sponsored by

the Bahais of Montgomery County. He has

regularly volunteered at Manna, putting

together food packages for needy families,

and participated in fund raising efforts for

many worthy charitable organizations. This

year he included participation in Project

Hope as well, making Passover packages for

families in need and then helping to deliver

those packages to Jews wanting to celebrate

the holiday. For Joshua, mitzvah projects are

not just for a Bar Mitzvah.

Joshua is excited to become a Bar Mitzvah

and to celebrate with his family and friends.

B’nai Mitzvah


Samuel Joseph,

Son of

Beth & David


June 15, 2013

Samuel is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run

Middle School. He began his Jewish

education at the Ann Newman Preschool

and is currently in the Religious School at

Temple Sinai. He is also part of Shevet

Achim- the Brotherhood at Temple Sinai.

Samuel’s interests include sports

(particularly soccer, basketball, football,

skiing and biking), playing guitar and


For his mitzvah project, Samuel

volunteered at the Jewish Relief Agency,

helping to pack and deliver food to families

in need. Additionally, he participated in the

Soccer Buddies program, playing soccer

with children with special needs. In June

when Samuel travels to Israel with his

family, he also expects to perform the

mitzvot of planting trees in Israel and

picking fruit for Leket Israel.

Samuel is celebrating his Bar Mitzvah with

his parents, Beth and David, and his sisters,

Rebecca and Sarah. He is also excited

about sharing this simcha with his

grandparents, Carol and Paul Cohen, Ellen

and Allen Joseph and Joan Joseph, and his

aunts, uncles, cousins and friends! On July

1st Samuel will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in

Israel with his family. Mazal Tov Samuel!

B’nai Mitzvah

Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop


We have a wonderful selection of

GIFTS for Mother's Day, Father's Day,

and Graduation!

All sales support Temple Sinai!


Sunday: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Monday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Tuesday: 4 – 6 PM


“Once we were slaves in Egypt…” We read the story on Pesach.

If you were lucky, you had time during your seders to discuss our

plight and to focus on the reasons for our wandering in the desert

and finally coming to the foot of Sinai.

Remember, we were all there - or we should feel as if; and we are

free. Why then do we need 613 commandments (mitzvot)? (ok

many deal with sacrifices so they don’t count. Whew!) We need

them to remind us that freedom without limits leads to anarchy not

community. The One G-d gave us mitzvoth so we would be good

to each other and for each other.

This feeling of community and peoplehood is a Jewish thing nur-

tured through the centuries that keeps us aware of the needs of

Jews everywhere.

See you in Shul on Shavuot when we celebrate receiving the Law.

Chag Sameach and Happy Blintzes. Don’t they look like little

Torahs when they’re in twos?

Joan Winokur

Parting Words from a Sisterhood President

I have been honored to serve as President of

Temple Sinai Sisterhood. The candlesticks

now pass to Stacy Pressman. To my

predecessor, Deb Krochtengel, I offer

thanks for your support and to Stacy, I say,

‘Good Luck, we’re all here for you.’

Temple Sinai is unique amongst

Sisterhoods! This was confirmed during my

attendance at conferences and workshops,

both local and national. Our Board has

unrivalled depth, experience and talent and

our member participation is amongst the

highest anywhere. Our reputation for

excellence, which extends beyond the

Mid-Atlantic region, bestows pride and

respect on anyone associated with Temple


In the past two years, our

accomplishments have been many. At

Chanukah and Passover, our college

students received holiday packages, thanks

to the dedication of our active membership

committee. Honored guest speakers have

included Jane Golden, Founder of the

Philadelphia Mural Arts program and

Philadelphia comedian Sharon Geller. We

dined on entertainment from Cheltenham

High School’s Chorus and the Raks Sahara

Middle-Eastern Dance Troupe. Members

and non-members enjoyed cultural trips to

NYC, the Knoll Museum and a trolley tour

of Philadelphia’s mural arts. JTS students

shared knowledge and inspiration at our

Torah Fund/Sisterhood Shabbat programs

and our successful Torah Fund fundraising

campaign resulted in special awards of

recognition from Women’s League of

Conservative Judaism. Our monthly Rosh

Chodesh discussions continue to see 10-20

women learning together and our various

social action projects benefitted children and

women both in Israel and locally. Our Gift

Shop, Royal Rummage sale, Shalach Manot

assembly, Camp and Party Fairs brought the

community together while raising

unprecedented funds for our synagogue.

Proudly, on April 21, Sisterhood hosted its

first Health and Wellness Fair, an awesome

event promoting awareness and tips for

healthy living and healing. As dedicated as

have been the efforts of all Sisterhood

members, none of our projects would have

been as successfully executed were it not for

Temple Sinai’s brilliant office staff who

spent many hours boosting our events

through mailings, publicity and support.

On a personal level, I have juggled my

full-time job with various family issues. In

the past two years, I have thrown a bridal

shower, hosted a wedding, celebrated a

college graduation, sat by the side of

hospitalized family members, gotten stuck

on a zip line in Costa Rica, supervised

household renovations, and witnessed my

parents aging with both hardships and grace.

Through it all, Sisterhood provided a

calendar of events, camaraderie, meetings,

projects, emails, and phone calls to keep me

focused and connected. Sisterhood has been

a blessed anchor.

To all my sistahs who offered ongoing

support and encouragement, I cannot offer

enough “Thank you’s” for all you have done

nor “I’m sorry’s” for my missteps. I

sincerely hope everyone has benefitted from

our ride together and that we continue to

honor Temple Sinai with our warmth,

friendship and dedication.

Sisterhood Sara Wenger,


Jewish Family Living

On April 21st The Sisterhood at Temple

Sinai hosted a Health and Wellness Fair.

We are thrilled that we had over 40

interesting vendors and 10 intriguing

speakers fill the day with life impacting

knowledge. We had a fabulous dedicated

committee, which enabled this event to

take place. Thank you for all your efforts!

Without the extreme efforts of these

individuals we never would have been able

to sponsor this impactful event. We

especially want to thank the office and

maintenance staff for all their support.

Sisterhood health and wellness co-chairs,

Francine Isaacman and Andrea Rosenthal



As we’ve done in years past,

This year we’ll be featuring congregants’ New Year’s greetings

In the Temple Sinai News.

For just $10, list your name and be a part of this special insert

In the High Holiday issue.

Don’t Delay...Send Your Greeting in Today!

All greetings must be received by Tuesday, August 6th

to meet Temple Sinai News deadline requirements.

Questions? Call Nadine Lubarsky 215-643-7374 or

Flossie Albert 215-643-5553

New Year’s Greetings Deadline: August 6, 2013

Name - as you want it to appear in the Temple Sinai news:

(Ex. Joseph Cohen or Joseph Cohen & Family or Sarah and Joseph Cohen & Family):



Please make your $10 check payable to Temple Sinai Sisterhood

and mail to Temple Sinai, 1401 N. Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA 19025






ANN NEWMAN PRESCHOOL My relationship with the preschool began

almost 10 years ago when my daughter

enrolled when she was three years old. A

few years later, my younger daughter

became a student. The girls have great

memories of those years and so do I. Their

teachers were kind and sweet and were

always smiling. The projects they brought

home were creative and beautiful; there are

some, which I still use and cherish. They

learned so much about the Jewish holidays

and the teachers instilled a pride in being

Jewish. My experience taught me that the

preschool and its teachers work hard to

provide a quality early childhood education.

Serving on the Preschool Committee

provided me with another perspective of the

preschool. My experience taught me that

there are many dedicated parents who are

committed to helping the preschool with its

vision of providing the community an

affordable Jewish early childhood

education. The people, with whom I have

served, have worked diligently on

determining competitive tuition rates,

policies and procedures, and marketing


Now, in my role as Preschool

Coordinator I have gained so much new

knowledge about how dedicated our

teachers and parents are; I see it every day.

Our teachers work tirelessly to create

meaningful lessons and projects that meet

the state standards. They go out of their

way to be creative, engaging and fun. Our

teachers work well as team and do their best

to collaborate and support each other. Our

parents are always willing to help. They

definitely support us whenever we ask.

Here’s a great example. While teaching

her Passover unit, Ali Rudl a teacher of our

three year olds, had each student in her class

create a game called “Ten Plagues

Bowling”. She gave each student 10 empty

water bottles and they decorated each one as

a plague. Then they set them up as bowling

pins and tried to roll a ball to knock them

down. What a fun thing for the students to

bring home during their Spring break. This

activity met so many standards at once; a

lesson on reusing materials that could have

been considered trash, math when counting

the plagues, art, gross motor development,

and of course a major theme when learning

about Passover.

Here is an example of the dedication of

our parents. For the preschool’s Yom

Ha’Atzmaut celebration, our teachers

planned a pretend trip to Israel. Jay Worley

has a daughter in our school and he took

time off from work as a pilot to come to our

opening ceremony that includes a pretend

flight to Israel. Jay sat on the stage in the

auditorium and engaged the children as he

pretended to fly us to Israel. He performed

his pre-flight procedures, had the children

buckle up, explained what we could see out

our windows, and performed a smooth

landing. It was so nice of him to take time

from his busy schedule to help us make our

celebration more meaningful.

This new relationship I have with the

preschool has definitely reaffirmed for me

how great our preschool is. We have

talented, dedicated teachers. We have

parents who are supportive and willing to

help whenever we ask. I am proud to tell

people about where I work and everyone in

our congregation should be proud to

recommend our preschool to families with

young children in the area. Please keep in

mind that registration is currently underway

for the fall (and Camp Maccabee, too!) and

families do not need to be members to

enroll. If you know of a family that may be

interested in sending their child to

preschool, please have them contact me or

send me their information.

-Michele Whitman

Preschool Coordinator


1 2

4 3

In a resounding show of support for a strong

U.S.-Israel relationship, thousands of AIPAC

activists from all 50 states including the

delegation from Temple Sinai ascended

Capitol Hill to conduct lobbying meetings

with all 100 senators and every House

member. 2013 marks the first time in AIPAC

Policy Conference history that AIPAC

members have scheduled meetings with

every lawmaker in Congress.

At the top of our agenda was preventing

Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons

capability. In the Senate, members have

introduced a Resolution 65 declaring that the

United States will stand by Israel should it

feel compelled to take military action in its

own defense against Iran. Pennsylvania

Senator Bob Casey addressed our group

stating “I am a proud co-sponsor of Senate

Resolution 65 which reaffirms the bonds

between the US and Israel and recognizes

the threat that Iran poses to both our

countries. My longstanding position has been

that the Administration should not rule out a

military option if economic sanctions fail.”

In the House, members have introduced the

Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (H.R. 850),

which authorizes the President to impose

sanctions on any entity that maintains

significant commercial ties to Iran.

AIPAC members urged their House and

Senate members to support both measures in

order to send a strong message to that the

United States will act to prevent Iran from

acquiring a nuclear weapon. While in our

Capitol Hill meetings, our delegation asked

our representatives to strengthen U.S.-Israel

strategic cooperation by officially

designating Israel as a "major strategic

partner." Such a designation will help the two

nations maximize the benefits of their


AIPAC activists also urged their

lawmakers to support the full $3.1 billion in

security assistance to Israel that the U.S.

committed to for fiscal years 2013 and 2014,

as well as the $211 million in additional

funding for the Iron Dome. The Iron Dome is

a defensive air defense system designed to

intercept and destroy short-range rockets and

artillery shells whose trajectory would take

them to a populated areas in Israel. By

November 2012, official statements indicated

that it had intercepted 400+ rockets and that

the Iron Dome system shot down 90% of

rockets launched from Gaza that would have

landed in populated areas.

In the hundreds of seminars and

workshops offered at AIPAC discussions

included Israeli politics, economics, culture,

education, technological and medical

innovations, and more.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak

addressed the plenary session, thanking

AIPAC members for their support of a strong

U.S.-Israel alliance. "The State of Israel

simply would not be the strong island of

stability it is, without one crucial constant:

You- The United States of America. Its

people. Its leadership. Its Congress. Its

Jewish community."

Vice President Joe Biden delivered the

keynote address in front of about 13,000

people at the Washington Convention Center.

The Vice President emphasized that the

United States and Israel share a strategic

commitment in the world.

"Let me make clear what that

commitment is," Biden said. "It is to prevent

Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Period. End of discussion. Period. Prevent.

Not contain. Prevent. The president has flatly

stated that." "President Barack Obama is not

bluffing," He added. "We are not looking for

war. We are looking to and ready to

negotiate peacefully. But all options,

including military force, are on the table."

In addition, Biden said that the United

States will continue to stand against

international efforts to delegitimize Israel.

"Israel's legitimacy and our support for it is

not a matter of debate... It is not negotiable."

Biden stated he knows that all of Israel's

leaders want peace. "But it takes two to

tango, and the rest of the Arab world has to

get in the game. We're under no illusions

about how difficult it will be to achieve," he

said. Following Biden's address, Israeli

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

addressed conference delegates live via

satellite from Jerusalem. For videos and

transcripts from all speeches, visit

Temple Sinai Goes to Washington

by Barbara Rosenau

Members of the Temple Sinai AIPAC delegation included Debbie

Albert, Flossie Albert, Howard Bernstein, Aaron Bernstein, Nadine Canter,

Harris Chernow, Tobey Grand, Len Grossman, Seth Harrison, Ben Kramer,

Bill Kramer, Audrey Marcus, George Marcus, Nathan Relles, Mary Relles,

Barbara Rosenau, Ben Rosenau, Len Schwartz, Marjorie Schwartz,

Meryl Stern, Suzanne Teleha and Rabbi Adam Wohlberg.

A picture of our lobbying group with Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz


Dottie Singer

All You Need to Know About Hazak

at Temple Sinai:

What is Hazak?

The name Hazak is an acronym. The Het

stands for Hokhmah, wisdom, the zayan for

ziknah, maturity and the kuph for kadima,

looking ahead. At Temple Sinai we say

“Hazak Hazak”. We are one! We are


Who can join?

All women & men 55 plus are eligible to

join. Synagogue membership is NOT

REQUIRED. Bring along your friends!

What does Hazak do for the synagogue


Hazak supports the Hebrew School program

by providing after school snacks. Each Bar/

Bat mitzvah child receives a tzedakah box.

Hazak, like other arms, of the synagogue is

involved in making synagogue decisions.

Hazak manages the Temple Sinai library.

Please visit the library. There are lots of

good books to borrow.

Programming. This past year there were

eight Sunday morning brunch programs.

They appealed to both music and art lovers,

Jewish genealogists, book lovers, readers of

the Edge City comic strip and thought

provoking talks by our own Rabbi Adam


We don’t slow down over the summer


Hazak Camp will be June 26 to July 3.

Enjoy a week in the Catskill Mountains at

Kutsher’s. This includes 3 kosher meals

daily, bus transportation from Temple Sinai,

indoor/outdoor pools, fitness center, golf,

nightly entertainment, boating, crafts,

walking/jogging/ schmoozing plus classes

given by noted scholars, and daily as well as

Shabbat services. Call Betsy Lewinson if

you are interested in being a camper this


May and June are still busy for our members

with a Hot Dog and Movie night on

Wednesday, May 22.

Hazak will sponsor Shabbat under the Stars

on Friday, June 21 and the following

Sunday, June 30 Cantor Stephen Freedman

will present a musical program.

Opera Lovers Alert! A first for Temple

Sinai! Hazak is sponsoring a trip to the

opera, Verdi’s Nabucco, a wonderful experi-

ence for all members and friends of Temple

Sinai. Save the date: Sunday, October 6.

So, isn’t it no brainer to join or rejoin

Temple Sinai Hazak?

To sum it up: Hazak is USY, AZA, BBG

and Young Judea for adults!




FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Available in the Gift Shop and from Flossie Albert, 215-643-5553

Your $4.00 contribution supports The Jewish Theological Seminary Ziegler

School of Rabbinic Studies Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies.

Life Cycle Events

Refuah Sh’lemah

Jason Goldberg

Tami Hertzbach

Susan Impagliazzo

Bill Kanefsky

Sylvia Kivitz

Bob Klein

Ivor Simmonds

Garry Spear

Life Cycle Events


Isabella E. Rochelle Sackey, granddaughter of Renee & David Sackey

Aria Semonova Eventov, granddaughter of Dottie & Rich Singer

Alex Jonah Androphy, son of Gail & Ezra Androphy


Ilana Beth Schriftman, daughter of Nanette & Lee Schriftman,

granddaughter of Shirley Nirenberg, to Zachary Lane

Chealsea Zimmerman, daughter of Jeri & Len Zimmerman,

granddaughter of Herma & Les Abramson, to Elliot Bush


Sandra Mann, mother of Michael (Karen) Mann,

grandmother of Jeffrey Mann and Michelle Mann

Philip Small, father of Judy (Manny) Reider

Gloria Cohen, grandmother of Adam (Robyn) Cohen,

great-grandmother of Billy, Danny, Noah and Hannah Cohen

Irene Gross, mother of Robert (Julie) Gross,

grandmother of Rachael, Anna and Leah Gross

Robert Weiss, father of Craig (Randi) Weiss,

grandmother of Morgan and Tyler Weiss

Gladys Weiss, mother of Debbie (Paul) Mendelson

Anne Pollack Maloney, mother of Michael (Elaine) Pollack

We would like to thank our Temple Sinai family and friends for all the support, concerns and donations we have received from the death of

Ellen's father and Garry's heart attack. Garry is coming along slowly. We are so appreciative of all the kindness we have received.

Garry and Ellen Spear


“Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas” Inching Closer to Goal!

Temple Sinai’s “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?” program is inching

closer to its goal of 100% congregational inclusion by June.

As of this writing, with the April dinner under our belts, we have hit the 70%

mark, meaning that 70% of our congregation has either hosted or been invited

to someone’s home for Shabbas dinner.

Can we count on you to host on May 3 or June 7, getting us to 100%?

For more information on the program, email [email protected]

or call 215.283-6006.


Spring is in the air and the scouts of Troop

665 are on the move again with new scouts

and great trips.

The troop welcomed new scouts and their

parents to the Troop 665 family- Asher

Dayanim, Dylan Mandel, Seth Miller,

Bobby Lynam, Lucas Ratson, Micah

Ravital, Nathan Robbins, Samual Stein, Jake

Weilerstein, and Ben and Sam Weissman.

Scouts and leaders from Troop 665

participated in the Cub Scout crossover

ceremonies to help the boys “cross over”

from Cub to Boy Scouts. All are

enthusiastically working on their Tenderfoot

achievements, enjoying troop trips and

meetings, and having lots of fun with


This past winter would not have been

complete without the annual Klondike

Derby in January. At this annual event,

scouts demonstrate various outdoor and

scout skills while pulling a fully loaded sled

around a prepared course. Other recent trips

included using snow shoes, snow tubing,

rifle and shotgun shooting, and Archery.

Upcoming events include Scope/Olympia

where we will have Canadian scouts come

and join us for a weekend full of camping as

well as a visit to historical Philadelphia. In

June, The troops annual end of the year

Court of Honor will take place at Fort

Washington State Park. It is a day of awards

and honors, food and fun- but most of all,


Troop 665 takes special pride in the

opportunities it provides for building self

confidence and leadership skills. Scouts can

grow and mature by taking on increased

responsibilities and positions of

responsibility in the troop. They are

encouraged and assisted in these by older

boys and adult leaders who want the boys to

feel good about themselves and succeed.

Most meetings take place on Sunday

afternoons at Temple Sinai, from 4:30 to

6:30. Guided by a seasoned team of adult

scoutmasters, the boys prepare for trips and

develop their skills, with time for fun and

games. Parents meet on several Sunday

evenings during the year to learn about and

review activities and schedules. Parent

involvement is another feature which bonds

Troop 665 families in a unique and positive


Boy Scouts is open to all boys ages

11-17. In recognition of Temple Sinai's

sponsorship, Troop 665 observes kashrut on

its trips and activities. To learn more about

this wonderful program, contact Parent

Committee Chair Renee Gottlieb (215 491-

3546, [email protected]), or Scout-

master Dan Fein (215 641-9791,

[email protected]) for more information.

Come try us out!

Boy Scouts Troop 665

Temple Sinai USY - We Are Changing and Growing!

Shalom! The past few months have been

very exciting for Temple Sinai USY!

Recently, Matt Weiss and Chloe Listman

attended Spring Convention at the Crowne

Plaza Hotel in New Jersey. I am proud to

report that Temple Sinai won three fantastic

awards that show the awesome improvement

our chapter has made over the past year. We

won “Most Improved Chapter,” “Excellence

in the area of Membership” and “Excellence

in the area of Membership Increase.” This is

significant for our chapter because we had

such tremendous improvement over a short

period of time. By having enthusiastic teens

participate who are in eighth grade and

older, we can continue this success for many

years to come. The next upcoming event is

Memorial Day weekend, where the

Hagesher region will spend the day down

the shore for an awesome weekend and

dance! Our fantastic advisor, Edy Israel,

helped make all of our success possible, and

we owe her a huge thank you! I can’t wait to

help plan more exciting and worthwhile

events next year, and welcome our new


Temple Sinai USY

Marissa Reale,



From The Mailbox

In Recognition of Project HOPE

Project HOPE

Dear Temple Sinai Family:

On March 24, 2013, volunteers fulfilled the Mitzvah of G'milut

Hassadim, deeds of loving kindness. Over 200 volunteers converged

on Temple Sinai to ensure that 540 of our most needy, elderly and

isolated members of OUR Jewish community received kosher for

Passover food for the entire week of Passover. Although Project

H.O.P.E. (Helping Our People Everywhere) is a B'nai B'rith Liberty

Region project, the HEART AND SOUL of Project H.O.P.E. is

Temple Sinai and its dedicated congregation, clergy and professional

staff. A special note of thanks goes to our distribution volunteers

Harris Chernow, Billy Kramer, Jeff Workman, Alan Budman, Doug

Most, Bruce Shanzer, Larry Schimmel, Aaron Domsky, Sara Domsky,

Alex Domsky, Noah Stock and most of all my partner for 16 years,

Allan Stock, for the monumental task of creating a road map to every

recipient and assigning the 100 volunteer drivers to deliver to our 540

recipients. Thank you to ALL the volunteers and contributors for

making the 16th Project H.O.P.E. A VERY SWEET

SUCCESS. Yasher Koach!

Samuel Domsky, Chair


Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities In Honor of Donor

Birth of Isabella E. Rochelle Sackey ..................................... ......................................................... Cindy & David Horowitz Helen Barufkin's special birthday ................ Gertrude Solkov Naming of Cassandra Rath ................................... Judy Sklar Birth of Alex Jonah Androphy ............. Linda & Alan Sausner Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ....... Natalie & Raphael Kail Lauren Whitman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ............................ ....................................... Wendy & Frome Fineman & Family

In Memory of Donor

Samuel Paul ......................................... Ellen & Warren Katz, ............................. and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen Helen Ruth Gundling ......... Helene & Neil Newman & Family Sandra Mann ................................. Yvette & Larry Doroshow

Boy Scout In Memory of Donor

Joanna S. Field ...................................................................... Isaac Sinaiko .................................................... Edward Field Miriam Ersner ......................... Krendelle & Stanley Nosheny

Risé Bressler Chesed In Honor of Donor

Birth of Sophie Belle Goldis............ Ann Mae Tiger & Family ............................ Randy, Gwen, Brynn & Alexis Reisenberg Eli Gordon becoming a Bar Mitzvah ...................................... Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................................. ............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg Birth of Mia Idella Vizirov ....................................................... Speedy recovery for Richard Kessler .................................... Naming of Myra Jade Eisenbrock ......................................... ............. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families Aufruf of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch ....................... ............................... Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler Speedy recovery for Rick Tolin ...... Gail & Dennis Shusman Birth of Brynn Marissa Levitt ................... Sandi & Ellis Miller

In Memory of Donor

Risé Sharon Bressler ............................................................ ..................................... Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein & Family Bella Cohen ........................................................................... Sandra Mann ......................................................................... Geraldine Carson .................................................................. Edith Kipnes .......... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg Joel Rubin ....................................... Gail & Dennis Shusman Morton Klevan .................................... Larry & Berna Pauker Sidney Dublisky ............................................ Phyllis Dublisky .................................................................. Leonard Schwartz Sylvia Menin ............................................. Marjorie Schwartz Matthew Zeitlin ................................. Shirley Levin & Family Marlene Pascal ......................... Steven & Carole Greenberg

Cantor’s Charity In Honor of Donor

Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ........................................... Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................................. ....................................................... Helen & Sidney Feinberg Cantor Stephen Freedman .............. Herma & Les Abramson ............................................................. Judy & Manny Reider Cantor Stephen Freedman .................................................... Sally Mitlas.................................... Nanette & Lee Schriftman Speedy recovery for Sylvia Kivitz ........ Sheila & Gil Newman Cantor Stephen Freedman .................................................... Sally Mitlas.................................................. Shirley Nirenberg Cantor Stephen Freedman ............ Susan Riebman & Family ............................................................ The Abramson Family

In Memory of Donor

Lillian Galter Alan Galter Sara Cooperstein ............................................... Carol Cohen Paul R. Glatter .................................................. David Glatter Ze'ev Caplan ............................................. Ellyn Caplan Klein Kitty Handel ......................................... Hazzan Arlyne Unger Jeanne Stredler Rayfield ............................. Howard Stredler Carmella Pinkenson ..................................... Lana Pinkenson Marian Rovner ................................................ Marcia Hyman Mary Unger ...................................................... Ronald Unger Mickey Goldsmith ........................................ Stuart Goldsmith Sandra Mann .................................. Vicki & Howard Edelman Carole Shtatman .............................................. Vicki Edelman

Chernoff Interfaith Activities In Honor of Donor

Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ..................... Beth Chernoff

Cook For A Friend In Honor of Donor

Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................................. Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ...........Beth & Dan Heyman ........................................................ Betty & Bernie Roseman Terry & Gene Heller's anniversary ................ Clara Menduke

In Memory of Donor

Matthew Zeitlin ............................. Annette & Sidney Flexner Goldie Tonkonow ........................................... Emanuel Agard Hilda B. Macks ................................................ Ethel Chernow Sadie Goldberg ............................... Henry & Diane Goldberg Edythe Reich ....................................................... Sheila Katz Gertrude Waldman .................... Steven & Carole Greenberg Pauline Greenberg ................................... Steven Greenberg Matthew Zeitlin ...................................... Terry & Gene Heller

Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden In Memory of Donor

Lilly Dubin ........................................................... Sheryl Marx .......................................................................... Doree Sitkoff Lucille June Pollack ....................................... Ethel Chernow Dora Matlen ...................................................... Helene Ross Joelyn Frisch .................................................... Julie Axelrod Adele Adess ........................................... The Axelrod Family Sandra Mann ............................................. The Florin Family

Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship In Memory of Donor

Maurice Lefcoe ......................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family

Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship In Memory of Donor

Raymond Goldfine ................................................................. Jerry Finkelstein .................................................................... Mollie B. Karmel .................................................................... Irwin Karmel ................................................... Marilyn Keesal Marty Valerie ......................................................................... Murray Fisher ........................................................................ Saul Linder ..................................Marilyn Keesal & Mel Udis

Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan In Honor of Donor

Jack Fishman’s 83rd birthday........................... Ada Fishman Marriage of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch .................. ......................................................... Beth & Jimmy Edelman ................................................................ Gail & Marty Weiss Myrna & Larry Allen’s 60th anniversary ................................ ................................................................ Gail & Marty Weiss ............................................................... Diane & Don Factor Herma & Les Abramson’s 55th anniversary ......................... ................................................................ Gail & Marty Weiss Aufruf of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch ....................... Speedy recovery for Jerry Dunn .... Herma & Les Abramson Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ..........................Rose Beck

In Memory of Donor

Sy Listman ....................... Doug & Frannie Listman & Family ....................................................................... Marge Listman Isaac Fately ........................................................................... Zelda Fately ............................................................Alan Katz Albert Muldawer ........................... Barbara & Barry Goldstein Morris Cooper ........................................................................ Martyn Goldstein ......................... Barry & Barbara Goldstein Abraham Sifer ................................. Herma & Les Abramson Seymour Rosenberg......................... Julie & Alan Gubernick Bessie Abramson ........................... Les & Herma Abramson Rachel Shapira ...................................................................... Harold Brown ......................................................................... Rachel Franco ........................................ Meryl & Larry Stern

Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence In Honor of Donor

Helen Barufkin’s special birthday ..... Evelyn & Marty Snyder .......................................................... Marilyn & Heshy Stock

In Memory of Donor

Sol Laveson ........................................................................... Matthew Zeitlin ...................................................................... Feiga Matusow ............................................... Faye Laveson Matthew Zeitlin ................................. Sherrie & Nelson Klein

Samuel Gripman Memorial

In Memory of Donor

Belle Gripman ................................................. Alice Gripman

Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas In Honor of Donor

Debbie Albert ................................ Barbara & John Rosenau Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov .... Betsy & Frank Lewinson Birth of Alex Jonah Androphy ................................................ .............................. Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg & Family Cantor Stephen Freedman & Randi Dembowitz ................... ......................................................... Joyce & Peter Klugherz Flossie Albert ..................................... Judi & Steven Shapiro The Haimovitz Family .......................... The Aronovitz Family

In Memory of Donor

Malcolm M. Blumberg .................................. Debra Drossner Bernie Albert ......................................................... Ed Harwitz Rebecca Albert ................................................ Flossie Albert Leah Kohen ................................................. Francine Kohen Adeline Shilling ...................................................................... Bernie Albert ...................................... Judi & Steven Shapiro Dottie Kline ............................................................................ Sandee Kline ....................................................... Mitch Kline David Burstein ............................................. Rebecca Jackel Bernie Albert ................................. Rhonda & Michael Yanoff

Handicap Accessibility In Honor of Donor

Marcy Lyons Gohen's birthday ...................... Ethel Chernow In Memory of Donor

Rosalie Hynes ............................................... Ethel Chernow Hyman Silver ....................................................... Faith Silver Herbert Levinson ....................................... Mitchell Levinson

Richard Harris Memorial In Honor of Donor

Birth of Isabella E. Rochelle Sackey ..... Diane & Don Factor ............................................................ Gail & Alan Josselson ............................................................ Mary & Nathan Relles

In Memory of Donor

Dr. Maurice Sackey ...........David & Renee Sackey & Family Sophie Sue Leventhal ........................................................... Susan Leventhal .................................................................... ............ Jerome Leventhal, Edward & Karen, Mark & Lauren May Glaser Goodman .......Renee & David Sackey & Family

Holocaust Education In Honor of Donor

Engagement of Allison Edelman to Lawrence Friedman ...... ...................................................... Audrey & George Marcus Marriage of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch .................. ......................................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family

In Memory of Donor

William Laiwint ............................ Marilyn Borgman & Family Morris Wais ............................................................................ Max Chernow ................................................ Ethel Chernow Hans Lewinsohn ....................................... Franklin Lewinson Fred S. Marcus ............................. George & Audrey Marcus Abram Jolinger .............................................. James Jolinger Theodore Lichtenfeld .................................... Kurt Lichtenfeld Jean Laiwint ................................................ Marilyn Borgman Sonia Adler ............................................ Martin & Toby Adler Frank Pollack ................................................ Michael Pollack Morris Burstein ............................................ Rebecca Jackel Reba Shapiro Brand ...................................... Rita Rosenthal Clara Sharf ................................................ Shirley Nirenberg Sidney West .......................................... Toby & Martin Adler

Cele Hyman Sukkah In Memory of Donor

Minnie Yarrow ........................................................................ Betty Essner ................................................. Phyllis Gardner

Harriet Jacobs Education In Memory of Donor

Jacob Feldman .............................................. Dorothy Singer Helen Axelrod ...................................... Joel Jacobs & Family

(Continued on page 21)

Contributions: Thank You For Your Support 2/16-4/19


Ann Kay Adult Education In Memory of Donor

Ruth Agard .................................................... Emanuel Agard

Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat In Memory of Donor

Betty Tonkonow ............................................ Emanuel Agard Louis Zeidenstein ............................................... Leon Visnov Philip Muller .......................................................... Pat Muller Hoori Rahimi ............................................. Soroosh Michaels

Norman Krasnov Fine Arts In Memory of Donor

Hyman Hauser ............................................. Norman Hauser

Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities In Honor of Donor

Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah ................................... ...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau .................................................. Derek Wodotinsky & Family Engagement of Stacey Simons to Stuart Prenner ................ ....................................Sondra & Mitchell Levinson & Family

In Memory of Donor Helen Madvedoff ..................................................... Ann Cole

Petluck Memorial In Memory of Donor

Leo Nothmann ............. Judith Nothmann & Stephen Kasloff

Cissy Plotnick Scholarship In Honor of Donor

Birth of Alex Jonah Androphy ... Ali & Geoff Wilbur & Family Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah ................................... .............................................................. Janet Lynn & Family Aunt Alexandra's 100th birthday ............................................ ......................................... Janice & Alan Inselberg & Family Lauren Whitman becoming a Bat Mitzvah............................. ...................................... Joanne Black and Janice Inselberg ............................ Susan Impagliazzo and Yvette Doroshow

In Memory of Donor

Benjamin Goldstein .................................. Beatrice Goldstein Esther Paul .......................................... Ellen & Warren Katz, ............................ and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen Sandra Mann ............................................ Janet & Eric Lynn Benjamin Edelman .......................... Jimmie & Beth Edelman William Plotnick ...................................................................... Jesse Riebman ........... Kymme & Steven Kaufman & Family Adele Adess ........................ Marci & Scott Shapiro & Family Fannie Schechner ..................................... Marjorie Schwartz Gaynelle Brown ..................................................................... Adele Adess .................................... Monica & Harvey Fracht Matthew Zeitlin ............................... Sharyn & Drew Matusow Sandra Mann ..................................................... Simon Stein Adele Adess ................ Wendi & Kevin Kooperman & Family

Prayer Book In Honor of Donor

Matthew Ladov being honored as a Ben Torah .................... ................................................... Jill & Joshua Ladov & Cory

In Memory of Donor

Nathan Abrams .......................................... Judith Nothmann Donald F. Blumberg .......................................Judy Blumberg Bessie Greenberg ....................................... Lallie Greenberg Murray Fisher .................................... Misky & Arnold Kramer

Rabbi’s Charity In Honor of Donor

Rabbi Adam & Shira Wohlberg & Family .............................. ............................................ Debra & Barry Drossner & Josh Their 10th anniversary ............... Doree Sitkoff & Greg Kidorf Rabbi Adam Wohlberg.................... Herma & Les Abramson ............................................................ Judy & Manny Reider Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov........... Laura & Alan Libove Jared Shotel becoming a Bar Mitzvah ................................... ...................................................... Marsha & Howard Shotel Marriage of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch .................. ............................................ Michelle & David Berk & Family Rabbi Adam Wohlberg................. Nanette & Lee Schriftman Eli Gordon becoming a Bar Mitzvah ..... Sara & Bob Wenger Rabbi Adam Wohlberg............................... Shirley Nirenberg ...................................................... Susan Riebman & Family ........................................................... The Abramson Family

Rabbi’s Charity continued

In Memory of Donor

Frederick L. Platt .................................. Beth & Dan Heyman Bonnee Borgman ............................ Jody Borgman & Family Abraham Libove ..................................................Alan Libove Norman Finkelstein ................................................................ Anne Finkelstein....................................... Andrea Rosenthal Seldia Blatman .............................................. Arthur Blatman Sandra Mann ......................................... Craig & Lori Israelite Herman Vogin .....................................................Craig Vogin Sy Listman ...................................................... Darlene Cohn Anne Blumberg Hahn ................................... Debra Drossner Saul Linder ............................ Estelle Brand & Rob Gerritsen Helen Wolfberg ................................................Gail Wolfberg Sylvia Cohen ............................................. Gil & Zena Cohen Samuel Korman ............................................ Ivor Simmonds Mary Schwartz ....................................................... Joan Wilk Dr. Morton W. Richman ...................... Kim Marcus & Family Elsa Schoen .......................................................Kurt Schoen Gerson Cooke .................................................Louise Altman Ruth Sugarman ............................................ Marc Sugarman David Miller ...................................................... Melvyn Miller Hyman Cutsman .................................... Neilson Gendelman Hannah Lickstein.................................................. Nina Reed Lee Sosnow ..................................... Rabbi Aileen Hollander Abraham Wilk .................................................... Sanford Wilk Rose Polonsky ......................................... Sheila Gendelman Pearl Silverman ........................................... Sheila Goldstein Edward Goldsmith ...................................... Stuart Goldsmith Frederick L. Platt .................................... The Axelrod Family Alexander Gitlin ......................................... Zena & Gil Cohen

Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library In Memory of Donor

Sarah Jacobs ......................................................................... Max Jacobs ........................................................................... Samuel Lipschutz .................................... Barbara Lipschutz Nathan Tonkonow ...................................... Emanuel Agard Hyman Bierman ....................................... Madeline Axelrod

Faith Rubin Scholarship In Honor of Donor

Faith Rubin's birthday ..................... Bonnie & Billy Kanefsky ....................................................................... Ethel Chernow Birth of Isabella E. Rochelle Sackey ..... Judy & Jerry Caplan

In Memory of Donor

Dora Raivy .......................................... Hazzan Arlyne Unger Sylvia B. Caplan ............................................ Jerome Caplan Murray Fisher ........................................ Judy & Jerry Caplan Abraham Rich .................................................Mira Adelstein Leonard Lavenberg .................................. Robert Lavenberg

Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship In Honor of Donor

Speedy recovery for Arthur Rubin ......................................... ...................................................... Charla & Mark Sussman Birth of Aria Semonova Eventov ........ Mary & Nathan Relles

In Memory of Donor

Herman Morrison ......................................... Denise Stredler Simma Jaffe ........................................................................... Raymond Jaffe ............................................ Ellen Rosenberg Lillian Solomon ....................................................................... Herman Plavner ....................................... Florence Solomon Charlotte B. Weinstein ........................................ Joan Keller Irv Freemer ........................................ Neil Freemer & Family Max Vilensky .......................................................................... Nathan Abrams ...................................................................... Dorothy A. Tickner ................................................................. Leo Nothmann............................................. Norman Abrams Frieda Rosenthal ................................................. Ruth Fisher Herman Plavner ............................................. Stanton Lacks

Temple Sinai Building In Honor of Donor

Linda & Neil Heller & Family ......................... Clara Menduke Helen Barufkin's special birthday .................. Gloria Borofsky Steve London's special birthday ................ Judy & Jon Beck Marriage of Chelsea Zimmerman & Elliot Busch ................... Carly Spike becoming a Bat Mitzvah .....Karen & Bill Kramer

Temple Sinai Building continued In Honor of Donor

Herma & Les Abramson's 55th anniversary ......................... Aufruf of Carly Adelmann & Michael Zimmerman ................ ........................................................... Margie & Al Adelmann Eli Gordon becoming a Bar Mitzvah ..................................... ........................................................... Sally & Len Grossman

In Memory of Donor

Roger Anthony Vega ...........................The Kaminsky Family Walter Bilsky ......................................................... Alan Bilsky Sandra Mann ................ Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family Rachel Lerman ................................... Anita & Steve Lerman Matthew Zeitlin ............................. Barbara & John Rosenau Sender Yewlow ....................................... Batame Hertzbach Charles Sovel ........................................................................ Vera Sovel Flaxman .............................................................. Minnie Sovel ....................................................... Diane Sovel Matthew Zeitlin .................................................. Eleanor Liss Lena Pinkenson........................................... Lana Pinkenson Matthew Zeitlin ....................................................Lois Barsky Tillie Grand ...................................................... Tobey Grand Matthew Zeitlin .................................................... Sara Segal Howard Lassoff ............................ Tammy & Bart Hertzbach Renee Arbitman .................................... The Dwoskin Family Marion Grand ................................................... Tobey Grand

Temple Sinai Floral In Memory of Donor

Rose Buckman ............................................ Maxine Stutman

Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship In Memory of Donor

Joseph Gorenstein ................................................................ Harry Budman ..................................................Alan Budman Harry Stredler .............................................. Howard Stredler

Bruce Winokur Memorial In Honor of Donor

Eli Gordon becoming a Bar Mitzvah ..................................... .......................................................... Joan & Manny Winokur

In Memory of Donor

Matthew Zeitlin ...................................................................... Esther Gelman ................................. Joan & Manny Winokur Barry Adelman............................................ Marilyn Adelman

Yahrzeit In Memory of Donor

J. Leon Seitchik ............................................... Barbara Lestz Leonard Morrison ...................................... Barbara Morrison Dr. Louis Beloff .......................................... Barbara Rosenau William Minkin .................................... Bruce & Myrna Minkin Shirley Herzberg.......................................... Chaya Herzberg Abraham First ........................................................................ Elias D. Weitzman ................................................ David First Dr. Joseph A. Flacker ..................... Diane & Henry Goldberg Jean Lipow ............................................................................ William Brown ................................................... Edwin Brown Martin Keller ....................................................Elaine Pollack Alvin Diamond ....................................................................... Chuck Diamond ....... Evelyn Diamond and Sherrie Diamond Simon L. Cohn................................................... Harriet Cohn Ann Blaustin .......................................................................... Ida Krevolin .................................................. Harvey Krevolin Jacob Tanur ........................................................ Janis Dunn Ralph Dubin .................................................. Joyce Kempner Albert R. Barnett ........................................... Joyce Klugherz

Donald Blumberg........................................... Judy Blumberg Ruth Kaplan ...................................................... Laurie Matez Nathan S. Klieman ................................................................ Sarah Zembel ......................... Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family Hyman Meyerowitz ................................................................ Samuel Ginsburg........................................... Mary Ginsburg Mary Weintraub .................................. Myrna & Bruce Minkin Bertha Morris ......................................................................... Samuel Padol ........................................................ Pat Muller Harold Parkin ................................................... Robert Parkin Doris Wolfman .............................................. Roger Wolfman Sarah Weisman ....................................... Roslyn Romanoski Inez Coopersmith ......................................... Sheila Richman Herman Cohen ...................................................................... Arnold Levin .......................................................................... Ethel Cohen .......................................................Shirley Levin Robert J. Rosenau ...................... Steven & Renée Rosenau George Marmer ............................................ William Marmer

Contributions: Thank You For Your Support



In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”? You may not

even need it (God willing) for a long time. Why not put off thinking

about it for now?

Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise. When it

does, many tasks must be handled and decisions made in a limited

amount of time.

Contacting loved ones

Selecting and purchasing a gravesite

Making funeral arrangements

Handling the affairs of the deceased

Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by pur-

chasing a gravesite for that inevitable need. Having one less decision

to research and make during that difficult time is one of the greatest

gifts you could give them, along with the peace of mind of knowing

that everything has been arranged exactly the way you wanted.

Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David Memorial

Park in Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its members and their

families. For more information, please call the Temple Sinai office

215-643-6510 or

[email protected]

Is there a graduate in your

family this coming


You can share your nachas with your

Temple Sinai family in the July issue of

the Temple Sinai News!

High School, College and

Graduate Degrees

will be featured in July

Please include school graduated from, degree, or

school to be attended if you would like it listed as


(space does not permit listing of elementary

and middle school graduates)

Please submit your graduate’s name,

name of school, parent’s names and

names of grandparents who are

Temple Sinai members

to [email protected]

Final 9th Grade Brotherhood Meeting of the year




MARCH 5th BLOOD DRIVE AT TEMPLE SINAI The Red Cross collected 101 pints of blood at this

blood drive, which will be processed into about 300 units of blood products for patients in our

local hospitals. This is the most ever in the more

than 18+ years of the program. Please thank all who participated in and supported this effort.

The next drive will be at Jarrettown Methodist Church on

Wednesday, May 8th from 1:30 to 7:15.

The Why’s Of Shavuot

Eating Dairy Food - Since most other

Jewish holidays are drenched in brisket and

chicken soup, the tradition to eat dairy on

Shavuot comes as a welcome change. There

are many, many reasons offered for this


Once the Jews accepted the Torah,

they be came obligated in the laws

of kashrut. But since they were not

yet familiar with the laws regarding

animal slaughter, they ate dairy.

Receiving the Torah was a form of

rebirth. We celebrate this newness by

consuming baby food. Namely, milk.

Shavuot coincided with the time

when the lambs and calves born in

the spring would be suckling.

Therefore an abundance of dairy

products were available.

Legend has it that the Jewish people

were at Sinai for so long that all their

milk soured and turned into cheese.

In the Torah the Jewish people are

promised a "Land flowing with milk

and honey." Dairy meals recall this

lyrical description of Israel.

The Hebrew word for milk, chalav,

has the numerical value of 40,

symbolizing the number of days Mo-

ses was on Mt. Sinai. Chalav is

spelled chet (numerical value, 8),

lamed (30), and vet (2).

Tikkun Leyl Shavuot - Midrashic legends

scold the Jewish people for sleeping the

night before they received the Torah.

Apparently God had to sound a shofar blast

and bring thunder and lightning to wake

them up. This is one reason why 16th

century kabbalists in Safed, Israel, created

Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. Originally the Tikkun

consisted of readings from the bible, the

talmud and the kabbalah, which would be

studied all night long.

From another perspective, receiving the

Torah at Sinai was like a marriage between

God and the Jewish people – with Moses as

matchmaker and the Torah as the ketubah,

marriage certificate. Like an antsy bride or

groom, we have trouble falling asleep the

night before our wedding. To symbolically

prepare ourselves we learn Torah to

review the highlights of our sacred



1. In a bowl, mix together crushed cookies and graham crackers with melted

butter and the 3 tablespoons sugar.

2. Press into a 7 inch springform pan. Place in refrigerator until ready for use.

3. In another bowl, beat cream cheese, 1/3 cup of sugar and lemon juice.

4. Whip cream, and fold into cream cheese mixture.

5. Spread into pan.

6. Top with sliced strawberries (optional). Freeze for 1 hour, covered with


7. Place in refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.



3/4 cup finely ground graham cracker


3/4 cup pecan cookies

3 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons white sugar

8 ounces cream cheese

1/3 cup white sugar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 cup heavy whipping cream, whipped

1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries (optional)


Please Patronize our Advertisers

PA Registration #PA041884

Mommy and Me Playgroups

Fridays: 9:30 AM

At Temple Sinai

Contact Linda Goldberg


or email

[email protected]






Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 21 Iyar

9:30a An Exploration of

Jewish Practice, Tradition,

Beliefs and Current Events

with Rabbi Wohlberg

7:00p Executive

Committee meeting

2 22 Iyar

10:30a Beresheet: Back to

the Beginning

with Faith Rubin

3 23 Iyar

9:30a You’ve Got Questions?

I’ve Got Answers with Cantor Freedman

6:00p Minyan Same’ach with

Junior Choir Guess Who’s Coming

to Shabbas?


4 24 Iyar

Parashat Behar-Behukotai

9:30a Shabbat Services with

Adult Choir

Bar Mitzvah of

Benjamin Cheifetz

10:00a Knesset Mishpacha

4:00p Yad Squad reads at Mincha

8:40p - Havdalah

5 25 Iyar

8:45a Junior Choir

9:30a Religious School

9:30a Kitah Zayin

Model Wedding 12:00p Yad Squad

4:30p Boy Scouts

6 26 Iyar

1:30p Creative Crafting with

Faith Rubin 8:00p Men’s Club

Board meeting

7:45p Sisterhood Installation

7 27 Iyar

4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade 6:00p Taste of

Rosh Chodesh/ Taste of Brotherhood 6:45p RS 7th Grade

7:00p JCHS 8:00p Adult Choir

8 28 Iyar

Yom Yerushaliyim

9:30a An Exploration of Jewish

Practice, Tradition,

Beliefs and Current Events

with Rabbi Wohlberg

6:30p JCHS Food For Thought

8:00p Temple Sinai

Annual Meeting

9 29 Iyar

7:00a Cook For A Friend

10:30a Beresheet: Back to

the Beginning

with Faith Rubin

10 1 Sivan

Rosh Chodesh Sivan

7:00a Morning Minyan

9:30a You’ve Got Questions?

I’ve Got Answers with

Cantor Freedman

6:00p Minyan Same’ach

7:00p Preschool Shabbat Dinner and



11 2 Sivan

Parashat B’Midbar

9:30a Shabbat Services with

Adult Choir

Bar Mitzvah of

Jordyn Satz

10:30a Junior Congregation

12:00p Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh

8:47p - Havdalah

12 3 Sivan

No Religious School

13 4 Sivan

1:30p Creative Crafting


Faith Rubin

7:00p JEVS Adult Ed


14 5 Sivan

Erev Shavuot 4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade 7:30p Shavuot Services

8:15p Tikkun Leyl Shavuot and Dessert


15 6 Sivan

1st Day of Shavuot

No Preschool Temple Sinai offices closed 9:30a Shavuot Morning Ser-

vices 7:45p Mincha/Ma’ariv

with Yizkor 8:53p

16 7 Sivan

2nd Day of Shavuot

No Preschool

Temple Sinai offices closed

9:30a Shavuot Morning

Services with Yizkor

8:30p Mincha/Ma’ariv

17 8 Sivan

9:30a You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers with Cantor Freedman

6:00p Confirmation Dinner 7:00p Minyan Same’ach/



18 9 Sivan

Parashat Naso

9:30a Shabbat Services

B’nai Mitzvah of

Emily Steinslofer and

Max Steinslofer

10:30a Junior Congregation

11:00a Tot Shabbat

8:54p - Havdalah

19 10 Sivan

Israel Philly Independence Day

Celebration (Penn’s Landing) 8:45a Junior Choir

9:30a Religious School (Last day for Mechina)

10:30a Adult Ed Book Club

12:00p Yad Squad 4:30p Boy Scouts

20 11 Sivan

1:30p Creative Crafting

with Faith Rubin

8:00p Keruv:



21 12 Sivan

Election Day 4:30p RS 3rd-6th grade

6:45p RS 7th Grade (Last day of RS for Kitah Gimel - Zayin)

7:00p JCHS

22 13 Sivan

9:15a Preschool PTO meeting

9:30a An Exploration of Jewish

Practice, Tradition,

Beliefs and Current Events

with Rabbi Wohlberg

6:00p Hazak Hot Dog &

Movie Night

8:00p Religious School

Committee meeting

23 14 Sivan

10:30a Beresheet: Back to

the Beginning

with Faith Rubin

24 15 Sivan

9:30a You’ve Got Questions?

I’ve Got Answers with Cantor Freedman

6:00p Minyan Same’ach


25 16 Sivan

Parashat Behaalotecha

9:30a Shabbat Services

Bar Mitzvah of

Sam Kassar

9:00p - Havdalah

26 17 Sivan

Hagesher USY

Day At The Beach &

Seashore Dance

27 18 Sivan

Memorial Day

8:45a Morning Minyan

Temple Sinai closed after Morning Minyan

No Preschool

28 19 Sivan

4:30p RS Faculty


6:30p Friendship Circle

8:00p Adult Choir

29 20 Sivan

9:30a An Exploration of

Jewish Practice, Tradition,

Beliefs and Current Events

with Rabbi Wohlberg

30 21 Sivan

10:30a Beresheet: Back to

the Beginning

with Faith Rubin

31 22 Sivan

9:30a You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers with Cantor Freedman

6:00p Minyan Same’ach honoring JCHS 12th graders


May 2013

Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated):

Mornings Sundays 8:45am

Mondays 7:15am

Tuesdays 7:30am

Wednesdays 7:30am

Thursdays 7:15am

Fridays 7:30am

Shabbat 9:30am

Evenings Sundays (@ TBI) ······ 7:00pm

Mondays ················· 7:30pm

Tuesdays ················· 7:30pm

Wednesdays ············· 7:30pm

Thursdays ··············· 6:30pm

Fridays ··················· 6:00pm


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 23 Sivan

Parashat Shelach-Lach

9:30a Shabbat Services

B’nai Mitzvah of

Jake Modelevsky and

Sydni Avery

11:00a Tot Shabbat

9:06p - Havdalah

2 24 Sivan

10:00a Temple Sinai

Reunion Breakfast

3 25 Sivan

8:00p Men’s Club


8:00p Sisterhood

Board meeting

4 26 Sivan

6:30p 2016

B’nai Mitzvah

Date Distribution

8:00p Adult Choir

5 27 Sivan

7:00p Executive

Committee meeting

6 28 Sivan

7:00a Cook For A


7 29 Sivan

6:00p Minyan Same’ach

with Junior Choir


8 30 Sivan

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

Parashat Korah

9:30a Shabbat Services

with Adult and Junior Choirs

B’nai Mitzvah of

Ashley Morris and

Joshua Morris

12:00p Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh

9:10p - Havdalah

9 1 Tamuz

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 8:30a Morning Minyan

10:30a Bat Mitzvah of Lily Levis

10:30a Adult Ed Book


10 2 Tamuz

11 3 Tamuz

8:00p Adult Choir

12 4 Tamuz

Preschool Last Day of School 11:00a 4’s Moving Up


13 5 Tamuz

14 6 Tamuz

6:00p Minyan Same’ach


15 7 Tamuz

Parashat Chukat

9:30a Shabbat Services

with Adult Choir

Bar Mitzvah of

Samuel Joseph

9:10p - Havdalah

16 8 Tamuz

17 9 Tamuz

18 10 Tamuz

8:00p Adult Choir

19 11 Tamuz

7:00p Camp Maccabee

Open House

8:00p Temple Sinai

Board meeting

20 2 Tamuz 21 13 Tamuz

7:00p Shabbat Under

The Stars


22 14 Tamuz

Parashat Balak

9:16p - Havdalah

23 15 Tamuz

24 16 Tamuz

Camp Maccabee


25 17 Tamuz

26 18 Tamuz

27 19 Tamuz 28 20 Tamuz

6:00p Minyan Same’ach


29 21 Tamuz

Parashat Pinchas

9:17p - Havdalah

30 22 Tamuz

9:45a Hazak Brunch 12:00p Imagine 613 Torah

Writing Day

June 2013

Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated):

Mornings Sundays 8:45am

Mondays 7:15am

Tuesdays 7:30am

Wednesdays 7:30am

Thursdays 7:15am

Fridays 7:30am

Shabbat 9:30am

Evenings Sundays (@ TBI) ······ 7:00pm

Mondays················· 7:30pm

Tuesdays ················ 7:30pm

Wednesdays ············ 7:30pm

Thursdays ··············· 6:30pm

Fridays ··················· 6:00pm


Temple Sinai 1401 North Limekiln Pike

Dresher, PA 19025-1005

E-mail ........................ [email protected]

Main Office ............................... 215-643-6510

Edy Israel, Executive assistant .......... x100

Suzanne Teleha, Rabbi’s assistant ..... x103

Marcy Lyons Gohen, Accounting ....... x121

Ellen McGrother, Accounting ............ x122

Fax ............................................. 215-643-9441

Religious School........................ 215-643-7626

Ann Newman Preschool ........... 215-643-6513

Gift Shop ................................... 215-643-5605

Professional Staff Adam Wohlberg (x106) ............................. Rabbi

Dr. Sidney Greenberg ....... Founding Rabbi

Stephen Freedman (x108) ........................ Cantor Nathan L. Chaitovsky ............. Cantor Emeritus

Edwin Altman (x105) ........... Executive Director

Joseph Maghen (x112)………….…..Director of Congregational Learning

Faith B. Rubin (x117)………………Coordinator of

Enhanced Education Marjorie Schwartz (x107) ............. B’nai Mitzvah


Shelly Shotel ……………...Director of Family ..................................................... Engagement

Edy Israel .................................... USY Advisor

Temple Sinai Officers William Kramer ................................ President

Jeffrey Hampton ....... Executive Vice President

Meryl Stern ............................... Vice President Tobey Grand ............................. Vice President

Michael Paul ............................. Vice President

Janet Isaacman .................................. Secretary Lawrence Florin ................................ Secretary

Cindy Warkow .................................. Treasurer

Jeffrey Gordon ................................. Controller Andrea Rosenthal ..... Immediate Past President

Alan Katz ................................... Past President Andrew Meyer ........................... Past President

Sara Wenger ..................... Sisterhood President

Howard Cohen ............... Men’s Club President Betsy Lewinson ...................... Hazak President


Temple Sinai

Annual Meeting

Wednesday, May 8th
